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Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

1.600 2013/2014 Index

Topics Questions Pages

Adjectives and Adverbs 120 002

Pronouns 156 015

Quantifiers and Intensifiers 035 034

Verbs 184 038

Modal Auxiliaries 076 060

Active and Passive Voice 102 069

Direct and Indirect Speech 035 081

Conditionals 047 086

Question Tags 021 092

Rejoinders 006 094

Articles 024 095

Plural of the Nouns 020 098

Genitive Case 018 101

Numbers 008 103

Prepositions 093 104

Conjunctions 130 115

Subjunctive, Imperative, Infinitive and Gerund 022 132

Phrasal Verbs 020 135

False Cognate Words 018 137

Mixed Topics 025 139

Idioms and Vocabulary 030 143

Synonyms and Antonyms 038 147

Reading Skills and General Review 152 152

Translations 180 188

Word Definition 040 201

Answers 1.600 -

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

1ST Part | Grammar Skills 005 | FATEC 2007

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta do
adjetivo + sufixo 'IBLE' como em 'Edible Cotton':
Adjectives and Adverbs
a) Managible
001 | UNITAU 1995 b) Gullible
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais c) Drinkible
adequada da seguinte sentena: d) Lovible
e) Thinkible
The man gave a five-pound note to the shoe-repairer.
006 | UNITAU 1995
a) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para reparar o Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais
sapato. adequada da forma adjetiva destacada a seguir:
b) O homem deu cinco potes de notas para reparar o sapato.
c) O homem deu um mao de cinco notas para consertar o Literally thousands of parts are used to make up even THE
sapato. SMALLEST family saloon.
d) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para o sapateiro.
e) O sapateiro recebeu uma nota de cinco libras do bom a) o menor
homem. b) o maior
c) o pequeno
002 | MACKENZIE 1999 d) o grande
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following e) o amplo
007 | UNITAU 1995
They finally decided to buy a __________. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais
adequada da expresso, em destaque, a seguir:
a) four-doors car
b) four doors car Voc a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que j conheci.
c) four-door car
d) four-door-car a) the more interesting
e) four-car b) the interestinger
c) the most interesting
003 | MACKENZIE 1999 d) the much interesting
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following e) the best interesting
008 | CESGRANRIO 1994
The building has nine stories. It is __________. "The new generation of MT programs is less ambitious" is an
example of comparative form. Mark the item which also
a) a nine-stories-building contains a comparative form:
b) a nine-story building
c) a nine's-story building a) Of the four translations, I like this one best.
d) a nine-stories b) That young boy behaves the most carelessly of all.
e) a building's nine stories's c) This is the worst ice cream I've had in a long time.
d) This is the least expensive computer that we have.
004 | MACKENZIE 1999 e) The airport is farther than the university.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
sentence: 009 | FEI 1995
Indique a palavra que significa "mais forte":
The flight lasted two hours. It was __________.
a) larger
a) a flight's two-hours's b) clearer
b) a two-hours-flight c) higher
c) a two'-hours's flight d) better
d) a two-hours e) stronger
e) a two-hour flight

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | FUVEST 1978 014 | PUCCAMP 1994
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche
sentena: corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada a seguir:

Of all the movies I have seen lately, the one I saw yesterday - "Did Jerry come to work yesterday?"
was __________. - "Yes, he did. He arrived __________ than his colleagues,
but worked the __________ so that he got as much done as
a) worse. the others."
b) worst. - "Good. He's a very responsible fellow."
c) the worse.
d) the worst. a) late harder
e) the most worse. b) later hardest
c) earlier hard
011 | UDESC 1996 d) early hardest
Choose the correct grammatical answer: e) sooner harder

I have been studying __________ I can to learn English. 015 | EN 1983

Fill in the gap:
a) as hard as
b) so hard as - You look fatter.
c) as harder as - Thats because Ive been eating __________ than I used
d) so harder so to.
e) so hard so
a) many more
012 | MACKENZIE 1996 b) much more
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following c) a few
sentences: d) more than
e) any more
I. Which city is the __________ from So Paulo?
016 | UNESP 1985
II. My __________ brother works at Mackenzie.
III. Do you need any __________ data on that matter? Assinale a alternativa correta:
IV. Which is the __________ building in So Paulo?
Our next examination may be __________ the last one.
V. Ribeiro Preto is the city that has the __________
problems with pollution in Brazil. a) more bad than
b) more worse than
a) I. furthest; II. elder; III. more; IV. farthest; V. oldest c) much bad than
b) I. further; II. older; III. farther; IV. eldest; V. less d) worse than
c) I. nearer; II. oldest; III. farthest; IV. longest; V. least e) more badly than
d) I. nearest; II. elder; III. furthest; IV. eldest; V. biggest
e) I. farthest; II. eldest; III. further; IV. oldest; V. fewest 017 | UNESP 1987
Peter's house is __________ mine.
013 | PUCCAMP 1992
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche a) larger as
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada: b) most larger than
c) larger than
Mr. Smith: I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe the candidate d) so large than
you sent us will not suit our purposes. We need somebody e) more large than
__________ than he.
Mr. Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss Cary. She's 018 | UNESP 1988
definitely the __________ person in our group. He is __________ boy in town.
a) smarter most intelligent a) so rich
b) smart intelligent b) richer
c) smartest more intelligent c) the richest
d) as smart as intelligent d) richest
e) as smart as intelligent as e) the most rich

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
019 | UFRS 1997 024 | UEL 1994
The word that does not form the comparative in the same Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
way as large or short is: da frase a seguir:

a) bad The more time people spend at an exhibit, __________ they

b) sad learn.
c) glad
d) great a) more
e) late b) most
c) much
020 | EFOMM 2007 d) the more
In London there are lots of streets with the same name and e) the most
its very __________ if you are a tourist. Another problem is
that its a huge place. We walked everywhere on our last trip 025 | UEL 1997
and we were __________ at the end of each day. But its an Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
__________ city, with so much to do. da frase a seguir:

a) confused exhaust excited I firmly believe that the tougher the laws, __________ the
b) confusing exhausted exciting criminal rate.
c) confuse exhausting exciting
d) confusing exhaust excited a) the lowest
e) confused exhausted excited b) lowest
c) the lower
021 | EFOMM 2008 d) lower
The lecture weve attended was not good. It was quite e) low
__________, and the audience was __________.
026 | UNESP 1989
a) amusing amused The sooner a man begins to work __________.
b) bored boring
c) amused amusing a) the bad
d) boring bored b) the best
e) interesting interested c) the worst
d) the better
022 | EFOMM 2008 e) the good
Caren has a strange look. She seems to live on __________
frozen meals. 027 | PUC 1975
Fill in the blank of the following sentence correctly:
a) bad-prepare
b) recent-cooking The hole in front of his garage is becoming __________.
c) old-make
d) new-preparing a) deep and deep
e) ready-made b) deeper and deeper
c) deep and deeper
023 | UNESP 1983 d) deeper and deepest
Assinale a alternativa correta: e) deepest and deepest

Life in New York City is sometimes __________ harder than 028 | UNESP 1997
in any other town in the world. A lion is __________ than a dog.

a) very a) strong
b) much b) strongest
c) many c) more strong
d) so d) stronger
e) as e) most strong

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
029 | UNESP 1998 034 | PUCPR 1998
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna Choose the only correct alternative to complete the spaces:
da frase adiante:
I. The United States is not __________ as Brazil.
This hill is __________ than I thought it was. II. The Everest is __________ mountain in the world.
III. Chimpanzees are __________ than dogs.
a) more lower IV. Aids is __________ disease of human being.
b) lowest V. Mike Tyson is __________ as Evander Holyfield.
c) lower
d) more low a) as beautiful the higher so intelligent the bad more
e) more high strong
b) more beautiful the most high as intelligent the
030 | MACKENZIE 1997 baddest so strong
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following c) so beautiful the high most intelligent the badder
sentence: stronger
d) so beautiful the highest more intelligent the worst
His salary as a pilot is much higher __________. as strong
e) as beautiful as highest more intelligent the worst
a) in comparison of teachers strongest
b) to compare as a teacher's
c) than that of a teacher 035 | UNESP 2000
d) than of teachers' Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
e) than a teacher da frase apresentada:

031 | FEI 1997 This is the __________ day I have ever had.
a) worse
John is __________ than the other students in his classroom, b) bad
but he is the __________. c) worst
d) less good
a) younger most intelligent e) very bad
b) younger more intelligent
c) more young intelligentest 036 | UNESP 2001
d) most young more intelligent Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
e) more young most intelligent da frase apresentada:

032 | MACKENZIE 1999 Depending on the situation, having a computer may be

Which one is correct? __________ having a telephone.

a) More have they, more want them. a) easier

b) As more they have, as more they want. b) more useful
c) More they have, more they want. c) more convenient than
d) The more they have, the more they want. d) the most difficult
e) Do more they have, do more they want. e) useful than

033 | UNESP 1999 037 | PUCRS 2001

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna Which of the following words DOES NOT form the
da frase adiante: comparative the same way as friendly in friendlier?

Paris is __________ than Rome. a) high

b) healthy
a) the most beautiful c) sexy
b) small d) costly
c) more rich e) ugly
d) more beautiful
e) largest

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
038 | UFPE 2002 042 | FEI 2000
"The caveman had a much harder life" means that his life WORST superlativo de:
a) well
a) much easier. b) good
b) more difficult. c) worn
c) less dangerous. d) bad
d) just as thrilling. e) wealthy
e) not as hard as ours.
043 | PUCPR 1999
039 | FATEC 2002 Which is the option that completes the sentences
Interactivity makes life __________, yet __________ and CORRECTLY?
consumer-oriented. Plus, it's turning the world into a teeny,
homogenized global village and that is ultimately boring! I. English is not __________ as Portuguese.
II. Australia is __________ island in the world.
A alternativa que preenche correta e respectivamente os III. In my opinion, Frank Sinatra was __________ singer of
espaos em branco : this century.
IV. So Paulo is __________ as New York.
a) more easier hurrier V. Europe is __________ from Brazil than EUA.
b) more easy more hurried
c) easyer hurrieder a) so difficult bigger the best more noisier as farther
d) easier hurrieder b) difficultest biggest the good as noisier farther
e) easier more hurried c) as difficult the biggest the best as noisy farther
d) as difficult the bigger the best so noisy farther
040 | PUCPR 2001 e) difficulter most big better noisiest so farther
About adjectives, choose the alternative that completes the
sentences correctly: 044 | PUCMG 1999
The capital expression in "The moment of discovery was NO
I. Is this | 1 one you have? LESS MAGICAL THAN the day in 1922" means that the
II. Celine Dion sings | 2 Madonna, but Madonna dances | 3. moment:
III. I wish I was | 4 Sean Connery.
IV. The church is | 5 monument of the town. a) was as magical as
b) was more magical
a) 1. the better; 2. best than; 3. well; 4. so handsome as; 5. c) was less magical
the more ancient d) wasn't magical
b) 1. the best; 2. so well as; 3. best; 4. more handsome than; e) was most magical
5. the ancienter
c) 1. the worst; 2. worse than; 3. better; 4. most handsome 045 | PUCRS 1999
than; 5. the most ancient The expression "as many as 80" expresses a capacity of:
d) 1. the best; 2. as well as; 3. better; 4. as handsome as; 5.
the most ancient a) not more than 80.
e) 1. the worse; 2. better than; 3. best; 4. as handsome than; b) at least 80.
5. the least ancient c) over 80.
d) less than 80.
041 | MACKENZIE 2001 e) close to 80.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
sentence: 046 | UNIT 1999
"Less intimate and more isolated" are comparatives. Check
The more I read this book, __________. the item that contains the correct superlative from of the
two adjectives:
a) the less I understand it
b) most is what he doesn't know a) The intimatest and the more isolated.
c) the least do I understand it b) The intimatest and the least isolated.
d) more I like c) The most intimate and the less isolated.
e) the most I can understand d) The least intimate and the less isolated.
e) The least intimate and the most isolated.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
047 | FEI 2000 052 | UFPE 2003 ADAPTED
The sidewalks are getting NARROWER. Indique o antnimo The expression more and more, in "more and more
de NARROWER: complex" and in "more and more intelligent":

a) broader ( ) indicates emphasis.

b) thinner ( ) carries the meaning of even more.
c) more limited ( ) means greater in degree.
d) shorter ( ) is used as an intensifier.
e) higher ( ) signifies equal or identical in degree.

048 | UEL 2000 ADAPTED a) V V V V F

O adjetivo GREATEST, no fragmento abaixo, est no grau: b) V V V V V
c) V V F V F
One of the GREATEST meteor showers of OUR lifetime may d) V F V V F
() soon light up the night sky. e) F V F V F

a) comparativo de igualdade. 053 | PUCRIO 2004

b) superlativo de superioridade. The only item that contains an adjective used in the
c) comparativo de superioridade. superlative form is:
d) comparativo de inferioridade.
e) normal. a) "The widespread destruction (...) is happening before we
even know the most basic facts about what we are losing."
049 | UFRS 2001 b) "Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical
Os antnimos corretos das partes destacadas da expresso moist forests contain at least half of all species."
"THE BEST and THE NEWEST facilities" so, respectivamente: c) "Scientists estimate that (...) as much as 20 or 25 percent
of the world's plant species will soon be extinct."
a) the most good the youngest d) "However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs
b) the baddest the oldest (...) simple extraction is usually less expensive than
c) the worst the most old synthesis."
d) the poorest the most recent e) "Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for
e) the worst the oldest both women and men."

050 | UFRS 2002 054 | UFRS 2005

As palavras a seguir seguem o mesmo processo de formao Considere a frase:
de WEARER, exceo de:
This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language
a) computer. program.
b) player.
c) weaker. A alternativa que apresenta o significado antnimo da
d) murderer. expresso destacada :
e) writer.
a) less faster than.
051 | UFV 2003 b) more slowly than.
All the alternatives below are examples of comparatives, c) as slow as.
EXCEPT: d) as fast as.
e) the slowest.
a) "...children as young as two..."
b) "...scored higher than people who..." 055 | UFRRJ 2003
c) "...listening longer results in staying smarter longer". The sequence that has the same formation of the words
d) "...Mozart was | ... a quick thinker". newer and higher is:
e) "Mozart makes you smarter!"
a) good dark late.
b) tough tight clear.
c) great far easy.
d) distant tidy thick.
e) big wide dangerous.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
056 | UERJ 2004 061 | UFRS 2007
If it's noisy, call back from somewhere quieter. Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence
The suffix -er in quieter is semantically equivalent to the
suffix in: The opposite of SMALLER and LIGHTER is respectively
__________ and __________.
a) manners.
b) users. a) littler easier
c) caller. b) larger heavier
d) louder. c) larger easier
d) little heavier
057 | UFV 2004 e) bigger greater
All the options below are examples of comparatives, except:
062 | FATEC 2008
a) younger. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do termo
b) controller. fewer como no exemplo "fewer than one in five owners of a
c) rarer. mobile-wallet handset":
d) harder.
e) smaller. a) Mary has fewer money than John.
b) My teacher has fewer patience than the other teachers.
058 | UFV 2005 c) This company has fewer equipments than the others.
Choose the alternative in which BOTH words are examples d) My brother plays fewer musics than I do.
of the comparative form: e) Sue has fewer friends than her sister does.

a) lower / friendlier 063 | UNESP 2008

b) good-natured / miners Indique a alternativa que expresse o mesmo significado de
c) well-regulated / friendlier Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
d) lower / miners
e) well-regulated / miners a) Imitation is the best form of provocation.
b) Imitation is a true form of irritation.
059 | UFSM 2005 c) Imitation is a real form of harassment.
A palavra "wider" apresenta uma marca de comparao. A d) Imitation is the most accurate form of exasperation.
mesma marca de comparao apresentada na palavra: e) Imitation is the most genuine form of adulation.

a) speaker. 064 | MACKENZIE 1976

b) easier. Mark the correct item:
c) greatly.
d) learners. She is beautiful, but she is __________ her brother.
e) together.
a) most beautiful of
060 | UFPE 2007 b) less beautiful
Select the phrase that is in the comparative degree of c) as beautiful
superiority: d) not so beautiful
e) not as beautiful as
a) An enormous man.
b) Dinner on the top floor. 065 | FATEC 2003
c) On the opposite corner. Assinale a alternativa em que o adjetivo composto por dois
d) Earlier this evening. substantivos, como na palavra "weight-loss":
e) So Paulo's tallest building.
a) low-cholesterol meals.
b) high-fat intake.
c) western-style boots.
d) well-known people.
e) ice-cream flavors.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
066 | FGV 2007 070 | UFSC 1997 ADAPTED
In the sentence "Brazil's strong currency will likely also lead Select the proposition(s) in which the capital letters are
to a loosening of foreign exchange restrictions", the word ADJECTIVES:
LIKELY indicates a:
(01) The sun's rays are very POWERFUL.
a) comparison. (02) Don't take your VALUABLES on the beach.
b) conclusion. (04) COCONUTS are delicious.
c) probability. (08) The coral reef is BEAUTIFUL.
d) preference. (16) Monkeys can be DANGEROUS.
e) certainty. (32) The hotel is not RESPONSIBLE for your valuables.

067 | UNESP 1984 a) 01 + 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 59

Assinale a alternativa correta: b) 02 + 04 + 16 = 22
c) 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 58
a) That is a five-storey building. d) 01 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 57
b) That is a building five storeys. e) 01 + 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 63
c) That is a five-storeys building.
d) That storey building is five. 071 | PUCSP 2007 ADAPTED
e) That building storey is five. Na sentena Although American youth are more likely to
use the Internet every day, a palavra LIKELY indica:
068 | ITA 1996 ADAPTED
Assinale a opo cujo adjetivo possa substituir, de maneira a) preferncia.
bastante aproximada, os adjetivos different e appealing, em b) desejo.
destaque no texto a seguir: c) similaridade.
d) probabilidade.
Who are these Blur blokes who, after a shaky start, have e) superioridade.
shaken the world? And what makes them so different, so
appealing as Pop Artist Richard Hamilton once asked in a 072 | MACKENZIE 2007 ADAPTED
collage that they doubtless studied at art school. Is it art The opposite of "overall" in the text below is:
school itself (they all attended Goldsmith') that sets apart?
() These skills are regarded as essential components of a
diagnostic test which measures overall linguistic proficiency.
(Q. March, 1995)
a) specific.
b) challenging.
a) outstanding
c) regular.
b) fancy
d) forbidden.
c) lousy
e) refreshing.
d) nice
e) awful
073 | ITA 1999
Determine a funo gramatical de impaired em "visually
069 | ITA 1998 ADAPTED
impaired people" e de mouse em "mouse pad":
Morfologicamente, as palavras KOBE e JAPAN, na primeira
linha do texto a seguir, devem ser classificadas como: a) adjetivo adjetivo
b) verbo substantivo
The cause of the magnitude 7.2 Kobe, Japan, earthquake in c) adjetivo substantivo
January 1995 is unknown. d) substantivo adjetivo
e) verbo adjetivo
a) adjetivo.
b) substantivo. 074 | MACKENZIE 1997
c) advrbio. The same as 'They hardly ever go to the movies' is:
d) vocativo.
a) Hardly ever they go to the movies.
b) Hardly they ever go to the movies.
c) Ever they do hardly go to the movies.
d) Hardly ever do they go to the movies.
e) They go to the movies hardly ever.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
075 | MACKENZIE 1997 080 | JFS 2008
The same as 'Mr. Burton hardly talked to me.' is: BARELY is used in "Mike and Josh have barely enough to pay
the rent this month."
a) Hardly did Mr. Burton talked to me.
b) Hardly Mr. Burton talked to me. Mark the option in which it must also be used to complete
c) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me. the sentence meaningfully.
d) Did Mr. Burton hardly talk to me.
e) Mr. Burton talked to me hardly. a) Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a
shock when she __________ died.
076 | MACKENZIE 1997 b) If you miss this train you can __________ catch the next
A sentena "Mal sabia ele que ela era casada", em ingls, one.
seria: c) He almost never washes the dishes and he rarely, if
__________, does any cleaning.
a) He didn't little know that she married. d) She was __________ fifteen when she won her first
b) Did he little know that she was married. championship.
c) Badly knew he that she married. e) __________ I'll have a piece of chocolate after the meals,
d) Little did he know that she was married. but it's quite rare.
e) Little knew he that she was married.
081 | FUVEST 1979
077 | AFA 2004 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as
An elderly German decided to commit suicide. Took a lot of lacunas:
pills, tied a briefcase full of stones around his neck, rowed
out into the middle of the Rhine and was found sound It's __________ difficult to find __________ a good wine.
asleep in his boat.
a) so such
(Buffalo News) b) such so
c) such such
In the first sentence An elderly German decided to commit d) so so
suicide the word elderly is used as: e) such a so

a) a more polite form for old. 082 | FUVEST 1979

b) a synonym for eldest. Assinale a alternativa de significado equivalente palavra
c) the comparative form of the adjective elder. entre aspas:
d) the comparative form of the adjective old usually used
when we compare members of a family. He was 'fast' asleep.

078 | UFRS 2005 a) almost

The word that could be placed between HAD and MET in the b) quickly
BEFORE is: d) very
e) nearly
a) still.
b) ever. 083 | UEL 1996 ADAPTED
c) yet. No texto a seguir, 'very' significa:
d) though.
e) already. The seven-room 84th Street cooperative on Central Park
West in a solid if decidedly uncharismatic building came on
079 | UNESP 1995 the market that 'very' morning.
This boat is __________ small that we can't all get in.
a) pouco mais que.
a) very b) mais que.
b) so c) demasiado.
c) many d) muito.
d) much e) mesma.
e) then

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
084 | MACKENZIE 1997 089 | UFPE 2000
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following Allen: You're pretty dirty.
sentence: Helen: I'm even prettier when I'm clean.

We're having __________ beautiful weather everybody In "pretty dirty", pretty is equivalent to:
1) very
a) so can relax 2) somewhat
b) such a wants to go out on the weekends 3) more
c) so likes it 4) beautiful
d) such a have been having fun 5) ugly
e) such feels good
The correct choices are:
085 | MACKENZIE 1999
I have been studying __________ I can __________ English. a) 2 3
b) 4 5
a) as hard as to learn c) 3 4
b) so hard as learning d) 1 2
c) more hard as to be learning e) 1 5
d) harder than to have learned
e) as much hard to learn 090 | FATEC 2005 ADAPTED
O advrbio SO na frase "he did so efficiently and discreetly"
086 | MACKENZIE 1999 pode ser substitudo de forma adequada e sem prejuzo de
Please turn off the lights. I have to develop this film and it's significado por:
__________ here.
a) very.
a) bright enough b) too.
b) much bright c) enough.
c) too bright d) less.
d) brighter e) a little.
e) enough bright
091 | MACKENZIE 1996
087 | UECE 1998 ADAPTED Choose the correct alternative to complete the following
O vocbulo quite na sentena a seguir exerce a funo de: sentence:

She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the Mr. Myers told me he will leave __________.
chair, quite motionless.
a) by train; for Paris; at 8 o'clock; next week.
a) substantivo. b) for Paris; at 8 o'clock; next week; by train.
b) adjetivo. c) next week; at 8 o'clock; by train; for Paris.
c) verbo. d) at 8 o'clock; next week; for Paris; by train.
d) advrbio. e) for Paris; by train; at 8 o'clock; next week.

088 | UEL 1998 ADAPTED 092 | EFOMM 2010

A lacuna corretamente preenchida pela alternativa: In the sentence "There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven
hours", there is a word formed by the suffix "y". In which
We've been working __________ to ensure all wood comes option below the word is formed by the same suffix?
from well managed forests.
a) lately
a) lot. b) mostly
b) hardly. c) fury
c) hard. d) ally
d) very. e) healthy
e) many.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
093 | MACKENZIE 1998 098 | UFV 2000
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following In the sentence "What is the BEST way to live?", the capital
sentence: word is the superlative form of the adjective:

__________ he studies, __________ he seems to know. a) far.

b) bad.
a) More least c) fun.
b) As much as much d) fair.
c) How much more e) good.
d) The more the less
e) The least the more 099 | UFV 2001
The adjective forms "bad" and "better" have as their
094 | FATEC 1999 superlative forms, respectively:
Indique a alternativa que corresponde ao sentido oposto de
LESS GUILTY empregado em "It enables them to feel less a) worse and the best.
guilty": b) the worst and the best.
c) the best and worse.
a) Guiltier. d) good and better.
b) Guiltiest. e) better and the best.
c) More guilty.
d) Most guilty. 100 | JFS 2000
e) Much guilty. After reading the following sentences attentively, mark the
alternative which contains the correct sequence of the
095 | UFPE 1998 ADAPTED adjectives:
"Learn and live" is the motto of Britain's __________ and
most innovative university the Open University. a) My brother bought a comfortable big American car.
b) Patty has a Colombian leather beautiful new jacket.
a) larger c) I like tall Brazilian stout charming women.
b) largest d) She has two chubby 3-year-old mischievous children.
c) the largest e) Marion has a terrific book in English up-to-date language.
d) the larger
e) large 101 | JFS 2000
Qual a alternativa que possui a sequncia correta dos
096 | UFRRJ 1999 adjetivos?
The word below that forms its superlative like "cheapest" is:
a) A leather light brown new suitcase.
a) unusual. b) Two long stainless steel practical zips.
b) intelligent. c) A small Egyptian copper jar.
c) good. d) A square silk French red scarf.
d) small. e) A plastic small red doll.
e) Parisian.
102 | FURG 1999
Preenche corretamente a lacuna na sentena a seguir a MOST NOTORIOUS equivalem respectivamente a:
a) os mais pobres, as menos populosas, os mais notrios.
Movie star Paul Newman has unveiled his __________ b) os menos pobres, as menos populosas, os menos
project. notrios.
c) os menos pobres, as mais populosas, os menos notrios.
a) the latest d) os mais pobres, as menos populosas, os menos notrios.
b) latest e) os mais pobres, as mais populosas, os mais notrios.
c) latter
d) later
e) late

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
103 | OSEC 1977 108 | EEAR 2008
Complete the sentence meaningfully: In It was a fair game, we conclude that the game was
Everybody feels __________ in spring time.
a) well.
a) gooder b) badly.
b) more good c) honestly.
c) so good d) brilliantly.
d) better
e) as good 109 | ITA 1995
O termo seldom, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser
104 | FAAP 1975 substitudo por:
Marque a alternativa correta:
As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a
Your classroom is not so __________ as mine. Mine is the relationship with us that goes beyond the ordinary. You will
__________ in the school. be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will receive
the respect and recognition 'seldom' found today.
a) bigger biggest
b) greater greatest a) occasionally.
c) great greater b) rarely.
d) large largest c) often.
e) large more large d) usually.
e) always.
105 | EFOMM 1997
Take it easy, John! You need not work so __________. 110 | UEL 1996
In the text bellow, the word nearly means:
a) hardly
b) harder After 20 years of scientific advances, 'nearly' three out of
c) hard four infertile couples seeking medical assistance to have a
d) hardest child still go home to an empty crib.
e) hardy
a) almost.
106 | EEAR 2008 b) hardly.
You can fold most umbrellas means that we can: c) close.
d) far.
a) enlarge them. e) over.
b) open them easily.
111 | UNESP 1990
c) hardly carry them.
d) make them smaller. The sun __________ rises in the west.

a) always
107 | EEAR 2008
b) never
Read the sentence below:
c) often
d) sometimes
In Mexico, 60% of men and 40% of women are
e) usually
112 | UFRS 1996
According to the sentence above, we can conclude that
Gradually and powerfully are adverbs formed from the
the percentage of overweight men is:
adjectives gradual + ly and powerful + ly, respectively. Other
adjectives can take the same suffix to form adverbs, in the
a) lower.
same way, except:
b) highest.
c) higher. a) historic.
d) lowest. b) usual.
c) wild.
d) abrupt.
e) intelligent.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
113 | FUVEST 1977 119 | JFS 2012
Qual destas alternativas s contm expresses que indicam Which word is not an adverb?
a) Wholly.
a) suddenly, at the same moment, through, just in time. b) Weekly.
b) just, suddenly, apparently, all her life. c) Earthly.
c) just, after, all, then. d) Sadly.
d) any more, apparently, at the same moment. e) Proudly.
e) right now, all her life, at the same moment, then.
120 | ITA 2010 ADAPTED
114 | MACKENZIE 1976 Leia o seguinte fragmento:
With Japan about to hold an election that could end 55
- "Have you finished your book yet?" years of almost uninterrupted one-party rule, the
- "Yes, Ive __________ done it." __________ (I) ordinary citizens can fill the power vacuum
by taking part in public life, the __________ (II).
a) still
b) yet The Economist, de 8/8/2009.
c) already
d) ever Assinale a opo que preenche corretamente as lacunas I e
e) no sei II, no excerto acima.

115 | FEI 1994 I II

Qual das palavras a seguir significa brevemente? a) most best
b) least better
a) Now. c) more best
b) So. d) more better
c) Also. e) less best
d) However.
e) Soon.
The secret of getting things done is to act!
116 | UNESP 1998 Dante Alighieri
They are going to work again __________.

a) yesterday
b) later
c) last year
d) last month
e) last week

117 | MACKENZIE 1996

The same as She little realizes how smart she looks is:

a) How smart does she realize she looks.

b) How smart she looks she doesn't realizes.
c) Little she realizes how smart she looks.
d) Does she realizes how smart she looks little.
e) Little does she realize how smart she looks.

118 | JFS 2012

Which word is not an adjective?

a) Beautiful.
b) Harmful.
c) Colourful.
d) Roomful.
e) Sorrowful.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | PUCMG 2001 ADAPTED
Pronouns I had just participated in a project that was to determine the
minimum size of forest fragment necessary to save native
001 | ITA 1995 ADAPTED
species of animals and plants from extinction. With this
The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler's
information, scientists could then work to form preservation
army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France,
areas in the forest fragments left behind by cattle ranchers.
but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which
the Germans thought the more likely invasion target.
The word THIS refers to the:
(Extracted from Time June 6, 1994) a) utilization of many valuable native species
b) necessity of urgently saving birds from extinction
O pronome demonstrativo "those" faz referncia aos:
c) size of the forest needed for wildlife reserves
a) Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia. d) destruction of thousands of native species
b) Soldados soviticos da sia Central.
c) Soldados mais adestrados do exrcito de Hitler. 006 | UNIFESP 2002 ADAPTED
d) Soldados das divises estacionrias. The rise of molecular biology since the late 1950s has had
the gradual and quite unforeseen effect of turning the eyes
e) Soldados russos, italianos e franceses.
of medical scientists increasingly toward the basic
002 | UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED mechanisms of life, rather than disease and death. Of
Researchers at Ohio State have developed a way to speed up course, this has always been the orientation of all non-
the growth of native shade trees and the local utility plans medical biologists, studying growth, reproduction, nutrition
to help promote these saplings to homeowners. or any of the other characteristics shared by all living things.

A palavra "this" refere-se a:

(Popular Science October, 1994, p.39)

A palavra THESE em "and the local utility plans to help a) research in molecular biology.
promote these saplings to homeowners" refere-se a: b) gradual and unforeseen effect.
c) medical scientists.
a) plans. d) study of basic mechanisms of life.
b) trees. e) study of disease and death.
c) researchers.
d) bills. 007 | MACKENZIE 1998
e) costs. Choose the correct alternative:

003 | UFMG 1995 ADAPTED "Aquele o Tim perto da porta?"

PISCES 20 Feb. 20 March "No, Tim o que est na janela."
Every 200-odd years your fate becomes closely linked, for a
while, to your neighboring sign Aquarius. This is one of those a) "Is that Tim on the door?"
times so read their horoscope as well! "No, Tim is the one on the window."
b) "Is that Tim near the door?"
THIS in refers to: "No, Tim is the one on in the window."
c) "Is that Tim next to the door?
a) Aquarius. "No, Tim is that one through the window."
b) confusion. d) "Is that Tim over the door?"
c) horoscope. "No, Tim is that one across the window."
d) travelling. e) "Is that Tim by the door?"
e) urging. "No, Tim is the one at the window."

004 | UFAL 2000 ADAPTED 008 | UNESP 1984

If you're planning a trip abroad __________ summer, don't I know he'll tell __________ a different story.
let phrasebooks leave you tongue-tied.
a) they
a) a b) his
b) an c) your
c) the d) we
d) this e) us
e) that

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
009 | UFMG 1995 013 | UFSC 1996 ADAPTED
Choose the GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT propositions to
Love Among the Laundry complete the blanks in the following sentence:

When Sally found a man's striped sock curled among her __________ were working, when she __________.
clothes at the launderette she returned it to the tall dark
young man with a shy smile. They met there every week for 01. They arrived.
several months, then were seen no more. One of their 02. He Arrives.
wedding presents had been a washing machine. 04. We left.
08. Mary is writing.
(Molly Burnett) 16. You called.
32. David and Gregoire came in.
The word IT in she returned it to the tall dark young man
refers to: Now, mark the correct sequence:

a) a smile. a) 01 + 04 + 16 + 32 = 53
b) a sock. b) 01 + 02 + 04 + 08 = 15
c) the launderette. c) 01 + 04 + 08 + 16 = 29
d) the laundry d) 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 62
e) the machine. e) 02 + 08 + 32 = 42

010 | UNITAU 1995 014 | UFV 1996

Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia de The word THEY in the sentence Personality questionnaires
pronomes que mais adequadamente completam a sentena were sent out to more than 2000 men and women without
a seguir: prior selection; when THEY were returned, the birth dates
were noted and the results were put through a computer,
__________ cat is sick because __________ ate __________ refers to:
spoiled food over there.
a) results.
a) Its; he; that b) men.
b) Its; he; this c) questionnaires.
c) His; its; this d) birth dates.
d) Its; it; that e) women.
e) His; it; that
015 | CESGRANRIO 1991
011 | UEL 1996 The pronoun IT in the sentence When we eat something
Mexicans can thank the peso crash for one thing: IT has with sugar in it, particularly refined sugar, enzymes in the
forced them to confront the country's deep-seated political saliva in the mouth begin to work immediately to change
problems. Disappointed with the ruling party, the PRI, they that sugar into a type of carbohydrate refers to the word:
are demanding a truly First World government.
a) saliva.
In the above text, IT refers to: b) sugar.
c) mouth.
a) Mexicans. d) something.
b) peso crash. e) refined sugar.
c) PRI.
d) Mexico. 016 | UNESP 1998
e) political problems. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada
lacuna da frase adiante:
012 | UNESP 1989
__________ work in the field of engineering. Do you think __________ is as experienced as __________?

a) She a) her I
b) They b) him she
c) He c) she I
d) Them d) myself we
e) It e) they him

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
017 | PUCPR 1997 021 | UNESP 2001
Fill in the blanks of the text below with the appropriate As a tool, the computer assists __________ to perform a lot
pronouns: of activities.

Dear Debbie, a) we
How are you? Lisa and I are having a marvelous holiday. We b) us
are really enjoying __________. We brought three tubes of c) ourselves
suntan cream with __________ and we've used __________ d) they
all up already. Lisa is a bit annoyed because her suntan isn't e) to us
as good as __________.
022 | UEL 2001 ADAPTED
a) ourselves we them mine "A Chinese employee at Motorola complained that the
b) ourselves us them mine company had been cheated when it bought numbers
c) us us they my wholesale for its own staff, because IT was given numbers
d) us we themselves mine that all ended in 4 (e.g. 54-7424), which means death."
e) ourselves ourselves they my
The capital word IT in the sentence above refers to:
018 | CESGRANRIO 1993
Mark the option which completes the following sentences a) wholesale.
with the adequate pronouns: b) a Chinese employee.
c) the Motorola company.
I. Businessmen have __________ own priorities. d) the number 54-7424.
II. Everyone must feel happy with __________ working e) death.
III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more time 023 | PUCSP 2002 ADAPTED
with __________ children. Na frase "Women now become doctors at nearly the same
IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot rate as men, but they become physicians, not surgeons", o
discuss __________ disadvantages. pronome they refere-se a:

a) doctors.
a) I. his, II. their, III. her, IV. their
b) I. their, II. its, III. their, IV. its b) physicians.
c) I. their, II. his, III. her, IV. its c) surgeons.
d) I. its, II. your, III. its, IV. their d) men.
e) I. his, II. his, III. their, IV. your e) women.

019 | FEI 1997 024 | UFV 2001

Complete: In the sentence "Please give us the intelligence to save what
is left of our environment", the pronouns us and our relate
Stay with __________ while I drive __________ car. to:

a) we.
a) I your
b) they.
b) she you
c) I.
c) me your
d) she.
d) me yours
e) you.
e) her yours
025 | UNESP 1995
020 | UECE 1998
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Em "It was HER sister Josephine who told HER", os vocbulos
em maisculo classificam-se respectivamente como: They saw men and women talking to __________ own
a) pronome adjetivo/pronome objeto
b) pronome substantivo/pronome sujeito a) his
c) pronome adjetivo/pronome sujeito b) her
d) pronome substantivo/pronome objeto c) them
d) they
e) their

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
026 | PUCPR 2001 030 | PUCSP 2006 ADAPTED
Which option contains the correct use of the pronouns? When the Portuguese arrived in Brazil five centuries ago,
they encountered a fundamental problem: the indigenous
I. Could you tell __________ what has happened in the pub? peoples they conquered spoke more than 700 languages.
II. His uncle gave __________ the money to set up his new Rising to the challenge, the Jesuit priests accompanying
business. them concocted a mixture of Indian, Portuguese and African
III. It was kind of you to let me borrow __________ words they called "lngua geral," or the "general language,"
computer. and imposed it on their colonial subjects.
IV. She ignored __________ father's warning and jumped
into the swimming pool. Adaptado de
V. Just a minute, I'm going to hang __________ jacket in the
wardrobe. No texto acima, palavra "THEM" refere-se a:

a) I. me; II. him; III. your; IV. her; V. my a) povos indgenas.

b) I. them; II. her; III. your; IV. her; V. your b) padres jesutas.
c) I. him; II. them; III. his; IV. its; V. mine c) sujeitos colonizados.
d) I. her; II. us; III. their; IV. our; V. yours d) ndios, africanos e portugueses.
e) I. us; II. his; III. her; IV. his; V. him e) portugueses.

027 | UFRN 2000 ADAPTED 031 | JFS 2000

Portugal gave her people, her religion, her language, her Dadas as sentenas:
building and decorative arts, her culture and habits, to
Brazil, to West and East Africa, to the Red Sea, to India and I. THE TITANIC sank in the beginning of the XX century.
Sri Lanka, to China and Japan, to the East Indies. II. THE BABY OF OUR UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS is crying aloud.
III. MY PET is the smartest of the neighborhood. Everybody
Highlife, London: British Airways. July 1997. p. 121-122. enjoys seeing him.

No texto acima, o vocbulo "her" ocorre cinco vezes e, em A alternativa que possui os pronomes que substituem
todas essas situaes, refere-se a: corretamente os termos em destaque :

a) cultura. a) It She It
b) povo. b) It She He
c) China. c) He She He
d) Portugal. d) She He He
e) She It He
028 | UFAL 1999 ADAPTED
Between 1950 and 1960, Japanese manufacturing output 032 | PUCCAMP 1992
grew at an average annual rate of 16.7 per cent and Peter L. Berger, one of America's most important
__________ GNP (Gross National Product) at about 10 per sociologists, exhorts politicians to operate with "the ethic of
cent. responsibility" (borrowing a phrase from Max Weber) and
consider the moral consequences of their actions.
Preencha corretamente a lacuna do texto:
Adapted from Dialogue, 2/1989
a) theirs
b) our
In the text, the pronoun "their" refers to:
c) it
d) ours
a) sociologists.
e) its
b) philosophers.
c) politicians.
029 | FAAP 1997
d) consequences.
His niece has __________ meals in town.
e) actions.
a) her
b) their
c) your
d) his
e) yours

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
033 | UNESP 1983 039 | UFSM 2002 ADAPTED
That sports car is very expensive. The car dealer told me that Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it.
__________ price is 10,000 dollars. Let's do it: that yoga thing.

a) her Observe que o "it" se repete. A que se refere?

b) his
c) its a) Stars.
d) their b) Sports.
e) hers c) Judges.
d) India.
034 | UNESP 1983 e) Yoga.
I have met that girl before, but I can't remember
__________ name. 040 | CESGRANRIO 1991
Mark the option that contains the appropriate pronouns to
a) her complete the sentences below:
b) his
c) your Animals' teeth are changing (I) composition.
d) its That animal had (II) teeth in perfect conditions.
e) yours He brushes (III) teeth whenever he eats something.
If the patient dies, we call (IV) relatives.
035 | UNESP 1984 The bacteria found (V) way to the stomach.
Peter brought his dogs and I brought __________.
a) (I) their, (II) its, (III) his, (IV) his, (V) their
a) my b) (I) its, (II) their, (III) its, (IV) his, (V) its
b) your c) (I) their, (II) its, (III) her, (IV) her, (V) his
c) mine d) (I) his, (II) their, (III) his, (IV) her, (V) their
d) the mine e) (I) their, (II) his, (III) their, (IV) its, (V) her
e) our
041 | UFRS 1996
036 | UNESP 1985 The phrase "a book of mine" could be replaced by:
This dictionary is in __________ fourth edition.
a) mine books.
a) his b) my books.
b) her c) some of my books.
c) its d) a book of my.
d) it's e) one of my books.
e) their
042 | PUCPR 1996
037 | UNESP 1986 Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue
Which team won the game? below:
__________ team did.
Bob: Do you always get good marks on __________
a) Theirs examinations?
b) They James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do __________
c) Their homework assignments and study a little every day.
d) Them Bob: How about Maria? Are __________ grades good too?
e) Yours James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very much.

038 | UNESP 1996 a) yours my his

He said he was going to pass __________ exam. b) you my hers
c) your me your
a) his d) your mine yours
b) her e) your my her
c) its
d) their
e) our

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
043 | ITA 1997 ADAPTED 047 | UNESP 2004
The computer giant IBM has offered $1.1 million (730.000 Nas oraes Your click on the Fund Free Mammograms
pounds) for a chess rematch between Garry Kasparov and button helps fund free mammograms e The National
ITS super-computer, Deep Blue. Cancer Institute and U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services recommend that women in their forties and older
O termo ITS em maisculo no texto refere-se: have mammograms every one to two years, os adjetivos
possessivos YOUR e THEIR referem-se, respectivamente:
a) ao computador de Garry Kasparov;
b) a Deep Blue; a) ao clique e a quarenta anos ou mais.
c) IBM; b) ao boto e a recomendar.
d) ao computador gigante da IBM; c) ao leitor e s mulheres.
e) a Garry Kasparov. d) ao leitor e a quarenta anos ou mais.
e) ao boto e s mulheres.
044 | UDESC 1997
Complete the sentence with the CORRECT alternative: 048 | UFPE 1996 ADAPTED
Read the following sentence:
- Whose are these shoes?
- They are __________ shoes. They belong to __________. Computers and networks isolate us from __________.
They are __________.
The correct choice to fill in the blank space is:
a) their them theirs
b) yours you your a) each others.
c) his he him b) ourselves.
d) our us ourself c) one another.
e) hers she hers d) themselves.
e) herself.
045 | UNESP 1999
Assinale a alternativa correta: 049 | UNESP 1997
Those two women always help __________.
In some cities people do not pay for __________ tickets.
a) other each
a) them b) each other
b) his c) one other
c) our d) other one
d) her e) another each
e) their
050 | PUCPR 2007
046 | ITA 1999 Lucy hates John and John hates Lucy. Lucy and John hate
Leia o recado de Ho Chi Minh aos franceses, em 1946. __________.

"You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of a) themselves

__________, yet even at those odds, you will lose and I will b) itself
win." c) each other
d) herself
A lacuna encontrada na frase acima deve ser preenchida e) himself
051 | UEL 1994
a) yours. Here is some money. Go and buy __________ some decent
b) them. clothes.
c) you.
d) theirs. a) myself
e) your. b) herself
c) themselves
d) himself
e) yourself

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
052 | UNESP 1988 057 | UNESP 2000
Assinale a alternativa correta: Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase apresentada:
People should know about __________.
Catherine is making __________ a dress.
a) yourself
b) herself a) to him
c) himself b) to her
d) themselves c) himself
e) yourselves d) herself
e) they
053 | UNESP 1996
Assinale a alternativa correta: 058 | UFV 2000
In the sentence "We look for answers within OURSELVES",
You can do that __________. the capital word has a meaning related to:

a) myself a) them.
b) himself b) him.
c) herself c) you.
d) yourself d) us.
e) ourselves e) her.

054 | FAAP 1997 059 | UERJ 2006

Assinale a alternativa correta: Reflexive pronouns have two distinct uses: basic and
emphatic. The reflexive pronoun used emphatically is found
I took my husband to the airport __________. in the option:

a) himself a) The oppressed resign themselves to their doom.

b) oneself b) They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression.
c) The enforcement of the law itself is a form of peaceful
c) myself
d) herself persuasion.
e) yourself d) Our end is a community at peace with itself.

055 | FAAP 1997 060 | PUCRS 2008 ADAPTED

Assinale a alternativa correta para preencher o espao na The pronoun themselves in the sentence the things
sentena a seguir: themselves had existed from the beginning of the world is
Mr. Dean's secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the
a) as the complement to the verb "had existed".
letters __________.
b) to emphasize the subject of the verb "had existed".
c) in relation to people taken in general.
a) yourself
d) to specify which things are arranged.
b) themself
e) as a personal pronoun.
c) himself
d) herself
061 | UNITAU 1995
e) itself
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde denominao do
pronome, em destaque, a seguir:
056 | UECE 1996
Choose the incorrect alternative: ANY day is a good day for walking.
a) The hunter shot itself with his own gun. a) Adjetivo possessivo.
b) She wants to buy herself a new coat. b) Adjetivo indefinido.
c) Most girls like to look at themselves in the mirror. c) Adjetivo demonstrativo.
d) I locked myself out of the house. d) Adjetivo relativo.
e) Adjetivo definido.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
062 | UEL 1994 067 | FUVEST 1997
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna Choose another way of saying "There isn't anything really
da frase a seguir: like that":

- "Why didn't you buy that sweater? It was such a good a) There is nothing really like that.
offer!" b) There aren't many things really like that.
- "Because I didn't have __________ money on me." c) There aren't no things really like that.
d) There is anything hardly really like that.
a) a e) There are a few things really like that.
b) no
c) any 068 | UEL 1997 ADAPTED
d) some Assinale a alternativa correta:
e) none
Despite this violent activity, poltergeists in fact never hurt
063 | UNESP 1985 __________.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) something
Those organisms pose __________ danger to human life. b) nothing
c) none
a) any d) nobody
b) none e) anybody
c) no
d) not 069 | UEL 1997
e) no one Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase a seguir:
064 | UNESP 1986
__________ said she is right. I will __________ longer stand his bad manners.

a) Somebody a) no
b) Anybody b) very
c) Anyone c) too
d) Something d) much
e) Anything e) many

065 | UNESP 1987 070 | UFRS 1997

Assinale a alternativa correta: Only about 160,000 red squirrels remain, against an
onslaught of some 2.5 million grays.
Would __________ like to hear music tonight?
A palavra SOME poderia ser substituda sem alterao do
a) somebody sentido por:
b) someone
c) anything a) fully.
d) anyone b) partly.
e) something c) approximately.
d) more than.
066 | JFS 2008 e) average.
I do not want to stay home tonight. I want to go
__________. 071 | FATEC 1999
Escolha a alternativa que mantm o mesmo significado de
a) nowhere NO ONE em "no one passes or fails a TOEFL":
b) somewhere
c) nowhere else a) Anybody
d) everywhere else b) Everybody
e) none c) Nobody
d) Somebody
e) Someone

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
072 | FEI 1997 076 | UFRS 2002
Complete o dilogo: A expresso HARDLY ANY em He was a big, beefy man with
hardly any neck poderia ser traduzida por:
- "Would you like __________ apples?"
- "No, thank you, I don't want __________ apple." a) raramente visto.
- "And you?" b) dificilmente algum.
- "Yes, I'd like __________." c) bom tamanho.
d) quase nenhum.
a) some any any e) especialmente longo.
b) an any no
c) any no some 077 | PUCRIO 2002
d) some any some
e) an some any

073 | ITA 1999 ADAPTED

Hardly __________ took Louis Frank seriously when he first
proposed, more than 10 years ago, that Earth was being
bombarded by cosmic snowballs at the rate of as many as 30
a minute.

A lacuna deve ser preenchida por:

a) somebody.
b) anybody.
c) someone.
d) everybody.
e) nobody.

074 | PUCPR 2003

Put in the missing words: "International Herald Tribune", August 30, 2001.

I. I want __________ more tea, please. Mark the sentence which must be completed with
II. __________ I go fishing. "anywhere":
III. It doesn't rain __________.
IV. I'm sorry, but I have __________ to give you. a) The manager had to go off __________ else for an
V. __________ knows it's wrong. appointment.
b) The dangerous dog was approaching but there was
a) I. some; II. Every time; III. someday; IV. nothing; V. __________ to hide.
Somebody c) Britney says she didn't go __________ yesterday.
b) I. any; II. Sometimes; III. every day; IV. anything; V. d) This is part of the original castle build __________ around
c) I. some; II. Sometimes; III. every day; IV. nothing; V.
e) Have you seen my glasses? I've looked __________ for
d) I. any; II. Every day; III. sometimes; IV. nothing; V.
Everyone 078 | UNESP 2004
e) I. some; II. Everywhere; III. every time; IV. anything; V. Eating disorders __________ class, cultural, or gender
Somebody boundaries. Therefore, they can affect __________.
075 | UFRRJ 1998
a) knows no anyone.
The sentence "there aren't any elephants here" in the b) know no someone.
affirmative form is:
c) know some nobody.
d) can know nobody.
a) there are many elephants here.
e) don't know any anyone.
b) there are plenty of elephants here.
c) there are some elephants here.
d) there are a few elephants here.
e) there are a lots of elephants here.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
079 | UEL 1998 084 | MACKENZIE 2000
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche I'm a person __________ technical knowledge of computer
corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada: will impress __________.

Here is a riddle for you: Which hand should you stir soup a) who everyone
with? b) which someone
__________. You should use a spoon. c) for whom nobody
d) whom everybody
a) Both e) whose anyone
b) Either
c) All 085 | UFSM 2002
d) Neither Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
e) No one da frase apresentada:

080 | MACKENZIE 1998 There are many evidences that __________ can live alone.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following Those __________ marriage ends generally suffer from
sentence: depression.

Being considerate means thinking about __________, not a) any who

only about yourself. b) nobody whose
c) no whose
a) the others d) nobody who
b) others e) any which
c) another
d) the other 086 | UFRS 2000 ADAPTED
e) every other The expression "whatever it likes" in the text below could be
translated as:
081 | MACKENZIE 1999
Vote for __________ candidate you like. The screenplay () dares to imagine whatever it likes about
the link between Shakespeare's artistic passions and his mad
a) wherever yearning for a certain aristocratic beauty.
b) whenever
c) whoever a) qualquer que.
d) whomever b) seja l o que for.
e) whichever c) nem tudo que.
d) todos que.
082 | UNESP 2000 e) nem sempre que.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
087 | UNITAU 1995
__________ finds the money may keep it. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao referente do
pronome relativo em destaque a seguir:
a) Who he
b) Whom Both research and commercial perspectives are considered,
c) Whose making the event essential for all researchers, designers and
d) Whomever manufacturers WHO need to keep abreast of developments
e) Whoever in HCI.

083 | UFSM 2003 a) research and commercial perspectives

__________ campaign __________ benefits children b) developments in HCI
education is worth doing. c) interface design, user modelling, tools, hypertext, CSCW,
and programming
a) Some which d) recent trends and issues
b) Any whose e) all researchers, designers and manufacturers
c) Any which
d) None that
e) Some what

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
088 | UNITAU 1995 092 | UNESP 1986
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao referente do That is the one __________ I always use.
pronome relativo em destaque a seguir:
a) whose
Since then, microchips, satellites and nuclear power have b) who
become realities THAT define everyday life. c) what
d) which
a) every day e) whom
b) life
c) intellectuals 093 | UNESP 1990
d) realities The doctor to __________ Mrs. Jones went told her to eat
e) scientists less.

089 | CESGRANRIO 1994 a) where

WHERE in "They are limited to texts where the possibilities b) what
of linguistic error are minimal" could be replaced by: c) whose
d) who
a) that. e) whom
b) which.
c) whose. 094 | CESGRANRIO 1990
d) in which. In "Men don't often have the lump-in-the-throat feeling that
e) whereby. many women experience", the pronoun THAT could be
replaced by:
090 | CESGRANRIO 1995
The pronoun WHO is used in "To help anxious shopaholics, a) who.
who often wind up with major financial and personal b) whom.
difficulties, researchers at several universities in the United c) whose.
States are working on a variety of therapeutic approaches". d) what.
Mark the option in which WHO and THAT are e) which.
095 | CESGRANRIO 1991
a) The drug __________ you ordered last week has arrived. In the sentence "This same syndrome is reflected in the
b) The hospital __________ your father recommended is models who are shown in current advertising", the relative
now closed. pronoun WHO could be replaced by THAT. The item in which
c) We hope __________ the psychiatrist will arrive soon. the relative WHO could NOT be replaced by THAT is:
d) This is the researcher __________ handled the project.
e) I met your doctor, but he didn't know __________ I was. a) Journalists who also write ads earn a lot of money.
b) The girl recognized the man who had committed the
091 | UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED crime.
To make spending time outdoors safer, a company called c) The salesgirl told the manager who had stolen the dress.
Frogskin, Inc., located in Scottsdale, Arizona, is marketing a d) Some advertisements show models who are quite exotic-
line of clothing called Frogware THAT, wet or dry, protects looking.
the user from the damaging effects of the sun more e) One of the boys who visited us yesterday is a model.
effectively than sunscreens.
096 | FEI 1996
The word THAT can be replaced with: Escolha a alternativa correta para completar a frase a seguir:

a) what. It was Eiffel __________ constructed the metal framework.

b) whose.
c) which. a) whom
d) who. b) which
e) whichever. c) whose
d) why
e) who

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
097 | CESGRANRIO 1993 101 | FEI 1997
In the sentence "it's time to meet people who work from Complete:
their homes", the pronoun WHO can be replaced by THAT.
My neighbor, __________ is very beautiful, was here this
Mark the option that can only be completed with the morning.
relative pronoun WHO:
a) which
a) That is the consultant __________ I met in So Paulo last b) whose
week. c) who
b) My brother, __________ works as a consultant, makes d) when
much money. e) what
c) Would you like to work with bosses __________ are
understanding? 102 | CESGRANRIO 1997
d) Employees __________ work from home part of the time Mark the sentence that can only be completed with WHOSE,
are happier. the relative pronoun:
e) The tele-commuter to __________ I was introduced
yesterday is Asian. a) This is Patricia, __________ sister you met last week.
b) One should be loyal to __________ one is married.
098 | PUCPR 1996 c) She's married to a doctor of __________ you have heard.
Fill in correctly with a relative pronoun: d) AIDS, __________ kills thousands of people, hasn't been
wiped out.
The flower exhibit ___________ was held in the Botanical e) I don't like people __________ lose their tempers easily.
Garden in Curitiba, last September, showed beautiful orchids
from all over the world. 103 | PUCPR 1998
Choose the right alternative to complete the spaces:
a) that
b) whose I. George Washington, __________ became president of the
c) whom United States, never told a lie.
d) where II. In Norway, __________ is a Baltic country, you can see
e) who the midnight sun.
III. Melanie Griffith, with __________ Antonio Banderas got
099 | PUCPR 1997 married, is very jealous.
Insert the appropriate relative pronoun: IV. Bernard Shaw, __________ books were known in all the
world, was a very clever writer.
Gossips, to __________ you should pay no attention, is a V. Le Corbusier, about __________ we are learning now, was
bad thing. a famous modernist architect.
Dr. Smith, __________ car is outside, has come to see a
patient. a) whose that which who whose
My friend Jack, __________ is in hospital, is very ill. b) whom which that whose whom
This is my Uncle John, __________ you have heard so much c) who which whom whose whom
about. d) which whom who whom which
e) that who whose which who
a) which, whose, who, whom
b) that, whose, whom, which 104 | MACKENZIE 1999
c) which, whom, that, who Choose the correct alternative:
d) whom, whose, that, whom
e) that, whom, who, which a) Caetano Veloso's, who latest CD, I bought last week, is
100 | MACKENZIE 1997 b) Caetano Veloso's latest CD, which I bought last week, is
Os perodos simples provenientes do composto SHE WAS A wonderful.
GIRL WHOM IT WAS DIFFICULT TO KNOW WELL so: c) Caetano Veloso's latest CD whom is wonderful I bought
last week.
a) She was a girl. Whom it was difficult to know well. d) Caetano Veloso, which is wonderful, I bought last week
b) She was a girl. It was difficult to know her well. latest CD.
c) She who was a girl. It was difficult to know well. e) Caetano Veloso's latest CD, whose I bought last week, is
d) She was a difficult girl. It was difficult to know well. wonderful.
e) She was a girl. It was difficult to know whom well.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
105 | JFS 2010 109 | UFV/PASES 2000
In his last book, the author decided to talk about the people Complete the sentence below correctly:
and the places __________ he loved.
Don Pedro, __________ was one of the visitors, was also
a) who very impressed with Bell's invention.
b) whom
c) which a) who
d) that b) whose
e) whose c) when
d) where
106 | FATEC 2002 e) which
O pronome which em "Many mobile phone operating
companies would rather give out new handsets than see 110 | UFRRJ 2000 ADAPTED
their clients defect to rival services, which often try to lure In the sentence "about 20% of lung-cancer patients are
customers by offering the latest mobile phones free for found to have a tumor WHOSE biological characteristics and
switching services" refere-se a: small size give them a good chance of being cured if the
malignant growth is surgically removed", the capital word
a) clients. refers to:
b) handsets.
c) rival services. a) patients
d) customers. b) blacks.
e) mobile phone operating companies. c) tumor.
d) lung cancer.
107 | UNIOESTE 1999 ADAPTED e) about 20%.
Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) na(s) qual(is) os pronomes that,
who e which esto utilizados corretamente: 111 | PUCPR 2003
Supply the sentences with the correct alternative:
( ) Athletes are basically the consumers who are going to
buy Jui2ce. I. This is the hardest problem __________ I have ever had to
( ) Jui2ce is a juice that offers a series of benefits to your face.
health. II. A doctor, __________ patients trust him, has great
( ) Mandarin Mango is a flavor which provides vitamin A. responsibility.
( ) Calcium is one of the components who is good for health. III. Vesuvius, __________ is a lofty volcano, overlooks the
( ) Young people that usually drink the Jui2ce say it is Bay of Naples.
delicious. IV. My friend Marcello, __________ is in hospital, is very ill.
( ) Jui2ce has beta-carotene, who is said to be excellent for V. There's something __________ I must tell you in
health. confidence.

a) V F V F F F a) I. that; II. which; III. what; IV. who; V. that

b) V F V F V V b) I. which; II. whose; III. that; IV. whose; V. which
c) V V V F F V c) I. that; II. whose; III. which; IV. who; V. that
d) V V F F V F d) I. what; II. who; III. which; IV. that; V. what
e) V V V F V F e) I. that; II. whose; III. what; IV. which; V. that

108 | UFRRJ 2000 ADAPTED 112 | UNESP 2003

In the passage "I have learned there are large numbers of Assinale a alternativa correta:
Americans (maybe not the majority) who are passionate
about, or at least interested in, shaping their lives to be Children who are exposed to TV can learn __________ ideas
humane, individual, socially tolerant and contributing, and may be taken away from it.
spiritual by some definition", the word WHO could be
replaced by: a) whoever
b) whom
a) which. c) who
b) whom. d) which
c) that. e) where
d) whose.
e) the word cannot be replaced.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
113 | UFRRJ 2003 ADAPTED 116 | UECE/2 FASE 2007
In the sentence Under a microscope you can see the In the sentences: "Gold's novel was also the start of the
bacteria that lives in your gums. It's called gram-negative 'Jewish-American' novel, WHICH BECAME AN IMPORTANT
bacteria and it produces a toxin or poison that destroys the TYPE OF LITERATURE IN THE FIFTIES AND SIXTIES. Gold
bones around your teeth, the underlined word can be describes the failure of the 'American Dream' for those WHO
the parts in capital letters are, respectively:
a) who.
b) whose. a) defining adjective clause and non-defining adjective
c) whom. clause.
d) which. b) non-defining adjective clause and defining adjective
e) what. clause.
c) defining adjective clause and defining adjective clause.
114 | ITA 2006 d) non-defining adjective clause and non-defining adjective

117 | UECE/2 FASE 2008

The sentence: "The mimetic theory was dominant for
centuries, only falling into disfavor in the late 18th century
with the rise of Romanticism, which took poetry to be
essentially an expression of personal feeling" contains a/an:

a) object noun clause.

b) subject noun clause.
c) non-defining relative clause.
d) defining relative clause.

118 | UECE/2 FASE 2008

The sentence: "the texts that make up English literature are
"A man named", no primeiro quadrinho, equivalente a:
a part and a product of the English language and cannot be
separated from it" contains a/an:
a) a man whose name is.
b) a man that the name is.
a) conditional clause.
c) a man who the name is.
b) adverbial clause.
d) a man whom the name is.
c) relative clause.
e) a man that is name.
d) noun clause.
119 | UECE/2 FASE 2008
In the expression "One-third of the youngest children in the
The writer I am talking about is the one:
United States babies through age 6 live in homes where
the television is on almost all the time", where could be
a) whom hates giving interviews.
rephrased CORRECTLY with:
b) which has just written his autobiography.
c) who wrote "Travels in Scriptorium".
a) Live in homes in which the television is on almost all the
d) whom was persecuted because of his ideas.
b) Live in homes that the television is on almost all the time.
120 | FUVEST 1996
c) Live in homes which the television is on almost all the
Choose the question for the statement: 'Plague also cropped
up in 1994, in India':
d) Live in homes the television is on almost all the time.
e) Live in homes in that the television is on almost all the
a) How long did plague crop up in India?
b) How did plague crop up in 1994?
c) When did plague crop up in India?
d) What did plague crop up in India?
e) Why did plague crop up in India?

