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Helen Muir

Chondrocytes are specialised cells which produce and maintain the extracellular
matrix of cartilage, a tissue that is resilient and pliant. In vivo, it has to withstand
very high compressive loads, and that is explicable in terms of the physico-
chemical properties of cartilage-specific macromolecules and with the movement
of water and ions within the matrix. The functions of the cartilage-specific
collagens, aggrecan (a hydrophilic proteoglycan) and hyaluronan are discussed
within this context. The structures of cartilage collagens and proteoglycans and
their genes are known and a number of informative mutations have been
identified. In particular, collagen fibrillogenesis is a complex process which can
be altered by mutations whose effects fit what is known about collagen molecular
structural functions. In other instances, mutations have indicated new functions
for particular molecular domains. As cartilage provides the template for the
developing skeleton, mutations in genes for cartilage-specific proteins often
produce developmental abnormalities. The search for mutations amongst such
genes in heritable disorders is being actively pursued by many groups, although
mutation and phenotype are not always well correlated, probably because of
compensatory mechanisms. The special nature of the chondrocyte is stressed in
connection with its cell involvement in osteoarthritis, the most widespread
disease of diarthrodial joints. 18 August 1995

Introduction surrounding chondrocytes is not uniform, as is evident from

The chondrocyte is a cell whose remarkable properties and newly introduced microscopic methods such as confocal
capabilities set it apart from other types of mesenchymal microscopy (see Fig. 5).
cell. The rounded, undistinguished appearance (Fig. 1) dis- The extracellular matrix of cartilage is a fibre-reinforced
guises a highly differentiated cell that is the sole architect of gel, which is beautifully structured in molecular terms for its
cartilage, a tissue which provides permanent flexible com- purpose and which is produced by surprisingly few cells.
ponents for the skeleton and which, importantly, also serves Indeed, the proportion of cells to matrix is much lower in car-
as a temporary template for skeletal structures during devel- tilage than in other tissues. For example, in adult human
opment. This article will address those aspects of chondro- femoral head cartilage there are only 10,000 cells/mm3().
cytes that are not shared by other types of cell and will con- Furthermore, irrespective of the size of a given animal, there
sider those structural molecules that are peculiar to is an inverse relationship between cell density and cartilage
cartilage, a tissue that has to be both pliant and resilient, thickness(*). As cartilage is avascular, its nutrition depends
and where the architecture of the extracellular matrix is cru- on diffusion from outside and this may limit the total number
cial to function at the molecular and organisational levels. of cells that can be sustained in a given volume(*).However,
Indeed, the spatial organisation of different macromolecules chondrocytes are remarkable in being able to exist under
very low oxygen tensions and, accordingly, they metabolise characteristic tripeptide sequence (gly-x-y) that forms a left-
glucose primarily by glycolysis to produce lactate(2).This handed helix. Three a-chains in each molecule are twisted
anaerobic pathway is preferentially maintained even under tightly into a right-handed helix to form a rope-like structure
aerobic conditions(3).Chondrocytes are well adapted by low that is stabilised by hydrogen bonds, while peptide bonds
oxygen consumption to conditions in cartilage where in are buried inside the helix (Fig. 2). Glycine, placed at every
deep layers oxygen tension may be as low as YO(^) com- third residue of the tripeptide sequence, is small enough to
pared with 24% in normal atmosphere. Anaerobic metab- occupy the crowded interior of the helix, while frequent other
olism provides for energy needs(5)and proteoglycan syn- amino acids are proline and hydroxyproline. Collagen pre-
thesis and, owing to anaerobic glycolysis, ATP levels are cursors or procollagens are synthesised with large C- and
unaffected by incubation under nitrogen or azide treatment, N-terminal extensions which, among other functions, are
whereas iodoacetate reduces ATP levels and lactate pro- involved in chain assembly necessary for triple helix forma-
duction markedly@). tion. These extension pro-peptides are cleaved by specific
Chondrocytes, whose prime function is to produce the procollagen peptidases after secretion but prior to fibril for-
matrix of cartilage, are mesenchymal cells that differentiate mation. Collagen fibrils are further stabilised by cross links
during development, but after growth has ceased there is no that involve lysine residues. Fibrillar collagen, which is the
detectable cell division in healthy adult articular cartilage(). biologically functional form, results from a series of post-
Articular chondrocytes are thus normally long-lived cells translational modifications,both intra- and extracellular,that
that survive as long as their owners. The metabolic state of require a number of specific and non-specific enzymes. The
arrested cell division breaks down, however, whenever the formation of fibrils is an entropy-driven process which is not
integrity of the collagen network is compromised, as hap- fully understood. Fibres grow to a uniform thickness by
pens in the vicinity of lesions in osteoarthritis where cells accretion of single molecules in solution. Mutations that
appear to have divided anew, albeit rather slowly. affect any step of fibril formation are likely to be detrimental
Although cartilage is not confined to diarthroidial joints, and usually result in some sort of aberrant phenotype, illus-
articular cartilage has received most attention as arthritis trating the crucial importance of correct fibril formation to
and joint abnormalities cause widespread disability. The proper development of cartilage.
