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MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016


Wait List

The progress, still in its

early stages, will take time
to have an impact, Gersch
In a nut shell, the wait
times still have not come
down, and that can be because there are more people in the system, or because they havent gotten
the DAs to sign off on moving people to places which
the DA may not think is secure, Gersch said.

Wait times still high at

When asked about the
current average wait times
for the two state hospitals,
Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary of the Office of Mental Health and Substance
Abuse Services, referred
to the lawsuit which stated
that the average wait time
was at least 60 days.
Wait times for NSH are
significantly longer than
for TSH. We have not calculated average wait times
as we are bringing the new
beds on line, Marion said
in an email, adding that
the numbers are coming
The ACLU continues to
work with the state as they
execute the plan laid out in
the settlement agreement.
Gersch said that there is
still concern that the state
is not making visible progress.
Since we have entered
into our agreement with
DHS, they have been making efforts to have more
beds, and thats very important, he said. We believe that can be a part or
all of the solution, but as of
this date, the wait list hasnt
come down yet.

Special court
programs are a benefit
Dr. Dale Adair, chief
medical officer at Norristown State Hospital, said
that there are steps that can
be taken at the county level
to reduce wait times.

Mental health courts

are a good example of ways
that prevent individuals
with mental health concerns from going into the
criminal justice system instead of treatment, Adair
said. We also know that a
significant number of individuals who are incarcerated may or may not have
mental health as their primary issue.
Montgomer y Count y
does have a Behavioral
Health Court, as well as a
Drug Court. Both are specialized judicial programs
to offer defendants treatment options opposed to
harsh sentences for minor
crimes. Adair said both help
reduce waiting times for the
Substance use is a big
component, so drug courts,
those types of things, which
are geared more towards
getting individuals more
into treatment rather than
getting them incarcerated,
they help, Adair said.

Costs to county can

be reduced
Montgomery County recently issued a request for
proposals for vendors to
supply more treatment options for mentally ill prisoners. In the paperwork
for the request, the cost
of those with serious mental illness was shown to be
higher than those without.
In 2008, a sample of 38
inmates with (serious mental illness) housed at MCCF
showed an Average Length
of Stay (ALOS) of 230 days
as compared to the general
population ALOS of 72 days.
Using the above ALOS for
each population with the
jail per diem of $47 per
day, the cost for each person with SMI is $10,810
vs. $3,384 for the general
population, the document
It goes on to say that the
cost doesnt even include
the cost of psychotropic
medication that 32 percent
of inmates are taking.
It is estimated that reducing the length of stay for
inmates with (serious mental illness) to that of the

general population would

save the county approximately $7,426 per inmate,
the research stated.
The request also sought
ways to keep those with
mental illness who commit
minor crimes out of jail in
the first place. One proposal
is to create support plans
for those who are capable
of showing up for court
dates and other appointments on their own. Another is to help with access
benefits, housing, transportation, treatment and support services and education or employment to reduce the risk of committing
another crime.
I think that one part
of the problem is that we
need to get people into
competency treatment
more quickly, the other
part of this is that we want
to have anybody who can
live in the community as
quickly as possible, with
appropriate supports, said
Alyssa Shatz, vice president
of advocacy for the Mental Health Association of
Southeastern Pennsylvania.
While community-based
options would not change
the path for someone like
Payne, or other violent offenders, it would create
more options for someone who stole $3 worth of
candy, thereby freeing up a
bed in a state hospital.
You have people who are
not dangerous taking up a
bed in what is the most secure facility you can have.
The goal is to get people
out of Norristown and into
more suitable locations, and
getting people into Norristown who really need it,
Gersch said.
J.H. was arrested for
stealing $3 of peppermint
patties, so he doesnt need
to be in a facility that secure. He was a citizen of
Pennsylvania, and he was
behind bars instead of getting treatment.
This is part two of a twopart report defendants
waiting to get a bed in Norristown State Hospital. Part
one looked at the wait and
how it was detrimental to
those with mental illness.


