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39. 20% CASUAL/80% FORMAL.

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In this guide, were going to show you 10 style principles that
when applied, will have a huge impact on your overall
But first
The MFM Philosophy (READ)
Well here you finally are, youve found yourself have a willingness
to download this guide and you probably stumbled across a
magazine that, by first impressions, would solely be about mens
Catwalk run-downs, fashion trends and how to wear meggings
maybe what youre dreading right now, but fear not youre in
the right place.
Comfort zones may of been broken, but the improvements youre
going to see will be worth it.
I dont know you, but if youre like 90% of todays generation, I
know a little bit about you. I know that:
1. However much you like to play it down, you take care in your
appearance often (I bet youre playing it down right now.)
2. Youve also probably checked yourself in the mirror at least
three times today (reflections from windows count too.)
3. And lastly, over 90% of the things in your wardrobe you had
an input in purchasing.
From someone who used to dress pretty appallingly, I learnt that
enhancing the way we look through the way we dress is all down
to one thing Education. Im not talking about a PHD either, or a

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4-year degree at the London College of Fashion, Im talking about

the lack of basic style education there is for guys right now.
To read GQ you almost have to feel like a gentleman, and have a
bank balance to back that. Nothing against GQ, were big fans,
but the majority of guys dont feel worthy enough to read it. Blogs
are almost too personal sometimes, and too much advice from
one particular person could have you moulding the way you look
into them. Were looking to create the balance, and offer the
You see the majority of us in the modern era are slacking. Its a
statement thats going to dent your ego, but its a statement that
statistics and history can prove.
You only need to think about the older generation and notice
the way they still dress to date to notice the shift in the way
the modern man dresses.
My Grandad, whos 89 and still runs (irrelevant, but he told me
chuck that in there go on the old boy!) wears a shirt and formal
trousers every day without fail. He never fails to tuck his shirt in
either. Even if its a day at home gardening, or a quick trip to the
shops, his attire consists of formal pieces. But when I asked the
old man about the reasons behind him dressing like that, he
summed it up in three words Its our uniform

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Now were not asking you to wear a suit every day, and always
tuck in your shirt but as generations have passed, and the
modern day man, along with fashion and style has changed, the
normality of what us men should wear has taken a lazy approach.
Theres a huge divide between casual and formal, and its been
proved theres a strong belief among the majority of men that
formal clothing should only be worn on formal occasions. Once
again, were not telling you to suit and boot every single day,
were simply looking to educate todays generations on ways to
enhance the way you dress.
Style and fashion is of course about individuality, and our aim isnt
to mould your style into something youre not, but were aiming to
give you that gentle nudge to go against the norm.

Test: Next time you go to a bar for drinks, take a slight

glance at the way groups of guys are dressing.
Why? Well lets say theres a group of five guys in a bar
altogether, theres going to be a high chance theyre all dressing
pretty much the same. Now thats simply because the people
around us and the way the majority of men are dressing right now
is highly influencing the way we dress.
Its a natural process to follow the masses. If theres a group of 7
guys in a bar on a night out, and 6 of them are wearing baggy
chinos, shoes from their school days, along with a shirt untucked,
but theres a guy wearing tasselled loafers, slim fitting grey wool
trousers, a slim fitting shirt and tie with a navy cardigan Whos
going to be the odd one out? Whos going to get some stick from
the higher majority in the group, but whos also going to make
them slightly envious he dresses like that?
Now if you flip that scenario, and you spot a group of 5 guys
suited and booted for a night out and 1 guy looks like hes just
finished a gym session, whos the odd one out dealing with the
stick and no envy?
Were not asking you to break comfort zones by wearing a pink
cardigan on a night out, and were not telling you to dress head to
toe in what you see on the catwalks, were trying to slightly nudge

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you in a better direction when it comes to the way you dress to

break the current normality.
You see our aim is to educate the basics on dressing better,
because it really isnt that hard
Theres still a stigma that exists to some extent that fashion isnt
for the typical man, and were looking to break that. Were also
looking to introduce outsiders to the industry, because menswear
is in a really strong place right now and the industry isnt, as youd
Our definition is pretty broad, but our aim is extremely
Are you in?
Then read on and start applying these 10 style principles

Written By Paul McGregor (left)

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not
giving a damn Orson Welles

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Style Tip 1: Fit

Fit is, hands down, the number 1 essential to dressing better.
You could be wearing a 1,500 suit but if it doesnt fit, as it should
its not going to look good.
The issue with fit is guys choose to ignore it because they may be
overweight, or they want to feel comfortable.
But you should always pay close attention to the way clothes fit
you whatever weight or whatever age you are.

