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Integrated Marketing Communication-UCM Housing

Jeremy Jungmeyer
Jessica Ault
Anastasia Chaky
Bruce Zheng
November 20, 2016
University of Central Missouri

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

Situation Analysis

Page 4
Page 5

Company History
Figure 1
Figure 2
S.W.O.T Analysis
Target Market

Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 8
Page 10
Page 14


Page 16

Integrated Marketing Communication

Page 17

Message Strategy
Figure 3

Page 17
Page 23

Figure 4

Page 23
Page 24


Page 25

Company Contact

Page 30


Page 31

Sources Cited

Page 43

Executive Summary
The University of Central Missouri (UCM), has 20 different locations where students can live on
campus. The residence halls are all suite style. This means that there are two bedrooms connected by a
bathroom that has a shower, toilet, and a sink. All of these residence hall rooms come furnished with two beds,
one dresser, two desks, two chairs, blinds, a shower curtain, and two closets typically for two residents. The
furnished apartments have 1-4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. The unfurnished apartments
have a kitchen, living room, a front patio, a back patio, storage closet, and 1 or 2 bedrooms. TypicallyTypically,
first and second year students live in the residence halls. Both the furnished and unfurnished apartments mainly
have upperclassmen or non-traditional residents living in them.
Currently, UCM Housing requires students to live on campus for their first two years or after 60 hours
have been completed. After the two year or 60 credit hour mark, it is hard for UCM Housing to keep students
living in the residence halls. There are several places around Warrensburg, Missouri that students could rent or
buy instead of living. These students tend to want an environment where they can do whatever they want
whenever they want. Because there are some regulations in the residence halls, many upperclassmen do not like
that. Thus, the retention rate of keeping upperclassmen is low. UCM Housing would like to improve upon this
retention rate. In this plan, there are different ways of engaging upperclassmen and retaining them. The goal is
to increase upperclassmen housing by 5%.
The team who wrote this Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Plan has four members. Those
four members are: Anastasia Chaky, Jessica Ault, Bruce Zheng, and Jeremy Jungmeyer. This team met up
weekly to discuss how to help out UCM Housing with their retention rates of upperclassman. The team
completed research and came up with ideas that could be implemented to help encourage juniors and seniors to
live in the residence halls. The team talked through all the requirements and logistics necessary for each aspect

of this plan to ensure the best results. These ideas and the research done helped to write this IMC Plan for UCM

The residence halls that students can live in are: South Yeater, North Ellis, East Ellis, South Ellis,
University Conference Center (UCC), Nickerson, South Todd, Fitzgerald, Nattinger, Bradshaw, Panhellenic,
Fraternity Complex, Houts, and Hosey (University Housing). The areas that have furnished apartments are:
Foster, Knox, Nickerson, Todd, and the Crossing (University Housing). The areas that have unfurnished
apartments are: Central Village and Greenwood (University Housing). The apartments that come furnished have
two beds, one or two dressers, a couch, a kitchen, two chairs, and two desks for the tenant(s) to use. Each place
listed above is a location that upperclassmen can choose to live in.
UCM Housing requires that students live on campus for two years or until residents have completed 60
credit hours (University Housing). If the student has not completed 60 credit hours and try to live off campus,
they will still be charged with the cost of the housing fees through their student account. There is a minimum of
one Community Advisor (CA) per floor that ensures everyone is living in a safe environment and the residents
are taken care of appropriately. There is also a Desk Manager or an Assistant Residence Hall Manager who is in
charge of the front desk. The front desk ensures that the fire board is taken care of properly, along with vending
machine refunds, and mail. The front desk also helps residents with what they need in regards to maintenance
requests or other questions. There are also Residence Hall Directors (RHDs) that supervise the entire building
including the Desk Manager or Assistant Residence Hall Manager and Community Advisors.
This IMC Plan will discuss the possibility of changing Nickerson Hall into a junior and senior residence
hall. This residence hall will have looser restrictions on the alcohol policy, quiet hours, and have programs
catered to the more mature students. There will be opportunities for fun date nights and even a condom vending
machine in the basement, with the possibility to put vending machines on each floor as well (see appendix 3).

