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ES-7A Thermodynamics

Spring 2003


HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 1 of 7

Mass flow balance

Given: A pool with 3 m by 4 m cross-section, whith water discharged through a 5-cm diameter orifice at
5 m/s. Water is being pumped into the pool so that the level in the pool is rises by 1.5 cm/min.
Find: rate of water being supplied to the pool.
This is a mass-balance problem:
[rate of water coming in] [rate of water going out] = [rate of change in mass].
If we assume that the water is incompressible (the density of water doesnt change), then you can
translate this into conservation of volume.
[rate of volume coming in] [rate of volume going out] = [rate of change in volume].
[rate of volume coming in] = [rate of change in volume] + [rate of volume going out]
= [0.015 m/min 1 min/60 sec 3 m 4 m] + [0.025 m 5 m/s]
= 0.003 m/s + 0.00982 m3/s
= 0.0128 m3 /s


1st Law for Closed System

Given: A 20 L radiator filled with superheated vapor at 300 kPa and 250 C, with both inlet and exit
valves closed. The radiator releases heat to the room, and pressure drops to 100 kPa.
Find: Amount of heat transferred to the room. Draw the process on P-v diagram.
At initial state, we have superheated vapor at 300 kPa and 250 C. From Table A-6, we read off:
v1 = 0.7964 m3/kg, u1 = 2728.7 kJ/kg.
The mass in the radiator can be found by: m = V/v1 = 0.02 m3/0.7964 = 0.02511 kg.
At the final state, the volume remains the same, so we have v2 = v1 = 0.7964 m3/kg, and P2 = 100
kPa. At 100 kPa, this falls between vf and vg, so we have a saturated mixture. From Table A-5, we
read off vf = 0.001043 m3/kg, vg = 1.6940 m3/kg, uf = 417.36 kJ/kg, and ufg = 2088.7 kJ/kg.
x2 = (v2 vf )/(vg vf ) = (0.7964 0.001043)/(1.6940 0.001043) = 0.4698.
u2 = uf + x2 ufg = 417.36 + 0.4698(2088.7) = 1397.62 kJ/kg.
The amount of heat transfer is calculated from the First Law.
Since KE = PE = 0, and 1W2 = 0 (no change in volume), we


Q2 = m(u2 u1) = 0.02511(1397.62 2728.7)

= - 33.42 kJ.

The negative sign means that heat is lost to the room.

The P-v diagram is shown on the right. State 1 is superheated
vapor; state 2 is saturated mixture. The line is vertical because
there is no change in volume.

ES-7A Thermodynamics
Spring 2003


HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 2 of 7

1st Law for Closed System

Given: An insulated rigid tank with 5 kg of satured mixture water at 100 kPa, with 3 kg of the mass in
liquid phase. The water is heated by an electric resistor with 110 V and 8 A current.
Find: Time required to vaporize all of the liquid in the tank. Draw the process on a T-v diagram.
At state 1, we have saturated mixture water at 100 kPa. From Table A-5, we find vf = 0.001043
m3/kg, vg = 1.6940 m3/kg, uf = 417.36 kJ/kg, and ufg = 2088.7 kJ/kg.
x1 = mass of vapor / total mass = 0.25
v1 = vf + x1vfg = 0.001043 + 0.25(1.6940 0.001043) = 0.4243 m3/kg.
u1 = uf + x1ufg = 417.36 + 0.25(2088.7) = 939.54 kJ/kg
At state 2, we still have the same volume, so v2 = v1 = 0.4243 m3/kg. If all of the liquid has
vaporized, we have a saturated vapor.
From Table A-5, we see that v2 = vg at some pressure between 400 kPa and 450 kPa.
At 400 kPa, vg = 0.4625 m3/kg and ug = 2553.6 kJ/kg.
At 450 kPa, vg = 0.4140 m3/kg and ug = 2557.6 kJ/kg.
Interpolating to find u2 :
u2 = (ug@450kPa ug@400kPa)(v2 vg@400kPa) / (vg@450kPa vg@400kPa) + ug@400kPa
= (2557.6 2553.6)(0.4243 0.4326)/(0.4140 0.4626) + 2553.6 = 2556.75 kJ/kg.
The amount of heat transfer from state 1 to 2 is (assume KE = PE = 1W2 = 0):

Q2 = m(u2 u1) = 5(2556.75 939.54.) = 8086.04 kJ.

The amount of heat, per unit time, supplied by the heater is:
q = VI = 1108 = 880 W.

The time needed to supply 8086.04 kJ is:

t = 8086.041000 J/880 (kJ/s) = 9188.7 sec, or 153.1 min.

The T-v diagram:

State 1 is saturated mixture; state 2 is saturated vapor, and the
line follows a constant volume line.