Fit For Bigger Bones

Now youll hear me reference slim fit throughout this section, but
I wanted to get things straight before I carried on.
Yes the title is a little bit harsh, but I wanted to grab your
A slimmer fit doesnt mean you have to be slim to wear it.
So if youre piling on a few extra pounds and you want to skim
through this section because you dont feel its relevant... DONT.
Fit is important for everyone. Whatever shape or size you are.
If youre overweight, youll tend to want to buy baggier clothes to
cover up... but the effect youre actually creating is the opposite.

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Two good examples of fit for the bigger gent from

Baggier clothes make you look even

more overweight, where as a slimmer
fit (even if you do don a beer belly) will
actually complement your
< A good example of a shirt being a bad fit

Wearing a shirt that is two sizes bigger

in the hope it will make us look
slimmer will simply create scrunch
when tucked in. Making you actually
look bigger than you are.
It will also draw attention to the area youre trying to cover up,
because there will be excess fabric due to the bagginess.

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Therefore if youre overweight, pay close attention to the tips Im

about to share and let the clothing deceive people.
In other words, you may be sporting a pregnant mothers belly but
you may be pretty impressed with the biceps youve gained at the
gym. Use the elements of fit Im about to show you to draw the
attention away from your belly, and onto your biceps...
Girls do this so much better than us... they know the assets us
gents will enjoy more and they dress to compliment these.

Learning The Rules & Applying Them

Now trying to explain the rules of fit through words is pretty
difficult, so I wanted to share a great graphic a good friend of
mine put together.
Yes, it shows the rules to how a suit should fit but its in fact
relevant to most items of clothing youll own.
The rules for the trousers will still apply whether youre wearing
casual chinos or jeans, the rules for the jacket can be replaced
with an overcoat... you get the idea.
But the most important thing you need
to remember when focusing on fit is
the less unwanted fabric the better.
In other words, if youre wearing a pair
of jeans and theyre scrunching up at
the bottom... the fit needs some work.
If youre wearing a shirt and I can grab
a handful of fabric from either the front
or the back of the shirt... the fit needs
Its about getting the balance right... Yes, The less unwanted
fabric when wearing the garment the better the fit is, but if it looks
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painted on you need to up that size slightly.

Your clothes should almost skim the body, smoothing out your
shape without pulling or looking tight.

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That infographic is from a good friend of ours Antonio from (Hes got an awesome site)
Here are some more visual images too of guys (all shapes and
sizes) getting the fit just right.

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Style Tip 2: Good Shoes

I remember working on a video once asking the women of London
what they like on a man, and 95% of them said good shoes.
From a style perspective, good shoes can really enhance your
overall appearance.
You could be wearing a simple jeans and t-shirt combination, and
with the addition of a nice pair of shoes your appearance will
Brown shoes are your friends.

Forget your lucky pulling pants, brown shoes should become that
best mate you can rely on.
Compare the two...
Youre heading out to a bar, wearing dark denim jeans and a
white polo shirt, which both fit immaculately. You decide to opt
for a pair of new balance sneakers to go with it...
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Impressions? Casual.
Wear the same thing, but pair it with a pair of brown shoes
(maybe a Brogue or a Double Monk) and BOOM.
The formality of your outfit has increased.
Just one simple minor change, which doesnt take any effort
whatsoever will dramatically increase your look.
Shoes are more important than you think, and its something
people do pay attention too.
Again, heres a visual representation. What looks better?

Above Simon Cowell (left) shows you how clothes shouldnt fit, and the black
shoes dont do much justice. On the right, a casual look is bought to life with
the brown shoes.

Styles To Look For

The thing with shoes is you want to invest. So although you may
pay more money initially, if you buy into quality then the shoes are
going to last you a long time.
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A cheap pair of 20 leather shoes will be ruined after a few

months of wear. A more expensive, but a better-made shoe will
last you years if you shop right.
Now the styles to look out for are...

The Brogue
A classic staple, and every man should own a pair of brogues.
Work well with formal attire alongside casualwear too. Opt for
either a light or dark brown or black.

