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Death Foretold user manual

Death Foretold (D4T) is a multiplayer/solo gameplay mod with Doom4 weapons and Doom4-inspired
monsters. Challenging, fast paced, fun, and frantic.
Playable on GZDoom 1.8.6+, D-Touch and Zandronum 3.0-161030-2038.

1. Overview / Skills *New Stuff in V2.5*
2. Quick Melee / Glory Kills
3. Double Jump
4. Demon Runes
-SP/Coop Demon Runes notes
5. Grenades/Equipment
- Grenade-Lock Function
- Types
6. SP/Coop Weapons
- Weapon List
- Upgrade/Mod notes *New Stuff in V2.5*
7. Single Player Powerups
8. Deathmatch Rebalance *New Stuff in V2.5*
- New DM equipment system *New Stuff in V2.5*
9. Deathmatch Demon Runes
10. Deathmatch Weapons
- Weapon List *New Stuff in V2.5*
11. Deathmatch Powerups
12. Deathmatch Respawn Times
13. Deathmatch Specific Console Variables *New Stuff in V2.5*
14. Bug List Compilation
15. Mod Options *New Stuff in V2.5*

1. Overview / Skills
Doom (1 & 2) is fast. DOOM(4) is fast-ish.

By mixing the movement speed of the old Doom with the jumping tricks of the new DOOM, this mod is
aimed to be a very fast paced experience, therefore it can be quite challenging. Even though there are no
hitscan monsters, their projectiles range from "not too fast" to "holy crap, where did that come from" at
worst. The projectile attacks are there to be dodge-able most of the time, so long as you are keeping an
eye (and ear) on your surroundings. However, since this was created with the idea of also being playable
on a mobile device via D-Touch, where movement and aiming are somewhat diminished, additional skills
were added to fit whatever playing style you prefer. Whether you want a very easy experience with a
ton of monsters, or a very difficult one with fewer enemies, it's all covered!


There are in total 3 sections of skills: Normal, Hard and Mobile. Each section has 3 individual skills, and
as their names imply, each spawning more monsters than the previous; much like in the original Doom
there were 3 levels of "how many monsters in the map". Then there's that other singled out skill.

"Normal" Section
These are basically the equivalent to the original Doom's skills. You take full damage, no ammo bonuses,
but monsters are in general more aggressive.
"Normal: Few monsters" equals "Hey, Not Too Rough".
"Normal: More monsters" equals "Hurt Me Plenty".
"Normal: Max monsters" equals "Ultra Violence".

"Hard" Section
These are for the brave souls who feel like the regular skills are not enough for them. Monsters deal
much more damage, they take a lot more punishment before dying, you get less armor from pickups;
however to balance this, you start with a fully loaded Chainsaw and a few backpack levels. Still, monsters
are even more aggressive and fire faster projectiles. They also come in 3 flavors: "Few", "More" and
"Max monsters".

"Mobile" Section
This set of skills is, as the name implied, to be used in cellphones: they're the easiest of the bunch. They
are very similar to "I'm Too Young to Die" in that they give you more ammo per pickup, monsters deal
much less damage. They come in their 3 flavors so that you can decide with how many monsters you
want your levels to be played.

Because that's where you'll be going down, fast.
Monsters are tanks, with tons of health and massive firepower. Supplies are scarce and your best source
of health is glory killing monsters. It's not really recommended to play on this one. It's only for the
masochists out there. Why would you even?
Q: Why the heck didn't you add the easy skills at the beginning of the list instead of putting them at the bottom?
A: Because when you do that, if you start a MP game through GZDoom or a server in Zandronum without explicitly setting the skill to
something "normal", the default skill would be one of the "too easy", and you end up with everyone dealing much less damage than intended
for DM, and that's just boring! So, no accidental "why it takes 3 point blank SSG shots to kill any player?".

2. Quick Melee / Glory Kills

You know those melee executions from Doom4?

Quick Melee

Quick melee refers to the quick punch you can perform while holding any weapon. This is done through
the specific keybind for it.

The quick melee attack is not too strong, yet it's useful to alternate punch and weapon firing, and
particularly useful to perform glory kills.

