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Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16)

Efcient Macroscopic Urban Trafc Models

for Reducing Congestion: A PDDL+ Planning Approach
Mauro Vallati Daniele Magazzeni Bart De Schutter
School of Computing and Engineering Department of Informatics Delft Center for Systems and Control
University of Hudderseld, UK Kings College London, UK Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Lukas Chrpa and Thomas L. McCluskey

School of Computing and Engineering
University of Hudderseld, UK

Abstract approaches such as SCOOT (Bretherton 1989) or SCATS

(Lowrie 1982) are based on simple models of trafc within
The global growth in urbanisation increases the de-
a small cluster of trafc lights, and thus are faster and can
mand for services including road transport infrastruc-
ture, presenting challenges in terms of mobility. In adapt to changes of trafc ows in their local area. Both ap-
this scenario, optimising the exploitation of urban road proaches are not designed to work adequately in the face
networks is a pivotal challenge. Existing urban traf- of unplanned exceptional events, such as when roads have
c control approaches, based on complex mathemat- been blocked due to car accidents or weather-related events.
ical models, can effectively deal with planned-ahead Model-based predictive approaches are computationally ex-
events, but are not able to cope with unexpected situ- pensive and usually slow to converge, thus requiring up to
ations such as roads blocked due to car accidents or several hours for providing a strategy to be applied. Con-
weather-related events because of their huge computa- versely, reactive models are extremely quick, but they rely
tional requirements. Therefore, such unexpected situa- on pre-computed knowledge and very simplied trafc mod-
tions are mainly dealt with manually, or by exploiting
els; therefore, the generated strategies are not so effective.
pre-computed policies.
Our goal is to show the feasibility of using mixed Whereas there has been a long record of the use of AI
discrete-continuous planning to deal with unexpected
techniques in road transportation (Various 2007; Miles and
circumstances in urban trafc control. We present a
PDDL+ formulation of urban trafc control, where con- Walker 2006), there has been little application of AI Plan-
tinuous processes are used to model ows of cars, and ning and Scheduling techniques to UTC. With an adequate
show how planning can be used to efciently reduce description of the world and in particular of valid con-
congestion of specied roads by controlling trafc light trol actions, however, we conjecture that centralised auto-
green phases. We present simulation results on two net- mated planning techniques can deal with exceptional events
works (one of them considers Manchester city centre) and multi-objective optimisation by generating an effec-
that demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, com- tive plan for trafc light changes. Recently, the benets of
pared with xed-time and reactive techniques. such planning-based approaches for supporting trafc con-
trol have been argued. For instance, Jimoh et al. (2013)
Introduction introduced the idea of using automated planning in UTC
as a planning aid to be used in exceptional circumstances,
In the 21st Century the worlds population is expected to
e.g. in situations where roads within a network of roads
increase from 5.9bn in 2013 to 9.6bn by 2100 and to be-
become blocked due to some unanticipated incident. How-
come more urbanised. This huge growth increases the de-
ever, they assume that each vehicle can be directed by the
mand for housing, as well as associated utilities and services
planner thus limiting scalability, and will follow instruc-
including transport infrastructure, vehicle parking and pub-
tions given. Shah et al. (2013) provided a model for deal-
lic transport.
ing with road trafc accident management. A scheduling
Current urban trafc control (UTC) techniques help to
approach (called SURTRAC) has been proposed by Xie,
minimise delay within day to day trafc ows, by provid-
Smith, and Barlow (2012). They focused on the exploita-
ing strategies for trafc light phases, and are very effective
tion of decentralised scheduling techniques to synchronise a
in planned or typical conditions. UTC methods follow two
group of trafc light clusters. Each intersection is controlled
main directions: model-based predictive approaches (Papa-
by a scheduling agent that communicates with neighbours
georgiou et al. 2007) and reactive approaches. The former
to predict the future trafc demand, and to minimise pre-
are based on complex mathematical models, amounting to
dicted vehicles waiting time at the trafc signal. The inter-
the solution of thousands of equations. Conversely, reactive
ested reader is referred to a recent survey of planning and
Copyright  c 2016, Association for the Advancement of Articial scheduling approaches applied to trafc management (Cen-
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. amor et al. 2014).

