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Enriquez, Rachel DJ.

PHILMAN (Task Performance)

Why is man considered the Crown of

In my point of view, we, human, are considered as
the Crown of Creation for God made us in his own image
and likeness. God gave us Creativity and said Go forth
and multiply. He gave us abilities that other creation
doesnt have. He gave us the ability to think we are
educated rather than trained. He gave us the ability to
feel. He gave us the ability to decide and to
We, human, know whats right and wrong. Were
capable of thinking and deciding onto what were going to
do next if itd be right or wrong. Of all Gods creation
were given the crown to rule and take care of the other
creations. He didnt give us the crown to ruin his creation
but to nourish and to take care of it.
With that, we will successfully preserve Gods
creation and not turn it into a waste.
Singson, Jhon Edrick R. DA401A

PHILMAN (Task Performance) 1/14/17

Explain Why Man is considered the Crown of Creation

We humans are unique and distinct in his existence. Man is the

Crown of Creation for we are the only created thing that was
made with Gods image and likeness. No other creature is like a
man we are one of a kind. Of all Gods creation, man is most like

God is the ultimate Creator, he gave us, human, the ability to

create life just like God does. We, humans are able to think. We
are able to think, gather and create ideas. God gave animals
instinct and they could learn with their experience. We have the
will. God gave us emotions, to feel. He gave us the ability to talk
so that we would be able to communicate.
With these given abilities we, humans surely are the crown of
creation. Not just to rule over the world but to protect other
creations that God made. We were given a task for we are the
capable of doing things that other creations cant.

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