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Writing Introductions for Personal Essays

W1a.2: Draft an introduction that
W1a.2a: orients the reader to the topic or text
W1a.2b: states the point of view or opinion
W1a.2c: addresses an audience and the writing purpose
W1a.2d: anticipates an organizational structure (e.g., several paragraphs, as

1. Mini-Lesson: Tell students that today, we are going to learn how to write a strong
a. Reference the 4th grade Lucy Calkins rubric and show opinion lead from shared
folder in Google Drive:
i. The writer stated his/her claim.
ii. The writer stated his/her reasons.
iii. The writer wrote a few sentences to hook the reader by asking a question,
explaining why the topic matters, or telling a surprising fact.
b. Show an example from Mrs. Rager's essay on why students should come to
c. Write an introduction for my essay showing why my mother is my greatest
2. Write/Conference
a. Mrs. Fochtman (GATE teacher) conferences with GATE students at back table
b. Refer to conferencing checklist to determine which student to conference with
3. Share
a. Have students AirPlay their introductions

Formative: conferences with students
Summative: Final Draft of Essay turned in to Google Drive
Assessed using the Lucy Calkins Grade 4 Opinion Writing Rubric

Opinion Lead Paragraph:

Thesis statement using strong vocabulary
Overview of reasons
Hook the reader into CARING (play on emotions)
Surprising/Interesting Fact

I strongly believe that students should come to Emma K Doub! Emma K

Doub offers unique learning opportunities throughout the day that other
schools dont offer! Eagle Laps, Electives and flexible seating are just a few
of these opportunities. Mrs. Rager, a teacher at Emma K Doub says,
There is no school I would rather teach in! Learning is fun every single day
at EKD! After reading, I hope that you will agree!

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