physicochemical properties and biomechanical function of Amongst the many different collagens that are known, fib-
articular cartilage are considered in this article in relation to rillar type I1 collagen is specific to cartilage and is a marker of
the structure and function of matrix structural proteins, and chondrocyte differentiation. What makes it an essential con-
also to their molecular biology, where recent work on stituent of cartilage? Type I and type I1 collagen molecules
mutations has provided new insight into function, as in many are rather similar in structure and pyridinoline cross links
cases natural mutations are found to affect function. between fibrils are formed by both types of collagen. Their
fibril morphology is somewhat different, however. In cartilage
the fibrils of type II collagen are thinner than those of type I
Collagen properties and the biomechanics of cartilage fibrils found in other tissues. Fibrillogenesis of type II and
Articular cartilage has to be resilient to compression, yet pli- type I collagens have been compared in vitro under con-
ant and undergo limited deformation in order to distribute ditions resembling those in vivo, using procollagen pepti-
compressive forces more widely in the joint. Within joint car- dase to cleave extension propeptides. Fibrils formed from
tilage compressive forces are transient but can be very high, type II collagen are thinner than those from type I collagen
and rise from 1-2 atmospheres when unloaded(8)to 100-
200 atmospheres on standing, and cycle between 40-50
atmospheres when walking(g).It is surprising therefore that
articular cartilage is 70-80% water(lO)and it is the water,
ions and proteoglycans within the collagenous network
which endow cartilage with its load-bearing properties
(reviewed by Urban()). Collagen accounts for the major
proportion of the dry weight of articular cartilage (50-90%),
which is highest at the surface and, owing to the intrinsic
tendency of cartilage to swell (see below), collagen is under
constant tension. The physical condition of the collagen fib-
rils is therefore crucially important. Decrease in the tensile
stiffness of osteoarthritic cartilage(12)results in increased
water content and softer cartilage(), with separation of col- Fig. 1. Chondrocyte from pig articular cartilage (metacarpal phalangeal joint);
transmission electron micrograph (~13,500). Fixation was in 2%
lagen fibres(13). glutaraldehyde containing ruthenium hexamine trichloride (RHT), followed by
Collagens are extended extracellular proteins composed osmium tetroxide, dehydration in an ethanol series and embedding in Araldite
of three polypeptide chains (a-chains), each possessing a resin (reproduced from ref. 78, courtesy of Dr R. Young).
and of different morphology. The free energy change is lower molecular topography of articular cartilage suggests that
and fibril formation is slower than for type I collagen, so that mechanical forces have a strong influence.
the differences are intrinsic to each type of collagen(14).An Chondrocytes encapsulate themselves in basket-like net-
important difference is that type II collagen forms cross links works of fine fibrils of elaborate structure, each termed a
with type IX collagen, a minor collagen also specific to carti- chondron. These may be isolated intact and are found to
lage. The cross-linking sites and anti-parallel orientation of contain one or several chondrocytes. They are isolated
the molecules of each type of collagen have been estab- by controlled low speed homogenisation of cartilage, after
lished by partial degradation and peptide analysis(15)(Fig. 2). which most cells within the chondrons remain viable and
This orientation allows cross links to form between different incorporate 35S04(20). Chondrons appear to be com-
fibrils, these cross links tying them into an open meshwork of pression-resistant,fluid-filled bladders that dampen mechani-
fibres that permits limited but necessary deformation under cal, osmotic and physico-chemical changes induced by
compression, as has been observed when wet cartilage is dynamic loading. Their long axes are oriented parallel to the
compressed(16).Proteolytic attack by stromelysin, for exam- lines of force operating in situ. lmrnunolocalisation experi-
ple, which cleaves type IX collagen near cross-linking ments show that chondrons contain several constituents,
sites(15),can weaken the collagenous meshwork and allow includingtype VI, type I I and type IX collagens. Scanning con-
cartilage to swell, which is an early event in osteoarthritis. focal microscopy (Fig. 3) shows type IX collagen mainly in the
Collagen in articular cartilage is normally very long-lived(17) outer margins of the chondron capsule(21).That the formation
and as a consequence undergoes gradual changes and of chondrons is intrinsic and specific to chondrocytes is
decline in tensile strength with age(I8). suggested by the appearance of chondron-like structures
surroundingchondrocytesthat have been cultured for several
Matrix architecture weeks within alginate beads or in agarose(22).