Situation Analysis
Company History
The University of Central Missouri was founded in 1871 as a teachers college. UCM has gone through
five name changes over the years. UCM first started off as State Normal School Number 2 back in 1871
(University History). The name changed in 1919 to Central Missouri State Teachers College because the
institution was only focused on education degrees (University History). In 1945, the name was changed to
Central Missouri State College because more programs than just education came about (University History).
This later changed to Central Missouri State University in 1972 (University History). The last name change was
to the University of Central Missouri back in 2005. (University History)
UCM has also built several different residence halls over time. There has have even been fires over time
that have burned down residence halls. This has caused the halls to be either rebuilt or redone as the years
progressed, leading into the choices available for on-campus living currently.
UCM Housing also does a great job in investing back into their buildings. Part of the money that is spent
by the residents living in the halls goes back into improving the buildings for future years to come. UCM
Housing goes through rotations to upgrade various pieces of furniture both in the lounges and in the rooms each
year. UCM Housing also upgrades products to make them better. For instance, windows in some of the
residence halls now have stops that allow the window to only open partially instead of fully. This is for safety
purposes with the resident in mind. To further that, UCM Housing upkeeps up with the residents wants and
needs. Starting in the fall of 2016, they started offering laundry at no additional cost for all residents. This
decision was brought down to the residents the previous year. Residents use these facilities more because the
cost is already built into the fees for housing.
UCM currently has over 14,000 students, with approximately 3,300 students living in the residence halls
(University Housing). UCM has 20 buildings that students can live in and two more that are currently offline

due to repairs. These residence halls hold a little bit more than 1/5 of all of UCMs students. Even though 3,300
students reside in the halls on campus, there are still rooms left vacant throughout the academic year.
Four years ago, UCM changed their policy from only requiring freshmen to live on campus to now
requiring freshman and sophomores to live on campus (University Housing). The university also recommends
upperclassmen to remain on campus; however, this is usually not the case. Due to the low retention rate of
upperclassmen in university housing, a plan must be implemented to help make on-campus housing more
appealing to juniors and seniors.
UCM Housing currently positions themselves through e-mails, flyers/bulletin boards, engaging posts on
social media, and hall council meetings. E-mails are sent out to residents informing them of deadlines to apply
for housing at what date by professional staff members throughout the academic year. Flyers are created for
important dates and posted around the respective buildings. Some buildings even have a special bulletin board
or two that is dedicated to posting those flyers. Posts are made on social media for UCM Housing as well. These
posts not only give out relevant information, but also have fun memes or lines that encourage residents to have a
fun break. Professionals from UCM Housing shares information with the United Student Housing Association
(USHA), which is an organization who further shares that information with Hall Councils. Hall Councils
involve all on-campus living environments that want to be represented in such a fashion. Those without Hall
Councils are: The Crossing, Greenwood, Central Village, and the Fraternity Complex. The Hall Councils then
pass on this information to their residents, allowing for anyone impacted by housing to hear any relevant
information. Community Advisors host programs that engage the residents and are typically educational as well.
There is currently not a special way that is advertised to only upperclassmen, but instead the usage of broad
advertisements that can be catered to all residents.
Marketing to upperclassman can be tricky and should be done through means that reach out to them
best. These means include: social media posts, open houses, opportunity for UCM Housing prizes, free food,
and even personalized messages for individuals. This opportunity for housing will show that UCM wants to
retain upperclassman and cater to their wants and desires while still having a community with that residence

hall. There will be looser restrictions on rules and regulations in hall along with the opportunity for people of
the opposite gender to live with one another

While living on-campus is a viable option for students, there are many competitors who give out other
housing options as well. This competition consists of renting a house in Warrensburg, living in an apartment in
Warrensburg, or moving out of town and commuting to UCM. Depending on what the student values more and
what types of financial aid they receive typically drives students to either off or on campus.
Renting a house in Warrensburg
The median rent for a house in Warrensburg in 2013 was $702 (Warrensburg, Missouri). This cost would
be split between the renter and any roommates they might have. Most of these vacant homes are either listed in
the local newspaper or online where people can search for them. Students are then able to search on their
phones or other devices that can connect to the Wi-Fi other locations to live. Students also can pick up the local
newspaper at various stores in town or request that the newspaper to be sent directly to them. There are also
several flyers hanging up around local businesses. Most of these homes also require more than one person to
live in them. That fact can be a drawback to students if no one can or wants to live with the renter. Bills like
electricity, water, and cable are not included within that fee.
Living in an Apartment in Warrensburg
The average rent for a one bedroom studio apartment in Warrensburg in 2013 was $490 (Warrensburg,
Missouri Housing). This cost would be incurred by the renter alone instead of multiple people. Apartments are
also listed in the newspapers as well as online for potential renters to view. These apartment owners go around
to various events like the homecoming parade and pass out flyers to college students to encourage living there
along with hanging up the signs at local businesses. Some apartments can be shared with other people and
others cannot in Warrensburg. The average cost of apartments meant for two people are $565 (Warrensburg,
Missouri Housing). Both of these fees do not include the cost of bills.
Commuting from out of town