Transport studies often use microscopic models to simu- based predictive trafc control approaches have been pro-
late and validate off-line trafc control techniques (Treiber posed. They rely on complex mathematical models that can
and Kesting 2013). This entails modeling at the individual describe the trafc dynamic mechanics of a given trafc net-
vehicle level, where each vehicle is a single element. A sim- work. Well-known examples include the model proposed by
ilar microscopic representation was used in a planning ap- Dotoli, Fanti, and Meloni (2006) and van den Berg et al.
proach to route vehicles to respect air quality limitations in (2004). Trafc models are currently exploited in trafc con-
urban networks (Chrpa et al. 2015), utilising a basic STRIPS trol for predicting the future trafc states, leading to the im-
representation (Fikes and Nilsson 1972). The exploitation of plementation of model-based trafc control strategies and
planning approaches on microscopic models has a number optimisation (Lin et al. 2013).
of drawbacks, however, the main one being that it has lim- From a general perspective, there exists three main classes
ited scalability. Also, if centralised planning is used to con- of trafc models: microscopic, macroscopic and mesoscopic
trol individual cars, then this assumes that the position of models (Hoogendoorn and Bovy 2001). Microscopic mod-
each vehicle is known by urban trafc authorities, and they els are usually very detailed, and describe every vehicle indi-
can communicate to and control each vehicles route. vidually; they are mostly used for modelling small portions
In order to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks we of larger networks. Macroscopic models are able to handle
utilise a macroscopic simulation model that models traf- larger areas, at the price of a higher level of abstraction: the
c at the ow level rather than at the single vehicles level average behaviour of groups of vehicles (or ows) is consid-
(Treiber and Kesting 2013), and encode it using a more ex- ered. Mesoscopic models combine properties of the afore-
pressive language, PDDL+ (Fox and Long 2006). PDDL+ mentioned models.
has been used in a number of real-world planning applica- In this work, in order to overcome the limits of previ-
tions, see for example (Fox, Long, and Magazzeni 2012; ously introduced STRIPS-based planning approaches and to
Della Penna et al. 2010), because it enables the system to effectively handle unexpected trafc conditions, we focus
reason with an explicit model of continuous processes and on macroscopic models. Particularly, for modelling urban
temporal constraints. The aim of modern urban trafc con- trafc in PDDL+ we take inspiration from the well-known
trols, and leading research in this area (e.g. Xie, Smith, and Simplied Model (S-model) (Lin et al. 2012).
Barlow), is to minimise the waiting time of cars at trafc sig-
nals in day to day conditions. The aim of our system is more PDDL+ Planning
regional and strategic: to deal promptly with congested net- PDDL+ (Fox and Long 2006) is an extension of the stan-
works caused by exceptional events, by identifying strate- dard planning domain modelling language, PDDL, to model
gies (i.e. temporal plans specifying changes to trafc light mixed discrete-continuous domains. In addition to instan-
green phases through the network) for reducing the conges- taneous and durative actions, PDDL+ introduces continu-
tion of critical roads, and hence restoring the desired state of ous processes and exogenous events, that are triggered by
the network. changes in the environment. Processes are used to model
This papers main contribution is to introduce a planning continuous change, and therefore are well suited in this con-
system that in comparison with traditional urban trafc con- text to model ows of vehicles. An example of process is
trol strategies within our experiments, deals much more ef- shown in Figure 2, where the process FlowGreen is used
ciently and effectively with region-wide congestion, where to model the ow of vehicles in each intersection when the
trafc volumes are in excess of 10,000 vehicles during peak trafc light is green. Note that the continuous effects
hour. To do this, we extend the state-of-the-art PDDL+ plan- (increase (queue ?r2) (* #t (flow ?r1 ?r2 ?i)))
ning engine UPMurphi (Della Penna et al. 2009) modularly (decrease (queue ?r1) (* #t (flow ?r1 ?r2 ?i)))
with a novel UTC-targeted heuristic. A further contribution
is in the engineering of the domain model: we introduce a are used to model transition of vehicles from one road to
token-based approach which is expressive enough to repre- another at the intersection at a specied ow rate.
sent a wide range of trafc signal junction types. Figure 2 also shows an example of an event, MaxGreen-
Reached which is used to switch tokens at intersections, and
is triggered as soon as the green time threshold is reached.
Background The use of PDDL+ proved to be very suitable for modelling
In this section we briey introduce urban trafc con- the trafc control scenario, as described in the next section.
trol models and automated planning in mixed discrete-
continuous domains. PDDL+ Formulation
In this section we introduce the model that is the basis of the
Urban Trafc Control Models PDDL+ representation of urban trafc control problem.
Initially, xed-time controls and then reactive controls were A region of the road network can be represented by a di-
used in urban trafc control. In the former, actions are prede- rected graph, where edges stand for road sections and ver-
ned according to some sort of historical information. In the tices stand for either intersections, entry or exit points. Intu-
latter, which includes widely used systems like SCOOT and itively, vehicles enter the network in entry points, and leave
SCATS, proposed after sensors were introduced, strategies the network from exit points. Each road section has a given
are reactive to the given input from sensors and can con- maximum capacity, i.e. the maximum number of vehicles
trol a set of connected intersections. More recently, model- it can serve, and congestion threshold, i.e., the upper bound