It should be noted that while under the effect of the Berserk powerup, the quick melee attack becomes
stronger, yet not as strong as using the fists only.

Glory Kills

When a monster is weak enough, it will enter the "staggered" state, in which it will change color and
stand paralyzed. If you use quick melee or the regular Fist weapon while a monster is staggered, it will
trigger a glory kill on the monster. When a monster is killed this way, it will always drop some health. This
is your ticket to stay alive when you're in a difficult situation.

When a monster that is staggered is not killed, after about 4 seconds it will return to regular state, being
able to chase, attack etc. If the same monster gets staggered a second time, after these 4 seconds of
stagger, it will automatically die.

Whenever you execute a monster, you will be completely invulnerable for obvious reasons, yet, after the
animation is completed, you will remain invulnerable for a fraction of a second to prevent taking damage
from attacks that were coming your way while you were performing the animation.

You cannot glory kill players in multiplayer.

Issues / Bugs :

· While performing a glory kill, the monster might look "jumpy" or "jittery", this is due to technical
limitations and compromises to make it work in both GZDoom and Zandronum's multiplayer.

· (Zandronum net specific) When under high ping, glory kill animation can show a total of 3
doomslayer arms.

· In Zandronum coop, a bug can happen when you do a quick melee attack and switch weapon
before the melee attack is finished. This bug at best will display errors messages on the screen
(common). At worst it will not allow you to use any weapon (incredibly rare) until you die,
respawn or change level, this is an engine bug. Please avoid switching weapons while quick
punch / glory killing / Throwing grenade, just wait until the animation is done.

3. Double Jump
How many times?

It's always fun to go through the world jumping while in the air, isn't it? And it has a visual cue of it when
viewed in 3rd person. Will break map flow, so discretion is advised. Fun as hell though.

It's said that there's a reward somewhere, somehow, that allows a triple jump... We wonder if it's true...

4. Demon Runes
I want a Baron of Hell costume for Halloween!

You can turn into a demon when you find one of these runes. Whether playing single player, cooperative
or deathmatch, the Demon Runes allow player to thrash everything around.

Single Player/Coop Demon Runes

 Runes drop rarely from monsters.

 Player demons are really powerful, capable of easily killing demons, even those of the same kind
as the player.

 Cooperative friendly demon players will have a marker on top of them to identify them.

 In previous version of D4T, unmorphing from demon form would reset your health/armor to
100/0, regardless of what you had before picking the rune. In v2.0 whenever you unmorph,
you'll be at the same point as when you picked the rune regarding health and armor.

It's said that there are rewards somewhere, somehow, that increase your power while morphed... We
wonder what could that mean...
Deathmatch Demon Runes are covered separately in the Deathmatch Rebalance section.
5. Grenades Equipment
Pick one, drop the other.

Remember Castlevania and how you could get weapons from candles? It's similar here.

In single player and coop multiplayer, grenades are dropped by monsters. You can only carry one
grenade type at any time. Picking a second grenade will drop the one you were carrying.
Discarded/dropped grenades will disappear after a short while, so choose wisely which one you want to
be using for the next fight!

Grenade-Lock Function
In v2.0, we added new "Grenade-lock" functionality, where you can deliberately stop picking up other
grenade types lying on the ground. This is done by holding the "Throw Grenade" key for a second; you'll
hear a distinctive sound and a message indicating the grenade slot has been locked, preventing picking
other types of grenades. To unlock the slot, repeat the process and you'll also get indicators.

· Keep in mind this:

- To throw a grenade, you must TAP the button.
- To lock/unlock, you must HOLD the button.

Types of grenades/equipment

Frag Grenade: Regular grenade, highly explosive. It detonates after a bit of having hit something.
Tesla Rocket: This projectile will fly and slow down when it's in range of dealing damage to monsters to
maximize the damage dealt. Note: in Deathmatch, it will constantly deal damage all the time while it's
travelling, and it won't change travel speed.
Syphon Grenade: Once it hits something, it will try to suck life out of living things, healing player while
doing so.
Hologram: As the name implies, it's a holographic projection of the player which attracts monsters to it,
and might distract enemy players.
Shield Wall: Generates a protective wall matching the color of the player who deployed it. This wall stops
any projectile/hitscan attack. It does not block explosive damage nor piercing shots. In SP/Coop, the
player and the majority of player's attacks are able to go through the shield wall. In DM, no player nor
attacks will go through, except piercing shots.
Personal Teleporter: On first use, it will throw a beacon to teleport to; second use will actually teleport
you. If the beacon is not used in 8 seconds since being thrown, it automatically disappears.
Kinetic Mine: Deploys a mine that will automatically activate and explode once an enemy walks near it.

