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Name: Parker Weick

Focus On My Skills

1. What job do I want? I want to be a Pharmacist

2. What skills are needed for this job? Memorization, attention to detail, strong
math and science skills, drug knowledge and assessment, preparing drugs,
working with people, customer service, supervising others, and specialty training.

3. What skills do I have now for this job? Right now, I think that I have some strong
memorization skills and I can pay close attention to detail when I put things

4. What related skills do I have now for this job? I have worked with other people in
a workplace and I have learnt how to use customer service in a work place.

5. What skills will I need for this job? I would need better math and science skills
(University/College level), I would need more experience in supervising other
workers, I would need specialty training in preparing drugs and general drug
knowledge and assessment skills.

6. How will I get the additional skills? I can get these skills that I need by going to
post-secondary schools and studying advanced math, science and general drug
knowledge and gaining more experience in a work place in order to learn how to
monitor other workers.

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