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Coordinate Conversion in MapInfo - HOWTO

by Bill Thoen
Jan, 2003

You can easily transform a set of coordinates from one coordinate

system to another with MapInfo. Let's assume you're starting with a
table containing just a list of Latitude/Longitude coordinates. If
you're starting with a table that has point objects already, you can
skip the "Create Points" step.
Table Structure Modification
Use the Table/Maintenance/Table Structure menu option. Then modify
the table's structure and add two more attributes: X_Coord and
Y_Coord. You can name them anything you wish, but they should be of
type "Float" to preserve as much precision as possible. You also
need to make the table mappable, so mark the "Table is mappable"
checkbox if it's not already marked.
Create Points
If your table does not yet contain any point objects, these you must
create them from the coordinates already in your table. Choose the
Table/Create Points menu option. On the Create Points dialog, choose
appropriate values for point symbol, X and Y columns (remembering
that X is longitude and Y is Latitude). If your coordinates are not
latitude and longitude values, then also be sure to click on the
Projection button and set the correct coordinate system to match
your coordinates. Then press OK and create your points.
Converting Coordinate Values
Now we're ready to perform the coordinate conversion. The first step
is to set MapInfo's internal coordinate system to what we want for
our output coordinates. To do this, we will need to enter the
correct "Set Coordsys..." command into the MapBasic window, so open
the MapBasic window (use Options/Show MapBasic window.) Then open
the map window containing your points. Choose Map/Options and on the
Map Options dialog, click the Projection button and set the
coordinate system to the one desired. When you press OK a long
complicated command will appear in the MapBasic window.
Now go the MapBasic window and remove all the words in that command
between "Set" and "Coordsys" leaving just a space between these
words. With the cursor anywhere on that line, press Enter. Nothing
will appear to have changed, but don't worry about that; MapInfo's
internal coordinate system has just been changed.
Next, choose the Table/update column menu option. Make sure the
table to update is the one into which you want to write your output
coordinates. Set "Column to update" to your X_Coord column; "Get
value from table" should be the same table; and for Value, click the
Assist button and from the Functions drop-down pick
"CentroidX(obj)." Then click OK and your X values will be output. Do
the same for Y_Coord (using the function value CentroidY(obj) this
time) and you should now have a set of converted coordinates in your
output columns.

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