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Assessing Electronic Service Quality

We Jaydeep, Nikhil & Dhaval students of PGDM, TIMS, Adipur, are doing this research on
“Assessing Electronic Service Quality”. Can you spend five minutes to answer the following
questions? This study is for academic purpose only. No information shall be disclosed

Have you visited and Yes [ ] No [ ]

Period of Web site use

< 3 months 7 [ ]
3 to less than 6 months 7 [ ]
6 to less than 12 months [ ]
12 months or more [ ]

Frequency of Web site visits

4 or less times a month [ ]
5 to 8 times a month [ ]
9 to 12 times a month [ ]
13 or more times a month [ ]

Respondents rated the Web site’s performance on each scale item using a 5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 =
strongly agree).

Sr. Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

No Disagree Agree
1 This site makes it easy to find what I need.
2 It enables me to complete a transaction quickly.
3 Information at this site is well organized.
4 It loads its pages fast.
5 This site is simple to use
6 This site is always available for business.
7 This site launches and runs right away.
8 This site does not crash.
9 It protects my personal data.
10 It does not share my personal information with other sites
1 It provides me with convenient options for searching my requirement.
2 This site handles my query well.
3 This site offers a meaningful guarantee.
4 It tells me what to do if my transaction is not processed.
5 It takes care of problems promptly.
6 This site compensates me for problems it creates.
7 This site provides a telephone number to reach the company.
8 This site has customer service representatives available online
9 It offers the ability to speak to a live person if there is a problem.

Perceived Value
The value measure consisted of four items; respondents rated the Web site on each item using a scale of
1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Statements 1 2 3 4 5
The prices of the products and services available at this site (how economical the
site is).
The overall convenience of using this site.
The extent to which the site gives you a feeling of being in control.
The overall value you get from this site for your effort.

Loyalty Intentions
The loyalty measure consisted of five behavioral items; respondents indicated their likelihood of engaging in each
behavior on a 5-point scale (1 = very unlikely, 5 = very likely).

How likely are you to . . . 1 2 3 4 5

1 Say positive things about this site to other people?
2 Recommend this site to someone who seeks your advice?
3 Consider this site to be your first choice for future transactions?

Age Group
Below 20 years[ ] 21 years-30 years [ ] 31 years- 40years [ ]
Above 41 years[ ]

Income Group : [ Monthly House Hold income in rupees]

Dependent[ ] Below Rs. 15000[ ] Rs. 15001- Rs. 25000[ ]
Rs. 25001-Rs. 50000[ ] Above 50001[ ]

S.S.C [ ] H.S.C.[ ] Diploma[ ] Graduate[ ] Post Graduate [ ]

Student[ ] Farmer[ ] Employee[ ] Businessman[ ] Retired[ ] House wife [ ]

Male [ ] Female [ ]

Thank you for completing this survey, your responses will be greatly appreciated.

Have a Great workout!

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