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Chemical Education Today


Chemistry in the City: Columbia Sketches

by Leonard Fine

Four Sketches

Fifty years ago the American Chemical Society (ACS)

convened its 126th national meeting in the City of New York.
At the same time and place, Columbia Universitythe fifth
oldest in Americacelebrated its bicentennial. The Journal
of Chemical Education (JCE) marked both events with
sketches of four remarkable chemists: Charles Frederick
Chandler, Marston Taylor Bogert, Henry Clapp Sherman,
and John Maurice Nelson (1). Each practiced chemistry in
the house that Chandler built for them as Columbia moved
to its third and current campus on Morningside Heights in
upper Manhattan. Historic Havemeyer Hall, one of six origi-
nal buildings designed by Charles Follen McKim, is still the
centerpiece of the chemistry complex. McKim was the found-
ing partner of the fabled fin de siecle architectural firm of
McKim, Mead, and White. His design of the campus trans-
formed Columbia into one of the citys landmark monuments Figure 1. Strikingly captured by Canadian artist Bonnie Folkins in
of the American Renaissance (Figure 1). this 1993 watercolor portrait, the architectural features of
Today, as a century ago, the interior of this imposing Havemeyer Hall are typical of the McKim design for the campus.
burnt-red brick and limestone-trimmed building is distin-
guished by its central lecture hall with its 40-foot domed ceil-
ing and skylight, 330 tiered seats, brass-railed gallery and Henry Clapp Sherman, who came from Virginia to study
40-foot oak demonstration table. The east end of Havemeyer chemistry at Columbia, began his professional life as an ana-
no longer is home to the Chandler Museum, although ele- lytical chemist yet is remembered for his lifelong work in food
ments of the collection are displayed at several locations chemistry and nutrition, anticipating the discovery of vita-
throughout the building, offering visitors to the department mins, hormones, and the essential role of amino acids. Among
sketches in the history of chemistry. Included in the collec- his students was Nobel Laureate Edward Kendall.
tion and on display are samples and equipment from Priestley Nebraska-born John Maurice Nelson studied with
and Pasteur; there is a collection of historic light bulbs dat- Ostwald, made significant contributions to electrochemistry
ing from Edison, and dyes prepared by Perkin and Baeyer; and experimental physical chemistry, and eventually returned
there is a battery collection of considerable historical interest. to Columbia, completing a Ph.D. with Marston Bogert in
Charles Frederick Chandler was educated at Harvards organic chemistry. Included in his early studies were the ef-
Lawrence Scientific School and went to Europe (Gttingen) fects of neutral salts on hydrogen ion activity, and the salt
as was typical of mid-nineteenth century Americans seeking effectthe discovery that the addition of sodium chloride
a Ph.D. (Whler). Coming to Columbia in 1864 from Union increases hydrogen ion activity. Nelson counted among his
College where he had gotten his first job as instructor and students Nobel Laureate John Northrup, who proved the pro-
janitorinstructors werent paid, janitors wereChandler tein nature of proteolytic enzymes.
expanded chemistry in pharmacy and in medicine, and in
engineering and pure science. Over 30 years he developed Four More Sketches
an American version of the European model for training and With the ACS returning to New York now fifty years
educating chemists. He twice served as president of the ACS later for its 226th national meeting and Columbias 250th
and won the Perkin Medal. His essential legacy was the young anniversary, we again mark both events with four more
faculty he appointed. sketches of remarkable chemists. Louis Hammett opened the
With only a bachelors degree and virtually self-taught field of physical organic chemistry; Nobel Laureate Harold
in chemistry, Marston Taylor Bogert became Columbias first Urey was one of the most influential scientists of his time
professor of organic chemistry. A born-and-bred New Yorker, for his discovery of deuterium; the name Victor LaMer is syn-
over a long chemical lifetime, Bogert published more than onymous with colloid chemistry; and intimately tied to theory
500 papers, the titles of which would not raise an eyebrow and practice in chemistry as few others in the 20th century
today if discovered in any current volume of the Journal of is Irving Langmuir. The ties that bind these four together
the American Chemical Society (JACS) or The Journal of Or- and make them of special interest are the overlap of their re-
ganic Chemistry (JOC). He professionalized the ACS and in- search and the intertwining of their lives. All four are recog-
ternationalized American chemistry. nized by a wide community of scholars as good citizens of

