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To educate is to touch the heart of a being hungry for learning

Interviewing an adult person for many focuses on an action filled with curiosity and
uncertainties. Personally, it was a magical moment to hear about the lifetimes in my
colleague and example to follow: The teacher Era! With a cane in her hand, wrinkles of
wisdom and a flattered smile, she was willing to dedicate me an afternoon of motivation, one
of those days when you need to listen, imagine and finally understand the meaning of life on
planet earth. It was always made known in the teaching guild, but it was in 1960 during the
government of the late Romulo Betancourt when he began his struggle for change, a fight
that should never stop in the world, the goal of Educate. The teacher told me that there was
an urgent and radical stage that would take Venezuelan education as a priority. It was then
that there was a change of mass in the creation of more educational institutions and allowed
him to show with his heart in hand his eagerness to see a future of prosperous generations.
It was not enough with a blackboard to achieve its task, had the initiative and duty to engage
in the lives of each of its students serving this as a springboard of inspiration to what today
are doctors, engineers, architects and among other careers.

I felt for hours that I heard the memories of a mind still walking through the classroom trying
to teach and inspire a soul lost in elementary school. Sadly, we can not be active all our
lives, although our desire continues to be ardent and eager to form good young people. The
teacher Era was characterized by her immense mane full of curlers and a particular tone of
voice that did not stun but that definitely imposed character in practice. Even after many
years, he continues to maintain that kindness, humility but also cunning to make you
understand what you should really consider in the future, what was once and was in the past
serving for a present full of questions, fears, and opportunities that We can not let go, let go,
throw to the void, because as she says: Life is today, it is the moment, it is the essence of
letting ourselves be touched by the beautiful adventure of learning.

Now, I decided to knock on the door of her home and be myself to ask her the time to ask
and be willing to calmly and emotionally listen to her life story. A history of life that not all
allow to be inquired, either by fear, reservation or simply apathy to the fact of being
interviewed.The point is that somehow or other I was able to sit between a mountain of
books and relics next to the teacher who from the first moment who looked at my face of joy
and simplicity only did welcome me and apologize for the disorder caused in space. Within
my being I said; This is my moment, my experience, my place to catch and calm all those
cravings I was dragging as an educator, those demons of not being able to handle the future
that is in my hands, at least not with the patience and intelligence that I would like to have. I
came with an open mind, my notes, my chocolates to share (which I can not miss) until she
told me that she suffered from diabetes and I figured out right away that it was not the best
detail for an inspirational interview, however she did her thing expressing: Anita! I thank you
and I would devour you with all the sweets ferociously, but my health does not allow me,
what I do want is that you feel and it is you who shows me that it has been that girl with big
eyes that used to punish for being very restless, What do you want to know about me?

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