The matrix of articular cartilage is far from uniform in mor-
phology or composition. The fibrillar network is oriented par-
allel to the surface and gradually becomes essentially per- The function of aggregating proteoglycans and the
pendicular with depth from the surface, compatible with the chondrocytes' environment
existence of fibrillar 'arcades' as suggested by Benning- The load bearing function of cartilage depends essentially on
hoff(2).Collagen fibres are thinner and more closely packed the properties of the large cartilage-specific proteoglycan,
towards the surface, where the collagen content is higher named aggrecan (Mr 1-4x106), which is immobilised in the col-
than in deeper layers. lagen network. It is a bottle brush structure with a core protein
Hyaluronan, another key component of the matrix, is an (Mr 220-225) to which are attached laterally along its length as
essential although minor constituent of cartilage, which is many as 100 chondroitin sulphate chains and 30 keratan sul-
produced by chondrocytes themselves. Particle exclusion phate chains (Fig. 4). Aggrecan belongs to the family of
assays show that chondrocytes have surface receptors for hyaluronan-binding proteins(23), recently termed hyaload-
hyaluronan of the same class of hyaloadherins as CD44(I9), herins, which are found in most parts of the body. Aggrecan
which are distinct from the HA-binding domains of aggrecan was the first one to be identified(24)and its binding properties
and link protein of cartilage, since hexasaccharides (HAG) described. The globular region that binds hyaluronan (GI in
rather than decasaccharides compete with hyaluronan. Fig. 4) is located towards the N-terminal end of the core pro-
Hyaluronan thus provides a gel to which chondrocytes are tein. It associates optimallywith a minimum length of 10 disac-
able to attach, as well as providing the central component of charides of hyal~ronan(*~), hence many proteoglycan mol-
aggregates. It has a general stabilising role as it also associ- ecules can bind to a single chain of hyaluronan with high
ates with other matrix constituents, which are present in car- affinity (KOapprox. M)(26)to form huge multimolecular
tilage but not exclusive to it, such as versican and type VI aggregates. Newly secreted aggrecan molecules, however,
collagen. How relatively few chondrocytes construct the have low affinity for hyaluronan and are processedslowly into
matrix of cartilage in all its complexity is not known, but the a high affinity form, both in vitro and in vim, where processing

Type 1X

Fig. 2. Schematic models of type II and type IX collagen b C N ,c
molecules in fibril showing antiparallel orientation and
Type II Type II
positions of cross links.
Fig. 3. Chondron clusters. Scanning confocal
image of chondrosarcoma chondron clusters
labelled with antibody to type IX collagen and
visualised with a FITC-conjugated 2nd antibody
and imaged in two optical sections by scanning
confocal microscopy. Differential phase contrast
image (green) merged with fluorescent image
(orange). The two images are contrasted by
artificial computer generated colours (~1000).