850 Journal of Chemical Education Vol. 80 No. 8 August 2003

Chemical Education Today

Photos: GE CR&D Labs

high temperatures and low pressures led to de-
tailed investigations of atomic hydrogen, the
effects of water vapor in incandescent lamps,
and the cleanup mechanism for nitrogen,
oxygen, and other gases. They led to the in-
ert gas-filled lamp: nitrogen then, argon now.
Based on observations of the heating effects
that accompany the recombination of atomic
hydrogen on metal surfaces, Langmuir in-
vented the atomic hydrogen welding torch
where copious amounts of H produced be-
tween tungsten electrodes recombined on a
metal surface.
Figure 2. The questionable activity of rainmaking got a boost when Langmuir and Langmuir helped us imagine electrons
others began dry ice and silver iodide nucleation experiments in the 1940s and (3) and gave us the means to count them be-
1950s. Left: A 20-mile long racetrack pattern produced by dropping crushed dry ice fore just about anyone else, thereby opening
from an airplane; right: Langmuir standing in the background (left) with GE colleagues the field of surface science for which he was
and laboratory cloud-seeding experiment. recognized with the Nobel Prize, the first to
be awarded to a scientist from an industrial
chemistry and great teachers. At the heart of our interest is research laboratory. His name will be forever linked (with
their tie of Columbia and the City of New York. Katherine Blodgett) to the study of liquid films; a scientific
journal carries the name LANGMUIR; and there is an ACS
Irving Langmuir (18811957) annual Award in Chemical Physics in his name. He was an
Few scientists, whether in academic, industrial, or gov- academician in industry with a small army of Ph.D. students
ernment laboratories, have careers as remarkable as that of Irv- at any one time working on the problems that filled the pages
ing Langmuir, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for 1932. Born of 54 research notebooks. Widely acknowledged as a great
in Brooklyn, New York, Langmuir received his early training lecturer, his style is said to have been fast-paced, emphatic,
and education in the School of Mines, which was then home and filled with the intensity of his topic.
to chemistry and chemical engineering at Columbia. He His theory of electron-pair bonds gained wide acceptance
graduated just a century ago with the Class of 1903, study- for the originality of ideas put forward simultaneously by
ing with Charles Frederick Chandler. Langmuir followed Gilbert Newton Lewis giving some authority to the notion
Chandlers footsteps to Gttingen half a century later where that perhaps the more important person is the popularizer,
he earned M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with Walther Nernst. not the discoverer, of the idea. As a chemist, Langmuir con-
Nernst was interested in illumination (as was Edison) sidered molecules as complex entities with variously distrib-
and held patents on a glower, which he licensed for hand- uted chemical forces acting over short ranges. Coupled to
some fees to European electrical-giant Siemens. One of sev- Lewis cubic structure for atoms, Langmuir postulated an
eral topics he suggested young Langmuir might work on was octet theory. No longer were Bohrs electrons centrally lo-
the formation of NO in air in the vicinity of a Nernst glower. cated; rather they were distributed throughout, but station-
The idea was that the incandescent filament would catalyze ary in their region; that is, describing a restricted orbit within
the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen and the equilib- a region.
rium position might prove to be related to the temperature Irving Langmuirs imagination stretched his experiments
of the glowing filament. That turned out not to be the case to environmental issues long before that was popular. He col-
and Langmuir went on to write a thesis on the gas phase dis- laborated on inventions to prepare smokes, gels, and sols; he
sociation of carbon dioxide in the vicinity of a glowing plati- was interested in soaps, bubbles, and foams; and he studied
num filament. Returning to America, he taught for a while wind and ocean currents and temperatures, anticipating theo-
at the fledgling Stevens Institute (New Jersey) before begin- ries of global warming currently popular today. Stretching
ning a 40-year career with General Electric and a lifelong as- his imagination, Langmuir seeded clouds to cause precipita-
sociation with Columbia where he often lectured, consulted, tion (Figure 2). Langmuir was concerned with the structure
and collaborated in research and teaching (2). of scientific theories, the psychology of science, and patho-
Langmuir joined General Electric in July of 1909. By logical science. He loved to debunk mythology and pseudo-
then, Edisons light bulb, not Nernsts glower, had proved to science (4).
be the invention of choice, leaving Nernst with personal
wealth but pushing Siemens to the sidelines. Now came the Louis Hammett (18941987)
need for rapid commercial development. Early Edison/GE While an undergraduate at Harvard, this native New
incandescent bulbs were vacuum lamps and better vacuums Englander managed to impress Kohler and Conant and
made better, longer-lived bulbs. Langmuir took the opposite wangle a fellowship to work for a year in the middle of WW I
tack and studied what gases could be added to the bulb. His with Staudinger in Switzerland. He returned from Europe
first successful experiments with hydrogen over tungsten at and put his practical experience with chemistry to work on Vol. 80 No. 8 August 2003 Journal of Chemical Education 851