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
121 | UNIFESP 2008 125 | UNESP 1992
No trecho: Assinale a pergunta correta para a resposta apresentada a
"Some soy plantations in central Brazil are being
transformed to sugarcane ethanol operations and For two weeks.
environmentalists say that could lead soy farmers to move
into the Amazon for their crop, which is also in high demand a) How long have you had it?
worldwide, particularly from China". b) How many time do you have it?
c) How long did you had it?
a palavra which refere-se: d) How much time you have got it?
e) There is how long you've got it?
a) ao etanol de cana.
b) aos produtores de soja. 126 | UFPE 2007 ADAPTED
c) soja. The word THAT, in: "the United Nations reported THAT of
d) Amaznia. the 41 countries it monitors"; and in: "because THAT might
e) China. jeopardize their economic growth", and in: "costly mandates
and controls THAT harm the economy":
122 | JFS 2000
O pronome __________ completa corretamente a sentena ( ) functions differently in each phrase.
abaixo e, sintaticamente, classificado como __________. ( ) has equivalent meanings in the three examples.
( ) is a conjunction in both, the first and the last examples.
A coward is one __________ thinks with his legs every time ( ) functions as a demonstrative pronoun in the second
he is in danger. example.
( ) is a relative pronoun in the last example and refers only
a) who objeto to controls.
b) who sujeito
c) whom sujeito a) F F V V F
d) that objeto b) F F F V F
e) which sujeito c) V V V V F
d) V F F V F
123 | JFS 2002 e) V F F F V
Those firemen, __________ saved the little girl from the fire,
are local heroes. 127 | UNESP 1993
Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) who
b) that __________ is your hat?
c) whom
d) which a) When
e) a e b esto corretas b) Who
c) Whose
124 | UERJ 2005 ADAPTED d) Where
Pronouns may have different functions according to the e) How many
contexts where they occur. The use of the pronoun THAT
establishing reference to the previous content of the 128 | CESGRANRIO 1995
sentence is found in: "A compulsive shopper told a researcher that she could
never go to a supermarket and buy just one bottle of milk".
a) That is a magical and mutually rewarding form of love
between writer and reader. Mark the question to which this sentence is an answer:
b) A battle scar, a light limp, hair that is an untamable mass
of curls, or any other minor flaw will make the character a) Where a compulsive shopper buys her milk?
more relatable, more lovable. b) What did a compulsive shopper tell a researcher?
c) What could be more fulfilling than a book that caresses c) Who did a compulsive shopper tell her habits to?
the reader with love, wit, sensuality and a feeling of d) Why has a compulsive shopper told a researcher about
goodness? her habits?
d) A romance novel that combines those elements will e) How has a compulsive shopper told a researcher her
seduce the reader from the first chapter to the last. routine?

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
129 | JFS 2000 133 | UNESP 1984
Complete: Assinale a alternativa correta:

- Henry is a scientist __________ wants to know how comets a) Who did discovered America?
are formed. b) Who discovered America?
- The thief __________ stole my wallet must be mad now. It c) Did who discover America?
was empty. d) What Columbus discovered?
- These precious moments __________ you are living now e) What did Columbus discovered?
wont last forever.
- They are exploring a continent __________ surface is icy. 134 | UNESP 1985
- The woman about __________ we were talking is an expert Can you tell me __________?
on Astronomy.
a) how much does a box of matches cost
a) that who * which whom b) how much a box of matches costs
b) who * that which who c) how much did a box of matches cost
c) who that which whose whom d) how much has a box of matches cost
d) who that whose which whom e) how much costs a box of matches
e) who that which of which who
135 | UNESP 1999
__________ people __________ in Braslia?
130 | FUVEST 1977
Qual a pergunta que segue a afirmao "I know that you are a) How many are there
the winner"? b) How much are there
c) What many was there
a) Whom said I am the winner? d) What many were there
b) Which one told you that I am the winner? e) How many million was there
c) Who told you so?
d) Who told that to you? 136 | UNESP 1999
e) Who said that I am the winner? __________ farm is that large one? It is __________.

131 | UNESP 1983 a) Which Peter's

Assinale a alternativa correta: b) Whose Peter's
c) Whose of Peter
- These blue jeans are mine. __________ are those on the d) Which for Peter
sofa? e) What Peter's
- They're Peter's.
137 | PUCPR 1996
a) Which Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue
b) What below:
c) Where
d) Whom Mr. Wilson is applying for a job. Right now, he is being
e) Whose interviewed by Mrs. Taylor, head of the personnel
132 | UNESP 1983 Mrs. Taylor: __________ is your full name, please?
Assinale a alternativa correta: Mr. Wilson: Thomas Wilson.
Mrs. Taylor: __________ are you from?
Do you know __________? Mr. Wilson: Canada.
Mrs. Taylor: __________ were you born?
a) where your brother bought that car Mr. Wilson: I was born on March 7, 1956.
b) where did your brother buy that car Mrs. Taylor: __________ did you know about our job offer?
c) where does your brother buy that car Mr. Wilson: Through the ad you put in the newspaper.
d) where will your brother buy that car
e) where has your brother bought that car a) How Where Why Who
b) What Where How Why
c) Who How Where When
d) What Where When How
e) What Who When How

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
138 | CESGRANRIO 1994 141 | PUCPR 2007
"The new telephone can deal with 'hello' and other words We don't know with __________ he was talking on the
well enough." phone.

This sentence contains the answer to all question below a) that

EXCEPT one. Mark it: b) whom
c) what
a) What can the new telephone deal with? d) which
b) What can deal with "hello" and other words well enough? e) whose
c) How can the new telephone deal with "hello" and other
words? 142 | UFV 2000 ADAPTED
d) Whose words can the telephone deal with well enough? Match the Question Words with the appropriate sentences.
e) Which words can the new telephone deal with well All question words must be used:
a) Where
139 | CESGRANRIO 1994 ADAPTED b) How
A new telephone system translates words and phrases from c) Which
English into other languages. Mark the item which contains a d) What
suitable English equivalent for the following Portuguese e) Why
phrases that may be part of a telephone conversation: f) Who

I. "Como vai voc?" ( ) __________ do you prefer: fish or meat?

II. "Quem est falando?" ( ) __________ didn't they call the police?
III. "Ele no est. Quer deixar recado?" ( ) __________ are we going to help her?
( ) __________ should I spend my Christmas vacation?
a) (I) How do you do? (II) What's your name? (III) He's ( ) __________ will win the next Nobel Prize for literature?
out. Can I give him a messages? ( ) __________ was he doing when the lights went off?
b) (I) How have you (II) Who's speaking? (III) He's off. Are
there any messages? a) C B E A F D
c) (I) How are you? (II) Who's this? (III) He's not in. Do b) C E B F A D
you want to leave a message? c) C E B A F D
d) (I) Are you okay? (II) Who are you? (III) He left. Do you d) E C B A F D
want to leave him a note? e) E C B A D F
e) (I) What's up? (II) Who's talking? (III) He's not here
right now. Would you like to leave a message? 143 | FUVEST 2000
Choose the question for the statement: "the Sydney
140 | PUCPR 2001 delegates promised that theirs would be the most
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below choosing the best environmentally-friendly Games ever".
a) Whose Games the Sydney delegates promised that would
I. __________ knows how to speak decent French to talk to be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever?
the tourists? b) Who did the Sydney delegates promise that would be the
II. The ticket costs $8. __________ are you going to pay? most environmentally-friendly Games ever?
III. __________ can I take the subway to the Guggenhein c) Who did promise that theirs would be the most
Museum? environmentally-friendly Games ever?
IV. __________ of those buildings is the hospital? d) Whose Games did the Sydney delegates promise that
V. __________ will your sister travel to London? would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever?
e) Which Games the Sydney delegates promised that would
a) I. Who; II. How; III. Where; IV. Which; V. When be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever?
b) I. Whose; II. Who; III. How; IV. What; V. Why
c) I. Which; II. Why; III. When; IV. How; V. Whose
d) I. Whom; II. What; III. Which; IV. Where; V. How
e) I. How; II. When; III. What; IV. Why; V. Where

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
144 | UEL 1996 148 | EFOMM 2009
- How about having a party soon? In the sentence: If the oceans die, it could cause great
- __________. destruction, the pronoun it refers to:

a) Yes, sure a) oceans.

b) I bet he doesn't b) great destruction.
c) It won't last c) atmosphere.
d) I never do d) the oceans death.
e) We aren't in it at all e) the cause.

145 | JFS 2000 149 | EFOMM 2009

__________ course do you think is the best one of this Typhoon Ida left a trail of destruction in __________ wake.
university? It swept the country from coast to coast.

a) What a) mine
b) Whose b) ours
c) How c) his
d) Which d) hers
e) Why e) its

146 | PUCPR 1999 150 | JFS 2012

Fill in the balloons with the right interrogative pronouns. What would the world be like without the Web?
Relate the numbers given to the pronouns: __________ almost had an answer, if only for a day. To
protest Congresss consideration of the onerous Stop Online
Piracy Act (SOPA) which would require Internet service
providers to block access to Web sites that let people
infringe on copyrighted material Internet companies
including Google, Facebook, and Twitter were rumored to be
coordinating a blackout, taking __________ offline
temporarily. I must admit I was kind of hoping the Internet
companies would go through with __________, just so we
could remember how we lived before the Internet. And it
seemed for a while that __________ actually would,
especially after a lawyer who runs a trade group that
represents Internet companies claimed that big-name Web
companies were pondering the AWOL option.

a) 1. Whose, 2. Who, 3. Why, 4. How, 5. Who Fill in the gaps correctly.

b) 1. Who, 2. Which, 3. What, 4. Why, 5. How
c) 1. What, 2. Whose, 3. What, 4. Why, 5. What a) We themselves it they
d) 1. Which, 2. Who, 3. How, 4. What, 5. How b) They ourselves it we
e) 1. Who, 2. Whose, 3. What, 4. Why, 5. How c) We ourselves it they
d) They themselves them we
147 | UFRS 2006 e) We themselves them they
Em quais das frases a seguir o pronome WHAT usado
corretamente? 151 | EFOMM 2013
Could I help you, sir?
I. What impresses the visitor about Seattle is its wateriness. Would you be so kind as to tell me how much
II. What time does the ferry boat leave for Bainbrigde __________?
III. Seattle offered plentiful resources, what attracted Arthur a) does this CD player cost
Denny's clan. b) this CD player costs
c) cost this CD player
a) Apenas em I. d) is the cost of this CD player
b) Apenas em II. e) cost is the CD player
c) Apenas em III.
d) Apenas em I e II.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
152 | EFOMM 2013 a) who whom which
b) that that
Read the following excerpt. c) who that which
d) that which
Increasing ship sizes, human error and the e) who that
challenge of shipping in arctic waters are among the biggest
risks facing the modern maritime industry, according to 155 | JFS 2013
Allianz Global Corporate and Speciality. Fill in the gaps correctly.
The challenge of shipping in arctic waters is
among the biggest challenges facing the modern maritime - I blush __________ I think about it.
industry, the report said. - __________ you choose to live there are always going to
Marking 100 years since the sinking of Titanic, the be disadvantages.
insurers yesterday published a report which noted that, - __________ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish
while the world commercial shipping fleet has trebled to off a whole pizza.
over 100,000 vessels over that period, overall shipping loss
rates have declined significantly. In 1912, they were one ship a) whenever Wherever However
per 100 per year; in 2009 they had fallen to one ship per 670 b) whenever Whenever However
per year. c) whenever Whenever Whatever
Despite this, Safety and shipping 1912-2012: from d) whatever Wherever However
Titanic to Costa Concordia, based on research from Cardiff e) whatever Wherever Whatever
University, said the industry faced several key challenges.
These include the growing trend to super-size ships and 156 | IME 2013
cost pressures which are forcing ship-owners to source __________ was a brilliant career.
crews from emerging economies where training standards
can be inconsistent. () a) My
b) I
In lines 15-16: Despite this, safety and shipping 1912- c) Mine
2012: from Titanic to Costa Concordia, (), the underlined d) Me
word refers to: e) Not
a) The sinking of Titanic.
b) Maritime industry.
c) Commercial shipping fleet. It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.
d) General shipping loss rate. Anatole France
e) Shipping in arctic waters.

153 | JFS 2008

Which option contains the same idea of the sentence
something no other computer had ever done?

a) Something any other computer had never done.

b) Something no other computer had never done.
c) Something no other computer had already done.
d) Anything some other computer had already done.
e) Nothing some other computer had ever done.

154 | JFS 2013

Mark the incorrect item:

I. The man __________ is near the turnstiles is the principal

of our school.
II. The soccer player __________ we have to interview is not
very famous.
III. The dog __________ barks all night long belongs to our
new neighbors.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | MACKENZIE 1996
Quantifiers and Intensifiers Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
001 | UEL 1996 ADAPTED
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche I. Could you give me __________ water? I'm so thirsty.
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada: II. I have very __________ money. I need more.
III. Who has __________ friends than John? Nobody I think.
"Did you like the film?"
IV. Only __________ people came to the party yesterday. It
"No, not very __________." was boring!
"__________ was wrong with it?" V. I have __________ time to stay with my family nowadays.
"The actors were good but the story was too sentimental."
a) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few
a) much What b) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser
b) many Why c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less
c) few When d) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least
d) little How e) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more
e) so Where
006 | UFPR 1992
002 | UNESP 1991 __________ of our history and the lives of __________ of
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas our great men and women are recreated by the movies.
da frase a seguir:
Choose the alternative(s) that can complete the sentence
Do politicians work __________ and earn __________ above correctly:
01) much much
a) little many 02) much many
b) very much 04) many much
c) much few 08) a lot a lot
d) little much 16) a lot much
e) hard many
32) a lot many
003 | UNESP 1993 a) 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 58
Assinale a alternativa correta: b) 01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45
c) 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 = 30
It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires d) 01 + 02 + 32 = 35
__________ years of study. e) 02 + 08 + 32 = 42
a) many
007 | UNESP 1990
b) much Assinale a alternativa correta:
c) little
d) lot of How __________ shoes are there in the shop windows?
e) any
a) much
004 | FUVEST 1979 b) many
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as c) few
lacunas: d) a few
e) a lot of
Give me __________ tea with __________ sugar.
008 | ITA 1998
a) many much Assinale a opo cuja frase esteja gramaticalmente correta:
b) some a lot of
c) short many
a) There is fewer people at the party than Mary expected.
d) bit a lot of
b) There is less people at the party than Mary expected.
e) some many c) There are less people at the party than Mary expected.
d) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected.
e) There was less people at the party than Mary expected.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
009 | CESGRANRIO 1990 013 | UFRS 1998 ADAPTED
Which of the following sentences can be completed with the Na sentena the Tamagotchi is a Keychain-size plastic egg
word MANY as in "the laser has many applications"? that houses a small LCD in which lives a creature that you
nurture by pushing a variety of buttons, a expresso a
a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telephone variety of buttons significa o mesmo que:
b) The laser beam has caused __________ advance in a) little buttons.
various areas. b) several buttons.
c) Science has gained __________ from the latest c) all the buttons.
applications of the laser. d) very small buttons.
d) __________ effort has resulted in significant technological e) too many buttons.
e) Scientists have devoted __________ time to research in 014 | UFRS 1998 ADAPTED
the field of communication. These pioneers began a revolution that has culminated in a
firmly established belief among most American employers
010 | UNESP 1998 that women can do the job any job as well as men. Many
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna thought that day would never come.
da frase adiante:
Na frase "Many thought that day would never come", a
Must you always make so __________ noise? palavra mais adequada para completar o sentido de many :

a) much a) beliefs.
b) many b) most.
c) most c) women.
d) few d) standards.
e) less e) discrimination.

011 | CESGRANRIO 1997 015 | UEL 1998 ADAPTED

The item that presents, respectively, a synonym for BUT and When the first men arrived in Samoa they found blind men
the opposite of MUCH in "but there is much to be gained" is: who could see well __________ to describe things in detail
just by holding their hands over objects. In France, just after
a) nevertheless anything the First World War, Jules Romain tested hundreds of blind
b) even though a few people, and found a __________ that could tell the
c) besides a little difference between light and dark. He narrowed their
d) however few photosensitivity down to the nose or in the fingertips.
e) yet little
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as
012 | CESGRANRIO 1999
lacunas do texto:
The following sentences should be completed with FEW or
LITTLE: a) so some
b) very any
I. Many of us tried but very __________ succeeded.
c) enough few
II. To our surprise, changes in foreign policy were
d) little one
e) less plenty
III. That school is so expensive that only __________ children
can attend it.
016 | UFSM 1999
IV. That crane can lift objects weighing a __________
A expresso a few numbers em "the new phones can be
hundred pounds.
programmed to dial only a few numbers" indica:
V. We had __________ chance of success.

The sentence which must be completed which FEW are: a) nmero controlado.
b) grande quantidade.
a) I and IV, only. c) nmero insuficiente.
b) II and III, only. d) nmero ilimitado.
c) I, II and V, only. e) nmero incompleto.
d) I, II, III and IV, only.
e) II, III, IV and V, only.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
017 | UFPE 1998 ADAPTED 021 | UFSM 2001
Identify the equivalent phrases to the one which is in capital Em "A LOT OF these goods", a expresso em maisculo pode
word: ser substituda, sem alterao do sentido, por:

Not since the O.J. Simpson criminal trial have SO MANY a) a great deal of.
Americans been discussing one single issue. b) a few of
c) more of
(0) such a small number of d) the majority of.
(1) such a large number of e) much of.
(2) such a few
(3) such a considerable number of 022 | PUCPR 2000
(4) such a fair number of Mark the correct alternative to fill the gaps of the dialogue
a) F V F V F
b) F V F V V At the Supermarket...
c) F F F V V
Wife: Do we need (I) wheat?
d) V V V F V
Husband: Yes, we do. We haven't got (II) wheat.
e) V V F V F
Husband: We need (III) apples, don't we?
Wife: No, we don't. We have got (IV) apples. But we have (V)
018 | MACKENZIE 1998
carrots and (VI) cheese. Let's get some...
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
a) I. some; II. much; III. any; IV. few; V. many; VI. little
b) I. much; II. any; III. many; IV. too much; V. few; VI. few
A: I don't like stroganoff. Would you like (I) pizza instead?
c) I. few; II. some; III. little; IV. many; V. little; VI. little
B: Oh no! Let's buy (II) loaves of bread and make
d) I. any; II. much; III. some; IV. many; V. few; VI. little
e) I. few; II. many; III. few; IV. no; V. much; VI. many
A: But we have (III) time to do that. We're late for school.
B: Alright, but we've got (IV) ham and (V) hot dogs.
023 | UNESP 1997
I have a __________ friends.
a) I. a little; II. a few; III. very little; IV. only a little; V. few
b) I. only a little; II. many; III. very little; IV. a few; V. any
a) ten
c) I. few; II. very few; III. more; IV. little; V. some
b) few
d) I. very little; II. only a few; III. many; IV. a few; V. more
c) some
e) I. little; II. much; III. few; IV. a few; V. very little
d) many
e) several
019 | UFV 2000
In the sentence "MANY thinkers have tried to give us
024 | CESGRANRIO 1997
answers," the capital word has a meaning close to:
LAUGHTER is an uncountable noun. Mark the sentence
below that shows the correct usage of countable and
a) a few.
uncountable nouns:
b) few.
c) little.
a) I'll have just a bread for dinner.
d) several.
b) John has fewer money than Paul.
e) much.
c) Can you give me an advice?
d) I need some informations.
020 | FATEC 2002
e) My mother is in very good health.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso gramatical
correto de "there is":
025 | AFA 2007
Only a relatively small amount of heat is lost through the
a) There is few teachers and parents talking to the children.
windows. The boldfaced expression in the sentence can
b) There is some children who need help.
only be substituted for:
c) There is a lot of frightened adults after the attack.
d) There is many events happening at the same time.
a) a great deal of.
e) There is much anger among people in New York.
b) plenty of.
c) a small number of.
d) a little.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
025 | CESGRANRIO 1995 031 | JFS 2009
LITTLE is used in "There is still very little known about Read the following excerpt:
compulsive spenders". Check the item in which it must also
be used to complete the sentence meaningfully. Watched by his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, Mr. Mousavi told an
audience of female supporters in Tehran: "We should reform
a) __________ people claim they don't like to go shopping. laws that are unfair to women." As Ms. Rahnavard spoke,
b) Many adults are compulsive spenders, but very many in the crowd shouted protests against the morality
__________ children suffer from this obsession. police, who regularly arrest women they deem
c) Researchers are willing to spend __________ thousand inappropriately dressed.
dollars to find out more about compulsive shopping.
d) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about compulsive Which of the following is the best option to be used after
shoppers, the audience interrupted very __________. the word many in the sentence many in the crowd shouted
e) Apparently, changes in the treatment recommended to protests against the morality police in order to complete its
obsessive shoppers were very __________. meaning?

027 | AFA 2007 a) women.

In the sentence Two little mice and two little men live in a b) people.
labyrinth searching for some cheese, the word little can c) citizens.
only be substituted for __________ and refers to the d) dwellers.
__________. e) wives.

a) small emphatic opinion given by the author to the 032 | AFA 2004
characters. An elderly German decided to commit suicide. Took a lot of
b) few size of the men and mice. pills, tied a briefcase full of stones around his neck, rowed
c) brief height of them out into the middle of the Rhine and was found sound
d) short the lack of importance showed by the author asleep in his boat.

028 | EFOMM 1994 (Buffalo News)

Tom takes __________ luggage in his trips. He usually takes
__________ suitcase. In the sentence Took a lot of pills, which other expression
of quantity couldnt be used in it?
a) a few no
b) little one a) a large number of
c) very little any b) a couple of
d) very few one c) a great deal of
e) a little no d) plenty of

029 | EFOMM 2007 033 | EN 2010

We should use __________ time we have available to Analyse the sentences below. Which alternative is correct?
discuss Johns proposal.
a) A little people passed the exam because it was too
a) the much difficult.
b) the little b) Few people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
c) a few c) Much people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
d) a little d) Many people passed the exam because it was too
e) the little of difficult.
e) A lot of people passed the exam because it was too
030 | UEL 1994 difficult.
I don't like to spend my vacation in the country. There isn't
__________ to do.

a) some
b) much
c) many
d) nothing
e) everything

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
034 | EFOMM 2012
Choose the option which completes the sentences below
001 | FAAP 1997
It is __________ use trying to change her mind. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
Slowly, __________ children began coming to school. da frase a seguir:
Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.
In my school __________ many foreign students.
Could you possibly give me __________ help?

a) a little / a few / few / little a) has

b) a little / a few / little / little b) there are
c) a little / few / few / a little c) there is
d) little / few / little / a little d) have
e) little / a few / few / a little e) there have

035 | JFS 2012 002 | UNESP 1994

Taking the following sentences mark the option which fills Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
the blanks correctly. da frase a seguir:

i. A great __________ people who voted for her in the last There __________ two main obstacles.
election will not be doing so this time.
a) is
ii. Have you heard __________ of Polly recently?
iii. The repairs to our car cost __________ more than we b) was
c) be
were expecting.
iv. I know quite __________ people who've had the same d) to be
problem. e) were
v. With __________ training she could do very well.
003 | PUCPR 1997
a) i. much; ii. much; iii. very; iv. few; v. little Complete the following text with the correct form of the
b) i. much; ii. much; iii. very; iv. a few; v. a little
c) i. many; ii. little; iii. much; iv. few; v. little
d) i. many; ii. little; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little A long time ago London __________ an important city, but it
e) i. many; ii. much; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little __________ different from London today. There
__________ not very many big buildings. There __________
a lot of small boats on the river.
Wear the old coat and buy the new book.
Austin Phelps a) is, is, are, are
b) was, is, are, are
c) was, was, were, were
d) was, is, were, were
e) had been, is, were, are

004 | MACKENZIE 1999

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

She __________ German very well.

a) speaks and both writes

b) both speaks and writes
c) speaks both and writes
d) speaks and write both
e) both speaks and both writes

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | FATEC 2002 010 | UNITAU 1995
Reescreva corretamente a frase a sentena apresentada a Assinale a alternativa que mostra a ordenao em um
seguir: dilogo coerente das frases numeradas de 1 a 15 a seguir:

Yes, it does depend on the age of the child. 1) I am pregnant.

2) Yes, what is it?
a) Yes, it really depends on the child's age. 3) Hello, I would like to talk to Mike.
b) Yes, it really depends on an aged child. 4) Is he home?
c) Yes, it really depends on what age have the child. 5) I don't believe it!
d) Yes, it depends on what age the child does has. 6) It is true, honey.
e) Yes, it does depend on what age does the child has. 7) Hi. It is Mike speaking.
8) Who is that?
006 | UNESP 1992 9) Fine, thanks.
Escolha a alternativa que melhor interage com a orao 10) Well Mike, how have you been?
dada: 11) It's Candice.
12) Yes, of course I do remember you.
How do you do? 13) I must tell you something, Mike.
14) You are my ex-wife.
a) I forgot! 15) Don't you remember me?
b) It is easy!
c) How do you do? a) 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3.
d) I don't know. b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 13.
e) But I don't! c) 7, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 13, 15, 4.
d) 2, 8, 6, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 10, 12, 4, 1, 3, 14.
007 | UNESP 1993 e) 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15, 12, 14, 10, 9, 13, 2, 1, 5, 6.
Which is the suitable answer to this question?
011 | UEL 1994
Do you want some ice-cream? Assinale a alternativa que a correta verso da frase
a) Last night.
b) In my pocket. "Eu quero que eles se sintam em casa."
c) Last Sunday.
d) It is not black. a) I want that they feel the house.
e) No, thank you. b) I wish they would touch home.
c) I wish they had homely feelings.
008 | UNESP 2004 d) I want them to feel at home.
People __________ weight loss is a temporary endeavor, e) I'd like them to make themselves a house.
__________ a lifelong action plan.
012 | UEL 1996
a) who thought don't design Nesta questo uma certa situao sugerida. Assinale a
b) that thought has never designed alternativa mais adequada para a situao:
c) who design think of
d) who think don't care about designing - "Do you still have tickets to Londrina?"
e) who think design - "Yes, we do."
- "When does the next bus leave?"
009 | FUVEST 1977 - "__________."
Qual a forma correta?
a) R$ 35,00
a) This book tells me as long the river was; b) Seats 21 and 22
b) This book tells how long the river is; c) Only aisle seats
c) This book tells how long the river is ago; d) From gate 5
d) These books tells me how long the rivers were; e) In twenty minutes
e) This book tells me how long the river is.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
013 | UNESP 1987 018 | MACKENZIE 1998
Assinale a alternativa correta: Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
Why __________ go home now?
I __________ when __________ that I have to study.
a) aren't we
b) didn't we a) don't like she says
c) haven't we b) never like she will tell me
d) don't we c) can't like she says
e) wouldn't we d) mustn't like she speaks
e) don't like it she tells me
014 | UNESP 1996
Assinale a alternativa correta: 019 | JFS 2012
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
He doesn't __________ anymore. sentence:

a) smoking She __________ for you since 4 p.m.

b) no smoking
c) smokes a) has been waiting
d) smoked b) had been waiting
e) smoke c) waits
d) is waiting
015 | UDESC 1996 e) was waiting
Mark the CORRECT alternative to complete the sentence:
020 | FUVEST 1998
His body __________ in the cemetery. Choose the question for the statement "The spirit lives on:

a) lies a) Where does the spirit live?

b) laid b) What does the spirit live on?
c) lays c) Which lives on?
d) lain d) Who lives on the spirit?
e) lied e) What lives on?

016 | FUVEST 1997 021 | PUCRIO 1998

A forma correta do singular de "Why do bees fuss about so In the sentence "Everyone lies", the present tense is being
much when they fly?" : used to express a fact that will never change in time
(historical present). In which of the alternatives below is the
a) Why does bee fuss about so much when it fly? present tense being used to express a similar idea?
b) Why do an bee fusses about so much when it flies?
c) Why does a bee fuss about so much when it flies? a) It is hot and sunny today.
d) Why does the bee fuss about so much when it fly? b) Water freezes at 0 Celsius.
e) Why does a bee fusses about so much when it flies? c) My plane leaves at 5pm tomorrow.
d) My cousin studies Computer Science.
017 | MACKENZIE 1997 e) Joe is late for work today.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
sentence: 022 | MACKENZIE 1999
Indicate the correct alternative to complete the sentence:
She __________ his proposal, but she __________ a
decision for a while. He __________ the __________ now.

a) considers doesn't need to make a) could remind girls' name

b) is considering doesn't want to make b) has reminded girl's name
c) has considered had to take c) is remembering girl's name
d) has been considering is taking d) reminds name of the girl
e) considered needs to take e) remembers girl's name

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
023 | UFPB 1998 027 | FATEC 1999
International advertising can be a risky business. When Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a idia equivalente a
McDonald's launched Le Big Mac in Paris, it discovered that "We used to fight like cats and dogs, but this has brought us
in local slang this meant "the big pimp". It is not just a closer together":
question of language either; national advertising styles also
vary considerably. The British like humour and irony in their a) We are not close together anymore.
ads, whereas the Germans regard this approach as frivolous. b) We usually fight like cats and dogs.
The French are more sexist than the British and will use c) We are used to fighting like cats and dogs.
seminaked women in almost any context. The Italians d) We are not so close together as we used to be.
generally like to see beautiful people wearing beautiful e) We don't fight like cats and dogs anymore.
clothes driving beautiful cars. These are not just national
stereotypes, but based on hard experience. Different 028 | PUCPR 1999
countries also prefer different products. Choose the alternative with the right sentences:

The text is PREDOMINANTLY in the: I. Why don't you cut the orange yourself?
II. You must learn how to speak English well.
a) present tense. III. He is just likes my father.
b) past tense. IV. I do not know like to sing this song.
c) future tense. V. They cut each other with a knife.
d) present perfect tense.
e) present progressive tense. a) I, II, IV
b) II, III, V
024 | UFRS 1998 c) II, III, IV
The correct verbal forms of the nouns "seduction", d) I, II, V
"betrayal", and "destruction" are: e) I, IV, V

a) seduce betray destroy 029 | MACKENZIE 2000

b) seduct betray destroy A: How do you like your coffee?
c) seduce betrayal destruct B: __________
d) seduct betrayal destruct
e) seduce betray destruct a) Only if you're having one too.
b) Strong, with 2 spoonfuls of sugar, please.
025 | UFSM 2001 c) Please do. I'm very hungry.
Assinale a alternativa que melhor expressa a idia da d) Come on now. You can't be serious.
pergunta "Sound like science fiction?": e) No, thanks. I'm on a diet.

a) Is the sound like in science fiction? 030 | UNESP 2003

b) Do you sound like science fiction? Children's interest in TV __________ between ages of 5 and
c) Does it sound like science fiction? 10.
d) Do you like the sound of science fiction?
e) Does science fiction have sound? a) keeps on growing
b) kept on grow
026 | PUCRS 2000 c) is keeping in growing
Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence: d) keep
e) keeps to grow
Today's issue of The Inquirer __________ that another
couple wants to have their wedding sponsored. It also 031 | UNESP 2003
__________ a photo of them. When children are frequently exposed to violent scenes on
TV, they __________ about violence anymore because they
a) says runs __________ anything wrong in it.
b) say run
c) said running a) care don't see
d) saying ran b) don't care can't see
e) says running c) don't care didn't see
d) didn't care couldn't see
e) don't care couldn't see

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
032 | UFRRJ 2004 037 | AFA 2007 ADAPTED
In the sentence, "biological agents do not survive well", the As a survivor of the Holocaust, I lost the life I led more than
use of the Present Tense implies: 60 years.

a) doubt. The Present Tense of the underlined verb is:

b) condition.
c) probability. a) led.
d) objectivity. b) lead.
e) certainty. c) lid.
d) leaden.
033 | UFSCAR 2004
A frase "teens would rather look something up" equivale a: 038 | EEAR 2008
Choose the best alternative to answer the question below:
a) teens prefer to look something up.
b) teens must look something up. What do you do?
c) teens dislike to look something up.
d) teens should look something up. a) We are pilots.
e) teens wish to look something up. b) Im fine, thanks.
c) I live in New York.
034 | PUCPR 2006 d) We are 20 years old.
When Carlos has a headache, he __________ some tea.
039 | EEAR 2008
a) is drinking An umbrella __________ a very ordinary object. It
b) drank __________ people against the rain and hot sun. You can
c) used to drink fold most umbrellas, so it is easy ___________ them.
d) drinks
e) would drink Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks in the
035 | UFRS 2006
Gerald Middleton was a man of mildly but persistently a) is puts to hide
depressive temperament. Such men are not at their best at b) was keeps to help
breakfast, nor is the week before Christmas their happiest c) was brings to buy
time. d) is protects to carry

What justifies the use of verbs in the present tense in the 040 | EEAR 2008
second sentence is the fact that that sentence expresses a: The stepmother smiled and said: Of course you __________
go, Cinderella. If you __________ your work first and if you
a) generalization. __________ a dress to wear.
b) systematization.
c) formalization. a) may do have
d) simplification. b) could was bought
e) formulation. c) might are doing lend
d) ought to would finish washed
036 | UECE 1998
O infinitivo de "stood" e "felt": 041 | EFOMM 2007
The companies are expanding their business and they
a) stand feel __________ all the help they can get. So they __________
b) steal fall several people.
c) stride fly
d) stay fear a) need are employing
b) are needing are employing
c) needed are employing
d) are to need employed
e) needing employ

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
042 | UNESP 1988 047 | FATEC 2004
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do
da frase apresentada: presente contnuo como em "The British Army is now
installing it in its tanks":
Many countries __________ with nuclear reactors.
a) The British Army is liking the new program.
a) is experimenting b) The British Army is understanding the needs of the
b) experiments population.
c) experimenting c) The British Army is listening to the population.
d) would experiment d) The British Army is preferring the new general.
e) are experimenting e) The British Army is possessing many tanks.

043 | FAAP 1997 048 | UFV 2004 ADAPTED

Complete: Choose the alternative in which the capital word -ING form
is an example of the present continuous:
The population of the world is __________.
a) Only 1 child in 100 can be classed as a real screen addict, a
a) going child who spends a WORRYING 7 hours or more watching TV
b) covering or playing computer games.
c) finding b) INCREASING prosperity has also contributed to the rise of
d) growing the bedroom culture.
e) beginning c) Children from the age of 9 are now TURNING to their
bedrooms as a place to socialise.
044 | FAAP 1997 d) 57% of children say they still enjoy READING, and 1 in 5
Assinale a alternativa correta: teenagers can be classed as a book-lover.
e) It is getting harder to control children's VIEWING.
The whole world __________ against drugs now.
a) is fighting The battle for digital control (I) in the movie business, but (II)
b) fought virtually over in music.
c) had been fighting
d) has fought The words and verb forms which properly fill in blanks (I)
e) fight and (II) in the sentence are:

045 | UNESP 2000 a) has still raged it'll have been

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada b) will have raged it's being
lacuna da frase apresentada: c) is still raging it's
d) was still raged it had been
I __________ to the radio every day, but I __________ e) would still be raged it has been
listening to it now.
050 | UNESP 1992
a) listen am not Escolha a alternativa que responde corretamente pergunta
b) listened had apresentada:
c) listening was not
d) was listening not What order did he receive?
e) not listen was
a) He ordered to stop smoking.
046 | MACKENZIE 2000 b) He was ordered stop to smoke.
Em ingls, "Voc est esperando alguma carta?" seria: c) They ordered to him stop smoking.
d) They ordered him to stop smoke.
a) Have you been waiting for a chart? e) He was ordered to stop smoking.
b) Are you expecting a letter?
c) Are you attending any lecture?
d) Are you staying for the lecture?
e) Have you been hoping for a lecture?

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
051 | AFA 2004 ADAPTED 056 | UNESP 1991
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game da frase a seguir:
On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning to some secret place inside Can you tell me where __________ my bike yesterday?
Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say
a) did you leave
(Trecho de Take my breath away b) you left
Giorgio Moroder/Tom Whitlock) c) you have left
d) you leaved
How can we classify the first verb in the first verse? Its: e) did you left

a) a present participle used as part of the present 057 | FEI 1994

progressive. Assinale a forma verbal que est no PAST SIMPLE TENSE:
b) a gerund and it is used as the subject of the sentence.
c) not used as infinitive, just as gerund because its a special a) shows
expression. b) has discovered
d) a gerund used with certain idiomatic expressions, for the c) making
most part, recreational activities. d) found
e) have prepared
052 | UNESP 1994
He __________ to return to his home. 058 | UEL 1996
When I asked Jim if he liked his job he replied that he:
a) not wanted
b) wanted a) did.
c) did wanted b) does.
d) does wanted c) do.
e) to want d) doing.
e) has done.
053 | UNESP 1995
The mayor __________ it difficult to refuse. 059 | UNESP 1986
__________ he do the work last night?
a) find
b) finding a) Do
c) founded b) Does
d) found c) Have
e) to find d) Has
e) Did
054 | FUVEST 1977
Qual a pergunta a anteceder a resposta "yes, I did"? 060 | UNESP 1996
Brazil __________ last year's world soccer championship.
a) Did you buy a car?
b) Will you buy a car? a) win
c) Didn't you have a nice car? b) won
d) Have you bought it? c) wins
e) You didn't. d) to win
e) winning
055 | FUVEST 1978
She did not tell me the truth. She __________ to me. 061 | UNESP 1997
John __________ me some money last week.
a) lie
b) lain a) sends
c) laid b) send
d) lay c) sent
e) lied d) sending
e) to send

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
062 | UNESP 1998 067 | PUCPR 2000
Assinale a alternativa correta: Choose the option to complete the text correctly:

I __________ the river in a boat and swam __________ the CLAUDE MONET __________ in Paris on 14 November 1840
stream. and __________ on 6 December 1926. He __________ a
leading member of the French Impressionist painters,
a) across cross especially concerned with the effect of outdoor light and
b) cross crossed shade. He __________ especially noted for his quick,
c) acrossed crossing spontaneous style, developed to catch the fleeting moment.
d) crossed across Although now acclaimed as a great French painter, Monet
e) crossing across himself, like most artists, never __________ that he had
achieved the perfect conclusion of the ideas that were in his
063 | MACKENZIE 1997 mind.
Indicate the correct alternative:
Adapted from the book "The life and the works of Monet",
Kelly __________ her eyebrows in extravagant __________. by Edmund Swinglehurst

a) risen shock a) was born died was is felt

b) raise horror b) borns dies is is fells
c) rise panic c) borned died was was felled
d) raised surprise d) had born had died had been had been had felt
e) to raise arrogance e) is born died was was fell

064 | UNESP 1999 068 | MACKENZIE 2000

When __________ World War II __________? Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas
I, II e III das frases a seguir:
a) did started
b) do started He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago.
c) does started They __________(II) an attempt to escape.
d) do star I __________(III) an important decision last night.
e) did start
a) did made made
065 | UECE 1999 b) made did made
Marque o "past tense" de SPEND, LEAVE e KNOW: c) did made did
d) made made made
a) spended leaved known e) made did did
b) spent left knew
c) spended left knew 069 | MACKENZIE 2000
d) spent leaved known Which is the best sentence?

066 | UNESP 2000 a) I used to smoke, but I don't anymore.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna b) I've smoked, but I don't anymore.
da frase apresentada: c) I smoked, but I didn't anymore.
d) I had smoked, but I haven't anymore.
The kids were hungry and __________ all the pie. e) I would smoke, but I can't anymore.

a) eats 070 | MACKENZIE 2000

b) ate Thanks __________ the financial aid he __________, he
c) eating __________ to attend the university.
d) eaten
e) not ate a) to receives had been able
b) for has received will be able
c) to is receiving wasn't able
d) to received was able
e) for received would be able

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
071 | UFRRJ 2000 075 | UFRS 2005
The infinitive and past simple forms of the verbs KNOWN Complete the gap in the sentence below with the best
and BEEN are: alternative:

a) know and be. In the past, English cavaliers __________ swords while
b) knew and being. __________ on the left.
c) know knew and be was/were.
d) known knew and be was/were. a) drew riding
e) know knew and be were/was. b) draw would ride
c) were drawing riding
072 | UFV/PASES 2000 d) drew have ridden
In the sentence "Thousands of visitors were surprised when e) had drawn rode
they SAW and HEARD this invention", the capital verbs are
the past tenses of: 076 | FATEC 2003
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma interrogativa
a) save and hide. correta da frase "the death rate rose 33 percent":
b) say and hate.
c) sit and have. a) Did the death rate rose 33 percent?
d) sing and hum. b) Did the death rate raise 33 percent?
e) see and hear. c) Did the death rate rise 33 percent?
d) Does the death rate rise 33 percent?
073 | UFV 2002 ADAPTED e) Does the death rate rose 33 percent?
Based on your knowledge of English grammar, correct the
sentence in the cartoon below: 077 | FATEC 2007
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde forma afirmativa
do segmento "Engineers didn't think":

a) Engineers thought.
b) Engineers though.
c) Engineers through.
d) Engineers thru.
e) Engineers throw.

078 | UNESP 2008

Indique a alternativa que completa corretamente a sentena
a seguir:

The lady was sorry the Application __________ to eight

pages, but she __________ it to get the information she
a) 'he took my chair' it's 'my chair was took'. __________.
b) 'he took my chair' it's 'my chair was taken'.
c) 'he took my chair' it's 'my chair was taked'. a) runs needs wanted
d) 'he taken my chair' it's 'my chair was taken'. b) runs need wanted
e) 'he taken my chair' it's 'my chair was taked'. c) run needs wants
d) ran needed wanted
074 | UFRS 2001 e) run need want
O verbo "lead" forma o passado e o particpio passado do
mesmo modo que: 079 | EFOMM 2005
Susie was watching TV when her husband __________.
a) meet.
b) cut. a) arrived
c) tear. b) had arrived
d) see. c) was going to arrive
e) bear. d) has arrived
e) would arrive

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
080 | EFOMM 2007 085 | UNESP 1986
- David, __________ Mr. Willcox and Mr. Alex __________ Assinale a alternativa correta:
the P&O Shipping Company in 1837?
- Thats right. That was the first year. When John came in __________ a book.

a) did found a) she was reading

b) has found b) Mary is reading
c) do find c) will read
d) does found d) should read
e) have founded e) reads

081 | UNITAU 1995 086 | UECE 1998 ADAPTED

Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao verbo que tem She was beginning to recognize this thing that was
duas formas distintas para pessoas diferentes no passado approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it
simples: back with her will.

a) To have. Na sentena, emprega-se o tempo:

b) To do.
c) To go. a) simple past.
d) To become. b) past perfect.
e) To be. c) past continuous.
d) present perfect.
082 | FEI 1997
Preencha os espaos em branco com a forma verbal correta: 087 | UDESC 2002
Find the correct answer:
When she __________ I __________ to do my work.
I was watching television.
a) has arrived had tried
b) arrived was trying a) past continuous
c) arrives was trying b) conditional
d) has arrived has tried c) simple past
e) arrived try d) present perfect continuous

083 | UEL 1996 088 | UNESP 1995

Samuel Ryder __________ a friendly game between some Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a
British professionals and the American players. seguir corretamente:

Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche He will __________ almost everything you ask him.
corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada:
a) do
a) is watching b) to do
b) watches c) doing
c) will watch d) does
d) was watching e) did
e) has watched
089 | UNESP 1998
084 | UNESP 1989 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
Assinale a alternativa correta: da frase adiante:

They __________ about art last night. I'll __________ soccer this afternoon.

a) talks a) playing
b) talk b) played
c) was talking c) to play
d) talking d) play
e) were talking e) plays

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
090 | UEL 1998 ADAPTED 094 | PUCRIO 2000
That's exactly what you __________ experience aboard the In the sentence "For the first time in human history, early in
high speed Eurostar passenger train. the next millennium, there will be more people living in
cities than on the rest of the planet", the future form is used
A lacuna do texto corretamente preenchida pela to express a prediction. In which of the alternatives below is
alternativa: the future form used to express a similar idea?

a) are a) Will someone help me with the luggage?

b) had b) It will snow heavily in two days' time.
c) does c) If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
d) go d) Don't worry. I'll watch your dog carefully.
e) will e) Waiter, I'll have some salad for lunch.

091 | MACKENZIE 2002 095 | UEL 2000 ADAPTED

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following Na frase "You'll find some monster savings on books at
sentence:", a forma verbal em YOU'LL indica:

Julia isn't going to London. __________ you going a) hbito.

__________? b) futuro.
c) necessidade.
a) Aren't either d) permisso.
b) Aren't too e) vontade.
c) Are neither
d) Are either 096 | PUCPR 2006
e) Are too I'm sorry, but I __________ able to meet you for lunch
092 | ITA 2002 ADAPTED
Qual das expresses sublinhadas a seguir NO indica a) haven't been
expectativa/ao futura? b) can't be
c) don't be
a) Democrats hope to capitalize on public disenchantment d) won't be
with the Bush energy plan. e) wasn't
b) Who shall run the program the Medicare system or
states and private insures? 097 | JFS 2000
c) A fast-track bill without provisions to protect the You and I __________ together if we dont want to fail at the
environment or international labor standards will face admission exam this year.
d) They expect a fight if Daschle concludes that the White a) will to study
House is trying to pack the judiciary with conservative b) shall not to study
activists. c) shall study
e) They expect a fight if Daschle concludes that the White d) will not to study
House is trying to pack the judiciary with conservative e) wont study
098 | UEL 1994
093 | FEI 2000 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
"I don't think". Coloque na forma positiva e no tempo da frase a seguir:
- What __________ to do when you get to Rio?
a) I do think. - I don't know yet.
b) I am thinking.
c) I think. a) are you going
d) I won't think. b) were you
e) I'll think. c) did you
d) do you
e) you go

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
099 | ESPCEX 99 104 | FUVEST 1997
Choose the correct alternative: Considere a imagem a seguir:

A: Brrr. Who turned up the air conditioner? Its really cold in

here. My nose and my fingers are cold.
B: I __________ you a hot cup of tea.
A: Thanks. That sounds good.

a) will bring
b) wont bring
c) will not break
d) will break
e) wont break

100 | JFS 2008

Read the following sentence:

They're going to have a baby in the spring.

Qual seria o correspondente, no passado, de "if I ever
It expresses something that: catch" and "I'll wash"?

a) is not probable to take place. a) If I ever were to catch I'll wash

b) is not being planned or expected. b) If I ever caught I'd wash
c) suddenly happens. c) If I ever would catch I washed
d) is certain or expected to happen. d) If I ever caught I'd have washed
e) will not happen without planning. e) If I had ever caught I would wash

101 | UNESP 1993 105 | UFSM 2003

Assinale a alternativa correta: If people were honest, they __________ buy fake products.

I did not think she __________ come. a) would

b) did
a) was c) won't
b) were d) wouldn't
c) would e) don't
d) don't
e) doesn't 106 | UFRS 2005 ADAPTED
In "If not for a girl named Kitty Wu, I probably would have
102 | FEI 1995 starved to death", the form would have starved indicates a:
Em "If there were no cracks glass would be stronger than
steel", a forma verbal "would be" significa: a) habit long acquired.
b) condition in the future.
a) ser. c) permission granted.
b) foi. d) possibility in the past.
c) seria. e) obligation in the present.
d) teria sido.
e) . 107 | UEL 1994
Life is so dull! I __________ anything interesting happen to
103 | PUCPR 1996 me in ages!
If I won a lottery I __________ around the world.
a) had
a) travel b) have not
b) traveled c) have had
c) will travel d) don't have
d) would travel e) haven't had
e) am traveling

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
108 | FUVEST 1977 113 | FGV 1995 ADAPTED
Qual destas sentenas est correta? Brutal competition from the Third World and the Soviet
block has stalled the developed nations.
a) I don't have never taken a course in Japanese.
b) I have never taken a course in Japanese. No texto, a melhor traduo para HAS STALLED :
c) I never didn't take a course in Japanese still.
d) I ever did not take a course in Japanese. a) tem incentivado.
e) I took not a course in Japanese ever. b) aqueceu.
c) crescer.
109 | FUVEST 1977 d) tem assustado.
Indique a resposta certa para "Has he heard the news?" e) parou.
utilizando "no":
114 | PUCCAMP 1992
a) No, I didn't. Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche
b) No, I haven't heard the news. corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:
c) No, he hasn't.
d) No, I haven't. Sandy: Hi, Jack.
e) No, you haven't. Jack: Hi, Sandy.
Sandy: Gosh! I __________ you for ages!
110 | FUVEST 1979 Jack: That's true. I __________ from a trip to Japan just
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: yesterday.

Have you __________ the correct alternative? a) saw am returning

b) saw returned
a) choose c) have seen have returned
b) chase d) haven't seen returned
c) choosed e) haven't seen have returned
d) chose
e) chosen 115 | ITA 2003 ADAPTED
If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried
111 | UNESP 1991 up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas bills were paid, I __________ (I) guaranteed mail two
da frase a seguir: pieces a week, by my estimation for the credit card
companies __________ (II) me.
He __________ learning English five years ago but he
__________ it yet. Assinale a opo que poderia preencher respectiva e
corretamente as lacunas I e II do texto apresentado:
a) has started does not learn
b) started has not learned a) would still be would still want
c) has started learn b) will still be will still want
d) started have not learned c) would still have been would still have wanted
e) have started did not learn d) still am still want
e) may still be may still want
112 | FGV 1995 ADAPTED
Black Nigerian students have, on average __________ 116 | UNESP 1984
consistently better academically than their white European Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) I live here since 1970.
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche b) I have lived here since 1970.
corretamente a lacuna do texto: c) I am living here since 1970.
d) I will live here since 1970.
a) did e) I would live here since 1970.
b) does
c) do
d) done
e) doing

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
117 | UNESP 1985 122 | UFRS 1997
We're still waiting for Bill. He __________ yet. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence below
a) hasn't come
b) haven't come Mexico __________ many difficult crises in history, but now
c) didn't come it __________ its own future.
d) doesn't come
e) hadn't come a) has faced is shaping
b) faced was shaped
118 | CESGRANRIO 1993 c) have faced shapes
In only a short time, the computer __________ the way in d) have been facing shaped
which many jobs __________. e) faces has been shaped

a) had changed do 123 | UFRS 1998

b) changed have done Complete a frase a seguir com a forma verbal mais
c) has changed are done adequada para cada lacuna:
d) are changing were done
e) will change have been doing The kids __________ in love with the Tamagotchi when they
first __________ it, but they __________ with it lately.
119 | UNIRIO 1996
A forma verbal has arrived em "Yes, the future has arrived: a a) fell saw have not played
movie theater at home, thanks to laser" traduz-se por: b) fall see did not play
c) fell see did not play
a) est chegando. d) have fallen seen do not play
b) tem chegado. e) fall saw have not played
c) chegar.
d) chegou. 124 | UFRN 1999 ADAPTED
e) chega. Since 1935 researchers have known that when laboratory
rats and mice are fed a very-low-calorie diet 30 to 50
120 | ITA 1998 percent of their normal intake they live about 30 percent
A frase "I never came across such a set in all my life" foi longer than their well-fed confreres, as long as they get
extrada de "Three Men in a Boat", escrito por Jerome K. sufficient nutrition.
Jerome em 1889.
A locuo verbal HAVE KNOWN indica uma noo de
No seu entender: temporalidade referente a:

a) A frase no apresenta restrio gramatical. a) dois momentos no passado.

b) "I have never come across..." teria sido uma melhor opo b) passado e futuro.
gramatical. c) passado, exclusivamente.
c) "I have never came across..." teria sido uma melhor opo d) passado e presente.
d) "I never come across..." teria sido uma melhor opo 125 | ITA 1999
gramatical. "Since 1985 the Shop __________ a Company limited by
e) "I am never coming across..." teria sido uma melhor o guarantee with charitable status; its aim is primarily to
opo gramatical. relieve poverty in developing countries".

121 | UNESP 1998 (Panfleto da loja ONE WORLD SHOP, em Edimburgo, Esccia)
Assinale a alternativa correta:
A alternativa que melhor preenche a lacuna do texto acima
Have you __________ my Uncle Jack? :

a) not meet a) is
b) meets b) was
c) meeting c) had been
d) met d) have been
e) meet e) has been

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
126 | ITA 2000 ADAPTED 130 | FATEC 2003
But what has been so frustrating about the market reactions Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do
in recent months is that despite the surging economy, Presente Perfeito do verbo "become", como em "Internet
inflation has not been rising. It has remained flat, at around cafes have become this generation's equivalent of the
3 percent, and yet Wall Street, certain that the shadow it telephone booth":
sees is the ghost of higher inflation come to haunt the
trading floors, has been clamoring to the Federal Reserve for a) He has become a political leader in 1984.
higher rates. b) She has become a U.S. citizen before she moved to
The New York Times Magazine. May 22, 1994. c) She has become a widow right after the war.
d) She has become his wife five years ago.
O que determinou a utilizao do Present Perfect Tense no e) He has become ill.
pargrafo acima foi:
131 | UFRRJ 2003
a) o estilo do autor. In the sentence, "I HAVE HAD leading positions in political
b) a referncia a um tempo passado no explicitado no and public office FOR nearly 30 years", the words in capital
texto. letters describe an action which:
c) a referncia a acontecimentos e/ou sentimentos
desencadeados no passado e que continuam no presente. a) was repeated in the past.
d) a atribuio de maior nfase ao que se pretende dizer. b) continues up to the present.
e) a referncia a sentimentos e/ou acontecimentos que c) continues to the future.
ocorrem no presente. d) goes to the past.
e) was completed in the past.
127 | MACKENZIE 2000
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following 132 | UERJ 2004
sentence: In the sentences:

__________ plan that was presented __________. The large scale entrance of women into the professions
since the 1960s has posed many ideological and aesthetic
a) Not every was suitable challenges.
b) Not all had suited
c) Neither all had suitability Many of the basic principles, associated with exclusively
d) Almost any h as suited male executive office subcultures, have endured.
e) Every suitably
The temporal reference expressed by the verb forms has
128 | UFSM 2001 posed and have endured is best analyzed as:
Se o sujeito da orao "Machines HAVE already
CONVERGED" estivesse no singular e fosse mantido o tempo a) situations beginning at a prior point continuing into the
do verbo, a forma verbal destacada: present.
b) actions occurring at a specified prior time with current
a) ficaria inalterada. relevance.
b) seria trocada por "had converged". c) actions completed in the past prior to other past points in
c) se transformaria em "is being converged". time.
d) seria substituda por "has converged". d) situations developed over a prior time period and now
e) passaria para "is converging". completed.

129 | UFV 2002 133 | MACKENZIE 2005

In the sentence "Fortunately, people HAVE INVENTED The same verb tense used in "The jokes haven't stopped yet"
countless ways of amusing themselves", the capital verb is appropriately used in:
tense is:
a) The books have been read last week.
a) present perfect continuous. b) They've done that before.
b) present perfect simple. c) The noise has stopped when I went to bed.
c) simple present. d) The film has started at 6:00 p.m. before long.
d) simple past. e) We've seen each other the night before.
e) past perfect.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
134 | UFRS 2006 138 | UECE 2008
Consider the verb form in the sentence below: The sentences "Plato acknowledged the power of poetry",
"This is simply the accepted mode of referential writing",
Britain HAS INVESTED very little in Chinese studies. "Traditionally, literary texts have been easy to identify" and
"In the 20th century, much attention has been given to the
The same verb form is used correctly in the sentence language of literature" are respectively in the:

a) I haven't met my Chinese friends since July. a) simple past, present perfect, present perfect and present
b) The children have read a Chinese story yesterday. perfect.
c) Have you learned Mandarin when you were in school? b) simple past, simple present, present perfect and present
d) They have seen many Chinese films last year. perfect.
e) His parents have lived in China in the 1960's. c) simple past, simple present, past perfect and present
perfect continuous.
135 | PUCPR 2008 d) past perfect, simple present, present perfect and present
Find the correct use of the Present Perfect Tense: perfect continuous.

1) I've answered all the questions. 139 | EEAR 2008

2) He has stayed in that position for half an hour. Some men __________ no jobs lately.
3) Jane's written a book.
4) The writer has written a new book last year. a) havent found
5) Lice has been a problem to mankind for years. b) have found
6) Some thieves have robbed the bank a week ago. c) doesnt find
7) My men has slept for five hours. d) has found

Choose the right alternative: 140 | EFOMM 2006

The paint is wet because he __________ the picture.
a) 1 2 5 7
b) 1 2 4 5 a) is just ending
c) 1 4 5 6 7 b) just ended
d) 2 3 7 c) have just ended
e) 1 2 d) has just ending
e) has just ended
136 | FATEC 2008
Assinale a alternativa que contm o uso correto do tempo 141 | EFOMM 2007
verbal Present Perfect", como no exemplo a seguir: These machines have __________ idle since the factory
Evidence has begun to show that animals have personalities
after all. a) laid
b) lied
a) Brazil has won the world cup in 2002. c) lay
b) When America was discovered, Indians have lived in the d) to lay
land for a long time. e) lain
c) Her grandfather has won the lottery.
d) They have finished their assignment before the end of 142 | ITA 1995
class. A alternativa que melhor preenche a lacuna na sentena
e) The president has arrived from Europe the previous night. abaixo :

137 | ITA 2008 You look as if you __________ a monster!!! Are you all right?
Assinale a opo em que a contrao dos verbos ('s) ou ('d)
est representada corretamente: a) just saw
b) have just seen
a) He's more useless than the gunman. has c) have just been seeing
b) The car's only got a few minutes left on it. is d) just see
c) I wish this bloke'd hurry up. had e) are just seeing
d) The car's not even worth it. has
e) He's just turned twenty. has

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
143 | CESGRANRIO 1990 148 | JFS 2008
Mark the sentence which can be completed with the verb Jeffrey was proud of his son who __________ a prize at
between parentheses in the same verb tense as in school.
Scientists have found that the laser beam can transmit
human voices: a) win
b) won
a) A century ago, scientists __________ not able to predict c) have won
the applications of the laser beam. (BE) d) has won
b) Doctors started to use the laser beam only after e) had won
communication experts __________ it. (USE)
c) Today laser researchers __________ the laser beam is 149 | UNITAU 1995
here to stay. (BELIEVE) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde denominao do
d) Scientists __________ the importance of the laser since it tempo verbal da frase a seguir:
was discovered. (REALIZE)
e) By the year 2000, scientists in various areas __________ I have been looking for a tree.
the use of the laser beam. (EXTEND)
a) Gerund.
144 | EFOMM 1997 b) Simple Present.
Which is the correct form? c) Present Perfect.
d) Present Continuous.
a) Have ever you been in England? e) Present Perfect Continuous
b) Has you ever been in England?
c) Have you ever been to England? 150 | UNITAU 1995
d) Have you been ever in England? Assinale a alternativa na qual se incluem a forma do futuro
e) Have you ever be to England? simples e a forma do presente perfeito contnuo da sentena
a seguir:
145 | UEL 1995
He returned home after he __________ the office. Two teams of 11 players attempt to guide an inflated ball
into goal cages.
a) leaves
b) does leave a) Two teams of 11 players will attempt to guide an inflated
c) had left ball into goal cages./ Two teams of 11 players have been
d) will leave attempting to guide an inflated ball into goal cages.
e) didn't leave b) Two teams of 11 players would attempt to guide an
inflated ball into goal cages./ Two teams of 11 players has
146 | UFRS 2001 been attempting to guide an inflated ball into goal cages.
When earth __________ to be, the angels' war in heaven c) Two teams of 11 players attempted to guide an inflated
__________. ball into goal cages./ Two teams of 11 players are
attempting to guide an inflated ball into goal cages.
a) came had ended d) Two teams of 11 players may attempt to guide an inflated
b) comes has ended ball into goal cages./ Two teams of 11 players will be
c) had come ended attempting to guide an inflated ball into goal cages.
d) came had been ending e) Two teams of 11 players do attempt guiding an inflated
e) comes was ending ball into goal cages./ Two teams of 11 players will has
attempted to guide an inflated ball into goal cages.
147 | UNESP 2008
The lady __________ that she __________ the PIN number 151 | FUVEST 1978
on the number of button presses required to access her Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna:
account balance.
I __________ the book for a couple of hours now.
a) wrote has modeled
b) writes would be modeling a) had read
c) was writing modeled b) am read
d) wrote has been modeling c) had been read
e) wrote had modeled d) having read
e) have been reading

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
152 | FUVEST 1996 ADAPTED 157 | UFPEL 2006
As military spending has fallen, Brazil's arms makers For the past three years, she says, she has been submitting
__________. essays bought and copied from the internet and passing
them off as her own. She is currently working on her final-
a) have been struggling year project and most of the materials in the dissertation are
b) would be struggling coming off the net. Anna (not her real name) says she cheats
c) had been struggling because it is easy to get away with it.
d) has struggled
e) were struggling Pode-se observar, no texto acima, a ocorrncia de trs
tempos verbais distintos na lngua inglesa. As afirmativas a
153 | UDESC 1996 seguir contm idias relativas a cada um desses tempos:
Mark the sentence that is written in CORRECT English:
I. Algo que Anna faz com regularidade.
a) I teach English since five years ago. II. Algo que Anna tem feito h algum tempo.
b) I'm teaching English for many years. III. Algo que Anna est fazendo no momento.
c) I've taught English since some years.
d) I had taught English since some years. Com base nas asseres, assinale a alternativa que
e) I have been teaching English for five years. apresenta a idia contida em cada um desses tempos
verbais, segundo a ordem em que aparecem nos referidos
154 | UDESC 1996 pargrafos:
Find the CORRECT alternative to complete the following
a) II, I e III.
b) III, I e II.
c) III, II e I.
- "You look tired."
- "Yes, I __________ non-stop all day." d) I, II e III.
e) II, III e I.
a) am working
158 | JFS 2008
b) have been working
I __________ hard for 10 years before I __________ that
c) work
d) will work
e) will have worked a) have been working gotten
b) have been working get
155 | UDESC 1997
c) had been working got
Find the CORRECT answer: d) had been working gotten
e) had been working get
He __________ letters since lunch.
159 | FUVEST 1977
a) is writing Qual dessas sentenas est correta?
b) have been writing
c) have written a) News have to be sent by telegraph.
d) writes b) News has to be sent by telegraph.
e) has been writing c) News are sent through telegraph.
d) News had to be sent with telegraph.
156 | UFPE 1995 ADAPTED e) News is to be sent with telegraph.
As Brazil __________ economic and social upheaval, many
Brazilians dream of moving to foreign parts to try out a new 160 | FATEC 1998
life. Em "THAT'S the buzz about creatine, a muscle-building
supplement THAT'S become as common as sweaty towels in
Select the correct choice to fill in the blank space of the gyms across the country", a contrao THAT'S corresponde
sentence above: respectivamente a:

a) had gone through a) that is that is

b) has been going through b) that has that is
c) will go through c) that is that has
d) is going through d) that has that has
e) could go through e) that has that was

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
161 | UEL 2000 ADAPTED 165 | UFG 2006
Addicted to portable electronics but hate adding to the 60
billion or so alkaline batteries that get thrown away every

A sentena acima uma pergunta redigida de forma

coloquial. A forma gramaticalmente correta do verbo seria:

a) Were you addicted...

b) Are you addicted...
c) Do you addict...
d) Did you addict...
e) Are you addicting...

