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Erica OKelly

Reflection Trimester 2
February 25, 2017

Throughout the second trimester we dove into analyzing text through different lenses

and psychological viewpoints. We started the trimester with the critical lens presentation in

which my group analyzed Frankenstein through gender criticism and queer theory. This project

taught me how different groups and people view stories differently and can interpret situations a

different way. Also this trimester we used Jung psychology to evaluate the characters in fifth

business. This showed us how character connect with their inner conscious also with those

around them through the the self, the shadow, anima, and the animus.

Our timed writing and essay for fifth business I learned I need to plan my essays out

more to develop a plan for the essay. This is because my timed writing and essay were very

unorganized and where not well developed towards the end. This is because I start out with a

plan, but do not conclude the essay answering the questions I asked in the beginning. I need to

ask the question in my thesis and introduction, but answers them in the body paragraphs, then

finally resolving them in the conclusion.

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