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Soru zm Teknkler
rnek soru ve

Emei Geenler
Muhammed zgr YAAR
mer Faruk YAAR

A) Cloze Tests................................................................................................................................. 1
B) Cmle Tamamlama ................................................................................................................ 10
C) eviri: ngilizce-Trke ......................................................................................................... 17
D) eviri: Trke - ngilizce ....................................................................................................... 22
E) Okuma Paralar ..................................................................................................................... 27
F) E Anlam ................................................................................................................................... 46
G) Paragraf Tamamlama ............................................................................................................ 50
H) Anlam Bozan Cmle ............................................................................................................. 55
I) Diyalog I ...................................................................................................................................... 58
rnek Soru ve zmleri (4er Soru) ..................................................................................... 62
Cloze Tests ................................................................................................................................ 62
Cmle Tamamlama.................................................................................................................. 64
eviri: ngilizce Trke ....................................................................................................... 66
eviri: Trke ngilizce ....................................................................................................... 68
Paragraf Sorular (3 Soru)...................................................................................................... 70
E Anlam Sorular.................................................................................................................... 73
Paragraf Tamamlama .............................................................................................................. 75
Anlam Bozan Cmle .............................................................................................................. 77
Dialog Sorular.......................................................................................................................... 79

zm Teknikleri Rehberi
A) Cloze Tests

Bu soru tipinde adaylarn kelime, edat(preposition), dilbilgisi bilgileri dorudan llrken bahsi
geen konuya anlamca hakim olma becerileri de dolayl olarak deerlendirilmektedir. Orta
uzunluktaki bir paragraf zerinde ayn anda farkl sorularla adaylarn bilgileri llmektedir.

imdi bu soru trnde dikkat edilmesi gereken iki noktaya deinelim;

1. Paragraf okumaya balamadan nce her bir soruyu sorgulad bilgi tr asndan (kelime
sorusu ise seenekleri anlamlar asndan hzlca gzden geirmek, ayet dilbilgisi sorusu ise
hangi konuyla ilgili olduunu (Relative / Noun Clause, Reduction (Ksaltma), Tense vs.)
analiz etmek bir n hazrlk niteliinde olacak ve daha da nemlisi olas yanllara yol
aabilecek olan, beynimizi hem paragrafta verilen ifadeyi hem de seeneklerde verilen be olas
doru yant ayn anda yorumlama yknden kurtararak bizlerin daha salam admlarla doru
seenee ilerlememizi salayacaktr. zetle, paragrafta bulunan ifadeler ve sorularda verilen
seeneklerle ayn anda tanmamamz gerekmektedir.

2. ounlukla sorularn sorulduu satrlarda verilen ifadeler doru cevaba karar vermemiz
asndan yeterli verileri sunmaktadr, ancak bu veriler doru cevap asndan yetersiz gibi
grnyorsa, bir dier deyile cevaba ynelik herhangi bir ipucu sunmuyor ise, bu kstl bilgiye
bal kalarak aceleci bir cevaba karar vermekten uzak durmak, biraz sabrl olup anlamsal ya da
dil bilgisel adan doru cevaba ynelik nemli iaretler tayabilecek olan sonraki satrlar
analiz etmek byk nem tamaktadr.

imdi de bu deindiimiz noktalar iki ayr cloze test paragrafnda bulunan on soru stnde


Cloze Test 1

In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been
joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) ---- attracted very little interest.
In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) ----. But (3) ---- the early 1960s,
geologists (4) ---- to realize that molten rock was seeping up from under the oceans and pushing
the continents further away from (5) ---- at around two and a half centimeters a year.

A) ability
B) invention
C) comprehension
D) concern
E) claim

A) deliberately
B) sensibly
C) fairly
D) regrettably
E) seriously

A) under
B) by
C) over
D) at
E) from

A) are beginning
B) have begun
C) were beginning
D) begin
E) would begin

A) another
B) each other
C) the others
D) one other
E) any other



In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been
joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) claim attracted very little
interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) ----. But (3) ---- the
early 1960s, geologists (4) ---- to realize that molten rock was seeping up from under the oceans
and pushing the continents further away from (5) ---- at around two and a half centimeters a year.

Cevap: E

A) ability = yetenek, beceri

B) invention = icat, bulu
C) comprehension = kavray, idrak, kapsam
D) concern = ilgi, mesele, endie
E) claim = iddia, talep

1912 ylnda Wegener adnda bir Alman iddia etti ki
sim trnde bir kelime sorusu, sorunun zmnde ilk satrda yer alan bildirmek / iddia etmek /
aklamak anlamna gelen declare fiilini fark etmek nem tamaktadr. Buradan hareketle
metnin devamnda yer alan Onun s neredeyse hi ilgi ekmedi. ifadesini en doru ekilde
tamamlayan kelime E seeneinde verilen claim = iddia, talep kelimesi olacaktr.

In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been
joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) claim attracted very little
interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) seriously. But (3) ----
the early 1960s, geologists (4) ---- to realize that molten rock was seeping up from under the
oceans and pushing the continents further away from (5) ---- at around two and a half centimeters a

Cevap: E

A) deliberately = bilerek / kasten

B) sensibly = mantkl / makul bir ekilde
C) fairly = adil bir ekilde, olduka
D) regrettably = zlerek / ne yazk ki
E) seriously = ciddi olarak / ciddi bir ekilde

Zarf trnde bir kelime sorusu, 1915te, o (Wegener) ktasal srklenme zerine bir kitap
yaymlad. Kimse onu ye almad. cmlesini en anlaml ekilde tamamlayacak kelime E
seeneinde yer alan seriously olacaktr.

Ayrca ngilizcede Collocation (edizimlilik) bir dier deyile (tekrarlanan birlikte

kullanm yoluyla kalplam ksmen ya da tamamen sabitlemi ifadeler) anlamna gelen
kullanmdan biri olan take something seriously = bir eyi ciddiye almak yapsn daha
nce grm olmak sorunun zmn bir hayli kolaylatracaktr.


In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been
joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) claim attracted very little
interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) seriously. But (3) By
the early 1960s, geologists (4) ---- to realize that molten rock was seeping up from under the
oceans and pushing the continents further away from (5) ---- at around two and a half centimeters a

Cevap: B

A) under
B) by
C) over
D) at
E) from

Bir preposition(edat) sorusu, bu sorunun zmnde by + zaman ifadesi kullanmnn
zamanna / tarihine gelindiinde ya da tarihi itibariyle eklinde Trkeletirilebilecei
bilgisine sahip olmak bizleri B seeneine ynlendirecektir.

In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been
joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) claim attracted very little
interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) seriously. But (3) By
the early 1960s, geologists (4) were beginning to realize that molten rock was seeping up from
under the oceans and pushing the continents further away from (5) ---- at around two and a half
centimeters a year.

Cevap: C

A) are beginning = balyorlar ya da balayacaklar

B) have begun = baladlar ya da balamlardr
C) were beginning = balyorlard
D) begin = balarlar
E) would begin = balayacaktlar

Bir tense sorusu. Cmle bandaki By the early 1960s(1960larn ba itibaryla / 1960larn
bana gelindiinde) ifadesi bize bu cmlede gerekleen eylemlerin gemi zaman diliminde
kaldn gstermektedir, bu nedenle gnmze etki eden eylemler iin kullanlan Present
Tenselerden olan A, B, D seenekleri elenir. E seeneindeki would begin =
balayacaktlar (would + V1) yaps gemite gereklememi eylemlere ya da gnmzdeki
gerekleme olasl neredeyse bulunmayan hayali eylemlere atfta bulunmak iin kullanldndan
elenecek ve geriye bir kullanm gemite zaman ierisinde deiim gsteren eylemleri
anlatmak olan Past Continuous Tensein bulunduu C seenei doru yant olacaktr.


In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been
joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) claim attracted very little
interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) seriously. But (3) By
the early 1960s, geologists (4) were beginning to realize that molten rock was seeping up from
under the oceans and pushing the continents further away from (5) each other at around two and
a half centimeters a year.

Cevap: B

A) another = baka bir / ikinci bir

B) each other = birbirini
C) the others = dierleri (tanml isim)
D) one other = bir dier
E) any other = baka herhangi bir (olumsuz yap)

Metindeki Ktalar den iterek uzaklatrmak cmlesini en anlaml biimde karlkl eylemleri
anlatmak iin kullanlan each other / birbirini yapsnn verildii B seenei doru olacaktr.