Missouris average rent for a house is $754 a month and an average rent for a one bedroom studio
apartment in Missouri is $779 (Warrensburg, Missouri). The average cost of rent for an apartment designed for
multiple people is $800 (Warrensburg, Missouri). These rental opportunities can also be found online and in
local newspapers. Guardians also like to encourage their child to live in a location close to their hometown. Yet,
a drawback to choosing to live someplace in Missouri would be the gas money to commute to and from UCM
multiple days as needed for classes throughout the week. These prices listed above do not include the coverage
of bills.
Altogether Costs
These costs for commuting out of town, renting a single room apartment, and renting a house in town
are shown below. The orange bars symbolize the costs associated with each area per year. The blue bars
symbolize the costs associated with each area per month.
Figure 1

On-Campus Costs
The costs shown in figure 2 below are based on how much housing costs a resident at UCM for a
semester and for the school year.

Figure 2
Residence Hall Cost

Per Semester

Per Year

Double Room



Single Room



A double room is where two people stay in that room whereas a single room is where one person stays in that
room. While the cost of housing is cheaper for a double room, there are still several students who prefer to live
alone. UCM does not guarantee that anyone can live alone. There are certain rooms that are designated as single
rooms. Thus, this could be a turnoff for some students if they cannot get a room to themselves or do not want to
pay the housing costs to do so. The cost for these rooms including the coverage of bills including: water,
electricity, and gas.
Effectiveness of the Advertisements
Some of the advertisements for all of these types of locations do work. The mediums of connecting with
students via online resources is highly effective for the competitors. Websites with advertisements for renting
places in Warrensburg pop up easily in the search engine. UCM Housing does great with social media but only
started connecting with residents as well this fall. Newspapers do not work as well anymore for UCM Housing
or their competitors because the current generation does not read them like other generations have previously
(How Millennials). Handing out flyers to students at events they attend is beneficial as well because questions
can be asked and answered about the living environments on the spot. The problem is not necessarily the
advertising, but ensuring the environment of which the student lives is one that they want to continue to live in
throughout their time in college.

S.W.O.T. Analysis


S.W.O.T analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Any strengths are seen as
internal factors that the company can focus on improving. Any weaknesses are internal factors, opportunities,
and threats are seen as external factors that might affect the company outside of the companys control. By
using this analysis on Nickerson Hall, one is able to see not only where this plan is beneficial, but where there
needs to be work to combat competitors or other concerns and grow. Looking from the competitors
perspectives for a S.W.O.T. analysis benefits UCM Housing as well The competitors as a whole S.W.O.T.
analysis listed is below UCM Housings S.W.O.T. analysis.
Current UCM Housings SWOT Analysis

Financial aid can help cover the cost of housing on campus

Community atmosphere created by housing employees
Facilities will fix items that break due to wear and tear in the rooms at no additional cost
Easier to get to class on time because of being able to walk versus finding a parking spot on campus
More accessibility to campus facilities i.e. Student Elliot Union, James C. Kirkpatrick Library, Student

Recreation and Wellness Center, etc.

Can work in the place where the resident lives or nearby in other on-campus locations that respect the fact the
resident is a student and that should be their main focus
Currently have apartments in Warrensburg where upperclassmen can stay off campus = threat
Upperclassmen tend to not be as involved in their residence hall community due to already being involved in
organizations on campus and having harder classes to study and prep for
A reputation for this type of living at Nickerson hall has not been built yet
To put this plan in motion, there will be a minimum of 1 year preparation behind this if not longer due to all of

the work that must be done prior to implementing this plan

Social pressure from friends that live off campus
Having to live within close proximity of other students
Have quiet hours that must be followed otherwise can get written up and eventually fined
Have to pay for on-campus parking if resident has a vehicle
College Town Apartments

Address: 412 S Main St., Warrensburg, MO 64093

Deer Creek Apartments
Address: 707 S Washington St., Warrensburg, MO 64093


Jefferson Court Apartments

327 Franklin St., Warrensburg, MO 64093
J&J Rentals
808 S Maguire St., Warrensburg, MO 64093
Meadowbrook Estates Apartments
801 Meadowbrook, Warrensburg, MO 64093
Various other smaller-name apartment complexes around Warrensburg or even Knob Noster
Whiteman Air Force Base (if the resident is in the military)
Commute from guardians or relatives house/apartment

Anyone can buy property in Warrensburg and build apartments or houses to rent if they so choose to do so
without approval from the university
The cost of living can be cheaper than on campus if certain bills are cut between more than just one person
Depending how close to UCM an apartment is, if the student chooses to live there instead, they might not need
to worry about the costs associated with parking on campus
Competitors as a Whole SWOT Analysis