162 | UEL 2000 ADAPTED

When the stuff finally __________ get discarded, it breaks Adapted from
down into harmless rust.
exemplo de agramaticalidade caracterstica da linguagem
A lacuna do texto deve ser preenchida com uma forma que oral:
d nfase ao verbo. Essa forma pode ser:
a) "You know what I wonder?"
a) sure b) "Sometimes I wonder..."
b) too c) " ... pleased with me."
c) is d) "Do you ever wonder...?"
d) do e) "He just has to be!"
e) does
166 | EFOMM 2006
163 | PUCPR 2004 Lucy: - Has Betty finished writing that letter?
If the sentence "Ain't that sweet!" were to be changed from Tom: - No, and she __________ three hours ago.
colloquial speech into more formal language, it would be:
a) should had finished
a) Aren't those sweets! b) should have finished
b) Wasn't that sweet! c) should to finished
c) Isn't that sweet! d) should finished
d) Is that as sweet! e) should finish
e) Was that sweet!
167 | JFS 2008
164 | PUCPR 1998 I __________ the job, but I __________ too tired.
Choose the CORRECT option that completes the phrases
below: a) should have finished were
b) could have finished was not
I. I'd rather you __________ in the car. c) cannot have finished am
II. This wouldn't have happened it you __________ been d) would have finished was
more careful.
III. When he was a boy he __________ be thin. 168 | UNESP 1992
IV. No sooner __________ arrived it started to rain. Escolha a alternativa que responde corretamente s
V. He cannot leave the hospital until his cut has __________. perguntas apresentadas:

a) wouldn't smoke had would they had cured What happened to the bridge?
b) not to smoke should have was used to did they
cure a) Oh! We should have blew up it!
c) no smoking have used to they had been cured b) Oh! We should blown it up!
d) didn't smoke had used to had they cured c) Oh! We should to have blown up it!
e) don't smoke would have got used to they were d) Oh! We should have blown it up!
cures e) Oh! We should had blown up it!

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
169 | CESGRANRIO 1994 172 | AFA 1999
Choose the alternative which completes the following Complete the text:
sentences with the adequate verb forms:
City residents tired of noisy car alarms that go off at all hours
I. The first translation program for computers __________ of the night __________ this: an auto-security system that
invented in the late forties. (BE) uses smoke, not noise. Called the Dragon Vehicle Defense
II. Scientists __________ research on machine translation Machine, it __________ robbery by filling the car with a
since the 50's. (DEVELOP) cloud of smoke so dense that the thief cant see. It
III. Most contemporary translators nowadays __________ __________ at car stores in June. Cost 35 dollars.
computers to perform their task. (USE)
a) love will prevent is
a) (I) had been (II) have developed (III) will use b) will love prevents will be
b) (I) was (II) have been developing (III) use c) wont love is preventing wont be
c) (I) to be (II) are developing (III) are using d) loving is going to prevent is being
d) (I) has been (II) develop (III) will be using
e) (I) would have been (II) developed (III) have been using 173 | AFA 2008

Lovers' Moon
170 | PUCPR 1996
Lucy: How is your hotel? The fabled Lovers' Moon
Sally: Great! It's the best hotel I __________ in. illuminates the night.
Lucy: Is Ben __________ the holiday? Shining upon a couple with its magic light.
Sally: Ben is really __________. You know, the last time we They treasure just one thought
__________ to London was 10 years ago and the city two hearts so crystal clear.
__________ a lot since then. To hold in their arms one that is so dear.
One that makes life worth living just by __________ near.
Choose the best option to complete the conversation:
They promise that forever
a) stayed enjoying pleasing have come have changed together they __________ as they bathe
b) stay enjoyed pleased come changed in the magic that others do not see.
c) ever stayed enjoying pleased have come have So if you feel that you __________ lonely
changed and hope to find love soon.
d) have ever stay enjoying pleased came changed Look toward the heavens and make
e) have ever stayed enjoying pleased came has a wish on the Lovers' Moon.
From the Internet, Quacmoto 1/4/00
171 | JFS 2008
Fill in the gaps correctly: Complete the brackets with the right tense of the verb to
be and mark the correct alternative:
Coldplay __________ a rock band formed in London,
England in 1997. Coldplay __________ 33.9 million albums, a) being will be are
and __________ also known for their hit singles, such as b) to be to be re going to be
"Yellow", "The Scientist", "Speed of Sound", "Fix You", "Viva c) been are will be
la Vida" and the Grammy Award-winning "Clocks". Coldplay d) been are going to be are
__________ worldwide fame with the release of their single
"Yellow", followed by their debut album, Parachutes (2000), 174 | UFF 2000
which __________ nominated for the Mercury Prize. "Even had we known from the beginning he was suffering
from yellow fever it would not have changed the
From Wikipedia treatment".

a) are have sold are achieved was The verb phrases in bold indicate that the change in
a) are has sold is achieved was
a) are have sold is achieves was
a) will happen in future.
a) is has sold are achieved were
b) may happen in future.
a) is have sold are achieves were
c) could have happened but didn't.
d) can happen but will not any way.
e) might still happen.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
175 | ITA 2005 177 | JFS 2007
Fill in the text below with the following instructions:

During the same 24 hours that BenQ __________ (I)

it quits on the digital camera market, Kodak __________
reportedly __________ (II) similar thoughts when eying its
low-end camera lineup. According to CNET, Kodak President
Antonio Perez shared that the firm would be "abandoning
the low-end of the digital camera business" at the JPMorgan
Technology Conference in Boston. He also added that while
the company "__________ (III) much money" in that
segment, it __________ (IV) its own five-megapixel CMOS
sensor to be used in a (presumably mid-range) Kodak-
branded digicam. More interesting, however, was the
addition that this very sensor __________ also __________
(V) its way into "several Motorola cell phones by the end of
the year." ()

Adapted from

I. The Simple Past Tense of To Call

II. The Present Perfect Tense of To Have
(Time, May 12, 2003) III. The Past Progressive Tense of To Make
IV. The Past Progressive Tense of To Develop
Considere as seguintes asseres: V. The Simple Conditional Tense of To Make

* Em "We're" e "they'd", "'re" e "'d" so, respectivamente, The correct sequence is:
contraes de flexes verbais dos verbos I e II.
* Uma outra forma de expressar a orao "If we told you a) called has ... had weren't making were developing
everything, they'd have to kill us." III. would ... make
b) called has ... had wasn't making was developing
A opo que melhor preenche as lacunas I, II e III : would ... make
c) called has ... have wasn't made was developing
a) I. are; II. would; III. They'd kill us, unless we told you would ... make
everything. d) had called has ... had wasn't making had been
b) I. are; II. had; III. They had to kill us, unless we told you developing would ... make
everything. e) had called has ... had wasn't making was developing
c) I. were; II. would; III. Unless we told you everything, they would ... made
would have to kill us.
d) I. were; II. could; III. Unless we told you everything, they 178 | CESGRANRIO 1992
could kill us. Check the alternative which contains the correct verb forms
e) I. are; II. would; III. They wouldn't have to kill us, unless to complete the sentences below:
we told you everything.
1. My neighbor __________ sleeping pills since he lost his
176 | IME/CG 2011 ADAPTED job. (TAKE)
By 1996, significant components of the aircrafts defensive 2. Someone who __________ from insomnia finds it difficult
managing system, just one small part of its electronics, to sleep. (SUFFER)
__________ obsolete. 3. John __________ to see a specialist in sleeplessness three
weeks ago. (GO)
a) will be 4. As I entered the drugstore, I saw someone that I
b) is __________ 6 years earlier. (MEET)
c) are
d) were a) has been taking suffers went met
e) was b) took has been suffering has gone did meet
c) has taken has suffered went have met
d) had taken had suffered had gone met
e) has taken suffers went had met

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
179 | EFOMM 2012 182 | EFOMM 2013
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences: Janet was out of breath because __________.

1. Where have you been? I __________ for you for two a) she does run
weeks! b) she didnt run
2. Their bus __________ at 3:00 p.m. c) shes been running
3. Tim __________ to the beach, when he heard the d) shes run
weather forecast and changed his mind. e) shed been running
4. Research _________ that excessive use of cell phones
may cause headaches. 183 | EFOMM 2013
5. When the police arrived, the thieves _________. There was no one else at the box office. I __________ in a
a) have been looking / has arrived / drove / showed / had a) neednt wait
run away b) mustnt wait
b) am looking / has arrived / was driving / has shown / has c) neednt have waited
run away d) didnt need to wait
c) have been looking / has arrived / drove / has shown / ran e) must wait
d) have been looking / arrives / was driving / has shown / 184 | IME 2013
had run away Not alone __________ the race, but she also beat the
e) am looking / arrives / was driving / showed / ran away record.

180 | PUCPR 2000 a) she wins

Mark the correct option: b) she will win
c) she would win
Language is the most important development in human d) did she win
history. The arts, sciences, laws, economic systems, and e) she won
religions of the world __________ not exist without
language. Humans __________ biologically for some 40
thousand years. However, our ability to communicate I believe that if one always looked at the sky,
__________ us from the cave all the way to the moon. one would end up with wings.
Little __________ about the birth of language. Written Gustave Flaubert
records that are more than 4 thousand years old
__________, but anthropologists agree that humans
__________ thousands of years before that.

a) could have not changed has led has known are

being found have been speaking.
b) could have not changed will lead known is being
found have spoken.
c) could have not changed has led is known have
been found were speaking.
d) can will will lead is known have found were
e) should have not changed have led is known were
found have been speaking

181 | EFOMM 2013

When Martin __________ the car, he took it out for a drive.

a) were washing
b) had washed
c) has washed
d) washed
e) was washing

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | FUVEST 1977
Modal Auxiliaries Qual a forma correta?
001 | UNESP 1992 a) the mail must go on whether there are a hundred storms;
Assinale a pergunta correta para a resposta apresentada: b) the mail can go on whether there are a hundred storms;
c) the mail should go on when there are a hundred storms;
Take the second on the left and then ask again. d) the mail must go on if there are a hundred storms;
e) the mail is going on if there are a hundred storms.
a) Can you give me an information?
b) Excuse me. Where the Town Hall is? 006 | FUVEST 1979
c) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Town Hall is? He __________ avoid __________ mistakes.
d) Could you tell me where does the Town Hall is?
e) Do you know when is the Town Hall? a) ought making
b) must make
002 | CESGRANRIO 1995 ADAPTED c) shall make
Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from d) needs make
lack of self-esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction e) should making
to television commercials and glossy advertisements.
007 | FGV 1995 ADAPTED
The modals COULD, MIGHT and MAY appear in the text to __________ we conclude, in line with the opinions of some
express the idea of: scholars, that black Nigerians are genetically more intelligent
than Europeans?
a) permission.
b) possibility. Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche
c) intention. corretamente a lacuna do texto:
d) prohibition.
e) ability. a) Have
b) Are
003 | UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED c) Can
Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as d) Is
hoped at preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long e) Had
hours in the sun with a false sense of security.
008 | PUCCAMP 1992
The word MAY expresses the idea of: Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!
Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
a) permission. Janet: Yes, but we won't have to, there's a life boat on
b) possibility. board.
c) prohibition.
d) obligation. In the above dialogue, the verbs CAN and HAVE TO express
e) expectation. respectively __________ and __________.

004 | FUVEST 1977 a) ability obligation

Qual destas expresses corresponde a "ele no deveria ter b) permission prohibition
feito isso"? c) possibility prohibition
d) permission possibility
a) He mustn't have made it; e) ability necessity
b) He shouldn't have done that;
c) He could not have made it; 009 | UEL 1994
d) He might not have done that; Assinale a alternativa correta:
e) He cannot have done that.
We __________ hurry. The bus leaves in 10 minutes.

a) can
b) must
c) do
d) did
e) would

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | UEL 1994 015 | UNESP 1989
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna Assinale a alternativa correta:
da frase a seguir:
Doctors and dentists should always __________ with their
- "Excuse me, sir. __________ you tell me the time?" training.
- "Sure, it's 5:20."
a) continued
a) May b) continue
b) Do c) continuing
c) Can d) will continued
d) Have e) have continue
e) Shall
016 | UNESP 1996
011 | UEL 1996 Assinale a alternativa correta:
Assinale a traduo correta da frase entre aspas apresentada
no dilogo a seguir: Could I __________ earlier tomorrow?

- "Can you tell me how to get there?" a) to leave

- Of course I can. b) leave
c) leaves
a) Voc pode me dizer como se consegue isso l? d) left
b) Quem pode me contar como se faz isso?
e) leaving
c) Voc pode me ensinar o caminho?
d) Como se pode ir de l para c?
017 | UNIRIO 1996
e) Voc consegue atravessar para o outro lado? The word CAN in "Loneliness itself is hard to define. People
aren't always lonely when they're alone, but they CAN feel
012 | UEL 1996 lonely when surrounded by other people" expresses:
Assinale a verso correta da frase entre aspas:
a) obligation.
"No posso comprar um carro novo."
b) necessity.
a) I shouldn't be thinking of a new car. c) permission.
d) possibility.
b) I can't afford a new car.
e) intention.
c) I can't buy anything new.
d) If it is new, I don't want it.
e) Who needs a new car anyway? 018 | UECE 1997 ADAPTED
I should get my hair cut.
013 | UEL 1996 ADAPTED
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche 'Should' means:
corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada:
a) would.
Bob, __________ you do me a real favor? b) had to.
c) ought to.
a) may d) might.
b) could
c) must 019 | FAAP 1997
d) ought Assinale a alternativa correta:
e) should
- "Do I have to do it again?"
014 | UNESP 1984 - "Yes, you __________."
This place is not good. __________ we go elsewhere?
a) had
a) Will b) would
b) Will not c) must
c) Ought d) did
d) Shall e) were
e) Let's

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
020 | FAAP 1997 025 | UNESP 1997
Assinale a alternativa correta: The rain can __________ our shoes.

I'm sorry the train was late and I __________ arrive earlier. a) spoil
b) spoils
a) couldn't c) spoiled
b) ought not d) to spoil
c) don't e) spoiling
d) mustn't
e) wouldn't 026 | UECE 1996 ADAPTED
He must have seen the old priest's corpse lying there.
021 | CESGRANRIO 1990
The phrase BE ABLE TO in "the laser light signals will also be Taking "must" as an example, choose the alternative
able to transmit video telephone conversations in the where the modal is used correctly:
future" expresses the idea of:
a) This card should be sent at once.
a) permission. b) She should be sent us a post card.
b) assumption. c) They ought not go to the beach on Friday.
c) obligation. d) He must not to come to the party tonight.
d) ability.
e) necessity. 027 | UERJ 1998
The word CAN in "consumers can start questioning
022 | CESGRANRIO 1991 advertising" expresses:
In "servilities that must be avoided" the modal auxiliary
MUST expresses an idea of obligation. The form which would a) possibility.
NOT express the same idea in this same context is: b) probability.
c) permission.
a) had better. d) intention.
b) have to.
028 | UFRS 1998 ADAPTED
c) need to.
d) ought to. In he should have reached the door of 10 Downing Street,
e) have got to. the form "should have reached" indicates the same as:

a) must have reached.

023 | FEI 1996
b) was expected to reach.
c) will have reached.
d) can have reached.
I'd prefer to stay here. That's what I'd __________.
e) was going to reach.
a) do
029 | MACKENZIE 1998
b) do best
Look how wet the ground is. It __________ last night.
c) have done
d) rather do a) might be sunny
e) doing b) must have rained
c) should have been warm
024 | MACKENZIE 1997 d) may be snowing
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following e) ought to dry
030 | UNESP 2001
"He might have done it." So, __________. Universities abroad may __________ a more recent result
when the IELTS was taken a long time ago.
a) he was permitted to do it.
b) we don't know whether he did it or not. a) requires
c) he didn't do it. b) require
d) he did it. c) to require
e) he wasn't able to do it. d) requiring
e) required

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
How dreadful for them to sense, as they must, the lack of Your government check may not arrive, your insurance
enthusiasm of the audience. policies may have expired.

"As they must" sugere: In the sentence above, "may have expired" has the meaning
a) obrigao.
b) advertncia. a) permission.
c) recomendao. b) real deduction.
d) deduo. c) unreal future.
e) permisso. d) uncertainty.
e) logical conclusion.
032 | UFRN 1999 ADAPTED
I would like to find an agency or agencies that might be 037 | UNESP 2002
interested in using the images for textbooks, calendars or Yoshinori Haga said that __________ a great potential and
postcards. that, among other reasons, toys __________ used for
A forma verbal MIGHT BE exprime:
a) there was can be
a) necessidade. b) there is were
b) certeza. c) there were couldn't be
c) probabilidade. d) there was could be
d) condio. e) there wasn't can't be

033 | UERJ 1999 038 | FATEC 2002 ADAPTED

In the computer cannot know that it is the year 2000, and Assinale a alternativa que apresenta idia equivalente a "it
must effectively work on the presumption that it is 1900, may lead to more confusion":
the word must expresses:
a) It may be due to more confusion.
a) intention. b) It may be caused by more confusion.
b) certainty. c) It may be the result of more confusion.
c) necessity. d) It may result in more confusion.
d) prohibition. e) It may result from more confusion.

034 | PUCRIO 1998 039 | PUCMG 2001

The modal auxiliary ought to in "Liars ought to have good The sentence "You can't avoid colds" means that:
memories" indicates:
a) you don't have to do any exam.
a) possibility. b) you mustn't stay inside your home.
b) probability. c) you can't keep away from colds.
c) obligation. d) you shouldn't be exposed to viruses.
d) ability.
e) permission. 040 | UFRS 2000
The verb which can be classified both as a FULL VERB and a
035 | UFSM 2000 MODAL is:
Research suggests the cause may lie internally, in terms of
abnormal biological functioning. a) gets.
b) turned.
A melhor traduo para o segmento "may lie" : c) dares.
d) envisions.
a) pode estar. e) enjoy.
b) consegue revelar.
c) parece encobrir.
d) deixa passar.
e) permite enganar.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
041 | UEL 2000 045 | FATEC 1999
Andrew Parker, a researcher at the Australian Museum, Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o significado
discovered that a bevy of tropical beauties are capable of correspondente mais prximo a "Sales may get a boost":
harnessing solar power for murderous ends.
a) Sales are going to get a boost.
A expresso ARE CAPABLE OF significa o mesmo que: b) Sales are able to get a boost.
c) Sales will get a boost.
a) can. d) Sales must get a boost.
b) must. e) Sales might get a boost.
c) might.
d) should. 046 | MACKENZIE 2000
e) will. In which of the statements does the modal MUST express
042 | UEL 2000
The mummies may also provide anthropologists with new a) There's somebody in the other office. It must be my boss!
knowledge about capac cocha, the lncas' ritual sacrifice of b) You mustn't smoke here!
children. c) She must be a very good student. She always gets A's.
d) I must go right now!
O uso de MAY, na frase acima, indica que o autor: e) Who must he be? There are lots of people around him!

a) tem certeza do que afirma. 047 | MACKENZIE 2000

b) evita fazer afirmaes categricas. In the sentence, "You may be wrong, but you may be right",
c) pede permisso do leitor para fazer afirmaes. MAY means:
d) quer a confirmao para suas afirmaes.
e) procura convencer o leitor sobre suas afirmaes. a) possibility.
b) permission.
043 | PUCSP 2001 c) ability.
Nas frases: d) deduction.
e) obligation.
* Knowledge about the effects of DNA variations among
individuals can lead to revolutionary new ways to diagnose, 048 | UFPEL 2000
treat, and someday prevent the thousands of disorders that A expresso "business may sound complicated and
affect us. expensive" traz consigo a idia de:

* DNA sequences can lead to an understanding of their a) permisso.

natural capabilities. b) possibilidade.
c) certeza.
A palavra CAN indica a idia de: d) habilidade.
e) obrigao.
a) conhecimento.
b) permisso. 049 | PUCMG 2004
c) habilidade. Recent advances in human embryology and genetic
d) confirmao. engineering have raised the issue of how this knowledge
e) probabilidade. ought to be used, and it is now a matter of considerable
public concern and debate.
044 | UFRRJ 1998
In the sentence "MAY I ask why you do it?", the word that The words ought to suggest:
best replaces the capital word is:
a) advice.
a) should. b) ability.
b) ought to. c) possibility.
c) need. d) prohibition.
d) can.
e) must.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
050 | PUCRIO 2003 052 | MACKENZIE 2004
A different and possible ending to the sentence "If I put my
shoes on the right feet" is:

a) ...I can have been consider a normal person.

b) ...I ought to be considered a normal person.
c) ...I would have had considered like normal.
d) ...I should had considered to be normal.
e) ...I must have be considered a normal person.

053 | UFRRJ 2004

In the sentence, "the casualties were fewer than might have
occurred", the underlined word implies:

a) possibility.
b) permission.
c) necessity.
d) assumption.
In "you should start each day with a song... in your soul", e) capacity.
"should" expresses an idea of:
054 | UFRS 2004
a) certainty. Consider the following sentences:
b) obligation.
c) impossibility. I. The magic should come from another place.
d) probability. II. It would be necessary for the magic to come from
e) advice. elsewhere.
III. The magic had to come from any other place.
051 | PUCPR 2003
Match the columns below. Then mark the option which Which of them means the same as the sentence THE
provides the correct order of the second column: MAGIC WOULD HAVE TO COME FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE?

Coluna I a) Only I.
(1) Shall I switch off b) Only II.
(2) Could I carry c) Only III.
(3) Can I take d) Only I and III.
(4) I'll help e) Only II and III.
(5) Would you like
055 | ITA 2005
Coluna II Assinale a opo que contm as respectivas melhores
( ) you do the washing up. tradues para os verbos destacados nos trechos a seguir:
( ) your coat?
( ) those bags for you? "But the extinct languages of which we have some
( ) something to drink? historical record in this part of the world MUST be only a
( ) the lights? fraction of those for which we have nothing."
"It is easy to see that no sensible estimate CAN be
The option that shows the correct order of the second obtained about the rate at which languages have died in the
column is: past."
"We CAN of course make guesses at the size of the
a) 4 3 2 5 1 population in previous eras, and the likely size of
b) 5 3 2 1 4 communities, and work out possible numbers of languages."
c) 4 2 3 1 5
d) 4 3 2 1 5 a) devem; pode; pode.
e) 5 2 3 4 1 b) devem; pode; podem.
c) devem; pode; podemos.
d) deve; podem; pode.
e) deve; podem; podemos.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
056 | UNESP 2005 059 | PUCRIO 2006
Indique a sentena que expressa um conselho: In the sentence "One reason TV can become instructive,
when parents explain why children should not copy what
a) When depressed, teens always ask for adult guidance. they saw", the word can expresses the idea of:
b) Teens see more of what life has to offer and then they
become depressed. a) ability.
c) Adolescents who never make new friends become b) request.
depressed. c) inability.
d) Adolescents don't try to make new friends when they feel d) permission.
depressed. e) possibility.
e) When teens become depressed, they should try to ask an
adult for help. 060 | MACKENZIE 2005

057 | UEL 2005

"Don't have to" and "must not" indicate:

a) absence and lack of obligation.

b) required permission and necessity.
c) lack of necessity and prohibition.
Disponvel em: d) no choice and permission. e) requirements and power.
Acesso em: 14 out. 2004.
061 | PUCRIO 2006
Com base no texto, "ought to" usado para indicar o que The only option in which the detached expression transmits
considerado: an idea of obligation/necessity is:

a) Errado. a) An email distribution list on Star Trek MAY HAVE close to

b) Correto. one hundred members.
c) Necessrio. b) The communication which takes place there COULD BE
d) Improvvel. either one-way or merely informational.
e) Obrigatrio. c) Users MUST BE invited to join the community by someone
already there.
058 | PUCRS 2005 d) Similar to Friendster, Orkut goes a step further BY
O verbo da orao principal na sentena "People faced with PERMITTING 'communities of users'.
mental health concerns can find it difficult to get facts about e) InCircle WAS INTENDED for use by former university
symptoms and treatments, the services that are available to students.
them, or even to find someone who is prepared to listen" :

a) faced.
b) concerns.
c) can find.
d) get.
e) are.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
062 | PUCRIO 2007 067 | EFOMM 2008
In "This study appears to show us that the use of energy - How come Bob argued with the waiter?
drinks might predispose people to abuse alcohol", might can - The food __________ awful.
be correctly substituted by:
a) had better be
a) must. b) should have been
b) shall. c) can be
c) had to. d) must have been
d) could. e) ought to be
e) ought to.
068 | PUCRIO 2008
063 | PUCRIO 2007 Mark the only alternative that contains a correct
In "It could be a plane crashing into the World Trade correspondence between the verb form in capital letters and
Center", could can be correctly substituted by: its meaning:

a) might. a) Today the world faces what MIGHT be called a 'clash of

b) must. emotions' as well. Obligation
c) had to. b) There are some areas that SEEM to display all of them
d) shall. simultaneously. Necessity
e) ought to. c) The first priority for the West SHOULD be to recognize the
nature of the threat. Advice
064 | PUCRS 2008 d) It is a war nonetheless and one that the West CAN lose.
The clause "we are now able to fly" can be substituted, Permission
without a change in meaning, by "we __________ fly now". e) But it MUST find a solution to the Palestinian problem
first. Ability
a) are going to
b) ought to 069 | JFS 2007
c) should In the sentences below:
d) could
e) can * I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can
save enough money.
065 | UNIRIO 1998 * We oughtn't to have agreed without knowing what it
When your emotions are riding high, "the ever-changing would cost.
clouds and colors of the sky are a reassuring reminder that * When you got lost in the forest you must have been very
your own state of mind is temporary. It's a relief to frightened.
remember that, This too shall pass.
The Modals MIGHT, OUGHT and MUST express,
The word SHALL in "This too shall pass" conveys the respectively:
meaning of:
a) possibility, advice and obligation
a) certainty. b) possibility, prohibition and probability
b) likelihood. c) possibility, advice and probability.
c) possibility. d) capacity, advice and probability
d) suggestion. e) capacity, prohibition and advice
e) expectation.
070 | JFS 2007
066 | EFOMM 2008 Fill in the following sentence correctly:
The invention of the elevator by Elinsha Gray transformed
architecture. If Elinsha hadnt invented the elevator, In my opinion, Marla __________ study harder. She
skyscrapers __________ have been built. __________ be approved, but she __________ improve.

a) mustnt a) can could ought

b) might b) should can must
c) should c) ought to should can
d) can d) should must cannot
e) wouldnt e) ought can must

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
071 | UFPE 1998 ADAPTED 074 | AFA 2005
"Must" in the sentence "Why the monarchy must stay" is
equivalent to:

(0) could
(1) ought to
(2) is obliged to
(3) should
(4) has to

The correct sequence is:

a) F V V V V
b) F V F V V
c) F V V V F
d) V F V V V
e) V V V F V I dont care what planet youre from, you cant run around
Earth stark naked!
072 | UFPE 1998 ADAPTED
"MAY" in "Blacks with different tribal tongues MAY have Which sentence has the same idea as the modal cant in
been forced to create this common black vernacular," the sentence above?
a) You dont have to run around Earth
(0) possibility. b) You neednt run around Earth
(1) probability. c) You mustnt run around Earth
(2) certainty. d) You arent able to run around Earth
(3) obligation.
(4) permission. 075 | JFS 2012
Match the following sentences with the best meaning
The correct sequence is: expressed by the modal verb in each of them.

a) V V F F V I. She can speak four languages.

b) V V F V F II. I wonder if I might have a quick look at your newspaper.
c) V F F V F III. You should not talk to your brother this way.
d) V V F F F IV. Luggage must not be left unattended.
e) F V V F F
a) ability / possibility / advice / prohibition
073 | EFOMM 2010 b) capacity / possibility / suggestion / obligation
"People must be aware of the consequences of their actions. c) ability / permission / advice / probability
One can do whatever he pleases as long as he doesn't do d) capacity / permission / suggestion / necessity
harm to others. This may not be followed by many people, e) ability / permission / advice / prohibition
but it certainly should. If a person has many friends, he must
know this already." 076 | EFOMM 2013
Ive lost the key. I ought __________ it in a safe place.
The underlined modal verbs express:
a) that I put
a) advice / permission / permission / advice / obligation b) to be putting
b) advice / ability / permission / ability / obligation c) to have put
c) obligation / permission / possibility / advice / deduction d) to put
d) obligation / ability / possibility / obligation / deduction e) put
e) deduction / ability / permission / obligation / obligation

So high as a tree aspires to grow,

so high will it find an atmosphere suited to it.
Henry Thoreau

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | CESGRANRIO 1994
Active and Passive Voice Mark the sentence below which is NOT in the passive voice:
001 | UNITAU 1995 a) A revolutionary telephone system was unveiled.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde forma ativa da b) A sophisticated computer was programmed.
frase a seguir: c) It was instructed to translate "out of sight, out of mind".
d) The Russian translation was then fed into the computer.
A detailed description (...) is given.
e) A computer will invariably have difficulty in making sense
a) The authors give a detailed description. of it.
b) The authors will give a detailed description.
006 | UNIRIO 1995
c) The authors have given a detailed description.
d) The authors gave a detailed description. The PASSIVE construction equivalent to "in addition,
e) The authors will have given a detailed description. Frogwear absorbs very little water" is:

002 | UNITAU 1995 a) In addition, very little water is absorbed by Frogwear.

Assinale a alternativa que corresponde voz ativa da b) In addition, very little water can absorb by Frogwear.
c) In addition, very little water would be absorbed by
sentena a seguir:
The 1994 cup was hosted by the United States. d) In addition, very little water has been absorbed by
a) The United States hosted the 1994 Cup. e) In addition, very little water was absorbed by Frogwear.
b) The United States will host the 1994 Cup.
c) The United States have hosted the 1994 Cup. 007 | FEI 1995
d) The United States had hosted the 1994 Cup. Leia as sentenas a seguir e marque a que est na VOZ
e) The United States will have hosted the 1994 Cup. PASSIVA:

003 | UNITAU 1995 a) We were experimenting with the use of sound waves.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde voz passiva da frase b) It was a very low-tech start.
a seguir: c) Madonna has now been replaced by high energy waves.
d) All glass is weak because it cracks.
Future generations may regard the scientific indictment of e) Glass products have microscopic cracks in them.
smoking as a major contribution to preventive medicine and
the health of the western world. 008 | UNESP 1991
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
a) Future generations will be regarded by the scientific da frase a seguir:
indictment of smoking as | ...
b) The scientific indictment of smoking has been regarded by Those people are happy because they __________ love in
future generations as | ... their childhood.
c) The scientific indictment of smoking may be regarded by
future generations as | ... a) was given
d) The scientific future generations may be regard by b) has given
smoking as | ... c) were given
e) Future generations of smoking will be regarded by the d) have being given
indictment as | ... e) be given

004 | UNITAU 1995 009 | MACKENZIE 1996

Assinale a alternativa que corresponde forma passiva da Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
sentena a seguir:
They feed the seals twice a week.
We encourage the kids to go swimming.
a) The seals are fed twice a week.
a) The kids were encouraged to go swimming. b) The seals are feeded twice a week.
b) The kids have been encouraged to go swimming. c) The seals are found twice a week.
c) The kids will be encouraged to go swimming. d) Twice a week they are feeding the seals.
d) The kids may be encouraged to go swimming. e) The seals are being fed twice a week.
e) The kids are encouraged to go swimming.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | FAAP 1996 014 | MACKENZIE 1997
The passive form of the sentence "The International Court of The Passive Voice of "It is alleged that he stole a car" is:
Hague rejected an attempt by New Zealand to stop further
French nuclear tests in the South Pacific" is: a) He is alleged to have stolen a car.
b) The car is alleged to have stolen by him.
a) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French c) It was alleged that the car is stolen by him.
nuclear tests in the South Pacific have been rejected by The d) It is alleged that he has stolen a car.
International Court of Justice in Hague e) He alleged that the car was stolen by him.
b) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French
nuclear tests in the South Pacific would be rejected by The 015 | MACKENZIE 1997
International Court of Justice in Hague Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
c) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French nuclear
tests in the South Pacific was rejected by The International Thousands of people ride the underground every morning.
Court of Justice in Hague
d) The International Court of Justice has rejected an attempt a) The underground is ridded by thousands of people every
by New Zealand to stop further French nuclear tests in the morning.
South Pacific. b) The underground was rode by thousands of people every
e) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French morning.
nuclear tests in the South Pacific is being rejected by The c) The underground is rode by thousands of people every
International Court of Justice in Hague morning.
d) Thousands of people is ride by the underground every
011 | MACKENZIE 1996 morning.
Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: e) The underground is ridden by thousands of people every
Somebody left the lights on all night.
016 | MACKENZIE 1997
a) All night somebody left the lights. The Passive Voice of "Man has made the world much more
b) The lights are left on all night. complex" is:
c) The lights didn't leave on all night.
d) The lights were left on all night. a) Much more complex has made the world.
e) The lights was left on all night. b) The world was been made much more complex by man.
c) Much more complex was the world made.
012 | MACKENZIE 1996 d) Complex has been made the world much more by man.
Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: e) The world has been made much more complex.

You don't need to wind this wonderful watch. 017 | MACKENZIE 1997
Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
a) This wonderful watch isn't needed to be wind.
b) This wonderful watch doesn't need to winded. Did the army surround the city?
c) This wonderful watch doesn't need to be wound.
d) This wonderful watch don't need to be wounded. a) Is the city surrounded by the army?
e) You don't need to be wounded by this wonderful watch. b) Was the city surround by the army?
c) The city was surround by the army.
013 | MACKENZIE 1996 d) Was the city surrounded by the army?
A voz passiva de "Somebody must send me the new books" e) Was the army surrounded by the city?
018 | MACKENZIE 1997
a) I must send the new books. Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
b) The new books must be sent to me.
c) I will be sent the new books. In 1945 the allied powers defeated Germany.
d) The new books would be sent to me.
e) The new books must be send by somebody. a) In 1945 Germany was defeated by the allied powers.
b) In 1945 Germany did defeated by the allied powers.
c) In 1945 Germany are defeated by the allied powers.
d) The allied powers were defeated by the Germany in 1945.
e) In 1945 Germany was defeat by the allied powers.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
019 | CESGRANRIO 1991 023 | CESGRANRIO 1999
The sentence Young people today think that "Thank you", All the following sentences have a verb in the passive voice,
"You're welcome" and "Excuse me" are servilities that must EXCEPT one. Mark it:
be avoided, is in the passive voice.
a) More powerful tobacco health-warning labels may be
Mark the option which does NOT have a verb in the required.
passive voice: b) Where are the warnings that alcohol may lead to violence,
may cause death?
a) The most famous model in the world was born in Brazil. c) Government and public opinion seem to be content to
b) The same syndrome is reflected in some advertisements. allow alcohol to be portrayed as a fun, benign substance.
c) Children who haven't been raised in boarding schools are d) With tobacco, the product has been demonized.
happier. e) With alcohol, it is the user who has been held responsible.
d) This piece of advertising was chosen among many others.
e) If she hadn't been taught how to model, she wouldn't be 024 | UFPB 1998
famous now. This sentence is in the PASSIVE VOICE:

020 | UEL 1994 Women are warned by doctors.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase a seguir: The ACTIVE VOICE is:

In many parts of the world, the future productivity of the soil a) Doctors warn women.
__________ by man's ill use of it. b) Women warn doctors.
c) Doctors are warned by women.
a) endangers d) Women are being warned.
b) endangered e) Doctors warned women.
c) will endanger
d) are endangered 025 | FUVEST 1999
e) is endangered Choose the correct active voice form for "They have been
widely praised":
021 | PUCPR 1997
Choose the correct form in the passive voice for Mr. Brown a) The press had widely praised them.
gave us a lesson: b) People praised them widely.
c) One has widely praised them.
a) We had given a lesson. d) The press has widely praised them.
b) A lesson will be given us by Mr. Brown. e) People has widely praised them.
c) A lesson is being given us by Mr. Brown.
d) We were giving a lesson. 026 | MACKENZIE 1998
e) We were given a lesson by Mr. Brown. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
022 | UFRS 1997 ADAPTED
A correct active version of the underlined expression in When the manager arrived, the problem __________.
Hammett came to the foot of the stairs and in a whisper
said, "Come down. Be very quiet. When you get to the last a) was been solved already.
few steps, crouch very low so that you can't be seen through b) should to be solved yet.
the window" is: c) had already been solved.
d) has still been solved.
a) so that anything can't see you. e) had already solved.
b) so that nothing can't see you.
c) so that anybody can see you. 027 | MACKENZIE 1999
d) so that no one can see you. He __________ responsible for the accident.
e) so that none can't see you.
a) was holding
b) has been holing
c) held
d) was held
e) would hold

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
028 | MACKENZIE 1999 033 | FUVEST 2001 ADAPTED
Our plan __________ by the members of the committee. At the moment, so-called genetically modified (GM) crops
are in disgrace. Consumers, particularly in Europe, are wary
a) will consider of buying food that may contain them. Environmental
b) has being considered activists are ripping up fields where they are being tested
c) has considered experimentally. And companies that design them are selling
d) have been considered off their GM subsidiaries, or even themselves, to anyone
e) is being considered willing to take on the risk.

029 | MACKENZIE 1999 The Economist, July 1st 2000

Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
Choose the correct ACTIVE VOICE FORM for "fields where
Did the idea interest them? they are being tested experimentally":

a) Were they interested in the idea? a) fields where scientists have been testing them
b) Was the idea interest to them? experimentally
c) The idea was interested to them? b) fields where environmentalists are testing them
d) Were they interest in the idea? experimentally
e) Are they interested in the idea? c) fields where genetic engineers had been testing them
030 | MACKENZIE 1999 d) fields where genetic engineers are testing them
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following experimentally
sentence: e) fields where one has been testing them experimentally

Not __________ __________ about the accident since that 034 | PUCRS 2001
time. The correct active voice for the sentence "20 billion were
spent on diet products and services" is "People __________
a) much has said 20 billion on diet products and services".
b) much has been said
c) a lot is said a) spent
d) many has said b) have spent
e) very much has being said c) will spend
d) had spent
031 | UFRS 1998 ADAPTED e) spend
Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the story of the seduction,
betrayal, and destruction of an innocent girl, Tess 035 | PUCRS 2002
Durbeyfield, who is led by her foolish parents into thinking The correct active voice of "The Athena guidance is now
she comes from an ancient noble family, the D'Urbervilles. being negotiated with other groups" is:

The active form "is led by her foolish parents" is HER a) They are now negotiating the Athena guidance with other
b) The Athena guidance with other groups is now being
a) are lead. negotiated.
b) have led. c) Other groups are now negotiating the Athena guidance.
c) lead. d) The Athena guidance is now negotiating with other
d) leads. groups.
e) led. e) They have been negotiating the Athena guidance.

032 | UNESP 2001 036 | UFRRJ 1998

As the IELTS tests all four skills, it __________ worldwide to The sentence "it keeps the elephants away", becomes in the
assess proficiency in English. Passive Voice:

a) is a) "in keeping with the elephants away".

b) has used b) "the elephants are keeping the way".
c) had been used c) "the elephants are kept away".
d) has been using d) "the elephants is kept away".
e) has been used e) "the elephants keep the way".

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
037 | FATEC 2000 041 | PUCRS 1999
Assinale a alternativa em que a voz do verbo (voz passiva) The correct passive form of "This town of 1,500 has acquired
a mesma empregada em THE PESTICIDE HAS BEEN BANNED: a unique status" is "A unique status:

a) The chemicals are still a serious threat everywhere. a) was acquired by this town of 1,500."
b) It's so effective in controlling mosquitoes that carry the b) has been acquired by this town of 1,500."
malaria parasite. c) have been acquired by this town of 1,500."
c) Small amount of pesticide can disrupt the working of d) was being acquired by this town of 1,500."
human hormones. e) had been acquired by this town of 1,500."
d) Some of the highest concentrations of DDT are found in
polar bears, penguins. 042 | PUCRS 2000
e) They condense and fall to the ground in cold weather. The correct Active Voice for "Most of the product examples
were found in word problems in books" is "People:
038 | FEI 2000
"He was elected". Indique a forma ativa: a) will have found most of the product examples in word
problems in books."
a) He elects. b) found most of the product examples in word problems in
b) He elected. books."
c) He had elected. c) will be finding most of the product examples in word
d) He has elected. problems in books."
e) He is electing. d) had been found most of the product examples in word
problems in books."
039 | UNESP 2002 e) had found most of the product examples in word
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: problems in books."

Japanese toymakers now see senior citizens as their most 043 | UFRRJ 2000
dynamic market. Another way of saying "I was shocked by their intensity" is:

a) Senior citizens are now seen as their most dynamic a) I shocked the with the intensity.
market by Japanese toymakers. b) Their intensity shocked me.
b) Senior citizens were seen as the Japanese toymakers' c) Shocking them was intense.
most dynamic market. d) Their intensity was shocked by me.
c) Senior citizens' most dynamic market is seen as the e) Their intensity was shocking me.
Japanese toymakers.
d) Senior citizens and Japanese toymakers are seen as the 044 | FATEC 2002
most dynamic market. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde voz ativa da frase
e) Senior citizens are seen as Japanese toymakers by their the young Baartman was lured away em "In 1810, the
most dynamic market. young Baartman was lured away from her Khoisan kin in
South Africa":
040 | UNESP 2003
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: a) they lured the young Baartman away.
b) they lure away the young Baartman.
When children watch TV, they encounter a wide range of c) they have lured away the young Baartman.
places, people, and information. d) they had lured the young Baartman away.
e) they were lured the young Baartman away.
a) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people,
and information will be encounter. 045 | FATEC 2003
b) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a voz ativa correta da
and information are encountered. frase destacada em "EPHEDRA HAS BEEN LINKED TO A
c) When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, NUMBER OF STROKES, heart attacks and seizures and more
than 100 deaths":
and information is encountered.
d) When TV was watched, a wide range of places, people,
a) They linked ephedra to a number of strokes.
and information are encountered by children.
b) A number of strokes have been linked to ephedra.
e) A wide range of places, people, and information will be
c) They have linked ephedra to a number of strokes.
encountered when children watched TV.
d) A number of strokes has been linked to ephedra.
e) They had been linked ephedra to a number of strokes.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
046 | FATEC 2003 051 | MACKENZIE 2003
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a voz ativa correta da The sentence "Nair has produced a readable work that
frase "Few of these businesses are run by corporations": questions some modern assumptions" in the passive voice
would be:
a) Corporations ran few of these businesses.
b) Corporations run few of these businesses. a) A readable work that questions some modern
c) Corporations are ran by few of these businesses. assumptions has been produced by Nair.
d) Corporations were run by few of these businesses. b) A readable work has been produced by questions about
e) Corporations have run few of these businesses. modern assumptions by Nair.
c) Some modern assumptions are questioned by a readable
047 | UFRS 2001 work produced by Nair.
The sentence "Lucifer is ordered to obey the Son of God" d) Questions that have been produced by Nair have been
means the same as: worked by readable modern assumptions.
e) Modern assumptions that have been worked by Nair are
a) The Son of God orders Lucifer to obey Him. producing readable modern questions.
b) Lucifer orders the Son of God to obey him.
c) God orders His Son to obey Lucifer. 052 | MACKENZIE 2004
d) Lucifer obeys the orders of the Son of God. The sentence "Their longstanding authority over the City
e) Someone orders Lucifer to obey the Son of God. development had never been seriously challenged" in the
active voice will be:
048 | MACKENZIE 1998
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following a) Their longstanding authority had never challenged
sentence: seriously the City development.
b) Nobody had ever seriously challenged their longstanding
A small number of visitors __________ to come to the authority over the City development.
meeting. c) The City development had never been challenged
seriously by their longstanding authority.
a) are expecting d) The development over the City's longstanding authority
b) are expected had ever been challenged.
c) will expect e) Seriously had the City development ever been challenged
d) have expected by their longstanding authority.
e) is expected
053 | FATEC 2004
049 | MACKENZIE 1998 Many sorts of work __________ by different groups of
__________ cheats on the test __________ sooner or later. economists.

a) Whomever will caught a) are been accomplished

b) Whatever will catch b) was accomplished
c) Whichever will have caught c) have been accomplished
d) Wherever will be catching d) were accomplish
e) Whoever will be caught e) has been accomplished

050 | MACKENZIE 2003 054 | FATEC 2004

The sentence "He was told to take memantine with his Considere a frase "Still, it offers no protection from
regular pills" in the active voice will be: biological or chemical weapons".

a) He said his regular pills were taken with memantine. Assinale a alternativa em que a transposio dessa frase
b) If he takes memantine with his regular pills, said the para a voz passiva est correta, completando a frase abaixo:
doctor, he will be cured.
Still, no protection from biological or chemical weapons
c) Someone said the pills that he took were taken with
d) He must take memantine with his regular pills, have said a) are offered
the doctor. b) is offered
e) The doctor said that he should take memantine with his c) was offered
regular pills. d) were offered
e) have been offered

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
055 | PUCRS 2004 059 | UFV 2004 ADAPTED
A voz ativa correspondente a "The pulsations in a red giant's Choose the alternative which presents BOTH examples in the
luminosity are caused by dramatic fluctuations in the star's passive voice:
temperature" :
a) The distinction between individualistic media use and
a) Dramatic fluctuations in the star's temperature caused the social activities such as chatting with friends is less extreme
pulsations in a red giant's luminosity. than "is commonly assumed"./ Only 1 child in 100 "can be
b) The star's temperature cause the dramatic fluctuations in classed" as a real screen addict.
a red giant's luminosity. b) Increasing prosperity "has also contributed" to the rise of
c) The red giant's luminosity and the star's temperature the bedroom culture./ British teenagers "have always
caused the dramatic fluctuations on the stars. retreated" to their bedrooms.
d) Dramatic fluctuations in the star's temperature cause the c) The distinction between individualistic media use and
pulsations in a red giant's luminosity. social activities such as chatting with friends is less extreme
e) The star's temperature have caused dramatic fluctuations than "is commonly assumed"./ Increasing prosperity "has
in a red giant's luminosity. also contributed" to the rise of the bedroom culture.
d) Only 1 child in 100 "can be classed" as a real screen
056 | UNESP 2004 addict./ British teenagers "have always retreated" to their
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: bedrooms.
e) The distinction between individualistic media use and
More than 5 million Americans are affected by serious and social activities such as chatting with friends is less extreme
often life-threatening eating disorders. than "is commonly assumed"./ British teenagers "have
always retreated" to their bedrooms.
a) Serious and often life-threatening eating disorders affect
more than 5 million Americans. 060 | UFV 2005 ADAPTED
b) Serious and often life-threatening eating disorders Choose the alternative in which BOTH verbal forms are
affected more than 5 million Americans. examples of the passive voice:
c) More than 5 million Americans affect serious and often
life-threatening eating disorders. a) Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami "were left
d) More than 5 millions serious and life-threatening eating alone" for much of the next three decades./ At least two
disorders often affect Americans. thousand Yanomami have been massacred or "have died" of
e) Serious and life-threatening eating disorders have been epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
often affected by more than 5 million Americans. b) Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami "were left
alone" for much of the next three decades./ At least two
057 | UFRS 2004 thousand Yanomami "have been massacred" or have died of
Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
below: c) I "could scarcely have found" a friendlier people./ At least
two thousand Yanomami "have been massacred" or have
The active version of the sentence The ghost has been seen
died of epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
by several living members of my family is the sentence d) I "could scarcely have found" a friendlier people./ At least
SEVERAL LIVING MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY __________. two thousand Yanomami have been massacred or "have
died" of epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
a) saw the ghost
e) I "could scarcely have found" a friendlier people./
b) had seen the ghost
Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami "were left
c) were seeing the ghost
alone" for much of the next three decades.
d) have seen the ghost
e) were to see the ghost
061 | UFRRJ 2005
The sentence "People are scared by this proposition" is
058 | UFSM 2004
equivalent to:
Em "The proposal __________ established by France
__________ May 1950", assinale a alternativa que completa
a) This proposition scared people.
as lacunas:
b) This proposition scares people.
a) will in c) This proposition has scared people.
b) was in d) This proposition had scared people.
c) would at e) This proposition is scaring people.
d) is at
e) were on

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
062 | PUCCAMP 2005 ADAPTED 066 | FUVEST 2006
O significado da sentena "No se pergunta a um atleta da Choose the correct passive voice form for:
Irlanda se catlico ou protestante" corresponde, em ingls,
a: No one has made any attempt to tackle the issue.

a) It is not asked an Irish athlete if he is Catholic or a) No attempt has been made to tackle the issue.
Protestant. b) No attempt is made by anybody to tackle the issue.
b) An Irish athlete is not asked if he is Catholic or Protestant. c) It could not be made any attempt to tackle the issue.
c) Do not ask an Irish athlete if he is Catholic or Protestant. d) It is not made any attempt to tackle the issue.
d) One should not ask an Irish athlete if he is Catholic or e) No attempt was made by anybody to tackle the issue.
e) No asking an Irish athlete if he is Catholic or Protestant. 067 | MACKENZIE 2004
The sentence "E.M.D.R. helps victims of trauma reprocess
063 | UNESP 2005 disturbing thoughts and memories" in the passive voice will
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: be:

Depression is defined by doctors as an illness that affects the a) Victims of trauma are helped to reprocess disturbing
ability to function. thoughts and memories by E.M.D.R.
b) Disturbing thoughts and memories are reprocessed by
a) Doctors had defined depression as an illness that affects victims of trauma which are helped by E.M.D.R.
the ability to function. c) Victims of trauma are reprocessed disturbing thoughts
b) Doctors define depression as an illness that affects the and memories by the help of E.M.D.R.
ability to function. d) Disturbing thoughts and memories are helped to
c) Doctors would define depression as an illness that affects reprocess victims of trauma by E.M.D.R.
the ability to function. e) E.M.D.R. is helped to reprocess disturbing thoughts and
d) Doctors are defining depression as an illness that affects memories by victims of trauma.
the ability to function.
e) Doctors are used to defining depression as an illness that 068 | MACKENZIE 2005
affects the ability to function. The sentence "She counsels them to give 'urgent priority' to
finding a marriage partner fast" in the passive voice will be:
064 | UNESP 2005
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: a) Finding a marriage partner fast and give 'urgent priority'
to them is counselled by her.
Adults expect teens to act moody. b) 'Urgent priority' to finding a marriage partner fast is
counselled by them.
a) Teens expected adults to act moody.
c) To give 'urgent priority' to finding a marriage partner fast
b) Adults are expected by teens to act moody.
was counselled by her to them.
c) Adults and teens are expected to act moody.
d) She counselled them to be given 'urgent priority' to
d) Teens are expected to act moody.
finding a marriage partner fast.
e) Teens always act moody, although it is never expected by
e) They are counselled to give 'urgent priority' to finding a
marriage partner fast.
065 | FATEC 2005
Assinale a alternativa que apresente a forma correta da voz 069 | MACKENZIE 2005
passiva da seguinte frase: The sentence "Daniel L. Schacter explores the memory
miscues that occur in everyday life" in the passive voice will
The decline of Education threatens our future as a nation be:
and as a people.
a) The memory miscues that occurs in everyday life is
a) Our future is threatened by the nation and the explored by Daniel L. Schacter.
Education's decline. b) The memory miscues that occur are explored by everyday
b) Our future was threatened by the decline of Education as life.
a nation and as a people. c) In everyday life the memory miscues have explored by
c) Our future is to be threatened by the people as a nation. Daniel L. Schacter.
d) Our future as a nation and as a people is threatened by d) The memory miscues that occur in everyday life are
the decline of Education. explored by Daniel L. Schacter.
e) A nation and a people are threatening the Education's e) Life that occurred everyday by memory miscues explores
decline. by Daniel L. Schacter.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
070 | ITA 2006 073 | PUCPR 2007
"The seeds will be eaten by the birds" is the passive voice

a) The birds will eat the seeds.

b) The birds ate the seeds.
c) The birds will be eaten by the seeds.
d) The seeds will eat the birds.
e) The birds are going to eat the seeds.

074 | MACKENZIE 2007

The sentence "In English medium schools in particular a low
level of English may impede students' acquisition of
knowledge" in the passive voice would be:

a) A low level of English in English medium schools in

"I was dragged", no incio do quinto quadrinho, significa: particular may have impeded students' acquisition of
a) Fui surpreendido. b) Students' acquisition of knowledge may impeded in
b) Fui arrastado. English medium schools in particular by a low level of
c) Fui capturado. English.
d) Fui exposto. c) Students' acquisition of knowledge might impeded in
e) Fui atirado. English medium schools in particular by a low level of
071 | UFPE 2006 ADAPTED d) In English medium schools in particular students'
The phrase "The carbon in biofuels emissions has simply acquisition of knowledge may be impeded by a low level of
been captured from the atmosphere by crops" has, as its English.
active counterpart: e) In English medium schools students' acquisition of
knowledge might have been impeded by a low level of
a) Crops are simply capturing the carbon in biofuels English in particular.
emissions from the atmosphere.
b) Crops simply capture the carbon in biofuels emissions 075 | MACKENZIE 2008
from the atmosphere. Choose the correct alternative:
c) Crops simply captured the carbon in biofuels emissions
from the atmosphere. a) This book chronicles the events. Immediate Future
d) Crops have simply captured the carbon in biofuels b) The book was released. Passive Voice
emissions from the atmosphere. c) Deathly Hallows broke sales records. Past Progressive
e) Crops had simply captured the carbon in biofuels d) The previous record had been held. Present Perfect
emissions from the atmosphere. e) Deathly Hallows is published. Present Progressive

072 | PUCRIO 2006 076 | UECE 2007

The passive voice is used in "Orkut was quietly launched on In "It is a world that had been created without thought of
January 22, 2004". him", "Steinbeck's description of this social injustice shocked
the nation", and "In time, laws were passed to help people
Now, find the sentence that is also in the passive voice: like the Joads", the sentences are respectively in the:

a) Communities have never rejected new members. a) passive voice, active voice, active voice.
b) Good ideas took shape at the end of the session. b) passive voice, active voice, passive voice.
c) Some communities have been able to control their c) active voice, active voice, passive voice.
growth. d) active voice, passive voice, passive voice.
d) Several social groups could be connected by the Internet.
e) Young students are never tired of chatting with friends on

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
077 | UECE 2008 082 | AFA 2007
The sentences: "critics have attached importance to the Change the sentence below into passive voice:
ethical purpose of literature" and "a textbook is written in
continuous prose" are respectively in the: Chlorates and nitrates usually provide oxygen for the
a) passive voice and active voice
b) active voice and passive voice a) Oxygen is provided for the reaction usually by chlorates
c) passive voice and passive voice and nitrates.
d) active voice and active voice b) The ones that usually provide oxygen for the reaction are
chlorates and nitrates.
078 | UNESP 2003 c) Oxygen for the reaction is usually provided by chlorates
The text __________ a study in which 100 preschool and nitrates.
children __________ both before and after watching TV. d) Chlorates and nitrates are usually provided by oxygen for
the reaction.
a) reported is observed
b) reports observed 083 | PUCPR 1998
c) reported had been observed Choose the RIGHT alternative to complete the passage:
d) had reported were observed
e) reports had observed Everything __________ ready for the party. The room
__________, the furniture __________. There __________
079 | MACKENZIE 1998 bottles of wine and food on the table. A jazz record
Mark the option that best completes the following sentence: __________ and the atmosphere was just right.

A prize __________ to whoever solves this equation. a) is is clean is moved are is playing
b) was had been cleaned had been moved were was
a) has given playing
b) should give c) had been had been cleaned had been moved were
c) is giving had been played
d) will be given d) was had cleaned had moved was had played
e) must have given e) were was cleaned was moved were was playing

080 | MACKENZIE 2005 084 | EEAR 2007

Reading about Peter Jackson is sheer fun. But why (I) the Whats the active voice for "The first roller skates were
movies he (II) before "Lord of the Rings" never (III)? made in 1760 by Joseph Merlim"?

The alternative that contains the verbs which complete Joseph Merlim __________ the first skates in 1760.
blanks I, II and III in their appropriate tense is:
a) made
a) are made mentioned b) makes
b) have has made to be mentioned c) has made
c) are being made been mentioned d) was making
d) have been has made mentioned
e) are is to be made to be mentioned 085 | EFOMM 2005
So far the President __________.
081 | AFA 2007
Mark the option that means "Heating bills can be reduced a) has not been elected
when double glazing is installed": b) will never be elected
c) would be elected soon
a) When double glazing is installed heating bills can reduce d) had been elected
it. e) would have been elected
b) Double glazing can reduce heating bills when it is
c) Double glazing is installed to reduce heating bills.
d) When you install double glazing you reduce heating bills.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
086 | EFOMM 2006 091 | UNESP 2006
In: "The invention of the automobile has changed American Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de:
life in several ways", the passive voice is:
It seems that some theories can't explain the origins of
a) American life is being changed in several ways. terrorism.
b) American life was being changed in several ways.
c) American life is changed in several ways. a) It seems that the origins of terrorism weren't explained by
d) American life has been changed in several ways. all theories.
e) American life would be changed in several ways. b) It seems that the origins of terrorism shouldn't be
explained by theories.
087 | EFOMM 2007 c) It seems that all theories might be explained by the origins
In: "This expedition will use a special Russian-owned ship", of terrorism.
the passive voice is: d) It seems that the origins of terrorism are explained by all
a) A special Russian-owned ship will use by this expedition. e) It seems that the origins of terrorism can't be explained by
b) A special Russian-owned ship would use by this some theories.
c) A special Russian-owned ship will be used by this 092 | FASM 2000
expedition. Critics call the data misleading in the Passive Voice is:
d) A special Russian-owned ship would be used by this
expedition. a) Misleading is called data by critics.
e) A special Russian-owned ship would used by this b) Data is called misleading by critics.
expedition. c) Data misleading is called by critics.
d) Data are called misleading by critics.
088 | EFOMM 2008 e) Critics are called misleading by data.
The problem __________ discussed by the board of
directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors. 093 | JFS 1999
Mark the correct Passive Voice of the following sentence:
a) had already
b) is already The helicopter is dropping the food supplies.
c) had already been
d) has already a) The food supplies is being dropped by the helicopter.
e) has already been b) The food supplies are been dropped by the helicopter.
c) The food supplies are being dropped by the helicopter.
089 | UFRRJ 2003 d) The food supplies are being droped by the helicopter.
The sentence "Scientists think they have found what causes e) The food supplies have been being dropped by the
people to sneeze" is equivalent to: helicopter.

a) what causes people to sneeze is founded by scientists. 094 | EFOMM 1997

b) what causes people to sneeze were found by scientists. Somebody opened the door.
c) what causes people to sneeze has been found by
scientists. a) The door was opened.
d) what causes people to sneeze was found by scientists. b) The door opens.
e) what are the causes of sneezing by people. c) The door is open.
d) The door open.
090 | FEI 1996 e) The open door.
I don't think the windows need cleaning. They don't need:
095 | EFOMM 2000
a) to clean. "She had been told about the meeting", the active voice is:
b) to be clean.
c) to be cleaning. a) Nobody told her about the meeting.
d) to be cleaned. b) Somebody had told her about the meeting.
e) to cleaning. c) Everybody would tell her about the meeting.
d) She had told somebody about the meeting.
e) The meeting was told about her.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
096 | FUVEST 1979 100 | JFS 2008
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde frase: Fill in the blanks correctly:

Preciso mandar fazer um terno para o casamento. I. Paulson and Patrick __________ hurt during the game
a) I must have a suit made for the wedding. II. Chris __________ a terrific necklace during her birthday
b) I have to have a suit done for the wedding. party last weekend.
c) I have to tell to do a suit for the marriage. III. Do you think I look prettier? I have had my nose
d) I need to order to make a suit for the wedding. __________.
e) I must send to do a suit for the marriage. IV. It __________ said that the price of oil will go again.
V. Will the meeting __________ at noon or after the coffee
097 | MACKENZIE 1996 break?
Choose the correct alternative to complete the following
sentence: Now, mark the correct sequence:

Since I haven't got __________, I will __________. a) were got was given straightened has been be
a) enough time have the cake made b) got was given straighten had been have been
b) time enough get someone to make the cake realized
c) enough time bake the cake myself c) have got were given straightened is can be realized
d) any time make the cake d) got was given straightened is be realized
e) time enough ask somebody to bake the cake e) gotten were given straighten was be realized

098 | PUCCAMP 1994 101 | EFOMM 2013

Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche We cant go along here because the road is __________.
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:
a) been repaired
"Hi, Jane!" b) being repaired
"Hi, Susan. How have you been?" c) repair
"Oh, just fine. What have you done? You look so different!" d) repaired
"Me? Different? I don't know." e) be repair
"Maybe it's your hair."
"Oh, that maybe __________." 102 | IME 2013
"It looks quite nice." Tomorrow Im going to __________ at the hairdressers.
"Thank you. Well, I've got to go. See you around."
"See you. Bye." a) have cut my hair
b) have cutting my hair
a) I'm cutting my hair c) cutting my hair
b) I just cut your hair d) have my hair cut
c) I'm going to have a haircut e) my haircut
d) You had a haircut
e) I just had my hair cut
To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
099 | JFS 2008 but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Read the following dialogue: Anatole France

"This floor is very dirty, Ferdinand. It needs sweeping."

"Yes, sir. Dont worry. I will tell someone to do it at once."