Cloze Test 2

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) ---- many and varied that it is difficult to speak
of the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) ---- with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic
revolutionaries. (8) ----, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always
revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) ---- thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (10) ----
the wonder of the world.

A) so
B) as
C) both
D) neither
E) thus

A) others
B) them
C) each
D) itself
E) themselves

A) Even so
B) Since
C) Accordingly
D) In case
E) On the contrary

A) safe
B) safest
C) safety
D) safely
E) safer

A) having rediscovered
B) rediscovering
C) to rediscover
D) to have rediscovered
E) on rediscovering



The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) so many and varied that it is difficult to speak of
the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) ---- with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic
revolutionaries. (8) ----, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always
revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) ---- thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (10) ----
the wonder of the world.

Cevap: A

A) so
B) as
C) both
D) neither
E) thus

Sorunun zmnde sfat ya da zarflarla beraber kullanlan Trkeye (ylesine ki / o kadar
ki) eklinde evrilen (so + sfat / zarf + that + cmle) yaps hakknda bilgi sahibi olmak bizleri A
seeneini ynlendirecektir.

Romantizmin trleri o kadar ok ve eitliydi ki

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) so many and varied that it is difficult to speak of
the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) itself with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic
revolutionaries. (8) ----, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always
revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) ---- thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (10) ----
the wonder of the world.

Cevap: D

A) others = dierleri
B) them = onlar / onlara (Nesnel zamir)
C) each = her bir
D) itself = kendisi (3. tekil ahs dnl zamir)
E) themselves = kendileri (3. oul ahs dnl zamir)

Sorunun zmnde ilgili cmlenin it znesiyle baladna dikkat etmek ve Trkesi
hizalamak, ayn hizaya / dzeye getirmek olan (align) fiilinin anlamna hakim olmak bizleri D
seeneine ynlendiren unsurlardan olacaktr.

(Romantizm) kendisini demokratik devrimcilerin insancl ruhuyla ayn hizaya getirme



The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) so many and varied that it is difficult to speak of
the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) itself with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic
revolutionaries. (8) Even so, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not
always revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) ---- thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt
(10) ---- the wonder of the world.

Cevap: A

A) Even so = yine de / buna ramen / yle olsa bile

B) Since = 1) nk / in / - den dolay 2) - den beri
C) Accordingly = dolaysyla / bu dorultuda / buna gre
D) In case = -olursa diye
E) On the contrary = tam aksine / bilakis

Soruda boluk ncesi ve sonrasndaki cmleyi aralarndaki anlamsal iliki asndan en uygun
biimde balayan ifade sorgulanmtr.

It tended to align itself with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic revolutionaries. Even
so, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always revolutionaries.

O (Romantizm) kendisini demokratik devrimcilerin insancl ruhuyla ayn hizaya getirme

eilimindeydi. Yine de, Romantikler her zaman demokratlar deildi ve demokratlarda her
zaman devrimciler deildi.

Yukardaki cmleler aralarnda anlamsal adan bir ztlk ilikisi sezdirdiinden bu iki cmleyi en
uygun ekilde yine de / buna ramen / yle olsa bile eklinde Trkeletirilen Even so
ifadesi balayacaktr.

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) so many and varied that it is difficult to speak of
the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) itself with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic
revolutionaries. (8) Even so, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always
revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) safest thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (10)
---- the wonder of the world.

Cevap: B

A) safe
B) safest
C) safety
D) safely
E) safer


Sorunun zmnde bir para gramer bilgisi ve ounlukla olduu gibi bizden istenen ksmn
Trke karl sorunun zmnde nem tayacaktr.

ngilizcedeki Articles (Tanmlk)lardan biri olan the nceden belirtilmi isimlere gnderme
yapmann yan sra, sfatlarla birlikte ounlukla iki popler kullanmla karmza kmaktadr,


with Superlative Adjectives (En stnlk belirten sfatlarla)

the + most + sfat + isim

the + sfat - est / - iest + isim


The + Comparative Adj.(stnlk belirten sfat) , the Comparative Adj .

Trkeye ne kadar , o kadar biiminde evrilen ikili kullanmdr.

Bu bilgiler dorultusunda B ve E seenekleri arasnda kalrz, ancak E seeneindeki

comparative yapda bulunan (safer) sorunun getii ksmda ikili bir kyas durumu olmad ve
anlamca da uygun olmad iin (Sylenecek daha kesin ey) elenir ve geriye superlative
yapda bulunan B seenei kalr.

Sylenecek en kesin(safest) ey..

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) so many and varied that it is difficult to speak of
the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) itself with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic
revolutionaries. (8) Even so, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always
revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) safest thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (10)
to rediscover the wonder of the world.

Cevap: C

A) having rediscovered
B) rediscovering
C) to rediscover
D) to have rediscovered
E) on rediscovering

Bir Gerund / Infinitive (Fiilimsi) sorusu. ngilizcede ama bildiren (- mek / - mak iin anlamn
sezdiren) ifadeleri to infinitive (to + V1) yaps takip eder.

Boluk ncesindeki (attempt / giriim, teebbs) ismi de anlam bakmndan ama ifade
ettiinden (-mek / -mak iin olan giriim, teebbs) yukarda bahsedilen manta uymaktadr.

Romanticism represented an attempt to rediscover the wonder of the world.

Romantizm dnyann mucizesini yeniden kefetmek iin olan bir giriimi temsil ediyordu.


B) Cmle Tamamlama

Snavda en ok sorulan soru tiplerinden bir tanesi cmle tamamlama sorulardr. Bu tr sorular
salam bir gramer alt yaps, kelime bilgisi ve pratik dnce gerektirmektedir. Bu soru tipinde
genelde doru seeneklerin yaln ve tandk kalplarn bulunduu cmlelerden kt sylenebilir.

Bu tr sorularda ardk cmlelerin yapca ve anlamca birbirlerini btnlemesi gerektiini akldan

karmamak gerekir. Cmleler arasnda sebep sonu ilikisi, ztlk, ayn fikri devam ettirme,
koul, aklama vs gibi anlamsal balardan hangisinin olduunu anlamak iin derinlemesine
analizler yapmal ve aralarnda balant bulunmayan cmlelerde ok vakit kaybetmemelisiniz.

Bu deindiimiz noktalar gelecek on soru stnde inceleyelim;

Soru 1

Although Newton was known as an open and generous person, ----.

A) how he was introduced to the most advanced mathematical texts of his day is slightly less clear
B) he began revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy
C) in 1703 he was elected president of the Royal Society and was re-elected each year until his
D) at various times in his life he became involved in quarrels and controversies
E) he did not resign his positions at Cambridge until 1701

Cevap D


Although Newton was known as an open and generous person (+), at various times in his life he
became involved in quarrels and controversies (-).

Cmle tamamlama sorularnda dikkate alnmas gereken en nemli noktalardan birisi balalarn
cmleye katt anlamn doru yorumlanmasdr. Bu soruda da although (- e ramen)
balacnn analiz edilmesi bizi doru seenee ynlendirecektir. although bir ztlk balacdr,
bu nedenden tr ounlukla sz edilen enin, aralarnda anlamsal ztlk oluturan iki
farkl boyutunu birbirine balamak iin kullanlr.

Although ( Olumlu Yarg) (+), (Olumsuz Yarg) ( - ) (bir baka deyile although balacnn
bulunduu cmleye anlamsal adan ztlk anlam verecek yarg)

Bu soruda although(-e ramen) balacndan sonra olumlu yarg olduu iin Newton was
known as an open and generous person (Newton drst ve cmert bir insan olarak
bilindii iin) dier cmle bu konuyla ilgili olumsuz bir yarg ile devam etmelidir, bu balamda he
became involved in quarrels and controversies (o, tartmalara ve anlamazlklara kart)
ztlk anlamn verdiinden cevap D kk olacaktr.

~ 10 ~

Soru 2

----, the more other people will respect and value you.

A) If you were more confident than you are right now

B) The more you learn to respect and value yourself
C) As long as you do your job
D) Because you are not nearly as good a communicator as you should be
E) Since you know who you are and what you want

Cevap B


The more you learn to respect and value yourself, the more other people will respect and value

Ne kadar kendine deer vermeyi ve sayg duymay renirsen, baka insanlar sana bir o kadar
deer verip sayg duyacaklardr.

