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AVID 10 Semester One Reflection

1. Are you happy or satisfied with your 1st Semester Grades? Why or why not? Explain. Use
intelligent complete thoughts in complete sentences.

I am not happy with my grades. I know I can do better than straight Cs and having the grades
I got is embarrassing. Everyone expects better from me and I have to meet them.

2. If your dream job called to check on your attendance and tardies for this semester, what
would the school say? Would you get the job if it was based only on attendance and
punctuality? Why or why not?

If my dream job were to call and check on my attendance and tardies for this semester, they
would not hire me. I was very irresponsible and it shows. My dream job would not tolerate
any of this and they would choose someone better and someone who can be there when
needed. Being there on time and constantly is very important anywhere. No matter what job.
It shows maturity and responsibility.

3. Identify 3 important things that you did during semester one that helped you be
successful in something you accomplished.
Use single word identifiers and then explain what they mean and how
each one created some success in whatever you did.

Kept telling myself the consequences - That was my motivation. It scared me. I could NOT
have any Ds whatsoever. I can't have Cs either but its passing.
I did as much as I could - I hung in there
Time Management - Manage my time alot better

4. Identify 3 things that really hindered your success during semester one.
Again, give each one a name or characteristic and explain why you think
this happened and what you will do differently this semester to change course.

Punctuality is key for me right now. This plays a part in both my schoolwork and me as a
person. Attending places on time, turning in my homework when its due, and doing my
homework asap to not stress it out.
5. Which items in the checklist below will help you improve your grades for 2 nd semester?

Check all that apply:

Do my homework when it is given
Turn in my completed homework on time
Stay after school and ask the teacher for help when needed
Look for resources to help me with my classes
Be punctual and attend class every day
Come to class prepared with supplies every day
Attend after school tutoring or study groups
Check Aeries at least once a week to track my progress
Ask my counselor/Advisor for additional help and/or community resources
Use a planner to keep track of assignments
Keep an organized binder of handouts and assignment for each class
Get sufficient rest and nutritious food to be able to function well at school
Have a quiet place to study with no distractions (such as: music, TV, video
phone, etc)

6. Write a plan of what you will do this semester--either the same or different--in order to
improve or maintain your G.P.A. --List in 3 to 5 steps


2. Ask for help when needed
3. Study harder

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