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Acknowledgments xvii
Preface xix

GIS Tutorial 1 Introduction 1

Open a map document 2
Launch ArcMap
Open an existing map
Work with map layers 4
Turn a layer on
Turn a layer off
Add a layer
Change a layers display order
Change a layers color
Change a layers outline color
Zoom and pan 9
Zoom In
Fixed Zoom In
Zoom Out
Fixed Zoom Out
Full Extent
Go Back to Previous Extent
Go to Next Extent
Use the Magnifier window 12
Open the Magnifier window
Magnifier properties
Use the Overview window 14
Open the Overview window
Create spatial bookmarks 16
Measure distances 17
Measure the horizontal distance of Colorado
Change distance measurements
Identify features 19
Identify various U.S. states
Identify various U.S. cities
Use more Identify tool capabilities
Select features 21
Select button
Select multiple features
Clear selected features
Selection color
Change selection symbol
Set selectable layers
vi Contents

GIS Tutorial 1 Introduction (continued)

Find features 25
Work with feature attribute tables 27
Open the table of the US Cities layer
Show the connection between layers and tables
Show only selected records
Clear selections
Select more than one record from the table
Zoom to selected feature
Switch selections
Clear selections
Sort a field
Move a field
Label features 33
Set label properties
Label features
Remove labels
Get statistics
Save a map using relative paths 36
Absolute path names
Relative path names
Saving layers as relative path names
Save the project and exit ArcMap
Assignment 1-1 Evaluate U.S. housing statistics 38
Assignment 1-2 Facilitate the Erin Street crime watch 39
Contents vii

GIS Tutorial 2 Map Design 41

Create choropleth maps 42

Open a map document
Add a layer to the view
Change a layers name
Select a census attribute to display state population
Create group layers 46
Add a group layer to the map
Add a layer to the group
Change the symbology for states
Select a census attribute to display county population
Saving layer files
Adding group layers
Removing group layers
Set threshold scales for dynamic display 52
Set a visible scale based on the current scale
Set a maximum scale based on the current scale
Clear a layers visible scale
Set a minimum visible scale for a specific layer
Set a maximum visible scale for a specific layer
Create choropleth maps using custom attribute scales 57
Create custom classes in a legend
Manually change class values
Manually change class colors and hues
Create pin (point) maps 62
Create a pin map of U.S. cities by population
Create a pin map based on a feature query 64
Create a new map
Add data to the map
Create ground polygons
Display a queried subset of Pennsylvania cities
Change the layers name and symbol
Add Pennsylvanias state capital city
Change the layers name and symbol
Add hyperlinks 70
Create a dynamic hyperlink
Launch the hyperlink
Display MapTips 72
Assignment 2-1 Create map showing schools in the city of Pittsburgh by enrollment 73
Assignment 2-2 Create map showing K12 population versus school enrollment 74
viii Contents

GIS Tutorial 3 GIS Outputs 77

Explore interactive GIS 78

Open a map document
Produce print layouts 81
Choose a built-in layout template
Set up and customize the template page
Create a custom map template and map series 84
Start a new map
Complete the new map project
Set up the layout view
Set up guidelines in the layout view
Add elements
Use custom template for a new map
Create a custom map template for multiple maps 90
Create a new map
Add elements
Add reports to a layout 92
Open a map document
Make a selection of records
Start the report
Finish the report
Add the report to a layout
Add final touches to the layout
Add graphs to a layout 97
Open an existing map
Select records for graphing
Create a graph in ArcMap
Export data
Import data into Microsoft Excel 2007
Create a graph in Microsoft Excel
Add the Microsoft Excel graph to the layout
Export layouts as files 102
Generate other outputs 103
Assignment 3-1 Create a layout comparing elderly and young populations in
Orange County, California 104
Assignment 3-2 Create a walking map of historic districts in
downtown Pittsburgh 105
Contents ix

GIS Tutorial 4 Geodatabases 107

Build a personal geodatabase 108

Start a map document
Launch ArcCatalog
Create an empty geodatabase
Import shapefiles
Import a data table
Add layers to ArcMap
Change layer properties
Modify a personal geodatabase 114
Examine and modify layer attribute tables
Modify a primary key
Calculate a new column
Join tables 118
Join a table to a map
Symbolize a map
Aggregate data 122
Examine tables to join
Join tables
Extract a subset of points
Spatially join point and polygon layers
Count points by polygon ID
Join a count table to a polygon map
Symbolize the choropleth map
Symbolize the point map for zooming
Export data from a personal geodatabase 132
Export a table from a personal geodatabase
Export a layer from a personal geodatabase
Use ArcCatalog utilities 134
Copy and paste geodatabase layers
Rename and delete geodatabase layers
Compact a geodatabase
Assignment 4-1 Compare municipal tax compositions 136
Assignment 4-2 Compare youth population and total school enrollment 138
x Contents

