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PIZZA (1 big round tin)


500 g Flour
250 ml Water (warm)
3 spoons Oil
25 g Beer yeast
10 g Salt
1 little spoon Sugar

1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in a container with the warm water
2. Put all the other ingredients in a bowl
3. Add the water
4. Mix until the mixing becomes homogeneous
5. Take out the mixing onto a table, using flour if necessary
6. Mix until obtaining a smooth mixing
7. Make one or more balls (depending on amount and size) and leave them rest
covered for about 1 hour
8. Stretch the balls first on table, then in the tin
9. Put the things you want on the pizza, putting first a bit of oil, then the tomato
sauce, and finally the other things
10.Leave the pizza grow for about 1 hour
11.Cook in oven at 200C for 10-15 minutes
12.Enjoy your meal!

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