(Reproduced from ref. 79, by kind permission of
the authors and the publisher, Chapman & Hall

becomes slower with age(27).Such mechanisms, which prob- chondrocytes exist in a relatively acidic environment(lO)and
ably involve re-arrangement of disulphide bonds, would at a higher osmolarity (380 mOsm) than other types of cell
ensure that newly secreted molecules can diffuse away from (280 mOsm), but they are remarkably resilient cells and are
the cell before becoming immobilised by binding to the small usually cultured under conditions that are not normal for
amounts of hyaluronan in cartilage(28).The importance of them. When chondrocytes are isolated and placed in stan-
aggregation to retain aggrecan in the matrix is shown by the dard culture medium their extracellular environment changes
appearance of aggrecan molecules that are unable to bind sharply and they swell as they are exposed to abnormally low
hyal~ronan(~~) in the medium, both of cartilage organ cultures osmolarities (250-280 mOsm) and their 35S04and 3H-proline
and of chondrocytes cultured within alginate beads(22).Aggre- incorporation rate falls by 90% per cell. This change may be
gates throughout cartilage are further stabilised by interaction linked to changes in cell volume as synthesis rates can be
with the so-called link protein, which is a relatively small gly- partially restored within 30 minutes by addition of NaCl to
coprotein. It binds to aggrecan in stoichiometric proportions increase osmolarity optimally to that found in vivo, i.e. 350-
(1:l) and to a further segment of hyaluronan, thereby locking 400 m O ~ m ( ~ Under
). standard culture conditions chondro-
the three constituents together (Fig. 5 ) so that dissociation is cytes are also exposed to oxygen tensions much higher than
immeasurably The sites in aggrecan and link protein those in vivo and to a significantly higher pH. Moreover, their
that bind hyaluronan are similar but not identical looped struc- physical environment is constant, whereas in vivo they
tures. Aggrecan and link protein bind to each other via experience constantly changing osmotic and hydrostatic
immunoglobulin folds to form tertiary complexes with hyaluro- pressures (50-150 atmospheres) to which they respond
Such aggregates, consistingof perhaps 100 aggrecan directly. Mechanisms of mechanotransductionin these cells
molecules, are so large that they are immobilised in the col- are not yet understood, however(ll),in part becausethe influ-
lagen network. Since each aggrecan molecule is also highly ence of the matrix is so complex; studies using isolated chon-
sulphated, this creates a fixed negative charge within the net- drocytes are not entirely appropriate for that reason. Fluctuat-
work such that inorganic counter ions give rise to high osmotic ing loads stimulate sulphate incorporation, whereas static
pressures within the network. This explains why cartilage has loads inhibit it. Stimulation is influenced by frequency, ampli-
a tendency to swell, but this is resisted by the collagen network tude and wave forms of dynamic c o m p r e ~ s i o n ( ~and * ~ ~is~ )
which is therefore under constant tension, even in unloaded most pronounced in load-bearing areas(34).Hence there is
cartilage. High transient loads in articular cartilage are significant turnover of proteoglycans in vivo. The mean half
reversibly accommodated by changes in osmotic and hydro- life of cartilage in adult human articular cartilage is about 1000
static pressure when fluid is forced from loaded to unloaded days, as determined in vitro by isotopic labelling(lO),in con-
areas, while aggrecan remains immobilised within the col- trast with the extremely slow turnover of collagen in normal
lagen network provided it is intact and bound to hyaluronan. It cartilage estimated by racemizationof aspartic acid(7).
is on this that the load-bearing function of cartilage
depends( l). The structure of aggregates, however, makes
them vulnerable to proteases that attack the hyaluronan-bind- Normal genes of matrix proteins and the influence on
ing sites of aggrecan and link protein, while hyaluronan itself is function of some natural mutations
vulnerable to agents that generate oxygen free radicals. Even The structures of the genes of the principal structural con-
limited degradation of hyaluronan would reduce the size of stituents of cartilage are now established and valuable infor-
aggregates so that they would no longer be so effectively mation on function may therefore be deduced from the
immobilised within the collagen network. effects of natural mutations. In many cases phenotypes may
The Donnan equilibrium ensures that in cartilage in vivo, be explained by structural changes to the gene product.
However, others appear anomalous, suggesting that con- aggrecan accumulates in the ER and is not processed in the
stituents may function in conjunction with others rather than Golgi or secreted, and is removed by some apparently non-
in isolation. lysosomal mechanism. In contrast, the trafficking of type II
Table 1 shows those cartilage matrix proteins where collagen is The biological function of the C-termi-
known mutations affect function. nal globular region of aggrecan G3, which contains EGF-
like and CRP-like domains, is uncertain. The studies of
(1) Aggrecan nanomelic aggrecan strongly suggest that G 3 has a role in
The aggrecan gene is highly conserved and is similar in intracellular translocation.
