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I would like to express a deep sense of thanks & gratitude to my

project guide Mrs. Sangeeta Mam for guiding me immensely through the
course of the project. He always evinced keen interest in my work. His
constructive advice & constant motivation have been responsible for the
successful completion of this project.

My sincere thanks goes to Rev. Fr. Nelson Joseph, Our principal sir,
for his co-ordination in extending every possible support for the
completion of this project.

I also thanks to my parents for their motivation & support. I must

thanks to my classmates for their timely help & support for compilation of
this project.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all those who had helped
directly or indirectly towards the completion of this project.

Thanking You
Rohan Debroy
Class: XII Sci

1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. INTRODUCTION TO C++. . . . . . . . . . .
4. HEADER FILES USED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. CODING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. OUTPUT SCREENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C++ is a programming Language Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It

was originally named as C with classes, was renamed as C++ in 1983.It is
regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises both high-level
and low-level language features. Its application domains include systems
software, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-
performance server and client applications, and entertainment software
such as video games. C++ continues to be used and is one of the preferred
programming languages to develop professional applications.

The Features of C++ as a Language:-

C++.... an open source ISO-standardized language. a compiled language. C++ compiles directly to a machine's native

code, allowing it to be one of the fastest languages in the world, if

...supports both static and dynamic type checking. C++ allows type
conversions to be checked either at compile-time or at run-time, again
offering another degree of flexibility. portable. C++ has a wide range of compilers that run on many
different platforms that support it.

Computer-shop management System is a project which assist in keeping

the Record of whatever the sales from shop (whole seller), also it keep
track of remaining balance which due after selling the product. Through
this project we maintain the warranty given on particular products along
with complete information related to that product.

Computer-shop management System is software for store billing

management. Sell hardware systems components and accessories (keep
track of sold configurations, create system configuration, sell accessories
and computer components, supplying companys administration, and
many more...). Computer-shop management System is a windows based
billing software designed for uses in computer stores.


A computer shop management system sells various types of hardware and

software accessories such as Laptop, Antivirus and Keyboard etc. Its very
hard for the shopkeeper to remember their cost price and in what price
these items to be sold. As the market goes up and down for various
products daily, so there should be some proper medium through which
prices of these items can be changed frequently without any problem. This
computer shop management system will enable its users keep their
customers report secure, so that next time these customers when arrive to
their shop, do not have to enter their details again. Buyers will also able to
select products options while purchasing through computer screen and can
make their payment from that particular screen and pick up their materials
which they have selected at the pickup center within the shop.
Proposed System:

In this proposed computer shop management system all the requirements

has been added which makes the computer shopkeeper to perform all their
tasks by their own such as knowing details of daily transactions, preparing
balance sheet and knowing stock details of each products under their shop
by just one click. Each customers will have a unique bill id, customer id
and product id along with the description of product such as model
number, name, number of quantities, price of each product, total price
along with the date and time. Each working member within the shop will
have unique id which will help the shopkeeper to know who has made
how much transaction in their shop. Customers will get a secure gateway
method by which they can make their payment using their credit and debit
card. To make bills and perform other transaction within the shop each
working member will have unique id and password. Using these id,
system will able to identify which person is having the admin
responsibility and which person has assigned which task that he or she can

1. FSTREAM.H for file handling, cin and cout.

2.PROCESS.H for exit() function.

3.CONIO.H for clrscr() & getch() functions.

4.STDIO.H for standard I/O operations.

5. STRING.H for string handling.

6. IOMANIP.H for setw() function.

7. DOS.H for delay and sleep function.

8. GRAPHICS.H for textcolor & textbackground.



1 Google

2 Wikipedia

3 Computer Science with C++ by Sumita Arora

4 Object Oriented Programming by Robert Lafore

5 Botskool

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