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Detergent- a water-soluble cleansing agent that combines with impurities

and dirt to make them more soluble and differs from soap in not forming a
scum with the salts in hard water.

Medicine is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and

prevention of disease. The word medicine is derived from Latin
medicus, meaning "a physician".

Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance

its taste and appearance. Some additives have been used for centuries; for
example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon,
preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as with wines

Soap- a substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of
a compound of natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or another
strong alkali, and typically having perfume and coloring added.

A preservative is a substance that is added to products such as

foods, pharmaceuticals, paints, biological samples, wood, beverages
etc. to prevent decomposition by microbial growth or by undesirable
chemical changes.

Antiseptic are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living

tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.

Pesticides are substances meant for attracting, seducing, and then

destroying, or mitigating any pest.

Disinfectants are antimicrobial agents that are applied to

non-living objects to destroy microorganisms that are living on
the objects.

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