Bu soruyu zerken ngilizcedeki The Comparative, the Comparative (ne kadar., (bir) o
kadar .. ) kalbndan yola kacaz, bu yap iki durumun birbirlerine bal olarak deiim
gsterdiini anlatmak iin kullanlr.

The harder you study for your exam, the easier it will be to pass it. (Snav iin ne kadar sk
alrsan, onu gemen (bir) o kadar kolay olacak.)

Bu bilgilerin nda, bu kalb doru ekilde tamamlayan yap B kk olacaktr.

Soru 3

----, when it was returned to Chinese rule.

A) Hong Kong has been further integrating its economy with China
B) Cantonese is widely spoken in Hong Kong
C) Hong Kong was a British crown colony until 1st July 1997
D) The University of Hong Kong has been rated as one of the most prestigious universities in Asia
E) Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world

Cevap C


Hong Kong was a British crown colony until 1st July 1997(, when) it was returned to Chinese

Hong Kong 1 Temmuz 1997ye kadar bir ngiliz kraliyet smrgesiydi, ki o zaman in
hkmetine geri verildi.

ki o zaman = 1 temmuz 1997

~ 11 ~

Bu soruda bizi cevaba ulatran ifade virglle birlikte kullanlan (,when) ifadesi ve bu ifadenin past
tense ile kurulmu olmasdr. ngilizcede ncesinde virglle birlikte kullanlan when ounlukla
relative clause (sfat cmlecii) belirteci olarak yorumlanr. Bu ynyle when (-ki o zaman)
belirteci ncesindeki zaman ifadesini amak (o zamanda gerekleen bir durumu) vurgulamak iin
kullanlr). Bu soruda when belirtecinden sonra past bir tense kullanldndan, aklad
zaman ifadesinin de gemie ynelik bir ifade olmas dnlmelidir. Bu adan ierisinde gemie
ynelik ifade bulunan tek k C kkdr (1st July 1997)

Soru 4

----, unless evidence of a recent rabies shot can be provided.

A) Domestic animals account for less than 10% of the reported rabies cases
B) Dogs that have bitten someone must be quarantined for a period of two weeks
C) Vaccines to prevent human rabies have been available for more than 100 years
D) Some countries have few diagnostic facilities and almost no rabies surveillance
E) There were eight confirmed cases of death due to human-to-human rabies transmissions

Cevap B


Dogs that have bitten someone must be quarantined for a period of two weeks, unless evidence
of a recent rabies shot can be provided.

Bu soruyu zerken unless ( -medike / -madka /-mazsa) balacnn anlamndan yola

karak cevaba ulaacaz. ngilizcede unless balac bir koulun gereklemedii takdirde
bunun douraca sonucu birbirine balamak iin kullanlr. Bu adan soruyu ele aldmzda;

unless evidence of a recent rabies shot can be provided. (yakn zamanlardaki bir kuduz
asnn kant salanmadka) bu koulun gereklememesinin douraca sonu "Birini sran
kpeklerin iki haftalk bir dnem boyunca karantinaya alnmak zorunda olmas olduundan
doru seenek B kk olacaktr.

Soru 5

When smoke passes through a building, ----

A) you should have pulled the nearest fire-alarm box

B) it takes no more than a few minutes to evacuate your home safely
C) this could have caused problems with your breathing
D) you should replace my smoke alarm every ten yards
E) it leaves a stain upon the walls

Cevap E

~ 12 ~


When smoke passes through a building, it leaves a stain upon the walls.

Bu soruda ele almamz gereken unsurlar; when (- d zaman) balac ve bu cmleden

karlacak olan Anlamsal Btnln salanmas olacaktr. Bu dorultuda dndmzde,
"when" zaman balac olarak kullanldnda tense uyumu ile birlikte kullanldndan bizim A
ve C klarn elememize yardmc olur. Anlamsal adan incelendiinde;

Duman bir binann iinden getii zaman(when), ifadesini anlam btnl oluturacak ekilde
en iyi tamamlayan ifade Duvarlarn zerinde bir leke brakr olduundan doru seenek E

Soru 6

Good nutrition is reflected not only in the growth and function of the body ----.

A) and it is dependent on consuming a variety of nutritious foods

B) or acute nutrition diseases have largely disappeared
C) but also in its appearance
D) so the life expectancy has risen to 81 years
E) since it is vital to keep children healthy

Cevap C


Good nutrition is reflected not only in the growth and function of the body but also in its

Bu soruda odaklanmamz gereken unsur sorudaki not only. (yalnzca deil) yaps
olacaktr. Bu paralel kullanma sahip bir yapdr ve devam ounlukla "but also" ya da "but.. as
well" (ayn zamanda . da) eklinde devam eder. Bu adan incelendiinde dier tm klar
telenir ve C kk kalr. Anlamsal adan ele alndnda cmle u ekildedir;

yi beslenme yalnzca vcudun gelimesine ve ileyiine yansmaz, ayn zamanda grnne de


Soru 7

The law of conservation of energy states ----.

A) as energy can be converted from one form to another

B) that although energy can be changed in form it can be neither created nor destroyed
C) since energy can't be created or destroyed
D) because the total amount of energy in the universe is constant
E) which is possibly the most important of several conservation laws in physics

Cevap B

~ 13 ~


The law of conservation of energy states THAT although energy can be changed in form it can be
neither created nor destroyed.

Bu sorunun zmnde dilbilgisinden biraz yardm alabiliriz. Bu soruda bize cmlenin sadece
znesi(subject) ve fiili(verb) verilmitir, yani bizden bu cmlenin "nesnesi(object)"
olabilecek bir unsurla cmlenin tamamlanmas istenmektedir.

Subject + Verb --- Object? --- .

Subject = The law of conservation of energy

Verb = states (belirtmek, aklamak, ifade etmek)
Object = ?
ngilizcede zne ya da nesne yerini alabilecek isim cmleleri vardr ve bunlara Noun
Clauses denir. Bu cmleler nlerindeki eitli Noun Clauses belirteleriyle yani cmlelerin
nne gelerek onlar zneye ya da nesneye dntren belli bal yaplar ile kullanlrlar,
bunlardan bir tanesi de that belirtecidir. Bu kullanmyla cmlede (-mesi /-mas, -dii/-d, -cei
/-ca) olarak evrilebilir. Soruda ki state fiili de that alabilen bir fiil olduundan doru seenek
nesne konumundaki bir Noun Clauses (isim cmlecii) olan B kkdr.

Anlam asndan incelendiinde soruda Enerji korunumu yasas ifade eder ---- cmlesinden bu
yasay aklayan bir tanmlamadan bahsedileceini dnebiliriz. Bu balamda anlamsal adan
cmleyi en iyi tamamlayan ifade enerjinin biiminin deitirilebilmesine ramen onun ne var
edilip ne de yok edilebilecei ifadesi olacaktr.

Enerji korunumu yasas enerjinin biiminin deitirilebilmesine ramen onun ne var edilip ne de
yok edilebileceini ifade eder.

Soru 8

---- whose orbit is outside that of the Earth.

A) The axis of rotation for most of the planets is nearly perpendicular

B) The Moon is known to be moving away
C) Mars, named for the Roman god of war, is the nearest planet
D) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all gigantic
E) The Earth's gravity just makes its speed change

Cevap C


Mars, named for the Roman god of war, is the nearest planet whose orbit is outside that of the

Bu soruyu zerken bir Relative Clause (Sfat Cmlecii) belirteci olarak da kullanlabilen
whosedan yardm alacaz. Bu kullanmyla whose(ki onun) ncesinde gelen isimle arasnda
aitlik ynnden bir iliki kurar. Sorudaki ki onun yrngesi dnyannkinin dndadr
ifadesinden hareketle whose belirtecinin nndeki ismin yrngeye sahip olan bir ifade
olmas gerekmektedir. Bu bilginin dorultusunda ve anlamsal btnlk gz nne alndnda
doru seenek C kk olacaktr.
C) .. is the nearest planet(en yakn gezegen) whose orbit is outside that of the Earth.(ki onun
yrngesi dnyannkinin dndadr.)

En yakn gezegen / ki onun yrngesi

~ 14 ~

Soru 9

----, natural gas is used extensively as an illuminant and a fuel.

