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HYSYS Workbook Dump Utility version 3.

0, User Guide
James Martin, AEA Technology, Hyprotech, UK Technical Support
27th February 2001
1 Introduction
Produces a copy in Excel of the data that is being displayed in the current HYSYS workbook.
Workbook Dump has been fully tested in versions 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.1 of HYSYS but
should also work with previous and future versions. (See section 5 for information when
using Workbook Dump with HYSYS versions other than 2.4.1). Workbook Dump was
written using, and fully tested in, Microsoft Excel 97. Its use in Excel 2000 has not been
fully tested at the time of writing.
1.1 Changes for version 2.0
Keeps the units that are currently in use in HYSYS (ver 2.2+). Now lists the units in a
separate column, not with the data. Easier customisation of output.
1.2 Changes for version 3.0
Allows the user to select which flowsheet in the currently active case is reported. The
Workbook Dump worksheet page retains its functionality when copied within (but not
outside) the Workbook Dump Excel file.
2 Installation
No installation is required, simply copy the Excel spreadsheet file WorkbookDump.xls to a
convenient location and double click it to open it in Excel.
3 Important Note
This Automation application has been created by Hyprotech Technical Support as an example
of what can be achieved through the object architecture of HYSYS. The application is
provided for academic purposes only and as such is not part of Hyprotech's normal QA
procedures. We strongly encourage users to check results carefully and use the facility
accordingly. Please report any problems encountered through the normal support channel at
4 Usage
In HYSYS open the required workbook page within the flowsheet, then pick the correct
flowsheet and press the Dump Workbook button on the spreadsheet. If the required
flowsheet is not displayed in the list, press the Refresh Flowsheet List button to update it.
4.1 Customising Output - Advanced
Many of aspects of the Workbook Dump output can be customised by editing the constants
defined at the beginning of the Visual Basic code. To see these, go to the VBA editor. (Tools
Macro Visual Basic Editor, or press Alt + F11), double click on modCode in the tree at
the left-hand side.

HYSYS Workbook Dump Utility version 3.0, User Guide 1 of 2

5 Troubleshooting / Using different HYSYS versions
When linking Excel to HYSYS, the HYSYS type library must be correctly referenced to
allow Excel to access HYSYS objects. As supplied the spreadsheet is set up with a link to
HYSYS version 2.4.1. If a different version of HYSYS is in use then Excel may report errors
like: Method or Data Member not found, Type Mismatch, or RPC errors. These can often
be solved by re-referencing the HYSYS type library. The procedure to do this is as follows:
Close WorkbookDump.xls and Excel if it is open
Open and close the version of HYSYS that is to be used
Reopen WorkbookDump.xls
Go to the VBA editor. (Tools Macro Visual Basic Editor, or press Alt + F11)
In the VBA editor go to Tools References
If HYSYS #.# Type Library (where #.# is the version of HYSYS being used) is checked
uncheck it and press OK, then go to Tools References again
Find HYSYS #.# Type Library in the list, check it, press OK and close the VBA editor.

Note that the HYSYS 2.4(.1) type library still reports itself as being the HYSYS 2.2 type
library however it will be located in the HYSYS 2.4(.1) directory.

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