It's said that there are rewards somewhere, somehow, that improves the functionality of these things.
We wonder if it's true...

6. Single player / Coop Weapons:

All I want from life is to take other lives.

Weapon list

1. Fist. Punch things until they die. If a monster is staggered while you are using the fist, it will trigger a
glory kill. Berserk powerup greatly increases the damage of the fists, and monsters killed while under the
influence of this powerup will drop some health even if they weren't glory killed.

2. Chainsaw: Primary fire allows you to shred things indiscriminately; monsters killed by this fire mode
will drop a tiny bit of health. Alt fire allows to perform a quick execution of one monster so long as you
have enough fuel for it. The execution will cause the monster to drop a ton of ammo.

3. Pistol: It has two firing modes that can be switched (using Modswitch key) at any time, indicated by a
HUD icon. Blue means the weapon can be fired at tap speed, but each shot is very weak. Red fires
slower, but stronger shots. Alt fire charges a shot, longer charge is stronger shot.
3.1. Upgrade: Charge Speed upgrade. Does exactly what it says on the tin.
3.2. Multiple upgrades: EMG Mark V upgrade. Unique to this weapon, after picking the first upgrade
(3.1) all other upgrades will count towards assembling your EMG Mark V pistol, which is stronger all
around; still unlimited ammo.

4. Shotgun: Just a regular Doom shotgun, some spread, fast and versatile.
4.1. Mod 1: Trishot. Allows the shotgun to fire 3 shots in rapid succession, dealing massive damage, but
taking time to recharge.
4.2. Mod 2: Grenade. Using two shells, it will fire a very fast explosive projectile.

5. Super Shotgun: Double barreled, double damage. Alt fire shoots one barrel at the time.
5.1. Upgrade 1: Reload Speed. Increases the speed at which the weapon is reloaded; it also allows to
start quickswitching much sooner in the reloading animation.
5.2. Upgrade 2: Piercing Shots. Allows the SSG pellets to pierce through targets, dealing much more
damage per shot in mobs.

6. Heavy Assault Rifle: Rapid fire weapon. Fast and relatively accurate.
6.1. Mod 1: Tactical Scope. Allows zooming in. Firing the weapon while zoomed in makes shots
considerably stronger and they also pierce through targets.
6.2. Mod 2: Micro Missiles. Allows the weapon to fire micro missiles at the expense of 2 bullets per
missile. They are fast but short ranged. They detonate as soon as they hit a target, or if they time out in

7. Chaingun: Nothing like a rotating gun of death. Takes a bit to spin up and reach full speed.
7.1. Mod 1: Gatling Rotator. While having it equipped, it will also sharply decrease windup time for
primary fire. Pressing alt fire will start spinning the barrels, and when primary fire is pressed, it will fire
explosive bullets, dealing massive damage at a high ammo cost.
7.2. Mod 2: Mobile Turret. When deployed, the Chaingun will separate into 3 barrels and fire extremely
fast. It will obliterate your ammo, but so will do to your targets.

8. Grenade Launcher: While the concept is easy, this weapon splits each rocket into it's two sections:
fuel & explosive, mixes them and and uses each half as a grenade. This means that each rocket ammo
allows to shoot two grenades
8.1. Upgrade 1: Ionized Grenade. Greatly decreases self damage from its explosions. Enemies hit and
killed by a direct hit of the grenade have a chance to drop armor shards.
8.2. Upgrade 2: Poison Gas Grenade. Allows the weapon to spend 1 whole rocket in firing a gas grenade.
After being shot the grenade will explode when it collides with something or when it-s short fuse is out.
Upon explosion spawns toxic gas clouds that will hurt anyone that passes through them.