ES-7A Thermodynamics
Spring 2003


HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 3 of 7

1st Law for Closed System

Given: A piston-cylinder with 0.8 kg of nitrogen at 100 kPa and 27 C. The gas is compressed slowly
until the volume is reduced by a half, following the relation PV1.3 = constant.
Find: work done and the heat transfer during the process.
Nitrogen is an ideal gas with R = 0.2968 kJ/kgK and cv = 0.743 kJ/kgK (Table A-2).
The work done for a polytropic process (PVn = constant) is given by:
1W 2

mR (T 2 T1 )
for an ideal gas.
1 n

At state 1, we are given m, P1, and T 1. From ideal gas law:

V1 = mRT1/P1 = 0.8(0.2968)(300K)/100 = 0.7123 m3.
The volume at final state is one half of V1 : V2 = 0.5V1 = 0.356 m3.
Using the polytropic relation, we can find P2:
P2 = P1 (V1/V2)1.3 = 100(2)1.3 = 246.23 kPa.
T 2 = P2V2 /mR = (246.230.356)/(0.80.2968) = 369.18 K.
The work is:
1W 2

mR (T 2 T 1 ) 0.8 0.2968 (369.18 300 )

= -54.75 kJ.
1 1.3

The negative sign means work is put into the system.

The heat transfer is found from the First Law:

= m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = m cv (T 2 T 1) + 1W2

= 0.8(0.743)(369.18 300) + (-54.75) = -13.6 kJ.

The negative sign means that the system loses heat.

ES-7A Thermodynamics
Spring 2003


HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 4 of 7

1st Law for Open System: Diffuser

Given: Air at 80 kPa and 127 C enters an adiabatic diffuser at 6000 kg/h and leaves at 100 kPa.
Velocities at inlet and exit are 230 and 30 m/s, respectively.
Find: a) exit temperature and b) exit area.
a) Air is an ideal gas with R = 0.2870 kJ/kgK and cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK.
The mass flow rate is 6000 kg/h, or 1.667 kg/s.
The First Law for open systems, with PE = W = 0, is:

V 2 V 12
Q& = m& h 2 h 1 + 2

p (T 2

T 1 ) =


= m& c p (T 2 T 1 ) + V 2 V1 = 0 since Q is zero.

V 22 V 12

Rewriting to solve for T 2, we get:

T2 =

V 22 V 12
2c p

+T 1 =

30 2 230 2
+ 127 = 152.9 C, or 425.9 K
2(1005 )

b) The specific volume at the exit is:

v2 = RT2/P2 = 0.287(425.9)/100 = 1.222 m3/kg
The area at the exit is:
A2 =

P1, T 1, V 1

m& v 2 1 .667 1.222

= 0.0679 m2 .


ES-7A Thermodynamics
Spring 2003


HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 5 of 7

1st Law for Open System: Diffuser

Given: R-134a enters a diffuser as saturated vapor at 700 kPa with velocity of 140 m/s and leaves at
800 kPa ad 40 C. The refrigerant gains heat at a rate of 3 kJ/s as it passes through the diffuser.
Exit area is 80% greater than the inlet area.
Find: a) exit velocity, and b) mass flow rate through the system.
a) At the inlet, saturated vapor at 700 kPa has the following
properties: h1 = hg = 261.85 kJ/kg; v1 = vg = 0.0292 m3/kg.
At the exit, R-134a at 800 kPa and 40 C is superheated;
the properties are: h2 = 273.66 kJ/kg; v2 = 0.02691 m3/kg.
Since the mass flow rate is constant through the diffuser,
we can say:

3 kJ/s heat input

sat. vapor
700 kPa
140 m/s

800 kPa
40 C

V1 A1 V 2 A2
from conservation of mass.
Rewriting to solve for V2, we get:
V2 =

v 2 A1
V1 =
v 1 A2

140 = 71.68 m/s.


b) The First Law for a diffuser with PE = 0 and W = 0 is:

V 2 V 12
Q& = m& h 2 h1 + 2

Rewriting to solve for mass flow rate, we get:

V 2 V12
m& = Q& h 2 h1 + 2



273 .66 261 .85 + 71 .68 140


= 0.655 kg/s.

(Note, a factor of 1000 in the KE term is needed to put the KE term in kJ.)


1st Law for Open System: Throttle

Given: Saturated liquid R-134a at 800 kPa throttled to 140 kPa.

Find: a) temperature drop during the process, and b) final specific volume of R-134a.
a) At the inlet, we have saturated liquid at 800 kPa: h1 = hf = 93.42 kJ/kg. T 1 = T sat = 31.33 C.
For a throttle, h2 = h1 , so at the exit we have P2 = 140 kPa and h2 = 93.42 kJ/kg. This is a
saturated mixture since h2 falls between hf and hg at 140 kPa. The temperature at state 2 is the
saturation temperature at 140 kPa: T 2 = -18.80 C.
The temperature drop is: T 1 T 2 = 31.33 (-18.80) = 50.13 C.
b) To find the specific volume at state 2, we first solve for the quality at state 2. At 140 kPa, we read
off hf = 25.77 kJ/kg, hfg = 210.27 kJ/kg, vf = 0.0007381 m3/kg, and vg = 0.1395 m3/kg.
x2 = (h2 hf )/hfg = (93.42 25.77)/210.27 = 0.3217.
v2 = vf + x2(vg vf ) = 0.0007381 + 0.3217(0.1395 0.0007381) = 0.0454 m3 /kg.