man(35),rat(36)and mouse(37).It has 18 exons, where exons
3-9 encode the globular GI and G 2 domains. The G I con- (2) Link protein
tains the hyaluronan-bindingregion (HABR) (Fig. 4), but the Link protein, whose complete nucleotide sequence for the
function of G2 is not known, although it is structurally similar coding region has been determined(42),is co-expressed
to G I . One interesting mutant found in mouse cartilage with aggrecan and type II collagen during chondrogenesis.
matrix deficiency (cmd), an autosomal recessive condition, It is an essential constituent of cartilage but also occurs in
is caused by a 7 bp deletion in exon 5, which produces a diverse non-cartilaginous tissues, where link protein
truncated GI domain that cannot bind hyaluronan to form enhances and stabilises the interaction of HA-binding pro-
stable aggregates(37),although normal levels of link protein teoglycans with hyaluronan exactly as in cartilage(43).The
as well as type II collagen are produced. The severe pheno- size and amino acid sequence of link protein and the
type that results in homozygotes which die at birth and have hyaluronan-binding region of aggrecan are very similar(44),
short limbs and cleft palate, illustrates the function and as are their cDNA sequences. The N-terminal domains
importance of proteoglycanaggregation in development. As belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily (Ig fold)(23),
aggrecan cannot be immobilised in the collagen network of which includes CD44, the lymphocyte homing receptor. The
this mutant, due to defective G1, the matrix is deficient in human link protein gene has 5 e ~ o n s (and ~ ~ )the mRNA
proteoglycans. Heterozygotes, however, are normal in size sequence coding for the translated protein is invariant
and phenotype, presumably because sufficient functional between species so far investigated. Exon 3 codes for the
aggrecan is produced. Indeed, the deficient matrix of Ig-fold domain and exon 4 the PTR loop which binds
cmdlcmd chondrocytes can be corrected by adding normal hyaluronan. The untranslated regions 5' and 3' are encoded
exogenous aggrecan to the cultures(38). by exons 1 and 5, which vary in size between species. The
Nanomelia in chickens has a similar phenotype where translated product exists in three forms due to variation in
cartilage matrix is also deficient in prote~glycan(~~), but it is glycosylation and a specific protein cleavage, but all three
caused by an entirely different mutation that affects the C- products are functional. Both parts of the molecule that bind
terminal region of the aggrecan core protein. A single base respectively to hyaluronan and aggrecan, are essential in
mutation produces a stop codon which eliminates the G 3 stabilising aggregates, and the invariant amino acid compo-
globular domain and adjacent regions (see Fig. 4) to pro- sition suggests that there is no scope for variation without
duce a somewhat shortened core protein(40).The mutant loss of function. No mutations have so far been identified. If


- G3



Link Protein Keratan sulphate Chondroitin sulphate

Fig. 4. Schematic molecular models of aggregating proteoglycan and link protein of cartilage modified from ref. 23.G1, hyaluronan binding region (HABr); G2,
unknown function; G3, intracellular trafficking.
(i) Type I1 collagen
Most work has focused on type I I collagen, the principal col-
lagen formed by chondrocytes. It is a homotrimer, whose
rope-like fibrils of low extensibility endow cartilage with
great tensile strength. The type II collagen gene, like that of
type I collagen, is a multiexon gene. Alternative splicing
gives rise to two forms; in type IIA exon 2 is present, which
codes for a cysteine-rich domain in the procollagen
aminopeptide. Exon 2 is absent from the type IIB collagen
gene(46).Transcripts of type IIA are expressed predomi-
nantly in non-chondrogenic tissues, but also in regions of
potential cartilage development(47),while chondrogenic
commitment is marked by expression of type llB mRNA.
Triple helical collagen molecules are stable if folded cor-
rectly, when they form fibrils spontaneously by precise lat-
eral aggregation. Imperfect folding interferes with fibril for-
mation, which in turn affects skeletal development and
normal function. Owing to the complexity of the type II col-
lagen gene there are many possibilities for mutations to
occur, some of which may interfere with fibril formation and
stability to a greater or lesser extent. Attempts have been
made to link rare and even common skeletal diseases or
abnormalities with changes in the gene. Natural or experi-
mental mutations that affect triple helix formation are detri-
Fig. 5. Proteoglycan aggregation. (A) Schematic diagram involving the
interaction of proteoglycan monomers and link protein (1 :1 stoichiometry) mental, depending on where the mutation has occurred and
with a chain of hyaluronan. (6) Electron micrograph of proteoglycan whether the mutant gene product interfereswith the function
aggregate spread and visualised by the Kleinschmidt technique. Each arm of normal endogenous collagen. However, severity
represents one proteoglycan molecule (~60,000). By courtesy of J.A.