  (:action SwitchTrafficSignal
:parameters (?i - intersection)

 (>= (greenTime ?i) (minGreenTime ?i))
:effect (and
 (increase (token ?i) (tokenAdd ?i))

 (assign (greenTime ?i) 0)))
(:process FlowGreen
  :parameters (?r1 ?r2 - road ?i - intersection)

 :precondition (and
(= (token ?i) (tokenvalue ?r1 ?i))
(>= (queue ?r1) (flow ?r1 ?r2 ?i))

(<= (queue ?r2) (- (max_queue ?r2) (flow ?r1 ?r2 ?i))


(<= (greentime ?i) (maxgreentime ?i)))
:effect (and
  (increase (queue ?r2) (* #t (flow ?r1 ?r2 ?i)))
(decrease (queue ?r1) (* #t (flow ?r1 ?r2 ?i)))))

(:event MaxGreenReached
Figure 1: A road network with two intersections (J1 , J2 ) and :parameters (?i - intersection)
eleven road sections. Arrows indicate how trafc can ow :precondition (and
(>= (greentime ?i) (maxgreentime ?i))
into and out from the road10 section. (< (token ?i) (maxtoken ?i)))
:effect (and
(assign (greentime ?i) 0)
(increase (token ?i) (tokenAdd ?i)))

