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Student Name: Date: Age Group:

Purpose: Purpose:
Reason for
developing learning -As I was observing the children in my toddler
experience. This classroom, I noticed that the children were really
could be in response interested in building blocks. They enjoyed stacking
to an observation, things on top of one another, and making high
discussion with the towers.
site supervisor, -While observing another scenario, I noticed two
Ontario Curriculum children were helping each other sort shapes of
Objective, etc. different colours.
Observation -I also heard child a say to child b, lets build a
- Document what you tower!. I observed for about 10 minutes and
saw and heard noticed that they were really interested in this type
- Document non- of play, and were repeatedly stacking the shapes
one on top of another every time it collapsed.
(i.e., body
language, facial
expressions and
voice tone)
- Document in detail:
who, what, where,
and when
- Documentation
should be written
in past tense,
objective, and in
anecdotal format
Discussion According to elect cognition 4.9 sorting, educators
Document the should:
discussion between -Use simple open-ended questions that invite
you and your site responses that can be actions. Open ended
supervisor that led to questions allow the toddler to give a meaningful
the planning response, and when he can respond with actions, it
OR allows him to communicate his thinking even when
Curriculum he may not use his expressive language. (Early
Objective Learning for Every Child Today, 2007 p.40).
Describe the
curriculum objective
youre aiming to
through this
Learning I will be organizing a shape sorting activity for all
Experience the toddlers in my class. It will take place indoor
What are you during play time.
planning in response
to your purpose? 3 Objectives:
- Label your 1) The children will practice sorting shapes of
experience (e.g. different colours, and putting them onto the correct
Painting with cars). peg on the sorting board. (4.9). Throughout the
- What are your 3
activity, I will be asking them the shape of each
objectives for this
experience? (i.e. object as they place them on the peg.
What interests are (Early Learning for Every Child Today, 2007 p.40).
you extending? 2)The children will be able to use their fine motor
What strengths skills (5.2) when picking up the different sized
and opportunities shapes with their hands/fingers. They will also use
for growth are you different motor strategies to retrieve the objects.
(Early Learning for Every Child Today, 2007 p.41).
Please Note: You
should refer to 3) The children will be using their senses to feel the
appropriate objects as they place them on the peg. (5.3)
pedagogy to (Early Learning for Every Child Today, 2007 p.42).
support your
discussion around
strengths and
opportunities for
growth (e.g.
Who will be involved:
ELECT, How Does
Learning Happen,
Ontario FDK
Curriculum, etc).
Taking Place:
Describe the -In the classroom
experience: -On the table
- Who will be involved
in the experience? Materials:
- Where will the -Different coloured shapes
experience take
-Shape sorting board with pegs
place? (e.g.
Indoors or
outdoors? In the Implementation: I will be doing this activity with 5
dramatic centre, children at a time
the creative table,
etc). 1) The children will sit in a circle on the table
- List the materials 2) I will put the different shapes in an empty clear
and resources you
will use
- Describe the 3) The sorting board will be placed on the table next
implementation of to the empty container
the experience, 4) I will pass around the container of shapes around,
with a step by step and turn by turn the children will put ONE shape
description onto one of the pegs
- List and describe 2 5) Each child will get a turn until all of the shapes
are done.
strategies. How
will you use them?
Why have you 2 Teaching Strategies:
chosen these
strategies? 1) I will model the activity and teach the children
how to place the shapes on the pegs
2)I will ask the children to choose a different shape
every time they get a turn. This way they will learn
about each shape.

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