The Monk
I prefer double straps, but you could also opt for the single strap if
you prefer it. Again, a real classic staple that works well with both
jeans and formal trousers.

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The Loafer
A more relaxed choice of footwear, they have an Ivy League feel
about them. Perfect for the summer, as they can be comfortably
worn with shorts too. Feeling brave? Go for a tasseled loafer to
add a touch of detailing.

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The Oxford
Similar shape to the brogue, the Oxford is subtler. Again, it can be
worn with both formal and casual wear.

Casual Options
The Desert Boot
If formal, leather shoes really arent your thing, then the desert
boot is a great alternative. Casual and easy to wear with a touch
of style. If you see 12 months of sunshine though, these might not
be for you...

The White Sneaker

Yes, thats right... the white sneaker is indeed a style staple. Look,
its not going to enhance your style like the above options but if
you want to wear sneakers then keep it minimal. A pair of clean,
plain white sneakers are easy to wear and choose the right pair
and theyll still look stylish.
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So what are you waiting for?

A simple change, and a by paying a bit of attention to the shoes
you wear when going out will enhance the way you look.
Trust me... wear good shoes and it will be the first compliment
you get from people.

Style Tip 3: Wear Accessories

Again, we have to give credit to the opposite sex here...
Women really know how to use accessories, and women really
know how to stand out.
Us men on the other hand though, were playing catch up.
Accessories create conversation, and theyre something that
showcases how interesting you are. Accessories allow you to add
something to a look, which it lacks.
My opinion is over accessorizing is a no no.
Head into a bar with low confidence wearing a purple bow tie,
handkerchief, umbrella and a bowler hat and see how many
strange looks you get
Keep it subtle. Invest in good accessories, and use them only
when needed.
I remember hearing something before which I always abide by
when I think Im overdoing it Always take off the last accessory
you put on Nothings cool about a guy wearing a fedora hat, a
bow tie, a lapel pin, a pocket-handkerchief, two watches, fourteen
bracelets, three rings and a belt.
Keep it minimal, but cause an effect.

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Wearing a blazer or a jacket? Add a pocket-handkerchief to add

some detailing.
Headwear is another viable option, alongside neckwear (scarves,
ties and bow ties), watches and jewellery.
Subtle detailing through the use of accessories can create talking
points, and most importantly will draw attention towards you.
Theres another benefit of wearing accessories too, and thats the
fact that it can draw attention to areas you want to show off.
Lets again say youre packing on the pounds around the waist,
wearing accessories higher up will draw the attention towards
your chest (which is an area you might want to show off).
A simple pocket-handkerchief in the pocket of your jacket or
blazer, a scarf, or a necklace will draw attention towards the
upper part of your body, rather than towards areas youre aiming
to hide.

A Quick Note On Jewellery

Im not going to advise to not wear jewellery completely, but you
need to make sure you get it right.
Fake looking; heavyweight gold chains arent a viable option.
Neither are tacky rings that pimps wear or stud earrings. Keep it
subtle with the jewellery, and even opt for something vintage...
If its vintage and it has a story, or the item means something to
you this is again great for creating conversation.

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Style Tip 4: The Suit

Wow, the suit is powerful.
Not only for perception reasons, but walk around in a suit and feel
the power it gives you mentally.
Ive run the test a few times, walking round a busy city in tracksuit
bottoms and a hoody... the looks I got were minimal and
personally I didnt feel confident.
I put on a suit which fitted me and made me feel GOOD. Walking
around the same city, the attention skyrocketed and so did my
You feel like a BOSS.
Not only does this then allow perception of you to be better than it
would be normally, it also gives you confidence. Which will help
benefit your success on dates, at work, meetings and more.

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But look, Im not asking you to walk around in a suit all day and
Youre not Don Draper.
But every man should own at least 1, GOOD suit.
Because you dont have to always wear it as a suit.
Dress it down with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and wear the jacket.
Make a t-shirt look more formal, pairing it with suit trousers and
some good shoes.
Wear the full suit with a polo shirt, with a shirt, a t-shirt, dress it up
with a tie if needed and accessorize accordingly.
With just 1 suit, your options are unlimited.
You need to make sure you suit fits you though... theres nothing
cool about a suit which hangs off you like a hammy down from
your pap.
Follow the rules of Fit from the beginning of this guide and the
previous guide you received, to see exactly how a suit should fit.
Opt for a simple Navy two button suit in a wool or a good cotton
and you really have a winner on your hands.