of the number of vehicles that allows uent trafc ow. The

current number of vehicles of a road section is denoted as Figure 2: Part of PDDL+ encoding of the UTC domain.
a queue. Intersections are controlled by trafc lights. Trafc
in intersections is distributed by ow rates that are dened
between each couple of road sections. Given two road sec- constructs:
tions rx , ry , and an intersection i such that rx is an incoming An action SwitchTrafcSignal(i,t) is used by the planner
road section to the intersection i and ry is an outgoing road for changing token t in intersection i if the minimum
section from i. Flow rates stand for the number of vehicles green time of t has been reached. This action is the tool
that leave rx , pass through i and enter ry per time unit. For allowing the planner to affect the trafc ows.
the sake of simplicity, we assume that vehicles going in the
same direction move into the correct lane, thus not blocking An event MaxGreenReached(i,t) is triggered when token
other vehicles going in the different directions. t in intersection i reaches the maximum green time. The
Figure 1 shows an example of a road network with two in- event changes token t (in the same way as the switchTraf-
tersections (J1 , J2 ) and eleven road sections. Arrows show cSignal action does).
the ows of the incoming and outgoing trafc for the road10 A process KeepGreen(r,i,t) is used for keeping the traf-
section. Vehicles can leave the road10 section in three dif- c light of road section r on intersection i set to green, and
ferent directions (road5 , road7 and road9 ). If the ow rate measuring the time the green light is on. This process is
between road10 and road7 (through the intersection J2 ) is of activated when the token t is given to the aforementioned
2 vehicles per time unit, and 1 vehicle per time unit for the trafc light, and automatically stops when the green time
other directions, and the trafc lights are set to green for all has reached the maximum allowed value, or the token has
the directions, then in one time unit the number of vehicles been passed by using the SwitchTrafcSignal action.
in the road10 section decreases by 4, while the number of
vehicles in the road7 section increases by 2 and in the road5 A process FlowGreen(r1,r2,i,t) is activated when the
and road9 sections by 1 each. KeepGreen(r1,i,t) process is active. It is used for moving
vehicles from road r1 to road r2 through intersection i at
For controlling trafc lights in intersections we designed the given ow rate. If there is no vehicle on r1, or r2 is
a token-based approach. Each intersection has an associated full (i.e., the number of the vehicles is the same as the
token. According to its value, one (or more) trafc lights are capacity of r2), the FlowGreen process is stopped.
allowed to turn green, while the others must be red. Clearly,
trafc lights that are turned green by the same token value Figure 2 shows the PDDL+ encoding of the SwitchTraf-
must not be in conicting directions. It is worth noting that cSignal action, the MaxGreenReached event and the Flow-
the designed token-based approach, in conjunction with the Green process.
use of ows, is very expressive, and allows to describe a Each entry point of the road network has a correspond-
wide range of trafc light congurations from trafc lights ing buffer. Vehicles that are going to enter the network are
controlling specic lanes only, to trafc lights controlling rstly added to the corresponding buffer. As soon as the road
different road sections at the same time regardless of the section connected to the entry point is not full, an event re-
number of trafc lights of the intersection. For each inter- leaseCar(r,b) is triggered for moving vehicles from buffer b
section, the minimum and maximum time between a change to road section r. Situations where vehicles are exiting the
of value of the token is specied. This range controls, im- road network are handled by considering road sections that
plicitly, the green phase minimum and maximum length for lead to exit points to have innite capacity.
trafc lights of a given intersection. A planning problem is specied by a road network (in-
Intersections are regulated using the following PDDL+ cluding road capacities, tokens, minimum and maximum

