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HSL 862 - FALL 2016 (Final)

Strongly Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) Neutral (3) SCORE NA
Course Evaluation Questions Agree (5) (2) Disagree (1)

1 This course provided important information. 6 4 0 0 0 92% 0

2 This course included appropriate textbook (or other print material) readings. 5 5 0 0 0 90% 0
3 This course involved engaging lectures (or other experiential assignments). 5 5 0 0 0 90% 0
4 This course challenged me with appropriate tests (or other evaluation procedures). 6 4 0 0 0 92% 0
5 This course contributed meaningfully to my skills / knowledge /education in my field. 5 5 0 0 0 90% 0
6 Course strengths included. (See comments below)
7 Course weaknesses included. (See comments below)

Instructor Evaluation Questions

8 This insturctor was well organized. 5 3 2 0 0 86% 0
9 This instructor created an engaging learning environment. 7 3 0 0 0 94% 0
10 This instructor motivated me to do my best. 8 2 0 0 0 96% 0
11 This instructor was fair in testing and grading. 7 3 0 0 0 94% 0
12 This instructor contributed meaningfully to my skills / knowledge / education in my field. 8 2 0 0 0 96% 0
13 Instuctor strengths included. (See comments below)
14 Instructor weaknesses included. (See comments below)

Student Evaluation Questions

15 As a "learner", I came prepared to this class. 2 8 0 0 0 84% 0
16 As a "learner", I engaged attentively to the lectures. 1 7 2 0 0 78% 0
17 As a "learner", I gave my best to this course. 3 7 0 0 0 86% 0
18 As a "learner", I contributed meaningfully to my own knowledge / skills / education in my field. 4 6 0 0 0 88% 0
19 As a "learner", I expect to earn a(n) _____ in this course. (See grade letters below)
20 My strengths included. (See comments below)
21 My weaknesses included. (See comments below)

Course strengths included:

1. information about a poorly understand brand of testing.
2. Labs-> Running CAPD tests wre so helpful and purpare us for future. Powerpoints have all information we need. Expectations are clearly stated at beginning of semester. Client assessment
assignment and template are great resources. Modnay night -> good choice.
3. Nicely organized lectures and readings. Labs were nice to get hands on experience.
4. Very thorough, Good information to support skills in future.
5. Learning from the best - Dr. medwetsky. Good insight info things that may occur beyond cochled.
6. Monday class time. Organization. Syllabus
7. Engaging lectures.
8. Content about CAPD. Knowledgeable professor.
9. Good experiential labs. Good guest lectues.

Course weaknesses included:

1. Too many conflicting opinion presented together.
2. Critical thinking assignment should be divided into 2 -> very time consuming. Lectures could sometimes be a bit long.
3. Hard to follow some of the instructions for the lab test.
4. Too many assignments.
5. The critical thinking assignment takes a long time and didn't feel we had enough after it ws posted. Too many assingment @ end of semester!
6. Dense: Labs of information.
7. Multiple textbooks that were great, but very expensive!
8. Assignments pushed too far to the end of the semester. Labs are slightly disorganized - need better directions in labs, binders, CD, PP.
9. Time of class. Course organziation majority of work load pushed to end of semester, should be more evenly distributed.

Instructor strengths included:

1. Passionate and knowledgeable.
2. Organized. Understanding / cares about us fact schedules -> flexible.
3. Instructor was very knowledgeable. Well organized.
4. Fun to learn from, Very knowledgeable - good to learn from. Someone who is adding to the field.
5. Knowledge. Provides good examples. Confident.
6. Organziation. Allowing flexibility in assignment deadlines. Syllabus! I am so appreciation of the organization and scheduling!
7. Good at responding to emails. Very fair grader -> moved dedlines to accommodate students needs. Always understanding about difficulty in other classes. Listened to student concerns.
8. expert in CAPD. Brought candy. Gave frequent breaks.
9. Knowledgeable. Enthusiastic. Kind and caring. Always brought candy :) Fair grader.

Instructor weaknesses included:

1. insistent on teaching methods not grounded in evidence.
2. A little lengthy / wordy in lectures, could move a long a little more efficiently.
3. N/A
4. None
5. Rushes a bit too much at the end. Digness occassionally.
6. Distractions and taugheits.
7. Lost focus and times. Lectures could get disorganizaed at times. Assignment content and amount of time needed for completion could be excessive re. critical thinking assignment.

Grade Letters:
1. B / A-
2. A
3. A
5. A
6 A (?)
7. A
8. B+
9. A to A-
10. A- / B+

My strengths included:
1. Attentive learner.
2. Being prepared / reading.
3. Doing readings.
4. My engagement!
5. Motivated.

My weaknesses included:
1. Did not respond quickely / timely to feedback.
2. N/A
3. Slightly - moderately tired on multiple occasions.
4. Not doing all reading!
5. Could have studied more. Could have paid attention better during class.

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