depends not only on where the mutation in the gene
occurred but also on the relative proportions of normal and
mutant collagens incorporated into fibrils.
they do arise they are likely to produce developmental Mutations in regions encoding the triple helical domain,
abnormalities, perhaps similar to those of cmd mice. In the such as replacement of a glycine codon by a codon for a
absence of functional link protein, aggrecan would not be bulkier amino acid, interfere with triple helix formation and
immobilised as stable aggregates within the collagen net- produce a broad spectrum of phenotypes from mild to
work, which would lead to a deficiency of aggrecan in carti- In other patients, those with Stickler syndrome,
lage. Since link protein also occurs in non-cartilaginous the importance of triple helix formation is shown in another
tissues, particularly during development(43),other wide- way. Here mutations which introduce stop codons result in
spread developmental abnormalities would probably result deletions which interfere with triple helix formation(49).How-
from defective function of link protein due to mutation. ever, in-frame deletions of a complete section of 12 exons
encoding part of the triple helical domain of human type II
(3) Chondrocyte collagens collagen gene did not reduce thermal stability of the mutant
Genetic studies have confirmed earlier ideas concerning collagen, presumably because there was enough of the a-
the function of chondrocyte collagens in relation to struc- chain left to form triple helices(50).Propagation of an inter-
ture. Collagen is crucially important to biomechanical func- nally deleted procollagen gene in an inbred strain of mouse
tion and amongst the variety of collagens identified so far, produced widely variable phenotypes from virtually normal
only types I I , IX, X and XI are restricted to chondrocytes. to lethal(51),due presumably to differences in the proportion
Several other types of collagen common to other kinds of of hybrid to normal molecules.
cell are also present but their function in cartilage is not cer- In contrast with such effects of shortened a-chains, over
tain and they will not be discussed here. expression of normal type I1collagen in transgenic mice also
The genes of chondrocyte collagens have now been disrupted normal fibril assembly and caused various devel-
cloned and new information and insight into naturally occur- opmental abnormalities(52).In this case, even though the col-
ring genetic skeletal diseases has emerged. Manipulationof lagen was normal when the transgene exceeded 40% of the
genes and transgenic experiments have provided direct collagen, abnormally thick branched fibrils were formed, pre-
tests for ideas concerning the function of chondrocyte col- sumably because of an imbalance with molecules that may
lagens at the molecular level. regulate fibril width (see type XI collagen section).
Table 1. Cartilage matrix proteins where known mutations congenital disease described by Eyre et cartilaginous
affect their function tissues contained no type II collagen detectable by
Type II Collagen cyanogen bromide peptide analysis; instead type I collagen
A fibril forming collagen, principal collagen of cartilage. intervertebral disc was predominant. Surprisingly in the virtual absence of type
and vitreous Prime marker of cartilage differentiation. II collagen, the mutant foetus, although grossly abnormal,
Homotrimer, length 300 nm.
Function: provides tensile strength and stiffness to cartilage.
survived to be born alive at 30 weeks. Type IX collagen,
another marker of chondrocyte differentiation, was never-
Type IX Collagen theless detected in tissues in this foetus Further studies of
Fibril associated collagen with interrupted triple helices (FACIT). Lesser cells from such cases should throw considerable light on
collagen, covalently attached to type II fibrils. Single chondroitin sulphate
chain attached to a ~ ( l X ) Marker
. of cartilage differentiation. chondrocyte differentiation, which is normally marked by
Heterotrimer, length 200 nm. expression of type llB collagen.
Function: gives lateral strength with flexibility to fibrillar
network. (ii) Type IX collagen
Type XI Collagen Type IX collagen is a heterotrimer that forms mixed fibrils
Lesser fibril forming collagen in mixed fibrils of type II and type IX with type II collagen (Fig. 2) via intrafibrillar hydroxypri-
dinium cross links(15).A high proportion of molecules of type
Heterotrimer, length 300 nm?
Function: uncertain. IX collagen possess a single chondroitin sulphate chain(56)
attached to a serine residue of the a 2 IX chain, but the amino
Type X Collagen acid sequence surrounding the serine residues that bear
Short chain collagen restricted to hypertrophic mineralising cartilage.