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*Above. Various ways to break up and wear a suit

Dont stop at one suit though, invest in more as you get used to
exactly how they should fit and also invest into separate blazer
jackets and formal trousers.

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Dont be afraid to pay more either. You could easily spend 100
on a suit that will last you at most a year before it starts to wear.
Or you could spend 500 on a suit, which lasts you for 10 years...
Its all about investing wisely, which Ill discuss later.
I recommend buying suits from:

Mr Porter
H.E By Mango
InStitchU (Made To Measure)

Want to create a statement when wearing a suit? Opt for a wider

lapel, and accessorize with acolourful pocket-handkerchief or
lapel pin.

*The wide lapel, bracelet and tie creates a statement.

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How important is make up to a girl? Have you seen the
transformation it creates?
Now theres nothing alpha about applying or wearing make up...
this section isnt about that.
Do you know the mens grooming industry is one of the largest
growing industries in the past decade?
Its about time men just opened up and admitted to paying
attention to the way they look.
I can still hear your ego laughing at this though.... grooming? Me?
But if you want to improve your appearance then grooming is an
What does your hair look like?
Does your face look like rough?
Do you think people find them unmanaged, long fingernails
Or that odor because you couldnt be bothered to wash or apply a
fragrance this morning?
All of this is down to the way you groom, and its more
manageable and easier than you think.
Now Im a big follower and reader of TSB, and they often do
upgrades on men. There was one in particular that got a lot of
positive reviews...

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Take a look at that transformation.

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I promise its the same guy!

Yes, his style has drastically improved but notice the difference in
grooming. The new, more manageable haircut that is styled to
compliment his new style. What about the beard trim? The
application of moisturizer for smoother looking skin?
All of this applied created a huge transformation.
Its hard to recognize the guy, he looks more attractive and all he
did was get a haircut, a beard trim and probably apply some
There are no excuses chaps.

A Recommended Grooming Routine

1. Get a haircut: That old style of yours probably needs an
update. Head to a recommended barbers (read reviews online if
not) and find examples of styles youd like. Your barber will be
able to advise what hairstyle you should go for...
Hairstyles change, but keep it timeless and keep it neat. Youre
upgrading your style here; youre going to be dressing a little bit
more formally... so have a haircut to match that.

2. Wash: Sounds basic, but washing once a day is something

you should already be doing. Use a good body wash, and even go
one step further to use a body moisturizer if you want to.

3. Dental Hygiene: Again, you already clean your teeth right?

Well make sure youre using an electric toothbrush for at least a
minute. Mouthwashes, floss, scrape that tongue... Bad dental
hygiene leads to bad breath that is a huge turn off.

4. Face Wash: Wash your face daily, and even go to the level of
exfoliating. This will help remove dirt from the face, removing
spots and blemishes in the process.

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5. Moisturize: Theres nothing feminine about moisturizing, and

you should do it daily. Theres various products out there targeted
to just men, but go for something that isnt heavy and something
thats refreshing. The Kiehls range is great.

6. Keep Trim: I suppose this could mean a few things, but most
importantly keep body hair in control. Trim where needed, and
remove that back hair of yours. Talking of keeping trim, exercise
more! We spoke about the importance of fit, and even why you
should still consider it if youre overweight. But most importantly if
youre overweight, you should be striving to lose it. Youll feel
better in yourself, and your appearance will improve.

Making It A Habit
You clean your teeth right? Every day? (I HOPE SO)
Well every time you clean your teeth from now on, make sure you
floss, clean your tongue and use mouthwash. Also use this time to
apply some moisturizer.
You wash your body every day right? Well now every time you do
so, apply some face wash and have a trim up.

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Simply add in your new grooming rituals into your current

grooming routine. Every man has one... (Unless your a caveman)
Not due a haircut? I dont care... go get a new one.
Its time to make a change.


Catwalks? Fashion week? The latest trend? If you really have no
interest in fashion, it simply shouldnt affect the way you dress.
You see you dont need to know anything about fashion to be
See the issue arises when you believe you have to follow style like
a ritual... you dont.
With us being men were lucky, because think back to the style in
the 1920s, the 30s and the 40s and elements of it is still in style

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Its called a Timeless Style.