GIS Tutorial 5 Importing Spatial and Attribute Data 141

Explore sources of maps and data 142

ESRI Web site
Geography Network
Add data from the Geography Network to a map document
Save the map
Census TIGER/Line Data
Download census tracts and data for a county
Extract files
U.S. Census Bureau
American FactFinder
Create and download American FactFinder data tables
Learn vector spatial data formats 156
Add a coverage to ArcMap
Convert a coverage to a shapefile
Add a shapefile in ArcMap
Interchange (.e00) files
Convert interchange file to coverage
Annotation layers
Use annotation layer
CAD files
Add a CAD file as a layer for display
Add a CAD file as a layer for edit and analysis
Export shapefiles to CAD
Copy the shapefile to the root directory
XY event files
Identify and change projections 172
World projections
Change the maps projection to Mercator
Change the maps projection to Hammer-Aitoff and then to Robinson
Projections of the USA
Use the Albers equal area conic projection
Assign a projection to a shapefile
State Plane coordinate system
Look up a State Plane Zone for a county
UTM coordinate system
Look up a UTM Zone
Set the coordinate projection for the map
Examine metadata 182
Open a map document
Open a metadata file
View attribute data 185
Add and open .dbf (dBASE) files
Add and open comma-delimited .csv files
Add and open Microsoft Access tables
Assignment 5-1 Create a map of Maricopa County, Arizona, votingdistricts, schools, and
voting-age population using data downloaded from the ESRI Web site 188
Assignment 5-2 Create maps of Florida counties and census data using data downloaded from the Census
Bureau Web site 190
Contents xi

GIS Tutorial 6 Digitizing 193

Digitize and edit a polygon layer 194

Create a new polygon shapefile
Open a map document
Add the shapefile to a map
Open the Editor toolbar
Practice digitizing a polygon
Practice editing a polygon
Move vertex points
Add vertex points
Delete vertex points
Advanced Edit tools
Specify a segment length
Edit tasks
Adding other graphics
Digitize the commercial zone polygons
Add feature attribute data
Label the commercial zones
Digitize a point layer 208
Create a point layer for evacuation shelters
Add evacuation shelter points
Add a name field to the EvacShelter attribute table
Add name attributes to the EvacShelter records
Digitize a line layer 212
Create a line shapefile for an evacuation route
Change the line symbol for the evacuation route
Prepare area for digitizing and start editing
Digitize by snapping to features
Save your edits and the map
Spatially adjust features 218
Add aerial photos to a map
Adjust the transparency values of the aerial photos
Add a building outline
Move the building
Rotate the building
Transform the building to the aerial photo
Add displacement links
Edit displacement links
Adjust the building
Assignment 6-1 Digitize police beats 227
Assignment 6-2 Use GIS to track campus information 229
xii Contents

GIS Tutorial 7 Geocoding 233

Geocode data by ZIP Code 234

Open the Pennsylvania ZIP Code map
Add the FLUX Attendee data file
Build address locators for ZIP Codes
Specify a reference table (ZIP Codes)
Add address locator to map
Batch match
Prepare table for geocoding
Review unmatched ZIP Codes
Fix and rematch ZIP Codes
Geocode to streets 245
Prepare data and street maps 246
Create an address locator for streets
Specify a reference table (streets)
Create address locator
Add address locator to a map
Interactively locate addresses 251
Show address on map
Perform batch geocoding 254
Prepare table for geocoding
Correct addresses using interactive rematch
Match interactively
Correct street layer addresses 258
Open a map document
Create a new address locator
Geocode clients addresses to CBD streets
Identify and isolate streets for unmatched address
Identify and isolate unmatched streets
Modify the attributes of CBDStreets
Use alias tables 265
Add an alias table and rematch addresses
Assignment 7-1 Geocode household hazardous waste participants to ZIP Codes 267
Assignment 7-2 Geocode ethnic businesses to Pittsburgh streets 268
Contents xiii