The underlined sentence is equivalent in meaning to:

a) I will clean it by myself.

b) someone should have cleaned.
c) I will have it done.
d) you should clean it.
e) I will get him to do it.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Change the sentences from 05 to 11 into the Reported
Direct and Indirect Speech (Indirect) Speech:
001 | FUVEST 1977 005 | MACKENZIE 1996
Qual destas formas est correta se usada por uma pessoa Sally said to me, "Do you know what time it is?"
que narra um acontecimento?
a) Sally asked me if I knew what time it was.
a) He thought she has not known what she is going through;
b) Sally told me whether she knew what time it was.
b) He thought she will never know what she will have to go c) Sally asked me whether she know what time it is.
through now; d) Sally asked me if I know what time it is.
c) He thought she would never know what she had gone e) Sally told me if I knew what time was it.
through then;
d) He thinks she did not know what she was going through; 006 | MACKENZIE 1996
e) He will think she did not know what she went through Jeff said to Meg, "You don't understand me."
a) Jeff told Meg she didn't understand him.
002 | FUVEST 1977 b) Jeff asked Meg that her didn't understand herself.
Qual a forma indireta, correspondente forma direta "The c) Jeff told Meg that she didn't understood him.
teacher said, Are you sure you have all understood me"? d) Jeff told Meg that he didn't understand her.
e) Jeff told Meg she did understand him.
a) The teacher said if you are sure you had understood him;
b) The teacher asked whether we were sure we did
007 | MACKENZIE 1996
understand him; "Are there any messages for me?", said Helen.
c) The teacher said if we all are sure we have understood
him; a) Helen asked if there is any messages for her.
d) The teacher asked if they were sure they had all b) Helen asked whether there were any messages for she.
understood him; c) Helen asked whether were there any messages for herself.
e) The teacher asked them to be sure to understand him. d) Helen asked if there were some messages for her.
e) Helen asked if there were any messages for herself.
Complete o dilogo a seguir: 008 | MACKENZIE 1996
The director said to the boys, "Behave yourselves."
John: I congratulate you on your success.
Peter: Pardon me. a) The director asked the boys to behave yourselves.
John: I said __________. b) The director told the boys to behave himself
c) The director asked the boys to behave themselves.
a) that I had congratulated him on his success. d) The director told the boys to behave ourselves.
b) that you congratulated me on your success.
e) The director told the boys, "Behave themselves."
c) that I congratulated him on your success.
d) that I congratulated you on your success. 009 | MACKENZIE 1996
e) that I had congratulated you on my success. The patient said to me, "How long have the doctors been
operating her?"
004 | FUVEST 1978
Assinale a alternativa que equivale ao seguinte: a) The patient asked me how long the doctors had been
operating her.
Suddenly Peter said to me, "Are you hungry?" b) The patient told me how long her had been operating by
the doctors.
a) Suddenly Peter said that I was hungry. c) The patient asked me how long had the doctors been
b) Suddenly Peter told me that I was hungry. operating her.
c) Suddenly Peter asked if he were hungry. d) The patient told me whether have the doctors been
d) Suddenly Peter asked me whether I was hungry.
operating her.
e) Peter informed me that he was hungry.
e) The patient asked me how long had been the doctors
operating her.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | MACKENZIE 1997 014 | UFRS 1998
Warren said to me, "I can't find my glasses in this room." Considere a frase: If you don't feed your Tamagotchi, it will
a) Warren told me that he couldn't found his glasses in that
room. Escolha a melhor opo para reescrev-la, comeando com
b) Warren told me he couldn't find her glasses in these She told me that:
c) Warren told me that he couldn't find his glasses in that a) if I won't feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.
room. b) if you didn't feed your Tamagotchi, it had died.
d) Warren told me that he can't find his glasses in those c) if I didn't feed my Tamagotchi, it would have died.
room. d) if I didn't feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.
e) Warren said to me that he could not found his glasses in e) if you haven't fed your Tamagotchi, it will have died.
this room.
015 | MACKENZIE 1998
011 | MACKENZIE 1997 A forma indireta de "Would you like to go out tonight?" :
Helen said to Paul, "Is this a free country?"
a) He asked her if she would have liked to go out tonight.
a) Helen told Paul if this was a free country? b) He asked if would she like to go out that night.
b) Helen asked Paul if that was a free country. c) He asked whether she'd like to go out that night.
c) Helen asked Paul whether that is a free country. d) He asked whether she had liked to go out that night.
d) Helen told Paul this is a free country. e) He asked if she'd liked to go out tonight.
e) Helen told Paul if that is a free country.
016 | UNIRIO 2000
012 | PUCPR 1996 "How would you describe yourself?" is a direct question.
Choose the correct indirect form for: Complete the sentence below with the appropriate indirect
question form:
Oliver said to her: "What will you do tomorrow?"
Daniel Hart asked an African-American teenager:
a) He asked her what she would do the following day.
b) He told her what she would do the following day. a) how to describe it.
c) She wondered what he will do the next day. b) how to describe yourself.
d) He wanted to know what he would do the following day. c) how he would describe yourself.
e) She asked what she would do the next day. d) to describe himself.
e) to describe yourself.
013 | UFPB 1998
Read this sentence: 017 | PUCRS 2000
The correct INDIRECT STATEMENT for the sentence "I don't
The doctor says: "I'm happy we found this trend toward think our children should be subjected to needless
reduced risk." advertising" said Ms. Mazzoni is "Ms. Mazzoni said she:

The INDIRECT SPEECH is: a) doesn't think their children should be subjected to
needless advertising".
He said that he __________ this trend toward reduced risk. b) has not thought their children should be subjected to
needless advertising".
a) is happy they found. c) would not think their children should be subjected to
b) has been happy we have found. needless advertising".
c) was happy they had found. d) will think their children should be subjected to needless
d) will be happy we will find. advertising".
e) would be happy they would find. e) thinks their children should be subjected to needless

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
018 | MACKENZIE 2000 023 | MACKENZIE 2003
The sentence They said, "Do parents know their kids?" in the The question "Are left-handed people cognitively different
reported speech would be: from right-handers?" in the indirect speech is:

a) They said that did parents know their kids? a) The book intended to answer why left-handed people are
b) They asked that parents know their kids. cognitively different from right-handers.
c) They said that parents knew the kids. b) It was asked whether left-handed people were cognitively
d) They argued that do parents know their kids. different from right-handers.
e) They asked if parents knew their kids. c) They asked if there are left-handed people cognitively
different from right-handers.
019 | MACKENZIE 2000 d) He inquired if left-handed people had been cognitively
The sentence He said, "Can Asians think?" in the reported different from right-handers.
speech would be: e) It was discussed the reason left-handed people had to be
cognitively different from right-handers.
a) He asked can Asians think?
b) He said that Asians can think. 024 | MACKENZIE 2005
c) He asked that Asians could think. The sentence "We don't want that sort of world" in the
d) He asked if Asians could think. reported speech will be:
e) He said that could Asians think.
a) They said that he hasn't wanted that sort of world.
020 | PUCRIO 2000 b) They told me that they didn't wanted those sort of world.
The girl said to her parents: "Mom and Dad, the police were c) It was said that they didn't want that sort of world.
here while you were gone". If we turned this statement into d) It was said that they didn't want that sorted of world.
reported speech, we would have The girl said to her parents e) It was requested that we didn't want that sorted of world.
that the police:
025 | MACKENZIE 2005
a) had been there while they had been gone. The question "Why are you answering the phone in class?"
b) had been here while they had gone. in the reported speech will be:
c) have been there while they were gone.
d) have been here while they would be gone. a) Gray's mother asked him why is he answering the phone
e) would have been there while they have been gone. in class?
b) Gray's mother wanted to know the reason why was he
021 | UNESP 2006 answering the phone in class.
John Arquilla declared that the greatest advantage of the c) Gray's mother wondered why he was answering the
internet __________ stealth, and that terrorists __________ phone in class.
in an ocean of bits and bytes. d) Gray's mother inquired him about the reason that he has
been answering the phone in class.
a) was swim e) Gray's mother doubted why he was answering the phone
b) is swam in class.
c) is has swum
d) was swam 026 | PUCPR 2006
e) was swimming I've been planning to call you for a long time.

022 | FATEC 2002 a) He said he'd been planning to call us for a long time.
Considere a frase "It's a perfect setup for heart disease and b) He said he was planning to call us for a long time.
diabetes, says Stampfer". Assinale a alternativa em que a c) He said he is planning to call us for a long time.
transposio dessa frase para o discurso indireto est d) He asked if he had been planning to call us for a long time.
correta, completando a frase a seguir: e) He told us to call him for a long time.

Stampfer says:

a) it was a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.

b) it is a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
c) it has been a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
d) it had been a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
e) it will be a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
027 | JFS 1999 028 | UFPE 2006 ADAPTED
Read the following cartoons: The two-year old girl said: "Daddy, draw me a spider". The
reported speech for this sentence is:

She requested him:

a) that he draws her a spider.

b) that he had drawn her a spider.
c) if he had drawn her a spider.
d) to draw her a spider.
e) whether he should draw her a spider.

029 | UFMG 1995 ADAPTED

A wife is telling us what happened this morning. Complete
the following text according to the comic strip below:

This morning, my husband stepped on our scale and shouted

that (1) that much. He pointed at the machine and said it (2)
a dirty liar.

a) he didnt weigh was

b) he dont weigh was
Which alternative has the correct forms of the sentences c) he doesnt weigh were
below in the Reported Speech? d) he did weigh were
e) he hadnt weigh was
I "Be brave. Dont cry."
II "I think I have good news for you." 030 | JFS 2008
III "What is your name?" Complete the following sentences meaningfully:

a) I He told the man to be brave and not cry; II He told 1. I told him:
the woman he thought he had good news for her; III She 2. I didn't know:
asked what his name was.
b) I He told the man be brave and not to cry; II He told a) 1. what the homework was./2. what he meant.
the woman he thought he had good news for her; III She b) 1. what was the homework./2. what he mean.
asked what his name was. c) 1. what was to be the homework./2. what did he mean.
c) I He told the man to be brave and not to cry; II He told d) 1. what is the homework./2. what did he meant.
the woman that he thought he had good news for her; III
She asked what your name was.
d) I He told to the man to be brave and not to cry; II He
told the woman that he thought he had good news for her;
III She asked what is your name was.
e) I He told the man to be brave and not to cry; II He told
the woman that he thought he had good news for her; III
She asked what his name was.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
031 | MACKENZIE 2006 034 | UEL 1998
The sentence "Why has evolution burdened humans with Transformando-se a fala de Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten em
such seemingly irrational passions?" in the reported speech discurso indireto tem-se:
will be:
As social scientists we are interested in trying to understand
a) Fisher asked evolution why it had burdened humans with the Diana phenomenon.
such seemingly irrational passions.
b) Fisher asked why evolution had burdened humans with a) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten said that as social scientists we
such seemingly irrational passions. are interested in trying to understand the Diana
c) Fisher asked why had evolution been burdened humans phenomenon.
with such seemingly irrational passions? b) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten says that as social scientists we
d) Fisher said that why had evolution burdened humans with are interested in trying to understand the Diana
such seemingly irrational passions? phenomenon.
e) Fisher asked that evolution has burdened humans with c) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten has said that as social scientists
such seemingly irrational passions. they would be interested in trying to understand the Diana
032 | MACKENZIE 2007 d) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten said that as social scientists they
The sentence Mr. Redstone said, "We don't think someone were interested in trying to understand the Diana
who effectuates creative suicide and costs the company phenomenon.
revenue should be on the lot" in the reported speech would e) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten says as social scientists they were
be: being interested in trying to understand the Diana
a) Mr. Redstone believed that they didn't think someone
who would effectuate creative suicide and cost the company 035 | EFOMM 2005
revenue should have been on the lot. Mark the correct option. Helen said: Somebody must send
b) Mr. Redstone stated that we didn't think someone who me the new books! She said that:
had effectuated creative suicide and costed the company
revenue should have been on the lot. a) somebody had to send her the new books.
c) Mr. Redstone implied that they didn't think someone who b) somebody had sent her the new books.
effectuated creative suicide and costed the company c) the new books were sent to her.
revenue should have been on the lot. d) she was going to receive the new books.
d) Mr. Redstone affirmed that they hadn't thought someone e) she must have sent the new books.
who had effectuated creative suicide and cost the company
revenue should be on the lot.
e) Mr. Redstone believed that they didn't think someone People die of fright and live of confidence.
who effectuated creative suicide and cost the company Henry Thoreau
revenue should be on the lot.

033 | AFA 2008

Mark the option which contains an indirect form to
complete the prophets idea in the following gap:

The prophet __________ in silence the secrets of the days

and the nights.

a) said to the man whether his heart has known

b) said to peoples hearts know
c) told him: your heart knows
d) told them that their hearts knew

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | UFMG 1995
Love Among the Laundry
001 | UNESP 1991
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna When Sally found a man's striped sock curled among her
da frase a seguir: clothes at the launderette she returned it to the tall dark
young man with a shy smile. They met there every week for
If he put it this way, everybody __________ with him. several months, then were seen no more. One of their
wedding presents had been a washing machine.
a) would agree
b) should have agreed (Molly Burnett)
c) will agree
d) would has agreed If they had not got married, they would probably have:
e) agreeded
a) changed their dirty clothes.
002 | ITA 1996 ADAPTED b) lost their socks forever.
__________ just call our 24-Hour Card Replacement, and c) rented a washing machine.
we'll have a new one in your hands usually by the end of the d) returned to the launderette.
next business day. e) sold their striped socks.

No texto acima omitiu-se uma orao. Preencha-a com a 006 | MACKENZIE 1996
opo que representa a melhor redao: Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
a) If you need a lost or stolen card replaced
b) If you need replace a lost or stolen card If you had taken my advice, you __________.
c) If a lost or stolen card needs to replace
d) If it is needed to replace a lost or stolen card a) would learned the lesson
e) If a lost or stolen card needs to be replaced by us b) would have learnt the lesson
c) should learned the lesson
003 | PUCCAMP 1994 d) would learn the lesson
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche e) should understand the lesson
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:
007 | CESGRANRIO 1991
- "Frederick, what's the matter with you? This is the third Mark the item that shows the correct ending to the
assignment you haven't turned in!" following sentence:
- "I know, Mr. Dwarf. I would have turned them in
__________ but I've been extremely busy." If the process happens each time we eat sugar, we:
- "But that's no excuse. You must understand that I'll have to
fail you if you don't complete your requirements." a) will have dental problems.
- "Yes, I know. I'll try to catch up." b) would have dental problems.
c) would have had dental problems.
a) when I have time d) could have dental problems.
b) if I had time e) may have had dental problems.
c) if I had had time
d) if I will have time 008 | ITA 1997
e) when I would have time Lady Astor MP: "If you (I) my husband I (II) poison your
004 | UEL 1995 Churchill: "If you (III) my wife I (IV) drink it."
If you don't go, __________ very angry.
Os termos que melhor preenchem as lacunas I, II, III e IV
a) I feel so:
b) I am
c) I was a) were (I), would (II), were (III), had (IV).
d) I'll be b) was (I), would (II), was (III), would (IV).
e) I have been c) were (I), had (II), were (III), had (IV).
d) was (I), could (II), was (III), would (IV).
e) were (I), would (II), were (III), would (IV).

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
009 | ITA 1998 013 | UFC 2001
Leia a seguir o comentrio publicado pela revista
NEWSWEEK: Amelia's Letter

"He had lots of German in him. Some Irish. But no Jew. I Dear Members of the UNICEF,
think that if he __________ a little Jew he __________ it I am an eleven-year-old girl and come from a
out". small village. I left home to come to the city and to work to
send money to my family. Now I make T-shirts in a factory. I
Singer Courtney Love, work twelve hours a day for very little money. The factory is
on the suicide of her rock-star husband, Kurt Cobain. very dirty and hot. The boss is very mean and often beats us.
He makes us work very hard without breaks. My friends and
As lacunas (I) e (II) do comentrio anterior devem ser I want to leave but we know that working in the factory is
preenchidas, respectivamente, por: better than begging in the streets. The boss tells us this
every single day...
a) I. had had, II. would have stuck Could you please tell us what to do?
b) I. has had, II. would stick
c) I. have had, II. had had stuck Adapted from: "Voices of Youth":
d) I. had had, II. had stuck
e) I. had, II. would stuck
Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:
010 | UFRS 1996
The alternative that does not finish the sentence "If it rains If Amelia __________, she __________.
we..." correctly is:
a) had left her family behind could have gotten a job
a) couldn't go out. b) hadn't come from a small village wouldn't be eleven
b) won't go out. years old
c) mustn't go out. c) worked less than 12 hours a day wouldn't be beaten by
d) shouldn't go out. her boss
e) can't go out. d) hadn't gotten a job in a factory might have worked with
her mean boss
011 | UFRS 1997 ADAPTED e) weren't afraid of ending up begging in the streets would
A frase sublinhada em "if you are otherwise healthy, just call have already left the factory
your doctor" seria melhor traduzida como:
014 | PUCRS 2002
a) se voc no saudvel de outras maneiras. The sentence "Had he made Patch Adams, Salles would have
b) se voc tiver pouca sade. focused on the medical profession" could be rewritten,
c) se voc for saudvel e esperto. without change in meaning, as:
d) se voc no tem outras doenas.
e) se voc tem um plano de sade. a) If Salles focused on the medical profession, he would have
made "Patch Adams".
012 | UNESP 2001 b) Salles would focus on the medical profession if he would
Candidates who get a poor result always regret: have made "Patch Adams".
c) If Salles had focused on the medical profession, he would
If I had studied more before sitting for the test, I have made "Patch Adams".
__________ it. d) If Salles made "Patch Adams", he would focus on the
medical profession.
a) would pass e) Salles would have focused on the medical profession if
b) passed he'd made "Patch Adams".
c) have passed
d) would have passed 015 | MACKENZIE 2002
e) had passed If she had gone to the movies, __________.

a) she might be sick now

b) Jane would be busy
c) she would like to call Jane
d) she would have met Jane
e) Jane will be happy

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
016 | MACKENZIE 2002 020 | ITA 2004 ADAPTED
If I __________ my raincoat, I __________ a cold. Had they been born just a few years earlier, they would have
been part of that powerful and long-lasting generation that
a) had worn wouldn't have gotten entered the military during World War II and filled the
b) wear would have get universities immediately after the war.
c) didn't wear wouldn't have get
d) am wearing would have gotten Assinale a opo que contm uma expresso equivalente
e) hadn't wear couldn't have get a: "Had they been born", em "Had they been born just a few
years earlier..." e que, portanto, poderia vir a substitu-la no
017 | FUVEST 2003 ADAPTED texto:
Diana had been hoping to get away by five, so she could be
at the farm in time for dinner. She tried not to show her true a) They had been born...
feelings when at 4.37 her deputy, Phil Haskins, presented b) When they had been born...
her with a complex twelve-page document that required the c) As they had been born...
signature of a director before it could be sent out the client. d) Whether they had been born...
Haskins didn't hesitate to remind her that they had lost two e) If they had been born...
similar contracts that week.
021 | PUCPR 2005 ADAPTED
Choose the item which best completes the sentence, Although it is very big (a female adult measures 9 cm) and
according to the passage: poisonous, the Italian tarantula does not represent a serious
problem for people.
Diana wouldn't be at the farm in time for dinner unless she
__________ by five. According to the text, one alternative is correct:
a) would get away If the Italian tarantula had been so poisonous, a lot of
b) gets away people:
c) got away
d) had got away a) will be killed.
e) can get away b) would have to kill.
c) would have killed.
018 | ITA 1997 d) would be killed.
New technologies allow total strangers to know almost e) would have been killed.
everything about a person. Author Peter F. Eder writes
about the ongoing invasion of personal privacy which will 022 | MACKENZIE 2005
get much worse unless better safeguards are quickly If you __________(I) a friend or relative for his or her
established. favorite awards-show moment, you __________(II) about
the kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears at the 2003
De que forma o trecho "unless better safeguards are
MTV Video Music Awards.
quickly established" poderia ser reescrito, sem alterao do
significado do texto?
Mark the correct alternative to fill in blanks I and II:
a) ... if better safeguards are established quickly.
b) ... if better safeguards quickly established. a) were asked about can tell
c) ... if better safeguards are not quickly established. b) asked have been told
d) ... when better safeguards are quickly established. c) could have asked should tell
e) ... when better safeguards are not established. d) were to ask might be told
e) must ask have to be told
019 | UNESP 2002
If senior citizens __________ more pessimistic toward 026 | UNESP 2006
technology, Web developers and marketers __________ to If some anti-terrorist commentators __________ the causes
emphasize two things: ease of use and value. of terrorism, they __________ justifications for it.

a) became have a) accept also accepted

b) become have b) don't refuse wouldn't refuse
c) became would have c) accepted would also accept
d) became will have d) wouldn't refuse didn't refuse
e) became had e) accepted won't refuse

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
024 | MACKENZIE 2005 028 | MACKENZIE 2006
The sentence "If Orwell's book were to be rewritten, you
would have a nightmare vision of the world" in the THIRD

a) If Orwell's book had to been rewritten, you would have

been a nightmare vision of the world.
b) If Orwell's book had been rewritten, you would have had
a nightmare vision of the world.
c) If Orwell's book had rewritten, you would have a
nightmare vision of the world.
d) If Orwell's book had been rewriting, you would had have a
nightmare vision of the world.
e) If Orwell's book had rewritten, you would have been a
nightmare vision of the world.

025 | UFC 2006 ADAPTED The sentence that contains "if-clauses" correctly used is:
What's the relation between the two clauses in the
underlined sentence below? a) If you don't vote, you wouldn't have a say in the future of
your country.
If this dental dream becomes a reality, stem cells will be b) Would you get married if you had been in love?
taken from the patient, cultured in a lab and then c) George might have become an architect if he went to
reimplanted under the gum in the patient's jaw where the school.
tooth is missing. d) If she was traveling far, she always flies.
e) Had I had money, I would have moved.
a) Consequence.
b) Conclusion.
029 | PUCRIO 2007
c) Result.
"Had the buildings been full, about 14,000 people would
d) Contrast.
probably have died" means the same as:
e) Condition.
a) The buildings had been full of 14,000 dead people.
023 | MACKENZIE 2005
b) Fourteen thousand people died because the buildings
The sentence "If you run into someone on the street in
were full.
Taiwan, he's likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'"
c) Though the buildings were full, about 14,000 people didn't
in the THIRD CONDITIONAL will be:
d) Had the buildings been filled with 14,000 people, no one
a) If you had run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he
would have died.
might have probably greeted you by asking 'Have you
e) About fourteen thousand people could have been killed if
the buildings had been full.
b) If you ran into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would
have been likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
030 | UNESP 2007
c) If you ran into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
likely greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
d) If you had run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he
would have been likely to greet you by asking 'Had you been
If the snow cover __________ longer, it __________ the
plants and __________ the water cycle.
e) If you could run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he
would have likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
a) lasted would damage will disturb
b) would last would damage disturb
027 | PUCPR 2007
c) lasts will damage disturb
If he loses election, he __________ from public life.
d) will last damages disturbs
a) retired e) lasts will damage disturbed
b) retire
c) going to retire
d) will retire
e) has retired

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
031 | UECE 2007 036 | ITA 1996
I'd have gone to that party if they __________ me. If the U. S. Justice Department had not derailed Gate's bid to
acquire Intuit, the deal __________ realize Microsoft's
a) have invited ambition to make money from almost every commercial
b) had invited transaction in cyberspace.
c) will invite
d) are inviting a) is going to help
b) would have helped
032 | UECE 2007 c) would help
They felt as if they _____________ on thin ice. d) helps
e) is likely to help
a) are walking
b) have walked 037 | EFOMM 2005
c) were walking If my boss had not phoned the police on the spot, the thief
d) will walk __________.

033 | UECE 2008 a) would get away with it

In the sentence "IF THE CRITERIA OF QUALITY BECOME b) got away with it
EXACTING, a canon may emerge ..." the part in capital letters c) should got away with it
is a/an: d) would have gotten away with it
e) has gotten away with it
a) relative clause.
b) conditional clause. 038 | EFOMM 2007
c) noun clause. The loan __________ back if they hadnt been held up last
d) restrictive clause. week.

034 | UNESP 2008 a) would have paid

If the pension deposit __________ earlier, the lady b) would pay
__________ in trouble. c) would have been paid
d) will have paid
a) arrived would haven't been e) will be paid
b) had arrived wouldn't be
c) had arrived wouldn't have been 039 | AFA 1999
d) arrives wouldn't be "Come back to me and you will really know what happiness
e) has arrived would be not can be" means:

035 | PUCPR 2001 a) If you come back to me, you will know what happiness can
Select the best alternative to complete the sentences below: be.
b) If coming back makes you happy, it could bring happiness
I. If they __________ money, they will build a big house. to me.
II. If you __________ out more, you would meet a few c) If you come back to me, you would know what happiness
people. could be.
III. If he __________ his restaurant, he would have got more d) Come back to me or else you wont know what could be
customers. happiness.
IV. If she __________ so fast, she wouldn't have crashed her
car. 040 | JFS 2000
V. If we __________ a car, we wouldn't have to spend all our Complete meaningfully the following sentence:
time waiting for buses.
Had they studied hard, they __________.
a) have; went; had cleaned; hadn't been driving; had
b) have; go; cleaned; wasn't driving; have a) would pass
c) had; went; was cleaned; hadn't driven; has b) wouldnt have passed
d) have had; have gone; had cleaned; hadn't been driven; c) would have passed
have had d) would have pass
e) have; have gone; has cleaned; hadn't driven; have e) would havent passed

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
041 | JFS 2011 046 | EFOMM 2013
__________ they __________ harder, they __________. Were he not busy, he __________ your cousin.

a) Unless had studied wouldnt have failed a) will accompany

b) Unless hadnt studied would have failed b) can accompany
c) If had studied would have failed c) would accompany
d) Unless had studied would have failed d) had accompanied
e) If hadnt studied wouldnt have failed e) should accompany

042 | JFS 2010 047 | EFOMM 2013

"Earthquakes don't kill they don't create damage Fill in the sentences correctly:
__________," said Eric Calais, a Purdue University
geophysicist studying the Haiti quake. I. I wish you __________ all the water! Im thirsty.
II. If you hadnt helped me, I __________ the task so easily.
A lacuna presente no excerto acima deve ser preenchida II. If you __________ me back, I wouldnt have to borrow
por: money from my parents.
V. If it __________ for the goalkeeper, our team would have
a) unless there's nothing to be damaged. lost.
b) unless there's nothing to damage.
c) if there's little to damage. a) didnt drink / wouldnt finish / had paid / werent
d) if there's nothing to damage. b) hadnt drunk / wouldnt finish / had paid / hadnt been
e) if there's almost nothing to be damaged. c) hadnt drunk / wouldnt have finished / have paid / wasnt
d) didnt drink / wouldnt have finished / paid / werent
043 | EFOMM 2012 e) hadnt drunk / wouldnt have finished / paid / hadnt been
Choose the correct alternative to complete the following
Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God
"If she hadnt been so bad-tempered, I __________ her." when He did not want to sign.
Anatole France
a) shall have married
b) ought to have married
c) might have married
d) will have married
e) must have married

044 | EFOMM 2010

The conditions expressed in the sentences "If they had
known the outcomes, they would have taken different
measures" and "you should know people better, if you really
want to make more friends" are, respectively:

a) unlikely / unlikely
b) impossible / unlikely
c) likely / unlikely
d) impossible / likely
e) likely / impossible

045 | EFOMM 2013

Johns birthday is tomorrow.
__________ I known about it, I would have bought him a

a) Would
b) Did
c) Could
d) Had
e) Have

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
006 | FEI 1997
Question Tags He'll be back soon, __________?
001 | UNITAU 1995 a) will he
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia de b) doesn't he
Question Tags adequados para completar as frases a seguir: c) shall he
d) won't he
1. He isn't at home, __________?
e) couldn't he
2. That will happen, __________?
3. She hasn't a cue, __________? 007 | FUVEST 1998
4. It rains a lot, __________? Escolha a question tag correta para "I knew I would be a
a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it
b) is it; will it; does she; has it a) didn't I?
c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it b) wasn't I?
d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it c) won't I?
e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it d) don't I?
e) would I?
002 | FUVEST 1978
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: 008 | UDESC 1997
Complete with the CORRECT alternative:
He doesn't study here, __________ he?
The sun shone the whole day, __________ it?
a) doesn't
b) do a) is
c) did b) did
d) does c) doesn't
e) don't d) didn't
e) isn't
003 | UNESP 1987
Assinale a alternativa correta: 009 | FMTM 1998
You can sing well, __________?
Your name is Mary, __________?
a) didnt you
a) isn't you b) cant you
b) isn't it c) dont you
c) aren't it d) doesnt you
d) aren't you e) couldnt you
e) isn't he
010 | JFS 1999
004 | UNESP 1988 Roy read the newspaper this morning before his father,
Politics is a science, __________? __________?

a) weren't they a) didnt he

b) isn't it b) doesnt he
c) wouldn't he c) is he
d) wasn't it d) did he
e) won't they e) does he

005 | UEL 1995 011 | JFS 2002

He hasn't seen you lately, __________? Em qual das alternativas abaixo a 'question tag' est errada?

a) has he a) Lets go to a disco, shall we?

b) is it b) Do the exercises, will you?
c) have you c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesnt she?
d) have we d) Let me go with you, shall I?
e) haven't you e) The teacher came to help us, didnt she?

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
012 | JFS 2002 018 | AFA 1997
Complete corretamente: We cant do without him, __________?

The Titanic sank in 1912, __________? a) can us

b) can we
a) didnt she c) can ours
b) didnt it d) cant he
c) hadnt it
d) hadnt she 019 | AFA 2000
e) doesnt it Choose the correct question for the context: You are
speaking to your daughter. You want to make sure that she
013 | ITA 1984 turned off the stove. You ask her:
Michiko and Yamashiro are not Japanese, __________?
a) You turned off the stove, did you?
a) are b) You do turn off the stove, didnt you?
b) aren't they c) You didnt turn off the stove, did you?
c) aren't them d) You did turn off the stove, didnt you?
d) are they
e) are they not 020 | EFOMM 2012
Choose the option with the correct tag questions for the
014 | ITA 1985 sentences below.
You know you have to study more, __________?
1. You werent listening, __________?
a) do you 2. She doesn't know him, __________?
b) don't you 3. I'm a bit overweight, __________?
c) do you not 4. Don't open your eyes, __________?
d) not know
e) not you know a) weren't you / does she / aren't I / do you
b) were you / doesn't she / aren't I / do you
015 | ITA 1991 c) were you / does she / aren't I / will you
I am not as good at football as he is, __________? d) weren't you / does she / am I not / will you
e) were you / doesn't she / am I not / do you
a) arent I
b) is he 021 | EFOMM 2013
c) no Choose the option with the correct tag questions for the
d) am I sentences below.
e) am
I. Lets start the presentation, __________?
016 | ITA 1992 II. Nobody phoned, __________?
A alternativa que corretamente preenche o claro de One III. Dont open your books, __________?
never knows what to expect, __________? : IV. There is a nice restaurant near here, __________?

a) isnt it a) wont we / did they / do you / is there

b) does one b) will we / didnt they / dont you / isnt there
c) one knows c) shall we / did they / do you / isnt there
d) knows one d) shall we / did they / will you / isnt there
e) do we e) will we / didnt they / will you / is there

017 | EN 1989
The cheque of the customer had not been returned: It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.
Steve Jobs
a) hadn't it?
b) does it?
c) hasn't it?
d) did it?
e) had it?

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | EFOMM 2006
Rejoinders Philip: "- She's got a place at college!"
Kate: "- __________!"
001 | FUVEST 1978
Selecione a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: a) So have I
b) So I have
My mother doesn't drink tea and __________ do I. c) And I
d) I am too
a) or e) So am I
b) also
c) too 006 | JFS 2008
d) either Mr. Anderson cant speak Chinese.
e) neither
a) Neither I can.
002 | MACKENZIE 1997 b) Neither can I.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following c) So can I.
sentence: d) So I can.
Anne disliked our new roommate, and __________.
Be more prompt to go to a friend in adversity
a) I didn't too than in prosperity.
b) I didn't either
c) neither did I
d) never did he
e) so did I

003 | MACKENZIE 1999

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

I haven't finished the homework and __________.

a) my brother hasn't either

b) neither my brother
c) so did my brother
d) either hasn't my brother
e) neither does my brother

004 | MACKENZIE 2002

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

Paulo knows how to drive a truck and ___________.

a) Mark does neither

b) either does Mark
c) so does Mark
d) nor does Mark
e) Mark does either

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | PUCPR 1996
Articles Fill in the blanks of the following sentence with the definite
001 | UNITAU 1995
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia que __________ Brazil is __________ most industrial country in
completa as lacunas a seguir: __________ South America, while __________ United States
holds __________ same position in North America.
__________ Indian the ecologist saw, started __________
horrible fire because of __________ ordinary yellow bird a) the; the; the; the; the; the
__________ flew over his head. b) *; the; the; *; the; *
c) *; the; *; the; the; *
a) a; the; a; who d) *; the; the; the; the; *
b) an; the; a; whose e) the; *; *; *; the; the
c) the; a; an; which
d) the; an; a; whom 006 | PUCCAMP 1992
e) a; an; a; which Fred: I've been thinking of buying __________.
Sam: Really? Which make are you considering?
002 | FUVEST 1977 ADAPTED Fred: That doesn't matter as long as __________ is
In __________ beginning, __________ religion played economical.
__________ important part in __________ history of
__________ Brazil. a) a car some car
b) a car the car
a) a / the / a / the / * c) some car car
b) * / the / an / the / *
d) the car a car
c) the / the / a / the / * e) car a car
d) the / * / an / the / *
e) the / the / an / the / * 007 | UFPB 1998
Read this sentence:
__________ money is very important, but you can't buy
__________ good idea is __________ good idea, whether
__________ bit of luck with all __________ money you it's done in __________ one, __________ three or 33
have. countries.
a) The / a / the It is completed by the following sequence:
b) * / a / the
c) A / a / the a) A / no article / the / the
d) Some / a / the b) no article / no article / a / a
e) The / a / *
c) The / the / no article / no article
d) A / a / no article / no article
004 | UNESP 1991 e) The / no article / a / no article
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas
da frase a seguir: 008 | FATEC 1998
Indique a alternativa em que a traduo de a ou an difere do
It was __________ honor for us to see __________ Queen of seu significado habitual de artigo indefinido (um, uma) em
__________ England. lngua portuguesa:
a) a the the a) However, the abduction of Gutirrez would be a new
b) * a * twist.
c) an a the b) After his family paid an undisclosed ransom.
d) the * an c) An American businessman help for eight days was
e) an the *
released just last week.
d) Kidnapping has become rampant in Mexico with hundreds
of cases a year.
e) Editorials are already referring to him as a "political

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
009 | PUCPR 2001 013 | EEAR 2007
In which of the sentences we MUSTN'T use the article THE to Choose the alternative in which the definite article is used
complete the blanks? correctly:

a) __________ Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of a) The Brazilians are very friendly.
tourists every year. b) The old man is arriving right now.
b) Lots of people enjoy __________ amount of time they c) The spring is the season of flowers.
spend outdoors. d) The New York is a very beautiful city.
c) Richard Claydermann will play __________ piano for
hundred people in the theatre tomorrow. 014 | JFS 2008
d) Economically, __________ London is considered one of Mark the correct option:
the most important cities in Europe.
e) Who is __________ next to be interviewed? __________ Mr. Smith called you when you were out.

010 | EFOMM 1994 a) A

I want __________ can of __________ peaches, __________ b) An
sugar, and __________ pound of __________ raspberry jam. c) The
d) No
a) the / the / a / the / *
b) a / * / * / a / * 015 | ITA 1994
c) the / * / a / * / * Complete corretamente o texto a seguir:
d) a / the / the / * / the
e) a / the / a / the / a The pianist I told you about lives in __________(I) one-story
building on Main Street. Although she isnt __________(II)
011 | EFOMM 2007 professional musician, she plays __________ (III) piano
__________ lemon originated in __________ China and extremely well.
spread south to __________ Malaysian islands and west to
____ India. a) an a the
b) * * a
a) A / the / the / * c) a a the
b) * / * / * / * d) an * *
c) The / the / the / the e) the * *
d) A / the / * / *
e) The / * / the / * 016 | AFA 2001
__________ milk and __________ meat are good for
012 | PUCPR 2000 __________ our health.
Which is the correct alternative about the use of the article
"the" in the phrases below? a) * / * / *
b) * / the / *
I. You mustn't smoke in __________ class. c) The / the / *
II. Marcos has all the right qualifications for __________ job. d) The / the / the
III. Sometimes there are shows in __________ Central Park.
IV. __________ Mercury is the smallest planet in 017 | UNITAU 1995
__________ Solar System. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia na qual
V. __________ liberty and __________ democracy are se inclui um uso inadequado do artigo em ingls:
idealized since __________ French Revolution.
a) a watch; a pity; an orange.
a) Only in sentences I and II it's necessary to use the article b) an umbrella; a real effort; a year.
THE. c) a small plane; an idea; a whale.
b) It's correct to use THE in all blank spaces. d) a one-man show; an university; a private investigator.
c) In alternatives I, III, IV and V it's correct to complete the e) an egg; an uncle; a book.
spaces with THE.
d) About alternative V, it only needs the article in the third
e) We have to use THE only in the second space of phrase
number IV.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
018 | JFS 2000 022 | JFS 2009
Complete corretamente as sentenas abaixo: Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the correct
sequence of articles:
- __________ life you want is really fascinating.
- I felt __________ love in her touch. The Strokes are __________ American rock band formed in
- Carlson, __________ teacher, has become __________ rich 1998 that rose to fame in __________ early 2000s as
man. __________ leading group in __________ garage rock
- Everybody intends to enter in __________ university. revival. Upon __________ release of their acclaimed debut
- Johnson bought __________ ewe. album Is This It in 2001, many critics hyped __________
group as the "saviors of rock" for __________ their stripped
a) The the a/ a an a down sound, heavily influenced by bands such as The Velvet
b) The * the/ a a a Underground. Since then, __________ band has maintained
c) The the the/ a a an __________ large fan base and has enjoyed much
d) * * the/ a an a __________ success, particularly in __________ United
e) The * the/ a an an Kingdom.

019 | UFF 1996 Adapted from

In the expression such a reaction, the word such is followed
by the indefinite article a. Mark the sentence in which the a) an an a the the the a the a no article the
indefinite article must also be used after such. b) an the an a the the no article the a a the
c) an the a the the the no article the a no
a) Germans will not listen to such __________ article the
businessmen. d) an the a the the the no article the a no
b) A British businessman would not believe such article no article
__________ nonsense. e) an the a no article a the no article the a a
c) A French counselour would not give him such the
__________ silly advice.
d) An American would not sign such __________ contract. 023 | JFS 2009
e) Those students have never heard such __________ I was watching __________ MTV show last night. What
beautiful music. __________ wonderful clips they exhibited!

020 | ITA 1990 a) the a

Marque a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas b) a a
I e II da sentena a seguir: c) an a
d) an *
__________ (I) Dr. Brown refused to talk to __________ (II) e) the *
doctor who wanted to help him :
024 | JFS 2009
a) the the Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the correct
b) * the sequence of articles:
c) * an
d) the a Despite __________ universal derision of __________
e) the an literary establishment, which could never comprehend
__________ its inherently noble spirit, Tolkien's The Lord of
021 | EOMM 2012 the Rings was recently voted __________ greatest work of
The indefinite article can be appropriately used in: fiction of __________ 20th Century by thousands of
Waterstones' customers.
a) __________ information * = No article
b) __________ wool
c) __________ furniture Adapted from
d) __________ eggs
e) __________ hypothesis a) * the * the *
b) * the * a the
c) the the * the the
d) the the * a the
e) the * * the a

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
006 | FEI 2000
Plural of the Nouns ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentena correta, colocada no
plural, tempo futuro simples:
001 | FUVEST 1979
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as a) All they will need.
lacunas: b) They all will need.
c) They would need all.
Boys have big __________ and girls have small __________.
d) All they would need.
e) All they didn't need.
a) foots ones
b) feet ones 007 | PUCPR 1996
c) feet one Match the columns below so that the words in the second
d) feets ones column fit the sentences provided in the first one:
e) foot one
1.Tom and Mary love their __________.
002 | CESGRANRIO 1990 2. Put the oranges inside those __________.
KNIVES is the plural of KNIFE. Which of the words below 3. I can't walk. My __________ are aching a lot.
does not form its plural in the same way? 4. The __________ are flying south.
5. The cat is hunting the __________.
a) Wife. 6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her __________.
b) Life.
c) Leaf.
( ) feet
d) Chief. ( ) teeth
e) Half.
( ) children
( ) geese
003 | CESGRANRIO 1991 ( ) mice
The word that DOESN'T have an irregular plural form like ( ) boxes
tooth teeth is:
Choose the correct alternative:
a) ox.
b) foot. a) 6 3 1 4 5 2
c) cloth. b) 3 6 1 4 5 2
d) goose. c) 3 6 2 4 5 1
e) mouse. d) 5 3 4 2 6 1
e) 3 6 4 1 2 5
004 | FATEC 1998
Observe a frase: "Did hundreds of Japanese KIDS suffer a TV- 008 | PUCRS 2007
induced epileptic attack last week". Indique a alternativa em
Nouns in English can be divided into countable or
que todas as palavras tm a mesma forma de plural de KIDS: uncountable (e.g.: apple X water). In order to indicate some
kind of "measurement" in the case of uncountable nouns,
a) attack mouse another noun is required (e.g.: "glasses" or "liters" of water).
b) episode Japanese Accordingly, the expression below that is equivalent to the
c) cartoon trigger structure "blades of grass" is:
d) show child
e) explosion Japanese a) structures of steel.
b) classes of Chinese.
005 | PUCRIO 1999 c) cups of coffee.
Check the only word that could be used in the plural form: d) floors of wood.
e) letters of complaint.
a) Information.
b) Land.
c) Research.
d) Energy.
e) Employment.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
009 | MACKENZIE 2003 012 | ITA 1988
Dadas as afirmaes de que o plural de:


Constatamos que est(esto) correta(s):

a) Apenas a afirmao no 1.
b) Apenas a afirmao no 2.
c) Apenas a afirmao n 3.
d) Apenas as afirmaes nos 1 e 3.
e) Todas as afirmaes.

013 | ITA 1989

O plural dos substantivos abaixo:

Which alternative shows the correct plural form of the I. knife

words given? II. tooth
III. woman
a) mouse mice/ goose geese/ phenomenon
phenomena/ deer deer , na ordem:
b) mouse mices/ chick chicken/ person persons/ child
children a) knifes teeth womans
c) mouse mouses/ goose geeses/ deer deers/ news b) knifes teeths women
news c) knives tooths women
d) mouse mouses/ new newses/ bus buses /person d) knives teeth women
people e) knive teeth women
e) mouse mises/ child children/ police polices/ news
news 014 | JFS 2000
Considering that the plural form of the following words:
010 | ITA 1987
Dadas as afirmaes de que o plural de: 1. Man is Men
2. Woman is Women
1. OX OXEN 3. Roman is Romen
3. ROOF ROOVES The incorrect datum(a) is(are) the:

Constatamos que est(esto) correta(s): a) number 1.

b) number 2.
a) Apenas a afirmao n 1. c) number 3.
b) Apenas a afirmao n 2. d) numbers 1 and 2.
c) Apenas a afirmao n 3. e) numbers 1 and 3.
d) Apenas as afirmaes ns 1 e 2.
e) Todas as afirmaes. 015 | ESPCEX 1999
The plural of wife, goose, mouse and hero are:
011 | EFOMM 2000
The plural forms of the underlined words in the sentence a) wifes, gooses, mouses, heroes.
"Jane is afraid of mouse and louse" are respectively: b) wifes, geese, mice, heroes.
c) wives, geese, mice, heros.
a) mice lice d) wives, geese, mice, heroes.
b) mices lices e) wifes, gooses, mouses, heros.
c) mouses louses
d) mice louses
e) mouses lice

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
016 | JFS 2000 019 | ITA 1990
Complete as sentenas a seguir utilizando as formas corretas Dadas as afirmaes de que o plural de:
de cada vocbulo apresentado:
1. Chief Chieves
He bought a __________ car. 2. Radius Radii
She is a __________ rock star. 3. Leaf Leaves
I have good __________ to give you.
The police __________ in front of the building. Constatamos que est (esto) correta(s):

a) sport famous informations is a) Apenas a afirmao n 1.

b) sport famous informations are b) Apenas a afirmao n 2.
c) sports famous informations are c) Apenas a afirmao n 3.
d) sport famouses information is d) As afirmaes nos 2 e 3.
e) sports famous information are e) Todas as afirmaes.

017 | ITA 1987 020 | JFS 2000

Algumas vezes, o significado da forma plural de um Marque a alternativa que possui as sentenas abaixo
substantivo (em ingls), diferente do seu significado na reescritas, corretamente, no plural:
forma singular. Dadas as palavras (j na sua forma plural):
1. She writes a letter to her sister every day.
1. GOODS 2. He and his friend are going to buy a new house.
2. SCALES 3. The news is good, I think you will like it.
3. SPIRITS 4. This old photo brings me a good recollection.
5. The phenomenon happened yesterday night.
Constatamos que confere(m) com a afirmao acima:
a) 1. They writes letters to their sisters every day./ 2. They
a) Apenas a palavra n 1. and their friends are going to buy new houses./ 3. The news
b) Apenas a palavra n 2. is good, we think you will like them./ 4. These old photos
c) Apenas a palavra n 3. bring us good recollections./ 5. The phenomena happened
d) Apenas as palavras ns 1 e 2. yesterday night.
e) Todas as palavras. b) 1. They write letters to their sisters every day./ 2. They
and their friends are going to buy new houses./ 3. The news
018 | JFS 2008 are good, we think you will like them./ 4. These old photos
Give the correct plural form of the words below: bring us good recollections./ 5. The phenomena happened
yesterday night.
Buffalo; c) 1. They write letters to their sisters every day./ 2. They
Eskimo; and their friends are going to buy news houses./ 3. The news
Concerto; is good, we think you will like them./ 4. Those old photos
Person; bring us good recollections./ 5. The phenomena happened
Manservant; yesterday night.
Thesis; d) 1. They write letters to their sisters every day./ 2. They
Sister-In-Law; and their friends are going to buy new houses./ 3. The news
Die. is good, we think you will like them./ 4. These old photos
bring us good recollections./ 5. The phenomena happened
a) Buffalos/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Personas/ Menservants/ yesterday night.
Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice e) 1. They write letters to their sisters every day./ 2. They
b) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Persons/ Menservants/ and their friends are going to buy new houses./ 3. The news
Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice is good, we think you will like they./ 4. These old photos
c) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertoes/ Persons/ Manservants/ bring us good recollections./ 5. The phenomenons happened
Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice yesterday night.
d) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Persons/ Menservants/
Theses/ Sister-in-laws/ Deaths
e) Buffalos/ Eskimoes/ Concertoes/ Personas/ Manservants/ Existence would be intolerable
Thesis/ Sister-in-laws/ Deaths if we were never to dream.
Anatole France

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | UDESC 1997
Genitive Case __________ father is in Europe.
001 | UNESP 1994 a) The Mary's and George's
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: b) Mary's and George
c) Mary and George's
The __________ uncle was dead. d) Mary's and Georges's
e) The Mary and George's
a) writer
b) writers 006 | UNESP 1999
c) writer of __________ farm is that large one? It is __________.
d) writer's
e) writers of the a) Which Peter's
b) Whose Peter's
002 | UNITAU 1995 c) Whose of Peter
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais d) Which for Peter
adequada da frase a seguir: e) What Peter's
My mother's maid has just bought the dog's meat. 007 | UFRS 2001
O possessivo, usado como em "Woody Allen's Sweet and
a) Minha me e a empregada acabam de comprar a carne do Lowdown", est correto em todas as alternativas abaixo,
b) A empregada de minha me acaba de comprar a carne do
a) There was a two hours' delay at the airport in London.
c) Minha me acabou de fazer a carne do cachorro. b) Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange is a milestone in
d) Minha me far compras com a empregada e o cachorro. modern literature.
e) Minha me empregada e comprou carne de cachorro. c) In our last holidays we had to cope with our young
relatives' weird ideas.
003 | FUVEST 1979 ADAPTED d) Elizabeth I's interest on sea voyages brought development
Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo:
to England.
e) Maggie and Millie's eyebrows are so thin you can hardly
John and Mary are cousins. Have you met the parents of see them.
John and of Mary?
008 | FATEC 2003
a) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John and Mary's Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do caso
parents. possessivo, como no substantivo "media" em "the media's
b) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and collective attention":
Mary's parents.
c) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary a) mens' garment.
parents. b) womens' wear.
d) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and c) mental's disturbance.
Mary's parents. d) children's clothes.
e) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and e) disappointment's feeling.
Mary's parents.
009 | UNESP 2005
004 | UFRS 1996 Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado da
The phrases "Americans' encounter" the nation's energies" expresso em destaque na sentena:
and "America's physical geography" are examples of:
It is important to remember that THE BEHAVIOR OF
a) passive voice. DEPRESSED CHILDREN may change.
b) the infinitive.
c) the gerund,
a) the depressed children's behavior
d) the genitive.
b) the behavior's depressed children
e) indirect speech. c) the behavior of the depressed children's
d) the children's depressed behavior
e) the depressed behavior's children

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | UFRS 2007 015 | AFA 1999
While the danger does not seem to dampen anyone's The honor to a woman is to:
partying spirit, violence is much feared and the threat is
much discussed among the locals. a) refer to the daughter of her mothers.
b) have the same of her daughters name.
The use of 'S is the same in ANYONE'S PARTYING SPIRIT c) be referred to as her daughters mother.
and in: d) be called by the name of her daughters.

a) Everyone's invited for Carnival in Rio. 016 | JFS 2000

b) The American's luggage was checked carefully. Complete:
c) My friend Jeremy's arrived.
d) Nobody's pleased with the situation. __________ wives arrived together.
e) The Mexican tourist's coming tomorrow.
a) Alans and Victors
011 | ITA 1990 b) Alans and Victor
Assinalar a alternativa onde o uso do caso genitivo esteja c) Alan and Victors
CORRETO: d) Alan and Victor
e) Alan and Victors
a) For goodness sake, this is my brother-in-laws dog.
b) For goodness sake, this is my brother's-in-law dog. 017 | JFS 2010
c) For goodness sake's, this is my brother-in-law's dog. Leia o fragmento a seguir:
d) For goodness sake's, this is my brother's-in-law dog.
e) For goodness sake's, this is my brother-in-law dog's. "When you look at the architecture in Chile you see buildings
that have damage, but not the complete pancaking that
012 | ESPCEX 1999 you've got in Haiti," said Cameron Sinclair, executive director
The correct sentence is: of Architecture for Humanity, a 10-year-old nonprofit that
has helped people in 36 countries rebuild after disasters.
a) My fathers friend called me yesterday. _______________ received 400 requests for help the day
b) The tables leg is broken. after the Haiti quake but he said it had yet to receive a single
c) I have an appointment at the offices doctor. request for help for Chile.
d) My brother neighbours sister is a nurse.
e) The girls school is far from St Bartholomews. O espao em branco deve ser preenchido por qual das
seguintes opes?
013 | EFOMM 1994
Betty, Jane and I were invited to a party at __________ a) Sinclair San Franciscos based organization
home. b) Sinclair's San Francisco-based organization
c) Sinclair's San Franciscos based organization
a) your friends Carol d) San Francisco-based organization by Sinclair
b) our friend Carol e) San Franciscos based organization by Sinclair
c) our friend Carols
d) your friends Carols 018 | UDESC 1999
e) her friends Carol Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:

014 | EFOMM 2000 The __________ offices are very modern.

His __________ sickness is worrying him very much.
a) businessmen
a) mothers-in-law b) businessmens
b) mother-in-law c) businessmans
c) mothers-in-laws d) businessmens
d) mother-in-laws
e) mothers-in-laws
When desire dies, fear is born.
Baltasar Gracin y Morales

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | AFA 2001
Numbers Whats the right answer for the numerical expressions
001 | FEI 2000
Indique o ordinal referente a "four":
1 3 16
; 2 ;
a) forty 5 5 15
b) fourteen
c) fourteenth a) One fives / two thirty-five / sixteen fifteen
d) fourth b) One five / two and third fifth / sixteen fifteens
e) fortieth c) One fifth / two and three fifths / sixteen fifteenths
d) First fifths / second thirty-five / sixteenth fifteenths
Reescreva a frase colocando por extenso os numerais, na 006 | JFS 2008
sua forma ordinal: Some stats about the Olympic Games in Beijing:

Her __________ (21) birthday will be on the __________ * 28 Olympic programs, 302 sub-categories
(11). * 302 gold medals
* 10,500 athletes are expected to participate
a) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleventieth. * 21,880 torchbearers will run 137,000 km over 130 days
b) Her twenty-one birthday will be on the eleven. * The National Stadium (Birds Nest) covers an area of
c) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleven. 258,000 sq. meters
d) Her twenty-one birthday will be on the eleventh. * The Birds Nest has 91,000 seats
e) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleventh. * The surface of the National Aquatics Center is covered by
1,437 pieces of transparant material
003 | JFS 2000 * The highest price for the opening ceremony tickets is 5000
Marque a alternativa que possui os resultados corretos das Renminbi, the lowest is 200 Renminbi
operaes abaixo: * Beijing expects 550,000 international visitors and 2.4
million domestic spectators
29=? * Over 800 star-class hotels and 4,000 hostels will provide
14 11 = ? about 420,000 overprized rooms
? + 4 = 16
Give the marked numbers in full:
a) eighteenth three twelve
b) eighty thirty two a) three hundreds and two; ten thousands and five
c) eighteen third twelve hundreds; one hundred and thirty-seven thousands; two
d) eight thirteen twenty hundreds and fifty-eight thousands; one thousand and four
e) eighteen three twelve hundreds and thirty-seven; two millions and four hundreds
thousands; four hundreds and twenty thousands
004 | JFS 2000 b) three hundred and two; ten thousand and five hundred;
Solve the problems below: one hundred and thirty-seven thousand; two hundred and
fifty-eight thousand; one thousand and four hundred and
1. Two into ten goes __________ times. thirty-seven; two million and four hundred thousand; four
2. A quarter plus three-quarters makes __________. hundred and twenty thousand
3. Twenty-eight from fifty leaves __________. c) three hundred and two; ten thousand and five hundred;
one hundred and thirty-seven thousand; two hundred and
a) five one twenty-one fifty-eight thousand; one thousand and four hundred and
b) four four twenty-one thirty-seventh; two million and four hundred; four hundred
c) five four twenty-two and twenty thousand
d) five one twenty-two d) three hundred and two; ten thousand and five hundred;
e) four four twenty-two one hundred and thirty-seven thousand; two hundred and
fifty-eight thousand; one thousand and four hundred and
thirty-seven; two million and four thousand; fourth hundred
and twenty thousand

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
007 | JFS 2008
Read the following sentence and fill in the blanks
001 | PUCRIO 2004
More than twenty __________ people were inside the Mark the only sentence that CANNOT be correctly
stadium, but __________ more were outside because they completed with the preposition FROM:
didnt get to buy the tickets in time.
a) Commercial sales of drugs derived __________ this one
a) thousand hundreds plant are about US$160 million a year.
b) thousands hundreds b) Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant __________ Africa,
c) thousand thousand provides two important anti-tumor agents.
d) hundred thousand c) Quinine, an aid in the cure of malaria, is an alkaloid
e) hundreds hundreds extracted __________ the bark of the cinchona tree found in
Latin America and Africa.
008 | ITA 1990 d) __________ 1960, only 19 percent of Hodgkin's disease
A alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III sufferers had a chance for survival.
de: e) Until recently, wild yams __________ Mexico and
Guatemala provided the world with its entire supply of
1. Five from six leaves I. diosgenin, an active ingredient in birth control pills.
2. Two into eight goes II times.
3. The third power of two is III. 002 | UFRS 2006
In the phrase "Exports to China are expected to quadruple
: by 2010", BY is being used with the same meaning as in:

a) 30; 8; 10 a) I'll finish reading the book by midnight.

b) 11; 10; 10 b) We could go to Gramado by car.
c) 30; 12; 8 c) He paid the hotel expenses by cheque.
d) 1; 4; 8 d) Forty divided by eight is five.
e) 1; 8; 1 e) Do you know "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown?

003 | PUCRS 2006

There is no duty more obligatory The alternative which contains the prepositions that best
than the repayment of kindness. complete the sentences below is:
Prepaid meters have been launched with the aim
__________ improving water service; however, they might
be a problem __________ those who cannot afford paying
__________ water services.

a) to for of
b) on to for
c) of to on
d) for on of
e) of for for

004 | UNESP 1994

Something is cooking __________ the oven.

a) up
b) to
c) in
d) into
e) for

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | ITA 1995 ADAPTED 010 | FUVEST 1977 ADAPTED
It's clear that Gossard and the rest of Pearl Jam no longer Complete com as palavras necessrias:
want to "rely" __________ anger and craziness to drive the
band. I was born __________ 2 o'clock __________ the morning,
__________ a Sunday __________ April __________ the
A preposio que deve acompanhar o verbo "rely", year 1958, __________ a farm __________ a small village
relacionado no texto, : called Sta. Cruz, __________ the state of Gois, Brazil.

a) at a) on / in / on / in / in / in / in / in
b) on b) on / in / on / in / of / in / in / in
c) in c) at / in / on / in / of / on / in / on
d) for d) at / in / in / in / of / in / in / in
e) with e) at / in / on / in / of / in / in / in

006 | ITA 1995 ADAPTED 011 | CESGRANRIO 1995

Scientists have been talking about producing better foods The program Dr. Black is working __________ his colleagues
__________ genetic engineering ever since the technology __________ the department __________ psychiatry will
first became available more than 20 years ago. build on a pioneering study done __________ 1989.

A preposio que preenche a lacuna corretamente : Mark the item which contains the prepositions that
complete the passage above:
a) by.
b) for. a) with, of, about, in
b) with, on, from, in
c) over.
d) through. c) with, in, of, in
e) with. d) without, at, by, on
e) without, from, after, on
007 | UNESP 1993
He walked __________ the room. 012 | FAAP 1996
An executive presiding over a lunchtime meeting
a) at __________ a busy San Francisco restaurant was having no
b) on luck getting the waiter's attention. So, using his cellular
c) between phone, he called the restaurant and asked __________ have
d) into some menus sent over __________ his table. It worked.
e) among
Adapted from Reader's Digest Sep./95
008 | UNESP 1995 Quais preposies completam corretamente o texto
I read a chapter __________ politics. anterior?
a) on a) in, about, to
b) at b) at, to, in
c) above c) in, for, on
d) before d) for, for, to
e) after e) in, to, to

009 | FUVEST 1979 013 | UNESP 1996

__________ the circumstances you must go __________ Assinale a alternativa correta para completar o espao em
foot. branco na sentena a seguir:

a) Under with She is very proud __________ her children.

b) Under by
c) On on a) at
d) Under on b) in
e) On under c) on
d) with
e) of

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
014 | MACKENZIE 1996 018 | CESGRANRIO 1990
Complete with the appropriate prepositions: The sentence in which FOR is used in the same way as in
"These knives are now used for some general surgery" is:
I. How kind __________ you to invite us __________ your
party! a) The laser has been used for years.
II. I'm sorry __________ him but even so I'm not sorry b) The technician is leaving for Tokyo.
__________ what I did. c) This telephone records word for word.
III. Is the director confident __________ his abilities? d) The laser has become popular for its wide applicability.
e) Doctors use laser for several types of operations.
a) I. for/for; II. about/for; III. about
b) I. of/to; II. for/about; III. of 019 | CESGRANRIO 1990
c) I. in/for; II. for/about; III. of In "The sweet-and-lovely look is OUT; the aggressive punk
d) I. on/to; II. for/in; III. in pose is IN", the capital words stand for:
e) I. for/on; II. of/for; III. with
a) out of work / in vogue
015 | MACKENZIE 1996 b) out of sight / in mind
Complete with the appropriate prepositions: c) out of order / in memory
d) out of date / in fashion
I. My wife was very glad __________ taking a trip abroad. e) out of mind / in sight
II. Are you hopeful __________ receiving a nice gift?
III. Whatever is good __________ you will be acceptable 020 | FEI 1996 ADAPTED
__________ me. One of the most famous monuments in the world, the
IV. Criminals belong __________ jail. Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of
America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.
a) I. in; II. about; III. for/for; IV. to
b) I. on; II. of; III. about/for; IV. to Preencha a lacuna de acordo com o texto:
c) I. with; II. for; III. for/to; IV. on
d) I. about; II. of; III. for/to; IV. in Who was the statue presented __________?
e) I. of; II. in; III. to/to; IV. at
a) from
b) for
016 | UDESC 1996
c) by
Choose the CORRECT alternative to complete the sentence:
d) at
e) in
That girl __________ the corner told everybody she is going
__________ leave __________ New York __________ seven
021 | UEL 1997 ADAPTED
tomorrow night, __________ a huge airplane.
Olajuwon should have no trouble promoting his product. "All
I drink is water", says he. OVER a gallon a day.
a) by for on in at
b) under below by at for A palavra OVER, no texto, significa:
c) through into onto on on
d) on to for at by a) sobre.
e) on to for in by b) em cima de.
c) super.
017 | MACKENZIE 1996 d) mais do que.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following e) abaixo de.
022 | MACKENZIE 1997
__________ you know, Jack is a soldier, but he walks __________ the end, he gave __________ discussing
__________ a general. __________ his father and said he would go __________
a) How; how
b) As; like a) In up with in for
c) As; as b) At up with in
d) Like; as c) In out about into
e) How; like d) At in with out in
e) In at on up at

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
023 | UNESP 1986 028 | UNIRIO 1997
Assinale a alternativa correta: The word LIKE in "Premier researchers use the Net to test
projects like real-time, 3D models of colliding galaxies or
Fried potatoes are called "French Fries" __________ the rampaging tornadoes" introduces elements of:
United States.
a) exemplification.
a) on b) generalization.
b) about c) reformulation.
c) of d) comparison.
d) from e) addition.
e) in
029 | ITA 1997 ADAPTED
024 | UNESP 1987 Specialty Minerals do Brasil, an international, research-
Assinale a alternativa correta: based company, (I) several openings for Operator
Technicians at its plant in Jacare. The successful candidate
Very little is known __________ nuclear energy. will be responsible (II) operating a computer-controlled
process, performing quality control lab tests, unloading of
a) of bulk product, loading tanker trucks with finished product,
b) over and other duties as assigned. Availability (III) travel abroad is
c) in required.
d) into
e) about As lacunas I, II a III devem ser preenchidas
respectivamente por:
025 | UNESP 1988
Assinale a alternativa correta: a) I. has, II. for, III. for
b) I. have, II. by, III. of
Aspirin is the best drug to fight __________ headache. c) I. have, II. for, III. of
d) I. has, II. for, III. to
a) on e) I. has, II. by, III. to
b) against
c) with 030 | ITA 1997
d) to
e) for Mensagem Capadcia

026 | UNESP 1989 Um adesivo "made in Paraguai" anda circulando nos vidros
Assinale a alternativa correta: dos carros paulistanos: "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go
to everywhere". de doer, posto que o correto seria:
That experiment was performed __________ important "__________".
Brbara Gancia, Folha do So Paulo de 7/06/96.
a) by
b) to A perspiccia da colunista se faz notar de diversas formas
c) from no texto anterior. Uma delas atravs da correo de uma
d) against impropriedade normativa. Qual seria a frase final do texto,
e) for aqui omitida propositalmente?

027 | UNESP 1997 a) Good girls go heaven, bad girls everywhere.