The blazer is an essential, and a navy blazer was fashionable back
in the 1930s as it is today.
Brogues are shoes that my Grandad used to wear... and I wear
That white buttoned down shirt you might buy tomorrow, will still
be in style in 50 years time.
Theres no need to follow trends, as menswear is all about
keeping things timeless.

But Whats Timeless?

Suits (Neutral colours, classic cuts. You know the
importance of suits...)
Accessories (Ive got ties I inherited from my Grandad
whos 89, accessories are timeless)
Shirts (Again, neutral colours and classic cuts. The white
shirt is a style staple every man should own)
Shoes (Brogues, Monk Strap Shoes, Oxford or Derby
Shoes... these are all classic, timeless shoes)
The Chino (Again, a classic wardrobe piece. Chinos will
be wearable in 30 years time)
T-Shirts (No, not them graphic prints or slogan t-shirts...
classic styles. A simple crew neck white, black or navy tshirt can be worn for years to come.)
Denim (Again, avoid trends. Classic dark denim jeans are
timeless, allowing you to wear them over and over again.)
In fact, look over some photos of stylish chaps in the past 50
years and see whats readily available now.
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Flares? No.
Slogan T-Shirts? No.
Gold chains? No.
Ink died clothing? No.
Keep it classic, keep it timeless and your style will improve
Dont be afraid to introduce trends into your style, but dont let
them dictate it.
That moves on to the next tip.


Improving your style is about being smart.
Its not about having a huge choice; its about having the correct
Women own too many shoes, they impulse buy and thats not
what we want to do.
Us men can get away with two pairs of shoes. 1 casual and 1
formal if we wished. As long as we choose the right casual pair
and the right formal pair, we can still enhance style.
Do you know you could have a wardrobe with just 10 pieces...
and youd be able to put together multiple looks for multiple
Its true.

1. A GOOD Navy Suit (You can wear the blazer and the
trousers separately like Ive already mentioned)
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2. A Knitted Tie (Other ties will suffice, but I prefer knitted ties.
They offer more of a style edge)

3. A Pair Of Dark Denim Jeans (Again, focus on good

quality and get a pair that fit really well)

4. The Brogue (My choice of footwear, a brown brogue can be

dressed up or dressed down)

5. The White Sneaker (Your casual choice, but if theyre

minimal and clean... they can also be dressed up.)

6. A White or Pale Blue Shirt (Go for a buttoned down shirt,

which means the collars are simply buttoned down or a cutaway
collar. This will allow you to wear it with both formal and casual

7. A V-Neck Jumper or Cardigan (Go for wool or cashmere

and treat your knitwear like a king.)

8. The Overcoat (Again opt for quality. An overcoat which has

a formal edge will always win in my opinion. The Pea Coat or the
Trench Coat are options.)

9. A Leather Watch (Again, I prefer brown leather. Make sure

its a good timepiece)

10. A White T-Shirt (Classic. Perfect for casual outfits, but also
you can dress it up when you need to.)
Now I could easily create a wardrobe based around just them 10
items. Yes, pants and socks I havent included but come on...
give me some praise here.
Here are just a small percentage of the looks I could put together
with the above.
Look 1: Navy blazer, white t-shirt, jeans, watch and brogues. (The
perfect smart/casual combination I could wear to a date or a bar)
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Look 2: Full Suit, White Shirt, Knitted Tie, Watch and Brogues
(The ultimate formal look. Perfect for the office, weddings or other
formal events)
Look 3: White T-Shirt, Jeans, Jumper and White Sneakers (A
casual look perfect for a quick coffee)
Look 4: Jumper, Shirt, Trousers From The Suit, Watch and
Brogues (Again, another smart/casual look I can wear to a bar)
Look 5: Overcoat, V Neck Jumper, White Shirt, Jeans, and White
Sneakers (A smart/casual look which can be worn on colder days)
Thats 5 looks already, and I could easily piece together some
Yes, I know youre going to have to wash them in-between wears
but this just goes to show how its more about quality over
You dont need a lot of clothes; you just need to right clothes.