green times, etc.), which captures the static part of the prob- considered by commonly used reactive approaches, that take
lem, and by the queue length of each road section, initial into account the number of vehicles queued at the consid-
token values and numbers of vehicles and frequency of their ered intersection in order to minimise delays. is used to
appearance in entry points, which captures the dynamic part limit the size of the state space for the planner. Higher val-
of the problem. Timed Initial Literals (Fox and Long 2003) ues for give more exibility to the planner, and possibly
are used to represent situations when vehicles are ready to lead to nd better solutions, at the cost of longer runtimes.
enter the network later. For example, 35 vehicles are ready We empirically found a good value to be = 0.2, as no sig-
to enter the network at the entry point (buffer) entry1 at nicant improvements on the found solutions were observed
time 5. Then, in PDDL+ we represent it as (at 5 (= with greater values.
(cars-ready entry1) 35)). The heuristic we devised is automatically extracted from
Given a trafc planning problem, the goal is specied in the problem description, and it is based on relaxing the con-
terms of road sections that are required to be not congested straints that vehicles can leave a road only when the corre-
as soon as possible. For instance, given the example shown sponding trafc signal is green. Formally, we have:
in Figure 1, it can be required to reduce the congestion of 
road section road10; therefore, the goal would be described f (s) = (qs (ri )/leave(ri ))
as (< (queue road10) (congested road10)). ri G
It should be noted that with regards to the typical optimi-
sation target used by trafc light controllers, i.e. minimise where ri G are the road sections specied in the plan-
average delay of vehicles in the network, the proposed ap- ning task goal (for which we want to reduce the ow under a
proach provides a wider range of possibilities. For instance, given threshold), qs (ri ) is the current queue length on road
it allows to prioritise ows from specic roads, e.g. known section ri and leave(ri ) represents the total ow of vehicles
network bottlenecks, or to maximise trafc ows in some that can leave road section ri (abstracting from the status of
directions. Also, a goal in which queues of all the network the trafc signals).
road sections have to be reduced, corresponds to minimise
the average delay. Experimental Evaluation
The aim of the experimental evaluation is to test whether the
Forward Heuristic Search for UTC proposed planning-based approach can efciently and effec-
The UPMurphi planning system has been used for solving tively provide plans for minimising the time required to re-
urban trafc control problems encoded using the PDDL+ duce the saturation of critical roads in urban networks. As
formulation described in the previous section. UPMurphi is previously mentioned, the proposed PDDL+ models are de-
a forward search planner that deals with continuous pro- signed for planning at a macroscopic level, i.e. the planner
cesses using the Discretise and Validate approach, where deals with ows of vehicles rather than with single vehicles.
the continuous model is initially discretised, then solved, In order to assess the usefulness of the proposed planning-
and nally the found solution is validated against the orig- based approach, we compared its performance with two dif-
inal continuous model. If the solution is not valid, the dis- ferent techniques: the well-known xed-time strategy and
cretisation is rened and the process iterates. Among other an isolated trafc-responsive strategy (hereinafter, reactive)
features, UPMurphi allows one to easily add constraints on (Papageorgiou et al. 2003). In the former, that is commonly
the applicability of the actions (in order to prune the state used as baseline for testing urban trafc control approaches,
space at the design phase), and to plug in new heuristics, the green time length of each trafc light is set once and does
that might be best tailored for a given class of problems. We not change over time. In other words, regardless of the state
exploited these two features and designed a specialised for- of the network, green time lengths are xed. In the reactive
ward heuristic search that is well suited for the UTC domain. approach, each intersection is controlled separately. Given
It can be efciently used with any UTC problem, i.e., to han- an intersection Ji and an active trafc light controlling the
dle different trafc scenarios and different urban networks. trafc ow from the incoming road section rm , this tech-
In this model, the state explosion is caused by the Switch- nique switches the active trafc light if the minimal green
TrafcSignal(i,t) action, that modies token t at intersection time has been reached and if there is a queue on another
i, and so changes vehicle ows by stopping the green phase incoming road section rn that is longer than a given thresh-
of the currently active trafc light(s). The problem speci- old. In essence, the reactive approach tries to distribute green
cations already limit the applicability of this action to when time between trafc lights of the same intersection, favour-
token t has not been modied since a minimumGreenTime ing those that mostly need it in order to quickly shorten their
amount of time. Furthermore, for each road section rj con- queue. We did not consider coordinated reactive approaches,
trolled by the trafc lights that will be turned red as the effect since they rely on a large amount of knowledge extracted
of the action, we added the following precondition(s) (q(rj ) from historical data (Papageorgiou et al. 2003). This allows
and cap(rj ) stand for queue and capacity of rj respectively): them to effectively deal with typical trafc situations, but
that can possibly reduce their ability to cope with unprece-
q(rj ) < cap(rj )
dented conditions. It should be noted that we did not com-
The purpose of these constraints is to consider stopping pare against a model-based predictive approaches because,
ow(s) coming from roads sections only when the corre- as stated in the Introduction, although they are able to glob-
sponding queues are not too long. Similar constraints are ally consider a network, they are computationally expensive,

Figure 3: The A scenario, taken from (Lin et al. 2014). This
network includes three intersections, eight entry and eight
exit points (O1O8), and twenty road sections (R1R20).  