9. Rocket Launcher: Rocket. In. Your. Face.

9.1. Mod 1: Detonate. On alt fire, rockets in midair will detonate explosive charges instead of detonating
the rocket itself, allowing the rocket to still travel around and deal extra damage.
9.2. Mod 2: Auto Lock. When using alt fire, the weapon will enter into "auto lock" mode, indicated by
reticle and constant beeping of the weapon. If fired while in this mode, it will shoot three very fast
rockets that will home into any nearby enemy they can find. These rockets are very fast, but also weaker
than a regular rocket. Great for firing from cover.

10. Plasma Rifle. Fire a stream of plasma balls for as long as you have ammo.
10.1. Mod 1: Stun Bomb. Alt fire will shoot an energy ball that will stun monsters for a long period of
time in a big radius where the projectile landed. Use it to deal with mobs.
10.2. Mod 2: Heat Blast. Each time you shoot using the primary fire, it will build up heat. At any time you
can release this heat in the form of an explosion that will damage monsters all around you. The more
heat you have accumulated, the more damage it deals in a wider area.

11. Lightning Gun. Fire a devastating electric beam that will destroy your enemies, and your ammo.
11.1. Upgrade 1: Extra Damage. Increases the damage the weapon deals all around.
11.2. Upgrade 2: Volt Arc alt fire. Similar to primary fire, but the tip of the beam will create a small
damaging area of effect when hitting a surface or a monster, which will also deal damage to nearby

12. Static Rifle. This weapon uses a static energy to overcharge the slugs. When fired without any
static charge, the slug deals a decent amount of damage, while also piercing enemies. When fired with
static charge, the potential increases and the slug deals much more damage.
12.1. Upgrade 1: Extra Damage. The weapon will deal more damage all around, whether charged or not.
12.2. Upgrade 2: Faster Charge. You guessed it.

13. Gauss Cannon. This weapon also uses slugs, although it uses more per shot than the Static Rifle.
This weapon does not pierce through enemies, but once the slug reaches a target or a surface, it will
explode dealing damage in the area.
13.1. Mod 1: Precision Bolt. This allows the weapon to zoom in while charging the shot to deal more
damage. At max charge it can be very destructive.
13.2. Mod 2: Siege Mode. When deployed, it will make the user move much slower, but when fired, the
slug itself pierces through any monster/target, dealing massive damage, while also creating a damaging
aura all around the trail of the slug, hurting all enemies that was close to it, even if they weren't hit
directly by the projectile itself.

14. BFG. The Big "Friendly" Gun. One shot is very likely to clear an entire room. The projectile fires
beams that will damage enemies around it. Once the projectile hits a wall or a monster directly, it will
implode to then release a massive shockwave that deals massive damage to anything near it.
14.1. Upgrade 1: Volley Launch. Holding primary fire allows the BFG to fire all it's shots in a row, with
each consecutive shot being stronger than the last. Nuke in your pocket.
14.1. Upgrade 1: 10k Fire Mode. Holding primary fire allows the BFG to fire all it's shots in a row, with
each consecutive shot being stronger than the last. Nuke in your pocket.

15. Reaper: Fires a burst of projectiles with low accuracy dealing heavy damage. Secondary shoots a
very fast explosive round. Uses "souls" as ammunition, which can only be acquired by killing demons
while in posesssion of the Reaper.
15.1. Upgrade 1: Sustained Fire. Instead of firing in bursts of 6 shots, it will fire for as long you are
holding the trigger (or until it runs out of ammo).
15.2. Upgrade 2: Soul Reaper. Enemies killed by the Reaper's alt fire, will drop ammo for all weapons
(akin to the chainsaw).

Weapon upgrade / mods notes

· Weapon upgrade/mods are not bought. They are dropped by monsters.

· In single player when you pick an upgrade/mod that you already had, it will give a good amount
of ammunition for the weapon it belongs to.

· Any upgrade/mod dropped in coop will only stay in the world for a limited amount of time.
Unlike in solo play, you cannot pick the same mod a second time for ammo; they will stay in
place to allow another player to pick them up, otherwise they will time out and disappear.