Assinale a alternativa correta: b) Good girls go heaven, bad girls go everywhere.
c) Good girls go to heaven, bad girls to go to everywhere.
We stayed in Rome __________ two months. d) Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.
e) Good girls go heaven, bad girls go to everywhere.
a) since
b) at
c) in
d) on
e) for

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
031 | ITA 1997 ADAPTED 034 | UFRS 1997
Probably the only thing that Brazil's two pay TV Fill in the blank below with the best alternative:
heavyweights, Globo and TVA, agree __________ is that the
country's multichannel business is on the verge of a boom. Political corruption and civil unrest are __________ Mexico's
modern problems.
Qual a preposio que melhor preenche a lacuna?
a) because
a) for b) between
b) on c) throughout
c) at d) among
d) by e) although
e) in
035 | FEI 1997
032 | CESGRANRIO 1998 Complete:
The following sentences must be completed with "between"
or "among": Pablo said that __________ Spain, everybody sleeps
__________ 1 and 4 PM.
I. There were no radicals __________ her close friends.
II. The students talked quietly __________ themselves
before the test started. a) with among
III. The father and the mother sat in the sofa, with the baby b) among between
__________ them. c) between among
IV. The Queen of England is not very popular now d) among at
__________ the British people. e) in at
V. There is much difference __________ the American and
the Brazilian education systems. 036 | MACKENZIE 1999
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
"Between" must be used in sentences: sentence:

a) III and V only. She's used __________ running __________ the park
b) I, II and III only. __________ 6 p.m.
c) II, III and IV only.
d) II, IV and V only. a) for at at
e) I, II, III and V only. b) for in at
c) at in before
033 | CESGRANRIO 1998 d) into at about
Fill in the blanks of the text below with the correct e) to in after
037 | UNESP 1999
No higher education reforms are likely to be adopted Jim wanted to buy a ticket __________ the nine o'clock bus.
__________ time to affect the choice that a student or his
family makes about where the student should go to college a) for
today. For a student, not having to worry about cost would b) into
be a wonderful option. But __________ almost every c) out
student to be able to go to school these days, working out d) of
matters of cost is an essential part __________ choosing the e) over
best college.
038 | MACKENZIE 1998
a) on, to and in She sent __________ a beautiful birthday card.
b) on, for and at
c) in, for and of a) for her teacher
d) in, before and in b) to her teacher
e) about, to and of c) into her teacher
d) her teacher
e) up to her teacher

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
039 | UFRS 1998 043 | CESGRANRIO 1999
Escolha a melhor alternativa para preencher as lacunas da Advertising is capitalism's soft sell. Girls growing up and
frase a seguir: housewives worried __________ achieving their roles are
the foremost consumers. Advertising sets out to make
__________ 1948 an American woman was employed people identify __________ characters __________
__________ the first time __________ a jet pilot advertisements, to make them jealous __________ the
__________ an American airline. person they would become if they bought the product.

a) In at as for Check the item that contains the missing prepositions that
b) During by like in complete the text above:
c) From on with by
d) On for like by a) with to in of
e) In for as by b) with with of of
c) with through of at
040 | UEL 1998 d) about with in of
The not-for-credit series of 13 interdisciplinary lectures e) about with on at
focuses on the creation of myths and explores parallels to
Eva Pern and the Virgin Mary, __________ others. 044 | MACKENZIE 1998
__________ Christmas people usually sing __________.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
do texto: a) On pop music
b) On musics
a) between c) In lyrics
b) among d) About lullabies
c) above e) At carols
d) under
e) across 045 | UECE 1999
"They may find a house to live in for the winter". A partcula
041 | PUCPR 1998 IN, usada na frase, emprega-se de modo INCORRETO, no
Choose the RIGHT alternative to complete the spaces: seguinte exemplo:

I. I stayed in New York __________ two months. a) There are three girls in the group.
II. The film didn't begin __________ nine o'clock. b) They walked home in the rain.
III. I go there __________ an hour. c) In her mind, he is guilty.
IV. They've been mending the road __________ last d) He began his new job in Monday.
V. I'll be working in a bank __________ three years. 046 | UNESP 2000
The boys and girls ran __________ the street.
a) by in since for until
a) above
b) for until in since for
b) with
c) by until in before for
c) at
d) since by before until by
d) down
e) until since by for since
e) back
042 | MACKENZIE 1998
047 | UFSM 2000 ADAPTED
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
A conflict that goes back to the 1300s cannot be solved by
bombing the warring parties. The solution can come only
from within the Balkans and its people.
"Apartments __________ rent are difficult __________
nowadays", said the tenant. A melhor traduo para a expresso from within :
a) on for find a) dos.
b) for for finding b) at o fim dos.
c) to for finding c) de fora dos.
d) on to be found d) moda dos.
e) for to find e) desde o incio dos.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
048 | UNESP 2001 ADAPTED 052 | UFSM 2001
In cyberspace, we can talk, exchange ideas, and assume A palavra em maisculo na expresso "BY 1900 Britain had
personae of our own creation. We have the opportunity to become a major world power" tem o mesmo sentido de:
build new kinds of communities, virtual communities, in
which we participate with people from all over the world, a) beyond.
people with whom we converse daily, people with whom we b) at
may have fairly intimate relationships but whom we may c) among.
never physically meet. d) through.
e) around.
After I read the text above, I could realize that my friend
Christine has a terrible problem: She lives __________ 1204 053 | PUCMG 1999 ADAPTED
Reality Boulevard but her husband lives __________ Rudolph, skilled at surviving in the wilderness, vanished in
cyberspace! the mountainous woods of North Carolina.

a) in in It can be inferred that Rudolph was __________ surviving

b) in on in the wilderness.
c) on at
d) at on a) good at
e) at in b) worried about
c) interested in
049 | PUCRS 2001 d) fond of
The prepositions in and on are correctly used in all e) anxious about
alternatives BUT:
054 | PUCPR 1999
a) On September I'll be in vacation. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:
b) He'll go on a leave in the summer.
c) She's always in a bad mood on Mondays. I. What are you thinking __________?
d) In two months you can be on the road. II. He died __________ the injuries caused by a terrible
e) In the evenings I see her on TV. accident.
III. They succeeded __________ breaking the door open.
050 | UNESP 2002 IV. Everybody laughed __________ him when he said that.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna V. Why don't you concentrate __________ your studies?
da frase apresentada:
a) in, of, from, on, at
There are some barriers that prevent senior citizens b) in, of, from, at, on
__________ taking part in an online market. c) of, from, in, at, on
d) of, at, in, from, on
a) of e) of, from, in, on, at
b) to
c) for 055 | UFAL 1999 ADAPTED
d) from Ericsson is a global leader __________ mobile telephony,
e) on supplying state-of-the-art technology and quality equipment
to customers worldwide.
051 | UFRS 2000
The preposition into is used INCORRECTLY in: Preencha corretamente a lacuna do texto:

a) He stood into the room, hands in his pockets. a) at

b) The wicked witch turned the prince into a frog. b) in
c) His texts have been translated into many languages. c) off
d) He then went into the details of his dream. d) on
e) They ran into each other at the corner of the street. e) over

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
056 | PUCRIO 2000 060 | PUCPR 2003
Mark the sentence which must be completed with on and in, Fill in the blanks of the following sentences with the
respectively: appropriate option:

a) I was talking __________ the phone when I heard a knock I. They deliver the mail __________ ten o'clock.
__________ the door. II. __________ it was raining, we went for a walk.
b) The boy got a bike __________ his birthday, and is now III. Don't eat so much __________ you go bathing.
keeping it __________ his parents' garage. IV. He ran away __________ he saw the policeman.
c) The Smith family lives __________ the countryside, V. You won't win __________ you try hard.
__________ a very cozy farm house.
d) John was invited to speak __________ the conference a) I. after; II. While; III. unless; IV. before; V. until
__________ behalf of the company's president. b) I. until; II. Before; III. after; IV. while; V. although
e) Several workers decided to go __________ strike c) I. unless; II. When; III. until; IV. after; V. before
__________ the same day their boss announced his d) I. at; II. Although; III. before; IV. when; V. unless
bankruptcy. e) I. before; II. Until; III. although; IV. unless; V. when

057 | UFV/PASES 2000 061 | UFRS 2004

Choose the best option to complete the sentence: Complete the sentence below with the best alternative:

Bell used electricity to send the human voice __________ Tolkien wrote much __________ his trilogy __________
one place __________ another. World War II, but denied that his stories were analogous
__________ that great battle.
a) on in
b) from to a) of during to
c) in to b) of at with
d) at to c) about during into
e) above below d) for in to
e) of in into
058 | UFRS 2001
The word into is used correctly in all alternatives below 062 | PUCMG 2005 ADAPTED
EXCEPT: According to Stuff magazine, the iPod is the "coolest thing to
come out of California since the Beach Boys".
a) He ran into some old friends at the airport.
b) He remained into that room where they had always met. The word "since" conveys an idea of:
c) She walked into his life as a breath of fresh air.
d) It came into view when the clouds cleared the sky. a) manner.
e) She went into the house carrying a bunch of flowers. b) place.
c) time.
059 | UFRS 2002 d) result.
Complete the following sentence with the correct
alternative: 063 | UFSM 2005
The first games __________ athletes __________ a disability
In New England, we drove __________ hours along country __________ held __________ 1948.
roads and stayed __________ an old sea captain's home
__________ the sea. Selecione a alternativa que completa corretamente as
a) for in off
b) during into by a) for without was on
c) up near from b) to with has at
d) during at out c) from with is on
e) for in by d) to without are at
e) for with were in

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
064 | UFRS 2005 068 | JFS 2000
Fill in the gaps in the following sentence correctly: The cat jumped __________ the table in order __________
get the food that was __________ it.
Man walked __________ the moon __________ the first
time __________ 1969. a) up to on
b) about for up
a) on for in c) over for about
b) across at in d) on to on
c) across by on e) onto to on
d) in on at
e) on at after 069 | ITA 1991
A alternativa abaixo que preenche a lacuna de:
065 | JFS 2012
Fill in the following sentences correctly: Buses here never arrive __________ time.

Dando idia de pontualidade:

I. The climbers stopped 300m __________ the top of the
mountain. a) on
II. The whole village is __________ water. b) at
III. A king shouldnt do anything __________ his dignity. c) in
IV. The tunnel goes right __________ the city. d) by
e) up
a) I. below II. below III. beneath IV. underneath
b) I. below II. under III. beneath IV. underneath 070 | ITA 1991
c) I. below II. under III. beneath IV. under __________ what he says, she was born __________ March
d) I. under II. under III. below IV. beneath 25, 1970.
e) I. under II. below III. below IV. beneath
a) According to in
066 | UNIFESP 2007 ADAPTED b) According with on
Em "Since levels of lung function were in the normal range c) Accordance to in
at the start of the study, the researchers say, the possibility d) According to on
that poor lung function led to hostility rather than the other e) Accordance with in
way around is unlikely", a expresso rather than significa,
em portugus: 071 | ITA 1992
A alternativa que corretamente preenche os claros (I), (II),
a) pelo contrrio. (III) de:
b) ao invs de.
c) a menos que. * The Declaration of Independence was signed __________
d) mais que. (I) July 4, 1796.
e) devido a. * __________ (II) first, I thought you were a thief.
* __________ (III) present, I am living in Brazil.
067 | ITA 1995
'Without Fear of Be Happy' (Sem medo de ser feliz) o :
ttulo, em ingls que um peridico paulista atribuiu ao livro
do jornalista americano Ken Silverstein sobre a campanha de a) at at at
Lula Presidncia da Repblica em 1989. Examinando o b) on at at
ttulo, voc diria que: c) on by in
d) in in in
a) Est estruturalmente correto. e) in by on
b) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Been Happy"
c) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of to Be Happy" 072 | AFA 1999
d) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Being Happy" __________ 14% __________ the force female, we cannot
e) Deveria ser: "Without Fear to Be Happy" run a military today __________ women.

a) At / in / on
b) With / from / over
c) With / of / without
d) Both / in / without

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
073 | FUVEST 1977 078 | EFOMM 2006
Qual a sentena correta? I made seven different plans for my vacation, however
__________ the end I went to the Bahamas again.
a) We were deprived from playing games for a week.
b) We were deprived of playing games for a week. a) to
c) We were deprived of playing games through a week. b) by
d) We were deprived at playing games for a week. c) with
e) We were deprived from playing games by a week. d) in
e) at
074 | EEAR 2007
Choose the best alternative to complete the blanks: 079 | EFOMM 2006
There is nothing illegal about my business dealings.
Julie was born __________ July 3, __________ night Everything is strictly __________ board.
__________ New York.
a) on
a) in / at / at b) above
b) on / at / in c) by the
c) in / at / in d) over
d) on / in / at e) onto

075 | EFOMM 2005 080 | EFOMM 2006

Choose the only option with the correct preposition: The word since can be used to appropriately fill in the blank
of which sentence below?
What __________ earth are you doing here so early in the
morning? a) I am studying here __________ 2004.
b) She has slept __________ two hours.
a) under c) They had been staying at the hotel __________ many days
b) on before they decided to move to an apartment.
c) in d) Bob has worked at that big company __________ he
d) at moved to Washington.
e) behind e) Carol lives in Boston __________ she was born.

076 | EFOMM 2006 081 | EFOMM 2007

Choose the only option with the correct preposition: Crowded __________ a lifeboat, Ruth Becker stared
__________ disbelief as the luxury liner Titanic slipped
The man jumped __________ the horse and went away. __________ the icy Atlantic Ocean.

a) of a) in / in / in
b) under b) in / in / into
c) out of c) on / on / onto
d) into d) on / on / onto
e) onto e) on / in / into

077 | EFOMM 2006 082 | UFPE 1998

Weve had such a busy day! At least twelve people called. "On this planet, more people get their news from TIME than
Oh, __________ the way, theres a message here for you any other single source over 30 million people,
from your cousin. worldwide."

a) over TIME, August 12, 1996, Vol. 148, N 7, page 2.

b) in
OVER in "OVER 30 million people" signifies:
c) by
d) on
a) less than.
e) into
b) by.
c) not as much as.
d) not so many as.
e) more than.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
083 | JFS 2008 a) in / under / in / on / on
Ryan drove __________ me without stopping and drove off b) at / under / at / on / off
__________ the downtown. c) in / in / on / in / in
d) at / in / in / at / off
a) from / into e) at / on / at / in / on
b) towards / over
c) along / up 087 | JFS 2011
d) past / towards Fill in the gaps correctly:
e) in / next to
He aimed __________ the bird and shot __________ it!
084 | EFOMM 2010
Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the a) at in
verb phrases with accuracy, respectively: b) on at
c) on on
I. The ship is bound __________ Africa. d) at on
II. We set sail __________ a tour of the Caribbean. e) at at
III. The captain was responsible __________ the incident.
IV. Attention has to be given __________ the weather 088 | UFV 2003
conditions. The expression regardless of in the sentence "You can profit
V. Crew members are expected to comply __________ from it regardless of your level of formal education", can be
safety regulations. replaced by:

a) for / to / for / for / with a) unless.

b) in / for / for / to / to b) because.
c) to / for / for / to / with c) although.
d) to / for / to / to / to d) however.
e) for / to / to / for / with e) in spite of.

085 | EFOMM 2010 089 | JFS 2011

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences: Which prepositions must be used to fill in the gaps in the
sentences below?
I. I am familiar __________ that song.
II. Were you aware __________ the regulations against - The operation, unprecedented in the city's history, began
smoking in this area? __________ around 8am.
III. What John said is contrary __________ common sense. - According to police the favela had been "conquered"
IV. This winter, Paul will be eligible __________ a three- __________ around 9.30am.
week vacation.
a) at by
V. How do you account __________ this discrepancy?
b) at in
a) with / of / with / to / for c) at on
b) with / of / to / for / for d) on by
c) to / about / to / to / to e) on at
d) with / about / with / to / of
e) to / of / to / for / to 090 | UNIRIO 2002 ADAPTED
In the 1960s, only about 200 golden lion tamarins remained
086 | EFOMM 2010 in the wild, DUE TO the destruction of their habitat, Brazil's
Choose the option in which the prepositions complete the Atlantic coastal rain forest 'Mata Atlntica'.
sentences with accuracy, respectively:
The capital word discourse marker due to in the text above
I. Stress can make us quite forgetful __________ times.
II. The New York Port Authority operates daily __________ a a) result.
lot of pressure. b) consequence.
III. After a storm, the fishing boat was lost __________ sea. c) purpose.
IV. The remains of the wreckage were found __________ the d) reason.
shore. e) contrast.
V. They were __________ call when the emergency alarm
went off. They were able to act promptly though.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
091 | IME 2013
The kids were sitting __________ the grass at the park.
a) on
b) under 001 | ITA 1995
c) in 'It's "weird" he muses, 'we're getting more comfortable
d) at playing live, and we're playing more consistently every night.
e) inside Yet sometimes it's more difficult to get in that state of mind
where you can just lose yourself to the music.'
092 | IME 2013
He was __________ charge of a convoy transporting Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam
supplies from the port to a distribution point.
A palavra "Yet", relacionada no texto, poderia ser
a) on substituda por:
b) about
c) at a) Furthermore.
d) in b) And.
e) into c) Nevertheless.
d) Already.
093 | JFS 2013 e) Rather.
She kept glancing __________ the phone.
002 | UNITAU 1995
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a um sinnimo para a
a) on
b) towards palavra, em destaque, a seguir:
c) upon
d) off DESPITE the growing use of computers in classrooms
e) about American universities are still graduating millions of
technological illiterates.

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits a) spite

b) spite the
than strict justice.
Abraham Lincoln c) in spite of
d) spite of
e) spite of the

003 | CESGRANRIO 1995

The sentence "Though overshoppers later experience
considerable remorse, they find shopping exciting" contains
an idea of:

a) addition.
b) alternative.
c) cause.
d) condition.
e) contrast.

004 | UNIRIO1995
A palavra que poderia substituir a expresso AS A RESULT
em "As a result, Struve claims, he can halve the time
required to grow a 1.5-inch diameter red oak" sem alterao
do significado :

a) Therefore.
b) However.
c) Moreover.
d) Besides.
e) Anyhow.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED 009 | MACKENZIE 1996
Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as Yes, I know Mario quite well; __________, I __________ to
hoped at preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long see him at the club last weekend.
hours in the sun with a false sense of security, and though
lotions may protect against sunburning UVB rays, it does a) furthermore had
little to block out the potentially more dangerous UVA rays. b) thus wanted
c) in fact happened
The word THOUGH (ref.:2) can be replaced with: d) whereas waited
e) despite liked
a) but.
b) however. 010 | MACKENZIE 1996 ADAPTED
c) therefore. Corporations can no longer afford lifetime employment and
d) besides. the seniority system, whereas young workers do not
e) yet. consider company life the most important.

006 | FGV 1995 ADAPTED The meaning of whereas in the text is:
The idea that executives need to fly on business class
__________ they can work is bogus. a) sufficiently.
b) theoretically.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna c) at present.
do texto: d) intensely.
e) while.
a) though
b) so 011 | MACKENZIE 1996
c) for Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
d) until sentence:
e) since
He had a headache; __________, he __________ the
007 | FGV 1995 invitation.
The new economic order was supposed to bring rapid
growth for the industrialized nations, as emerging capitalist a) hence declined
countries joined a global free trade system __________ b) then dismissed
brutal competition from the Third World and the Soviet c) otherwise refused
block has stalled the developed nations. d) so quit
e) however failed
A palavra que preenche melhor a lacuna do texto :
012 | UFPR 1994 ADAPTED
a) Because. IN ADDITION, much of the water is polluted and salty.
b) Instead.
c) Moreover. In the sentence above, the expression in capital letter can
d) Therefore. be replaced by:
e) While.
01) Consequently
008 | ITA 1996 02) Besides
We don't believe your needs should have to wait just 04) Also
because it's 2 o'clock in the morning. 08) In contrast
16) As soon as
A palavra because, em destaque no texto, poderia ser 32) However
substituda por: 64) Moreover

a) while. a) 01 + 02 + 04 + 64 = 71
b) how. b) 01 + 02 + 08 + 16 = 27
c) like. c) 02 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 46
d) since. d) 02 + 04 + 64 = 70
e) for. e) 02 + 04 + 32 + 64 = 102

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
013 | UEL 1995 017 | FAAP 1997
A lacuna corretamente preenchida pela alternativa: I don't know __________ she is as optimist or a pessimist

__________ he is lazy, he makes a lot of money. a) each

b) how many
a) But c) weather
b) Thus d) like that
c) Due to e) whether
d) Unless
e) Although 018 | CESGRANRIO 1990
Mark the word that can appropriately be used to fill the
014 | CESGRANRIO 1993 blank and expand the sentence "Men not only cry less
Freedom, however, poses its own problems. The biggest frequently, __________ they also do it somewhat
advantage is that you are in charge of everything. And the differently.
biggest disadvantage is that you are in charge of everything.
Typical problems include a sense of isolation, lack of a) yet
motivation, and, conversely, the feeling that you can never b) but
get away from your work. c) and
d) although
The word CONVERSELY means: e) however

a) on the other hand. 019 | CESGRANRIO 1990

b) additionally. A less significant but perhaps more curious use of the laser
c) firstly. in medicine is to remove tattoos. Whereas before tattoos
d) especially. were virtually impossible to remove without considerable
e) even though. difficulty and pain, now they can be removed relatively
015 | MACKENZIE 1996
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following The word WHEREAS means:
a) as.
I. Study harder; __________ you'll fail. b) when.
II. I know nothing about it; __________, I can't help you. c) while.
III. The editors continue to publish, __________ irregularly, d) where.
two journals. e) because.
IV. __________ being a good actor, he is also an excellent
soccer player. 020 | CESGRANRIO 1991
The clause "As one eats" as in" As one eats, particles of the
a) I. otherwise; II. thus; III. albeit; IV. Besides sugary food get stuck between the teeth and around the
b) I. although; II. therefore; III. for; IV. And gums" can be paraphrased as:
c) I. so; II. so that; III. but; IV. Moreover
d) I. or else; II. consequently; III. besides; IV. Also a) While we eat...
e) I. also; II. as a consequence; III. then; IV. In addition b) When they eat...
c) Though we eat...
016 | UNIRIO 1996 d) Because you eat...
The word SO in "So despite the extent to which loneliness e) As one thing is eaten...
affects nearly everyone at various times, it presents a
challenge to researchers" expresses: 021 | UEL 1997 ADAPTED
__________ you want to stay young, sit down and have a
a) comparison. good think.
b) consequence.
c) purpose. a) Though
d) contrast. b) But
e) cause. c) So
d) Then
e) If

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
In the sentences: 'A good story,' he thought. So he went there it took 36
hours by train and canoe.
1. Now, if this process happens each time we eat sugar, we
can see that eating excessive amounts of sugar causes more The relationship between these two sentences is NOT one
and more tooth decay. of:
2. However, sweets are often eaten as snacks between
meals and during the day, times when people generally do a) consequence.
not brush after eating. b) conclusion.
3. Therefore, the dangerous process of tooth decay is c) result.
allowed to continue. d) cause.
e) time.
The words NOW, HOWEVER and THEREFORE could be
substituted by: 027 | ITA 1998
In an early article, McKay suggested that the occurrence of
a) Than But Thus PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) and textural and
b) These days Perhaps So mineralogical features in the Martian meteorite ALH84001
c) Because Although Meanwhile were consistent with the presence of past life on Mars. A
d) Recently Even though Besides series of technical comments and responses address
e) Well Nevertheless Consequently whether abiotic processes could have instead produced
these features.
023 | UEL 1997
A lacuna corretamente preenchida pela alternativa: SCIENCE December 20, 1996.

I'd like to talk to him __________ he arrives. Assinale a conjuno que poderia ligar as idias contidas
nos dois perodos do texto anterior:
a) while
b) rather than a) Whereas
c) since b) Moreover
d) as soon as c) Thus
e) because d) However
e) Hence
024 | UFF 1997
In the sentence "It was as if he forgot who I was", AS IF 028 | ITA 1997 ADAPTED
means: At present, neither offers full access to the Internet they
are linked by a "gateway" through which e-mail can be sent
a) even though and received, but which denies access to many of the
b) as though delights the Net has to offer. __________, both companies
c) although are widening the gateways in the near future.
d) as for
e) if possibly A alternativa que melhor preenche a lacuna :

025 | PUCSP 1998 a) Besides.

No perodo "The struggle to have a piece of land to work on b) In addition.
for a decent living has produced rifes and conflicts between c) However.
the landless peasants, ON ONE HAND, and the powerful d) Furthermore.
landowners and the government, ON THE OTHER", as e) Finally.
expresses on one hand e on the other indicam uma relao
de: 029 | UFRS 1996
__________ subdue the new territory, Americans had to
a) alternncia. face severe conditions.
b) adio.
c) oposio. a) So as
d) consequncia. b) In order that
e) causalidade. c) As for
d) In order to
e) By order that

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
030 | ITA 1997 ADAPTED 034 | UERJ 1998 ADAPTED
Many manufacturers believe that the only MEANS to greater Photojournalists are often people who feel a powerful social
production capacity is augmenting the old with the new. responsibility to document the atrocities of humanity IN
Virtually all of the world's LEADING semiconductor ORDER TO provide evidence to the world.
companies are building new fabs to satisfy projected
demand, DESPITE CONCERNS ABOUT MONTHLY BOOK/BILL The capital world expression is a marker of:
a) result.
Uma outra forma de se escrever o trecho "despite b) reason.
concerns about monthly book/bill ratios", em maisculo, no c) purpose.
texto : d) consequence.

a) case of the concerns about monthly book/bill ratios. 035 | UNIRIO 1998
b) ...because of the concerns about monthly book/bill ratios. The word AS in "And as stress begins to ebb you may find
c) ...due to the concerns about monthly book/bill ratios. that it's replaced by a renewed sense of possibility and
d) ...rather than getting concerned about monthly book/bill optimism" expresses the idea of:
e) ...although they are concerned about monthly book/bill a) consequence.
ratios. b) comparison.
c) purpose.
031 | UERJ 1997 d) contrast.
The word BUT in the sentence "But she's the only one" e) time.
036 | UFRS 1998
a) cause. In case you are childless or an alien from outer space and
b) contrast. managed to avoid this craze, the Tamagotchi is a Keychain-
c) addition. size plastic egg that houses a small LCD (Liquid Crystal
d) conclusion. Display) in which "lives" a creature that you nurture by
pushing a variety of buttons.
032 | UFPB 1998
In the following verses: A expresso "in case" pode ser substituda, sem alterao
de sentido, por:
And can understand nothing
But the unusual laughter a) So.
b) As.
But means: c) When.
d) Indeed.
a) however. e) If.
b) also.
c) although. 037 | UFRS 1998 ADAPTED
d) because. Na frase "Moreover, PCs and telecommunications
e) except. technologies have enabled more women and men to work at
home, increasing employment options and bringing the
033 | UERJ 1998 ADAPTED perennial kids-and-career battle to an end", a palavra
Consumers can start questioning advertising in the category MOREOVER pode ser substituda por:
generally even the intent is to provide worth-while
information. a) However.
b) Such as.
The underlined word indicates: c) In addition to that.
d) Provided that.
a) comparison. e) Notwithstanding.
b) purpose.
c) addition.
d) contrast.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
038 | UFRS 1998 042 | MACKENZIE 1998
__________ all the conquests already achieved by women, a Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
lot still remains to be done. sentence:

a) In spite of He is very mature __________.

b) Because of
c) Although a) spite of his age
d) In order to b) despite his age
e) Supposing c) instead of his age
d) despite of his aging
039 | UECE 1998 ADAPTED e) in spite his age
Assinale a frase em que THAT no pronome relativo:
043 | MACKENZIE 1998
a) Knowing THAT Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as sentence:
possible the news of her husband's death.
b) There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, Philip never borrowed money:
roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a
physical exhaustion THAT haunted her body and seemed to a) not either from his parents or from the bank
reach into her soul. b) neither from his parents or from the bank
c) There was something coming to her and she was waiting c) both from his parents and from the bank
for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too d) either from his parents or from the bank
subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of e) neither from his parents and from the bank
the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents,
the color THAT filled the air. 044 | PUCRIO 1999 ADAPTED
d) She was beginning to recognize this thing THAT was Compare that job market to the prospective immigrant labor
approaching to possess her. force. Of recent arrivals, only 63% have finished high school.
No surprise that, while immigrants make up only 12% of
040 | FUVEST 1999 today's workforce, they clean half the restaurant tables in
Choose the item which best completes the sentence, the U.S. Yet immigrants also are 50% more likely than
according to the passage: Americans to have a graduate degree.

__________ some Scottish fans bare their bottoms, they are The sentence "Yet immigrants also are 50% more likely
readily forgiven. than Americans to have a graduate degree" introduces:

a) No matter a) a conclusion.
b) Always if b) a definition.
c) All the time c) a contrast.
d) Even when d) a result.
e) In spite of e) an example.

041 | MACKENZIE 1998 045 | PUCRIO 1999 ADAPTED

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following As you are reading these words, you are taking part in one of
sentence: the wonders of the natural world. For you and I belong to a
species with a remarkable ability: we can shape events in
She cleaned the house __________ she ironed the clothes. each other's brains with exquisite precision.

a) whatsoever In "For you and I belong to a species... precision", the

b) and after that conjunction FOR can be understood as:
c) nevertheless
d) so a) however.
e) and after b) already.
c) and.
d) because.
e) therefore.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
046 | ITA 1999 049 | UFRRJ 1999 ADAPTED
Considerando a "charge" a seguir bem como a sua traduo, The explosive growth in these regions is DUE not only TO
assinale a opo cuja conjuno corresponda palavra que high birth rates but to the young age at which mothers have
foi excluda (entre parnteses) da fala do assessor de their children, telescoping the time between generations.
The expression DUE TO could be replaced by:

a) since.
b) towards.
c) from.
d) because of.
e) during.

050 | UFRRJ 1999

The construction "such a... that" as in "Eating is such a
passion here that it even shapes the cityscape" expresses:

a) condition.
b) purpose.
"A opinio pblica ainda est a seu favor... c) result.
a no ser que ela esteja mentindo para voc". d) contrast.
e) manner.
a) although
b) whereas 051 | UFSM 1999
c) in spite of that The new phones can be programmed to dial only a few
d) unless numbers, LIKE home, or a parent's office.
e) for
A palavra em destaque indica uma relao de:
047 | ITA 1999
Leia o recado de Ho Chi Minh aos franceses, em 1946: a) oposio.
b) comparao.
"You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, yet c) exemplificao.
even at those odds, you will lose and I will win". d) adio.
e) causa efeito.
Assinale a opo cuja conjuno tenha significado
semelhante ao de "yet": 052 | PUCRIO 1998
In the sentence "If you wrote about the international
a) therefore banking systems for bankers, your language and information
b) despite would be more technical", the author intends to transmit an
c) thus idea of:
d) moreover
e) however a) conclusion.
b) addition.
048 | UERJ 1999 c) condition.
Of course the programmers who created this system could d) comparison.
foresee this would cause a problem, but AS WELL AS a e) contrast.
degree of short-termism there was a widespread disbelief
that anyone would be using the same computers and 053 | UNESP 2000
programs nearly thirty years later. __________ Mr. Foley was reading the newspaper, Mrs.
Foley was watching television.
The expression "as well as" indicates:
a) While
a) conclusion. b) As long
b) condition. c) In the meantime
c) contrast. d) Because of
d) addition. e) How

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
054 | ITA 2000 ADAPTED 058 | UERJ 2000
But what has been so frustrating about the market reactions Crews may need to watch radar screens FOR oncoming
in recent months is that despite the surging economy, traffic instead of popping corks.
inflation has not been rising. It has remained flat, at around
3 percent, and yet Wall Street, certain that the shadow it The capital word has the idea of:
sees is the ghost of higher inflation come to haunt the
trading floors, has been clamoring to the Federal Reserve for a) cause.
higher rates. (...) b) purpose.
c) direction.
The New York Times Magazine. May 22, 1994. d) explanation.

"Yet" quer dizer: 059 | UERJ 2001

A single conjunction may express multiple meanings. In
a) apesar disso. "Short of trying to collect every book in existence, as the
b) ainda. ancient library did", the word AS conveys the idea of:
c) j.
d) consequentemente. a) cause.
e) at o momento. b) comparison.
c) simultaneity.
055 | UNIRIO 2000 d) contradiction.
The teenager believes that __________ Camden has a bad
reputation, it can change for the better. 060 | UFPE 2001 ADAPTED
The giant panda is China's national symbol. But it is an
The option which completes correctly and meaningfully endangered species, with just 1,000 animals believed to
the sentence above is: exist in the wild.

a) in spite. In "BUT it is an endangered species" the connective BUT

b) even though. gives the idea of:
c) because.
d) unless. a) consequence.
e) however. b) conclusion.
c) contrast.
056 | UNIRIO 2000 d) addition.
Speech is natural, __________, we learn to speak before we e) emphasis.
learn to read and write.
061 | UFF 2001
The item which completes the sentence above in a In the sentence, "In the meantime, Judge Robert Kaye will
meaningful way is: issue his final judgment on the jury's verdict", IN THE
MEANTIME could be replaced by:
a) but.
b) although. a) During.
c) however. b) Nevertheless.
d) nevertheless. c) Actually.
e) therefore. d) Meanwhile.
e) However.
057 | UERJ 2000
SIMILARLY, there has been a mad dash to book cabins on 062 | UEL 2001
cruise ships. Na sentena "Carr, HOWEVER, thought of a way to spot
them", a palavra HOWEVER poderia ser substituda por:
The capital word in expression indicates:
a) nevertheless.
a) comparison. b) also.
b) explanation. c) since.
c) conclusion. d) never.
d) analogy. e) but.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
063 | ITA 2001 ADAPTED 066 | PUCRS 2002 ADAPTED
The first time I saw Walter Salles's brilliant Brazilian film
SINGAPORE Central Station (Central do Brasil) was on the same day I had
to see Robin Williams's "Patch Adams", which is more or less
In a 1975 survey, only 27 per cent of people over age 40 its American counterpart. () Both are about optimism in
claimed to understand English, whereas among 15-20-year- the face of adversity, with Salles dealing with the
olds, the proportion was over 87 per cent. There is also reformation of a cynical woman, while Williams strives to
evidence of quite widespread use in family settings. In such
regenerate the entire medical profession.
an environment, therefore, it is not surprising that a local
variety ('Singaporean English') should have begun to emerge. A palavra while usada com o mesmo sentido no texto e
na alternativa:

Malay-medium education was introduced, with English as an a) We must have been burgled while we were asleep.
obligatory subject but increasingly being seen as a value for b) You can go swimming while I am working on this paper.
international rather than intranational purposes more a c) While I am willing to help, I do not have too much time
foreign language than a second language. available.
d) While you are good at science, your friend is absolutely
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language hopeless.
e) They chatted for a while before they walked into the
David Crystal CUP, 1995
Sinnimos para THEREFORE (texto sobre Singapura) e para
RATHER THAN (texto sobre Malsia) so, respectivamente: 067 | UNIFESP 2002 ADAPTED
Na frase "The rise of molecular biology since the late 1950s
a) however more than has had the gradual and quite unforeseen effect of turning
b) altogether before the eyes of medical scientists increasingly toward the basic
c) thus despite mechanisms of life, rather than disease and death", a
d) as a consequence and expresso rather than pode ser substituda, sem mudar o
e) consequently instead of sentido, por:

064 | PUCRS 2001 ADAPTED a) even if.

In an era of feminist and politically correct values, not to b) in order to.
mention the belief that all men and women are created c) moreover.
equal, the fact that all men and women are not and that d) furthermore
some are more beautiful than others disturbs, confuses, e) instead of.
even angers.
The word "even" is used in the same meaning as in: Until the mid-1960s, medical research was primarily driven
by the desire to solve the problems of sick people. Although
a) We will not be even until you pay me. Aristotle was what might be termed today a pure laboratory
b) Even if he attends, he may not participate. investigator, with no thought of the clinical usefulness of his
c) He is willing, even eager, to do it. findings, the vast majority of those physicians later
d) She numbered all the even pages of the book. influenced by his contributions to biology were trying to
e) After washing, the colors may not be even. solve the mysteries of human anatomy and physiology for
the distinct purpose of combating sickness.
065 | PUCRS 2002 ADAPTED
Once they are agreed, the new guidelines will go through a A palavra "although" indica uma idia de:
series of trials, at first primarily at Cambridge University,
before being issued nationally. a) alternncia.
b) exemplificao.
O termo "Once" pode ser substitudo por: c) oposio.
d) condio.
a) Before. e) enumerao
b) As soon as.
c) If.
d) Unless.
e) At any time.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
069 | PUCRIO 2002 ADAPTED 073 | UFRS 2000 ADAPTED
The sentence "While French at one time was the foreign Swiss cheese? Roquefort? Is it Gouda? Well... we all know
language most favored by educated Brazilians, nowadays the moon isn't really made of cheese. Cheese is just one of
many younger citizens are required in school to learn English the many different images seen in the charcoal-gray, black,
as a second language and are seen chatting in English at the and white markings created by various lunar craters and
mall, exercising their bilingual skills" expresses an idea of: basins. () The Chinese see a rabbit in the dark areas and a
toad in the white.
a) addition.
b) result. (Fonte: Astronomy, Sept. 1999)
c) definition.
d) conclusion. De acordo com o texto, complete a sentena abaixo com a
e) contrast. alternativa correta:

070 | MACKENZIE 2002 The Chinese can see __________ a rabbit __________ a toad
In which of the sentences can "since" be replaced by on the lunar markings.
a) neither nor
a) I have enjoyed science since I was a child. b) and or
b) I am interested in this article since I like science. c) either and
c) I've been studying science since 1988. d) both or
d) Lots of strange things have happened here since last e) both and
e) Since his trip to the States, he's been very ill. 074 | UFSM 2001 ADAPTED
A Florida panther rests quietly in the Everglades of
071 | PUCSP 2002 southwestern Florida. ALTHOUGH protected by the
Among married women, labor-force participation rates rose Endangered Species Act, only 30 Florida panthers are
10 percentage points per decade for each 10-year period believed to survive in the Everglades victims of disease and
from 1940 to 1990. So today, the rates are over 70 percent shrinking habitat as well as illegal hunting and automobiles.
for all women age 25 to 64, and a little over 80 percent for
women who have bachelor's degrees. A palavra destacada no excerto acima estabelece uma
relao de:
Na frase "So today, the rates are over 70 percent for all
women age 25 to 64", a palavra so pode ser substituda, sem a) finalidade.
alterar o sentido, por: b) adio.
c) tempo.
a) Therefore. d) concesso.
b) If. e) condio.
c) However.
d) Nevertheless. 075 | PUCSP 2001 ADAPTED
e) Even if. Besides providing clues to understanding human biology,
learning about nonhuman organisms' DNA sequences can
072 | FATEC 2000 lead to an understanding of their natural capabilities that
Assinale a alternativa que contm uma palavra equivalente a can be applied toward solving challenges in health care,
thus, empregada no seguinte texto: "A child who spends too energy sources, agriculture, and environmental cleanup.
much time on video games may not disengage from a
simulated world and THUS may be confused in the real one": A palavra BESIDES, sublinhada no fragmento acima, indica
uma relao de:
a) although
b) instead a) adio.
c) therefore b) oposio.
d) however c) consequncia.
e) whereas d) exemplificao.
e) finalidade.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
076 | PUCSP 2001 ADAPTED 081 | PUCRS 2000 ADAPTED
Na frase "To help achieve these goals, researchers also are The word while as in "The groom got the idea of corporate
studying the genetic makeup of several nonhuman sponsorships while working in a small struggling animation
organisms", a palavra TO pode ser substituda por: studio that often had to barter for services" is used with the
same meaning as in:
a) such.
b) in order to. a) I watched the show a while ago.
c) because. b) Sabrina is blonde while Tom is redheaded.
d) from. c) While she knows he's not rich, she still wants to marry
e) then. him.
d) I met her while I was studying at PUC.
077 | MACKENZIE 2001 e) We haven't seen them for a while.
Indicate the alternative that best completes the sentence:
082 | UFRN 2000 ADAPTED
The road was in bad condition: Through Lisbon flowed not only the gold of Brazil and West
Africa and the spices of the East Indies, but new treasures of
a) despite, I was very late. knowledge, new maps, accounts of different peoples and
b) however, we didn't stop. societies, new animal and botanical species.
c) nonetheless, the road was long.
d) in fact, it was 7 o'clock. A expresso correlativa not only... but indica:
e) if I had more time, I'd call you.
a) adversidade.
078 | MACKENZIE 2001 b) exclusividade.
__________ it rained hard, the plane took __________. c) negao.
d) adio.
a) In spite of on
b) Unless out of 083 | FEI 2000 ADAPTED
c) If out He'd drifted into an alternative school for troubled youths,
d) Although off where, despite special classes, Frank's principal still
e) But over considered him "the worst kid of the whole lot."

079 | UERJ 2002 De acordo com o texto, como voc traduz DESPITE?
What they have in common is the sight of Brazil as it sheds
its image as eternally easygoing. a) No lugar de.
b) Apesar de.
The two instances of the word AS in the sentence above c) A respeito de.
establish the following semantic relations: d) Enquanto que.
e) Em vez de.
a) causality and addition
b) alternation and purpose 084 | FATEC 1999 ADAPTED
c) concession and contrast Because of its vision-disturbing side effects, the drug has
d) temporality and comparison also been suspected of contributing to at least one plane
crash. Indeed, a Federal Aviation Administration pamphlet
080 | UFSCAR 2000 recommends a prudent "six hours from Viagra to throttle".
That's not to say humanity can't become extinct. A 50-mile- Still, the news about Viagra is mostly happy. It works for
wide asteroid crashing down from space would do it. So many men, and Pfizer, the manufacturer, estimates that 5
could a sudden and thorough collapse of earth's ecosystem million prescriptions have been written.
through pollution, deforestation and the like unless we
establish some colonies in space beforehand. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra que
expressa a mesma idia de still em "Still, the news about
A palavra unless indica uma relao de: Viagra is mostly happy":

a) adio. a) Thus.
b) exemplificao. b) Therefore.
c) ressalva. c) Hence.
d) oposio. d) Nevertheless.
e) consequncia. e) Finally.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
085 | FURG 1999 089 | MACKENZIE 2000
GOOD NEWS Some of the most notorious chemicals in the Choose the alternative in which WHILE is being used to
1960s and 1970s such as the pesticide DDT, and PCBs used express a contrast:
in a variety of goods, from electrical equipment to paint
have been banned or heavily restricted. Shipments of toxic a) While the machines are working, let's have some coffee.
waste are carefully controlled by an international treaty. b) I usually take a shower while my mom is preparing
However, we have little idea of the long-term effects of all breakfast.
but a few of the 70,000 and more chemicals that are in c) What were you doing while Peter was studying?
regular use. d) While she was in bed, he read the paper.
e) My dad is a dreamer, while my mom is too realistic
O termo HOWEVER empregado para:
090 | UFRRJ 2000
a) expressar idia de tempo. "I was giving a talk in a large auditorium in New England
b) dar idia de consequncia. WHEN A WOMAN SITTING IN THE BALCONY STOOD UP".
c) fazer referncia a uma idia j mencionada.
d) apresentar idias semelhantes. The selected passage expresses an idea of:
e) introduzir uma idia que se ope anterior.
a) purpose.
086 | PUCRS 1999 ADAPTED
b) cause.
But neither the park nor the mountains are enough to
c) place.
explain why Hay attracts so many visitors.
d) time.
The expression "neither... nor" excludes both "the park" and e) condition.
"the mountains." If they were to be included, the correct
expression(s) would be: 091 | UFSM 2002
There is great evidence of the benefits of Yoga, __________,
I. not only... but also some people still question this practice.
II. either... or
III. as well as a) consequently
b) thus
The correct alternative is: c) however
d) despite
a) I. e) while
b) I and II.
c) I and III. 092 | UFSM 2002 ADAPTED
d) I, II and III. O oposto do termo destacado em "But according to clinical
e) II and III. psychologist Simon Gelsthorpe, at Bradford Community
Health Trust, loneliness and depression are not always about
087 | UNIT 1999
being alone" :
The sentence "Although no one can predict the full effect to
the current information revolution, we can see changes in a) in relation to.
our daily lives" expresses an idea of: b) as a result of.
a) addition. c) concerning to.
b) cause. d) in disagreement with.
c) contrast. e) in reference to.
d) time.
e) consequence. 093 | FATEC 2002
A palavra although em "Although many became ill the next
088 | MACKENZIE 2000 day, some guests didn't show symptoms for several days"
__________ capable of walking upright, medieval men did indica uma relao de sentido de:
so for short periods of time.
a) tempo.
a) As if b) explicao.
b) Since c) consequncia.
c) Until d) concesso.
d) Because e) adversidade.
e) Though

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
094 | UNIRIO 2002 098 | JFS 2012
Whether it spreads joy or alarm, the body-shaping trend is a We were unable to get sponsoring and __________ had to
boom that is still growing. abandon the project.

The capital word discourse marker WHETHER introduces a a) provided

(an): b) regardless
c) notwithstanding
a) result; d) despite
b) example; e) ergo
c) condition;
d) comparison; 099 | UNIFESP 2003 ADAPTED
e) choice of alternatives. Moreover, they do not allow patients to act meaningfully.

095 | JFS 2012 Na frase acima, a palavra MOREOVER pode ser substituda,
Mark the synonym to the words in bold in the sentence sem mudar o sentido, por:
a) Furthermore.
Inasmuch as you are the older employer, you are b) However.
responsible for the performance of these men. c) Thus.
d) Nevertheless.
a) Unless e) Rather.
b) Still
c) In addition 100 | UFRS 2001 ADAPTED
d) Since Woody Allen's 'Sweet and Lowdown' has received great
e) Hence critical acclaim, not least in the perceptive review of it by
Jonathan Romney. But not even he has discussed the aspect
096 | ITA 2003 ADAPTED of the film I found the most intriguing.
If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried
up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my A palavra "But" poderia ser substituda sem alterao de
bills were paid, I would still be guaranteed mail two pieces sentido por:
a week, by my estimation for the credit card companies
would still want me. a) although.
b) nevertheless.
A palavra FOR, em destaque na linha 4, poderia ser c) therefore.
substituda por: d) whatever.
e) despite.
a) yet.
b) why. 101 | PUCPR 2003
c) still. Mark the alternative that offers the best way to complete
d) but. the sentences below:
e) because.
I. Francis is engaged to be married, __________ she is still in
097 | FATEC 2003 ADAPTED doubt about her getting married.
A palavra though em "Anyone can contract lupus, though it's II. Tom does not have a new car, __________ does he have
most common among those between 15 and 44" indica uma an apartment of his own.
relao de: III. After dinner, Lee either plays cards __________ watches
a) tempo. IV. Joanne loves dancing __________ singing.
b) concesso. V. Michael and Peter should read more books, __________
c) consequncia. they will take a literature test soon.
d) explicao.
e) causa. a) but nor and and for
b) but or or and so
c) yet nor or in addition so
d) but nor and or so
e) yet nor or and for

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
102 | UERJ 2003 106 | PUCRS 2003
And, since the "who" and "where" of our lives are always In the sentence "But Soderlholm and his wife, Gunvor, are
changing, so is our understanding of truth. happy to pay", the word "but" could be replaced by:

SINCE and SO in the sentence above may be notionally a) Except for.

replaced by: b) Therefore.
c) Yet.
a) if and thus. d) Just.
b) therefore and but. e) While.
c) hence and instead.
d) because and likewise. 107 | UFSM 2003 ADAPTED
Finding a public toilet in most of China is not difficult: you
103 | PUCSP 2003 ADAPTED can smell it long before you see it. But that's all beginning to
In 1995, the Brazilian daily "Folha de So Paulo" bore this change. Recently, Beijing authorities promised a "toilet
headline: "World Bank Report Indicates Brazil Is the Country revolution" (). To prove they're serious, officials have
with the Greatest Social and Economic Disparity in the unveiled a star-rating system for bathrooms located at
World". The article reports that 51.3 percent of Brazilian popular tourist sites-ranking each facility with zero to five
income is concentrated in 10 percent of the population. The stars. Within three years Beijing hopes to have 471 four-star
wealthiest 20 percent own 67.5 percent of Brazil, while the toilets at places like the Forbidden City and Summer Palace.
20 percent who are poorest have only 2.1 percent. It was
that way when I was a boy, and it is still that way. As we A palavra like indica:
reached adolescence, my generation dreamed of inverting
this brutal legacy. a) comparao.
b) exemplificao.
Na frase "As we reached adolescence, my generation c) concordncia.
dreamed...", a palavra As pode ser substituda, sem mudar o d) contraste.
sentido, por: e) consequncia.

a) like. 108 | PUCSP 2005

b) whatever. Com base na seguinte frase, responda questo:
c) when.
d) as well as. "Yet, just as those made of wood, bark, reeds, feathers, and
e) then. animal skins are fragile, even ephemeral, so is this culture".

104 | PUCSP 2003 A expresso "... just as ... so is ..." indica uma relao de:
Na frase "Students were either leftist or they would keep
their mouths shut". A expresso either... or indica uma idia a) diferena.
de: b) comparao.
c) consequncia.
a) excluso. d) reiterao.
b) incluso. e) ponto de vista.
c) gradao.
d) predominncia. 109 | UNESP 1997
e) enumerao. Marque a alternativa que completa as lacunas na sentena a
seguir corretamente:
105 | UNIRIO 2003
In "You hate air conditioning, YET your houses deal with Charles ... Mary are brother ... sister.
changes in the weather," the discourse marker yet denotes:
a) or / and
a) addition. b) and / or
b) cause. c) and / but
c) contrast. d) and / and
d) comparison. e) but / and
e) condition.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
110 | PUCPR 2005 113 | UFC 2005 ADAPTED
The twelve days of the event led to a series of infrastructure
changes that will very much improve the quality of life for
citizens in Greece, especially groups of people with
restricted mobility. __________, the greatest legacy of the
Athens 2004 Paralympic Games will be a new social
perception of the disabled.

The appropriate expression to complete the blank in line

04 is:

a) Besides
b) However
c) In general
d) Once more
In "... BECAUSE there weren't any malls, SO everyone was e) For instance
depressed", the ideas expressed by the capital words are
respectively: 114 | UFC 2000
The sentence Yet their ambitions and their dreams are a
a) comparison result mirror image of our own and our response to them says a
b) reason addition great deal about us as individuals, as a country is equivalent
c) contrast result in meaning to:
d) consequence condition
e) reason consequence a) In other words, their ambitions and their dreams are a
mirror image of our own and our response to them says a
111 | JFS 2012 great deal about us as individuals, as a country.
No texto abaixo, os vocbulos em destaque expressam, b) As a result, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror
respectivamente: image of our own and our response to them says a great
deal about us as individuals, as a country.
Newsweek circa 1965 and the iPad may seem worlds apart, c) In addition, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror
but what they have in common outweighs their differences. image of our own and our response to them says a great
Both eschew style over substance while wholeheartedly deal about us as individuals, as a country.
embracing substance with style. Marrying the 1965 version d) Similarly, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror
of Newsweek to the 2012 iPad's technology, we created a image of our own - and our response to them says a great
design that respectfully tips its hat to the past without ever deal about us as individuals, as a country.
getting stuck there. Call it retro with mojo. Won't you join us e) Still, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image
on the elevator. of our own and our response to them says a great deal
about us as individuals, as a country.
a) contraste e concesso.
b) contraste e adio. 115 | ITA 2006
c) contraste e simultaneidade. Leia atentamente todo o perodo transcrito abaixo, verifique
d) concesso e contraste. as idias contidas nas oraes introduzidas por unless e
e) concesso e simultaneidade. hence e assinale a opo que, respectivamente, expressa
tais idias.
112 | UECE 2000
O vocbulo BUT, na frase But Bobby Crabtree and his wife Unless the administration changes its approach, it will
thought Matilda was staying with friends that night, continue to erode Americas good name, and hence its
classifica-se gramaticalmente como: ability to effectively influence world affairs.

a) verbo a) uma causa e uma concesso.

b) pronome b) uma explicao e uma adio.
c) conjuno c) uma condio e uma explicao.
d) advrbio d) uma explicao e uma concluso.
e) uma condio e uma concluso.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
116 | FAAP 1975 120 | JFS 2011
Assinale a alternativa correta: In the sentence "Even though some investors thought the
upgrade had been long overdue, few expected it to
__________ he was waiting for the news, he looked very materialise before the end of the year due to current global
angry. uncertainty", even though and due to express, respectively,
ideas of:
a) If
b) While a) cause and effect.
c) Why b) contrast and addition.
d) Since c) contrast and resulting.
e) How d) complementarity and consequence.
e) resulting and effect.
117 | UERJ 2006
Connectors establish a set of semantic roles while linking 121 | JFS 2012
clauses. Observe the kind of link employed in the sentence Which of the following sentences can be filled in correctly
below. with the word instead?

"It isn't simply that he accepts the factual existence of power a) I think I'd like to stay at home this evening __________ go
or legitimacy; RATHER, it's that he accepts that an authority out.
figure is justified in making a decision without also b) You can go __________ me, if you want.
explaining the reason for that." c) There's no coffee would you like a cup of tea
The information that follows the spotted connector d) Small cities aren't very noise __________ they can be fun.
functions as: e) __________ all my work, I still failed the exam.

a) enumeration. 122 | IME/CG 2012

b) replacement. They seem to have the same number of stars as fully grown
c) reinforcement. galaxies in the present-day Universe. __________, their sizes
d) exemplification. are four to five times smaller and their densities are a
hundred times larger than their present-day counterparts.
118 | FATEC 2007
O advrbio rather than em "Rather than buying more guns a) Whenever
or patrol cars, Bogot's cops went for something bigger: b) Even though
science" poderia ser substitudo, sem prejuzo de significado, c) Though
por: d) However
e) Although
a) instead of.
b) in addition to. 123 | IME 2012 ADAPTED
c) as long as. Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com as palavras
d) now that. correta.
e) as far as.
Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the
119 | UNIFESP 2007 atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather,
Em "The United States might buy up credits instead of and the physical reasons __________ it is as it is and how it
reducing their own emissions", a expresso instead of might change in the future. My own particular research
indica: background is in radiative transfer and by that I mean the
transport of electromagnetic radiation through the
a) reiterao. atmosphere; __________ the Suns radiation coming in,
b) substituio. getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of
c) alternncia. heat radiation emitted by the Earths surface.
d) sugesto.
e) causalidade. a) as neither
b) because if
c) for but
d) why both
e) that not only

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
124 | JFS 2012 128 | IME 2013
New York City closed several blocks of Broadway in 2009 to Internships have value, ________ or not students are paid.
create a pedestrian plaza around Times Square a much-
publicized experiment that in February became permanent a) if
policy, even though it did not improve traffic flow as much b) as long
as hoped. The Big Apple has also dabbled in shorter-term c) whether
but larger-scale street closures, barring cars on a stretch of d) because
streets leading from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park on a e) as
series of summer Saturdays in 2008 and 2009. And on June
7, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a 129 | JFS 2013
somewhat less sexy but nonetheless significant change in The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.
the city's infrastructure, instituting dedicated bus-only lanes
on Manhattan's East Side to speed transit up and down the O vocbulo em negrito acima pode ser substitudo, sem
island. causar alterao no sentido da sentena por:

As expresses em NEGRITO no excerto acima podem ser a) although.

substitudas, respectivamente, por: b) unless.
c) moreover.
a) although e yet. d) hence.
b) besides e nevertheless. e) provided.
c) since e even though.
d) however e therefore. 130 | JFS 2013
e) though e moreover. He took to the stage __________ he had been preparing for
this moment all his life.
125 | EFOMM 2010
She has tried to reach them four times on the phone without A lacuna na sentena acima deve ser preenchida por:
success. Hence she needs to write them as her last option.
a) if
The underlined connective expresses the idea of: b) like
c) as
a) addition d) as though
b) conclusion e) nevertheless
c) enumeration
d) contrast
e) concession Because your own strength is unequal to the task,
do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man;
126 | EFOMM 2013 but if anything is within the powers and province of man,
He says hes not wealthy, and __________ he owns a believe that it is within your own compass also.
house at the beach and drives a BMW. Marcus Aurelius

a) so
b) so that
c) because
d) unless
e) yet

127 | IME 2013

No sooner had we arrived at the beach, __________ it began
pouring down.

a) than
b) when
c) so
d) that
e) and

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
005 | UEL 1994
Subjunctive, Imperative, Assinale a alternativa correta:
Infinitive and Gerund
He stopped __________ only after the doctor said he was
001 | ITA 1995 going to die.
Without fear of be happy (Sem medo de ser feliz) o ttulo,
em ingls, que um peridico paulista atribuiu ao livro do a) drank
jornalista americano Ken Silverstein sobre a campanha de b) drink
Lula Presidncia da Repblica em 1989. Examinando o c) drinks
ttulo, voc diria que: d) drinking
e) to drink
a) Est estruturalmente correto.
b) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Been Happy". 006 | UNESP 1990
c) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of to Be Happy". Both Mary and Roger enjoy __________ tennis.
d) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Being Happy".
a) plays
e) Deveria ser: "Without Fear to Be Happy".
b) play
c) to playing
002 | ITA 1995
d) playing
A lacuna da sentena abaixo deve ser preenchida por:
e) played
Astronomers are used __________ all kinds of wild things in
007 | MACKENZIE 1996
outer space.
Indicate the correct alternative:
a) find I had hoped __________ my letter.
b) to find
c) finding a) her answer
d) to finding b) her answering
e) found c) that she answer
d) that she would answer
003 | UNESP 1985 e) to her answer
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
sentena a seguir: 008 | ITA 1995
A melhor forma de concluir a sentena a seguir :
Most people cannot learn verbs without __________ them.
Although personal appearance is of great importance when
a) to study going to an interview for a job, the candidate should be
b) studying careful __________.
c) study
d) studied a) to not overdress
e) studies b) to do not overdress
c) not to overdress
004 | JFS 1999 d) do not overdress
Assinale a alternativa correta: e) not overdress

Nothing can be done except __________ the results of the 009 | ITA 1996
exam. Leia a frase e preencha a lacuna:

a) to waiting By signing below, I ask that an account __________ opened

b) waits for me and Card(s) issued as I request, and that you renew
c) to wait and replace them until I cancel.
d) waiting
e) wait a) to be
b) are
c) is
d) will be
e) be

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | FEI 1996 015 | ITA 1996
I regretted answering like that. I was sorry __________ so. A alternativa que deve preencher a lacuna no quadro a
seguir :
a) to have done
b) in doing
c) to do
d) to be doing
e) for do

011 | FEI 1996

Excuse __________ you.

a) me to interrupt
b) me for interrupt
c) me for interrupting
d) me in interrupting
e) me to interrupting

012 | FEI 1996

Assinale a alternativa correta: a) there is
b) you do
Would you mind coming with me? I'd like __________. c) there be
d) have
a) you to come e) may be
b) to come
c) coming 016 | JFS 2000
d) you coming Relacione as colunas A e B, encontrando o Imperativo
e) you come correto.

013 | UEL 1997 Coluna A

The best time __________ an international call is between
11 p.m. and 8 a.m. 1. I'm hungry.
2. I'm very tired.
a) you for to make 3. I'm sad today.
b) for you make 4. I'm pissed off.
c) that you to make 5. I'm thirsty.
d) that to make you
e) for you to make Coluna B

014 | MACKENZIE 1997 ( ) See a comedy movie.

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following ( ) Take vacation.
sentence: ( ) Eat something.
( ) Drink some water.
The teacher mentioned some changes that we can expect ( ) Chill out and take it easy.
__________ by the year 2000.
a) 1 2 3 4 5
a) have been taking place b) 5 4 3 2 1
b) to take place c) 3 2 1 4 5
c) to have taken place d) 3 2 1 5 4
d) taking place e) 2 3 4 1 5
e) have had taken place

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
017 | UFSC 1997 021 | IME 2013
Select the proposition(s) which is(are) in the Imperative She cannot get used __________ abroad.
a) to live
(01) Please, place all valuables in the hotel safe. b) to living
(02) You are advised not to take money on the beach. c) lives
(04) We ask you to return your keys before your departure. d) lived
(08) You must carry your suitcases. e) living
(16) Don't make noise at night.
(32) Be careful with your tickets. 022 | EFOMM 2013
I can remember __________ voices in the middle of the
Soma = ( __________ ) night.
a) 49 (01 + 16 + 32)
b) 48 (16 + 32) a) to hear
c) 50 (02 + 16 + 32) b) hear
d) 56 (08 + 16 + 32) c) heard
d) hearing
e) 17 (16 + 01)
e) have heard
018 | JFS 2007
Which of the following sentences is not in the Imperative
Mood? In this world second thoughts, it seems, are best.
a) Get plenty of calcium.
b) Dont mess too much with your hair.
c) But, be patient with those who supply it.
d) Painting over the ugly parts.
e) But trust me on the sunscreen.

019 | ITA 2010

Assinale a opo em que o termo em negrito apresenta
funo gramatical diferente das demais.

a) ... depending on whether they were playing at home or

b) Knowing that appearance affects peoples mood and
c) Using data from the 1970s and 1980s, they found that...
d) But while the 1988 finding has become a classic in
psychology, ...
e) when they started wondering about the effect of being
able to alter

020 | IME 2012

Na sentena a seguir, encontram-se em destaque cinco
termos. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo
emprego est INCORRETO.

I am currently studying for a PhD at the British Antarctic

Survey working on the structural interpretation of gravity
and magnetic going from east Antarctica, including both
numerical and mechanical modelling of data.

a) studying
b) working
c) going
d) including
e) modeling

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
006 | UECE 1997
Phrasal Verbs SPLIT UP in After getting stores and various other
commodities together in Mamfe, John and I decided to split
001 | MACKENZIE 1996 up means that:
Choose the correct alternative which indicates the meaning
of blow over in the following sentence: a) they decided to separate.
b) they decided to end their relationship.
They're hoping that this crisis will BLOW OVER and be
c) they decided to stay together.
d) they decided to talk over their plans.
a) happen suddenly and make you able to accept a pleasant e) they decided to sleep together.
b) explode. 007 | CESGRANRIO 1998
c) succeed in spite of difficulties. The verb to go may be followed by many adverbial particles
d) become stronger and cause trouble for other people. and prepositions that add different meanings to it. Match
e) pass without doing harm. the two columns and then mark the correct alternative:

I go up
002 | UDESC 1996
Find the correct alternative: II go on
III go away
a) to put on to remove IV go by
b) to put out to increase
c) to put off to dress R. continue
d) to put on weight to grow fat S. leave
e) to put together to keep T. rise
U. move
003 | FUVEST 1979 V. pass
Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a seguinte frase:
Mark the correct match.
I have run out of vinegar.
a) I T; II U; III S; IV R
a) Corri para buscar vinagre. b) I T; II R; III S; IV V
b) Derramei o vinagre. c) I T; II V; III U; IV R
c) Preciso sair para pegar vinagre. d) I U; II R; III S; IV V
d) Meu vinagre acabou. e) I U; II V; III S; IV R
e) Joguei fora o vinagre.
008 | UDESC 1997
004 | MACKENZIE 1996 Choose the CORRECT answer:
Choose the correct alternative. Indicate the meaning of
catch on to in the following sentence: The woman is TAKING CARE of her baby.