The Dallas shooting

that killed five officers has
spurred an outpouring
of support for police, according to The Associated
Around the country, people have showed up at local
departments with flowers,
sent social media messages
or called to say thanks.
They delivered coffee, pizzas, cakes and moments of
solace for officers grieving
after the deadliest day for
U.S. law enforcement since
the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
According to the AP report, Abigail Bullard was
home with her 6- and
10-year-old sons in suburban Philadelphia, where
the younger boys fascination with emergency services personnel has devel-


programs should lawmakers fail to approve a tax increase to fund a budget most
of them voted for.
Top lawmakers, however, did not object to Wolfs
Wolf couched his decision by highlighting what
the spending bill offers
more aid to schools, for instance and pointed out
that it had bipartisan support, despite Republicans
having squeezed significant
concessions from Wolf.
Now we must pay for the
promises in the general appropriations bill, Wolf said.
Republican majority leaders have pledged to assemble
a $1.3 billion revenue package to help shore up Pennsylvanias deficit-riddled finances, and Wolf said he
takes them at their word that
it will happen soon.
But we should all be clear
about what that means,
Wolf said. Paying for what
has been appropriated must
be done with sustainable, recurring and sufficient reve-

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oped into a friendship with

a few Radnor Township
officers. Bullard had observed the kinship within
their profession and knew
theyd be affected by this
weeks news, so she and her
sons delivered cookies and
soft pretzels as comfort.
It was important to me
to say, here we have two
young black children that
are trying to do the right
thing because friends of
ours have had a death in
the family, she said. When
she shared the story on
Facebook, she concluded
it simply: Not all young
black men are bad, and not
all police officers are bad.
A few miles down the
road, the Lower Merion Police Department said its officers had heavy hearts but
full bellies after another
woman and her son delivered a stack of pizzas Friday. They also received coffee and doughnuts, a ges-

ture reported by numerous

police departments this
One of them, the Voorhees Police Department in
New Jersey, said such actions have made us feel
better during a very sad
time to be a police officer.
Still others simply
stopped officers on the
street to chat or offer hugs.
Its just been amazing. Our guys cant go out
this morning without getting stopped by people
wanting to thank them,
Dustin Dwight, a spokesman for Louisiana State
Police Troop L, told NOLA.
comThe Times-Picayune
on Friday.
The Dallas shooting occurred during a Thursday
night protest over fatal police shootings of black men
in Minnesota and Louisiana earlier in the week.
The Associated Press
contributed to this report

He went on to take a shot
at some of the ideas being
floated by lawmakers
House Republicans, in particular.
Taking out loans, moving
money from different funds
or using other sources of
stopgap cash will not move
Pennsylvania forward, nor
will it pay for this budget,
Wolf said.
Closed-door revenue discussions revolve around a
$1.3 billion package that relies heavily on a $1 per-pack
cigarette tax increase, to
$2.60 per pack, and an expansion of casino-style gambling that would make Pennsylvania the fourth state to
legalize internet gambling.
Wolf refused to say what
he would do should the Legislature fail to approve a revenue package he embraces.
I dont expect that to
arise, Wolf said.
The governors aides later
said the administration
cannot spend more money
than it has coming in. But
it couldnt immediately say
how that would affect programs.
Questioned about the
constitutional implications,

the governors office pointed

to a provision that says budget appropriations made by
the Legislature shall not
exceed the actual and estimated revenues and surplus
available in the same fiscal
In any case, Wolfs move
took pressure off lawmakers
to act before midnight Monday, and seemed sure to cement Wolfs second budget
as the second to become law
without his signature.
Pennsylvania is the only
state government without an
enacted budget for part or
all of the 2016-17 fiscal year
that began July 1, according
to the National Association
of State Budget Officers.
This latest stalemate
has emerged barely three
months after Wolf and the
Legislature ended a recordbreaking stalemate in the
just-ended fiscal year.
It looked increasingly
doubtful that a revenue
package would make it to
the governors desk Monday.
House Majority Leader
Dave Reed, R-Indiana, said
negotiators still have disagreements over some elements of a $1.3 billion revenue package.


Supercharged Memory Makes Teacher Most Popular Man on Campus

Once-forgetful, absent-minded college professor now seldom forgets a name

David Larsen, a professor at a large western
US university, may be
the most popular man
on campus; and that is not
sitting well with his fellow professors.
They call me a showoff, laughs Larsen.

director of UMass Lowells

team, the prescriptionfree
c a l l e d Perceptiv helps
older brains feel and function years younger, often
in as little as two weeks.