It's said that there are rewards somewhere, somehow, that decreases the cooldown times of weapons.
We wonder how is it possible...

7. Single Player Powerups

Everybody knows powerups are overpowered. Right?
Some powerups have been added to the roster. You'll find them replacing other powerups sometimes.

Quad damage: It quads your damage!

Haste: Run like hell, shoot like a madman.
Regeneration: Heal up constantly up to your max health value.

Then there are the usual ones: Invisibility, Invulnerability, Berserk, SoulSphere & Megasphere.

It's said that there are rewards somewhere, somehow, that increases the duration of powerups. We
wonder if there’s any truth to these rumors...

8. Deathmatch Rebalance
Because we didn't just hope it worked with the SP balance. We balanced everything again!

While the original goal of D4T Deathmatch was to have a "competitive balance", this has been
defenestrated. Weapon still have no damage randomization, however, they now hit hard. Very Hard.

New commands have been added for setting up a match very quickly. You can use the following in the
console to apply the ideal DMflags:

d4t_ffa : Free for all (AKA Deathmatch)

d4t_tdm : Team deathmach
d4t_lms : Last Man Standing

8.1 Equipment System

In previous versions of D4T, you'd be able to pick equipments (Frag Grenade, Syphon Grenade, etc) off
the floor. In v2.5 you instead, select it from the "Mod Options" menu. You'll respawn with your selected
equipment ready for use.

9. Deathmatch Demon Runes

Feel what a demon feels when it kills marines.

 Demon Runes will appear randomly in the map. The demon you turn into is a random one.

 Demon Runes will appear only if there's at least 4 players in a DM game.

 Power Demon Runes (Spider Mastermind or Cyberdemon) only appear in regular maps if there
are 8 or more players present, and if there's enough room is available.

 Power Demon Runes may appear in other circumstances in maps specially designed for D4T.
 When a demon player is killed, they drop the rune with the remaining time on it. Go get it!

 When you kill a demon player, you don't gain a frag. The demon player loses one (technical

 A Demon Rune cannot possess you if you're under the effects of the Invulnerability Sphere.

 Picking up a Demon Rune will cancel out all other powerups you had at the time of picking it.

Demon players in DM are balanced completely different than in solo play. They are not to be
underestimated as they can easily kill a player, but each demon has their own advantages and
disadvantages regarding attack type, demon speed, projectile speed, etc. Learn what works best against
what type of demon.

Some examples: A Spectre is mildly tanky and semi-invisible while not attacking, but he possesses no
ranged attacks, so you should snipe on it. A Mancubus is incredibly slow, but has outstanding firepower,
tons of health and can regenerate when idle; use peek shots and dodge its fireballs at all costs. A
Revenant is very fast and deals a lot of damage, but is very fragile, use big weapons and it will die fast.

10. Deathmatch Weapons

Same weapons, different things to consider.

- All Deathmatch weapons start in a predefined state that cannot be altered at all (i.e. no mod
switching). Each weapon has only one specific mod pre-installed. Weapons with upgrades have some
already applied.

- All weapons deal specific amounts of damage. No randomization takes place at all in Deathmatch.

- All weapons will play "hit beep" sound when hitting a target.

- All Deathmatch weapons pickups are color coded matching the ammo they use:
-- Chainsaw: Fuel (Brown)
-- Shotgun & Super Shotgun: Shells (Orange)
-- HAR & Chaingun: Bullets (Yellow)
-- Rocket Launcher & Grenade Launcher: Rockets (Red)
-- Plasma Rifle & Lightning Gun: Cells (Blue)
-- Static Rifle: Slugs (White)
-- BFG*, Gauss Cannon*, Mobile Turret*, Reaper*: BFG Ammo (Green)

*See notes about power weapons below

Weapon List

1. Fist. Nothing new here. Only useful with berserk.

2. Chainsaw: Has 100 points of ammo. You can rev with primary for as long as you have fuel to deal
some good damage. You can use alt fire to execute a player, but it will use all the fuel left in the gun. An
executed player will drop ammo for all other weapons.

3. Pistol. In DM it's the Mark V EMG, minus ammo limit. Much like the red pistol, it will fire strong-ish
shots, at a limited fire rate.