Chemical Education Today


Photo: Columbia University, Chandler Collection

improving paints and var- tracted to colloids by the popular course Arthur Thomas
nishes for the canvassing of taught graduate students at Columbia. More likely it was the
aircraft. In 1922 he wrote a lectures Irving Langmuir gave at Columbia in 1916 and that
Ph.D. thesis with Hal Bean culminated in his famous papers of 1917 on surface action.
at Columbia before embark- Later, on LaMers return from Copenhagen, Peter Debye took
ing on a New York career up residence in the United States (Cornell), making it pos-
that lasted half a century. sible to establish a life-long professional collaboration.
Hammett shares credit As was generally true of their generation, LaMers career
with Christopher Ingold and was punctuated by an interlude of applied research. At the
Arthur Lapworth for estab- time, little was known about nucleation phenomena, particu-
lishing the field of physical lates in smokes, and the properties of aerosols. LaMers labo-
organic chemistry, with the ratory produced a stream of classified research ranging across
lions share belonging to the field of colloid science from light-scattering methods for
Hammett (Figure 3). He determining particle size and sol and dust removal problems
earned that when he wrote Figure 3. Louis Plack Hammett in by sedimentation and filtration techniques to the principle
the first edition of Physical 1963, the year he received the of foreign nucleation for generating monodisperse aerosols.
Organic Chemistry (5). The National Medal of Science. In 1931, experiments that led to the discovery of deu-
thematic devices that defined terium allowed LaMer to begin pioneering investigations of
this new discipline changed what was largely a synthesis-based the characteristic properties of heavy water. His investigations
organic chemistry into a principles-and-ideas-driven physical of acidbase equilibria in heavy water were the first of its kind.
organic chemistry. The consequences of this new dimension In collaboration with Hammett and his students, LaMer in-
were enormous. To validate the point, consider the acidity vestigated acidbase equilibria in poorly ionizing solvents
function that Hammett created and the concept of such as benzene. Questioning the then-prevailing idea that
superacidity that followed. That sulfuric acid is a stronger acid activation energies were independent of temperature, he and
in benzene (than in aqueous solution) eventually led George his students demonstrated otherwise for reactions involving
Olah to the 1995 Nobel Prize for demonstrating catalytic ef- ions in solution; in turn, these studies strengthened the fragile
fects of superacids. And then there is the famous equation foundations of transition-state theory.
named for Hammett and used by all studying mechanistic The importance of colloid chemistry in the environment
organic chemistry and stereochemistry. did not escape LaMers attention. He and his students made
All his life, Louis Hammett was a concerned citizen of contributions to the problem of limiting water evaporation
scientific and human rights, speaking out on the issues of by the use of monomolecular films and commercial scale re-
his daybasic versus applied research; the need for public covery of potable water from brackish waters. His studies of
understanding of science; the militaryindustrial establish- surface tension are still considered important work.
ment, government relationships and the responsibility of sci- LaMer founded the Journal of Colloid Science and wrote
entists; stimulating creativity; and taking direct responsibility many theoretical papers on the physics and chemistry of col-
for filling the pipeline with the next generation of young sci- loids. As is true even for Einstein (whose most heavily cited
entists (6). In 1954, he looked backward and wrote for JCE papers are on peptization phenomena, making of cements
of four generations of leadership in chemistry within his own and homogenized milk, and refrigeration), among LaMers
department (1); looking forward, he spoke of the need to most often cited papers are those with practical implications.
mentor young faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate He taught one of the core courses in the graduate chemistry
students. curriculum that reflected the current state-of-the-art as well
as the history of the field. LaMer left a legacy at Columbia
Victor LaMer (18951966) in experimental physical chemistry that sustains to this day
The namesake of the ACS Award in Colloid or Surface (Figure 4).
Chemistry given each year since 1954, this Kansan came to
Columbia with a bachelors degree from Kansas State Uni- Harold Clayton Urey (18931981)
versity in 1915 and received his Ph.D. with Arthur Thomas Figure 5 shows Harold Urey (right) in November of 1931
in 1921. He was a post-doctoral student at Cambridge for with Ph.D. student Donald MacGillavry in the grating room
two years in Europes premier colloid science research cen- at Columbia observing an electric discharge through hydro-
terthe first American to be invited. From there, he went gen gas concentrated in deuterium. This spectroscopic experi-
to Copenhagen to work with Brnsted in the critical year of ment proved the existence of deuterium for which Urey won
1923 when the famous DebyeHckel paper appeared, set- the 1934 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the ACS Gibbs
ting the theory of complete dissociation on a firm founda- Medal. Early in 1931 he had conceived and worked out a
tion. He was predestined for the career in physical chemistry method for concentration of the heavy hydrogen isotope by
and colloid science that unfolded (7). distillation of liquid hydrogen. At the time, although suspected
At the beginning of the age of specialization, how LaMer by Aston and others, not only was there no evidence for the
chose colloid chemistry suggests something more than just existence of the isotopes but many believed the theories of
latent interest or innate aptitude. One can assume he was at- Prout, suggesting atomic weights to be whole number mul-