Figure 4: The considered scenario B. It represents a section

and therefore not suitable to be used in real-time to cope with of the Manchester urban area. Modelled roads are shown in
unexpected events. blue. Part of the ring road (crossed out) is blocked. Incoming
UPMurphi enhanced with the previously described trafc ows enter the network from entry points (green) and
heuristic has been used for generating plans. The plan- have to reach exit points (yellow).
ner has been run on a system equipped with 2.5 Ghz Intel
Core 2 Quad Processors, 4 GB of RAM and Linux operating
system. The plans derived by using xed-time and reactive of the city centre, which is already saturated by the usual
strategies have been generated by some specically devel- passing-through trafc. This network has been selected in
oped python scripts: their execution CPU-time is negligible. order to check the scalability of the proposed approach on
The generated plans have rstly been validated using the large networks that involve a signicant number of vehicles.
well-known VAL tool (Howey, Long, and Fox 2004). This In our experiments we populated this scenario with 11,000
was done in order to check their correctness with regards to vehicles. 3,000 of them are already in the network, and rep-
the designed PDDL+ model, and also to test the presence of resent the usual city centre trafc out of peak hours. 8,000
aws in the model. After the rst validation, plans have been vehicles access the network from the ring road entry points
tested using the trafc simulation tool SUMO (Krajzewicz et and can leave the network through the two exit points located
al. 2012) (ver 0.23). The exploitation of trafc simulators al- in the North of the map. The goal is to reduce as quickly as
lows to verify the effectiveness of both plans and models, by possible the queues on roads connected to entry points, to a
actually simulating their execution using realistic physics. few hundreds of cars. In the rest of this section, this scenario
will be referred to as scenario B.
Scenarios It should be noted that our experimental analysis is fo-
The experimental evaluation focuses on two urban road net- cused on testing the resilience of the system, by using satu-
works, shown in Figures 3 and 4. The rst network (Figure rated networks as initial states, i.e. when in every intersec-
3) includes three intersections and eight entry/exit points; a tion the vehicle queues on (some) roads cannot be dissolved
similar network has been already used for evaluating a num- completely at the end of the following green phase. Such sit-
ber of model predictive controls for urban trafc, see e.g. uations are the most complex to deal with, and a poor control
(Lin et al. 2014). Each road section has three lanes, cor- strategy will quickly lead to very long queues, lled roads
responding to three different directions vehicles can take. sections, and blocked intersections, with a signicant impact
Given a road, one third of the trafc follows each direction. on traveller delay. Furthermore, scenarios in which networks
In this scenario we simulated cases in which the main ows are not saturated are not so interesting as they can be handled
of vehicles have to navigate the network from East to West. by human trafc experts or by reactive approaches.
We considered approximately 600 vehicles over the simula-
tion period. Most of them are already in the network at the Results
initial state; approximately 150 new vehicles progressively
enter the network from East and North entry points, as soon In our models, one time step corresponds to approximately
as the maximum capacity of roads section allows that. The ve real-world seconds. In scenario A, green time lengths
goal is to unsaturate R4, which is the bottleneck of the net- range between 4 and 20 time steps (20 to 100 seconds). In
work due to its length. Hereinafter we will refer to this sce- scenario B we increased the range between 5 and 40 time
nario as scenario A. steps, for amplifying the impact of trafc light controllers.
The second network is shown in Figure 4. It represents In order to obtain a good overview of the performance
a large section of the Manchester (UK) urban area. Specif- of xed-time and reactive approaches, we considered differ-
ically, it simulates what happened in August 2015, when a ent congurations. For xed-time, we consider green phase
section of the ring road had to be closed because of a large times ranging from the minimum to the maximum avail-
hole due to heavy rainfall. 1 As a consequence, the trafc that able lengths. The reactive approach strongly depends on the
usually ows through the ring road has to pass through part threshold value used for reacting to a long queue: such
threshold has been expressed as percentage of the road that
1 is full. A value of 100% (0%) indicates that the approach re-