Costs are spread out so instead of paying everything at once, students can pay per month
Can miss a payment for housing and still have the ability to register for classes
Having bills in one's name can help build good credit, which students will need further on in life
There is more freedom available to do whatever the student wants, whenever the student wants
Gives experience of how living away from a college campus will be like

Students have to comply with the rules on the lease

Students have to pay extra when the rent is due
Roommates can make living in the shared space harder
Students have to repair items that break even if it is just due to wear and tear in apartments and homes they rent
Do not always see the students to advertise living off-campus
A sense of community is hard to establish within the off-campus apartments
Students cannot use financial aid to pay for the rent and other bills
o Ellis Complex

North Ellis
East Ellis
South Ellis
Foster-Knox Apartments
Fitzgerald Hall
Houts-Hosey Halls


Nattinger-Bradshaw Halls
Nickerson Hall
South Todd Hall
South Yeater Hall
Nickerson Apartments
Todd Apartments
The Crossing
The Fraternity Complex
University Conference Center
Central Village

Safety concerns due to weather can arise especially if the student has to drive to campus in icy conditions
Safety concerns due to lack of vehicle can arrive especially if the student has to walk back to their apartment or
home at night
Poor credit of students could be established if the student forgets when the money is owed or does not have
enough money to pay the bills in a timely fashion

Target Market
The target market are the sophomores and juniors who are currently living in UCM Housing or living
off-campus. Thus, the target market is consumer-based. These students are typically in their 20s and have been
living on-campus for the last two or three years. Most sophomores and juniors are looking to living off campus
for the first time instead of under other peoples rules and regulations. Most of these students have jobs on and
off campus-which gives an additional source of income to spend on housing. Many of these students can legally
drink alcohol for the first time and want more freedom to do so.
These students also attend courses in hopes of graduating with a degree from UCM. This means that the
student needs time to study in order to be successful. Students also tend to get involved with their colleagues.
Getting involved on campus can include working, joining a fraternity or sorority, playing sports both at the
collegiate level and intermural level, and joining an organization or club sponsored through the Student
Activities Center. By being involved, this means that the student focuses more in other areas of their life versus
just schoolwork.


UCM students like to attend various events as well. Some attend concerts. Others attending sporting
events or even lectures. Some even like to attend conferences and go to competitions. These events are
enjoyment and pleasure for the attendees. Lots of these students also come back with some type of merchandise
that is from that event.
Some UCM students work. This is important to note. Some are full-time and others are part time. This is
not always a choice for the students. This could be their way of paying for college. Other students receive
enough financial aid that they do not have to worry about having a job unless the student desires extra spending
money. College students tend to not have a lot of money either.
Lots of UCM students are only in Warrensburg when classes are in session. Many students like the
opportunity to go home and spend time with their families. That being said, some students do not have that
option. Some students need a place to stay over breaks. More students leave campus over breaks though than
These students are also engaged in technology. This means that every student has access to a phone someplace,
a computer, and also Wi-Fi. Many assignments for courses have to be submitted electronically via e-mail or
through Blackboard. Students also tend to have a minimum of one form of social media if not more (Social
Media). Thus, ensuring to speak to students in the realm of technological means is highly important.


The objective of this plan is to see a 5% increase in the number of students who stay in the residence
halls after their sophomore year over the next five years. This is reasonable because of the promotion plans that
can be implemented to help the influence of decisions on whether or not to stay on campus. Seeing this increase
will mean that more students are staying on campus and housing is using more of their residence hall space
along with making more money to better various housing initiatives.
In order to complete this objective, the proposal of a separate residence hall intended for only
upperclassman is essential. Currently, there are apartments strictly for upperclassmen but not any residence
halls. At that residence hall, UCM Housing staff members would be more flexible with the rules that must be
followed than the other residence halls. For instance, in this residence hall, people should be allowed to room
with those of the opposite sex if their suitemates are alright with it. For approval of this, there will be a section
of the housing contract that will be signed whenever they click to choose to live in that residence hall. This will
just need to be added to the already established contract (see appendix 10). One stipulation of living in this
residence hall is that the resident needs to be 21. With having that stipulation, there should also be a more open
alcohol policy that allows more people to be in one room while drinking without being overly noisy, but still
behind closed doors. Also, the quiet hours Sunday through Thursday currently go from 10:00 pm-8:00 am. On
Friday and Saturday they go from 12:00 am-8:00am. Having an extension of those hours to at least 12:00am
Sunday through Thursday and 2:00am on Friday and Saturday to help give a more grown-up feel to the
residents staying there. Another item that should be placed in this residence hall is a minimum of one vending
machine, if not multiple, that have nothing but condoms and other items that promote safe sex (see appendix 2).
This will allow for sexually active tenants to ensure they are protected without having to leave the residence

