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Las tareas del hogar en ingles y espaol son :

tidy up : recoger
clear the table : limpiar la mesa
set (lay) the table : poner la mesa
tidy the room : ordenar tu habitacin
wash the dishes : lavar los platos
take out the rubbish: sacar la basura
walk the dog : pasear al perro
make the bed : hacer la cama
clean the bathroom : limpiar el bao
feed the dog : alimentar al perro
dust the furniture : quitar el polvo
do the washing : hacer la colada
iron : planchar
Iron : Planchar
Vacuum : Aspirar
Sweep : Barrer
Hang : Colgar
Dry : Secar
Fold : Doblar, plegar la ropa
Scrub : Fregar, cepillar, restregar
Do the shopping : Hacer la compra
shake the carpets : sacudir las alfombras
Polish : Pulir, sacar brillo a algo
Wipe : Limpiar, secar
Dust : Sacudir el polvo
Dress the children : Vestir a los nios
To do the cleaning : Hacer la limpieza
Steam iron : Plancha de vapor
To do the washing : Hacer la colada
To do the shopping : Hacer la compra
In the kitchen (A) Other rooms (A) Outside (A)
sweep the floor (A) answer the phone/door (A) check the mail(box) (A)
vacuum the floor (A) get the phone/door (A) hang out the clothes (A)
mop the floor (A) open the door/window (A) sweep the porch (A)
scrub the floor (A) close/shut the door (A) cut the grass (A)
set the table (A) wash the windows (A) mow the lawn (A)
clear the table (A) pick up the toys (A) water the flowers (A)
wipe off the table (A) clean up your room (A) turn on the sprinklers (A)
put the food away (A) clean up this mess (A) trim the hedges (A)
wash the dishes (A) make the bed (A) weed the garden (A)
rinse the dishes (A) move the furniture (A) fix the roof (A)
dry/wipe the dishes (A) dust the shelves (A) shovel the snow (A)
clean the sink (A) clean the tub (A) scrape the windshield (A)
take out the garbage/trash (A) do the laundry (A) wax the car (A)

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