GIS Tutorial 8 Spatial Data Processing 271

Use data queries to extract features 272

Open a map document
Use the Select By Attributes dialog box
Show selected features and convert to shapefile
Use the ArcMap Select Features tool
Clip features 276
Use the Select By Location dialog box
Show selected features and convert to shapefile
Clip the Manhattan streets
Dissolve features 280
Open a map document
Dissolve ZIP Codes using command line
Append layers 284
Open a map document
Create an empty polygon layer for appending
Append several shapefiles into one shapefile
Union layers 287
Open a map document
Union shapefiles
Run multiple operations with ModelBuilder 290
Open a map document
Create a new model
Add a Join operation to the model
Connect PATracts layer to Add Join tool
Add a Clip operation to the model
View and run the model
Display the new shapefile
Assignment 8-1 Build a study region for Colorado counties 299
Assignment 8-2 Dissolve property parcels to create a zoning map 301
xiv Contents

GIS Tutorial 9 Spatial Analysis 303

Buffer points for proximity analysis 304

Open a map document
Buffer bars
Extract assault offenses in bar buffers
Conduct a site suitability analysis 308
Open a map document
Add X and Y columns to car beats
Compute car beat centroids
Map car beat centroids
Buffer car beat centroids
Buffer retail businesses
Select major streets
Buffer major streets
Intersect buffers
Apportion data for noncoterminous polygons 318
Open a map document
Approach to apportionment
The math of apportionment
Preview of apportionment steps
Create Tract ID and AGE22Plus fields in the attributes of block centroids
Sum Age22Plus by tracts
Intersect car beats and tracts
Overlay the intersection of car beats and tracts with block centroids
Join the summary attributes to the spatial join output
Compute apportionment weights
Compute apportionment values
Sum weights by tract
Sum undereducated by car beats
Join Sum_UnderEducated to the car beat layer
Map undereducated population by car beat
Wrap up
Assignment 9-1 Analyze population in California cities at risk for earthquakes 335
Assignment 9-2 Analyze neighborhood walking distances and perform urban grocery
store site selection 337
Contents xv

GIS Tutorial 10 ArcGIS 3D Analyst 341

Load ArcGIS 3D Analyst Extension 342

Launch ArcMap
Add 3D Analyst extension
Add 3D Analyst toolbar
Create 3D scenes 344
Launch ArcScene
Add topo layer
Create a TIN from contours 346
Create a TIN (triangulated irregular network)
Navigate 3D view
Zoom to TIN
Zoom to extents
Turn soft edges off
Change TIN color
Drape features onto a TIN 352
Add curbs data
Drape curbs
Create 3D buildings 354
Add buildings data
Drape buildings to TIN and extrude buildings
Set observer and target locations 356
Zoom in and out
Set observer location
Navigate and zoom
Center view on target location and observer
Fly through a scene 360
Create multiple views 361
Save the 3D scene
Add 3D effects 362
Add 3D Effects toolbar
Create transparency effect
Save the 3D scene
Create animations 364
Add animation toolbar
Record an animation
Play an animation
Save an animation
Export an animation to video
Load an animation
Use 3D symbols 367
Add trees layer
Display points as 3D trees
Perform a line-of-sight analysis 371
Start a map document
Add tin
Create a line of sight
Explore ArcGlobe 373
Launch ArcGlobe
Add and display vector data
Save the ArcGlobe document
Assignment 10-1 Develop a 3D presentation for downtown historic-site evaluation 375
Assignment 10-2 Perform a 3D analysis of conservatory building addition 377
xvi Contents

GIS Tutorial 11 ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 379

Examine raster basemap layers 380

Open a map document
Examine raster map layer properties
Create a raster mask 382
Process a raster layer with mask 384
Convert a TIF image to a grid
Set ArcToolbox environment
Extract land use using mask
Create a hillshade raster layer 388
Add Spatial Analyst toolbar and set its options
Create hillshade for elevation
Add contrast to hillshade
Make a kernel density map 391
Open a map document and examine environmental settings
Make a density map for heart attack incidence
Extract raster value points 395
Calculate predicted heart attacks
Create scatter plot of actual versus predicted heart attacks
Conduct a site suitability study 398
Open a map document
Convert buffer to a raster layer
Calculate a simple query
Calculate a compound query
Build a model for risk index 403
Open a map document
Create a new toolbox and model
Create a kernel density layer for an input
Create a kernel density layer for a second input
Create a raster algebra expression for the index
Run the model
Create a poverty contour layer
Assignment 11-1 Create a mask and hillshade for suburbs 414
Assignment 11-2 Determine heart attack fatalities outside of hospitals in
Mount Lebanon by gender 416

Appendix A Data License Agreement 419

Appendix B Installing the Data and Software 423
Appendix C Data Source Credits 431

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