A) Although it gives off a great deal of energy when burned

B) As it reacts with water vapour and is eventually returned to the Earth as acid rain
C) Because it can cause a fire if there is a source of ignition
D) Whether natural gas was first discovered because of flames shooting up from the Earth's
E) Due to its flammability and high calorific value

Cevap E


Due to its flammability and high calorific value, natural gas is used extensively as an illuminant
and a fuel.

Onun yanabilirlii ve yksek kalorifik deerinden dolay, doalgaz geni lde bir aydnlatc ve
bir yakt olarak kullanlr.

Bu soruda bizleri doru cevaba ulatracak nokta sorudan karlacak genel anlamn doru
yorumlanmas olacaktr. Soruda doalgazn geni kapsaml olarak bir aydnlatc ve bir yakt
olarak kullanld vurgulanmtr. Bu adan soru bizlere cmleyi tamamlayacak ifadenin
doalgazn neden bu amalarla kullanldna aklk getirecek bir anlatyla kullanlma
olaslnn yksek olduunu sezdirmektedir.

klar tek tek incelediimizde, A kk Although( - e ramen) balacnn ztlk ifade eden
durumlar balad ve soruda byle bir anlam olmadndan elenir. B kk onun su buharyla
etkileime girip sonunda yeryzne asit yamuru olarak geri evrildii iin (AS) gibi bir sebep
sonu ilikisi iinde kullanlmas gereken bir durumdan bahsedilmektedir, cmle bu anlam
tamadndan elenmektedir. C kk ise because(nk) balacnn kullanm alanndan tr
B kkna benzer bir mantkla sebep sonu ilikisinin salanmad iin elenir. D kknda
doalgazn ilk kez yeryznn yzeyinden frlayan alevlerden tr bulunduundan bahsedildii
iin anlamsal bir btnlk tamamaktadr. E seeneinde balangta deindiimiz doalgazn
aydnlatc ve bir yakt olarak kullanlma mantna aklk getiren bir anlatdan bahsedildii iin
doru seenek E kk olacaktr.

~ 15 ~

Soru 10

So much does he worry about his financial position ----.

A) because he has never been able to find a better paying job

B) why he is in trouble with his bank
C) though his salary was substantially reduced
D) that he can't sleep at night
E) whether he will receive some money from his son until June

Cevap D


So much does he worry about his financial position that he can't sleep at night.

Mali durumu hakknda yle ok endieleniyor ki gece uyuyamyor.

Bu sorunun zmne ulamak iin (yle ki / o kadar ki) anlamna gelen ve sklkla so +
sfat/zarf + that + cmle eklinde kullanlan kalba hakim olmamz gerekmektedir. Bu soruda da
olduu gibi bu kalp devrik biimiyle de kullanlabilir, bu haliyle so cmle bana alnr;

So + sfat / zarf + Devrik Yap + That + Cmle

So high was the building that I couldnt see the top of it.
(Bina yle yksekti ki en stn gremedim.)

Bu bilgiler nda doru seenein D kk olaca aktr.

~ 16 ~

C) eviri: ngilizce-Trke

eviri (ngilizce Trke) sorularnn zmnde ngilizcedeki cmle yaplarna, bala

kullanmlarna ve zellikle de cmledeki e dizililerine hakim olmak doru cevaba giden yolda
bizlere yardmc olacak unsurlar arasnda yer almaktadr. imdi ngilizce ve Trke cmlelerdeki
e diziliine ksaca bir gz atalm:

ngilizce dz cmlelerdeki e dizilimi:

Subject + Verb + Object

(zne) + (Yklem = Ana Fiil) + (Nesne)

eklindeyken bu dizilim Trke cmlelerde:

Subject + Object + Verb

(zne) + (Nesne) + (Yklem = Ana Fiil)

eklindedir. Bu dizili bizlere bu soru trnde cevaba ulamak adna nem tayacaktr. yle ki:

ngilizce cmlemizdeki Yklemin (Ana Fiilin) doru ekimlenmi halini Trke cmlemizin en
sonunda aramak seeneklerin birka tanesini elememizi salayacaktr. Bu elemeden sonra eer
geriye seenek kalrsa biraz daha detaya inip seenekleri soru kknden farkl bir anlatda
bulunulup bulunulmad, balalarn doru karlnn verilip verilmedii ve cmlede sz
edilen unsurlarn doru srada ve dzende olup olmad asndan analiz etmemiz
nemli Not:
ngilizcedeki ana fiiller ya bir tense ile ya da bir modal (must/can/could/should) ile ekimlenirler,
bunun dndaki herhangi bir fiil yapsnn ana fiil grevinde olamayacan sylemek yanl


Soru: Egypt is one of the worlds most prominent civilisation, and even today its artistry fascinates
most of us.


And (ve) balacyla bal iki cmlemiz mevcut, her cmlenin bir yklemi (ana fiili) olmak
zorunda olduu iin cmlemizin iki tane ykleme (ana fiile) sahip olmas arttr.

1.cmlenin ana fiili: is

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl: "- dir / - dr" ya da eviriye katlmaz.

2.cmlenin ana fiili: fascinates

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl: bylemektedir / bylyor

Bu cmlenin Trke karl:

Msr antik dnyann en nde gelen uygarlklarndan biridir ve bugn bile sanat eserleri oumuzu

eklinde olmaldr.

~ 17 ~

Bu soruya yazlacak aadaki gibi bir eldirici, dikkatsiz bir ift gz kolayca yanltabilir:

Antik dnyann en nde gelen uygarlklarndan biri olan Msr bugn bile sanat eserleri ile
oumuzu bylemektedir.

Aklama: Soru kkndeki ve balac karlm ve bir sfat cmlecii (Relative Clause) yardm
ile iki ana fiilli olmas gereken iki cmle tek yklemli bir cmleye indirgenmitir. Bu nedenle de

Bir dier etkili eldirici tr de soru kknde yer alan fiillerin yerleri deitirilerek yazlan eldirici


Soru: Charles Spencer Chaplin, born in 1889, has touched millions of peoples hearts through his

Cmlemizde iki fiil mevcuttur, fakat virgller arasnda soruda pasif haliyle kullanlan "bear"
(domak) fiili "Relative Clause" (Sfat grevindeki cmle) yapsnn ierisinde kullanld yani
dier bir deyile, yan cmlenin fiili olduu iin ana fiil (yklem) grevi gremez. Bu nedenle
cmlemizin ana fiili (yklemi) "dokunmutur" eklinde Trkeye evrilen "has touched" olmaldr.

Bu cmlenin Trke karl:

1889 ylnda doan (sfat cmlesi) Charles Spencer Chaplin filmleri araclyla milyonlarca
insann kalbine dokunmutur. (ana fiil) doru eviri

olmaldr. Ancak ana fiil ve yardmc fiilin yerleri deitiinde aadaki ekilde evrilen gl
denebilecek bir eldirici ortaya kmaktadr.

Filmleri araclyla milyonlarca insann kalbine dokunan Charles Spencer Chaplin 1889 ylnda
domutur. yanl eviri

Yardmc fiil dokunan

Ana fiil domutur (Yerleri ters!)

Gelecek be soruyu inceleyelim;

Soru 1

Scientists working in the nuclear industry claim that the risk of radioactive waste escaping
from one of their plants during routine operation is very small indeed.

A) Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar, kk santrallerden birinin bakm srasnda szan
radyoaktivitenin gerekten ok tehlikeli olduunu ileri sryorlar.
B) Bilim adamlar, nkleer endstride alan birinin, santrallerin rutin bakm srasnda szan
radyoaktiviteye maruz kalma riskinin gerekten ok az olduunu sylyorlar.
C) Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar, santrallerden birinin rutin bakm srasnda szan
radyoaktivite tehlikesinin gerekten ok kk olduunu iddia ediyorlar.
D) Bilim adamlar, nkleer santrallerin bakm srasnda szan radyoaktif maddenin boa
gitmesinin gerek bir kayp olduuna dikkati ekiyorlar.
E) Bilim adamlar, santrallerin bakm srasnda radyoaktif maddelerin szabildiini, ancak bu
tehlikenin gerekten ok kk olduunu belirtiyorlar.

Cevap C

~ 18 ~

Soru cmlesi:
Scientists working in the nuclear industry claim that the risk of radioactive waste escaping from
one of their plants during routine operation is very small indeed.

Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar, santrallerden birinin rutin bakm srasnda szan
radyoaktivite tehlikesinin gerekten ok kk olduunu iddia ediyorlar.

Thatden sonraki cmlemiz ngilizcede "Noun Clause" diye adlandrlan ve bir cmlede grevi
zne veya nesne olmak olan "sim cmlesi" yani yan cmlemizdir. Bu nedenle bu cmlenin fiili ana
fiil deil yardmc fiil olacaktr. Yklemleri asndan seenekler incelendiinde tm seenekler
elenir geriye yalnzca C seenei kalr.

Soru 2

We'll need a few more workers to meet the increasing demand.

A) sileri karlamas iin birini gndermemiz gerekiyor.

B) si saymz arttrmadka, talebi karlayamayz.
C) Artan talebi karlamak iin birka isiye daha ihtiyacmz olacak.
D) silerin baz taleplerini karlamamz gerekiyor.
E) Talepteki art daha fazla isi altrmamz gerektiriyor.

Cevap C

Soru cmlesi:
We'll need a few more workers to meet the increasing demand.

Artan talebi karlamak iin birka isiye daha ihtiyacmz olacak.

Ana fiil will need

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl ihtiyacmz olacak (znemiz we olduu iin)

sim Fiil to meet

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl karlamak iin

(ngilizcede "to infinitiveler ( to + V1 ) (Fiilimsiler)" ifadeye "mek / mak iin" anlam katar ve
fiilimsiler asla ana fiil grevi gremezler ve bu nedenle yklem olamazlar.

Bu bilgi nda seenekler tarandnda doru cevabn C kk olduu aikardr.

~ 19 ~

Soru 3

Judging by the expression on her face, she seems to have achieved what she wanted.

A) Yzndeki ifadeden, amacna ulam olduu anlald.

B) Amacna ulap ulamadn yzndeki ifadeden hemen anlayabiliriz.
C) Yzndeki ifadeye baklrsa, istediini elde etmi gibi grnyor.
D) Yzndeki ifadeden ne istediini anlamaya altk ama baarl olamadk.
E) Yzndeki ifadeden anlaldna gre, istediini elde edecek gibi grnyor.

Cevap C

Soru cmlesi:
Judging by the expression on her face, she seems to have achieved what she wanted.

Yzndeki ifadeye baklrsa, istediini elde etmi gibi grnyor.

Ana fiil seems

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl gibi grnyor

Ana fiil (yklem) asndan seenekler incelendiinde A, B ve D seenekleri elenir. C ve E

seenekleri arasnda bir seim yapmak iin seems ana fiilinden sonra gelen (to have
achieved) "Perfect Infinitive" yapsn yorumlamamz gerekecek. Perfect Infinitiveler (to + have
V3) bu eylemsinin ana fiilden nce gerekletiini vurgulamak iin kullanrlar, yani dier bir
deyile eylemsiye gemi vurgusu katarlar. Bu bilgi nda:

seems + to have achieved = elde etM gibi grnyor

eklinde evrileceinden doru yant C seenei olacaktr.

Soru 4

Advertisements are regarded by most people as an insidious form of brainwashing.

A) Pek ok kii tarafndan reklamlar sinsi bir beyin ykama sekli olarak kabul edilmektedir.
B) Reklamlar sinsi bir ekilde pek ok insann beynini ykamaktadr.
C) Pek ok insann beyni, sinsi bir ekilde reklamlar tarafndan ykanmaktadr.
D) Reklamlara kar olan insanlar, onlarn sinsi bir beyin ykama arac olduunu sylemektedir.
E) Reklamlar sinsi bir ekilde pek ok insan etkilemekte ve onlarn beyinlerini ykamaktadr.

Cevap A

Soru cmlesi:
Advertisements are regarded by most people as an insidious form of brainwashing.

Pek ok kii tarafndan reklamlar sinsi bir beyin ykama ekli olarak kabul edilmektedir.

Yklemleri asndan cmleler incelendiinde doru seenein A kk olduu aikardr.

~ 20 ~

Soru 5

The crowd waiting in the square began to grow impatient as the hours went by and the
minister didn't turn up.

A) Saatlerce alanda bekledikten sonra, bakann gelmeyeceini renen kalabalk sinirlendi.

B) Alanda bakann gelmesini bekleyen kalabalk, saatler ilerledike sabrszlanmaya balad.
C) Bakann konumas uzadka, saatlerdir alanda beklemekte olan kalabalk sabrszlanmaya
D) Saatler ilerleyip de bakan gelmeyince, alanda bekleyen kalabalk sabrszlanmaya balad.
E) Bakann vaktinde gelmemesi, saatlerdir alanda bekleyen kalabalk arasnda huzursuzlua yol

Cevap D

Soru cmlesi:
The crowd waiting in the square began to grow impatient as the hours went by and the minister
didn't turn up.

Saatler ilerleyip de bakan gelmeyince, alanda bekleyen kalabalk sabrszlanmaya balad.

ngilizcede genellikle balacn bal olduu (balac takip eden) cmle yan cmledir (Subordinate
Clause), balatan bamsz olan cmle ise ana cmledir (Main Clause) ve ana fiil yan cmlelerde
deil ana cmlelerde aranmas gerekir. Bu nedenle bu soruda As (-dnda / -nca) balacnn
devamndaki fiiller silinir ve geriye ana cmlemizin fiili olan "began" kalr.

Ana fiil began (Simple Past, Active)

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl balad

Yklemleri asndan cmleler incelendiinde A ve E seenekleri elenir. B seeneinde "bakann

gelmemesine" deinilmediinden, soru kknde C seeneinde bulunan "bakann konumasnn
uzamasna" deinilmediinden bu klar elenmelidir. Doru seenek D kk olacaktr.

~ 21 ~

D) eviri: Trke - ngilizce

Trkeden ngilizceye eviri sorularn zerken, ngilizceden Trkeye eviri sorularnda olduu
gibi "doru bala kullanmna, soru kkndeki ifadenin seeneklere doru, eksiksiz,
fazlasz ve doru yapsal ve esel dizilim ile yansdna" dikkat etmek bu soru trnde doru
cevab bulmak adna bizlere yardmc olacak unsurlar arasnda yer almaktadr.

imdi de Trke ve ngilizce cmleleri e dizilimleri asndan karlatralm:

Trke cmlelerde bu dizilim Subject / Object / Verb (zne / Nesne / Yklem = Ana fiil)
eklindeyken, ngilizce cmlelerde bu dizilim Subject / Verb / Object (zne / Yklem = Ana fiil
/ Nesne) eklindedir.

Gelecek be soruda bu tarz sorular nasl zmemiz gerektiine daha yakndan bakalm;

Soru 1

Televizyonun en belirgin avantajlarndan biri, hemen herkesin gcnn yetebilecei ucuz ve

uygun elence olana sunmasdr.

A) It's clear that television is advantageous, because it provides cheap and convenient
entertainment for everybody.
B) One of the most obvious advantages of the television is that it offers the opportunity of cheap
and convenient entertainment which nearly everyone can afford.
C) Obviously, almost everyone can afford to buy a television and enjoy its cheap and convenient
D) Television, which is affordable for almost everybody, is one of the most advantageous ways of
cheap and convenient entertainment.
E) It's apparent that television can provide one of the most advantageous ways of entertainment,
which is cheap and enjoyable.

Cevap B

Soru cmlesi:
Televizyonun en belirgin avantajlarndan biri (ZNE), hemen herkesin gcnn yetebilecei
(YAN CMLE FL) ucuz ve uygun elence olana sunmasdr. (ANA FL)

One of the most obvious advantages of the television (ZNE) is that it offers the opportunity
of cheap and convenient entertainment which nearly everyone can afford. (YAN CMLE FL)

zne = Televizyonun en belirgin avantajlarndan biri

ngilizce karl = One of the most obvious advantages of the television

Yklem (ana fiil) = - dr , - dir, - dur, - dr - Simple Present / Active (+)

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = is (zne tekil olduundan)

Nesne = hemen herkesin gcnn yetebilecei ucuz ve uygun elence olana sunMASIdr
ngilizce karl = that it offers the opportunity of cheap and convenient entertainment which
nearly everyone can afford.
(Noun Clause = zne ve / veya Nesne grevindeki isim cmleleri)

Yardmc fiil: sunmak - Simple Present / Active (+)

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = offers (zne tekil olduundan)

~ 22 ~

nemli Not: Ana fiili BE olan cmlelerin zneleri ve/veya Nesneleri yukarda olduu gibi bir
"Noun Clause" (sim cmlesi) ile elde ediliyorsa, Noun Clause cmlesinin fiili, dier bir deyile
yardmc fiil ana fiil olan "be" fiilinin evirisine dahil edilir.


