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Name __________________________________________________ Date________________

Unit 1, Chapter 2: Developing a Visual Vocabulary

The Principles of Design

1. Composition is the combination of _______________ into a ___________________.

In a well composed design, element of art work ___________________________.

2. Unity can be defined as ___________________________________________________ and

make the elements seem as if they ____________________________.

Variety can be defined as ___________ and makes the composition more ______________.

What principles of design add to the unity of an artwork?

What principles of design add variety of an artwork?

3. Contrast refers to the arrangement of ______________ elements, and can be used to

emphasize a ____________________.
List 4 examples of relationships that show contrast.

4. Balance is the visual distribution of ____________in a composition. A balanced

composition will feel _______________.
The three types of balances are ___________________, ______________________, and
Symmetrical Balance
Complete the images below to create the correct balance
Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance Radial Balance

Create your own balanced compositions according to balance.

Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance Radial Balance

Asymmetrical Balance
Add the correct shape to balance the elements
5. Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all ________ (________________) relate
well with each other. Artist may use _________ or ___________ proportion.
Hierarchical Proportion is a technique when an artist uses __________ (size) to depict the
relative _____________ of a figure in the artwork.

6. Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewers ____________________, and
can be used to strengthen a ___________________. You can use __________________,
_________________, __________________, or ______________________ to emphasize a
focal point.

7. Movement is the _________ the viewers eye takes through the work of Art, usually to the
_________________. Paths can be created through _______________ and _____________.

8. Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used _________ to create a
feeling of ___________________________.

9. Pattern is the ________________ of a visual element (shape) over an extended area.

Patterns are based on a _______________.

Create a Pattern. Change one thing about the pattern in order to create a pattern.
Repetition (Pattern) Rhythm (change just one thing: color, size, shape)

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