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I believe that Ive nearly always had similar

hobbies, both when I was a boy from about

ten years old, as now, when I am a man in my
My preferred hobbies probable are three. They
are, from smaller to bigger: reading, playing
chess and composing classical music.
I started reading when I was about ten years
old and I remember that one of the first books
I read was The five investigators . Really,
that was not the real title, but the topic of a
series of little novels.
Secondly, about the same time I began playing
chess with my relatives, usually my father, my
brother Juan or my cousin Rafa.
Thirdly, I remember that I played the guitar
also to the same time and I wrote some love
songs for a girl I was in love with.
In other hand, when I start thinking about my
future plans, my mind dive in a big mess,
because I dont like thinking about that,
because I prefer to live day to day. In spite of
that, and to sum up, I hope to continue kntinyooo
composing music in the future, and to enjoy
reading and improving my chess.

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