We didn't quite CATCH ON TO what the teacher said. She is:

a) reach the same standard or level a) looking back on her baby.

b) hear b) looking for her baby.
c) confirm c) looking after her baby.
d) believe d) looking down on her baby.
e) understand e) looking over her baby.

005 | UNESP 1990 009 | AFA 1986

He took __________ his hat. Qual alternativa possui os trs verbos na ordem natural de
seu uso?
a) off
b) out a) wake up/sleep/get up
c) in b) sleep/get up/wake up
d) into c) get up/wake up/sleep
e) on d) sleep/wake up/get up

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | PUCRIO 1999 015 | JFS 2010
The only option in which MAKE UP has the same meaning as Fill in the gaps in the sentences below meaningfully:
immigrants make up only 12% of today's workforce is:
1. __________ the computer __________ and let's go.
a) The committee is made up of representatives from all the 2. Her new boyfriend __________ her __________ on their
university. second date.
b) You must make up what you owe before the end of the 3. She __________ the flu after being sick for a week.
c) She never goes without making herself up first. a) 1. Shut down 2. stood up 3. got over
d) I can make up a bed for you on the floor. b) 1. Shut down 2. stood down 3. got down
e) He made up an incredible story about his holiday. c) 1. Shut off 2. stood over 3. got over
d) 1. Shut off 2. stood down 3. got down
011 | EFOMM 2000 e) 1. Shut off 2. stood up 3. got on
Is that my new TV in that package?
Yes, just __________. 016 | JFS 2012
Youd better give __________. This issue has no solution.
a) open it up, take it out, plug it in and turn it on.
b) open it up, take it off, plug it on and turn it on. a) out
c) take it out, open it on, plug it off and turn it up. b) up
d) take it in, plug it out, turn it down and open it up. c) over
e) open it out, take it up, turn it on and plug it on. d) away
e) off
012 | FUVEST 1978
Assinale a alternativa que traduz melhor a seguinte 017 | EFOMM 2010
sentena: In:

I can't tell one from the other. "Did you buy a new bike?"
"Yes, I bought one two weeks ago."
a) No distingo uma da outra.
b) No conto com nenhuma outra. Which phrasal verb can substitute the underlined word?
c) No falo com nenhuma outra.
d) No posso falar de uma para outra. a) ran into
e) No posso dizer para a outra. b) let down
c) picked out
013 | ITA 2007 d) turned out
A expresso BREAK OUT em During a poker match, an e) picked up
argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington
018 | EFOMM 2010
when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals
realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs Choose the correct alternative to complete the statements.
and the humans significa:
I. They __________ the search after three hours. It was
a) to make a sudden, quick advance.
II. Somebodys got to __________ those high principles.
b) to bring or come to an end.
III. We shouldnt __________ their arguments so easily.
c) to develop suddenly.
IV. Im trying to __________ my own work.
d) to force or make a way through.
V. What a preposterous idea! Jane will never __________
e) to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently.
with it!
014 | EFOMM 2012 a) gave up / stand up for / give in / catch up on / get away
The initials V.I.P. __________ Very Important Person. b) carried out / stand up to / give over / catch up on / get
a) means c) gave up / stand up to / give over / catch up with / get
b) stand for across
c) are about d) gave up / stand up for / give over / catch up with / get
d) describe along
e) accounts for e) carried out / stand up to / given in / catch up on / get

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
019 | EFOMM 2013
The boss refused her request for a day off.
False Cognate Words
The underlined word can be replaced by: 001 | UFV 1996
The word particular in the sentence Much to the surprise of
a) turned out everyone, the remarkable conclusion of the research
b) turned over showed that people of a certain group actually were born
under a PARTICULAR planet, means the same as:
c) turned off
d) turned in
a) private
e) turned down
b) specific
c) ordinary
020 | ITA 2013
d) personal
Na sentena em que se insere He believes he has stumbled
e) general
onto a solution to some of educations most intractable
problems, o verbo stumbled onto pode ser substitudo por:
002 | UNITAU 1995
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais
a) come upon.
adequada da frase nominal, entre aspas, a seguir:
b) search for.
c) figured out.
Future generations may regard the scientific indictment of
d) come up with. smoking as 'a major contribution' to preventive medicine
e) pointed out. and the health of the western world.

a) uma contribuio importante

When the judgement's weak, b) uma contribuio do major
The prejudice is strong. c) a maior contribuio
Kane O'Hara d) uma contribuio para o major
e) a importante contribuio

003 | MACKENZIE 1996

The meaning of EXQUISITELY in the sentence Their children
were exquisitely dressed is:

a) strangely or unexpected.
b) extremely beautiful in appearance.
c) oddly with an unusual appearance.
d) peculiarly with a special or unique quality.
e) very unattractive and unpleasant to look at.

004 | MACKENZIE 1997

The meaning of CONSISTENT in the sentence Mr. Brown's
behavior is not consistent with his ideas is:

a) coherent.
b) contradictory.
c) right.
d) persuasive.
e) strong.

005 | UNIRIO 1997

A opo que contm um falso cognato :

a) enthusiasts
b) processes
c) outdoors
d) spades
e) parts

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
006 | JFS 2000 010 | EN 1990
Dadas as sentenas: In They pretended to be dead, TO PRETEND means:

1. The boys __________ the game yesterday night. a) entender

2. He gave a __________ of diamond to his mother. b) pretender
3. I didnt like the film, it was __________. c) fingir
4. They __________ finished the test. d) tender
e) fazer
Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente os
espaos em branco: 011 | EN 1990
In They suffered from the injuries sustained in the crash,
a) assisted / collar / terrific / eventually INJURIES means:
b) assisted / necklace / terrific / eventually
c) watched / necklace / terrible / finally a) ofensas
d) watched / collar / terrific / finally b) ferimentos
e) watched / necklace / terrific / eventually c) injrias
d) calnias
007 | ITA 1987 e) fraturas
Dadas as afirmaes de que:
012 | CESGRANRIO 1991
1. INGENIOUS significa HBIL, ENGENHOSO. A synonym for the word ACTUALLY as in This is actually the
2. TO RESUME significa RETOMAR.
decaying of the tooth is:
3. SYLLABUS pode significar SLABA.
a) now
Constatamos que est(esto) correta(s):
b) today
c) really
a) Apenas a afirmao n 1.
b) Apenas a afirmao n 2. d) normally
c) Apenas a afirmao n 3. e) theoretically
d) Apenas as afirmaes nos 1 e 2.
e) Todas as afirmaes. 013 | JFS 2007
What does the word ESTATE mean?
008 | ITA 1988
a) estado
Dadas as afirmaes de que em portugus:
b) estatal
1. SCHOLAR significa LETRADO. c) propriedade
2. SENSIBLE significa SENSATO. d) fortuna
3. FABRIC significa TECIDO. e) riqueza

Constatamos que est(esto) correta(s) : 014 | JFS 2008

Which of these words is not a False Cognate?
a) Apenas a afirmao no 1.
b) Apenas a afirmao no 2. a) apologize
c) Apenas a afirmao no 3. b) response
d) Apenas as afirmaes nos 1 e 2. c) support
e) Todas as afirmaes. d) largest
e) resume
009 | ITA 1988
A alternativa que corretamente traduz (mantendo a ordem 015 | JFS 2012
das palavras: Ele puxou ou empurrou a porta quando chegou I will __________ the __________ with his new security
l?, : __________.

a) Did he push or pull the door when he got there? a) assist mayor policy
b) Did he pushed or pulled the door when he arrived there? b) attend major police
c) Did he pull or push the door when he got there? c) support official politics
d) Pushed or pulled he the door when he gots there? d) assist mayor politics
e) Pushed or pulled him the door when he arrived there? e) attend major policy

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
016 | PUCRIO 1995
The verb TO ATTEND is used in The first semester I
Mixed Topics
attended college, I became friends with one of the American
001 | ITA 2001
students in my class.
Assinale a opo correta em relao s frases abaixo,
extradas de um calendrio americano:
Check the ONLY alternative in which the same verb can be
used. I. "A really great talent finds its happiness in execution."
a) The receptionist's job was to __________ the phone. II. "There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but
b) The doctor carefully __________ the patient. only a few will catch your heart pursue these." unknown.
c) The professor __________ a convention to present his
III. "By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of
work. heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that
d) He __________ the radio to listen to the news. belong to humanity." V. Howard.
e) The interviewer __________ questions from the public.
a) Na sentena (I), "its" refere-se a "happiness".
017 | JFS 2012 b) Na sentena (II), "these" refere-se a "things in life that will
Em ingls, h algumas palavras que, ao serem pluralizadas, catch your heart."
podem mudar o sentido, tornando-se falsas cognatas. Como c) Na sentena (II), "those" refere-se a "flowers".
exemplo, o vocbulo spirit: esprito, no singular, e d) Os termos "but" na sentena (II) e "as" na sentena (III)
disposio, no plural. Qual das opes abaixo segue o so conjunes que podem ser consideradas sinnimas no
mesmo padro? contexto em que se encontram.
e) Os termos "beautiful" e "good", na sentena (III), exercem
a) Minute. a funo de adjetivos.
b) Human.
c) State. 002 | UNITAU 1995
d) Fruit. Assinale a alternativa que relaciona as construes
e) Diplomat. adequadas e as construes inadequadas em ingls dentre
as listadas a seguir:
018 | JFS 2012
Complete as sentenas a seguir coerentemente: 1. The football is in the our hearts.
2. Romrio was not born in the United States.
I. Many __________ were killed during the battle. 3. Romrio does not come from the United States.
II. It's a typical country __________ with a large house for 4. I see he and she.
the owner, farm buildings and workers' houses. 5. Pel is more popular than Nixon.
III. The secret to public speaking is to get the __________ on 6. A cat is more big than a mouse.
your side. 7. Parreira have a little sister.
IV. Over two hundred people __________ the funeral. 8. An elephant is smarter than a feminist.
V. Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he 9. The Brazilian and the Italian teams have no problems
has __________. here.
10. I am seeing the cup.
a) privates state listeners answered spread
b) privates estate audience attended amassed a) Adequadas: 2, 4, 6, 8. Inadequadas: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10.
c) privates estate audience attended spread b) Adequadas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Inadequadas: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
d) corporals estate listeners answered amassed c) Adequadas: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Inadequadas: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
e) corporals state audience attended amassed d) Adequadas: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9. Inadequadas: 1, 4, 6,7, 10.
e) Adequadas: 3, 2. Inadequadas: todas as demais.

It is possible to store the mind with a million facts 003 | UFSM 1999
and still be entirely uneducated. Over __________ last century, women __________ been
Alec Bourne __________ the opportunities __________ play a greater
role in government and business.

a) the had give by

b) that has given for
c) the have given to
d) the has given by
e) that have give to

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
004 | UFSM 2001 007 | EEAR 2007
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente os Computer viruses can travel __________ one place to
espaos no trecho a seguir: another __________ fast __________ a phone call.

Britain __________ been an industrialised nation for two a) from as as

centuries. It __________ a variety of industries __________ b) over as than
can be divided __________ three main categories. c) to more than
d) between * than
a) has has which into
b) have has who in 008 | EN 2001
c) has have which in Choose the alternative that best completes the paragraph
d) have has who into below:
e) has has who in
__________ a good memory? Maybe you are good
remembering __________ events or footballers names? But
005 | UFSM 2001
could you memorize __________ order of a pack of cards?
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente os
British mega-brain Dominic OBrien can.
espaos no trecho a seguir:
(Amazing body science Young Telegraph, p. 7)
Invented __________ the late nineteenth century
__________ an eastern European ophthalmologist, a) Did you get/ in/ historic/ a
Esperanto __________ humanity's __________ successful b) Do you get/ on/ history/ an
attempt to create an artificial universal language. c) Have you got/ at/ historical/ the
d) Had you got/ for/ historian/ X (= no article)
a) on for remains most
b) in by remain more 009 | EN 2001
c) in to remains most Choose the alternative that correctly completes the text
d) on by remain more The nose knows:
e) in by remains most
The Nose Knows
006 | UFPE 2003
One of the most effective devices __________ monitoring
Manaus pollution may be as plain as the nose __________ your face.
So say scientists from the University of Utretch, in the
Throughout its 303-year history, the tiny Manas Indian Netherlands. Two psychologists __________ several
village around Fort So Jos do Rio Negro __________ very hundred residents of the industrial city to pop their heads
distinctive names. At the height of the rubber era, out of their windows every Tuesday evening and take a
__________ its channels became spacious avenues traveled whiff. If they smell anything, theyre to classify in from
innocuous to extremely annoying.
by streetcars, it was called the "Brazilian Paris" and the
"Tropical Metropolis". __________, with the arrival of a) to/ in/ would recruit
industry, it __________ a "Free Zone". Nestled in the middle b) for/ on/ have recruited
of the largest tropical rainforest __________ the planet, it is
c) from/ onto/ had recruited
now becoming the main "gateway" to the Amazon for d) in/ into/ recruited
010 | MACKENZIE 1997
(From "A pleasant day in Manaus", Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
CARO BRASIL, April 2002, page 33.) sentence:
Fill in the blanks with the correct sequence of words: The most __________ material for __________ consumer
goods __________ cardboard.
a) is given where Late becomes in
b) had given what Lately become of a) used package are
c) has given how The latter to become at b) used packing are
d) was given when Later became on c) widely used packaging is
e) have given which The latest becoming around d) widest used package has been
e) used packaging could be

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
011 | UNITAU 1995 a) ficariam inalterados.
Assinale a alternativa que relaciona as construes b) seriam trocados para "winded" e "their".
adequadas e as construes inadequadas em ingls dentre c) se transformariam em "winded" e "it".
as listadas a seguir: d) seriam substitudos por "wind" e "their".
e) passariam para "wind" e "theirs".
1. Mary is likeing John.
2. Mary needs to help sheself. 014 | JFS 2002
3. I can see him. Read carefully the sentences below and try to find the
4. John was expected to win the world cup. correct one:
5. Americans films are goods.
6. They has a big farm in downtown. a) Daniel and Marla are going to buy a new and expensive
sport car to his son.
a) Adequadas: 3, 4. Inadequadas: 1, 2, 5, 6. b) The collected data is important to discover the average
b) Adequadas: 1, 2, 5. Inadequadas: 3, 4, 6. age of our students.
c) Adequadas: 3, 4, 5. Inadequadas: 1, 2, 6. c) The newcomer neighbours have a two-year-old baby and
d) Adequadas: 1, 3, 6. Inadequadas: 2, 4, 5. are planning to have another child before the next X-mas.
e) Adequadas: 2, 3, 5, 6. Inadequadas: 1, 4. d) They are looking up the lost documents inside the office
but I think that they wont find it before the meeting.
012 | UFMA 2000 e) Parker is used to read the Bible before sleep. He is a very
Catholic man.

015 | MACKENZIE 1997

Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

Researches have shown that the twenty-first-century family

will certainly be more __________ than today's family
__________ people's __________ longer __________ and
more __________ than once.

a) complicating due to live marriage

b) complicated because living marriage
c) complicated as a result of living marrying
d) complicated because of life marring
e) complicating as a consequence of life marriage

016 | EN 2001
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the text No
Copyright 2000 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
Redistribution in whole or in part prohibited. No Celebrations

In the context of the cartoon above, the correct alternative No big celebration __________ held when I arrived. Huang
is: Taitai didnt have red banners greeting me in the fancy room
on the first floor. Tuan-yu was not __________ to greet me.
a) another implies no other additional idea. Instead, Juang Taitai hurried me upstairs to the second floor
b) can indicates ability. into the kitchen, __________ was a place family children
c) doesnt have to indicates permission. didnt usually go. This was a place for cooks and servants. So
d) did is used to make questions with ordinary verbs in I __________ my standing.
the Present Tense.
e) can could be replaced with the same meaning by may. a) was/ there/ which/ knew
b) would/ here/ where/ have known
013 | UFSM 2002 c) has/ somewhere/ when/ had known
Se o sujeito da orao "that WINDS back 5,000 years in ITS d) will/ anywhere/ that/ know
native India" se referisse a uma expresso no plural e fosse
mantido o tempo verbal, os termos destacados:

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
017 | AFA 2005 020 | JFS 2012
Read the ad and answer the question: The magic __________ had __________ audience
participation, with people shouting things __________ the
Lockheed Martin and Sikorsby. Working together for performers and going up __________ stage.
three decades, this team __________(I) and integrated
__________(II) any other team in the world. That includes a) performance lots of at over
the SH-60B, __________(III) the new MH-60R and MH60S b) performance lots of to over
programs. This __________(IV) delivers the proven Naval c) show a lot of to on
Hawk airframe with advanced multi-mission avionics d) show lot of at on
capabilities to the U.S. Navy and navies worldwide e) show a lot of at on
together we deliver __________(V) naval capability to
__________(VI) customers. As questes de 19 a 23 devem ser respondidas a partir da
imagem abaixo.
SiKorsKy | A United Technology Company

Fill in the blanks correctly with grammatical subjects that

have been asked in the questions below:

I. Use the Present Perfect Tense of the verb to build.

II. Use a Comparative form of Superiority.
III. Use a Comparative form of Equality.
IV. Use the right Possessive case of nouns.
V. Use the Superlative form of an adjective.
VI. Use the right Pronoun.

a) has built/ more naval helicopters than/ as well as/ teams

synergy/ the best/ our.
b) have build/ many naval helicopters as/ so good as/ teams
synergy/ the better/ ours.
c) had build/ much more helicopters than/ less well as/ team 021 | UEL 1999
synergys/ more and more/ us. Preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) a alternativa:
d) has builded/ less helicopters than/ not so bad as/ team
synegyss/ the most/ we. a) hold on
b) hold up
018 | MACKENZIE 1999 c) expect
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following d) tell
sentence: e) say

This guide __________ useful __________ about the city. 022 | UEL 1999
Preenche corretamente a lacuna (II) a alternativa:
a) gives information
b) have given information a) I'm
c) is giving piece of informations b) I'd
d) gave pieces of informations c) I've
e) will give pieces of informations d) You'll
e) You're
019 | JFS 2012
After a __________ I enjoy __________ beer __________ 023 | UEL 1999
two. Preenche corretamente a lacuna (III) a alternativa:

a) hard day's work one or else a) coming

b) hard work day either or else b) comes
c) hard day's work either or c) will come
d) hard work day either or d) to come
e) hard day's work a or e) is coming

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
024 | UEL 1999
Preenche corretamente a lacuna (IV) a alternativa:
Idioms and Vocabulary
a) us 001 | UEL 1997
b) me Assinale a traduo correta dos termos em maisculo:
c) my
d) hers I DON'T FEEL LIKE being indoors all day. Let's go for a long
e) mine

025 | UEL 1999 a) No estou com vontade

Preenche corretamente a lacuna (V) a alternativa: b) No acho ruim
c) No creio que uma boa idia
a) There d) No concordo
b) There's e) No estou pensando em
c) Have
d) It's 002 | CESGRANRIO 1993
e) It Mark the item which contains the adequate translation for
the saying Out of sight, out of mind.

Do not protect yourself by a fence, a) Quem no deve, no teme.

but rather by your friends. b) Quem quer faz, quem no quer manda.
c) Deus ajuda a quem cedo madruga.
Czech Proverb
d) Longe dos olhos, longe do corao.
e) Em terra de cego, quem tem um olho rei.

003 | ITA 1996

Na frase He is very, very rich and so powerful that even his
enemies are eager to cut deals with him, o significado de to
cut :

a) competir
b) concordar
c) compartilhar
d) tornarse
e) cortar (qualquer tipo de relao)

004 | UEL 1997

Assinale a verso correta da frase a seguir:

Prefiro ir de carro.

a) I like cars.
b) I dislike cars.
c) I always go by car.
d) I'd rather go by car.
e) I don't have a car.

005 | CESGRANRIO 1991

In The sweet-and-lovely look is OUT; the aggressive punk
pose is IN the capital words stand for:

a) out of work / in vogue

b) out of sight / in mind
c) out of order / in memory
d) out of date / in fashion
e) out of mind / in sight

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
006 | UFRS 1997 010 | UEL 1996
The expressions immediately off and were off, in the Assinale a traduo correta da frase entre aspas:
sentence below, mean respectively:
- "Can you tell me how to get there?"
There were four last stragglers who stopped to examine a - Of course I can.
small dogwood immediately off the terrace, but one of our
dogs barked in the distant kennels and the deer were off a) Voc pode me dizer como se consegue isso l?
into the woods. b) Quem pode me contar como se faz isso?
c) Voc pode me ensinar o caminho?
a) close to went away d) Como se pode ir de l para c?
b) approximately far off e) Voc consegue atravessar para o outro lado?
c) in gathered
d) nearby far away 011 | UEL 1996
e) together jumped Assinale a verso correta da frase a seguir:

007 | CESGRANRIO 1995 No posso comprar um carro novo.

Most names of jobs are used for both men and women.
Mark the one that refers only to males: a) I shouldn't be thinking of a new car.
b) I can't afford a new car.
a) psychiatrist c) I can't buy anything new.
b) social scientist d) If it is new, I don't want it.
c) waiter e) Who needs a new car anyway?
d) doctor
e) researcher 012 | FEI 1996
I'd prefer to stay here. That's what I'd __________.
008 | MACKENZIE 1996
The group was discussing Freud's view of the __________ a) do
and __________. b) do best
c) have done
a) consciousness unconsciousness d) rather do
b) conscious unconscious e) doing
c) consciousness unconscious
d) consciously unconscious 013 | FUVEST 1977
e) unconsciously conscious Qual destas sentenas est correta?

009 | UFPE 1996 a) Don't translate word of word.

Identifique a(s) palavra(s) ou expresso(es) que melhor b) Don't translate word with word.
complete(m) o sentido da sentena abaixo utilizando V ou F c) Don't translate word at word.
e, em seguida, marque a sequncia correta: d) Don't translate word to word.
e) Don't translate word for word.
... began the moment the Burma Star contingent started to
march, led unexpectedly by one of its members, the Duke of 014 | FUVEST 1978
Edinburgh. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a seguinte sentena
em ingls:
( ) Crying
( ) Cheering No deixe de me avisar quando voc pretende fazer uma
( ) Rejoicing viagem.
( ) Applauding with shouts
( ) Encouraging by shouts a) Don't fail to advise me if you pretend to travel.
b) Don't leave me to know when you intend to go for a trip.
a) F V V V V c) Don't let me warn you when you pretend to go for a trip.
b) F V V V F d) Don't leave my advice when you intend to travel.
c) V V V V F e) Don't fail to let me know when you intend to take a trip.
d) F V V F V
e) V F F F F

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
015 | PUCCAMP 1994 020 | JFS 2010
Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche - How many students are there in the classroom?
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada. - A BAKERS DOZEN.

"Hi, Jane!" The capital expression means:

"Hi, Susan. How have you been?"
"Oh, just fine. What have you done? You look so different!" a) Eleven.
"Me? Different? I don't know." b) Twelve.
"Maybe it's your hair." c) Thirteen.
"Oh, thats maybe __________." d) Fourteen.
"It looks quite nice." e) Fifteen.
"Thank you. Well, I've got to go. See you around."
"See you. Bye." 021 | EFOMM 2012
Choose the word that completes the idea of the following
a) I'm cutting my hair statement correctly:
b) I just cut your hair
c) I'm going to have a haircut Michael is a __________ smoker. He smokes three packs of
d) You had a haircut cigarettes a day.
e) I just had my hair cut
a) violent
016 | ESPCEX 1999 b) fierce
How long __________ John to get to work? c) big
d) chain
a) does it take e) strong
b) it takes
c) takes 022 | EFOMM 2012
d) does he take In the sentences below, seem and appear are used correctly,
e) he takes except in:

017 | UFPE 1999 a) It seemed like a good idea at first.

Quem dera eu fosse um astro do rock-and-roll in English is: b) I cant appear to make her notice the events.
c) It seems a pity, but I can't see you this weekend.
a) I wish I to be a rock-and-roll star. d) He seems younger than he is.
b) I wish I were a rock-and-roll star. e) The baby appears hungry.
c) Who wishes to be a rock-and-roll star.
d) I want be a rock-and-roll star. 023 | EFOMM 2010
e) I was wishing I was a rock-and-roll star. Mark the alternative in which DO and MAKE are all used
018 | JFS 2007 a) Do a favor/ make repairs/ make amends/ make a bargain
If you stay up very late __________ or __________, you b) Make a bid/ make a demand/ do ends meet/ make an
burn the midnight oil. entry
c) Make an excuse/ make a face/ make as much as you can/
a) dancing partying make business
b) drinking smoking d) Do a proposal/ make a scene/ do silly things/ make a
c) working studying review
d) sleeping snoring e) Do an errand/ make fun of/ make known/ do friends

019 | JFS 2008 024 | JFS 2012

A normal person has: If someone is __________ bullets, they're very worried or
a) twenty fingers and two hands.
b) two shoulders and four knees. a) shooting
c) three legs and one heart. b) sweating
d) two lungs and four livers. c) dodging
e) ten fingers and ten toes. d) biting
e) killing

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
025 | JFS 2012 029 | JFS 2012
Fill in the gaps meaningfully:

I. Could you speak a little __________, please?

II. I must be __________ weight, some clothes of mine dont
fit me anymore.
III. I cant __________ the washing machine work.
IV. __________ your brother, I must warn you to be careful.

a) loudly / loosing / make / As

b) louder / losing / make / As
c) aloud / losing / do / As
d) louder / loosing / make / Like
e) louder / loosing / do / Like

026 | EFOMM 2008

In: We were a bit worried about the new manager because
we heard that she liked to run a tight ship., the expression
in bold means: to be well ...

a) organized
Adapted from
b) disposed
c) received No cartun acima, a expresso hit the sack poderia ser
d) placed substituda por:
e) educated
a) turn in.
027 | AFA 2004 ADAPTED b) sleep over.
Among eighteen recorded CDs by the London Starlight c) stretch my legs.
Orchestra, eleven are dedicated to some good movies. They d) pull back.
are considered veracious musical photographs as part of the e) fork out.
story of cinema. Take My Breath Away, from Moroder and
Witlock, is the love theme of the remarkable movie Top 030 | JFS 2010
Gun and also from the album that contains more than Although the risk of a double-dip recession is still
seventeen of the same type. significant, it is not the most likely scenario, said Diane
Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial. Moreover,
According to the title of the song mentioned in the text there are no silver bullets when it comes to fueling
above, whats the best definition for the lovers feeling? employment.

a) you keep air my lungs and not let it out. The expressions in bold can be defined respectively as:
b) you make me feel shocked by surprise.
c) you make me feet brand new. a) The worst-case scenario the economy of a country may
d) you hold my breath deeply face A doubtful solution
b) When the economy moves back into a deeper and longer
028 | JFS 2012 recession An impossible solution
Parker's fun at parties, but his brother's a wet blanket. c) A recession twice stronger than the previous one A
solution that seems magical
A partir da sentena acima, podemos concluir que o irmo d) A recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed
de Parker , em ingls: by another recession A complete solution to a large
a) a faint-hearted Guy. e) A recession that will be twice longer than the previous
b) a timid person. one A definitive solution to a huge problem
c) a gatecrasher.
d) a killjoy.
e) a miserable man. A positive attitude may not solve all your problems,
but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
004 | EFOMM 2004
Synonyms and Antonyms Regarding the impact the ladys appearance caused, the
word breathless in verse 16 means:
001 | EFOMM 2003
In Im enjoying a peasant life now. Ive moved out of a) simple.
London, the underlined word means: b) light.
c) unimportant.
a) easy d) remarkable.
b) rich e) awful.
c) fancy
d) country 005 | JFS 2009
e) weird In the sentences The police, firefighters and other
emergency personnel joined about 150 volunteers and
002 | EFOMM 2003 Most of the injured passengers were able to walk out of the
Which word could replace the underlined word without a station, but about 20 were carried out on red stretchers,
change of meaning? the word about cannot be replaced by:

The man deduced what had happened in the playground. a) some.

b) within.
a) surmised c) approximately.
b) provoked d) almost.
c) appealed e) roughly.
d) condoned
e) discouraged

Just The Way You Look Tonight (Rod Stewart)

01. Someday when Im awfully low

02. When the world is cold
03. I will feel a glow
04. Just thinking of you
05. And the way you look tonight
06. Youre so lovely
07. With your smile so warm
08. And your cheeks so soft
09. Theres nothing for me but to love you
10. And the way you look tonight
11. With each word, your tenderness grows
12. Tearing my fears apart 006 | JFS 2009
13. And that laugh that wrinkles your nose The verb TO BROIL means the same as:
14. Touches my foolish heart
a) to fry.
15. Yes your lovely, never ever change
b) to grill.
16. Keep that breathless charm
c) to burn.
17. Wont you please arrange it
d) to boil.
18. Cause I love you
e) to cook.
19. Just the way you look tonight
20. Just the way you look tonight ... 007 | JFS 2009
In A pact made by a group of teens to get pregnant and
003 | EFOMM 2004 raise their babies together is at least partly behind a sudden
In verse 1 of the lyrics we find the adverb awfully, which spike in pregnancies at Gloucester High School, school
means: officials said, the verb to raise is synonymous with:
a) absolutely. a) to deal.
b) terribly. b) to praise.
c) fortunately. c) to increase.
d) wishfully. d) to rise.
e) certainly. e) to bring up.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
008 | EFOMM 2005 013 | JFS 2010
In On TV and radio, in print and over the Internet, news is He may have competed in one of the most passionate
everywhere. But are we better informed or just derbies on the planet as a player, led a team at the FIFA
overwhelmed?, the underlined word means: World Cup and be the most successful manager in the
history of British football, but even Sir Alex Ferguson has
a) interested. admitted that he was shaking the first time he met Nelson
b) agape. Mandela. "We also met him two years ago and were invited
c) worn out. to his house and it was amazing how relaxed he was. He
d) familiar. really seemed to be enjoying himself, which was great to
e) tight. see. He is a truly amazing man".

009 | EFOMM 2006 In the fragment above, the word amazing cannot be
Psychologists say kids are being robbed of time they need replaced by:
for connecting with their parents and siblings.
a) gruesome.
a) colleagues b) fascinating.
b) partners c) incredible.
c) relatives d) stunning.
d) friends e) wonderful.
e) brother or sister
014 | JFS 2010
010 | EFOMM 2008 In the sentence Researchers conducting tests in the harsh
Communication is embedded within culture and therefore environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the
culturally orientated. first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and
reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic, the words in
The word embedded means: bold can be replaced, respectively, by:

a) dislodged a) realizing smooth get on

b) refused b) carrying out strict develop
c) rooted c) attaining sharp rise
d) remained d) leading rough wear out
e) disturbed e) handling mild grow

011 | EFOMM 2008 015 | JFS 2010

Choose the appropriate synonymous sentence to: She In the sentence the researchers successfully grew microbes
seldom goes to conferences now. from the lake on a diet that was very lean on phosphorus,
the word lean can be replaced by:
a) She almost goes to conferences now.
b) She often goes to conferences now. a) rich.
c) She hardly ever goes to conferences now. b) fat.
d) She regularly goes to conferences now. c) plump.
e) She frequently goes to conferences now. d) bare.
e) flat.
012 | JFS 2009
Correspondents consider Mr. Mousavi the main reformist 016 | JFS 2008
challenger to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is In the sentence The prize drops to $15 million after that
seeking another term. date and goes away altogether after 2014, the verbs to
drop and to go away, and the adverb altogether can be
In the fragment above, the word term means the same as: replaced by:

a) post. a) to increase to vanish absolutely

b) job. b) to lift up to fade away actually
c) turn. c) to fall to disappear completely
d) position. d) to decrease to leave utterly
e) task. e) to curtail to flee wholly

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
017 | EFOMM 2010 ADAPTED 020 | IME 2010
Read the following sentences: The word underlined in the sentence That incident, which
took place on 7 November 2007, exhibits many of the
1. NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for hallmarks of the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan ... can be
seven hours and the highspeed chase only ended when replaced by which of the following expressions, still keeping
warning shots were fired at the pirates skiff. the same meaning?

2. Seven pirates attempted to attack the Norwegian-flagged a) landmarks

MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took b) trademarks
evasive maneuvers and alerted warships in the area c) stamps
d) signs
3. How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to e) brands
have been the actions of the tanker.
021 | IME 2012
4. The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies On the mountain slopes south of Pompeii, a group of Roman
have in fighting rampant piracy off the coast of lawless citizens flee the doomed city, leaving their footprints in a
Somalia. layer of volcanic ash.

Which option contains words that replace with accuracy A synonym for the word flee is
the following words that are underlined in the text
respectively: SKIFF EVASIVE THWARTED RAMPANT: a) arrive
b) investigate
a) vessel elusive avoided increasing c) run away
b) small boat dangerous facilitated violent d) meet
c) yacht ambiguous planned violent e) face
d) small boat elusive prevented uncontrolled
e) vessel dangerous spoilt increasing 022 | JFS 2010
Among the hundreds of thousands of leaked State
018 | EFOMM 2010 Department documents were candid and often unflattering
In the fragment naval officers hailed the pirates over assessments of foreign leaders. The classified diplomatic
loudspeakers and finally fired warning shots to stop them, cables were released Sunday by online whistle-blower
the word highlighted could be accurately replaced with: WikiLeaks. The massive release of material intended for
diplomatic eyes only is sure to ruffle feathers in foreign
a) alerted capitals since the cables contain many tart comments.
b) threatened
c) called In the sentence The cables contain many tart comments,
d) informed the words in bold mean respectively the same as:
e) advised
a) wires and sharp.
019 | IME 2010 b) information and luscious.
Modern buildings incorporate exciting forms with glittering c) links and caustic.
faades and compelling interior spaces. Surveying for these d) messages and sour.
projects requires sophisticated computation, aggressive e) chains and bitter.
quality control and close interaction with construction
teams. 023 | JFS 2010
The revolutionary war hero and outstanding silversmith
Tick the alternative that corresponds to glittering, still made the Sons of Liberty silver bowl in the case.
keeping the same meaning of the sentence.
The word outstanding cannot be defined as:
a) glossing
b) gliding a) impressive.
c) gladding b) remarkable.
d) gluing c) stunning.
e) gloating d) feeble.
e) striking.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
024 | JFS 2010 a) fairly
Give the correct sequence of synonyms for the highlighted b) doubtfully
words in the excerpt below: c) faithfully
d) steadily
Egypts tough 82-year-old president, in charge for the past e) eventually
three decades, now says he will go but only at the end of
his term in September, with dignity and with a subtle threat 028 | JFS 2011
that if he does not get his way, things could turn uglier still. The conditions for the agreement were very austere.

a) sturdy turn slight become Which of the following options cannot be used to replace
b) strong shift tenuous change into the underlined word?
c) healthy cycle faint shift
d) stiff spell fine grow into a) severe
e) frail span quiet develop b) harsh
c) strict
025 | ITA 2007 d) feeble
Even after adding in the 16 ovens and coffee machines in the e) relentless
galley, plus the electronic navigation, communications and
avionics systems, we will still be well short of the electrical 029 | ITA 2009 ADAPTED
system on board the advanced jets that will go into service At the Eucentre, a research site cofounded by the Italian Civil
between 2006 and 2010. Protection Department in Pavia, Italy, a young engineer dons
a firefighters uniform that has been in testing for six
A expresso to be well short of pode ser substituda por: months. (...) Though the technology was pioneered in the
U.S., the Europeans have taken the reins in a bid to revitalize
a) to be far from. their traditional-textile industry, which has been hammered
b) to be adequately supplied with. by Asian competition. We want to develop state-of-the-art
c) to be below the limit. know-how that cant be found in Asia, says Andreas
d) to be close. Lymberis, a scientific officer with the European Commission
e) to be left off. who has championed smart textiles.

026 | ITA 2008 Assinale a alternativa em que o termo em negrito no

Assinale a opo que contm os significados mais adequados fragmento acima NO pode ser substitudo pela opo
para as palavras sublinhadas nos trechos abaixo: apresentada.

I. The Illinois Smoke-free Restaurant Recognition Program a) dons (pargrafo 1) wears

recognizes those restaurants that have gone entirely smoke- b) the reins (pargrafo 2) control
free c) a bid (pargrafo 2) an attempt
II. Second-hand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a d) hammered (pargrafo 2) stopped
burning cigarette e) championed (pargrafo 2) supported
III. More importantly, it represents a dangerous health
hazard. 030 | ITA 2012 ADAPTED
IV. EPA estimates that approximately 3.000 American They would keep on developing until they were far more
nonsmokers die intelligent than we are.

a) I. constantly II. provided by III. complication IV. likely Na sentena acima, o vocbulo grifado poderia ser
b) I. completely II. derived from III. risk IV. nearly substitudo por:
c) I. generally II. made by III. infection IV. almost
d) I. slightly II. exhaled by III. loss IV. around a) far away.
e) I. totally II. produced by III. problem IV. exactly b) incredible.
c) much.
027 | JFS 2012 d) distant.
Give a synonym for the underlined word in the sentence e) many.

I am reliably informed that you have been talking about

resigning from the company.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
031 | ITA 2012 033 | AFA 2012
This Janus-like quality is true of all intelligence services, I Observe the fragment taken from the blues Blow Wind Blow
suppose, but I have never seen an organization quite like the (Muddy Waters, Paul Butterfield):
ISI. It is at once very secretive and very open, yet ISI officials
get especially peeved at the charge of duplicity: I cannot go When the sun rose this morning,
on defending myself forever, even when I am not doing what I didnt have my baby by my side.
I am blamed for,wrote one of my ISI contacts, after I had When the sun rose this morning,
written a column noting the organizations double game I didnt have my baby by my side.
with the U.S. I shall do what I think is good for PAKISTAN, I dont know where she was,
my country. I am sure you will do the same for US. I know shes out with some another guy.

A opo cujo significado mais se aproxima do vocbulo In the context of the song, the word when can be
peeved (linha 4) : substituted for:

a) mistrustful. a) while.
b) challenged. b) even though.
c) irritated. c) considering that.
d) worried. d) by the time.
e) encouraged.
034 | EEAR 2008
032 | ITA 2011 The underlined word in the sentence below means:
Leia a seguinte imagem:
The appropriate response to How are you? that anyone
expects to hear is an automatic Im fine.

a) wish
b) answer
c) excuse
d) greeting

035 | EEAR 2008

In the sentence:

Television has contributed to change the values and

perceptions of Americans.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to:

a) cultures.
b) behaviour.
c) information.
d) conceptions.
Adapted from
036 | EFOMM 2013
A palavra breakthrough, na charge, tem o mesmo sentido Major accidents have often been the catalysts for key

a) customary. The underlined word can be replaced by:

b) inept.
c) conventional. a) goads
d) innovative. b) clogs
e) ordinary. c) obstructions
d) troubles
e) excuses

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
037 | IME 2013
What word could replace queasy in well, the very thought
2ND Part | Reading Skills
makes publishers queasy, without changing the meaning of and General Review
the sentence?
Is Facebook, the social networking website,
a) sick making us narcissist? A new book argues were much more
b) fussy self-absorbed nowadays, stating that technology is to blame.
c) delighted I tweet, therefore I am. Or is it, I tweet, therefore I am
d) obliging insufferable? As if adult celebrities that pop out on the red
e) angry carpets werent clue enough, we now have statistical
evidence that we are a lot more in love with ourselves than
038 | ITA 2013 we used to be. This social phenomenon has raised fields of
Na sentena When you find the strength to act in the face research to academic studies nowadays. In the book The
of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius, o vocbulo till tem Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement, Jean
o mesmo significado de: M. Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State
University, and W. Keith Campbell, a social psychologist at
a) crop. the University of Georgia, look to the Narcissistic Personality
b) until. Inventory, which measures self-regard, materialism, and lack
c) stir. of empathy. They found that the number of college students
d) cultivate. scoring high on the test has risen by 30 percent since the
e) still. early 1980s.

001 | IME 2011

When you relinquish the desire to control your future, What kind of human behavior is central to the study
you can have more happiness. mentioned in the text?
Nicole Kidman
a) the alienation of the celebrities from the others around
b) addiction to technology.
c) the high scoring of college students in academic tests.
d) the hard work of social psychologists.
e) excessive positive feelings and admiration of oneself.

002 | IME 2011

What has NOT been encouraging people to act the way
described in the text?

a) technology
b) narcissism
c) materialism
d) psychology
e) entitlement

Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other

incoming information can change how people think and
behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by
bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to
respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The
stimulation provokes excitement a dopamine squirt
that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people
feel bored. The resulting distractions can have deadly
consequences, as when cell phone-wielding drivers and train
engineers cause wrecks. And for millions of people these
urges can inflict nicks and cuts on creativity and deep
thought, interrupting work and family life.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
003 | IME 2011 Okay, we realize it could be for Rogue 24's own
The text states that human beings instinctively: protection. __________, their carefully-protected Journey
menu runs 24 courses and takes three hours to serve (and
a) provoke opportunities and threats to other human beings. eat). And surely hours of preparation go into each meal,
b) move towards that which threatens them. providing apt backing for the intense cancellation
c) react to sudden changes they experience. restrictions. Imagine if photos from such a storied menu
d) interrupt work and family life. appeared on Twitter? The horror!
e) undermine bursts of information. But really, no matter how delectable the menu
might be, since when is a simple meal run like a business
004 | AFA 1998 deal? You might want to call your lawyer before planning
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? your night out at Rogue 24. It's only fair.
(Excerpt from Pink Floyds Wish you were here lyrics)
Adapted from
The questions asks:
005 | JFS 2011
a) if you can tell a story about the field and the cold steel Infere-se a partir da leitura do texto que:
b) if you are able to say how to go from the green field to a) a multa por um eventual cancelamento de reserva no
the rail road. restaurante Rogue 24 pode chegar a 175 dlares, por
c) if you know one difference between the green and the pessoa, caso o aviso no seja feito com no mnimo 72h antes
cold steel rail. do dia marcado.
d) if you are able to see how different is a green field from a b) no permitido o uso de equipamentos eletrnicos
cold steel rail. dentro do restaurante em virtude do receio que haja
vazamento de certas tcnicas utilizadas pelos chefs do
Want a Reservation at One Hot D.C. Restaurant? estabelecimento durante a confeco dos pratos.
Prepare to Sign a Contract c) a assinatura de contratos no ato de se fazer uma reserva
uma prtica que se torna cada vez mais comum nos
The restaurant may have Rogue in its name, but the melhores restaurantes norte-americanos.
joint certainly looks to keep its patrons in line. d) o restaurante, localizado em Washington, solicita o
Many elite eateries have strict policies on nmero do carto de crdito do cliente para garantir que o
cancellations and photography, but Rogue 24 has taken pagamento da reserva seja feito antes do dia marcado.
what's usually an implicit verbal contract to a binding level. e) o autor no concorda com a poltica adotada pelo
That's right, get your pen out. restaurante Rogue 24 em fazer seus clientes assinarem
Rogue 24, headed by chef R.J. Cooper, fuses the contratos no ato de se fazer uma reserva.
eating experience with an intense visual adventure after
all, it's housed in a grungy D.C. alley surrounded by 006 | JFS 2011
dilapidated buildings. But the 2-page contract diners must Assinale a opo correta:
sign along with their reservation calls up air of pretension.
a) o vocbulo patron (linha 2) equivale semanticamente a
Eater DC provides a look at the binding document
which includes a ban on photography and cell phones during
b) o vocbulo strict (linha 3) pode ser substitudo por
dinner. They cite the attempt to create an environment
free of distraction to focus on the food, right? It's worth
c) o vocbulo binding (linhas 5 e 12) pode ser traduzido
noting that the kitchen is in the middle of the restaurant.
That should provide clamor enough to steal the attention of
d) a expresso up to (linha 24) pode ser substituda por as
even the most tuned-out diners.
far as.
Their stated cancellation policy is a demand even
e) a expresso on the hook (linha 26) significa na lista
more intense than keeping your phone and camera stashed
during dinner. You can cancel your reservation 72 hours
before with no penalties. Fair. But when breaking it within 007 | JFS 2011
that three-day window, prepare to face the penalty. You can A lacuna presente no 6 pargrafo deve ser corretamente
cancel up to 3 p.m. on the day of your reservation with only preenchida por:
a 50% penalty. After 3 p.m. or a no-show to dinner? Rogue
24 doesn't care they'll put you on the hook for the full a) Inasmuch as
price. That's up to $175 per person (if you choose the 24 b) Afterwards
courses with wine pairing). But how? Simple. Rogue 24 asks c) After all
for your credit card number on the contract, so they've got d) Instead
you on the hook. e) Actually

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
008 | JFS 2011 With a new computing application in hand, B.J.
As receitas do restaurante Rogue 24 devem ser Fogg's Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change
extremamente saborosas. What We Think and Do gives you advice on its
implementation. To Fogg, who launched Stanford's
Qual o equivalente, em ingls, para o vocbulo em negrito Persuasive Technology Lab and who holds seven patents in
na sentena acima. the area of UI* design, a web site must first be credible to be
persuasive. Fogg has coined the term "captology" to
a) Receipts. describe this branch of the study of computers. From the
b) Recipes. book's "Introduction:"
c) Prescriptions. Captology focuses on the design, research, and
d) Guidelines. analysis of interactive computing products created for the
e) Instructions. purpose of changing people's attitudes or behaviors.
It is the computer's ability to provide interactivity
Persuading Leonardo that gives its applications an advantage over other forms of
Although both Ben Shneiderman's Leonardo's Persuasive Technology describes three basic roles
Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies that computers play: the computer as a tool, as media, and
and B.J. Fogg's Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to as a social actor. Further, there are seven types of
Change What We Think and Do are written by academics, persuasive tools described by Fogg. Such tools persuade by
the books transcend academia to provide a different view of simplifying, tunneling (guiding), customizing, being there at
the Internet's potential. Shneiderman prepares the the right time, removing tedium, rewarding after
groundwork for what he calls the "new computing," while observation, and reinforcing proper behavior. As media,
Fogg describes how to make that computing persuasive. computers can modify behavior by simulating new
The idea behind Leonardo's Laptop is a endeavors. As a social actor, computers persuade through
consideration of what Leonardo da Vinci would demand praise. However, no matter the role, to persuade, the
from a laptop computer and what he would do with it. To application must be credible.
Shneiderman, who is founding director of the Human- Perhaps the most interesting parts of Fogg's book
Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland, the are the two chapters that discuss the ways in which
new computing puts users first. Shneiderman begins with a computer applications destroy their own credibility and
brief history of computing and computer applications, what an application or web site must do to be considered,
declaring that, "These founders of the old computing by its users, trustworthy. According to Fogg, a computing
overcame technological limitations to build impressive device or application is perceived to be credible only if it is
projects and then turned to producing tools for themselves, first perceived as believable trustworthiness based on
giving little thought to the needs of other users." Although expertise. In brief, an application is trustworthy if it is
not a founder, I admit to being of the old computing thought to be fair and unbiased. It is trustworthy if its author
generation. I programmed in dead languages such as IBM's or origin is thought to be skilled and knowledgeable. The
1401 Autocoder and 360 Assembler before progressing to crux of the issue is that credibility matters.
Cobol and RPG. I have now learned Visual Basic and C++, and Both books are thoroughly documented and both
I can report that there is nothing intrinsic to any of these are excellent points of departure for a more detailed inquiry
languages that center a programmer's focus on those who into the available material. If both books are taken to heart,
use their applications. The new computing is not about using computers and their applications will become
languages but, as Shneiderman suggests, about enjoyable and satisfying.
understanding human activities and human relationships.
With Leonardo as both creator and user, his laptop * U.I. - User Inteface
will enable greater creativity and grander goals. This book
goads you with ideas for applications in e-learning, e- D. Wohlbruck, Dr Dobbs Journal, January, 2004.
business, e-healthcare, and e-government. Each area is built
around a framework for technology innovation that 009 | ITA 2009
Shneiderman calls the "four circles of relationships" and the Indique o gnero, em ingls, ao qual o texto acima pertence.
"four stages of activities." ()
Although the mental picture of Leonardo with a a) summary
notebook computer excites the imagination, as a literary b) review
device, it does not wear well as the book progresses. c) essay
Nonetheless, Shneiderman achieves the objective of d) abstract
Leonardo's Laptop creating a foundation for the new e) report

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
010 | ITA 2009
Considere as seguintes afirmaes.

I. As duas obras discutidas no texto tm como assunto

principal o uso do computador e suas aplicaes atuais e
II. Shneiderman e Fogg, autores do texto, mostram a
potencial aplicao da internet nos dias atuais.
III. De acordo com Shneiderman, o computador eficaz deve
ser, concomitantemente, uma ferramenta capaz de
persuadir e um agente interativo.

Est(o) correta(s)

a) apenas a I.
b) apenas a II.
c) apenas a III.
d) apenas I e II.
e) apenas I e III.

011 | ITA 2009

Com relao a Leonardos Laptop: Human Needs and the
New Computing Technologies, NO se pode dizer que a Adapted from
013 | JFS 2011
a) tem como foco o usurio de computadores, seja ele um Julgue os itens a seguir:
iniciante ou especialista no assunto.
b) destaca a importncia de programas como Autocoder e I. Os cursos da NMSU abrangem as reas de magistrio,
Assembler, assim como COBOL, RPG, Visual Basic e C++. engenharia, hotelaria e artes cnicas.
c) discute o tipo de uso que Leonardo da Vinci faria, caso II. A NMSU, por ser a melhor instituio de ensino superior
tivesse um computador porttil. do estado, afirma que o sucesso profissional dos graduados
d) mostra a importncia das relaes humanas no uso do garantido.
computador. III. A partir do slogan da NMSU, infere-se que o aluno ser
e) apresenta ao usurio possibilidades de diferentes usos do capaz de aprender no apenas o contedo pragmtico das
computador, dentre eles, para negcios eletrnicos. disciplinas, mas tambm a harmoniz-los com as vicissitudes
da vida cotidiana.
012 | ITA 2009 IV. As reas de estudo mencionadas no anncio podem ser
Com relao a Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to encontradas em todos os cinco campi da NMSU.
Change What We Think and Do, analise as afirmaes a
seguir: Agora, marque a opo correta:

I. O trabalho foi idealizado no Laboratrio de Tecnologia a) H apenas uma assero correta.

Persuasiva da Universidade de Stanford e consiste na stima b) H somente duas asseres incorretas.
criao intelectual do autor. c) As quatro asseres esto corretas.
II. Ao propor um novo conceito na rea computacional, o d) As quatro asseres esto incorretas.
autor destaca mudanas de atitude ou de comportamento e) Apenas as asseres mpares esto corretas.
dos usurios.
III. A obra argumenta que uma pgina da web deve ser 014 | JFS 2012
confivel para seduzir o usurio. What we are seeing increasingly is a society of private
affluence and public squalor.
Est(o) correta(s)
A principal idia contida na sentena acima expressa:
a) apenas a I.
b) apenas a II. a) contraste.
c) apenas a III. b) evoluo.
d) apenas I e II. c) crtica.
e) apenas II e III. d) ironia.
e) inexorabilidade.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Looking for love? Formula isn't online, report says If youre looking for love online, Finkel says, your
best bet is to save your money and stick with the less-
If youre bemoaning the lack of a Valentine, chances expensive websites in which you browse profiles, as
are youve turned to what seem like a gazillion dating opposed to those that try to make matches for you.
websites for help. But, warns Finkel, who met his wife the old-
Buyer beware, though, caution a team of fashioned way through a fix-up arranged by their
psychologists whove just published a lengthy report about grandmothers, get offline fairly quickly, because youre
online dating, now a billion-dollar industry. never going to be able to figure out from a profile and some
There are sites that will tell you, based on decades emails whether youre compatible with somebody.
of scientific research and basic math, we can find your
compatible mate for you, says lead author Eli Finkel, an Adapted from
associate professor of social psychology at Northwestern
University. Thats a pretty tantalizing offer. 015 | JFS 2012
The problem, Finkel says, is that these websites Os termos bemoaning (1 pargrafo), tantalizing (3
have no scientific evidence to back up their claims that they pargrafo), ranging (11 pargrafo) e fairly (16 pargrafo)
can find your soulmate. podem ser substitudos, respectivamente, por:
Well of course they dont. Science and romance go
together like Demi and Ashton, right? a) lamenting, fascinating, fluctuating e scantily.
Actually, Finkel says, scientists have been studying b) regretting, teasing, varying e pretty.
relationships for 80 years or so. And one thing is clear: Its c) complaining, charming, wandering e willingly.
impossible to determine that two people have what it takes d) weeping for, harassing, stretching e barely.
to maintain a long-term relationship before theyve even e) gloating, taunting, reaching e quite.
Research has shown that three types of information 016 | JFS 2012
are needed to predict whether a couple will fall in love and Levando em considerao o contexto, preencha correta e
stay in love, Finkel says. coerentemente a lacuna presente no 14 pargrafo:
One is demographics. It helps if a potential mate is
age and geographically appropriate. a) each other
A second, says Finkel: What are the actual dynamics b) one another
between two people who have met? c) themselves
And last, What are the life circumstances that d) them
affect the couple? Finkel says. Theres no way they could e) everyone
possibly know that a hurricane or a cancer diagnosis or a
sexy coworker is around the corner. 017 | JFS 2012
Probably the best-known matchmaking website is De acordo com o texto, marque o item correto., which charges $59.95 for a months
subscription. eHarmony asks clients approximately 250 a) Os sites de relacionamento utilizam eficientes mtodos
questions about 29 dimensions of compatibility, ranging matemticos para relacionarem os usurios com os
from conflict resolution to kindness to ambition. eHarmonys parceiros mais possivelmente equivalentes.
matching algorithm is proprietary, so the company did not b) Cincia e romance so completamente incompatveis, da
share it with Finkel and his coauthors. a ineficincia dos sites de relacionamento.
In a statement, spokeswoman Becky Teraoka said c) Os psiclogos que realizaram o estudo feito sobre os sites
the proof of eHarmonys success is in the numbers. On de relacionamento concluram que impossvel determinar
average, she said, 542 people marry in the U.S. each day as a o grau de compatibilidade entre duas pessoas antes delas se
result of being matched on eHarmony, according to a 2009 conhecerem pessoalmente.
study conducted for the website by Harris Interactive. d) Os fatores determinantes, utilizados pelos sites de
eHarmonys matching system is based on years of relacionamento, para que duas pessoas se apaixonem e
empirical and clinical research on married couples, Teraoka tenham uma unio duradoura so idade, proximidade
said. As part of this work, we have studied what aspects of geogrfica, dinamismo conjugal e questes circunstanciais.
personality, values and interest, and how pairs match on e) Eli Finkel e sua equipe no tiveram acesso ao algoritmo
them, are most predictive of relationship satisfaction. utilizado pelo site de relacionamentos eHarmony.

Finkel isnt convinced. Speed-dating, which hes also

studied, can tell prospective mates more about __________
than profiles from a website, he says. The human mind was
built to size people up pretty quickly. The human mind was
not built to browse a profile and figure out whether
somebody is compatible.
Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Extract 1 018 | EFOMM 2012
According to the first extract, it is correct to say that:
Japans ship yards remain intact after quake
a) Japanese ship yards that build large vessels were virtually
Japans major ship yards escaped the full impact of
unharmed by the impact of the tsunami.
the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that struck the
b) all Japanese ship yards are not located on the path of the
northeastern coast of the country with full force. An official
at the Japan Ship Exporters Association said the devastating
c) Japanese ship yards located on the path of the tsunami
natural disaster will have no impact on future export ship
were slightly affected by the devastating waves.
orders at all. Although several small ship yards in the
d) shipyards in northwestern Japan were the most affected
quake-hit areas were affected, major Japanese ship yards
by the earthquake and tsunami.
that build large vessels for exports are concentrated in
e) the earthquake and tsunami will have a big impact on the
western Japan and remain intact, the official said. Mitsui
Japanese ship yard industry over the next decade.
Engineering & Ship building sustained slight material
damages in the companys Kasai Center and Chiba Works
019 | EFOMM 2012
but did not consider such slight damages would cause
Read the following piece from extract 1 The rotational
serious impact on operations. The rotational schedule of
schedule of interruption of power supply due to the
interruption of power supply due to the earthquake may
earthquake may affect our operation at our works and
affect our operation at our works and subsidiaries. However,
subsidiaries. It may be inferred that:
the degree of the impact is not known now, the company
said in a statement. Japanese export ship orders rose for the
a) Operations will be greatly affected by the constant
15th consecutive month in February on a year-on-year basis.
interruption of power supply.
Japanese ship builders received orders for 277 export vessels
b) The earthquake caused the interruption of power supply
259 bulk carriers, 10 oil tankers and eight general cargo
without any consequences to the operations.
vessels in the April-February period.
c) Some operations are expected to be affected by the
Adapted from, interruption of power supply.
March 2011 d) Subsidiaries and works will benefit from the power supply
due to the earthquake.
Extract 2 e) Power supply was not affected by the earthquake and
operations will continue.
Tsunami Debris Expected on U.S. Shores in 3 Years
020 | EFOMM 2012
The powerful tsunami triggered by the 9.0 Japanese According to the following segment from the first extract:
earthquake destroyed coastal towns near Sendai, washing
such things as houses and cars into the ocean. Projections of Japanese export ship orders rose for the 15th consecutive
where this debris might head have been made at the month in February on a year-on-year basis.
International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii at
Manoa. What their model predicts about the tsunami debris
a) The information above is collected every 15 months.
is that they first spread out eastward from the Japan Coast b) The passage investigates the decrease in the number of
in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. In a year, the ship orders.
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument will see c) The figures above were released before the tsunami.
pieces washing up on its shores; in two years, the remaining d) One can tell for sure that Japanese ship orders were
Hawaiian islands will see some effects; in three years, the decreasing just before the tsunami.
plume will reach the US West Coast, dumping debris on e) Japanese ship orders have increased for over a year.
Californian beaches and the beaches of British Columbia,
Alaska, and Baja California. The debris will then drift into the 021 | EFOMM 2012
famous floating junkyard, the North Pacific Garbage Patch, According to the second extract, the model developed by
where it will wander around and break into smaller and the International Pacific Research Center intends to:
smaller pieces. In five years, Hawaii shore scan expect to see
another barrage of debris that is stronger and longer-lasting a) predict the movement of tsunamis in the ocean.
than the first one. Much of the debris leaving the North
b) study the movement of litter in the ocean.
Pacific Garbage Patch ends upon Hawaiis reef sand beaches.
c) indicate the amount of garbage dumped in the ocean.
These model projections will help to guide clean-up and
d) collect the Japanese tsunami debris to clean the ocean.
tracking operations. e) spread the debris in the ocean after the tsunami.
Adapted from,

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
022 | EFOMM 2012 But when they have excessive faith in these models,
Extract 2 explains that the North Pacific Garbage Patch: it's not justified. Math starts with assumptions; the real
world does not work that way. Economics, which calls itself a
a) was formed after the Japanese tsunami. science, too often doesn't start with looking at empirical
b) will reach the shores of the US West Coast. facts in any great detail. Fifteen years ago even the idea of
c) is formed by the garbage dumped on US shores. looking at huge amounts of data did not exist. With a limited
d) is formed by the accumulation of garbage in the ocean. amount of data, the chance of a rare event is very low,
e) releases debris that will eventually end up in Baja which gave some economists a false sense of security that
California. long-tail events did not exist.

Wall Street's wild swings last week helped skew Why do you argue that financial markets are ruled not by
both retirement portfolios and mathematical models of the Gaussian functions but by power laws relations in which
financial markets. After all, a standard Gaussian function the frequency of one event varies as a power of some
attribute of that event and are generally more L-shape than
a bell curve would predict that such extreme dips and
rises would be exceedingly rare and not prone to following bell shape?
one after the other on succeeding days. For anything that is random and fluctuating, like a
Gaussian functions might be able to describe the financial market, a Gaussian function is a wonderful way to
distribution of grades in a big college class, with most make a histogram of the outcome. If the things that
students getting, say, B/C+, and enable you to predict how fluctuate are not correlated at all with __________ (III), then
many students will get A's or fail. But evidently, they do a it's demonstrable that a Gaussian function is the correct
poor job at explaining steep fluctuations in stock prices, histogram. The catch is: in a financial market, everything is
__________ (I) some economists and modelers think they correlated. The proof of that is that if the stock market were
are the best tool available to describe financial markets. Gaussian, then you'd never have a flash crash*. ()
So can any math accurately describe market
behavior and enable you to beat it? To find out, Scientific Adapted from
American spoke with statistical physicist H. Eugene Stanley
of Boston University, a proponent of applying the * The Flash Crash was a United States stock market crash on
approaches and concepts of physics to economics. May 6, 2010 in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Can mathematical models beat markets? plunged about 900 points or about nine percent only
to recover those losses within minutes. (From Wikipedia)
They haven't yet. Science is about empirical fact.
There is no question that optimistic people think they can 023 | JFS 2011
beat the market, but they don't do it consistently with H. Eugene Stanley:
mathematical models. No model can consistently predict the
future. It can't possibly be. a) acredita que a aplicabilidade da funo gaussiana para se
So what can math predict? fazer previses sobre o comportamento dos mercados
financeiros vlida, porm falha.
What you can do is predict the risk of a given event. b) acredita que o mtodo utilizado pelas companhias de
The risk just means the chance that something bad will seguro para fazer previses pode ser aplicado ao mercado
happen, for example. That you can do with increasing financeiro de maneira mais eficiente do que os mtodos
accuracy because we have more and more data. It's like vigentes.
insurance companies: they cannot tell you when you are c) acredita que a f depositada pelos economistas, que
going to die, but they can predict the risk that you will die utilizam a anlise quantitativa para fazer transaes
given the right information. You can do the same thing with comerciais, em seus modelos no justificada.
stocks. If you lose less, you get ahead of those __________ d) acredita que a falsa sensao de segurana, sentida pelos
(II) lose more. economistas, justificada pela grande quantidade de dados
Why do economists and "quants" those who use estatsticos que eles costumam coletar sobre os mercados
quantitative analysis to make financial trades have such financeiros.
faith in their mathematical models then? e) acredita que a aplicao da funo gaussiana na anlise
dos mercados financeiros faria com que o cenrio de ocorrer
If they're just to reduce risk, then they're very um flash crash fosse menos provvel.
valuable. If you're worried, for example, about the segment
of the Chinese economy that deals with steel, you make a
model of what that whole market is all about and then you
see if we did this what would likely happen. They're right
some of the time. It's better than nothing.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
024 | JFS 2011 028 | AFA 2011
As lacunas I, II e III, presentes no texto, devem ser The text affirms that:
preenchidas, respectivamente, por:
a) days of Apartheid were extinguished as well as the
a) I. although II. which III. one another prejudice against black football players.
b) I. however II. who III. each other b) the pioneers of profession football in South Africa were
c) I. although II. who III. one another basically white.
d) I. however II. whom III. each other c) there are no more organizations (professional or amateur)
e) I. although II. whom III. one another like the ones from the past.
d) in early 50s in South Africa there werent amateur
025 | JFS 2011 football clubs anymore.
De acordo com o texto:

a) as oscilaes do mercado financeiro podem ser

comparadas aos altos e baixos que a maioria dos estudantes
de ensino mdio enfrenta no que diz respeitos s notas dos
exames avaliativos.
b) a mais recente crise em Wall Street poderia ter sido
prevista se a funo gaussiana tivesse sido aplicada
c) uma curva de sino, considerada padro quando a funo
gaussiana aplicada, indica que oscilaes no mercado de
aes so raras, embora suscetveis a serem constantes.
d) h outros mtodos, alm da funo gaussiana, que
permitem aos economistas fazer anlises dos mercados
e) apenas frmulas matemticas e conceitos fsicos
conseguem descrever o comportamento dos mercados
financeiros de maneira precisa. Adapted from

026 | JFS 2011 029 | AFA 2011

Marque o ttulo que melhor contempla o tema do texto. According to the cartoon, FIFA:

a) How to Cope with the Financial Markets Crisis? a) pretends to improve the world.
b) The Stock Markets Flash Crash b) has more ambitious purposes than the others.
c) Economy & Mathematics: How to Join Forces and Solve c) wants to have control over the Roman, Genghis Kans, and
Crises? British Empires.
d) The Financial Markets Mathematical Revolution d) mustnt be considered an empire.
e) Can Math Beat Financial Markets?
With the 2014 World Cup being awarded to Brazil, it
When football __________ professional in South could be easily argued that football is going home. Ok, so
Africa in 1959, 12 clubs broke from the amateur ranks. football originated in Britain and we invented the game but
However, in the strict days of Apartheid, these pioneers the Brazilians have perfected it. Theyve taken the game to
_____ whites-only organizations and __________ today, all their hearts and elevated it to the extent that it is a religion
but a few, defunct. One of the survivors is Arcadia from to the people. The blue and yellow clad players of Brazil
Tshwane/ Pretoria, an outfit that today competes in the have given us some memorable moments and play the game
amateur ranks and concentrates on junior football. with a style and rhythm that no other nation on earth seems
capable of. The game is played to a samba beat that runs
Adapted from through the heart and soul of the entire country. When they
are on song, they are unstoppable and people the world
027 | AFA 2011 over clamour to see them play. Chances are, if you asked
Mark the alternative which completes the gaps from the text people to name the team they want to see win aside from
correctly. their own it would be the magicians from Brazil.
a) had gone have been were
Adapted from
b) went were are
c) have been have been would be
d) was had been will be

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
030 | JFS 2011 033 | JFS 2011
O autor do texto acredita que: The couple in the cartoon:

a) a religio e o futebol so as duas principais paixes do a) has two kids.

povo brasileiro. b) has just had a baby.
b) os brasileiros foram os principais responsveis pela c) cheers for different soccer teams.
profissionalizao do futebol. d) enjoys soccer.
c) pessoas de outras nacionalidades tambm torcem pela e) has a very busy routine.
seleo brasileira de futebol.
d) os momentos mais marcantes da histria do futebol
mundial foram concebidos pela seleo brasileira.
e) vrias outras selees do mundo tentam, em vo, imitar o
estilo de jogo da seleo brasileira.