The best advice + is + [that you quit smoking immediately.]

The best advice = zne

is = Yklem (Ana fiil)
Trke evirisi = - dr , - dir, - dur, - dr

[that you quit smoking immediately.] = Nesne grevinde Noun clause

Quit = Noun clause cmlesinin fiili
Trke evirisi = brakmak, vazgemek

Cmlenin Trke karl aadaki gibi olacaktr;

En iyi tavsiye derhal sigaray brakman+dr.

Yukarda grld gibi noun clause fiili "brakman" eklinde ana fiil "be = - dr"a eklenmitir.

Yukardaki bilgiler ve soru kknn seenee doru yanstlmas asndan seenekler

incelendiinde doru yant B seenei olacaktr.

Soru 2

tiraf etmeliyim ki is gerei yurt dna kmak benim iin ilgin bir deneyim olacak.

A) I have to admit that it will be necessary for me to go abroad to become experienced in my job.
B) I must confess that it will be an interesting experience for me to go abroad on business.
C) I'm interested in going abroad on business to become experienced in my job.
D) I claim that going abroad on business will be an interesting experience for me.
E) I must admit that going abroad on business was an interesting experience for me.

Cevap B

Soru cmlesi:
tiraf etmeliyim K i gerei yurt dna kmak benim iin ilgin bir deneyim olacak.

I must confess that it will be an interesting experience for me to go abroad on business.

Yklem (ana fiil) = itiraf etmeliyim - zne ben olduundan - Present Zorunluluk ifadesi / Active

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = must / have to confess / admit

Nesne = i gerei yurt dna kmak benim iin ilgin bir deneyim olacak. (Noun Clause =
sim Cmlesi)

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = that* it will be an interesting experience for me to go abroad
on business.

*that = cmlelerin nne gelerek onlar isime dntren Noun Clause belirteci

~ 23 ~

nemli Not: that belirteci ile elde edilen nesne grevindeki Noun Clause cmlelerinde that
Trkeye ki eklinde evrilebilir.

Yklemler asndan seenekler incelenecek olursa, C ve D seenekleri elenir. A seeneinde

soru kknde bulunmayan it will be necessary = gerekli olacak ve to become experienced in my
job = iimde tecrbeli olmak iin ifadelerine yer verilmitir. E seeneinde ise soru kknde
gelecek zaman ile anlatlan ilgin bir deneyim olma ifadesi gemi zaman belirten was ile ifade
edilmitir, bu nedenlerden tr doru yant B seenei olmaldr.

Soru 3

Anne-babann tutumuyla birlikte evrenin de ocuun geliiminde ok byk etkisi vardr.

A) Not only the attitude of the parents but also that of the social environment greatly affects the
childs development.
B) As with the attitudes of the parents, the social environment also has a great influence on the
child's development.
C) The child is under the influence of the attitudes of both the parents and the social environment.
D) The attitude of the child depends heavily on the social environment as well as on the parents.
E) In order for a child to develop properly, the attitudes of the parents and the social environment
should be in harmony.

Cevap B

Soru cmlesi:
Anne-babann tutumuyla birlikte* evrenin *de ocuun geliiminde ok byk etkisi vardr.

*As with the attitudes of the parents, the social environment *also has a great influence on the
child's development.

*As with = ile birlikte

*Also = da

Yklem (ana fiil) = vardr - Simple Present / Active (+)

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = has / have, there is / are

Yklemler ve soru kkne paralellik asndan seenekler analiz edildiinde doru yant B
seenei olacaktr.

~ 24 ~

Soru 4

Kazalarn byk bir ounluu ihmalden kaynaklanmaktadr.

A) Negligence is the major cause of almost all accidents.

B) Most accidents occur when drivers don't take the necessary precautions.
C) Major accidents are usually the result of reckless driving.
D) Negligent drivers are usually responsible for major accidents.
E) The great majority of accidents are caused by negligence.

Cevap E

Soru cmlesi:
Kazalarn byk bir ounluu ihmalden kaynaklanmaktadr.

The great majority of accidents are caused by negligence.

zne = Kazalarn byk bir ounluu

ngilizce karl = The great majority of accidents

Yklem (ana fiil) = kaynaklanmaktadr - Simple Present / Passive / (+)

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = are caused
Alternatif = result from (-den kaynaklanmak)

zne ve yklemler asndan seenekler incelendiinde, doru yantn E seenei olduu


Soru 5

Uzmanlar, dnyann yiyecek retiminin nfus bymesiyle ayn oranda artmadn


A) It's stated by the experts that the increase in food production isn't at the same rate as in
population growth.
B) Experts state that food production in the world isn't increasing at the same rate as population
C) According to the experts, food production can't keep pace with the population growth.
D) The population of the world is growing at such a high rate that experts are trying to find out how
to increase food production equally.
E) Experts say that food isn't yet produced at such a rate as to meet the requirements of the
growing population.

Cevap B

~ 25 ~

Soru cmlesi:
Uzmanlar, + dnyann yiyecek retiminin nfus bymesiyle ayn oranda artmadn +

Experts + state + (that food production in the world isn't increasing at the same rate as
population growth.)

zne = Uzmanlar

ngilizce karl = Experts

Yklem (ana fiil) = belirtiyorlar - Simple Present / Active / (+)

Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = state

Alternatif = remark /explain / specify / signify / point out / stipulate

Nesne = dnyann yiyecek retiminin nfus bymesiyle ayn oranda artmadn (Nesne
grevindeki sim cmlesi (Noun Clause in Object Position)

ngilizce karl = *that food production in the world isn't increasing at the same rate as population

* that = Cmlelerin nne gelerek, onlar birer isime dntrmeye yarayan yaplardan bir tanesi.

Yukardaki bilgiler paralelinde seenekler ele alndnda A, C, D seenekleri elenir. E

seeneinde Trke karl temelde "sylemek, demek, bildirmek" olan "say" fiili "belirtmek"
olarak yorumlansa bile, devamndaki soru kknde deinilmemi "to meet the requirements =
gereksinimleri karlamak iin" ifadesine yer verildiinden ve soruda isim biimiyle kullanlan
"yiyecek retimi = food production" ifadesi E seeneine fiil olarak yanstldndan "produce =
retmek" bu seenek de elenecek ve geriye doru yant olan B seenei kalacaktr.

~ 26 ~

E) Okuma Paralar

Bu soru tipi hedef dildeki ifadeleri doru anlama, yorumlama, sentezleme, dier bir deyile ileri
srlen fikirlerden sonuca ulama gibi st bilisel becerileri gerektirdiinden ve hedef dildeki
bilgileri (Yeterli kelime bilgisi (e/zt anlam da dahil olmak zere), bilinenden yola karak
bilinmeyen hakknda doru karsama yapma yetenei ve cmleler zerindeki
hakimiyetimize yardmc olacak yeterli gramer bilgisi) daha btnsel bir adan ltnden
rencilerin en ok zorluk ektikleri soru tiplerinin banda yer almaktadr. Ayrca bu zelliklerinden
dolay dil snavlarnda soru says bakmndan dier soru tiplerine kyasla daha fazla yer
verilmesinden dolay byk nem tamaktadr.

imdi bu soru tryle ilgili dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurlar maddeler halinde inceleyelim;

Madde 1
Metini okumaya gemeden nce, ilgili sorular okunabilir. Bu bizlere birazdan okuyacamz
metnin neyle ilgili olduu hakknda bir n bilgiye sahip olmamza ve daha da nemlisi baz sorularn
ierdikleri ifadelerden dolay bizleri cevap adna odaklanmamz gereken satrlara ynlendirmeye
yardmc olacaktr. Ayrca bunu yapmak snavlarda bizler iin ok nemli olan sreden tasarruf
etmemize de yardmc olacaktr. (Ancak, bu ncelik bireyler arasnda farkllk gsterebilir.)


It is stated in the passage that in the early 20th century .

"in the early 20th century" (20. yzyln banda) ifadesinden yola karak metinde 1900lerin
balarndaki yllar ieren satrlara odaklanmak cevaba daha ksa srede ve daha doru bir ekilde
ulamamza yardmc olacaktr.