Never Forgets a
Thats not all. Outside
of the classroom, on
campus, and off campus,
when Larsen spots one of
his students, hell go out
of his way to greet them
by name.
Its an even more remarkable feat for a man
who, only a few months
ago, would forget a name
in minutes.

The Professors
Larsen credits his transformational
improvement to a breakthrough,
developed by a team of
Names used to leave
me within ve minutes of
introductions, admits the
But after taking
this memory formula, I
can now remember every
student in my classes!
Developed by Dr.
Thomas B. Shea, the

A Plea
At the end of the
12-month period, caregivers of study participants
were so impressed with
their family members improvement, they requested a 16-month extension.
Going back to the way
things were before was
not an option, said one
Pharmacist Shawn M.
has also seen the revitalizing power of Dr. Sheas

While his engaging
teaching style breathes
life into dry subject matter, its the professors
impressive, new memory
powers that account for
his popularity.
Larsen can do what
few other professors at
his university can he
remembers more names,
of more students, in more
of his classes, than you
could imagine.

published in the American Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Other

Researchers selected a
group of seniors suffering
from early signs of memory impairment.

Dr. Thomas B. Shea

Just like Professor Larsen,

participants in clinical
studies also experienced
increased recall with improved memory scores.
One Nevada woman is
thankful she learned of
Dr. Sheas discovery.

After giving just two
caplets a day to her
mother, who had suffered
brain impairment, Lorraine M., Henderson,
Nevada, witnessed an incredible turnaround!
The change in her personality, mood and cognitive ability was just amazing, says Lorraine.
The only factor that
changed was that we added Perceptiv to her regimen twice daily.

Caregivers on
the Front Line
Theres no better example of the formulas
remarkable effect on
the brain than their rst
clinical trial, a landmark 28-month study

Strange Behavior

The pharmacist has

called his mothers recent
metamorphosis, absolutely remarkable. He
was at wits end, watching
his 78-year-old mothers
mental state spiral out of
She began wandering around her house at
night, hiding things, says

Backed By

He could trust the formula, too. Perceptiv had

a solid scientic record.
The ingredients were
suppor ted by 35 peerreviewed publications
resulting from over 20
years of research by Shea
and his team, with funding from the Alzheimers
Association, the National
Institute on Aging, the
A m e r i c a n Fe d e r a t i o n
for Aging Research,
and the National Science

Her Mind

In a shor t period
of time, the compound
made dramatic changes in
Shawns mother. It was
what happened, smiles
In two to three weeks,
we had our mother back!

Dreaded 3:00 AM
Her mental confusion
and forgetfulness only
seemed to grow worse.
Then, she started calling me in the middle of
the night, sometimes at 3
am, says Shawn. It was
very unnerving.
As a pharmacist, he didnt
believe any of the prescriptions he had available were appropriate for
her type of memory impairment.
Then, he remembered
reading a newspaper article about Perceptiv; that
it was so effective it was
awarded a US patent.

Shawn M. and his mother

Circling the
After the age of 40,
the human brain is under
constant assault by minddulling factors like poor
circulation, free radicals,
cerebral toxins, nutrient,
and neurotransmitter deciencies.
Knowing this, Dr. Sheas
team took a different approach to managing brain
health; one that he called,
protect and defend.

University professor David Larsen, who once

had difculty remembering his students names,
can now never forget one,
thanks to a new, memory-saving discovery.

Clear Thinking

We suspected that by
protecting and shielding
the brain, we might see
improvements in clarity,
memory recall speed, and
mental focus, says the
He was right.
In seven independent
clinical studies, the Perceptiv compound was
shown to be an equalopportunity brain revitalizer, improving cognitive
performance, not only in
healthy adults, but also
in those with cognitive

Razors Edge
In addition to improving memory and ones
overall mental clarity,
studies show Perceptiv
may help reduce cognitive
decline due to aging.
If you feel that you
are not as sharp as you
used to be, that your
memory may be getting
worse, or that you feel
confused and out of it
more than youd care to
admit, then Perceptiv
is designed especially
for you.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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