TV Will Save the World

In a lot of places, its the next big thing

By Charles Kenny

Forget Twitter and Facebook, Google and the

Kindle. Forget the latest sleek iGadget. Television is still the
most influential medium around. Indeed, for many of the
poorest regions of the world, it remains the next big thing
poised, finally, to attain truly global ubiquity. And that is a
good thing, because the TV revolution is changing lives for
the better.
Across the developing world, around 45% of
households had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had
climbed above 60%. That's some way behind the U.S., where
there are more TVs than people, but it dwarfs worldwide
Adapted from Internet access. Five million more households in sub-
Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years. In 2005,
031 | JFS 2011 after the fall of the Taliban, which had outlawed TV, 1 in 5
The expression run a couple of errands (1 balloon) means Afghans had one. The global total is another 150 million by
the same as: 2013 pushing the numbers to well beyond two-thirds of
a) do tides of chores.
Television's most transformative impact will be on
b) pay two bills.
the lives of women. In India, researchers Robert Jensen and
c) do some shopping.
Emily Oster found that when cable TV reached villages,
d) do a few tasks.
women were more likely to go to the market without their
e) correct some mistakes.
husbands' permission and less likely to want a boy rather
than a girl. They were more likely to make decisions over
032 | JFS 2011
nd child health care and less likely to think that men had the
In the 2 balloon, take-out is a kind of:
right to beat their wives. TV is also a powerful medium for
a) container. adult education. In the Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is
b) package. a hugely popular show that plays Bollywood song and dance
c) meal. clips. The routines are subtitled in Gujarati. Within six
d) food. months, viewers had made a small but significant
e) duty. improvement in their reading skills.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Too much TV has been associated with violence, Why Urban, Educated Parents Are Turning to DIY Education
obesity and social isolation. But TV is having a positive
impact on the lives of billions worldwide, and as the spread They raise chickens. They grow vegetables. They knit. Now a
of mobile TV, video cameras and YouTube democratize both new generation of urban parents is even teaching their own
access and content, it will become an even greater force for kids.
humbling tyrannical governments and tyrannical husbands

Kenny, a development economist, is the

author of a forthcoming book on
innovation, ideas and the global standard
of living

Adapted from

034 | ITA 2011

De acordo com o texto, o argumento que melhor justifica o
ttulo TV Will Save the World :

a) a TV se tornar um meio ainda mais importante para In the beginning, your kids need you a lot. Theyre
enfraquecer governos e maridos tirnicos. attached to your hip, all the time. It might be a month. It
b) a TV possibilitar melhoras na educao dos adultos, might be five years. Then suddenly you are __________ (I) to
principalmente no desenvolvimento das habilidades de send them off to school for seven hours a day, where theyll
leitura. have to cope with life in ways they never had to before. You
c) a TV continuar exercendo um impacto positivo nos pases no longer control what they learn, or how, or with whom.
em desenvolvimento. Unless you decide, like an emerging population of
d) a TV propiciar a diminuio da obesidade, da violncia e parents in cities across the country, to forgo that age-old rite
do isolamento social. of passage entirely.
e) a TV trar melhoras para a vida de mulheres afegs. When Tera and Eric Schreibers oldest child was
about to start kindergarten, the couple toured the
035 | ITA 2011 __________ (II) public elementary school a block away from
Sobre a presena da TV no mundo, o texto informa que: their home in an affluent Seattle neighborhood near the
University of Washington. It was a great neighborhood
a) em pases em desenvolvimento, haver mais aparelhos de school, Tera says. They also applied to a private school, and
TV do que pessoas at 2013. Daisy was accepted. But in the end they chose a third path:
b) at 2013, mais de 2/3 das famlias, em todo o mundo, no school at all.
tero aparelhos de TV. Eric, 38, is a manager at Microsoft. Tera, 39, had
c) depois da queda do Talib, a TV foi declarada ilegal e already traded a career as a lawyer for one as a nonprofit
poucos afegos possuem um aparelho. executive, which allowed her more time with her kids. But
d) em 2005, nos pases em desenvolvimento, o nmero de more turned into all when she decided that instead of
televisores diminuiu drasticamente. working, she would homeschool her daughters: Daisy, now
e) nos pases que possuem o maior nmero de televisores, o 9; Ginger, 7; and Violet, 4.
acesso Internet tambm proporcionalmente maior. We think of homeschoolers as evangelicals or off-
the-gridders who spend a lot of time at kitchen tables in the
036 | ITA 2011 countryside. And its true that most __________ (III) parents
Segundo o texto, um dos impactos que a TV a cabo trouxe do so for moral or religious reasons. But education observers
para a vida das mulheres indianas foi que elas: believe that is changing. You only have to go to a downtown
Starbucks or art museum in the middle of a weekday to see
a) passaram a gostar de ir ao mercado sem a permisso de that a once-unconventional choice has become newly
seus maridos. fashionable, says Mitchell Stevens, a Stanford professor
b) ficaram menos propensas a preferir ter um filho a uma who wrote Kingdom of Children, a history of homeschooling.
filha. There are an estimated 300,000 homeschooled children in
c) se mostraram mais dispostas a fazer compras sozinhas. Americas cities, many of them children of secular, highly
d) ainda acham que os maridos tm o direito de agredir suas educated professionals who always figured theyd send their
esposas, apesar de j criticarem esta prtica. kids to school until they came to think, Hey, maybe we
e) no gostam mais de tomar decises sobre os cuidados could do better.
com a sade das crianas.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
When Laurie Block Spigel, a homeschooling 037 | JFS 2012
consultant, pulled her kids out of school in New York in the Preencha as lacunas I, II, III, IV e V correta e coerentemente:
mid-1990s, I had some of my closest friends and relatives
telling me I was ruining my childrens lives. Now, she says, a) I. expecting II. high-achieving III. homeschooling IV.
the parents that I meet arent afraid to talk about it. upbringing V. breast-fed
Theyre doing this proudly. b) I. expecting II. highly-achieved III. homeschooling IV.
Many of these parents feel that city schools or any upbringing V. breast-fed
schools dont provide the kind of education they want for c) I. expected II. highly-achieving III. homeschooled IV.
their kids. Just as much, though, their choice to homeschool upbrought V. breast-feeding
is a more extreme example of a larger modern parenting d) I. expected II. high-achieving III. homeschooling IV.
ethos: that children are individuals, each deserving a upbringing V. breast-fed
uniquely curated __________ (IV). That peer influence can e) I. expected II. high-achieving III. homeschooled IV.
be noxious. (Bullying is no longer seen as a harmless rite of upbringing V. breast-feeding
passage.) That DIY be it gardening, knitting, or raising
chickens is something educated urbanites should embrace. 038 | JFS 2012
That we might create a sense of security in our kids by Segundo o texto:
practicing attachment parenting, an increasingly popular
approach that involves round-the-clock physical contact with a) os pais perdem o controle sobre os filhos quando estes
children and immediate responses to all their cues. comeam a frequentar a escola.
Even many attachment adherents, though, may b) o ato de se enviar os filhos para a escola considerado
have trouble envisioning spending almost all their time with um ritual completamente ultrapassado.
their kids for 18 years! For Tera Schreiber, it was a natural c) as pessoas que normalmente optam pela educao fora
transition. When you have kept your kids so close, literally da escola so evanglicas ou que vivem em reas isoladas e,
she __________ (V) her youngest till Violet was 4 it can be portanto, desprovidas de escolas.
a shock to send them away. d) bastante comum encontrar pais que optaram pela
Teras kids didnt particularly enjoy day care or educao fora da escola ensinando seus filhos em locadoras
preschool. The Schreibers wanted a gentler system for de filmes e museus.
Daisy; she was a perfectionist who they thought might worry e) o bullying est entre as principais causas que tm levado
too much about measuring up. They knew homeschooling muitos norte-americanos a tirarem seus filhos da escola e
families in their neighborhood and envied their easygoing educarem-nos em casa.
pace and flexibility late bedtimes, vacations when
everyone else is at school or work. Above all, they wanted to 039 | JFS 2012
preserve, for as long as possible, a certain approach to Marque o item correto.
Several homeschooling moms would first tell me, I a) A educao domiciliar permite que os pais ensinem
know this sounds selfish, and then say they feared that if atividades do dia-a-dia aos filhos.
their kids were in school, theyd just get the exhausted b) O fato de se passar o dia todo com os filhos pode ter um
leftovers at the end of the day. Says Rebecca Wald, a lado negativo: a possibilidade de se criar um indivduo
Baltimore homeschooler, Once we had a child and I realized inseguro e despreparado para o convvio em sociedade.
how fun it was to see her discover stuff about the world, I c) A flexibilidade da educao domiciliar permite s famlias
thought, why would I want to let a teacher have all that que optam por tal sistema que tenham mais perodos de
fun? () frias do que as que adotam o mtodo convencional.
For many of the homeschoolers I met, family is d) Os pais que escolheram a educao domiciliar como
more: the very focus of their lives. And they wouldnt want it forma de ensinarem seus filhos so comumente taxados de
any other way. One comfort Tera and Eric Schreiber held on egostas.
to when they started homeschooling was that if it wasnt e) A criana educada a partir da educao domiciliar precisa
working out, they could enroll the girls in school, literally the ter seu desenvolvimento avaliado anualmente pelos pais.
next day. That developed into an annual reassessment. By
now their rhythms are deeply their own; they are embedded 040 | JFS 2012
in a community they love. And at the college up the road A opo que descreve a palavra secular (5 pargrafo) :
there are plenty of calculus tutors, should they need them
one day. a) very old.
b) not having any connection with religion.
Adapted from c) vastly experienced.
d) upper middle class.
e) skilled.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
041 | JFS 2012 043 | ITA 2011
No 3 pargrafo, o vocbulo affluent pode ser definido Assinale uma caracterstica, associada Frmula 1, que NO
como: foi considerada como essencial pelo anunciante.

a) wealthy. a) velocidade
b) cozy. b) compromisso
c) developing. c) preciso
d) peaceful. d) exigncia
e) bustling. e) trabalho em equipe

044 | ITA 2011

Escolha o termo cuja funo gramatical e significado se
HE MAKES aproximam do vocbulo drive, na chamada do anncio.

FORMULA ONE a) comandar

b) percurso
HAPPEN c) dirigir
d) dirigente
WITH ENERGY, e) determinao

045 | ITA 2011

DRIVE AND VISION. O texto informa que Bernie Ecclestone:

SO DO WE. a) administra a Frmula 1.

b) um esportista famoso.
c) um piloto prestigiado na Frmula 1.
Bernie Ecclestone runs the worlds most prestigious sport. d) tem prestgio em todo o mundo.
One reason, five continents, 12 teams and over half a billion e) um dos diretores da empresa anunciante.
fans worldwide. It means compromise is not an option, and
it means that speed, teamwork and precision are essential.
That`s why the man at the top demands the best. And thats
why he chose us to be the official __________ partner of F1,
ensuring that the entire sport is delivered across the globe.

Excellence. Simply delivered.

Adapted from TIME, May 24, 2010

Adapted from
042 | ITA 2011 046 | JFS 2012
Assinale a opo que preenche corretamente a lacuna Consoante o autor do livro que Charlie Brown est lendo, as
presente no texto e que indica o tipo de servio ofertado crianas so muito observadoras. Qual das opes abaixo
pelo anunciante. no contm relao semntica, em ingls, ao vocbulo em
a) sports
b) environmental a) Watchful.
c) logistics b) Perceptive.
d) finance c) Overlooking.
e) economy d) Discerning.
e) Insightful.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
047 | JFS 2012 Soon enough, say some engineers, miniature
A mensagem transmitida pela charge denota, em especial: wireless sensors will be located in spots where it would be
inconvenient, to say the least, to change their batteries
a) Incoerncia. inside your body, within the steel and concrete of buildings,
b) Contradio. in the dangerous innards of chemical plants. But today, even
c) Incerteza. the most robust nodes can be counted on to last only a few
d) Equvoco. years. Ideally, engineers need wireless sensors that can last
e) Afirmao. forever without external power sources or battery changes.
According to research presented in December at the
048 | JFS 2012 International Electron Devices Meeting, in Baltimore, that
O vocbulo rather, no 3 quadrinho, equivale a: dream is within reach.

a) wholly. 051 | IME 2011

b) fairly. What inconvenience is mentioned in the text?
c) slightly.
d) enough. a) The fact that batteries are not lifetime loaded.
e) somewhat. b) The spots where wireless sensors are placed nowadays.
c) The micro size of wireless sensors.
The history of technology is full of breakthroughs in d) To use wireless sensors inside the body.
one field that wound up working wonders in a related one. e) That buildings are made of steel and concrete.
The 300B vacuum tube, introduced by Western Electric in
1937 to amplify telephone signals, found a far more 052 | IME 2011
enduring use as a high-fidelity audio amplifier. The atomic What does the sentence According to research presented in
clocks first used in the 1960s by the U.S. military to track December at the International Electron Devices Meeting, in
Sputnik and later to validate Albert Einsteins relativity Baltimore, that dream is within reach. imply about the text?
theories are now the basis of Global Positioning System. And
of course, the magnetron, invented in the 1920s at General a) In December engineers will come out with a solution for
Electric and used in radars during World War II, later found the problem.
itself repurposed as the basis for the microwave oven. b) At the International Electron Devices Meeting dreams are
049 | IME 2011 c) The International Electron Devices Meeting is the ideal
According to the text, what is correct to say? meeting to discuss new versions of wireless sensors.
d) Engineers at the International Electron Devices Meeting
a) The 300B vacuum tube is used in car engines to amplify
dream about new inventions in the field of wireless sensors.
the audio communications systems.
e) It will be possible to produce wireless sensors whose
b) The atomic clocks are now applied to a different device
batteries wont need to be recharged.
than that of its original idealization.
c) The history of technology has proved that it may wound
053 | IME 2011
humans due to its versatility.
The expression to say the least in the text suggests that:
d) The atomic clocks were used to play song tracks in high
a) the situation mentioned may be more than just
fidelity quality.
e) The Global Positioning System was validated by Albert
b) there is a list of technological researches that could solve
Einsteins relativity theories.
the case presented in the text.
050 | IME 2011 c) sensors used inside human body are inconvenient.
According to the text, complete the sentence: The d) wireless sensors used within the steel and concrete
microwave oven buildings are a reachable dream.
e) engineers need a sensor that can last forever without
a) relies on the proper function of radars. external power sources or battery changes.
b) and the magnetron were repurposed after their
inventions. 054 | JFS 2010
c) is one more example of the technological inventions "Many OECD economies are in, or are on the verge of, a
which have benefited from the innovations generated protracted recession of a magnitude not experienced since
during the space race. the early 1980s,'' OECD Chief Economist Klaus Schmidt-
d) and radars used during the World War II both count on Hebbel warned.
the magnetron as one of its components.
e) was first idealized at General Electric. The highlighted expression means the same as:

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
a) on edge 055 | JFS 2012
b) in the neighborhood of No 1 pargrafo do texto, o vocbulo then, utilizado na
c) on the brink of construo then-manager, possui relao semntica com
d) in the vicinity of qual das seguintes opes?
e) surroundings
a) latter
Twenty years ago, when Paul McCartney turned b) former
50, he remembers his then-manager pushing the idea of c) so
retirement. "It's only right," he was told. "You really don't d) late
want to go beyond 50, it's going to get embarrassing." In e) still
June, McCartney will be 70 ("I'm never going to believe I'm
70, I don't care what you say," he says. "There's a little cell in 056 | JFS 2012
my brain that's never going to believe that"), and he still has A expresso on the cards (2 pargrafo) utilizada pelo ex-
no plans to stop touring or recording. "You get the argument Beatle Paul McCartney para indicar que ele:
'Make way for the young kids,'" he says. "And you think,
'Forget that, let them make way for themselves. If they're a) no pensa em tirar frias.
better than me, they'll beat me.' Foo Fighters don't have a b) deseja tirar frias mais longas.
problem, they're good. They'll do their thing. c) considera a idia de tirar mais frias.
"If you're enjoying it, why do something else? And d) sabe que precisa descansar mais.
what would you do? Well, a good answer is 'Take more e) pensa em aproveitar mais feriados.
holidays,' which is definitely on the cards, but I don't seem
to do that. I love what I do so much that I don't really want 057 | JFS 2012
to stop. I'm just kind of casually keeping an eye on how I De acordo com o texto:
feel, and onstage, it feels like it's always felt. So for the time
being, the band's hot, I'm really enjoying myself, still singing a) Paul McCartney no gosta do fato de estar prestes a
like I sang, not experiencing, touch wood, any sort of completar 70 anos.
problems to speak of. If it ain't broke, don't fix it." b) Faz 20 anos que Paul pensou pela ltima vez na hiptese
It doesn't hurt that his touring schedule has been de se aposentar.
reduced to shorter, intense bursts in recent years, largely c) A idia de se aposentar e dedicar-se aos filhos no agrada
because of his shared-custody arrangement for his eight- a McCartney.
year-old, Beatrice. "We don't do the big sloggo tour, we d) O ex-Beatle no teme ser superado pelos artistas mais
don't do the big U2-Stones go-out-forever thing, and get a novos.
bit fed up with it," says McCartney, who's planning some e) Apesar de no gostar do Foo Fighters, McCartney respeita
dates for later this year. "What we do now is events and o trabalho da banda.
selective dates. Because of my custody situation, I can only
do that. At first, we thought, 'Oh, God, is this going to be a 058 | JFS 2012
problem?' and it's actually turned out to be some kind of a Consoante o texto, Paul McCartney:
He can see himself rocking well into his eighties. "I a) costuma analisar seu trabalho no palco como forma de se
can imagine it," he says. "As to whether my imagination will autocriticar.
come true, I don't know. The last couple of years, I've gotten b) ao comentar sobre no ter problemas com sua voz,
into guitar so there's all sorts of little things that crop up demonstra-se uma pessoa supersticiosa.
that entice you forward, and you go, 'Hmm, I'd like that.'" c) apesar de no demonstrar abertamente, lamenta o fato
I broach the idea of actually dying onstage de no poder fazer turns mais longas em virtude de sua
would he be into it? He recoils slightly, then smiles. "What filha mais nova.
kind of question is that? I must say, that's not in my d) planeja continuar tocando mesmo quando estiver um
imagination. Rocking on until a grand old age... the only roqueiro oitento.
thing would be when it's not pleasant anymore, then it e) tem medo de estender sua carreira por tanto tempo que
would be 'That's a good time to stop.' But it's way too acabe por morrer durante uma apresentao.
pleasant at the moment. And it pays. Good gig, man. But I
know exactly where you're coming from, though. How long 059 | JFS 2012
can this go on...?" He's a desk-bound pen pusher who dreams of trekking
through jungles.
Adapted from
Slightly altered O homem descrito acima:

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
a) trabalha em um banco. 060 | ITA 2011
b) funcionrio pblico. De acordo com o ttulo e o subttulo do texto, avatares:
c) um trabalhador de colarinho branco.
d) atua na rea administrativa. a) proporcionam efeitos teraputicos e ajudam a prevenir
e) tem um trabalho enfadonho. doenas como a fobia social.
b) so verses imaginrias e mais atraentes de ns mesmos.
Our Imaginary, Hotter Selves c) so mais confiveis e, por isso, no despertam fobias.
Avatars might serve therapeutic purposes, d) tm uma proposta de entretenimento, que torna as
helping those with social phobia become more confident. pessoas mais sociveis.
e) so mais confiveis do que algumas propostas
By Sharon Begley teraputicas disponveis em nossa sociedade.

Anyone who has ever had a bad hair day, when 061 | ITA 2011
looking like a latter-day Medusa makes you feel cranky and Assinale a opo CORRETA.
antisocial and plodding, can sympathize with the Oakland
Raiders and not because the players get helmet hair. The a) Os estudiosos da Universidade de Stanford no
Raiders alternated between mostly black and mostly white consideraram, em seus experimentos, a descoberta
uniforms, depending on whether they were playing at home realizada em 1988, cuja explicao ainda controversa.
or away. Knowing that appearance affects people's mood b) Psiclogos ainda questionam se, de fato, a aparncia afeta
and outlook, psychologists wondered whether uniform color o humor e opinio das pessoas.
influenced the Raiders' aggressiveness. Using data from the c) Jeremy Bailenson e Nick Yee afirmam que a aparncia
1970s and 1980s, they found that the team racked up way transforma o modo como as pessoas nos tratam e disso
more penalty yards a measure of aggression when they depende a maneira como percebemos a ns mesmos.
wore black than when they wore white, for infractions both d) A aparncia fsica afeta o comportamento das pessoas e
minor (encroachment) and major (roughing the kicker). The traz consequncias para o mundo real e no apenas para o
pattern held even when the scientists took into account virtual.
different conditions and styles of play at home and away. e) O foco dos estudiosos est no figurino dos avatares e no
But while the 1988 finding has become a classic in modo como isso afeta a agressividade dos jogadores.
psychology, the explanation remains controversial. Do
referees, because of black's cultural baggage, see black-clad 062 | ITA 2011
players as meaner and badder than those in, say, baby blue? Assinale a opo em que o referente do pronome est
Or does wearing black make players see themselves as INCORRETO.
tougher and meaner and therefore cause them to play that
way? a) they (linha 10) em they found that raiders
Jeremy Bailenson and Nick Yee of Stanford b) they (linha 11) em they wore black raiders
University had this and other classic studies in mind when c) those (linha 19) em than those in, say, baby blue?
they started wondering about the effect of being able to players
alter one's appearance. They weren't going to study d) them (linha 21) em cause them to play players
wardrobe choices, however. Their quarry is avatars, digital e) Their (linha 27) em their quarry Bailenson and Yees
representations of players in such games as Second Life.
"Your physical appearance changes how people treat you," 063 | ITA 2011
says Bailenson. "But independent of that, when you perceive A measure of aggression (linha 11), encroachment (linha 13),
yourself in a certain way, you act differently." He and Yee roughing the kicker (linha 13) e digital representations of
call it "the Proteus effect," after the shape-changing Greek players (linhas 27/28) tm, respectivamente, valor
god. The effect of appearance on behavior, they find, carries semntico de:
over from the virtual world to the real one, with intriguing
consequences. () a) exemplificao explicao exemplificao explicao
b) explicao exemplificao explicao explicao
Adapted from c) explicao exemplificao exemplificao
Acesso em 5/6/2010. exemplificao
d) explicao exemplificao exemplificao explicao
e) exemplificao explicao explicao exemplificao

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Cezanne Becomes Priciest Painting Ever 065 | JFS 2012
Qual dos seguintes pares de adjetivos pode formar o grau
superlativo da mesma forma que the most expensive e the
highest, respectivamente?

a) lavish handsome
b) active useful
c) famous boring
d) tired acid
e) eager complex

A collaboration __________ Google and 17 of the

world's top art galleries and museums, including the
The Bridgeman Art Library / Getty Images National Gallery and Tate Britain in the UK, the Google Art
Project takes the Street View approach into the gallery.
Not so fast, David Choe you can no longer call With Google Art Project, users can wander around
your Facebook murals the most expensive work of art, 17 of the world's top galleries and museums and view 1,061
because Qatar has come to the rescue. The oil-rich country artworks. There are also 17 special gigapixel images one
has bought Paul Cezanne's painting The Card Players for for each participating institution's most treasured piece,
more than $250 million, making it by far the highest price allowing viewers to zoom right in to brush-stroke levels of
ever paid for a work of art. Up until this point, the most detail.
expensive painting ever sold was a Jackson Pollock for $140 Over the past 18 months, a Google team has been
million in the frenzied pre-recession year of 2006, and in zipping around the likes of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
recent days the graffiti artist David Choe was reportedly and the Palace of Versailles using trolley mounted cameras
given Facebook stock options for decorating the company's to photograph corridors and galleries. Users can explore
murals in 2005 that cost mere thousands then but will now each gallery from room to room or create their own
be worth some $200 million after the social-network giant collections of masterpieces.
goes public. But Cezanne's small, quietly somber work beats
them all there are four other Card Players in the world, Adapted from
and they are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New
York, the Muse dOrsay in Paris, the Courtauld in London, 066 | JFS 2012
and the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. A lacuna presente no 1 pargrafo deve ser preenchida por:

Adapted from a) between.

b) among.
064 | JFS 2012 c) through.
De acordo com o texto: d) over.
e) amidst.
a) os quadros do artista David Choe eram considerados os
mais valiosos do mundo, at a venda de um Czanne por 067 | JFS 2012
250 milhes de dlares para um magnata do Qatar. Sobre o texto, qual dos itens abaixo pode ser considerado
b) o autor do texto, ao comentar que o Qatar veio ao correto?
resgate, demonstra sua averso s obras de David Choe.
c) antes do quadro The Card Players ser vendido por 250 a) A Google, a National Gallery e o Tate Britain esto frente
milhes de dlares, a obra mais cara da histria era um de um projeto que visa divulgar, via internet, o acervo de 17
Pollock, pintado em 2006. dos principais museus do mundo.
d) o quadro The Card Players to apreciado pela b) O Google Art Project permite que o usurio veja fotos, de
comunidade artstica que possui rplicas para exposio extrema qualidade, de mais de mil obras-de-arte.
permanente, espalhadas por museus nos Estados Unidos e c) Atravs do GAP, possvel ver detalhes de determinadas
na Europa. obras, como as pinceladas de um quadro, por exemplo.
e) o artista David Choe foi pago pelos seus servios ao d) O GAP, que levou um ano e meio para ser concludo,
Facebook em aes, hoje avaliadas em 200 milhes de permite que o usurio visite os principais museus de cada
dlares. regio do mundo.
e) As cmeras utilizadas pela equipe do GAP eram to
pesadas que precisaram ser carregadas por carrinhos.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
068 | JFS 2012 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010.
Qual dos seguintes verbos, retirados do texto, pode ser
sinnimo de to stroll? Newsweek Article: Bullying and Empathy
(Kate Altman, M.S.)
a) To take.
b) To approach.
c) To wander.
d) To zip.
e) To explore.

Newsweek offers an article on how schools are

using empathy-training programs in an effort to reduce
bullying in schools:

The effective__________ of such programs is

unclear at this point, and experts are divided on whether it
makes more sense to offer the programs to young children
(elementary school age) or older children (middle school
age) (both, is probably the answer). High school kids are
simply difficult to reach logistically, since they all have
different schedules all day. Unsurprisingly, some experts
have found that the most important component to empathy
training is to include the parents.
In assessing these programs and the broader issues
of empathy-training and bullying, there are multiple factors
to consider and no clear answers. First of all, empathy is one
Adapted from of the most difficult and least-understood skills we can
develop adults and kids alike. Empathy is the process of
069 | JFS 2012 viewing and understanding the world through anothers
Analise as seguintes asseres: experience, and it is often confused with sympathy, which
is, essentially, compassion and lacks the walking in
I. O computador analisou o passado estudantil do rapaz sem anothers shoes component (which is not to say it is not
curiosidade pessoal alguma. an admirable trait, its just different from empathy).
II. O gosto musical do rapaz considerado de baixa Developmentally, children may not be able to truly
qualidade pelo computador. understand and practice empathy until they are closer to the
III. O computador utilizou-se de avanadas equaes pre-teen years, but introducing the concept early and often
matemticas para deduzir em que poca o rapaz havia se is a good primer for its later development.
formado. Another big question to consider: are programs
IV. O rapaz tem vergonha de certas bandas que costumava focused on empathy simply band-aids on much larger, more
ouvir nos anos 90. systemic problems? Why are kids bullying other kids in the
Agora, assinale a alternativa correta: first place? What family issues, societal issues, educational
issues, are contributing to the need/urge to humiliate and
a) H apenas um item certo. attack other children for some sort of personal gain and
b) H apenas dois itens certos. satisfaction? My guess is that for many kids, participating in
c) Todos os itens esto certos. a brief (or even a few brief) empathy-skills seminars simply is
d) Todos os itens esto errados. not enough, and will not get at the root(s) of the problem(s),
e) Dos itens mpares, apenas um est certo. no matter how young they are when the programs begin.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Im not saying that the programs are not a Australia's hybrid shark reveals evolution in action
good idea. I imagine that they have a lot of benefits and
could especially help kids who would not necessarily be By John Roach
bullies themselves, but may have quietly stood by while
witnessing bullying, to become more confident about
standing up to/reporting bullies. However, to truly reduce
bullying, society and schools need to find ways to identify
and work with aggressive children and their families from a
young age to troubleshoot factors (from not having basic
needs met, to divorce, to models of aggression in the home,
etc.) that contribute to triggering aggressive behavior. Such
an approach would be expensive and time-consuming and
would command a lot of schools resources, but it is hard to
imagine a more lightweight approach being nearly as

070 | ITA 2012

Para estar adequada ao contexto em que aparece, a palavra
Hybrid sharks have been discovered swimming in
effective (linha 1), deve ser acrescida de:
the waters off Australia's east coast. The finding may be
a) fully. driven by climate change, a research team says, suggesting
b) by. such discoveries could be more common in the future.
c) ness. The hybridization is between the Australian black
d) ful. tip shark which favors tropical waters and the larger,
e) lessly. common black tip shark, which favors sub-tropical and
temperate waters.
071 | ITA 2012 While the distribution for the genetically distinct
A opo que descreve a palavra empathy : species overlaps along the northern and eastern Australian
coastline, the finding that they mated and produced
a) essentially compassion. offspring is unprecedented, according to the discovery team
b) walking in anothers shoes. from the University of Queensland.
c) an admirable trait. "To actually find something like this and prove it
d) a band-aid on more systemic problems. genetically is unprecedented," Bob Hueter, director of the
e) societal and educational issues. Center for Shark Research at the Mote Marine Laboratory in
Sarasota, Florida, told me Tuesday.
072 | ITA 2012 Hueter was not involved with the research, though
Segundo o texto: one of the scientists responsible for the discovery used to
work in his lab, which he said lends the finding credibility.
a) difcil incluir os alunos de ensino mdio nos empathy The finding is based on genetic testing and body
training programs, por serem mais velhos e demandarem measurements and reported December 2011 in the journal
uma abordagem diferenciada. Conservation Genetics.
b) o componente mais importante na empatia a relao The team identified 57 of the hybrids from five
familiar. locations spanning 1,250 miles along the Australian coast.
c) simpatia est estritamente relacionada empatia. "Wild hybrids are usually hard to find, so detecting
d) intil trabalhar o conceito de empatia anteriormente hybrids and their offspring is extraordinary," Jennifer
pr-adolescncia. Ovenden, an expert in genetics of fisheries species and team
e) h, provavelmente, fatores mais determinantes para a member, said in a news release.
prtica de bullying do que a falta de empatia. The hybridization could be an adaptation to climate
change, the team noted, allowing the tropical Australian
073 | JFS 2012 black tip shark to live in the cooler, sub-tropical waters.
All right, everyone, we're not here to talk shop. Let's have a It could also be a technique to survive in over-fished
good time. We are not here to: waters, speculated Hueter. As fisheries are depleted,
hybridization is a way to keep reproducing.
a) fight. "In a sense, it is catching evolution in action," he
b) make a scene. told me.
c) waste time.
d) talk about business. Adapted from
e) listen to tall stories.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
074 | JFS 2012 How warming is changing the wild kingdom
De acordo com o texto:
By Ker Than
a) cientistas australianos obtiveram xito em sua pesquisa
sobre o cruzamento de tubares de espcies diferentes. The planet is warming, humans are mostly to
b) aps o sucesso obtido com a mistura de diferentes blame and plants and animals are going to dramatic lengths
espcies de tubares, os cientistas australianos esperam to cope. That's the consensus of a number of recent studies
conseguir repetir o experimento com outros tipos de that used wildlife to gauge the extent of global warming and
animais. its effects.
c) apesar de no estar diretamente envolvido na pesquisa While the topic of climate change is contentious
mencionada no texto, Bob Hueter teve um papel including whether the planet is actually heating up a
fundamental para o sucesso dos estudos. growing number of documented shifts in traits and
d) foi preciso a pesquisa com os tubares hbridos ter sido behaviors in the wild kingdom is leading many scientists to
produzida no laboratrio de Bob Hueter para que o estudo conclude the world is changing in unnatural ways.
obtivesse credibilidade junto comunidade cientfica. Among the changes: Marmots end their
e) possvel que a hibridizao dos tubares tenha ocorrido hibernations about three weeks earlier now compared to 30
em virtude da interferncia humana no ecossistema dos years ago. Polar bears today are thinner and less healthy
animais. than those of 20 years ago. Many fish species are moving
northward in search of cooler waters. A fruitfly gene
075 | JFS 2012 normally associated with hot, dry conditions has spread to
Qual das referncias a seguir est incorreta: populations living in traditionally cooler southern regions.
Over the past century, Earth's average
a) the finding (3 pargrafo) refere-se a hybrid sharks. temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit and
b) me (4 pargrafo) refere-se a John Roach. many scientists believe greenhouse gases and carbon
c) his (5 pargrafo) refere-se a Bob Hueter. dioxide emissions from human activities are to blame. Left
d) which (5 pargrafo) refere-se a his lab. unattended, they warn, temperatures may rise by an
e) it (10 pargrafo) refere-se a the hybridization. additional 2-10 degrees by the end of the century. In the
leading computer models, it follows that polar ice will melt
076 | JFS 2012 and seas would rise drastically, threatening coastal
Assinale a opo em que a traduo do termo da coluna I communities around the globe. ()
no corresponde ao termo da coluna II. Ecosystems and wildlife aren't the only things that
increasing temperatures will affect.
Coluna I Coluna II "Global warming is going to be a big stress to all
a) driven (1 pargrafo) estimulada animals, including Homo sapiens," said Terry Root, an
b) favors (2 pargrafo) prefere environmental science and policy professor at Stanford
c) overlaps (3 pargrafo) ultrapassa University.
d) offspring (3 pargrafo) filhotes A recent report issued by the Pew Center for Global
e) though (5 pargrafo) embora
Climate Change, a Virginia-based nonprofit organization,
warned that rising temperatures could exacerbate health
077 | JFS 2012 risks such as asthma for the elderly, the infirm and the poor,
Julgue os itens a seguir: and especially for those in poor countries.
Even if all pollution were stopped today, the climate
I. A preposio along (3 pargrafo) pode ser substituda por
will warm at least another degree by the year 2100 and seas
will rise 4 inches (11 centimeters), according to one recent
II. Os vocbulos measurements (5 pargrafo) e measures
study. Another report says warming is unstoppable through
so equivalentes.
the year 2400. Despite the dire warnings, many scientists
III. O vocbulo spanning (6 pargrafo) pode ser traduzido
believe it may not be too late to reverse the trend.
como abrangendo.
The Pew report suggests creating transitional
IV. O vocbulo news (7 pargrafo) equivale a press.
habitats that link natural areas as a way to help migrating
Agora, marque a opo correta: species. Also, alleviating other environmental stressors like
habitat destruction could help reduce their combined effects
a) H apenas um item correto. with global warming.
b) H apenas dois itens corretos. Root is encouraged by the fact that many cities are
c) Apenas os itens mpares esto corretos. following higher environmental standards, even if state and
d) Apenas o item I est incorreto. national governments are dragging their feet.
e) Apenas o item IV est incorreto.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
__________, she believes, it will be the relatively From the Amazon to the Himalayas, ten of the
small things that people do that will have the biggest impact: worlds greatest natural wonders face destruction if the
"Hummer sales, thank heaven, are dropping since gas prices climate continues to warm at the current rate, warns WWF.
have gone up, and hybrid [car] sales have gone up. It's that Released ahead of the International Panel on
type of stuff." Climate Changes (IPCCs) Second Working Group Report, a
WWF briefing Saving the world's natural wonders from
Adapted from climate change reports on how the devastating impacts of
with small alterations global warming are damaging some of the worlds greatest
natural wonders.
078 | JFS 2012 They include the: Amazon; Great Barrier Reef and
Consoante o texto, a questo da mudana climtica um other coral reefs; Chihuahua Desert in Mexico and the US;
assunto: hawksbill turtles in the Caribbean; Valdivian temperate
a) controverso. rainforests in Chile; tigers and people in the Indian
b) polmico. Sundarbans; Upper Yangtze River in China; wild salmon in
c) delicado. the Bering Sea; melting glaciers in the Himalayas; and East
d) ultrapassado. African coastal forests.
While we continue to pressure governments to
e) cansativo.
make meaningful cuts in heat-trapping greenhouse gas
079 | JFS 2012 emissions, we are also working on adaptation strategies to
Os vocbulos em negrito no texto podem ser substitudos offer protection to some of the worlds natural wonders as
respectivamente por: well as the livelihoods of the people who live there, said Dr.
Lara Hansen, Chief Scientist of WWFs Global Climate
a) endure reckon warning terrific Change Programme.
b) survive rate enforcing gruesome We are trying to buy people and nature time, as
c) manage figure out menacing serious actions to stop the root cause of climate change are taken.
d) thrive estimate scaring grave Faced with water shortages along the Yangtze River,
e) deal survey urging sudden WWF is working in China with the government and local
authorities to help communities best adapt to climate
080 | JFS 2012 change impacts. This includes developing a climate witness
A lacuna presente no ltimo pargrafo do texto deve ser project in the Yangtze River basin so that people affected by
corretamente preenchida por: climate change can speak for themselves.
In the Valdivian forests of Chile and Argentina, the
a) Afterwards global conservation organization is working with local
b) Moreover partners to reduce forest fires and adjust conservation plans
c) Although to ensure that resistant forests where 3,000-year-old trees
d) At the end are found can be protected.
e) In the end From [I] turtles to [II] tigers, from [III] desert of
081 | JFS 2012 Chihuahua to [IV] great Amazon all these wonders of
Aps a leitura do texto, correto afirmar que: nature are at risk from warming temperatures, stressed Dr.
Hansen. While adaptation to changing climate can save
a) a quantidade de espcies de animais que precisaram some, only drastic action by governments to reduce
mudar de seu habitat natural em busca de condies emissions can hope to stop their complete destruction.
melhores de vida imensurvel.
b) existem muitos documentos que afirmam que as Adapted from
mudanas comportamentais de certas espcies de animais
so sem precedentes. 082 | JFS 2009
c) a cada cem anos, a temperatura mdia do planeta Terra Marque o ttulo que melhor contempla o tema do texto.
aumenta em torno de 1%, e as regies que mais podem
sofrer as consequncias desse aumento so as reas a) Natural Wonders Feel the Heat
litorneas. b) How WWF Can Save the World
d) a raa humana tambm poder sofrer as consequncias c) Is It Hot? It Will Even Get Hotter and Hotter
do aquecimento global, em especial os habitantes das reas d) How to Cope with the Global Warming?
mais pobres do planeta. e) The Main Consequences of the Global Warming
e) seria necessrio eliminar a poluio imediatamente para
que a temperatura da Terra no aumentasse acima das
previses nos prximos 100 anos.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
083 | JFS 2009 Torrential rain broke briefly on January 23rd 2010.
Complete as lacunas presentes no ltimo pargrafo do texto Nevertheless, 33 stalwarts of the Military Institute of
utilizando (ou omitindo) o artigo definido. Engineering kept on gathering and reminiscing.

a) the the * the 086 | IME 2012

b) the * * the What can be understood by the passage?
c) * * the the
d) * the * * a) In spite of the tempest, the gathering took place as
e) * the * the planned.
b) The torrential rain expected happened to pour lightly.
084 | JFS 2012 c) Due to torrential rain just 33 people showed up.
No excerto if the climate continues to warm at the current d) Heavy rains disturbed the meeting.
rate, warns WWF, extrado do 1 pargrafo, os vocbulos e) The purpose of the gathering was observing the rain while
warm e warn tm entre si uma relao de: telling of past experiences.

a) sinonmia. NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life

b) antonmia. Built with Toxic Chemical
c) polissemia.
d) paronmia.
e) hiperonmia.

085 | IME 2012

When I qualified as a military engineer, the wise old colonel
who gave me my insignias said: When you get to the front
line, you will feel fear, but remember this: never fear the
enemy, never fear the danger, only fear letting down those
who have gone before you.

Which of the following comments could follow the

previous scene?

a) And that is what leaders call loneliness: its first aspect is

that it is something that one really feels in times of crisis, NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed
when the sky is falling in around you and you are the only the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all
one who can make a decision as long as you are the first in known life on Earth.
command. Researchers conducting tests in the harsh
b) And that is what leaders call humor: it is one of the things environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the
that I set great store by. A little bit of humor at a time of first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and
crisis often just lifts the mood and gets you focused on reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. The
something else. microorganism substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell
c) And that is what leaders call heritage: the sense of not just components.
doing a job in the here and now, you belonging to something "The definition of life has just expanded," said Ed
thats got a fantastic foundation, and you feel responsible Weiler, NASA's associate administrator for the Science
for its future. Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in
d) And that is what leaders call adaptability: it takes very Washington. "As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in
different qualities to command a platoon at war, which is a the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more
tactical activity, and run a major change program in a large diversely and consider life as we do not know it."
organization, which has to do with a more strategic This finding of an alternative biochemistry makeup
leadership. will alter biology textbooks and expand the scope of the
e) And that is what leaders call delegation: delegators have a search for life beyond Earth. The research is published in this
huge responsibility in terms of judging the capability and week's edition of Science Express.
competence of the people that they are giving the jobs to. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus
and sulfur are the six basic building blocks of all known
forms of life on Earth. Phosphorus is part of the chemical
backbone of DNA and RNA, the structures that carry genetic
instructions for life, and is considered an essential element
for all living cells.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Phosphorus is a central component of the energy- 087 | JFS 2011
carrying molecule in all cells (adenosine triphosphate) and It can be inferred from the text that:
also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes.
Arsenic, which is chemically similar to phosphorus, is a) a new form of life from outer space was discovered in
poisonous for most life on Earth. Arsenic disrupts metabolic Mono Lake, California, by NASA researchers.
pathways __________ chemically it behaves similarly to b) despite arsenic is poisonous, it is perfectly common some
phosphate. living organisms using it to reproduce themselves.
"We know that some microbes can breathe arsenic, c) the new microorganism has stretched the definition about
but what we've found is a microbe doing something new what encompasses life on Earth.
building parts of itself out of arsenic," said Felisa Wolfe- d) the concept of life has changed widely after the discovery
Simon, a NASA Astrobiology Research Fellow in residence at of the new form of life.
the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and the e) in order to keep searching life in the solar system,
research team's lead scientist. "If something here on Earth scientists must look for it first on Earth.
can do something so unexpected, what else can life do that
we haven't seen yet?" 088 | JFS 2011
The newly discovered microbe, strain GFAJ-1, is a Which of the following options fills in the gap in the 6th
member of a common group of bacteria, the paragraph of the text?
Gammaproteobacteria. In the laboratory, the researchers a) because
successfully grew microbes from the lake on a diet that was
b) despite
very lean on phosphorus, but included generous helpings of c) whether
arsenic. When researchers removed the phosphorus and d) hence
replaced it with arsenic the microbes continued to grow. e) thus
Subsequent analyses indicated that the arsenic was being
used to produce the building blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells. 089 | JFS 2011
The key issue the researchers investigated was Judge the following items:
when the microbe was grown on arsenic did the arsenic
actually became incorporated into the organisms' vital I. The new microorganism is the only microbe on Earth that
biochemical machinery, such as DNA, proteins and the cell is able to cope with arsenic.
membranes. A variety of sophisticated laboratory II. It is possible that life can do things scientists have not
techniques was used to determine where the arsenic was contemplated yet.
incorporated. III. GFAJ-1, a breed of the Gammaproteobacteria, is capable
The team chose to explore Mono Lake because of of incorporating the element arsenic in its proteins.
its unusual chemistry, especially its high salinity, high
alkalinity, and high levels of arsenic. This chemistry is in part Now, Mark the correct option:
a result of Mono Lake's isolation from its sources of fresh
water for 50 years. a) Only item I is correct.
The results of this study will inform ongoing b) Only item II is correct.
c) Only item III is correct.
research in many areas, including the study of Earth's
evolution, organic chemistry, biogeochemical cycles, disease d) Only items I and II are correct.
mitigation and Earth system research. These findings also e) Only items II and III are correct.
will open up new frontiers in microbiology and other areas
090 | JFS 2011
of research. Judge the following items:
"The idea of alternative biochemistries for life is
common in science fiction," said Carl Pilcher, director of the I. The scientists are still investigating the very moment
NASA Astrobiology Institute at the agency's Ames Research arsenic was incorporated by the microorganism.
Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "Until now a life form using II. Mono Lakes salinity, alkalinity and arsenic levels
arsenic as a building block was only theoretical, but now we increased 50 years ago.
know such life exists in Mono Lake." () III. Not only microbiology but also other scientific fields shall
be benefited with the discovery.
Adapted from
Now, Mark the correct option:

a) Only item I is correct.

b) Only item II is correct.
c) Only item III is correct.
d) Only items I and II are correct.
e) Only items I and III are correct.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
091 | JFS 2011 Sticky Fingers
In the sentence Researchers conducting tests in the harsh
environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the By Olivia Judson
first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and
reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic, extracted from In 1905, two brothers, Alfred
the 2 paragraph, the words in bold can be replaced, and Albert Stratton, were found guilty
respectively, by: of murdering a shopkeeper and his
wife in Deptford, a town outside
a) realizing smooth get on London. The evidence? A thumbprint
b) carrying out strict develop at the scene of the crime. The
c) attaining sharp rise brothers were hanged.
d) leading rough wear out The Stratton trial was the first time in Western
e) handling mild grow jurisprudence that fingerprint evidence had been presented
in a murder case. As such, it was a triumph for Charles
092 | JFS 2011 Darwin's cousin Francis Galton. Galton had spent years
Which of the following words can be turned into the plural collecting fingerprints, studying and classifying their patterns
form in the same way as bacteria? of loops, arches, and whorls. It was he who had not just
speculated, but demonstrated that fingerprints are a reliable
a) Campus way of telling one person from another, and persuaded the
b) Encyclopedia. police that they could be used to solve crimes.
c) Criterion. Up to that point, fingerprints had been used not as
d) Radius. a means to identify criminals, but as a way for you to prove
e) Stadium. that you were you and not someone else. The ancient
Babylonians sometimes impressed fingerprints on clay
093 | JFS 2011 tablets that recorded business transactions, and centuries
In the sentence Arsenic, which is chemically similar to ago the Chinese made use of thumbprints on clay seals. In
phosphorus, is poisonous for most life on Earth, extracted India in the nineteenth century, a fingerprint took the place
from the 6th paragraph, the Relative Pronoun which: of a signature for people who were illiterate and could not,
therefore, sign their names. The first use of fingerprints by
a) is correct, but can be replaced by that. "officialdom" didn't come until the 1860s, when William
b) is correct and cannot be replaced. Herschel, a magistrate for the British colonial administration
c) is correct, but can be replaced by what. in India, realized that fingerprints could be used as a means
d) is incorrect and must be replaced by that. of identification when people came to collect their pensions.
e) is incorrect and must be replaced by what. The person collecting the pension would give a print, which
would be compared to a print on file; in that way,
094 | JFS 2011 fingerprints could be used to prevent identity fraud.
In the sentence the researchers successfully grew microbes In instituting this, Herschel made the assumption
from the lake on a diet that was very lean on phosphorus, that individuals have unique fingerprints; the fact that it was
also taken from the 8th paragraph, the word lean can be actually so remained to be proved. That proof was provided
replaced by: by Galton, who demonstrated statistically that the odds of
two people having the same fingerprints are vanishingly
a) rich. remote. He also using prints sent to him by Herschel
b) fat. confirmed Herschel's observation that fingerprints do not
c) plump. change with age, a crucial feature if they were to be a
d) bare. reliable form of identification. And Galton began to develop
e) flat. a method for cataloging fingerprints, so that police could file
fingerprints by type and quickly compare any two sets. (A
095 | JFS 2011 full-fledged cataloging system, based on Galton's, was
In the sentence the arsenic was being used to produce the subsequently developed by Edward Richard Henry, who had
building blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells, extracted from the 8th served as inspector general of police in Bengal; the finger
paragraph, the words in bold are, respectively: print classification system came to be known as the "Henry
System.") In short, Galton laid the groundwork for the police
a) adjective adjective to begin to build a usable fingerprint database.
b) verb adjective
c) adjective noun 096 | FGV 2009
d) verb noun According to the information in the article, Alfred and Albert
e) adverb adjective Stratton:

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
a) worked with the police to develop the use of fingerprints 100 | FGV 2009
to solve a murder. In paragraph 4, this in the phrase In instituting this most
b) found the fingerprints of a shopkeeper and his wife likely refers to:
murdered near London.
c) admitted that they had murdered a shopkeeper and his a) a pension system for British civil servants in colonial India.
wife near London. b) the use of fingerprints in identifying known criminals.
d) were the first people to be convicted of murder because c) are structuring of fingerprint-identification techniques.
of fingerprint evidence. d) fingerprint identification to prevent dishonesty in the
e) were the first people to use fingerprints to prove that a pension system.
murder had been committed. e) a strengthening of pension laws in British colonial India.

097 | FGV 2009 101 | FGV 2009

Which of the following probably best explains the According to the information in the article:
importance of Francis Galton?
a) William Herschel believed that no fingerprint is the same
a) He was the first person to collect and use fingerprint as any other fingerprint, but he never proved it.
samples on a systematic basis. b) William Herschel developed modern police fingerprinting
b) He was the first person to show that each persons techniques.
fingerprints are unique and therefore can be used to help c) William Herschel was unaware of the great importance of
solve crimes. fingerprints in solving crimes.
c) He was the first person to use fingerprints as a reliable d) William Herschels work in India proved that each
means of identification. fingerprint is unique.
d) He was the person who found the thumbprint that the e) William Herschels use of fingerprint identification
police used to convict Alfred and Albert Stratton of murder. eliminated fraud in the British colonial administration in
e) In helping to investigate a murder near London, he proved India.
that a thumbprint at the scene of the crime belonged to one
of the Stratton brothers. 102 | FGV 2009
Which of the following probably best describes the crucial
098 | FGV 2009 feature mentioned in paragraph 4?
According to the information in the article:
a) Fingerprints can be an important part of police
a) in India in the nineteenth century, an illiterate person investigations.
could give his fingerprint instead of his signature. b) Each persons fingerprints are unique.
b) in the nineteenth century, Indias knowledge of c) As the years pass, a persons fingerprints remain the
fingerprints was more advanced than Chinas. same.
d) It is possible to collect and catalog fingerprints.
c) to facilitate commerce between their countries in the
nineteenth century, the Indians and the Chinese used e) Only identical twins can have identical fingerprints.
fingerprints to register cross-border business transactions.
103 | FGV 2009
d) the Indian intelligentsia in the nineteenth century used
With respect to the information in the article, which of the
fingerprints instead of signatures to identify themselves.
following is not true about Francis Galton?
e) for Indians in the nineteenth century, giving your
fingerprint instead of signing your name was considered a a) He was related to Charles Darwin.
disgrace. b) His fingerprint research took years.
c) In his fingerprint work he received help from William
099 | FGV 2009 Herschel.
According to the article, in the 1860s William Herschel: d) He verified the existence of important fingerprint
a) became chief magistrate for the British colonial pension
e) His fingerprint cataloging system is an important part of
administration in India.
police work around the world.
b) set up a fingerprint-identification system in colonial India
to prevent fraud when people received their retirement 104 | JFS 2010
money. President Barack Obama has approved a significant troop
c) decided that Indians must leave a signature when they increase for Afghanistan, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.
collected their pensions from the British colonial The new troop deployment is expected to include 8,000
administration. Marines from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, as well as
d) restructured Indias colonial pension system. 4,000 additional Army troops from Fort Lewis, Washington.
e) made it impossible for illiterate Indians to defraud the
British colonial administration in India.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
a) there are two different verb tenses. Instead, we've doubled down on a bad bet. The
b) there is no auxiliary verb. result? Steadily rising casualties, with 499 killed in 2010 and
c) there are only regular verbs. 418 last year.
e) there are only irregular verb. Now you might say that's not so bad, really,
d) there is only one verb tense. compared with the Vietnam War, in (I) more than 58,000
Americans were killed.
Assessing the Afghan war: Guess what? We aren't winning Sure. Try telling that to the families of the dead.
Tell that to the family of Lance Cpl. Donald Hogan.
The San Clemente native and Tesoro High School graduate is
to be awarded the Navy Cross next week. What did he do? In
August 2009, while on patrol in Helmand province, he
spotted an explosive device and hurled himself into the body
of a fellow Marine to protect him and others (II) the blast.
This California hero died saving others. I'm sure his
family is proud. I'm also sure they'd rather have him home,
safe. Some will say that if we leave now, the sacrifices of
Hogan and others will have been in vain. But I say we can't
afford any more such tragic sacrifices for a lost cause.
So, America, remember the Vietnam War? We can't do much about Afghanistan now.
Because the war in Afghanistan just gave me a bad case of President Obama says we'll be out by 2014. Good. Hopefully
dj vu. he sticks to that plan. And hopefully a Republican hawk
On Wednesday, The Times' Ken Dilanian and doesn't become president.
David S. Cloud reported: But we need to make sure there aren't any more
Afghanistans. And to do that, everyone in this country needs
The U.S. intelligence community says in a secret to have some skin in this game.
new assessment that the war in Afghanistan is mired in We need a military draft. We need to make sure
stalemate, and warns that security gains from an increase in that all of America's sons and daughters are subject to
American troops have been undercut by pervasive combat duty.
corruption, incompetent governance and Taliban fighters That way, the next time war fever hits, we'll be sure
operating from neighboring Pakistan, according to U.S. that everyone has caught cold before we go into battle.
officials. It's time to put a stop to politicians doing the
Could someone please tell me how in the world deciding while only a few do the dying.
we've let this happen? Why is it that the best and the
brightest keep getting Americans killed for nothing? Adapted from
The British got run out of Afghanistan in the 19th
century. The Soviets got run out of Afghanistan in the 20th 105 | JFS 2012
century. Yet we've allowed ourselves to get stuck there? Qual dos vocbulos a seguir, extrados do texto, no pode
And according to the classified National Intelligence ser considerado um falso cognato?
Estimate completed last month and cited by The Times
reporters, things aren't likely to improve: In a section looking a) reported (2 pargrafo)
at future scenarios, the NIE also asserts that the Afghan b) assessment (3 pargrafo)
government in Kabul may not be able to survive as the U.S. c) officials (3 pargrafo)
steadily pulls out its troops and reduces military and civilian d) classified (6 pargrafo)
assistance. e) casualties (9 pargrafo)
The costs? Cover your eyes: Some in Congress and
the Obama administration are concerned that the bleak 106 | JFS 2012
assessment suggests little progress was made in the last Assinale a opo que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I)
year. During that time, the U.S. has suffered more than 400 presente no 10 pargrafo do texto.
military fatalities and spent more than $100 billion. As of
Wednesday, 1,873 Americans had been killed in Afghanistan a) what
since U.S. forces invaded in late 2001, according to the b) which
website c) that
In 2001 and 2002, when the George W. Bush d) whose
administration launched the war in retaliation for the 9/11 e) where
attacks, 51 U.S. soldiers died. Imagine if we'd had the good
sense to declare victory then and get out?

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
107 | JFS 2012
Assinale a opo que preenche corretamente a lacuna (II)
presente no 12 pargrafo do texto.

a) during
b) off
c) by
d) of
e) from

108 | JFS 2012

Assinale a opo correta.

a) A sensao de dj vu, mencionada pelo autor no 1

pargrafo do texto, d-se em virtude da guerra do Adapted from
Afeganisto desenrolar-se de maneira bastante semelhante
do Vietn. 111 | JFS 2012
b) O 3 pargrafo, extrado da revista Time, apresenta um Consoante a imagem:
parecer oficial sobre as causas e consequncias da guerra do
Afeganisto. a) o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, dedicou
c) possvel que com o incio do processo de retirada das uma linha direta para que os soldados em combate
tropas do Afeganisto, o governo local no consiga pudessem ter acesso a ele no caso de uma eventual
minimizar os problemas provocados pela guerra naquele necessidade.
pas. b) o fato de o Presidente Barack Obama ter visitado um pas
d) O autor afirma que apesar do nmero de mortes na normalmente to neutro como a Dinamarca pode indicar
guerra do Vietn ter sido muito maior ao da guerra do que ele est em busca de mais apoio para os projetos dos
Afeganisto, esta causou um impacto mais significativo nas Estados Unidos junto comunidade externa.
famlias norte-americanas que perderam seus filhos em c) a visita de Barack Obama Dinamarca foi realizada com o
combate do que aquela. intuito de se conseguir reforos para a guerra do
e) Apesar de orgulhosa, a famlia do anspeada Donald Afeganisto.
Hogan preferiria t-lo vivo a t-lo enterrado como heri de d) os soldados aguardam instrues diretas da Casa Branca
guerra. para saber quais os procedimentos que devem ser realizados
em combate.
109 | JFS 2012
e) apesar de indisponvel no momento da ligao, o
As perguntas feitas pelo autor ao longo do texto:
Presidente Obama tem o costume de comunicar-se
diretamente com os soldados norte-americanos em
a) indicam que ele possui muitas dvidas sobre o desenrolar
dos eventos da guerra do Afeganisto.
b) levam o leitor a refletir sobre qual o desfecho mais
provvel para a guerra do Afeganisto.
TWO-thirds of the country sees the past decade as a period
c) foram utilizadas como recurso para levar o leitor a uma
of decline for the U.S., according to a new TIME/Aspen Ideas
reflexo mais especfica sobre determinados aspectos da
Festival poll that probed Americans on the decade since the
guerra do Afeganisto.
tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden is dead and
d) representam as principais dvidas da populao
al-Qaeda seriously weakened, but the impact of the 9/11
estadunidense, de um modo geral, acerca dos conflitos no
attacks and the decisions that followed have, in the view of
most Americans, put the U.S. in a tailspin that the country
e) induzem o leitor a uma interpretao mais ampla sobre o
has been unable to shake during two administrations and
desenrolar da guerra do Afeganisto.
almost 10 years of trying.
A sentena Yet we've allowed ourselves to get stuck there?, THAN 2,000 Americans believe the country has completely
extrada do 5 pargrafo, apresenta uma idia de: recovered from the events of 9/11. Some of this pessimism
can be tied to fears of more terrorist attacks. Despite the
a) causa. death of bin Laden, most Americans think another terrorist
b) consequncia. attack in the U.S. is likely.
c) condio.
d) contraste.
e) concesso.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
114 | FUVEST 2012
Com base nos grficos que acompanham o texto, correto
afirmar que, para os norte-americanos:

a) o evento de 11 de setembro de 2001 mais significativo

que outros eventos ocorridos na ltima dcada.
b) a morte de Osama bin Laden reduz o receio de novos
ataques terroristas contra os EUA.
c) o governo de Obama avaliado com pessimismo e
descrdito, hoje.
d) o risco de um ataque praticado por terroristas internos
maior que o de um ataque praticado por terroristas
e) a recesso econmica tem relao com os ataques e as
ameaas sofridos pelos EUA.