Integrated Marketing Communication


Message Strategy
Any message strategy listed below is targeted at sophomores and juniors and geared towards
accomplishing the objective. The slogan that can be used on anything is Your life, your home, easier on
campus. While that slogan is already being used, it is effective and catchy. This slogan is what UCM Housing
aspires to have for students, along with creating a homey feel.
To promote this new residence hall living structure by informing students of these changes with the use
of flyers and personalized notes. They need to target all the sophomores and upperclassmen currently staying in
the residence halls. Flyers could be hung around the walls in the residence halls and some locations in the
Union. The personalized notes could be put into the residents mailbox specified that they were sent from UCM
Housing. (All costs are located in the budget section of this plan). By putting up flyers and mailing personal
notes, every resident UCM Housing wants to retain that currently lives in the halls will be reached. By mailing
personal notes UCM Housing can also reach those students who have already moved off campus. The flyers
should be hung up a month prior to housing registration and should be in color. When registration opens, a new
flyer should be posted also in color advertising for Nickerson Hall. Then, a week prior to registration closing, if
the hall is not full, then another flyer should be posted saying One Week Left! Register for your Opportunity to
live in Nickerson Hall. There should be enough to have at least one on each floor of each residence hall.
Flyers will advertise events that take place in the residence halls on the UCM campus. Events will be
planned by the Residence Hall Director and Community Advisors for this residence hall that they are working
in. Flyers for these events shall be hung up as early as a month prior to the event occurring. The latest that flyers
should be hung up are a week in advance to ensure that every resident has the opportunity to see and put in their
schedule that event. The events will try to form a sense of community within the residence halls making
students more likely to stay in the residence hall all four years. Example of events include study sessions, movie
nights, game nights, and information nights. The flyers should be posted in common locations in the residence
halls and other common places around campus. Some examples of where to hang up these flyers are in the


communal bathrooms in each residence hall, the Union, and the library. There should be enough to hang up in
any desired location.
In addition to the flyers, personalized notes can be used to inform students on the changes in the
residence halls and events taking place in the residence halls. This personalized note will reach the student in
other ways that other housing areas do not currently do. How the personalized note will be used and when that
note should be utilized will be more explained later in this report.
Another way this residence hall can be advertised is at sporting events. The announcer could be given a
small script that someone in university housing could write over this new opportunity and how to find out more
details if people are interested (see appendix 9). This will definitely be great for the people who watch the
athletic games because they will hear about this residence hall consistently and help increase awareness. By
working with the athletic department, advertising via this script could end up being free for UCM Housing since
they are a department on campus. unlikely; did you check into this? This should occur at least once per every
game, especially in the spring semester. Why ads at sporting events?
Also, at sporting events, there could be people who hand out flyers near the time to sign up for
university housing again to those who are upperclassmen. These people handing out flyers need to be
knowledgeable about those residence halls and what they will offer (see appendix C). There should be a
minimum of 6 sporting events attended with 50 why 50? flyers passed out to help get the name out there. That
will be a total of 300 flyers. Do you have permission to pass out flyers?
With all of these advertising tactics, this residence hall can be marketed easier to upperclassmen. The
residence hall that should be used for this is Nickerson Hall. There is a Black Box Theatre located in that
residence hall that can be used for advertising events and programs later on that upperclassmen will enjoy. This
fact could also be advertised prior to the new rules in Nickerson Hall.
Where is your creative brief?
Social Media
In order to help promote and bring awareness to residence halls; ,Facebook webpages will need to be
created for Nickerson Hall (see appendix 1). The Facebook page features a picture of Nickerson Hall. The


