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NFC = No forced collaring.

Collaring is often considered AP so this is especially

considered invalid in most GA rooms as collaring is usually connected to an AP
lifestyle RP.

NDZ = No death zone. This is not a room where you are allowed to take your
character to be killed off.

DZ = This is a death zone and where you can take your character to be killed

Multiverse = This usually means that characters from any time or place can
show up there.

Mod = Short for moderator, someone who helps maintain a room for a room
owner and has the power to boot someone out of the room.

Godmod = Nothing to do with moderators. Godmodding is when you give the

character too much power and or allow them to achieve too much without
consent. This comes from a video game term that meant "God mode" to make
a video game character undefeatable, like that little star in Super Mario

Retcon = Retroactive continuity - This is to undo an event in a game. Void and

null have similar definition.

Null = The word null is usually used just to undo a single post's worth of events
like editing out a mistake. In example "Whoops, I didn't see you dodged my
knife, null that post where I had him take a little of your blood."

VtM = Vampire the Masquerade. A tabletop role playing game heavily dealing
with vampires.
WoD = Worlds of Darkness. A role play, not necessarily about vampires, but
within the same mythos of VtM

D&D = Dungeons and Dragons. Classic tabletop role playing game.

GM = GM is like DM. Game Master and Dungeon Master. Usually the head of a
role playing game or of a room.

AWOL = Away without leave. This is a military term but it's also used to mean a
role player who left abruptly some time ago and never returned.

AFK = Away from keys. It means a player is away from their computer at the
moment and you should either wait for them or play around them. This varies
depending on what's allowed in the room.

Brb = Be right back, and WB - weclome back are the same as they are for any
place on the Internet.

T1 through T(whatever) - Types of RP fighting styles. T1 is the most common

and has a loose definition, often meaning to attempt an attack and wait to see
if the person dodges or accepts the hit.

Para RP = Long winded RP in which the players feel ego boosts and their own
walls of text...

FUDGE = Freeform Universal donated gaming engine. The acronym sometimes

changes with the D meaning dice, ect... It's just a type of dice system.

Autohit = This is when someone hits another character without giving the other
player a chance to block. It is usually frowned upon in most RPs.
Metagame = This is similar to Godmod / Godmode and means to either give
your character too much information that he or she should not have or to
control too much within a setting without the consent of the game's owner or

Alt = If you have multiple accounts for playing different characters that other
account (or accounts) are your Alt. Alt stands for "Alternate".

Mixing = This is also frowned upon. It means to neglect to separate OOC and IC
properly and like with metagaming it gives your character too much
information that they shouldn't have though you, the player, might have.

NFZ = No Fight zone - This means that characters aren't supposed to get into a
physical combat within the room. Sometimes this can be lifted by the room

NKZ = No Kill zone - This means you cannot kill another person's character
within the room. Sometimes the room owner may be clever enough to provide
an in-game explanation to prevent the deaths from happening such as
protection wards like in The Dresden Files or Lost Girl (which have very similar
mythologies). But more often than not it just means you, the player, have to
keep your character from attempting to kill another character that sometimes
they might otherwise want to kill. It's up to you to come up with the IC reason
as to why they won't.

OOC = Out of character - This means you are speaking as yourself and not the
character that you play. You, the player, the person sitting at the computer.
That's out of character. Often when you want to talk to someone as yourself
and not your character you put (()) or similar symbols around the text to
indicate that it's OOC. Think of it like a play. These (()) indicate the back stage
that the characters do not see.

IC = In Character - This means that it's within the character. It's purely fiction
and separate from the real world reality, like after a director shouts "action"
before filming a scene. Everything should strictly be within the confines of the
NPC = Non-played character - This is a background character, like a movie
extra. It can also indicate a character that someone isn't regularly allowed to
play for various versions such as he or she is too powerful. Usually it's a
background character, like an extra. This can be castle servants, bar tenders,
soldiers, ect...

KZ = Kill zone - This means in this room characters may be killed. Despite what
anyone may tell you about "Kill zones" you do NOT have to accept that your
character is dead within every RP if they are killed in one of these rooms. They
are only dead within any mythology directly connected to that room and that
never, ever indicates all RP rooms, nor are you obligated to change your avatar
name. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise it could count as harassment or
bullying and does violate terms of service.

FZ = Fight Zone - That means it's a room where fighting happens and usually
often. An arena or something similar might be a fight zone.

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