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Mythological Creature - Chinese Zodiac

Referencia:LM Montroll Mythological2

Criterios asociados:
Libros: El nivel de dificultad : -- Complejo, -- Fcil, -- Intermedio
Libros: Idioma : - Ingls
Libros: Tema : ---- Fantasa, ---- Mascotas

Book Description:
Enter the world of Myth and magic, origami style ! Meet the 12 animals of the chinese Zodiac, each
accompanied by their Chinese and Japanese symbols as well as a description of their characteristics.
Then travel to ancient Greece and medieval Europ where centaurs, dragons and unicorns keep watch.

Author :John Montroll pioneered modern origami with the publication of his first book, Origami for the Enthusiast; Dover
Publications, 1980, which was the first origami book where each model is folded from single square sheet and no cuts.
In the same book he also introduced the origami term "double rabbit ear fold".
He publishedat least 24 origami books. He is recognized forthe exceptional clearness of his diagrams which makes its models
accessible to greatest number.
I recommend his books for all beginners in origami. The folders who love complex should also know his models which propose
beautiful, elegant and innovating folding sequences.

Product Details:
Paperback: 120 pages
Date : 2004
Language: English
Product Dimensions:21 cm x 29.7 cm

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