Facebook page will be used to lure students who are living on-campus to continue living in residence halls.
Posts tagging Nickerson Hall can both be done through UCM Housing and UCM USHAs Facebook pages. This
will help get the name out of Nickerson Hall even more. The Residence Hall Director and Community Advisors
will be responsible for posting all events and announcements to the Facebook webpage for this residence hall.
The RHD will work with the CA to come up with the events and announcements for each floor in the residence
hall in a timely manner prior to their programs. Events prior to the official kickoff of the new procedures in
Nickerson Hall will include study sessions, movie nights, game nights, information nights, craft nights, and
dance sessions (see appendix 6). Announcements posted on social media should include repairs being made in
the residence halls or an emergency situations. The Facebook page will also allow for residents of the residence
halls to connect with other residents and share their opinions or ask questions about their living environment.
There should not be more than 2 postings per day. If there are too many postings, students will not follow
Nickerson Hall or will block the page from their feed.
Some of the events that could be put on after residents move into Nickerson Hall are: dance nights,
movie nights, board game nights, pizza dinners, date nights, craft nights, and hall dinners (see appendix 4). By
implementing these programs that residents want to participate in, this will allow for a feel of community to be
established within the hall. This will also allow for date nights with significant others and time to relax
throughout the busy schedule of being an adult and a student. By establishing that sense of community,
upperclassmen will become more loyal to this hall and living on-campus. This does not really belong in the
IMC plan, other than your desire to continuously promote this to increase interest and awareness of Nickerson
Consumer and Trade Sales Promotion
A promotion that can be used on upperclassman that chose to stay in the residence hall is to give away
UCM Housing flash drives (see appendix H) and a UCM Housing t-shirt for the first 100 people who sign up to
stay in the residence halls. This will give extra incentive for those residents who choose to stay in this
community. It will also be a way for UCM Housing to advertise to other students on campus because other
students will see the t-shirts and flash drives and become aware of UCM Housing opportunities.


Personal Selling
Personal selling can be done at the UCM Housing sponsor nights. An example would be a movie night
in the Black Box Theatre or an information night. This will add more incentives for upperclassman to stay in the
residence halls. The RHD and CAs will say a few words about how nice it is to live in the residence halls before
each event and tell them about other events that will be going on in the residence halls. They can also give out
information about the changes to this particular residence halls rules.
Sponsorship Programs
The possible promotion of gift cards or gift baskets to the first fifty students to register to live in
residence halls could be helped through sponsorships. Either of these items could be donated through other
offices at UCM or other businesses in Warrensburg. Who do you have in mind for this? This would help
reduce the cost for university housing and help them do this opportunity. One department that could help out
with these gift cards on campus is Sodexo, the on-campus dining company. The only cost associated with this
sponsorship program is the paper, stamp, and envelope used to request the sponsorship of a gift card or gift
basket. These sponsorships could even be asked in person versus online. It would be beneficial to lay out the
details of your plan for accomplishing this.
Database and Direct Response Marketing
Every freshman and sophomore have has to stay in a residence hall for their first two years. When they
fill out the paperwork to stay in the residence halls, UCM Housing will receive information about the student
like their name, home address, date of birth, and email. UCM Housing keeps this information in a database with
records of the students. This information could better be used to help advertise to students both off and on
campus by the use of personal notes.
For students living on campus, UCM Housing could send out birthday cards and information about how
to re-apply to the residence hall (see appendix 7). This should be done for the residents every birthday.
Sophomore students need to be targeted more about reapplying to the residence hall than freshman students
because sophomore students can live off campus in the fall. In the fall semester of a students sophomore year,
UCM Housing could send out an email a reminder about reapplying for the residence hall and dates for


information nights about Nickerson Hall. In the spring, UCM Housing also could send out some more emails
about information nights, last day to reapply to stay in the residence halls, and moving dates for the fall
semester (see appendix 11). This should be done two weeks prior to each event, one week prior, and the day of.
These e-mails could even have an option to add the date and time into the students google calendar if they so
choose to add it to their calendar. This will allow easy access for students to not forget those important dates. It
will be the RHDs responsibility to send out all the birthday card to students in their residence hall and a
professional from UCM Housing will be responsible for sending out all emails to students about reapplying for
residence halls. It will be a way for UCM Housing to show their appreciation for the students living on campus.
In addition to the UCM Housing website that is located on the UCM website, a blog page could be
created for students to talk about life in the residence hall. By creating a blog page on the UCM Housing web
page, the Search Engine Optimization will increase because the amount of words associated with the UCM
Housing will increase. Search Engine Optimization is maximizing the amount of times people visit the website,
which will bring more people to UCM Housing. This will also allow the opportunity for housing leaders to post
helpful information, tips, and facts for living in the residence hall with more words that might pop up while
searching for different places to live in the Warrensburg area. By motivating the housing leaders in such a way,
they will also become more passionate in their job which will in turn help out the residents feel more
comfortable within their hall. This will also encourage residents that live in the residence to stay if they know
more about uncommon tips. For instance, Christmas lights is a popular item that students like to have in their
room. Yet, Christmas lights can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. This is not commonly known, which causes
problems with the connectivity to the internet throughout the individuals room and the entire building as well.
These blog posts should be done twice a week and divided up between the CAs and the Desk Manager or
Assistant Residence Hall Manager. Office Assistants, and the workers at the front desk, should also be given the
opportunity to post something as long as the Desk Manager or Assistant Residence Hall Manager approves the