4. Shotgun. Comes with Explosive Shot preinstalled.

5. Super Shotgun. Reloads slowly, but allows agile quickswitching.

6. Heavy Assault Rifle. Comes with Micro Missiles preinstalled. These missiles reload after 6 shots,
and unlike in PvE, missiles seek targets

7. Chaingun. Comes with Gatling Rotator preinstalled.

8. Grenade Launcher. Comes with gas grenades preinstalled that deal damage and cloud vision
heavily. In DM each grenade shot (primary or secondary) uses one whole rocket, rather than the SP/coop
version where primary uses only half a rocket.

9. Rocket Launcher. Comes with Detonator module preinstalled. Unlike SP's RL, the detonation will
destroy the rocket. This explosion is weaker than a regular explosion against a wall, and dramatically
weaker when compared to a direct hit with a rocket. TL;DR: No more of the DOOM(4) "detonation"
cheap kills, if you want massive damage, do direct hits!

10. Plasma Rifle. Comes with a unique mod, cross between Stun Bomb and Doom4 MP plasma pools.
Fires a blob that creates a pool of damaging energy on contact, which will also slow down enemy player's
movement for as long as they are in the pool.

11. Lightning Gun. Comes with alt fire enabled. The beam has a significant pushback against enemies.

12. Static Rifle. Charges faster than the SP's non-upgraded rifle, still pierces enemies. Think of a
slightly weak but faster railgun, with movement charge bonus.


All Power weapons use BFG ammo and feature Enhanced Targeting Mode similarly to Doom 4, which
allows you to partially see who's around, even through walls.
All Power Weapons are in the same key slot. Usually a single player Gauss Cannon is located in slot 7, but
in Deathmatch, it's found in slot 8, along with the other two power weapons.

A player that picks a power weapon will shine green as indicator that he carries it. When the wielder is
killed, he'll drop the power weapon, unless is out of ammo, in which case he'll stop shining.

A player that has a power weapon in the inventory when picking up a Demon Rune, drops the power
weapon immediately.

13. DM Gauss Cannon. This weapon comes with unique version of "Siege Mod", where it fires
instantly without having to charge it, while keeping the area of effect around the trail.

14. DM BFG. Does not shoot lightning beams while traveling, but has a damaging halo all around it.
Much like in single player, it has a huge projectile explosion + BFG spray.

15. DM Mobile Turret. Each bullet belt will allow the turret to fire for six seconds non-stop.
Extremely damaging and fairly accurate.

16. DM Reaper. Each round fires a flurry of projectiles with slight homing capabilities in a spread, for a
few seconds.

11. Deathmatch Powerups

What do you mean there are powerups all around?

These powerups are NOT the map placed ones. Whether there are map placed powerups or not, the
ones I talk about here, will appear according to their own rules.

 Similar to Deathmatch Demon Runes, these will spawn randomly through the map.
All Deathmatch powerups last less time than their SP counterparts.
These powerups do not spawn unless there's at least 4 players present.
Picking up a Demon Rune will cancel out any and all powerups previously picked.

12. Deathmatch Respawn Times

Don't look! You should figure this out yourself.

In here, items and weapons respawn at rates different from DOOM(4), and different from classic
Zandronum times.

|| Item || Seconds ||
|| --WEAPONS-- || ||
|| Standard || 5 ||
|| Power || 105 ||
|| --HEALTH-- || ||
|| Health bonus || 35 ||
|| Health medium || 35 ||
|| Health big || 35 ||
|| --ARMOR-- || ||
|| Armor bonus || 25 ||
|| Armor shield || 25 ||
|| Armor vest || 25 ||
|| --POWERUPS-- || ||
|| Soul Sphere || 35 ||
|| Berserk || 60 ||
|| Invisibility || 60 ||
|| Megasphere || 60 ||
|| Invul || 300 ||

13. Deathmatch-Specific Console Variables

Tune it lower, play it slower.