Madde 2
Metindeki saysal verilere dikkat edilmelidir. (Tarihler, yzde ifadeleri %..., miktar belirtelerini
ieren ifadeler de bu bala dahil edilebilir.)


"At that time many people believed that such a progress was not possible" ifadesi u ekilde doru
cevap haline getirilebilir;

A) There were only a few people who had positive attitudes towards the possibility of such a

Madde 3
Balalara dikkat edilmelidir. Bunu yapmak ifadeler arasndaki anlamsal ilikiyi daha iyi
anlamamza ve metni cmle paracklarna ayrarak onlar zerindeki hakimiyetimizi artrmaya
yardmc olacaktr.

Madde 4
Sfatlara ve dolaysyla Relative Clause yani Sfat Cmlelerine dikkat edilmelidir. Bu yaplarn
kavramlar hakknda aklama getirici, detaylandrc ve bilgilendirici doalarndan ve cmleleri
olduundan daha uzun ve karmaklarm gibi gsterebileceinden dolay doru cevaba dnme
potansiyelleri yksektir.

~ 27 ~

Madde 5
Seeneklerde bizlere sunulan bilgilerin soru kknde verilen ifadeye ait olup olmadna
dikkat edilmelidir. Bazen dikkat dzeyimizi ve metin zerindeki kontrolmz lmek amacyla
soru hazrlayanlar metinde geen bir cmlenin neredeyse aynsn seeneklere yanstr ve
bunu genelde soru kknde bulunan farkl bir unsurla zdemi gibi gstermeye alrlar.
Bu seenekler metinde kesinlikle byle bir ey okuduundan emin olan dikkatsiz adaylar iin
mkemmel eldiricilerdir.


Laws are actually rules and guidelines that are set up by the social institutions to govern behavior.
These laws are made by government officials that in some countries are elected by the public to
represent their views. In simple terms, laws are basically things that a person can and cannot
do. Legislation is another term meaning statutory law. These laws have been enacted by a
legislature or the governing body of a country. Legislation can also mean the process of making the

It can be understood from the passage that legislation

A) is a different term that determines what a person can and cannot do.

Soruda bizlerden "legislation" yani "kanun koyucu" kavramyla ilgili bir bilgi istenmitir, ancak
A seenei neredeyse bu haliyle metinde yer almasna ramen, bu seenekteki bilgi bize
sorulan "legislation" "kanun koyucu" kavramna ait olmayan ve metinde daha nce deinilen
laws kanunlar kavramna ilikin bir bilgidir.

Madde 6
Paragraf sorular, sorulu tarzlar bakmndan genel olarak be temel balk altnda
incelenebilir. Sorunun neyi istediini bilmek kadar, neyi nasl istediini bilmek de doru seenee
ulamada byk nem tamaktadr.

Bu be temel balk aada belirtildii gibidir:

a) erisinde bilgi bulunduran sorular: Soru ierisindeki bilgi bizleri cevabn bulunduu belirli
satrlara ynlendireceinden dolay, bu sorular daha hzl ve daha kolay zlebilirler, genellikle
detayl bir yorumlama gerektirmezler bu nedenle doru cevaplandrlma olaslklar daha


It is clearly stated in the passage that "due to developments in mechanisation now it is


Metinde dorudan trnak ierisindeki ifadeyle ilgili bilgi veren satrlara yneleceimizden
adaylar cevab daha kolay bulabilirler. Cevap bu satrlarn uzanda olmayacaktr.

~ 28 ~

b) Ak ulu sorular: Bu soru tipi, nceki soru tipinin aksine metinde cevap adna
odaklanabileceimiz satrlar adna bilgi iermediinden dolay cevaba metnin herhangi bir
satrndaki bilgiden ulalabilir, bu zelliklerinden dolay adaylarn bu sorularda biraz yavalayp,
metinle aralarndaki yaknl st dzeyde tutmalar gerekebilir. Yorumlamaya ok gerek
duyulmaz, genellikle yazarn verdii bilgilerden direkt olarak yola klr.


According to the passage

It can be understood from the passage that
As it is stated in the passage that
One can tell from the passage that
It is pointed out in the passage that
It is told in the passage that

c) Yorum ve karsama gerektiren sorular: Bu soru trnde bizlerden ounlukla metinde

dorudan verilen bilgiler nda ou kez metinde dorudan yer almayan dolayl yarglara
ulamamz beklenir. Bir baka deyile bu sorular "satr aras okuma" diye adlandrlabilen
yetenei lerler ve st dzey okuma anlama becerileri gerektirdiklerinden kesinlikle aceleye
getirilmemelidirler. Doru cevap genellikle metinde bizden yorumlanmas istenen satr ya da
satrlardan farkl grnr. Yorumlama yaparken adaylarn snrlarn iyi belirlemesi gerektii


One can imply from / It is implied in the passage that

One can infer / It can be inferred from the passage that
The passage / the author implies that

d) Yazarn metindeki slubu ve grleriyle ile ilgili sorular: Bu soru trnde adaylarn metni
kendi gzlerinden deil yazarn gznden ele almalar gerekmektedir. Yazarn metin boyunca
varsa yapt rneklemelere, kulland sfatlara ve alntlara dikkat edilmelidir.


About the concept of hybrid cars the author is/feels

A) sarcastic B) hopeful

The author of the passage thinks/feels that

Throughout the passage the authors style is
The author is of the opinion that

~ 29 ~

e) Metnin ana fikrini ya da muhtemel baln soran sorular: Bu soru trnde adaylardan,
yazarn metni yaz amacn ve okuyucuda brakmak istedii izlenimi de gz nne alarak,
metin boyunca verilen bilgilerin tmn ya da byk bir blmn tek cmleyle zetleyen bir
kk semeleri beklenir. Bu sorular zerken adaylarn eksik, yanl bilgi ieren ya da ar detaya
younlaan seeneklerden uzak durmalar, daha geni ve genel bir bak asna sahip olmalar


The main idea of the passage is that

Which of the followings below can be the best title of the passage?
The best title for this passage is
The passage mainly suggests/tells/discusses that
The passage is mainly concerned with...

imdi de bu deindiimiz noktalar drt ayr okuma parasnda bulunan on soru soru stnde

Okuma Paras 1

Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous
improvement over Newtons views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed
the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of
them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different
forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts
of nuclear energy.

1. As we learn from the passage, Einsteins theory of relativity ----.

A) was confined to the study of the structure of the atom

B) gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain
C) gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe
D) was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy
E) was basically unrelated to Newton is theories

2. According to the passage, it was at about the turn of the 20th century that ----.

A) the splitting of the atom was achieved

B) fresh sources of energy were discovered
C) the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein
D) time and space were finally recognized as indestructible
E) Newtons theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects

3. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einsteins relativity theory ---.

A) was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom

B) has been to make space exploration possible in our time
C) was that it proved Newtons views were quite wrong
D) was to explain the separateness of matter and energy
E) has been the discovery of a new source of energy

~ 30 ~


1. As we learn from the passage, Einsteins theory of relativity ----.

A) was confined to the study of the structure of the atom

B) gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain
C) gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe
D) was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy
E) was basically unrelated to Newton is theories

Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous
improvement over Newtons views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed
the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of
them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different
forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts
of nuclear energy.

Cevap: B


1. As we learn from the passage, Einsteins theory of relativity (Einsteinn izafiyet teorisi) ---

A) was confined to the study of the structure of the atom (Atomun yapsnn allmasyla snrl
B) gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain
C) gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe (Evrendeki yerekiminin rolne
neredeyse hi nem vermiyor ifadesi yanl bilgi.)
D) was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy (En batan yeni enerji
kaynaklar gelitirmek iin gelitirilmedi.)
E) was basically unrelated to Newtons theories(Temelinde Newtonun teorileriyle ilgisiz deildi.)


Parada geen Bu (Einsteinn izafiyet teorisi) Newtonun fikirleri zerine olan mthi bir
ilerlemeydi, nk Newtonun aklayamad pek ok eyi aklyordu. cmlesi B seeneindeki
Newtonun aklamakta baarsz olduu eitli olgulara aklk getirdi. ifadesine karlk

2. According to the passage, it was at about the turn of the 20th century that ----.

A) the splitting of the atom was achieved

B) fresh sources of energy were discovered
C) the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein
D) time and space were finally recognized as indestructible
E) Newtons theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects

Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous
improvement over Newtons views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed
the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of
them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different
forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts
of nuclear energy.

