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The 42 Divine Principles of Maat in Budge's native English follows: I have not committed sin. I have not committed
robbery with violence. I have not stolen. I have not slain men or women. I have not stolen food. I have not swindled
offerings. I have not stolen from God/Goddess. I have not told lies. I have not carried away food. I have not cursed. I
have not closed my ears to truth. I have not committed adultery. I have not made anyone cry. I have not felt sorrow
without reason. I have not assaulted anyone. I am not deceitful. I have not stolen anyones land. I have not been an
eavesdropper. I have not falsely accused anyone. I have not been angry without reason. I have not seduced anyones
wife. I have not polluted myself. I have not terrorized anyone. I have not disobeyed the Law. I have not been
exclusively angry. I have not cursed God/Goddess. I have not behaved with violence. I have not caused disruption of
peace. I have not acted hastily or without thought. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern. I have not
exaggerated my words when speaking. I have not worked evil. I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds. I have
not polluted the water. I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds. I
have not placed myself on a pedestal. I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess. I have not stolen from or
disrespected the deceased. I have not taken food from a child. I have not acted with insolence. I have not destroyed
property belonging to God/Goddess Left to Right: Goddess Ma'at, Thoth/Tehuti, The Petitioner of Maat, Scales of
Goddess Ma'at (Lady Justice), and Anubis
MON 6:46PM

Los malos consejeros cuando en medio de su afan de imponer sus criterios se transforman En Ayogun( males) Solo
pide a tu cabeza (Ori) que fue el gran tesoro que Olorun (Dios del cielo) te otorgo para vivir bien ! Afefe legelege nii
bido laipon Efuufu legelege nii yawe agbagba yarayara Dia fun Ori Ti ntorun bo wale aye Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O
gbebo, o rubo O ni bi e ba ji laaro kutukukutu Ori eni eni ni e ki Ori eni ni e be Ori eni lawure eni Traduccin: Afefe
legelege nii Bido laipon Efuufu legelege nii ya'we Agbagba yarayara Esto fue declaraciones de If a Ori Si viene
desde el cielo a la tierra Se le aconsej ofrecer ebo Cumpli Se declar que cada vez que nos despertamos en
marcha por la maana temprano Es el Ori que uno debe saludar Es el Ori de uno que tiene que suplicar Es el Ori de
uno que da buena suerte

Cuando la gente te hace un enemigo por tus creencias Ifa tomara en cuenta esa actitud Sientete bendecido !! Didun-
didun ni t'oguro Didun-didun ni tireke Dia diversin Atankoko Ologberi Ti nba Alawo sota Atankoko Ologberi Ti nba
Alawo sota o Ogund Irosun Pawon je Traduccin: La dulzura es para Oguro (vino rafia) La dulzura es la caa de
azcar Estas fueron las declaraciones de If a Atankoko Ologberi (los no iniciados) El que hizo de un Awo su
enemigo Atankoko Ologberi Si ustedes se opone a un Awo Ogund Irosun los devorar

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