Positive publicity can be achieved by creating a special page in the UCM Housing booklet for transfer
students. This page could have fun facts or even details about this special residence hall and the opportunity for
a more grown-up feel place to live. This page also could show pictures of residents having fun in Nickerson
Hall as well. Publicity will also continue as Student Ambassadors who currently live in the residence halls will
have the opportunity to speak about how great this opportunity is if the individual wants to live in Nickerson
Hall. Positive publicity will also be generated through all the social media posts and word of mouth made by
Gantt Chart
The Gantt chart below gives a rough timeline for tasks to be completed. The timeline starts at the
beginning of 2017, so it will be started at the beginning of a new semester. The use of Facebook, blog posts, and
birthday cards need be started immediately to open up the lines of communication. After starting Facebook
interactions, blog posts, and birthday cards, the RHD and CAs will need to start the study groups, movie nights
and game nights. Flyers can also be posted in the residence halls as well (see appendix 5). The study sessions
should be started in the second months of each semester and end right before finals. The study sessions should
be held weekly at the same time all semester long. The same should be done with the movie nights and game
nights but should be alternated every other month. The information nights need to be sit up by UCM Housing in
the middle of the semester, so students can start thinking about their living situation for the next semester.
Toward the end of the semester, UCM Housing should send out the direct mail flyers. This timeline can be
changed as UCM Housing see fit.
Figure 3

Study Sessions
Movie Nights


Game Nights
Information Nights
Birthday Cards
Direct Mail Flyers

Below are listed the rough estimate costs of various products that will be need to be purchased in order
to follow this IMC plan. There also is a suggested amount that should be purchased for each product as well. By
buying and using these products, UCM Housing will better connect with upperclassmen. The promotional
products will be used. When these products are seen by people who do not know about Nickerson Hall, this will
help get their name out there. This person is like a walking billboard because not only will that person have the
promotional product, but they will be able to speak about their personal experience of living in Nickerson Hall.

Figure 4
Flash Drives




There will be multiple sources to see if these tactics listed above will be useful or not. Firstly, short
surveys will be sent out to residents living in both Nickerson and other residence halls to see what is liked and
disliked in those halls.- What does this have to do with IMC? The survey could include the following questions:

Where do you currently live?

Multiple Choice
University Conference Center
Foster Knox
South Yeater
The Crossing
Fraternity Complex
Central Village
South Todd
***If Diemer and Yeater re-open, they can be added to this section of the form at a later time. The same goes for
if any new residence halls or apartment buildings are built.***


Do you feel like there is a great community within your hall? Explain
Short answer
Rank your current living situation.
Likert Scale
Very great
Very bad
What do you like about living in your residence hall?
Short answer
What do you dislike about living in your residence hall?
Short answer
Do you have a roommate?
Multiple Choice
If you have a roommate, do you and your roommate get along?
Multiple Choice


i. Yes
ii. No
8. What do you believe could be improved on your current living situation?
a. Short answer
9. What has been your favorite program in your hall? Why?
a. Short answer
10. Do you plan on living in the residence halls next year?
a. Multiple choice
i. Yes
ii. No
11. Did you attend any of the following events?
a. Area to check as many as applicable
i. Open Houses
ii. Movie Nights
iii. Game Nights
iv. Dance Nights
v. Stress Reliever Nights
vi. Other
1. If so, what was it?
12. Which event did you like most?
a. multiple choice
i. Open Houses
ii. Movie Nights
iii. Game Nights
iv. Dance Nights
v. Stress Reliever Nights
vi. Other
1. If so, what as it?
13. What events would you like to see more of?
a. Area to check as many as applicable
i. Open Houses
ii. Movie Nights
iii. Game Nights
iv. Dance Nights
v. Stress Reliever Nights
vi. Other
1. If so, what was it?
14. What other events would you like to see?
a. Short answer
By sending out this survey to residents prior to and currently living in Nickerson with this new launch,
then there will be the start of gathering data. This data will be used to see if upperclassmen retention has
increased by 5% in five years or not. None of the survey questions will tell you if your objective was met. This
will also show what people living in Nickerson Hall and in other residence halls would like to see changed.


The following survey will be used to see about people who want to live over in Nickerson after the
implementation of all the new rules and regulations are done. This will allow UCM Housing to see if many
people like the idea of living in Nickerson Hall and if there should be more residence halls open to
upperclassmen with the same regulations and programs. This will also allow a wait list to be created as well.
That way, if someone moves out of Nickerson Hall, the next person who registered for it can move in.