Homotrimer. length 150 nm.
chondroitin sulphate chains differs from that in other proteo-
Function: uncertain. glycans(57).
Aggrecan Whatever the biological function of type IX collagen is, it
Large, extremely hydrophilic chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan specific to is highly conserved, as shown by nucleotide and amino acid
cartilage intervertebral disc and vitreous. Occupies large solvent volume;
has about 100 chondroitin sulphate and 30 keratan sulphate chains per sequence identity between human and chick a2 IX(58).That
molecule. Forms enormous multimolecular aggregates where many its function is important is shown in transgenic mice in which
molecules bind to single hyaluronan chains, which are further stabilised by a truncated form of a1, IX, gave rise to mild chondrodyspla-
interaction with link protein. This huge polyanion is immobilised in the
sia and osteoarthritis whose severity correlated with the
collagenous network.
Aggrecan molecules, approx. length 350 nm. higher expression of the transgene in homozygotes com-
Multimolecular aggregates, length up to 15000 nm. pared with heterozyg~tes(~~).
Function: endows cartilage matrix with hydrodynamic and
osmotic properties essential for dynamic load bearing.
(iii) Type XI collagen
Type XI collagen is another minor heterotrimeric collagen
associated with type II collagen. It forms mixed fibrils with
Besides large changes in the gene, even a single base type II and type IX collagen(60).lmmunoelectron micro-
change can affect the behaviour of the resulting collagen. scopic studies show that it is buried inside type II collagen
Normal type II collagen lacks cysteine, but in a patient with fibrils, forming a central core which requires physical(60)or
early onset osteoarthritis a single base mutation, which pepsin(6l)disruption to be exposed and react with antibody.
introduced cysteine in place of arginine, resulted in a pro- How the formation of a3 (XI) and a1 (11) is regulated, since
portion of disulphide-bonded chains being formed. In the they are products of the same gene, is not clear, but this
tissues of the patient the proportion of mutant to normal may involve different processing as they are produced inde-
chains was 1:3(53). pendently. Thus immortalised rat chondrosarcoma cells
Mutations causing disease need not necessarily be in the synthesised type XI but very little type II collagen(62).Con-
coding region, however. In another example of early onset versely, in CHO/CHO mice type II collagen can be formed in
osteoarthritis, closely linked to the type II collagen gene, no the absence of type XI collagen(63).The genetic defect in the
mutation has been identified in the coding region, but CHO mouse is a single nucleotide deletion, which intro-
instead may lie in the promoter region(54).Furthermore, duces a translational stop codon downstream of the
since collagen biosynthesis is a complex process which deletion(63)when no detectable type XI is formed. Homozy-
involves a series of co-ordinated actions of several gotes have severe abnormalities in cartilage and die at birth.
enzymes, mutations affecting the activity of essential Their cartilage is fragile and lacks cohesion with abnormally
enzymes might lead indirectly to the formation of abnormal thick fibrils, indicating an important function of type XI colla-
fibres, by analogy with dermatosparaxis in type I collagen gen.
Although the importance of type II collagen for normal (iv) Type X collagen
development and function is evident from these and other In addition to providing permanent flexible skeletal compo-
examples, in a case of achondrogenesis, an extremely rare nents resilient to compression, as discussed above, cartilage
serves during development as a temporary template for the formation of stable mixed triple helices(73) between
skeletal structures. The formation of bone involves the mutated and endogenous a-chains, which would be unable to
process of endochondral ossification when chondrocytes in fold properly into triple helices. This is the same situation as
the growth plate pass through a number of stages of differen- occurs with truncated type II a-chains, except that in type X
tiation before they cease to proliferate, become hypertrophic collagen the helical region is much shorter, hence truncation
and start to synthesise type X collagen, whose a-chains have would affect correct folding more acutely. Northern blot analy-
non-helical globular domains at each end separated by a sis showed that the transgene was expressed and localised
relatively short helical region. Type X collagen is formed immunochemically in hypertrophic chondrocytes. Postnatally
exclusively and transiently at sites of calcification by hyper- the mice appeared normal but then developed spondylometa-
trophic chondrocytes. In sifu hybridisation studies of the physeal dysplasia and compression of the growth plate. Para-
expression of type X collagen in foetal human cartilage show doxically, mice lacking type X collagen (type X null mice)
that it follows hypertrophy(64).The sequence of events in develop normally; their bones at 3 weeks of age are histologi-
developing embryonic chick sternae has been followed by in cally normal and immunostaining shows other extracellular
sifu hybridisation, immunocytochemistryand nuclear run-off matrix constituentsto be
assays(65).Transcription of type X collagen occurred two Fibril formation is a complex sequential process and any
days before mineralisation (alizarin red staining)(66). stage can be affected by mutation with complete or partial
Expression of the gene is controlled by multiple up-stream loss of function of the resulting collagen. In the case of minor
negative elements that act additively to restrict expression to collagens, this may illuminate their normal function, not
hypertrophic ~hondrocytes(6~). Although developmentally otherwise easily discerned.