ES-7A Thermodynamics
Spring 2003

HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 6 of 7

4-104 1st Law for Open System: Mixing Chamber

Given: Hot water stream at 80 C enters a mixing chamber at 0.5 kg/s and mixes with a cold water
stream at 20 C. The mixture leaves at 42 C. All streams are at 250 kPa.
Find: mass flow rate of the cold water stream.


The hot water stream at 80 C and 250 kPa is a compressed liquid.

Using properties of hf at 80 C, we have h1 = 334.91 kJ/kg.
The cold water stream at 20 C and 250 kPa is also a compressed
liquid; we use hf at 20 C to get h2 = 83.96 kJ/kg.

At the exit, water is compressed liquid at 42 C and 250 kPa. Interpolating between 40 C (hf =
167.57 kJ/kg) and 45 C (hf = 188.45 kJ/kg), we get:
h3 = (hf @45C hf @40C)(42 40)/(45 40) + hf @40C
= (188.45 167.57)(42 40)/(45 40) + 167.57 = 175.92 kJ/kg.
Writing the First Law with KE = PE = W = Q = 0:
m& 1h 1 + m& 2 h 2 = (m& 1 + m& 2 )h 3 , so m& 2 (h 2 h 3 ) = m& 1 (h 3 h 1 ) .
m& 2 = m& 1

h 3 h1
h2 h3

= 0.5

175 .92 334 .91

= 0.864 kg/s.
83 .96 175 .92

4-110 1st Law for Open System: Heat Exchanger

Given: R-134a at 1 MPa and 80 C is cooled to 1 MPa and 30 C in a condenser by air. The air enters
the condenser at 100 kPa and 27 C with a volumetric flow rate of 800 m3/min and leaves at 95
kPa and 60 C.
Find: mass flow rate of R-134a.


At the inlet, the refrigerant is superheated at 1 MPa and

80 C. h1 = 313.20 kJ/kg. At the exit, it is a compressed
liquid at 30 C and 1 MPa; we will use hf at 30 C to get
h2 = 91.49 kJ/kg.


The air at the inlet is 100 kPa and 300 K. Rair = 0.2870
kJ/kgK and cp air = 1.005 kJ/kgK. The specific volume is
found using the ideal gas law:
v3 = RT3/P3 = 0.2870(300)/100 = 0.861 m3/kg.


The mass flow rate of the air is:

m& air =




1 min



= 15.486 kg/s.

Writing the energy balance for a heat exchanger:

[heat lost by the refrigerant] = [heat gained by air]

m& R 134a (h1 h2 ) = m& air (h4 h3 ) = m& air c p (T 4 T 3 )

m& R 134a =

m& air c

(T 4 T 3 )

h1 h 2

15 .486 1.005 (60 27 )

= 2.6135 kg/s, or 139.0 kg/min.
313.20 91.49

ES-7A Thermodynamics
Spring 2003

HW 2: 3-93; 4-11, 14, 38, 67, 74, 96, 104, 110, 236
Page 7 of 7

4-236 1st Law for Open System: Turbine

Given: Steam enters a turbine at 10 MPa and 550 C with a velocity of 60 m/s, and leaves at 25 kPa
with a quality of 95 %. Heat loss of 30 kJ/kg occurs in the turbine. The inlet and exit areas of
the turbine are 150 cm and 1400 cm, respectively.
Find: a) mass flow rate of the steam, b) exit velocity, and c) power output of the turbine.
At the inlet, we have superheated steam at 10 MPa and 550 C. v1 =
0.03564 m3/kg and h1 = 3500.9 kJ/kg.
At the exit, we have saturated mixture at 25 kPa and x2 = 0.95. At 25
kPa, vf = 0.001020 m3/kg, vg = 6.204 m3/kg, hf = 271.93 kJ/kg, and
hfg = 2346.3 kJ/kg.

heat loss

v2 = vf + x2(vg vf ) = 0.001020 + 0.95(6.204 0.001020)

= 5.894 m3/kg.
h2 = hf + x2hfg = 271.93 + 0.95(2346.3) = 2500.92 kJ/kg.
a) The mass flow rate is round using the velocity at inlet:
60 (0.015 )
m& = 1 1 =
= 25.25 kg/s.
b) The velocity at the exit is:
V2 =

m& v 2
25.25 5.894
= 1063.03 m/s.

The First Law for the turbine, with PE = 0, is:

V 2 V 12
Q& = m& h 2 h1 + 2

+ W&

V 2 V 12
W& = Q& m& h 2 h1 + 2


= m& q h h + V 2 V1

1063 .03 2 60 2
= 25 .25 30 2500 .92 3500 .9 +


= 10271 kJ/s, or 10.27 MW.

Note: q is negative because it is heat loss. Factor of 1000 is needed in the KE term to put the
units in kJ.

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