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Welcome to Nexus

Here's the Nexus Dime tour. Because of the vastness of Nexus you can assume if you have ever
heard or read or thought of anything vaguely citylike, it exists in Nexus. Any event you could
think of is probably taking place somewhere in Nexus, and someone or something is probably
paying to watch it. So only points of salient interest to the entire group of players are discussed
here in, you can make up the rest for yourselves as we go along.

The Multiverse
At the center of this decaying 23 dimensional spiral sit the infinite earths: a giant cluster of
parallel dimensions that are each different timelines and iterations of reality as we, the players,
know it. The God sages refer to the spiral arms as the Great Rivers or Great Roads. Here lay the
dimensions increasingly unlike our own. These dimensions are wreathed in the energies of their
spirit worlds. These worlds give the spiral arms the shimmery glow making them visible from
the Void. Chaos, noise, death, and darkness lay between the spiral arms giving the negative
relief. Hell planes, Afterlives, or Wild planes dot the dimmer regions. Paths that connect worlds
along the Great Rivers appear as a spider web cross hatching the multiverse. Above and through
out weaves the great city of Nexus.

Basic Geography & Physical laws

Nexus is infinite and mostly flat. It is completely covered in one humongous city. At the distant
edges the laws of reality as we know them disappear piece by piece. At the hearth of the city lies
a bustling seaport where ships bring in the impossibly large amounts of supplies the city needs to
run. These supplies are born in from every habitable world.

The physical laws of Nexus are set by the Ministry for the Public Works' Department of
Standards, so they change from block to block. Graft and incompetence have contributed greatly
to the variation. For the most part however, the environment of earth is imitated in the districts
inhabited by humans and humanoids. Distance and Time are frequent victims irregularity. A
good cabbie can get across town in an hour, while a newcomer could spend their whole life
walking in one direction across a single borough. This is why dates and times are not given,
instead the history of Nexus is given as a collection of events that most people agree happened.

Population and Inhabitants

You name it, and you can probably find it in Nexus. Humans and Humanoids tend to dominate
here since they are so fond of building cities, but other city building races are represented here as
well. There are of course anomalies from even non-city-dwelling races here as well. The
Ministry for the Public Works (MPW) continues the running census but the shifting of the
boroughs has made it impossible to complete. Supervisors at the MPW only dole out the job of
census keeper as a punishment anymore.

The Nexus Council is in charge of the city though the day to day operations are left up to the
Impossible tangle of bureaucracies collectively know as the Ministries, as well as the Senate, the
Chamber of Commerce, the House of Magistrates, and the Burgermeisters Federation. There are
police departments, fire departments, trade commissions, and sundry other agencies, belonging
to the Ministries, individual burroughs, or both, serving the people of the city. However, the
general rule is, if you have a problem its best to solve it yourself because getting help from the
city is murder. Though the MPW seems to be able to pull it together really fast if the property of
someone wealthy or important is endangered.

The Ministries- There are countless Ministries the largest and most important is the Ministry of
the Public Works. Often a Ministry is formed at the whimsy of a council member or important
senator, given funding and regulatory power then forgotten about until it runs afoul of something
dreadful and is disbanded or occasionally eaten.

The Nexus Council - a 13 seat council of the most important entities in Nexus. This council has
effectively run the city with an ironfist for as long as anyone can remember. An unknown time
ago the council went back in time to establish itself before Nexus existed.

The Senate - This enormous and pretty much ineffective branch of government is meant to
represent the vwill of the people of Nexus. It is pretty much a bribe magnet under the thumb of
the council. The senate is elected by land holders in the city. If you don't own land you pretty
much don't count and that goes for almost all levels of government.

The Chamber of Commerce - a tight knit club of mercantile houses that run trade in Nexus, most

council members have dual membership. Though this body has no official authority they are the
last people you want to piss off if you want to get anything done, they have absorbed most of the
guilds and unions that have any clout and keep a vicelike grip on the docks.