regulated, the function of type X collagen remains an enigma. Abnormalities in skeletal development can, of course,
It binds calcium in a dose-dependent manner and may there- arise from causes other than mutations in matrix genes.
fore sequester calcium and release it when it is degraded. Thus the commonest form of achondroplasia has recently
Whether this is its prime function remains to be established, been shown to be due to mutations in the transmembrane
however. domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3)(75).
The relationship between cellular proliferation and This illustrates how mutations that affect key cell regulatory
response to repressor activity of the promoter of the type X factors rather than the main structural proteins themselves
collagen gene has been shown in chick embryonic sterna, can indirectly, but strongly, affect development.
where expression of type X collagen is restricted to hyper-
trophic non-proliferating cells(68). Repressor activity was
raised in proliferating cells, which contained high levels of c- Concluding remarks
myc transcripts undetectable in post-mitotic hypertrophic Chondrocytes have received rather little attention, being dif-
cells. Moreover, constitutive over-expression of c-myc, intro- ficult to culture, not readily available nor easily charac-
duced by retroviral vectors, maintained cultured chondro- terised, as there are no known specific cell-surface markers.
cytes in a proliferative state and blocked their maturation into They alone produce and maintain the extracellular cartilage
hypertrophic cells. Decrease in c-myc expression and prolif- matrix in which they are sparsely distributed and isolated
eration thus appears to be necessary for maturation, but the from their neighbours. The accepted indicator of the chon-
absence of proliferationalone does not promote hypertrophy, drocyte phenotype is the production of type It collagen, but
as chondrocytesin normal adult cartilage do not divide and do the amounts formed by proliferating monolayer cultures of
not express type X collagen. They may be in a state of chondrocytes are low. Since attachment to a surface is con-
arrested maturation, which is disturbed in osteoarthritis, and ducive to proliferation, it is necessary to transfer chondro-
at sites where re-initiationof endochondral ossificationoccurs cyte cultures to non-proliferative conditions (such as sus-
expression of type X is detectable by in sifuhybridi~ation(~~). pension over agarose) for about 2 weeks for significant type
The structure and organisation of the h ~ m a n ( ~ ~and 9 ~ ) II collagen to be demonstrable. Chondrocytes have thus
mouse genes have been established. Unlike that of type II col- acquired a reputation for not maintainingtheir phenotype on
lagen, the gene has only three exons, where exon 3 encodes proliferation. However, a study of long-term proliferativecul-
the entire triple-helicaldomain as well as the N- and C-terminal ture of adult human articular chondrocytes suggests that
domains. They are closely homologous, as are their gene this view may be mistaken(76).The life-span of human chon-
products. The importance of type X collagen in skeletal devel- drocytes was not previously known. They replicate much
opment is illustratedby observationsthat Schmidt type human more slowly than either human fibroblasts or chondrocytes
metaphyseal chondrodyslplasia is associated with mutations of other species. They were found to undergo around 35
of type X collagen in the carboxy terminal region which may population doublings in long-term culture before they
impair correct chain association (see ref. 72). In transgenic became senescent and ceased to divide. Nevertheless,
mice with a dominant negative mutation in the type X collagen they retained expression of type II collagen, albeit at a low
gene, in-frame deletions in the triple helical domain result in level, even when their morphology had become fibroblas-
truncated a-chains.These would be expected to interferewith On the other hand, type I collagen is often regarded
as signifying loss of phenotype, but it is expressed at low References
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55 Eyre, D.R., Upton, M., Shapiro, F.D., Wilkinson, R.H. and Vawter, G.F.

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