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Having a wardrobe filled with timeless pieces you know fit you,
and knowing what and when to wear them is exactly what being
stylish is about.
I always say if you gave me 3 minutes to get ready for a night out,
and you asked someone who had no insights to these
fundamentals Im sharing with you youd get a huge difference.
Because I know whats in my wardrobe, I know what goes with
what and I know everything in there fits me. It takes 30 seconds to
think about what to wear and to pull it from the wardrobe, and
then Ive got 2 and a half minutes to put in on.
Watch this, I love this video. Its Patrick Grant whos a Savile Row
tailor showing how he gets dressed in 30 seconds.
Watch it here (short video)
The end result is decent right?
He just knew before hand that the look would go well together,
and he knows that it all fits him, as it should.
Its also important to note that if you want to focus on quality over
quantity, then you need to invest.
A 30 blazer from H&M isnt going to last you long... where as a
more expensive, but a better made and a better fitting blazer will
last you much longer.
We want to create less fuss, so spend a bit more and focus on
buying clothing that is well made and timeless.

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Ive been meaning to make this point for a while now, and thats
that you still need to be comfortable with what you wear.
Slimmer fitting clothing tends to scream uncomfortable to most
guys... so do suits, formal shoes or anything that will enhance
their style.
Being comfortable is still a huge element to looking good.

If youre wearing something you feel restricted in, and youre

wearing something youre uncomfortable with it will show.
Meaning your appearance and your overall game will decrease.
Therefore Id rather you go for something a bit more relaxed and
comfortable if uncomfort is going to throw your game off.
Believing that suits, slim fits and dressing smartly are
uncomfortable is a myth though.

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If you get a suit that fits your body perfectly, whats more
comfortable than that?
Whats the difference of wearing a hoody to wearing a relaxed
deconstructed cotton blazer? Not a lot. Both are comfortable just
one looks a lot better.
Dont believe that dressing smartly means youre going to not feel
relaxed. Focus on fit and youll have no issues with discomfort.


I spoke about it a lot when I mentioned the use of accessories,
but smaller details create conversation.
Mens style is all about the detailing too, as a navy suit is a navy
suit right? Its just the detailing you apply to that navy suit which
makes you stand out.

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It could be the size of the lapels, the way the trousers are cut, the
fabric, the buttons, the pocket-handkerchief you add to the blazer
pocket, the amount of cuff you show, buttons undone or done
up? The lapel pin, a scarf... all of these are finer details which
make a huge impact.
These smaller details showcase the fact you know what youre
They show character and they show individualism.
Anyone can put a Navy suit on; its just what you do with that
navy suit.
I see so many guys Ive consulted before apply the principles Ive
shown them, but they let themselves down in the detailing.
The tie they wear isnt tied right, their laces are undone, and
theyre not adding detailing through accessories...
It does sound really minimal and really fussy but it creates a big
People notice them.
So focus on the detailing.
The white shirt is a style staple every man should own.
Because it can be worn with anything.
Jeans, a suit, worn with or without a tie, it can be worn for
weddings, funerals, a date, on a Sunday... Its the must have
But its just a white shirt right?

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Again the finer details make a white shirt the DADDY of all white

The collar, the fabric, the buttons, the fit...

All of these finer details make up a better overall appearance.
Its all in the details baby.

STYLE TIP 10: THE 80/20

Have you heard of the 80/20 principle?

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If not, dont worry.
In a nutshell it basically is a principle which is used for multiple
reasons, and its based on the fact that 20% of the things you do
produce 80% of the outcomes and vice versa.
I like to use this principle with style.
Meaning that if you wore 20% of formal pieces in an outfit, youd
create an 80% style impression.
Meaning that a look based around casual pieces can be
transformed with a small 20% of formal pieces. It could be a pair
of formal brown shoes with a casual look, or a blazer... these will
create a huge effect.
I like to keep a basis of 80% formal, 20% casual where possible
Youll make more of an impression this way, and its easy to

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The 80% could be made up of: A blazer, an overcoat, formal

trousers, and formal shoes.
The 20% could be made up of: A t-shirt.
You almost always want to inject some casualness into your look,
because looking too formal makes it look like youve tried too
Always dress smart, but apply touches of formal, relaxed pieces
that will make it look less try hard.
80% Formal. 20% Casual.

There we have it.
10 style principles that will transform the way you look.
Apply them all, and youll see huge improvements. Apply just the
first 3 and youll still see improvements.
If you want to improve your confidence, your career, your love life,
and your overall life the way you look plays a huge part in it.
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fitness and fashion articles.

Paul McGregor

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