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One day the animals in the Green Forest get a letter.

It says that a new sweet shop is

going to open in no.7 Dreams Street on Wednesday morning at 9oclock.
Its Wednesday morning. There are ten animals in a queue in front of the new sweet
shop: the bear, the fox, the zebra, the elephant, the wolf, the tiger, the lion, the kangaroo,
the chimp and the crocodile.
At 8:45 Willy Rabbit goes past the animals in the queue and stops in front of the bear. I
am the first, not you says the bear. He takes the rabbit by the ears and throws him at the
back of the queue.
Willy Rabbit stands up, goes past the animals in the queue for the second time and stops
in front of the sweet shop. The bear takes him, slaps him and throws him back.
For the third time Willy Rabbit tries to get to the door of the sweet shop, but the bear
beats him and throws him away.
With purple eyes and lots of bruises the poor rabbit says: Gee! I will never manage to
open my new sweet shop!

Answer the questions:

1). What day is it?

2) Where are the animals?
3) Who is the last in the queue?
4) Who beats Willy Rabbit three times?
5) Who has purple eyes and bruises?
6) How many animals are there in the queue?

HAVE FUN: Can you guess the answer?

* What number is never hungry?
* What kind of key lives in the jungle?

Eight (it has the same pronunciation as ate).

The monkey.

SURSA: Funny Stories 1(age 8-10). Editura Aramis.

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