Although robots have made

great strides in manufacturing,
where tasks are repetitive, they are
still no match for humans, who can
grasp things and move about
effortlessly in the physical world.
Designing a robot to mimic
the basic capabilities of motion and
perception would be revolutionary,
researchers say, with applications
stretching from care for the elderly
Adapted from Time, July 11, 2011. to returning overseas manufacturing
operations to the United States
112 | FUVEST 2012 (albeit with fewer workers).
A pesquisa descrita no texto mostrou que a maioria dos Yet the challenges remain immense, far higher than
norte-americanos: artificial intelligence obstacles like speaking and hearing. All
these problems where you want to duplicate something
a) est satisfeita com as respostas dos EUA aos ataques de biology does, such as perception, touch, planning or
11 de setembro de 2001. grasping, turn out to be hard in fundamental ways, said
b) avalia a ltima dcada nos EUA de forma desfavorvel. Gary Bradski, a vision specialist at Willow Garage, a robot
c) pede ao governo aes mais efetivas de combate ao development company based in Silicon Valley. Its always
terrorismo. surprising, because humans can do so much effortlessly.
d) acredita que, desde os ataques de 11 de setembro de
2001, o governo conseguiu melhorar sua imagem. Adapted from, July 11, 2011.
e) espera que o pas supere, completamente, o trauma dos
ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001. 115 | FUVEST 2012
Segundo o texto, um grande desafio da robtica :
113 | FUVEST 2012
A sequncia most Americans think another terrorist attack a) no desistir da criao de robs que falem e entendam o
in the U.S. is likely significa que, para a maioria dos norte- que ouvem.
americanos, outro ataque terrorista nos EUA : b) melhorar a capacidade dos robs para a execuo de
tarefas repetitivas.
a) iminente. c) no tentar igualar as habilidades dos robs s dos seres
b) muito temido. humanos.
c) impensvel. d) voltar a fabricar robs que possam ser comercializados
d) provvel. pela indstria norte-americana.
e) uma incgnita. e) projetar um rob que imite as habilidades bsicas de
movimento e percepo dos seres humanos.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
116 | FUVEST 2012 Gorillaz are not the first major band to release an
De acordo com o texto, o especialista Gary Bradski afirma album free via the internet. Radiohead put out In Rainbows
que: as a digital download in 2007 employing an "honesty box"
scheme. But experts suggest Gorillaz are at the vanguard in
a) a sua empresa projetou um rob com capacidade de recognising how the business model of popular music is
percepo. changing, with fans able to play games, become an exclusive
b) os robs j esto bem mais desenvolvidos, atualmente. member of its fan club and buy limited-edition artwork all on
c) a construo de robs que reproduzam capacidades the website. ()
biolgicas difcil.
d) as pessoas podem ser beneficiadas por robs com Adapted from
capacidade de planejamento.
e) a habilidade das pessoas em operar robs sofisticados 117 | JFS 2011
surpreendente. O texto informa que Damon Albarn:

Gorillaz give away their new album made on an iPad a) foi de encontro s suas influncias musicais ao produzir
The Fall em um iPad.
b) fez parte de uma banda britnica chamada Blur.
c) produziu um lbum inteiro do Gorillaz usando apenas um
d) apesar de ser britnico, dedicou o novo lbum do Gorillaz
aos Estados Unidos.
e) produziu o lbum The Fall no quarto do hotel onde estava

118 | JFS 2011

Analise as asseres a seguir:

Gorillaz, the cartoon-styled supergroup renowned I. O Gorillaz foi a atrao principal do festival de Glastonbury
for breaking new ground in the worlds of music and de 2010.
technology, have notched up another claim to fame. II. O Gorillaz adotar um novo formato antes de voltar a se
The band that headlined this year's Glastonbury apresentar ao vivo.
festival today released The Fall, an album that can be III. O Gorillaz disponibilizou o lbum The Fall para download
downloaded free and was largely produced using only an gratuito no site oficial da banda.
iPad. "I've never been someone who's embraced technology
particularly," frontman Damon Albarn told a New Zealand TV Agora, assinale a opo certa:
station this month, shortly after announcing that Gorillaz
would stop playing live in their current format. "I've always a) apenas a I est correta.
tried to keep true to my roots, which was just a four-track b) apenas a II est correta.
and a guitar, but I got given an iPad and I suddenly found c) apenas a III est correta.
myself in a position where I could make quite a sonically d) apenas a I e a II esto corretas.
sophisticated record in my hotel room." e) apenas a I e a III esto corretas
Albarn, who led the Britpop revolution with Blur,
has called The Fall a love letter to America. "I used to be very 119 | JFS 2011
baffled by this place, and I guess I still am in some ways. But Analise as asseres a seguir:
right now, with all that's going on, this is a good place to be."
The album was made available to fans who I. No 1 pargrafo, notch up equivale semanticamente a
opened the final door of a virtual Advent calendar on the achieve.
band's website. It can also be accessed as a stream on II. No 5 pargrafo, erstwhile significa o mesmo que former., while a physical release of the record is III. Ainda no 5 pargrafo, stalwart pode ser substitudo por
planned for the new year. partisan.
While the 42-year-old Albarn made use of 20
applications on his new tablet device to create the album, Agora, assinale a opo certa:
traditionalists will be reassured to learn that a handful of
a) apenas a I est correta.
conventional instruments were also employed. Mick Jones
b) apenas a I e a II esto corretas.
contributes guitar on one track, while Paul Simonon his
c) apenas a I e a III esto corretas.
erstwhile bandmate in the Clash, now a Gorillaz stalwart
d) apenas a II e a III esto corretas.
chips in with bass on another.
e) todas esto corretas.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
120 | JFS 2011 Blow your diet? Blame your brain
Assinale a opo CORRETA. Low-fat labels and encouraging exercise can backfire

a) Msicos tradicionalistas criticaram a maneira como o By Linda Carroll | contributor

novo lbum do Gorillaz foi produzido.
b) A forma como o Gorillaz disponibilizou o download do
lbum The Fall segue o mesmo modelo criado pelo
c) As vendas do lbum In Rainbows foram muito melhores
do que as do The Fall.
d) Mick Jones e Paul Simonon j haviam tocado juntos antes
em outra banda antes de participarem do Gorillaz.
e) Atravs do, o usurio que se tornar membro
do f clube da banda poder divertir-se com jogos on-line e
comprar contedos exclusivos.

121 | JFS 2011

Qual das sentenas a seguir, extradas do texto, no se
encontra na voz passiva?

a) an album that can be downloaded free and was largely

produced using only an iPad.
b) but I got given an iPad and I suddenly found myself in a
position where I could make quite a sonically sophisticated
record in my hotel room.
Getty Images stock
c) I used to be very baffled by this place, and I guess I still am
in some ways.
Ever make a resolution to go out and exercise and
d) The album was made available to fans who opened the
end up grabbing a gooey chocolate cupcake instead?
final door of a virtual Advent calendar on the band's
No matter how good our intentions are, sometimes
it seems like our stomachs are out to sabotage us. Scientists
e) It can also be accessed as a stream on, while
are now starting to understand why this happens.
a physical release of the record is planned for the new year.
As it turns out, the issue is often not insatiable
stomachs, but diet-undermining brain chemistry. At labs
122 | JFS 2011
around the country, researchers are finding that our brains
Read the following lyrics.
behave in just the opposite way we would expect them to
when it comes to diet and exercise.
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state
Researchers recently discovered that public service
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait!
announcements exhorting the fat and flabby among us to
The Earth began to cool
get more exercise might have an unfortunate and
The autotrophs began to drool,
unexpected side effect: They can inspire people to eat more,
Neanderthals developed tools
according to a study published in the journal Obesity.
We built the Wall
To learn a little more about the impact of
We built the pyramids
campaigns designed to get couch potatoes moving, scientists
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery
from the University of Illinois rounded up 53 college
That all started with a big bang
students and asked them to judge a series of posters
promoting exercise. After they rated the exercise posters,
the students were then asked to evaluate some raisins. They
It is correct to say that:
were told they could eat as many raisins as they needed to
make the evaluation.
a) the Simple Past, predominantly used along the text, can
The researchers then ran the same experiment but
be replaced by the Past Perfect without changing the
substituted posters that promoted goals such as joining a
group or togetherness for the exercise posters. Again the
b) unraveling (line 8) and disclosing are interchangeable.
students were asked to rate some raisins after scoring the
c) the verb to drool (line 4) means the same as to pour.
posters. The students scarfed down more raisins after
d) the relative pronoun that (line 9) can be substituted by
scrutinizing posters that promoted exercise than after
looking over the other set of posters.
e) the words whole (line 1) and all (line 9) are synonyms.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Study author Delores Albarracin, a professor of Despite this, Safety and shipping 1912-2012: from
psychiatry at the university, suspects that the exercise Titanic to Costa Concordia, based on research from Cardiff
posters simply inspired the students to do something and University, said the industry faced several key challenges.
because food was available, eating became the thing to do. These include the growing trend to super-size ships and
What this means, she says, is that we need to be careful cost pressures which are forcing ship-owners to source
about when and where we encourage people to work out. crews from emerging economies where training standards
We shouldnt be showing ads touting the benefits of can be inconsistent.
exercise when people are sitting in front of the TV with a bag Other emerging risks include reduced crew
of chips in their hands. numbers, which can compromise safety and encourage
The study brings up the intriguing possibility that human error, increasing bureaucracy on board ships and the
these ads could be doing more harm than good if theyre not increased threat of piracy in Somalia and elsewhere. The
targeted correctly, says Dr. Louis Aronne, clinical professor emergence of ice shipping and its associated navigational
of medicine and director of the Comprehensive Weight and environmental complications also poses a risk, the
Control Program at the New York-Presbyterian report said.
Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. () Dr Sven Gerhard, AGCSs global product leader for
hull & marine liabilities, said the industry needed to address
Adapted from the new risks facing them proactively.
For example, ultra-large ships pose challenges for
123 | JFS 2010 insurers due to their sheer size and value, while others
The study described in the text shows that: raise concerns on structural integrity and failure. While scale
alone does not make these ships riskier, the increased sizes
a) the more a person eats, the fatter he/she becomes. introduce specific risks that need to be addressed, such as
b) workout ads can lead a person to eat more. salvage and recovery considerations and emergency
c) diet and exercise make the brain work harder. handling, he said.
d) the most famous diets show no side effects. AGCS noted that, despite hundreds of years of
e) no diet can make a person get slimmer in short term. improvements in safety, human error remained a challenge.
According to the report, over 75% of marine losses can be
124 | JFS 2011 attributed to a wide range of human error factors,
The college students who participated in the study: including fatigue, inadequate risk management and
competitive pressures, as well as potential deficiencies in
a) ate more raisins after analyzing the posters that promoted training and crewing levels.
exercise. Dr Gerhard said: As technological improvements
b) ate more raisins after analyzing the posters that reduce risk, so does the weakest link in the system the
promoted goals such as joining a group. human factor become more important. This is where the
c) ate more raisins after analyzing the posters that promoted industry should focus most closely, so that best practice risk
togetherness. management and a culture of safety becomes second nature
d) stopped eating raisins after the results of the research across the world fleet.
were released. Allianz did, however, note that major accidents
e) stopped working out after the results of the research have often been the catalysts for key changes in maritime
were released. industry safety. In light of this, Dr Gerhard said the Costa
Concordia disaster earlier this year was likely to be no
Shipping industry faces new risks, says Allianz. different, regardless of the outcome of investigations into
the incident itself.
Increasing ship sizes, human error and the challenge
of shipping in arctic waters are among the biggest risks The Actuary Newsdesk: Nick Mann 27/Mar 2012
facing the modern maritime industry, according to Allianz
Global Corporate and Speciality. 125 | EFOMM 2013
The challenge of shipping in arctic waters is among According to Allianz Global Corporate and Speciality, the
the biggest challenges facing the modern maritime industry, maritime industry has been facing emerging risks, the odd
the report said. one out is:
Marking 100 years since the sinking of Titanic, the
insurers yesterday published a report which noted that, a) Incorrect decisions or improper lack of action aboard.
while the world commercial shipping fleet has trebled to b) Crew numbers have been thriving.
over 100,000 vessels over that period, overall shipping loss c) Ultra large vessels are on the increase
rates have declined significantly. In 1912, they were one d) Robbery on the high seas.
ship per 100 per year; in 2009 they had fallen to one ship per e) Red tape on board ships.
670 per year.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
126 | EFOMM 2013 128 | IME 2013
In line 31: () facing them proactively., is the same as: According to the passage, it is WRONG to say that:

a) complying with the rules of safety. a) Barnes & Noble will not disappear overnight.
b) keeping track of risks. b) E-books represent a real menace to traditional
c) foreseeing difficulties. bookstores.
d) putting off decisions. c) There is a chance Amazon will dominate the book market
e) making deals. in the future.
d) Book publishers are confident they will make more money
127 | EFOMM 2013 by publishing e-books directly through Amazon.
What can be inferred from the text? e) Barnes & Noble projected that they will have a bad
financial year.
a) Technology is the sole solution for casualties at sea.
b) Improper lack of action is still a defiance. 129 | IME 2013
c) Ultra large vessels are not hazardous to navigation. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
d) Maritime industry has been collapsing.
e) Mishaps seldom happen at sea. a) Book publishers do not need to struggle in the business
world because traditional bookstores are in jeopardy.
The Bookstores Last Stand b) It is likely Amazon will publish e-books directly, without
the need of a traditional publisher, in the future.
*Barnes & Noble is the largest book retailer in the United c) Electronic books are scarce nowadays because people do
States. not read enough.
d) Publishers are struggling because e-books can be sold in
() No one expects Barnes & Noble* to disappear bookstores.
overnight. The worry is that it might slowly wither as more e) Publishers might disappear after the fusion of Barnes &
readers embrace e-books. What if all those store shelves Noble and Amazon.
vanished, and Barnes & Noble became little more than a
cafe and a digital connection point? Such fears came to the 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel
fore in early January, when the company projected that it
would lose even more money this year than Wall Street had Editors note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields,
expected. Its share price promptly tumbled 17 percent that author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for
day. Brilliance.
Lurking behind all of this is, the
dominant force in books online and the company that sets Uncertainty. Its a terrifying word.
teeth on edge in publishing. From their perches in Midtown Living with it, dangling over your head like the
Manhattan, many publishing executives, editors and sword of Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send
publicists view Amazon as the enemy an adversary that, if anyone spiraling into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis.
unchecked, could threaten their industry and their Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new
livelihoods. normal. We live in a time where the world is in a state of
Like many struggling businesses, book publishers constant, long-term flux. And, thats not all. If you want to
are cutting costs and trimming work forces. Yes, electronic spend your time on the planet not just getting-by, but
books are booming, sometimes profitably, but not many consistently creating art, experiences, businesses and lives
publishers want e-books to dominate print books. Amazons that truly matter, youll need to proactively seek out, invite
chief executive, Jeffrey P. Bezos, wants to cut out the and even deliberately amplify uncertainty. Because the
middleman that is, traditional publishers by publishing other side of uncertainty is opportunity.
e-books directly. Nothing great was ever created by waiting around
Which is why Barnes & Noble, once viewed as the for someone to tell you its all going to be okay or for perfect
brutal capitalist of the book trade, now seems so crucial to information to drop from the sky. Doesnt happen that way.
that industrys future. Sure, you can buy bestsellers at Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to
Walmart and potboilers at the supermarket. But in many live in the question long enough for your true potential to
locales, Barnes & Noble is the only retailer offering a wide emerge. There is no alternative.
selection of books. If something were to happen to Barnes & When you find the strength to act in the face of
Noble, if it were merely to scale back its ambitions, Amazon uncertainty, you till the soil of genius.
could become even more powerful and well, the very
thought makes publishers queasy. ()

Adapted from

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to a) Your ability to deal with the unknown isnt a matter of
unease, anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out genetics but luck.
most genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary b) Your ability to deal with the unknown has nothing to do
endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not with genetics or luck but training.
because they wouldnt have succeeded, but because you c) Your ability to deal with the unknown rather than being
never equipped yourself to handle and even harness the simply about genetics is equally a matter of luck and
emotional energy of the journey. training.
But, what if it didnt have to be that way? d) Your ability to deal with the unknown, instead of being
What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety simply a matter of luck and genetics, is mainly something
and self-doubt that rides along with acting in the face of trainable.
uncertainty the head-to-toe butterflies into fuel for e) Your ability to deal with the unknown, instead of being
brilliance? entirely trainable, is mainly a matter of luck and genetics.
Turns out, there is. Your ability to lean into the
unknown isnt so much about luck or genetics, rather its 133 | ITA 2013
something entirely trainable. Ive spent the past few years A expresso The head-to-toe butterflies (linha 31), no
interviewing world-class creators across a wide range of contexto em que se insere, significa:
fields and pouring over research that spans neuroscience,
decision-theory, psychology, creativity and business. a) incertezas que confundem a mente.
Through this work, a collection of patterns, b) autoquestionamentos que imobilizam o corpo da cabea
practices and strategies have emerged that not only aos ps.
turbocharge insight, creativity, innovation and problem- c) aflies que acabam interferindo no bom funcionamento
solving, but also help ameliorate so much of the suffering so do organismo.
often associated with the pursuit of any creative quest. d) sensao de formigamento nas extremidades do corpo.
e) medos e anseios que do a sensao de frio na barriga.
Adapted from
134 | ITA 2013
130 | ITA 2013 Assinale a afirmao correta.
De acordo com a ideia central do texto, a incerteza
a) day in day out (linha 3) equivale a every other day.
a) comum nos dias de hoje e leva a um estado de b) getting-by (linha 8) equivale expresso: vir ao mundo
ansiedade e medo paralisante. a passeio.
b) normal nos dias de hoje e impede o desenvolvimento c) seek out [] uncertainty (linha 10) ope-se a seek out
das potencialidades. opportunity.
c) normal nos dias de hoje mas tambm pode proporcionar d) A palavra handle (linha 26) pode ser entendida por
oportunidades. evitar.
d) embora natural nos dias de hoje, pode at levar morte. e) pouring over (linha 37) pode ser substitudo por making.
e) embora seja objeto de estudo de diversas reas de
conhecimento, nenhuma desenvolveu mecanismos para sua 135 | ITA 2013
total superao. No contexto em que se insere, a afirmao turns out, there
is (linha 33) pode ser entendida como:
131 | ITA 2013
No trecho Problem is, that kills most people (linha 21), o a) possvel transformar medo e ansiedade em algo
pronome relativo that refere-se a: construtivo.
b) o medo e a ansiedade levam inao.
a) falta de alternativas. c) a incerteza transforma o medo em ansiedade e dvida.
b) longos questionamentos. d) temores esto geralmente associados incerteza.
c) dificuldade para agir diante da incerteza. e) h um caminho no qual temores e incertezas andam
d) incapacidade de descobrir o verdadeiro potencial. juntos.
e) falta de informaes precisas.
136 | ITA 2013
132 | ITA 2013 Na linha 5, Like it or not:
Escolha a opo que apresenta a mesma ideia da afirmao
a seguir: Your ability to lean into the unknown isnt so much a) refere-se espada de Damocles.
about luck or genetics, rather its something entirely b) significa sendo ou no sendo como descrito no texto.
trainable (linhas 33-34). c) refere-se normalidade da incerteza nos dias atuais.
d) significa goste disso ou no goste.
e) refere-se aos sentimentos desencadeados pela incerteza.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Nassim Nicholas Taleb has little tolerance for, well, 138 | JFS 2012
a lot of things. But, as his latest book demonstrates, he holds As lacunas presentes no texto devem ser preenchidas
a particular grievance against the mediocre, the safe middle respectivamente por:
ground, and most forms of moderation.
True to form, Antifragile: Things that Gain From a) (I) earnestness (II) far-flung (III) randomness (IV)
Disorder, is a work of non-fiction that trades in extremes multiheaded (V) self-assuredness
a book that, in complete __________ (I), offers thoughts on b) (I) earnestsome (II) far-flung (III) randomed (IV)
everything from the philosophy of Seneca and the structure multiheaded (V) self-assuredness
of the Swiss government to the value of procrastination and c) (I) earnestness (II) far-flinged (III) randomness (IV)
the limits of academic research. () multiheading (V) self-assuredment
Taleb meanders between these and many other d) (I) earnestment (II) far-flinged (III) randomment (IV)
__________ (II) topics in the service of an impressively multiheading (V) self-assuredness
straightforward point: some things like volatility and some e) (I) earnestsomeness (II) far-flinged (III) randomsome
things hate it. (IV) multiheaded (V) self-assuredment
More specifically, his aim is to introduce a new
concept he believes has been absent from our discussions of 139 | JFS 2012
nearly all human endeavor, one called antifragility. Fragile Aps ler o texto, pode-se corretamente afirmar que Nassim
things a crystal champagne flute, for instance, or a house Nicholas Taleb:
of cards are hurt by stress, __________ (III), and
uncertainty. Antifragile things, meanwhile, are strengthened a) pode ser considerado uma pessoa impaciente e
by it just as Medusa grows stronger and more imediatista, cuja inquietao faz com que ele questione o
__________ (IV) with every decapitation. status quo do sistema.
Taleb maintains that living things and complex b) no tolera a forma medocre e aptica atravs da qual a
systems are all antifragile to some degree. Our bodies, for sociedade contempornea lida com as questes cotidianas.
the most part, thrive as a result of regular interaction with c) afirma que a volatilidade se faz necessria at mesmo em
stressors in the environment just as firms become weak situaes em que ela, normalmente, no aplicada.
during long periods of steady prosperity devoid of setbacks d) levanta a hiptese de que o comodismo com o qual certas
and [s]mall forest fires periodically cleanse the system of questes so tratadas atrapalha a evoluo e o crescimento
the most flammable material, so these do not have the da sociedade.
opportunity to accumulate. The process of biological e) acredita que as coisas anti-frgeis tm a capacidade de
evolution, technological progress, and economic growth all evoluir mesmo diante de situaes adversas.
rely on some sort of messy, undirected trial-and-error
process that is fueled by regular exposure to uncertainty. 140 | JFS 2012
We insulate ourselves from such natural volatility at our own Considere os seguintes fragmentos do texto:
peril. ()
For all of Talebs obvious __________ (V), (I) some things like volatility and some things hate it (3
Antifragile is, in part, an exploration of how little we pargrafo)
understand, and how much suffering arises from (II) a crystal champagne flute (4 pargrafo)
overestimating the firmness with which we grasp the (III) Our bodies (5 pargrafo)
universe we inhabit. There are secrets to our world, he (IV) how much suffering arises from overestimating the
writes, that only practice can reveal, and no opinion or firmness with which we grasp the universe we inhabit (6
analysis will ever capture in full. It might be more pargrafo)
appropriate, then, to see Antifragile as a paean to
intellectual modesty a characteristic that, strangely Agora, marque o item que apresenta o valor semntico de
enough, nobody is likely to ascribe to Taleb anytime soon. cada um desses fragmentos.

Adapted from a) explicao exemplificao exemplificao retificao

b) elucidao exemplificao exemplificao ratificao
137 | JFS 2012 c) elucidao exemplificao exemplificao explicao
O texto anterior pode ser classificado, em ingls, como: d) exemplificao elucidao explicao retificao
e) explicao elucidao explicao ratificao
a) a synopsis.
b) a review.
c) a criticism.
d) a summary.
e) an essay.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
141 | JFS 2012 142 | UNESP 2013
A sentena firms become weak during long periods of O principal objetivo do texto analisar:
steady prosperity devoid of setbacks (5 pargrafo)
significa: a) como muitos anncios deixam de cumprir seu papel.
b) como anncios valorizam a imagem do consumidor.
a) firmas tornam-se fracas depois de extensos perodos de c) aspectos racionais e irracionais contidos em anncios.
forte prosperidade devido aos imprevistos. d) anncios e procurar entender como cumprem seu papel.
b) firmas tornam-se fracas durante longos perodos de e) elementos lingusticos e valores sociais em anncios.
constante prosperidade devido aos infortnios.
c) fortes tornam-se fracos durante extensos perodos de 143 | UNESP 2013
prosperidade estvel devido aos percalos. De acordo com o texto:
d) firmes enfraquecem durante longos perodos de
crescente desenvolvimento por causa de reveses. a) alguns anncios contm elementos que supervalorizam o
e) firmes tornam-se fracos durante longos perodos de papel social da lngua.
crescimento estvel desprovido de contratempos. b) alguns anncios contm elementos que podem denegrir a
imagem do capitalismo.
Analyze an advertisement c) alguns anncios possuem at mesmo um aspecto obscuro,
um tanto srdido.
Not all advertisements make perfect sense. Not all d) anncios devem conter um apelo irracional aos benefcios
of them promote or imply acceptance of social values that do produto anunciado.
everyone would agree are what we should hope for, in an e) anncios no devem destacar benefcios ou valores
enlightened and civilized society. Some advertisements sociais dos produtos anunciados.
appear to degrade our images of ourselves, our language,
and appear to move the emphasis of interaction in our 144 | UNESP 2013
society to (even more) consumerism. There may even be a A resposta questo apresentada no ltimo pargrafo do
dark, seamy, or seedy side to advertising. This is hardly texto foi:
surprising, as our society is indeed a consumer society, and it
is highly capitalistic in the simplest sense. There is no doubt a) benefcios racionais atendero melhor s necessidades
that advertising promotes a consumer culture, and helps dos consumidores do produto anunciado.
create and perpetuate the ideology that creates the b) no se deve pensar nos benefcios de um produto
apparent need for the products it markets. anunciado de maneira capitalista e racional.
For our purposes here, none of this matters. Our c) anncios precisam apresentar benefcios racionais, para
task is to analyze advertisements, and to see if we can que os consumidores possam entend-los.
understand how they do what they do. We will leave the d) benefcios do produto anunciado devem ser
task of how we interpret our findings in the larger social, compreendidos por pessoas que desconhecem o produto.
moral and cultural contexts for another occasion. e) anncios devem salientar qualidades de um produto que
It is often said that advertising is irrational, and, sejam entendidas de modo racional pelos consumidores.
again, that may well be true. But this is where the crossover
between information and persuasion becomes important; an 145 | UNESP 2013
advertisement does not have to be factually informative (but O pronome it, utilizado na ltima linha do primeiro
it cannot be factually misleading). pargrafo, na frase for the products it markets, refere-se:
In a discussion of what kind of benefit an
advertisement might offer to a consumer, Jim Aitchison a) necessidade da propaganda.
(1999) provides the following quote from Gary Goldsmith of b) rea de publicidade.
Lowe & Partners, New York. It sums up perfectly what it is c) ideologia da propaganda.
that one should look for in an advertisement. The question d) aos mercados consumidores.
posed is Is advertising more powerful if it offers a rational e) cultura do consumismo.
benefit? Here is Goldsmiths answer: I dont think you
need to offer a rational benefit. I think you need to offer a
benefit that a rational person can understand.

Adapted from

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
146 | UNESP 2013 147 | FUVEST 2013
A expresso none of this matters, no segundo pargrafo, De acordo com o texto, a indstria publicitria:
a) passou a criar anncios mais curtos.
a) s caractersticas de anncios mencionadas no primeiro b) deixou de comprar tempo na TV devido ao aumento de
pargrafo. custo por minuto.
b) falta de coerncia e de sentido que certos anncios c) foi forada a se modificar em funo das novas
podem conter. tecnologias.
c) s caractersticas positivas de anncios mencionadas no d) aumentou sua audincia cativa.
texto. e) comeou a privilegiar a forma em vez de contedos.
d) interpretao de anncios de acordo com uma ideologia
de consumo. 148 | FUVEST 2013
e) aos valores culturais, morais e sociais que caracterizam No texto, a palavra viral refere-se a:
um anncio.
a) campanhas publicitrias divulgadas entre usurios de
mdias eletrnicas.
b) vrus eletrnicos acoplados a anncios publicitrios.
c) mensagens de alerta aos consumidores para os riscos de
determinados produtos.
d) mdias eletrnicas que tm dificuldade em controlar a
disseminao de vrus.
e) quantidades de anncios que congestionam as caixas
postais dos usurios de correio eletrnico.

149 | FUVEST 2013

Afirma-se, no texto, que, diferentemente da TV, na
publicidade online a audincia tem de ser:

a) partilhada.
b) valorizada.
c) comprada.
d) multiplicada.
e) conquistada.

Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived Life is Adam

Phillips's 17th book and is a characteristic blend of literary
criticism and philosophical reflection packaged around a
central idea. The theme here is missed opportunities, roads
not taken, alternative versions of our lives and ourselves, all
Time was, advertising was a relatively simple of which, Phillips argues, exert a powerful hold over our
undertaking: buy some print space and airtime, create the imaginations. Using a series of examples and close readings
spots, and blast them at a captive audience. Today its of authors including Philip Larkin and Shakespeare, the book
chaos: while passive viewers still exist, mostly we pick and suggests that a broader understanding of life's inevitable
choose what to consume, ignoring ads with a touch of the disappointments and thwarted desires can enable us to live
DVR remote. Ads are forced to become more like content, fuller, richer lives. Good things come to those who wait.
and the best aim to engage consumers so much that they Does he see himself as a champion of frustration?
pass the material on to friends by email, Twitter, Facebook I'm not on the side of frustration exactly, so much as the
who will pass it on to friends, who will you get the idea that one has to be able to bear frustration in order for
picture. In the industry, viral has become a usefully vague satisfaction to be realistic. I'm interested in how the culture
way to describe any campaign that spreads from person to of consumer capitalism depends on the idea that we can't
person, acquiring its own momentum. bear frustration, so that every time we feel a bit restless or
Its not that online advertising has eclipsed TV, but bored or irritable, we eat, or we shop.
it has become its full partner and in many ways the more
substantive one, a medium in which the audience must be Adapted from, 1 June 2012.
earned, not simply bought.

Adapted from Newsweek, March 26 & April 2, 2012.

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
150 | FUVEST 2013 152 | JFS 2011
Segundo o texto, o livro Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived A partir da anlise da imagem anterior, pode-se inferir que:
Life sugere que:
a) as redes sociais sempre estiveram presentes em nossas
a) a fantasia deve se sobrepor a nossos planos de vida. vidas, mesmo antes da popularizao da internet.
b) uma compreenso maior das decepes e dos desejos b) no importa a idade do usurio, as redes sociais podem
no realizados pode nos ajudar a viver melhor. ser acessadas por qualquer pessoa, independentemente de
c) os relatos de vida dos escritores no nos servem de sua faixa etria.
exemplo. c) as redes sociais esto com os dias contados, da mesma
d) um controle maior de nossa imaginao importante forma como ocorreu, no passado, com outras formas de
para lidarmos com nossas frustraes. comunicao.
e) as oportunidades perdidas devem ser recuperadas para d) um dia, as mais modernas e badaladas redes sociais do
uma vida satisfatria. momento tambm podem se tornar algo do passado.
e) mesmo quando se tornarem velhas e obsoletas, as redes
151 | FUVEST 2013 sociais ainda sero bastante acessadas por usurios de todas
No texto, em resposta pergunta Does he see himself as a as faixas etrias.
champion of frustration?, o autor do livro argumenta ser
necessrio que as pessoas:
Life is something that happens
a) tenham experincias satisfatrias para compreender a when you can't get to sleep.
frustrao. Fran Lebowitz
b) entendam cada vez mais a cultura capitalista de consumo.
c) se distraiam fazendo compras quando esto irritadas.
d) lidem com as frustraes para que suas satisfaes sejam
e) percebam o que as deixa frustradas no dia a dia.

Adapted from

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

3RD Part | Translations 008. I told my sister I'd lend her my new shirt if she let me
borrow her jacket, but she didn't take the bait.
a) oferta
Mark the correct translations to the words/expressions in
b) isca
c) engodo
d) negcio
001. The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and
e) emprstimo
a) novamente
009. Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime.
b) parcialmente
a) aumenta
c) tendenciosamente
b) acentua
d) aleatoriamente
c) piora
e) sem novidades
d) gera
e) exacerba
002. In good condition, dolls from this period sell for 500
010. Stay a little longer, I beseech you!
a) por cada pedao
a) solicito
b) um pedao
b) imploro
c) cada
c) peo
d) vista
d) exijo
e) parcelado
e) ordeno
003. We tried to persuade her not to resign, but to no avail.
011. The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed on
a) sem chance
British civilians for acts of great bravery.
b) sem necessidade
a) apreciada
c) no foi fcil
b) merecida
d) em vo
c) usada
e) sem compromisso
d) vendida
e) concedida
004. He avowed that he regretted what he had done.
a) negou
012. His theory has produced a blizzard of statistics on the
b) confessou
global dimming phenomenon.
c) jurou
a) grande quantidade
d) salientou
b) pequena quantidade
e) insinuou
c) mdia
d) aumento
005. You can't help but stand in awe of powerful people.
e) diminuio
a) medo
b) espanto
013. The breadth of her knowledge is amazing.
c) pnico
a) alcance
d) respeito
b) largura
e) desprezo
c) extenso
d) limite
006. There followed an awkward silence while we all tried to
e) fronteira
think of something to say.
a) sepulcral
014. I've tried persuading her, but she won't budge.
b) demorado
a) discutir
c) estranho
b) vacilar
d) longo
c) mudar
e) embaraoso
d) conversar
e) tentar
007. They come from a privileged background.
a) vizinhana
b) origem
c) formao
d) arredores
e) residncia

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
015. All the rooms have built-in cupboards and wardrobes. 022. This is a daring new film by one of our most original
a) espaosos modern directors.
b) na medida certa a) inteligente
c) reformados b) astuto
d) embutidos c) temerrio
e) adaptados d) arriscado
e) audacioso
016. The men were caked in layers of filth and grime.
a) atolados 023. Stop dawdling! You'll be late for school!
b) sujos a) perambular
c) enfurnados b) dormir
d) soterrados c) perder tempo
e) cobertos d) parar toa
e) titubear
017. The caucus was held to decide which candidate the
party will support in the next election. 024. The race ended in a dead heat.
a) votao a) acidente trgico
b) reunio b) morte
c) pesquisa c) vitria acachapante
d) sufrgio d) empate
e) anlise e) tragdia

018. All my attempts to apologize with my friends were very 025. When the newspapers published the full story, all his
clumsy. earlier deceits were revealed.
a) desastrosas a) escndalos
b) bem sucedidas b) fraudes
c) bem elaboradas c) segredos
d) aceitas d) sonhos
e) recusadas e) ambies

019. It was said that the police concealed vital evidence 026. She is the new dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
during the investigations. a) reitora
a) revelou b) professora
b) descobriu c) diretora
c) escondeu d) coordenadora
d) investigou e) supervisora
e) negligenciou
027. Anyone not paying the registration fee by 31 March will
020. They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave be deemed to have withdrawn from the scheme.
the party. a) exigido
a) sinal b) cobrado
b) pista c) considerado
c) sugesto d) solicitado
d) idia e) requisitado
e) afirmativa
028. The company is reconsidering the way in which it
021. She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was deploys its resources.
large and had big feet. a) economize
a) magra b) melhore
b) levada c) aumente
c) delicada d) majore
d) gentil e) aplique
e) agradvel

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
029. A digest of the research findings is now available. 036. He was a very earnest young man.
a) coletnea a) esforado
b) grfico b) talentoso
c) relatrio c) srio
d) resumo d) rico
e) verso e) forte

030. You shouldn't be so diffident about your achievements. 037. The whole country had tried to efface the memory of
a) hesitante the old dictatorship.
b) orgulhoso a) apagar
c) pedante b) relembrar
d) presunoso c) homenagear
e) indeciso d) prestar continncia
e) saudar
031. That bank is in dire straits.
a) processo de falncia 038. He had the eerie feeling that he had met this stranger
b) situao terrvel before.
c) situao muito boa a) forte
d) moratria b) engraado
e) concordata c) estranho
d) sinistro
032. The normally dour Mr James was photographed smiling e) intenso
and joking with friends.
a) presunoso 039. He managed to eke out a living one summer by selling
b) arrogante drinks on a beach.
c) despretensioso a) ficar rico
d) mal-humorado b) ganhar um bom dinheiro
e) sisudo c) fazer uma pequena fortuna
d) viver com pouco dinheiro
033. The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former e) abrir um empreendimento
size in the last two years.
a) dividiu-se 040. Naturally, I embroidered the tale a little to make it
b) dobrou more interesting.
c) aumentou a) enfeitei
d) diminuiu b) fantasiei
e) desmembrou-se c) melhorei
d) reduzi
034. They crowded round the spokesperson, eager for any e) maquiei
a) eufricos 041. The festival is to encompass everything from music,
b) ansiosos theatre and ballet to literature, cinema and the visual arts.
c) impacientes a) relacionar
d) irritados b) misturar
e) indceis c) combinar
d) enfatizar
035. Five billion dollars of this year's budget is already e) abranger
earmarked for hospital improvements.
a) investido 042. He went to France as a United Nations special envoy.
b) arrecadado a) encarregado
c) gasto b) responsvel
d) reservado c) diretor
e) empreendido d) enviado
e) nomeado

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
043. He eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs. 050. It's a competent enough piece of writing but it lacks
a) frequentava flair.
b) ficava longe de a) um bom enredo
c) adorava b) suspense
d) odiava c) romance
e) aproveitava-se da d) empolgao
e) talento
044. In this economically depressed area, evictions are
common. 051. He is always making flattering remarks about me and
a) calotes my projects.
b) emprstimos a) desagradveis
c) turbulncias b) lisonjeiras
d) crises c) importantes
e) despejos d) inteligentes
e) inesperadas
045. The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.
a) intensificou-se 052. I think she just thought I was being flippant.
b) cessou a) elegante
c) esquentou b) exibido
d) perdeu o sentido c) desrespeitoso
e) fugiu do foco principal d) agradvel
e) brincalho
046. He bid us both a fond farewell.
a) felicitao 053. She spent the day fretting about what she'd said to
b) saudao Nicky.
c) despedida a) preocupando-se
d) recepo b) lembrando
e) atendimento c) analisando
d) considerando
047. This is a far-fetched idea. e) ponderando
a) muito boa
b) horrvel 054. A group of suntanned children were frolicking on the
c) mirabolante beach.
d) infalvel a) nadando
e) inalcanvel b) brincando
c) correndo
048. Hundreds of prisoners began a fast in protest about d) andando
prison conditions. e) descansando
a) jejum
b) corrida 055. She frowned at me, clearly annoyed due to my report
c) revolta card.
d) debate a) brigou comigo
e) rebelio b) gritou comigo
c) franziu a testa pra mim
049. She slept fitfully throughout the night and arose before d) chamou minha ateno
dawn. e) sorriu para mim
a) muito bem
b) confortavelmente 056. The government continues to fudge the issue by
c) relaxadamente refusing to give exact figures.
d) irregularmente a) evitando
e) aconchegadamente b) mentindo sobre
c) debatendo
d) adiando
e) amenizando

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
057. She started gabbling away at me in Spanish and I didn't 064. The aircraft's landing gear grazed the treetops as it
understand a word. landed.
a) explicar a) chocou-se contra
b) puxar conversa b) desviou
c) gritar c) quase atingiu
d) xingar d) roou
e) falar depressa e) enrolou-se com

058. He bought a pair of garish Bermuda shorts. 065. They are in a financial gridlock due to high interest
a) belas rates.
b) caras a) deficincia
c) baratas b) dbito
d) espalhafatosas c) crise
e) floridas d) impasse
e) colapso
059. I thought her outfit was ghastly.
a) fantstico 066. The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were
b) exclusivo actually undercover police officers.
c) importado a) procura
d) horrvel b) disfarce
e) chamativo c) desculpa
d) perseguio
060. Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding e) investigao
the lily?
a) til 067. There are any number of miracle cures on the market
b) exagero for people gullible enough to buy them.
c) quente demais a) ricas
d) adequado b) necessitadas
e) inconveniente c) doentes
d) leigas
061. Detectives have given the flat a thorough going-over. e) influenciveis
a) priso
b) apreenso 068. "If you must," came the gruff reply.
c) batida a) imediata
d) desarrumada b) doce
e) averiguao c) spera
d) autoritria
062. The management tried unsuccessfully to graft new e) infame
working methods onto the existing ways of doing things.
a) adotar 069. He eventually won the match after five gruelling sets.
b) inserir a) maantes
c) adicionar b) estonteantes
d) investir c) emocionantes
e) criar d) exaustivos
e) longos
063. The children grappled for the ball.
a) lutaram 070. She's a real guzzler!
b) jogaram a) beberrona
c) optaram b) fanfarrona
d) lanaram c) comilona
e) furaram d) cafajeste
e) mau-carter

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
071. He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a 078. In their heyday, they sold as many records as all the
bit haggard. other groups in the country put together.
a) de ressaca a) estria
b) doente b) auge
c) abatido c) separao
d) enjoado d) declnio
e) sonolento e) incio

072. He spoke quietly, in halting English. 079. Half these factories now stand idle.
a) hesitante a) falidas
b) perfeito b) prsperas
c) indefectvel c) ociosas
d) formal d) em greve
e) informal e) em expanso

073. What did you hanker after most when you were in 080. The worst of her criticism was reserved for journalists,
prison? photographers and others of their ilk.
a) receava a) tipo
b) sentia falta b) profisso
c) fazia c) cargo
d) ansiava d) laia
e) evitava e) rea

074. There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and 081. Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are
waves as new sources of power. responsible for the behaviour of these men.
a) promover a) alm de
b) enfatizar b) em vez de
c) ressaltar c) embora
d) aumentar d) apesar de
e) fazer uso de e) j que

075. My grandfather always says to me: Make hay while 082. The inmates are in the cafeteria now.
the sun shines. a) novatos
a) Antes tarde do que nunca. b) detentos
b) Nunca deixe para o amanh o que voc pode fazer hoje. c) alunos
c) Deus ajuda a quem cedo madruga. d) funcionrios
d) Aproveite enquanto tempo. e) inquilinos
e) A pressa inimiga da perfeio.
083. You have to pay the installment today.
076. A few angry locals started heckling the speaker. a) multa
a) interromper b) fiana
b) espancar c) penso
c) agredir d) prestao
d) maltratar e) indenizao
e) interrogar
084. The office will be issuing permits on Tuesday and
077. Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing Thursday mornings.
to global warming. a) publicando
a) enorme b) emitindo
b) avassaladora c) divulgando
c) despretensiosa d) aplicando
d) precipitada e) restringindo
e) imprudente

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
085. Invoices must be submitted by the 24th of every 093. Different ethnic groups have different systems of
month. kinship.
a) faturas a) parentesco
b) memorandos b) afinidade
c) atas c) liderana
d) solicitaes d) governo
e) portarias e) casamento

086. Perhaps some caviar can tempt your jaded palate. 094. There's a knack to using this corkscrew.
a) aguado a) talento
b) refinado b) jeito
c) cansado c) regra
d) exigente d) lei
e) apurado e) norma

087. Hes been living a jarring experience. 095. Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached
a) fascinante to it.
b) desagradvel a) prestgio
c) nova b) contratempos
d) inesperada c) transtornos
e) sbita d) importncia
e) valor
088. I only said it in jest you're obviously not fat.
a) sem pensar 096. The food was nice enough but the service was rather
b) de propsito lackadaisical.
c) sem querer a) incivil
d) de brincadeira b) atabalhoado
e) para irritar c) indelicado
d) desastrado
089. He works as a juggler.
e) displicente
a) percussionista
b) danarino 097. He is always lashed out by the reporters.
c) equilibrista a) elogiado
d) malabarista b) entrevistado
e) trapezista c) atacado
d) citado
090. He jutted his jaw out defiantly.
e) enaltecido
a) tremia
b) projetava
098. He bought lead pipes.
c) roava
a) plstico
d) mordia
b) borracha
e) balanava
c) cermica
091. She's a keen tennis player. d) chumbo
a) brilhante e) silicone
b) pssimo
c) regular 099. The business has liabilities of 2 million.
d) esforada a) ativo
e) iniciante b) passivo
c) patrimnio
092. Her imagination was kindled by the exciting stories her d) investimentos
grandmother told her. e) lucro
a) envolvida
b) desestimulada
c) aguada
d) anestesiada
e) invadida

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
100. That farm is his livelihood. 108. There's no point in sitting at home and moping.
a) principal patrimnio a) chorando
b) herana b) lamentando-se
c) meio de vida c) reclamando
d) riqueza d) enfurnado
e) legado e) escondendo-se

101. I'm loath to spend it all at once. 109. He always says mordant remarks.
a) relutante a) sarcsticas
b) a favor b) imprudentes
c) contra c) desagradveis
d) disposto a d) inteligentes
e) decidido a e) intrigantes

102. From an early age the brothers have loathed each 110. She managed to muster the courage to ask him to the
other. cinema.
a) detestaram a) reunir
b) amaram b) juntar
c) ajudaram c) coletar
d) sustentaram d) fazer
e) ensinaram e) criar

103. The motion of the car almost lulled her to sleep. 111. I got sick of her constant nagging.
a) levou a) reclamaes
b) acalentou b) espirros
c) fez c) vaciladas
d) no deixou d) traies
e) tornou impraticvel e) descuidos

104. My sweater got mangled in the washing machine. 112. After our busy day we both sat and nodded off in front
a) manchado of the TV.
b) desfigurado a) jantamos
c) mutilado b) relaxamos
d) lavado c) cochilamos
e) acabado d) conversamos
e) continuamos trabalhando
105. I like mellow flavours.
a) adocicados 113. Christine was completely nonplussed by his reply.
b) fortes a) confusa
c) suaves b) perplexa
d) apimentados c) ofendida
e) exticos d) revoltada
e) humilhada
106. She seemed so very meek and mild.
a) submissa e conformada 114. Some of his colleagues say that he's obnoxious.
b) suave e frgil a) competente
c) pacfica e sutil b) preguioso
d) dcil e calma c) displicente
e) calma e perspicaz d) radical
e) insuportvel
107. She has a mischievous sense of humour.
115. Fifty odd people came to the party.
a) estranho
a) estranhas
b) malfico
b) desacompanhadas
c) perspicaz
c) penetras
d) malicioso
d) e poucas
e) sarcstico
e) estrangeiras

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
116. The engine had been making an ominous sound all the 123. She asked in a pleading tone of voice.
way from London. a) arrogante
a) estranho b) spero
b) sinistro c) rouco
c) ameaador d) suplicante
d) perigoso e) desafiador
e) espantoso
124. I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
117. Unions are fighting a plan by universities to outsource a) bebendo
all non-academic services. b) preparando
a) reduzir c) adoando
b) cortar d) esfriando
c) aumentar e) servindo
d) terceirizar
e) restringir 125. The idea is preposterous!
a) fantstica
118. Neither side in the conflict seems willing to make peace b) absurda
overtures. c) plausvel
a) acordos d) aceitvel
b) propostas e) ruim
c) convenes
d) concesses 126. I've always been prone to accidents.
e) comunicados a) propenso
b) medroso
119. Student grants these days are paltry. c) disposto
a) insignificantes d) receoso
b) fartas e) preparado
c) abrangentes
d) extensas 127. "I don't approve of that kind of language," she said,
e) restritas pursing her lips.
a) lambendo
120. You have to treat your patrons well. b) cerrando
a) patres c) fechando
b) clientes d) mordendo
c) fornecedores e) franzindo
d) garons
e) funcionrios 128. At the end of the match, the pitch was a real quagmire.
a) baguna
121. It has been alleged that he received a payoff from an b) pntano
arms dealer. c) lamaal
a) ameaa d) atoleiro
b) prazo e) arruaa
c) aviso
d) propina 129. His conviction was quashed in March 1986 after his
e) chantagem counsel argued that the police evidence was a tissue of lies.
a) aumentada
122. Lets go for a pint. b) rejeitada
a) festa c) revogada
b) cigarro d) negada
c) cerveja e) adiada
d) passeio
e) viagem

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
130. I started to feel queasy as soon as the boat left the 137. The team were rather ragged in the first half of the
harbour. match, but improved in the second half.
a) mal a) indisciplinado
b) com saudade b) desatento
c) com medo c) irregular
d) enjoado d) violento
e) empolgado e) distrado

131. Are you in the queue for tickets? 138. She's always raking up that old quarrel.
a) espera a) chorando por causa de
b) nsia b) remoendo-se por conta de
c) fila c) desenterrando
d) procura d) reclamando de
e) expectativa e) esbravejando devido a

132. We'll have to quicken the pace if we want to keep up 139. Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon
with him. become worth nothing.
a) manter a) grande
b) estabilizar b) desenfreada
c) diminuir c) em decadncia
d) ultrapassar d) selvagem
e) acelerar e) causticante

133. When asked earlier why he seemed to be so relaxed, 140. She has an excellent rapport with her staff.
Mr McCarthy quipped: "It's the drugs". a) avaliao
a) gracejou b) rendimento
b) afirmou c) desempenho
c) replicou d) entrosamento
d) admitiu e) receita
e) ratificou
141. She looked ravishing!
134. There's no point quibbling over a couple of dollars. a) encantadora
a) cobrar b) com raiva
b) no pagar c) cansada
c) pechinchar d) indisposta
d) criar caso e) faminta
e) cobrar juros
142. She was widely reckoned the best actress of her
135. Lennie's bottom lip quivered and tears started in his generation.
eyes. a) estimada
a) franziu b) aclamada
b) tremeu c) proclamada
c) ressecou d) considerada
d) umedeceu e) julgada
e) foi ferido
143. On her way to her interview she silently rehearsed
136. Even at the end, when cancer racked his body, he was what she would say.
calm and cheerful. a) arguia
a) torturava b) questionava
b) corroia c) declarava
c) deteriorava d) declamava
d) acabava e) ensaiava
e) definhava

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
144. I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the 151. I baked a huge cake this morning, and the kids scoffed
others. the lot.
a) escondi a) confeitaram
b) omiti b) jogaram fora
c) declarei c) deixaram cair
d) comuniquei d) desperdiaram
e) repeti e) devoraram

145. Don't let her rile you. 152. We would now like to broaden the scope of the enquiry
a) irritar and look at more general matters.
b) mentir para a) extenso
c) falar mal de b) influncia
d) pensar bobagens sobre c) repercusso
e) enganar d) divulgao
e) sigilo
146. The speaker attempted to rouse the crowd with a cry
for action. 153. The poor dog it's shivering!
a) acalmar a) com fome
b) apaziguar b) com medo
c) incitar c) tremendo
d) ludibriar d) doente
e) comover e) com frio

147. He was the runner-up of the race. 154. The American space shuttle can be used many times to
a) campeo put payloads in space.
b) bi-campeo a) nave espacial
c) desclassificado b) nibus espacial
d) segundo colocado c) estao espacial
e) terceiro colocado d) foguete espacial
e) satlite
148. Some people believe that to succeed in this world you
have to be ruthless. 155. I don't think Rick will ever manage to slake his lust for
a) ambicioso power.
b) impiedoso a) saciar
c) desonesto b) diminuir
d) implacvel c) aumentar
e) insensvel d) estimular
e) conter
149. He nodded his head sagely.
a) sabiamente 156. You may sneer, but a lot of people like this kind of
b) negativamente music.
c) positivamente a) ironizar
d) agitadamente b) detestar
e) pacificamente c) execrar
d) ser contra
150. Im already sated. e) injuriar-se
a) conformado
b) cansado 157. She soothed the crying baby.
c) extenuado a) perdeu a pacincia com
d) saciado b) agrediu
e) sobrecarregado c) se irritou com
d) amamentou
e) acalmou

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
158. His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial 165. You need to trawl through a lot of data to get results
scandal. that are valid.
a) agredida a) pesquisar
b) atormentada b) coletar
c) agitada c) reunir
d) manchada d) interligar
e) afligida e) anexar

159. He gave me a good telling-off for forgetting the 166. Tuition fees will increase next year.
meeting. a) crdito
a) conselho b) moradia
b) lembrete c) sade
c) sugesto d) transporte
d) bronca e) educao
e) ressalva
167. The Swedes are not alone in finding their language
160. Allow the meat to thaw properly before cooking it. under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.
a) ferver a) amplo
b) esfriar b) onipresente
c) aquecer c) avanado
d) derreter d) desenfreado
e) degelar e) exagerado

161. The mayor's political future has been hanging by a 168. She gave an unbiased opinion about the issue.
thread since the fraud scandal. a) errada
a) est um caos b) sincera
b) tornou-se obscuro c) tendenciosa
c) est por um fio d) imparcial
d) foi decidido e) confusa
e) acabou
169. Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on
162. His business thrived in the years before the war. the local tax payer.
a) faliu a) moderado
b) prosperou b) aceitvel
c) estagnou c) necessrio
d) desandou d) exagerado
e) minguou e) imprescindvel

163. Several insurance companies are now touting their 170. His behaviour was unseemly.
wares on local radio. a) impecvel
a) anunciando b) indefectvel
b) vendendo c) inadequado
c) demonstrando d) irrepreensvel
d) exibindo e) normal
e) lanando
171. The upshot of the discussions is that there will be no
164. Arrogance is a very unattractive personality trait. redundancies.
a) defeito a) votao
b) qualidade b) debate
c) trao c) resultado
d) falta de educao d) proposta
e) modo e) alvitre

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
172. She sat through the whole meeting without uttering a 179. This film is x-rated.
word. a) fantstico
a) proferir b) obsceno
b) entender c) violento
c) anotar d) agradvel
d) comentar e) sem graa
e) explicar
180. This was once a Roman road in days of yore.
173. The vanquished army surrendered their weapons. a) guerra
a) abalado b) romance
b) derrotado c) outrora
c) covarde d) peleja
d) inteiro e) fome
e) estremecido

174. She entered the vault with an armed guard. Equal opportunity means everyone will have
a) caixa-forte a fair chance at being incompetent.
b) sala Laurence J. Peter
c) recinto
d) priso
e) ala

175. This issue looks likely to continue to vex the

a) assombrar
b) perseguir
c) acuar
d) irritar
e) acalmar

176. The two older children tend to vie with the younger
one for their mother's attention.
a) chorar
b) agredir
c) unir-se
d) competir
e) atracar-se

177. As a medical examiner I can vouch from experience that

his death was accidental.
a) imaginar
b) supor
c) conjeturar
d) estimar
e) garantir

178. The women gathered around the coffin and began to

a) lamentar
b) rezar
c) cantar
d) acenar
e) aplaudir

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

4TH Part | Word Definition 08. The word __________ describes a situation where there
is no order at all and everyone is confused.
a) orderliness
01. The verb __________ means to go around a place where
b) outburst
you have never been to find out what is there.
c) neatness
a) search
d) chaos
b) explore
e) tidiness
c) exploit
d) visit 09. If you take a __________ you stop the activity you are
e) conquer doing to have a short rest.
a) burst
02. The verb __________ means to stay in the air, or move
b) nap
gently through the air.
c) gap
a) fly
d) hole
b) flow
e) breath
c) glide
d) float 10. To __________ means to keep criticizing or giving advice
e) hover to someone in an annoying way.
a) assuage
03. A __________ is a strange object in the sky that could be
b) soothe
from another part of the universe.
c) relieve
a) UFO
d) appease
b) comet
e) nag
c) star
d) planet 11. The word __________ describes someone who is
e) rocket determined to do what they want and refuses to do
anything else.
04. The verb __________ means both to shine light on a) stubborn
something, and, to explain something clearly. b) broad-minded
a) scrutinize c) compliant
b) illuminate d) indulgent
c) enlighten e) yielding
d) clarify
e) brighten 12. Somebody __________ has special interest in or
experience of something and so knowing what is happening
05. The adjective __________ means both a strong, light in that subject at the present time.
colour, or someone who is intelligent or happy. a) poignant
a) lively b) keen
b) preposterous c) aware
c) bright d) thirsty
d) cheerful e) weary
e) sturdy
13. The word __________ describes something with a sharp,
06. The verb __________ means to step awkwardly while sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell, like a lemon, and not
walking or running and fall or begin to fall. sweet.
a) stumble a) salty
b) hinder b) spicy
c) wander c) tasty
d) stroll d) bitter
e) meander e) sour

07. To __________ means to shake because you are cold or 14. If a surface such as paper or skin is __________, it does
frightened. not feel smooth when you touch it.
a) freeze a) delicate
b) breach b) rough
c) shatter c) sensitive
d) crumble d) flat
e) shiver e) uneven

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
15. __________ is a strong plastic which can be bent, and 22. __________ is the use of remarks which clearly mean the
which is used for making floor coverings, furniture, clothing, opposite of what they say, and which are made in order to
etc. or (in the past) records. hurt someone's feelings or to criticize something in a
a) rubber humorous way.
b) cloth a) Jibber jabber
c) vinyl b) Nonsense
d) leather c) Tomfoolery
e) polystyrene d) Foolishness
e) Sarcasm
16. A __________ is a tall metal structure with a long
horizontal part which is used for lifting and moving heavy 23. A(n) __________ is something which is confusing, or a
objects. problem which is difficult to solve.
a) rack a) issue
b) hanger b) matter
c) hook c) riddle
d) crane d) quiz
e) lever e) query

17. The word __________ describes a state between 24. __________ is the speed at which something happens or
sleeping and being awake. changes, or the amount or number of times it happens or
a) idle changes in a particular period.
b) tiresome a) Rate
c) heedful b) Grade
d) awake c) Rank
e) drowsy d) Scale
e) Amount
18. __________ is a period of time when you eat no food.
a) Hunger 25. The verb __________ means to improve the quality,
b) Starvation amount or strength of something.
c) Famine a) highlight
d) Fast b) heighten
e) Ache c) raise
d) enhance
19. __________ is a small device or machine with a e) thrive
particular purpose.
a) Gadget 26. The verb __________ means to have a heaviness of a
b) Outfit stated amount, or to measure the heaviness of an object.
a) weigh
c) Gear
d) Jack b) match
e) Switch c) set
d) settle
20. The verb __________ means to cheat or trick someone e) thicken
in order to get money unfairly from them.
27. The verb __________ means to (cause to) lose colour,
a) yield
brightness or strength gradually.
b) shaft
a) vanish
c) spoil
b) fade
d) sweep
c) melt
e) gamble
d) gloss
e) whiten
21. __________ is an area drawn out on the ground which is
used for playing sports such as tennis and basketball. 28. The verb __________ means to change the colour of
a) Ring something using a special liquid.
b) Pitch a) pale
c) Field b) stain
d) Court c) dye
e) Yard d) blur
e) spot

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
29. __________ means to have a hole or empty space inside. a) gossip
a) Leak b) quarrel
b) Needy c) struggle
c) Packed d) swear
d) Bare e) utter
e) Hollow
37. The word __________ is used to describe a person who
30. __________ means to suddenly attack a person or a is a high-ranking official in a college or university and is
group of people after hiding and waiting for them. responsible for the organization of a department or
a) Shelter departments.
b) Lodge a) dean
c) Trap b) headmaster
d) Lurk c) principal
e) Ambush d) manager
e) governor
31. __________ means more than enough, especially if
expensive; very generous. 38. The verb __________ means to cause a boat to move
a) Meager through water by pushing against the water with
b) Lavish __________ (= poles with flat ends).
c) Scanty a) row flippers
d) Bash b) thrust paddles
e) Profuse c) row oars
d) thrust helms
32. The word __________ means very bad. e) row rudders
a) lousy
b) terrific 39. The verb __________ means to experience something
c) wondrous which is unpleasant or which involves a change.
d) startling a) underlie
e) frightening b) undergo
c) underachieve
33. __________ is something or someone that causes you a d) undermine
lot of trouble, often when they should be actually helping e) underpin
a) Load 40. The word __________ means full of hope, happiness and
b) Burden good feelings.
c) Liability a) teeming
d) Curse b) plentiful
e) Sorrow c) fruitful
d) prolific
34. __________ is a promise, especially that you will tell the e) upbeat
truth in a law court.
a) Pledge
b) Statement Aos colegas professores e estimados alunos de todo o Brasil
c) Vow que utilizam esta insana compilao de questes:
d) Commitment Este material gratuito e sempre ser.
e) Oath Jefferson Celestino

35. __________ is a very great sadness, especially at the

death of someone.
a) Regret
b) Pity
c) Sorriness
d) Grief
e) Heartbreak

36. The verb __________ means to use words that are rude
or offensive as a way of emphasizing what you mean or as a
way of insulting someone or something.
Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

Adjectives and Adverbs
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
151 152 153 154 155 156 - - - -
B D A E A C - - - -
Quantifiers and Intensifiers
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 - - - - -
A B B E E - - - - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
181 182 183 184 - - - - - -
B E D D - - - - - -
Modal Auxiliaries
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 - - - -
A D C C E C - - - -
Active and Passive Voice
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 - - - - - - - -
B D - - - - - - - -

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

Direct and Indirect Speech

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 - - - - -
B E D D A - - - - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 - - -
D D C D D C E - - -
Question Tags
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 - - - - - - - - -
D - - - - - - - - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 - - - -
E E A C A B - - - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 - - - - - -
E C D C - - - - - -
Plural of the Nouns
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
Genitive Case
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 - -
A A C D B A B D - -

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 - -
D E E D C B A D - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 - - - - - - -
A D B - - - - - - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Subjunctive, Imperative, Infinitive and Gerund
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 - - - - - - - -
B D - - - - - - - -
Phrasal Verbs
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
False Cognate Words
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 - -
B C C B A C A B - -
Mixed Topics
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 - - - - -
A B E C D - - - - -
Idioms and Vocabulary
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
Synonyms and Antonyms
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 - -
C D D B D A A D - -
Reading Skills and General Review
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
151 152 - - - - - - - -
D D - - - - - - - -
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa

111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
Word Definition
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
Did you find any error? Drop me some feedback, please!

Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa | Histrico Profissional


1996 a 1998 Sociedade Civil Integrada MADRE CELESTE (Sede Icoaraci)

1998 a 2004 Colgio TITULAR Sistema ELITE de Ensino | Preparatrio IME-ITA
2000 a 2002 Grupo Educacional IDEAL (Sede Batista Campos) | Preparatrio IME-ITA
2000 a 2004 Centro de Ensino Pleno IDEAL (Sede So Francisco)
2000 Colgio Marista NOSSA SENHORA DE NAZAR
2001 a 2002 EFOMM Escola de Formao de Oficiais da Marinha Mercante/CIABA Centro de Instruo Almirante Braz de Aguiar
2003 a 2004 Grupo Educacional OLIMPUS (Sede Alcindo Cacela)


2005 a 2009 Colgio ZNITE

2005 a 2011 CEM Curso para Escolas Militares | Preparatrio AFA-EFOMM
2008 a 2011 Colgio DULIA BRINGEL
2010 a 2011 Colgio MAXIMUS
2011 Colgio SANTA CECLIA
2006 a 2012 Colgio ARI DE S CAVALCANTE (Sedes Hildete de S Cavalcante, Duque de Caxias e Aldeota) | Preparatrio IME-ITA
2010 a 2012 Curso DIPLOMATA | Preparatrio IRBr
2006 a 2013 SAS Sistema Ari de S (Professor-autor do Material Didtico de Lngua Inglesa)

Desde 2005 Colgio MASTER (Sede Bezerra de Menezes) | Preparatrio IME-ITA

Desde 2008 Colgio ANTARES (Sedes Jardins, 6 Bocas, Praia de Iracema e Ftima) | Preparatrio IME-ITA
Desde 2009 Organizao Educacional X DA QUESTO | Preparatrio AFA-EFOMM
Desde 2012 Colgio 7 DE SETEMBRO (Sedes Diplomata Ednildo Gomes de Sorez e Edilson Brasil Sorez | Preparatrio IME-ITA


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