D4T has a few cvars that server hosts can fine-tune to get best possible experience for their players of
varying levels and playstyles. Note that none of these are mandatory to set up, and our defaults are very,
very sane.
bot_weaponize : From 0 to 5, determines how good is the arsenal with which Deathmatch bots
spawn. Defaults to 3.
bot_nerf : From 0 to 5, makes bots clunky and slow to react. Use it if your live players are new here
and need an edge over bots. Defaults to 0.
bot_buff : From 0 to 5, makes bots harder targets. Use it if your live players are good and need some
extra challenge. Defaults to 0.
sv_dmPlayerSpeed : From 70 to 100 in increments of 5, this sets up player speed percentage. Use
100 if you want unbridled hectic fragfest. Use 85 to somewhat replicate Doom4-like experience. Use 70
for tactical gameplay that to some may be reminiscent of Call of Duty series. Defaults to 90.
sv_powerDemonRunes : if positive, corresponds to number of players that must be present in a DM
game for Power Demon Runes (Cyberdemon and Mastermind) to possibly spawn. Note that map must
be a big one for these to work! Defaults to 8 players.
sv_minPlayers : Determines the amount of player slots to which bots will automatically backfill.
Default is 4, which means that if there's only one player, 3 bots will fill up. If two players, two bots will
14. Bug List Compilation
They're no bugs. They're features.

This mod has several semi-unfixable bugs, due to the limited features and the amount of compromises
made to ensure it works relatively fine in both GZDoom and Zandronum at the same time.

(Zandronum net specific) A bug can happen when you do a quick melee attack and switch weapon
before the melee attack is finished. This bug at best will display errors messages on the screen
(common). At worst it will not allow you to use any weapon (very rare) until you die, respawn or change
level, this is an engine bug that does not happen in GZDoom or D-Touch. Please avoid switching
weapons while quick punch / glory killing / Throwing grenade in Zandronum, just wait until the
animation is done. Several measures were added to prevent this weapon switching, yet none proved
effective in net games.

 (Zandronum net specific) Sometimes, when doing a quick melee attack or throwing grenade, the
offsets of the throwing animation will be off and they will be in the wrong position. This seems to be
related to latency.

 (Zandronum net specific) If you die while throwing a grenade, you might see very strange hand motion
as you are dying. It's almost like Doomguy wants to pet a cacodemon.

 (Zandronum net specific) When under high ping, glory kill animation can show a total of 3 doomslayer

 Chainsaw will sometimes get all bloody without actually executing a monster, and still spend fuel.

 You can get stuck under a door if it closes while you're doing a glory kill.

 Several systems wont work after you use cheat "resurrect" until you change level.

 SP/COOP prowler leap attack might still malfunction when used at melee distance of other monsters.

15. Mod Options

We have options, but no gameplay-changing ones. Yas.

Death Foretold v2.5 adds a new submenu under the main one. This contains several relevant options for
the mod.

15.1 Keybindings. Allows to bind keys for the D4T actions

- "Mod Switch / Quit Demon". Switch between weapon modules or quit demon morph if active
- "Throw Grenade". Throws the currently in-inventory equipment
- "Quick Melee". Melee attack when holding a weapon
- "Drop Upgrade". Drops an upgrade/module from the weapon you have currently selected. useful for
coop games to share your riches with others. if you trow a weapon module, your weapon will lose the
effect on weapon switch

15.2 Weapon Bindings. Allows to bind single weapons or slots.

15.3 Visual Feedback. Toggles some visual/sound aspects of the HUD

- "Show Reticle". Displays the reticles as seen in Doom 2016.
- "Show Weapon Bar (16:9)". Toggles the weapon bar on the right side of the screen when in an aspect
ratio of 16:9. Other aspect rations may not show it at all.
- "PvE Progress Stingers". Toggles the pop-up (with sound) that appears when reaching certain
milestones, like killing monsters or finding secrets
- "Show Damage Numbers". Toggles the damage numbers in both PvE and PvP. ON by default
- "Hit-Beeps". Toggles the sound cue when you are hitting something with your weapons
- "Hit-Markers". Toggles the HUD indicator when you are hitting something with your weapons

15.4 Deathmatch.
- "Equipment". Selects which equipment item you'll have when playing in PvP games

15.5 Engine (GZD, Zand) Shortcuts. A collection of useful engine settings all in one place (these are
settings of the engine itself, not added by D4T)

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