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Photo: Columbia University, Chandler Collection

Photo: Columbia University, Chandler Collection

Figure 4. Victor Kuhn LaMer at the electrical bench in his Havemeyer Figure 5. This photographic record of an historical moment was
laboratory in 1938. Besides his essential work on colloids, he pro- recorded by Roger Herriott, a graduate student at the time with
duced experimental and theoretical studies on thermodynamics and John Nelson, and later Professor of Biochemistry at Johns Hopkins
the kinetics of electrolyte solutions. Univerity in the School of Hygiene and Public Health.

tiples of hydrogen, the lightest element. Some believed the to concentrate isotopes, and used these isotopes to probe
isotopes, if present, would be inseparable for their identical chemical reactions. With Bureau of Standards colleagues, he
extranuclear electron configurations. obtained heavy water in bulk by electrolysis. He worked with
The fractional distillation was done in collaboration with LaMer on mechanisms of reactions in aqueous electrolyte
Ferdinand G. Brickwedde at the National Bureau of Stan- solutions. With Ph.D. student Mildred Cohn he began to
dards (now NIST) in Washington, DC where 4000 mL of explore 18O exchange reactions between water and organic
liquid hydrogen was distilled down to 1 mL (8, 9). High reso- compounds; she later joined the faculty at the University of
lution hydrogen atom visible spectra were taken on a 21-foot Pennsylvania Medical School and pioneered the biological use
spectrograph. The lines gave an abundance ratio of 4500:1 of oxygen isotope tracers. His student T. Ivan Taylor explored
for the isotopes, in reasonable agreement with the known isotope effects in surface reactions, and later joined the Co-
abundance of 0.02%. The critical spectrum clinching the dis- lumbia chemistry faculty. Urey was founding editor of the
covery was taken on Thanksgiving Day, 1931. The letter to Journal of Chemical Physics. He used his Nobel Prize money
the editor of Physical Review posted next day narrowly estab- for support of his own research and the research of two col-
lished the priority of the discovery, which led to the 1934 leagues in the department.
Nobel Prize, two years after Irving Langmuirs Nobel Prize. After the war, in an apparent rift with Hammett, he
In one of the ironies of modern science, Ureys principal com- moved from Columbia to the University of Chicago. In the
petitor for the deuterium discovery was none other than his late 1940s Urey invented the paleotemperature methods that
Berkeley mentor, Gilbert Newton Lewis. are now universally used to analyze climate warming and cool-
Born in Walkerton, Indiana, this grandson of pioneers ing cycles. These involve measuring the 16O/18O ratio in car-
was educated in rural America, beginning in a one-room bonate minerals, and in ice as a function of depth in Arctic
schoolhouse before entering what is today the University of core samples. His idea is based upon isotopic temperature
Montana (Missoula) and graduating in Zoology in 1917. In effects in evaporation of sea water (and subsequent conden-
1921, he studied thermodynamics at the University of Cali- sation as rain and snow), and in the equilibrium between
fornia at Berkeley with Lewis and followed that with a post- water and carbonate ion. After 1950 his interests turned to
doctoral year with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen studying the chemistry of the planets, and he is credited with initiat-
quantum theory and spectroscopy. While in Copenhagen he ing rigorous study of cosmochemistry, a term he himself
crossed paths with Victor LaMer working with Brnsted. Re- coined. In 1953, he and Ph.D. student Stanley Miller per-
turning to the United States, Urey was first appointed assis- formed an experiment not sufficiently honored in this anni-
tant, then associate, professor at Johns Hopkins where he versary year because of another, more famous, experiment.
collaborated with F. O. Rice, among others. He was a pio- The UreyMiller experiment demonstrated the synthesis of
neer in the application of quantum mechanics to molecules amino acids via electrical discharge in gases thought to be
and published research on the entropy of diatomic molecules present in the Earths original reducing atmosphere. The other
and the absorption spectra of simple polyatomic molecules. (of course) is the WatsonCrick note published in Nature on
With A. E. Ruark in 1930, Urey published a widely read their DNA model (4) and its implications.
monograph on atoms, molecules, and quanta. He was 36 Retiring to the Scripps Institute at age 65 in 1957,
years old. Harold Urey helped build the University of California at San
In the decade following the discovery of the hydrogen Diego and went on to publish more than 100 scientific
isotope of mass 2, Urey systematically found practical ways papers. Vol. 80 No. 8 August 2003 Journal of Chemical Education 853

