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A kinematic stacks quiz was administered earlier in the year.

I had gotten a 3/10 on this quiz,

dropping my grade a considerable amount. In the weeks following, I was able to develop a full
understanding of how to complete this quiz. I was able to understand how each graph relates to
each other, and how to create a graph out of another. 2 weeks later, I sent my teacher an email,
explaining my concern for my affected grade; I also explained that two weeks ago when I took
the quiz, I did not understand how to relate the graphs, but that I had understood how to do it
then. He told me that I could retake the quiz if I wished or I could use a worksheet and turn it in
as a replacement for the quiz. The worksheet was very similar to the original quiz that was
taken, so I was able to resubmit the worksheet as a quiz grade. When I redid the worksheet, I
had gotten an 8/10 which promptly raised my grade.

I found this to be a pertinent life skill because I was able to ask for what I was looking for and
have a second chance to raise my grade. I took my education into my own hands and was able to
get my grade up because I asked my teacher for a second chance on the quiz. A difficult concept
for some people to grasp, is that unless you ask for what you want, it will not be handed to you.
I knew that my test grade was not going to change on its own, so I asked my physics teacher to
let me retake it.

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