Why are you interested in Nickerson Hall?

Short answer
What could be improved about your current living situation?
Short answer
What do you like about your current living situation?
Short answer
There are multiple ways that these surveys can be filled out. These surveys either need to be printed off
and handed out via the CAs or using google forms. While using google forms will make it easy for UCM
Housing to see all of the data in one location, there will most likely be more responses if the paper version is
done. The paper forms can be turned in either to the front desk or to the CAs. This survey does not help
evaluate your IMC plan.


Company Contact
Alan Nordyke was the contact used to gather information about UCM Housing that could not be found online,
in newspapers, or elsewhere. Nordykes e-mail address is Nordykes work phone number
is: 660-543-4515.


Appendix A
This is the Facebook page that was made for the Nickerson Upperclassmen living space.


Appendix B
Condoms that will be carried in the vending machines in the residence hall.


Appendix C I dont see your slogan in this flyer.

Direct mail flyers will be sent to potential upperclassmen to thatwho may be looking for a new place to live.
Also this flyer will be handed out at football games to get people thinking about living in Nickerson Hall.


Appendix D
This is the flyer that will be hung up to promote the Pizza and Information Night that will discuss the new
upperclassmen living spaces.


Appendix E
This flyer is to help promote the game nights held in the residence hall.


Appendix F
Flyer to help promote movie night in Black Box Theater.


Appendix G


Birthdays cards sent to current UCM students that are in the residence halls. How about adding your slogan to
the card?

Appendix H


This flyer is reminding students to sign-up early to live in Nickerson Hall. Nickerson Hall applicants could also
receive prizes wheres your slogan?


Appendix I
100 - 4GB flash drives --$598


Appendix J

These are potential speaker options that could be read at sporting events. I dont see the slogan mentioned

Attention UCM Mules! Do you love living in the residence halls? Are you 21 or older? Do you want to live
with your significant other? If so, check out living in Nickerson Hall next year! Like Nickerson Hall on
Facebook or contact University Housing for more information!
Hey hey hey! Its UCM Housing here! Are you looking for a place to live next fall? 21 years old? Love UCM?
If so, check out Nickerson Hall! This hall is for upperclassman! Like Nickerson Hall on Facebook or contact
University Housing for more information!
Howdy yall! Are you going to be an upperclassman in the fall? Love living with a community of peers? Are
you 21? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider living at Nickerson Hall! This place is designed
for people 21 or older in mind! Like Nickerson Hall on Facebook or contact University Housing for more
Yo Mules and Jennies! Are you 21 or older? Looking for a place to live in the fall? Like using financial aid to
pay for your housing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then check out Nickerson Hall! This hall is
designed for upperclassmen in mind! Like Nickerson Hall on Facebook or contact University Housing for more
Are you looking for a place to live in the fall? Love UCM? Love walking 10 or less minutes to get to class each
day? Are you 21? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then join UCM Housing in the fall at
Nickerson Hall! Follow Nickerson Hall on Facebook or contact University Housing for more information.
Hey Mules and Jennies, Nickerson Hall is a great opportunity for upperclassman to partake in! This hall is
designed for upperclassmen in mind! Only have to be 21 to live here and is in 10 minutes or less to get to class
each day! Follow Nickerson Hall on Facebook or contact University Housing for more information!
opportunity for community development and actually improves your grades! If you are 21 years old or older
and like only having to walk 10 minutes max to get to class each day, then consider living in Nickerson Hall!
Follow Nickerson Hall on Facebook or contact University Housing for more information!

Appendix K
This is the current registration form UCM Housing has.



Appendix L
This email is to remind students to re-apply to live in the residence halls.


Sources Cited
How Millennials Get News: Inside the Habits of Americas First Digital Generation. American Press
Institute. American Press Institute, 16 Mar. 2015. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
Social Media use Among College Students and Teens: Whats In, Whats Out, and Why. Modo Labs. Modo
Labs, 04 Apr. 2016. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
University History: University of Central Missouri. University History: University of Central Missouri. N.p.,
n.d. Web. Nov. 9, 2016
University Housing: University of Central Missouri. University Housing: University of Central
Missouri. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
Warrensburg, Missouri Housing. Warrensburg, Missouri Housing. N.p. N.d. Web. 14 Nov.
Warrensburg, Missouri. (MO 64093) Profile: Population, Maps, Real Estate, Averages,
Homes, Statistics, Relocation, Travel, Jobs, Hospitals, Schools, Crime, Moving, Houses,
News, Sex Offenders. N.p., N.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016


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