Chemical Education Today


Literature Cited and Reading List 6. Hammett, Louis P. Rights and Responsibilities in the Search
for Knowledge. Chem. Eng. News 1955, 32, No 15, 1462
1. Hammett, Louis P. J. Chem. Educ. 1955, 32, 498517. A 1466. Considered in the context of its time, Hammetts re-
lengthy historical statement describing the character and ca- marks reflect the breadth of his interests and offer a view of
reers of Chandler, Bogert, Sherman, and Nelson put together the profession in post-WW II America.
by Hammett from original sketches prepared by their students. 7. Hammett, Louis P.; LaMer, Victor Kuhn. In Biographical Mem-
2. Rosenfeld, Albert The Quintessence of Irving Langmuir; oirs, Vol. XLV; National Academy of Sciences Press: Washing-
Pergamon: New York, 1966. Here is the quintessential ton, DC, 1975. Appearing in this same volume are biographies
Langmuir biography. of Irving Langmuir (by Suits and Martin) and Marston Tay-
3. Langmuir, Irving. The Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and lor Bogert (by Hammett). A NAS biography of Hammett (by
Molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1919, 41, 868934. Langmuir Westheimer) appeared in 1997.
said of the theory presented in his paper that it is essentially 8. Urey, H. C.; Brickwedde, F. G.; Murphy, G. M. A Hydrogen
an extension of Lewis theory of the cubical atom. This is a Isotope of Mass 2. Phys. Rev. 1932, 39, 164165. In its own
wonderful paper for gaining insight into how the theory of way, this paper had an impact equivalent to the paper by
atoms has evolved. Watson and Crick that is being widely celebrated this year (A
4. Langmuir, Irving. Pathological Science, Phys. Today 1989, Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Nature 1953, 171,
October, 3648. Although he never published his investiga- 737).
tions into what he called pathological science, Langmuir gave 9. Lide, David R. A Hydrogen Isotope of Mass 2. In A Century
a colloquium on the subject that was transcribed and recorded of Excellence in Measurements, Standards, and Technology; CRC
and then printed in this remarkable paper. Stimulated by Press: New York, 2002. Well worth reading (or acquiring), the
Langmuir, Nicholas Turro recently published Paradigms Lost NIST centennial publication annotates a range of discoveries
and Paradigms Found: Examples of Science Extraordinary and that emerged from the Bureau of Standards, including the deu-
Science Pathological and How to Tell the Difference. Angew. terium collaboration with Urey.
Chem. Int. Ed. 2000, 39, No. 13.
5. Hammett, Louis P. Physical Organic Chemistry; McGraw-Hill: Leonard Fine is in the Department of Chemistry, Colum-
New York, 1940. Hammetts classic monograph was reprinted bia University, Havemeyer Hall, New York, NY 10027;
many times, in several editions and in a dozen languages.

854 Journal of Chemical Education Vol. 80 No. 8 August 2003

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