The House of Magistrates - This is the only true check to the power of the council. Magistrates
are like judges who perform oversight on the Ministries and also operate the courts of all
burroughs. Magistrates are on the whole pretty corrupt but command tremendous fear and

The Burgermeisters' Federation - The infighting of the Council is rivaled only by the infighting
in this long obsolete political body. Each burrough tends to have a head being that speaks for it
and often owns most of it, those entities are called burgermeisters. Once upon a time before
history was corrected, the Burgermeister's guild was the government in Nexus, now it's hardly a
footnote. It's only mentioned here to highlight the fact that burroughs have established
leadership that wants desperately to assert itself.

Places of Merit

The Central Gardens

This is where most of the action happens, the Central gardens is home to the Senate House, The
Council Chambers, and The House of Magistrates. It is a breathtaking manicured landscape
dotted with grottos and huge columned pavillions. Three streets spiral out from the middlelined
with Stone Monuments to past Council Members. One of the most commonly visited
monuments is the Statue of the Angel Heshariel who formed the Stopped the War of the Jade
Gate and the Long lasting Pax Celestia which was not broken until Damien and Eh D'shi took
their council seats.

Nexus Academy
This is the finest wizarding school in Nexus and very likely the entire multiverse. It is a dark
gothic affair with a walled grounds it looms withing view of the Central Gardens. It is only
mentioned here because most of it's headmasters have gone on to serve as council members.

Daniel's Tower
This is an Academy for young warriors founded by the human sorceror and Nexus Keystone
Daniel. It is an ugly plain pockmarked black obelisk in an otherwise completely undesireable
section of town. It is mentioned here for it's nearly constant involvement in the secret wars
fought between council members, young graduates are highly prized as mercenary captains and

The House of Shrouds

This Sprawling Palace occupies the position kitty corner to the Nexus academy across the central
garden. The House of Shrouds is home to a bizarre race of inbetweeners whose mothers milk is
intrigue and betrayal. Nearly everyone of any import in the city employs a shroudsmen as an
advisor to help avoid assassination and forsee the secret machinations of competitors. It has
often been said that the shroudsmen would run the council if they weren't constantly designing
accidents for each other.

Canal Street
Canal Street Runs from the Wharfs to the 10,000 Heavenly Choirs Temple District. It is THE
largest and busiest Market place anywhere. You can purchase ANYTHING on Canal Street.

10,000 Heavenly Choirs Temple District

This is the cool neighborhood for Gods. It runs from The House of Shrouds to Dream Valley
along the Canal Street side of the Central Gardens. It is home to the coolest clubs, the swankest
resturants, and the most sycophantic cab drivers. Most Apartments in the 10,000 are the size of

Hell's 12th
This road runs out the back of the Central Gardens along the opposite side of the House of
Shrouds from Canal Street. It is the Slum Highway and leads to every lousy section of town.
The most noteworthy Demons, Devils, fiends, monsters and unspeakables, live in Hell's 12th
right near Central Gardens. If you have a shameful, wicked, or secret vice it can be satiated in
Hell's 12th.

Dream Valley
Forming the buffer between Hell's 12th and the 10,000 is Dream Valley. It is home to the Nexus
Academy. This idealic park filled burrough is home to Nexus's Most Noble Fae. It runs towards
the unseelie along the Hell side. If you want hospitality here is where to find it, but most mortals
still steer clear of the Vale because the laws there are nearly incomprehensible and very

Important Neighboring Worlds

The Infinite Earths
Where reality as we know it is found in infinite variety. This is a cluster of different timelines
with humans living on earthling planets. This is is where the Correllians who have created the
games the characters are enjoying as our comedy begins are from, as well as you and me.
The Heavens
This is a cluster of paradises where the celestial dragons are from.
The Silver City
Home to the Heavenly Host of Angels who represent the one true God who created everything,
or so they say.
The Million Hells
Where devils and lawyers come from.
The Wild
An infinite dream time plane inhabited by primal spirits and covered in untameable wilderness.

The Past

Recent History
Nexus is in turmoil. Gang wars once kept in check by the police have been spilling into the
street in very costly open battles. The council and city government denies it but everyone knows
the flames of these petty wars are being fanned by council members as they strike out against
each other through agents. These gang wars are disrupting the flow of goods, even food, to some
areas. People are desparate, the word "revolution" is no longer whispered in many of the
outlying burroughs, it is SHOUTED.

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