Scenario PDDL+ FixedT Reactive while B.1B.3 are solved in less than 5 CPU-time seconds.
A 25 78 82 55 78
B 3842 5983 6281 4650 6286 Discussion
B.1 310 2167 2774 1905 2766 The experiments demonstrate the extent to which our ap-
B.2 686 3631 3787 1515 3728 proach is able to efciently control trafc lights phases in
B.3 190 1171 2017 124 1968 order to cope with unexpected trafc conditions, and hence
demonstrates its potential for increasing the resilience of
Table 1: Quality, in terms of time steps required to achieve network management. It should be noted that the proposed
a state in which the goal condition is solved, of plans gener- PDDL+ model can be extended in order to enlarge the set
ated by the proposed PDDL+-based approach, a xed-time of potential UTC interventions modelled. For instance, an
technique (FixedT) and a purely reactive approach (Reac- extended model can allow the planner to modify the order
tive), in the considered scenarios. For the xed-time (re- in which trafc lights are activated around a junction; or it
active) approach results are shown in terms of minimum could incorporate a model (utilising historical data) of the
maximum plan quality, according to the different green effects of using variable-message signs on trafc ows.
phases (thresholds) used. One time step corresponds to ap-
One of the main challenges in urban trafc control is to
proximately 5 real-world seconds.
efciently deal with saturated trafc and/or full networks.
As shown in our experimental analysis, xed-time and re-
active approaches can quickly provide plans for underused
acts only when the road is completely full (empty). In our networks, but they can not effectively handle saturated con-
experiments we run the reactive approach by considering ditions. For this reason, the proposed approach has been
threshold values in the range 0.1%-100.0%, thus testing a designed for focusing on saturated networks. This also al-
wide range of different reactivity levels. lows to simplify the model for increasing efciency; for in-
The upper part of Table 1 shows the results of this experi- stance in saturated conditions vehicles are mostly moving
mental analysis on scenarios A and B. Results are shown in extremely slowly on average or even stationary, thus very
terms of time steps (maximum and minimum) required by accurate speed models are not needed.
the three approaches for reaching a state in which the goal is In its current form, the proposed PDDL+ approach oper-
satised. Remarkably, the proposed approach is able to ef- ates as an open loop controller: the planner is used to predict
fectively control trafc light phases in order to minimise the and then control the evolution of trafc ows in the network.
time required to achieve goals. Unsurprisingly, the reactive Nevertheless, given the low runtime, it can be integrated as
approach is able to provide better quality as well as a wider a component of a closed loop control system by including
range of solutions than the xed-time approach. Nonethe- monitoring. If the state of the network signicantly differs
less, provided plans are still signicantly longer than those from the planners prediction, then the speed of the planner
obtained by exploiting the PDDL+ approach. enables a re-planning approach to be adopted.
In order to investigate how the performance of the con- The performed experimental analysis demonstrated that
sidered approaches are affected by different levels of net- the proposed approach can handle 11,000 vehicles: this is
work saturation, we generated three different congurations comparable to one-hour trafc ow of the rush hours traf-
of the scenario B: B.1, in which incoming trafc ows are c of a medium-sized European city. In order to efciently
reduced by half; B.2, where initially no vehicles are in the increase the size of trafc ows involved, a continuous plan-
network; and B.3, that mixes B.1 and B.2. Unsurprisingly, ning approach (Coddington 2002) can be exploited. This di-
results shown in Table 1 indicate that in case of very low rection will be investigated in our future work, in collabora-
trafc congestion, reactive approaches can be very effective. tion with our industrial partners.
On the other hand, the proposed PDDL+ approach allows to
Finally, it is worth noting that the proposed PDDL+ ap-
generate better quality plans in both B.1 and B.2 scenarios,
proach does not require any additional knowledge about
where the network is not congested yet, but poor trafc light
trafc dynamics in the considered network. It is capable
strategies quickly lead to critical intersections saturation.
of generating effective plans with unexpected trafc con-
The results shown in Table 1 have been validated by using ditions by considering the structure of the network and the
SUMO. The validation conrms that plans provided by the current trafc condition. This extends its applicability to ur-
PDDL+ approach allow to reach goals set for scenarios A ban areas where sensors have been only recently introduced,
and B in a signicantly shorter time than plans generated by and where other approaches would show low performance.
using the other approaches. In a nutshell, SUMO-validated Nonetheless, whether available, historical data knowledge
plans tend to take around 2-3 times longer to execute than can be easily encoded.
predicted for all the tested approaches. This is because some
elements (e.g., vehicle acceleration and brake time) are not
considered in the models. Conclusion
In urban trafc control applications it is of pivotal impor- In this paper we proposed a PDDL+ encoding of the ur-
tance that effective plans are provided quickly, in order to ban trafc control problem, where trafc green phases can
tackle unexpected issues as soon as possible. The proposed be controlled by a planner for reducing network congestion,
approach is able to solve scenario A in less than 2 CPU-time and we designed a forward heuristic search in order to im-
seconds; scenario B requires at most 20 CPU-time seconds, prove the performance of existing state-of-the-art planners.

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