~ 31 ~

Cevap: C


2. According to the passage, it was at about the turn of the 20th century that (Bu yaklak
20. yzyln bandayd) ----.

A) the splitting of the atom was achieved (Atomun paralanmas bu tarihte deil.)
B) fresh sources of energy were discovered (Yeni enerji kaynaklarnn kefi bu tarihte deil.)
C) the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein
D) time and space were finally recognized as indestructible (Zaman ve mekann sonunda yok
edilemez olduunun kabul edildiine dair bir bilgi yok.)
E) Newtons theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects (Newtonun yerekimi
teorisinin tm ynleriyle doru olarak kabul edildiine dair bir bilgi yok ayrca bu olay bu tarihe
ait deildir.)


Metinde 1900'lerin balaryla ilgili olan 1.satrdaki "Einstein nl izafiyet teorisini 1900'lerin
gelitirdi." cmlesi C seeneindeki "Einstein tarafndan izafiyet teorisi ilk kez ortaya kondu"
ifadesine karlk gelmektedir.

3. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einsteins relativity theory ---.

A) was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom

B) has been to make space exploration possible in our time
C) was that it proved Newtons views were quite wrong
D) was to explain the separateness of matter and energy
E) has been the discovery of a new source of energy

Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous
improvement over Newtons views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed
the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of
them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different
forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts
of nuclear energy.

Cevap: E


3. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einsteins relativity theory
(Einsteinn izafiyet teorisinin yararlarndan birisi) ----.

A) was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom (Atomun paralanmasnn
potansiyel tehlikesine dair bir bilgi yok.)
B) has been to make space exploration possible in our time (Gnmzde uzayn kefini mmkn
hale getirmesiyle ilgili bir bilgi yok.)
C) was that it proved Newtons views were quite wrong (Newtonun grlerinin yanl olduunu
kantladna dair bilgi yok.)
D) was to explain the separateness of matter and energy (Madde ve enerjinin ayrln
akladna dair bir veri yok ayrca metindeki bu iki unsurun birbirlerine dntrlebilecei bu
gr rtr.)
E) has been the discovery of a new source of energy


~ 32 ~

Parann son cmlesi olan "Bu gr insanolunun atomu paralamasn ve sonrada byk
miktarlarda nkleer enerji elde etmesini salad." ifadesi E seeneinde verilen "yeni bir
enerji kaynann kefidir" ifadesine karlk gelmektedir.

Okuma Paras 2

The Lovell Telescope is the worlds oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant
white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope
can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly
extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary
disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly.
Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given
a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as
this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

4. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope ----.

A) only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them
B) can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
C) is no longer the worlds most sensitive radio telescope
D) does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently
E) is old and so less efficient than it used to be

5. Its clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope ----.

A) should have been given a less complicated design

B) turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated
C) has to be replaced completely at regular intervals
D) presents a serious maintenance problem
E) has to be painted at least once a year

6. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope

A) requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous

B) is quite straightforward once the method has been learned
C) requires the removal of the dish
D) is relatively easy but extremely boring
E) can be done by anyone who knows how to paint

~ 33 ~


4. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope ----.

A) only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them
B) can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
C) is no longer the worlds most sensitive radio telescope
D) does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently
E) is old and so less efficient than it used to be

The Lovell Telescope is the worlds oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant
white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope
can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly
extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary
disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly.
Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given
a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as
this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

Cevap: B


4. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope (Lovell Teleskobu) ----.

A) only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them (anak antenin
as sinyalleri, sadece onlarn dorultusunda olduunda etkili bir ekilde topladna dair bir
bilgi yok.)
B) can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
C) is no longer the worlds most sensitive radio telescope (Artk dnyann en hassas radyo
teleskobu olmamas yanl bilgi, nk metinden hala yle olduunu anlyoruz.)
D) does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently (Metinde
teleskobun etkili almas iin ok byk bir ykseklikte ayakta tutulmasna gerek olmadna
hi deinilmemi.)
E) is old and so less efficient than it used to be (Eski ve bu yzden eskiden olduundan daha az
etkili olduuna dair bir bilgi yok.)


Yukardaki metinde bulunan Teleskop evrendeki on milyar k yl mesafesindeki sinyalleri

alabilir. cmlesi B seeneinde verilen ok byk mesafelerdeki sinyalleri alabilir.
ifadesine karlk gelmektedir.

~ 34 ~

5. Its clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope ----.

A) should have been given a less complicated design

B) turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated
C) has to be replaced completely at regular intervals
D) presents a serious maintenance problem
E) has to be painted at least once a year

The Lovell Telescope is the worlds oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant
white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope
can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly
extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary
disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly.
Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given
a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as
this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

Cevap: D


5. Its clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope (Lovell
Teleskobunu ayakta tutan elik yap) ----.

A) should have been given a less complicated design (Metinde elik yapnn daha az karmak bir
ekilde tasarlanm olmasna dair bir bilgi yok.)
B) turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated (Yapnn tahmin edilenden daha
pahal olduuna hi deinilmemi.)
C) has to be replaced completely at regular intervals (Yapnn dzenli aralklarla tamamen
yenilenmesine deil, boyanmasna deinildi.)
D) presents a serious maintenance problem
E) has to be painted at least once a year (Boyama ileminin en az ylda bir kez yaplmasna dair
bir bilgi yok.)


Metinde geen "Ancak, teleskobu tayan elik yap olaan ve ok allagelmi paslanma
eiliminde olma dezavantajna sahiptir. Bu onun dzenli olarak boyanmak zorunda olduu
anlamna gelir. Ancak, bunu boyamak sradan ve basit bir i deildir." ifadesinden yola
karak D seeneinde yer alan "ciddi bir bakm problemi ortaya koyar" sonucuna varlabilir.

~ 35 ~

6. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope

A) requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous

B) is quite straightforward once the method has been learned
C) requires the removal of the dish
D) is relatively easy but extremely boring
E) can be done by anyone who knows how to paint

The Lovell Telescope is the worlds oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant
white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope
can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly
extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary
disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly.
Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given
a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as
this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

Cevap: A


6. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope
(Bu teleskobun elik yapsn boyama ii) ----.

A) requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous

B) is quite straightforward once the method has been learned (Boyama iinin yntem renilince
olduka basit olmas yanl bilgi, metinde aksi yer alyor.)
C) requires the removal of the dish (anak antenin sklmesinin gerektiine dair bir bilgi yok.)
D) is relatively easy but extremely boring (Boyama ileminin olduka kolay fakat ar skc olmas
hem yanl hem de metinde deinilmemi bilgi.)
E) can be done by anyone who knows how to paint (Boya yapmay bilen herhangi biri tarafndan
yaplabilecei yanl bilgidir, metinde sra d bir i olduundan bahsediliyor.)


Metinde geen "Boyay yapanlara kurtarma almalarnn da dahil olduu zel bir eitim
verilir." cmlesi yorumlandnda A seeneinde yer alan "zel beceriler gerektirir ve ayn
zamanda olduka tehlikelidir" ifadesine ulalmaktadr.

~ 36 ~

Okuma Paras 3

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination
with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space
camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With
the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and
sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are Americas most popular educational centres. Dr
Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the
first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

7. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to -

A) help improve NASAs injured public image

B) promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA
C) encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences
D) spread among young people Dr Werner von Brauns theories concerning space
E) give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific activities

8. As it is pointed out in the passage ----.

A) mans knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon
B) space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began
C) the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe
D) man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space
E) the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space

9. As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of
space camps ----.

A) was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon
B) had himself always been fascinated by space
C) was actually little known until the first moon landing
D) had been working for NASA since the early 1980s
E) had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach

~ 37 ~


7. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to -

A) help improve NASAs injured public image

B) promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA
C) encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences
D) spread among young people Dr Werner von Brauns theories concerning space
E) give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific activities

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination
with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space
camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With
the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and
sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are Americas most popular educational centres. Dr
Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the
first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

Cevap: E


7. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to
(Uzay kamplarnn kurulmasnn esas nedeni) ----.

A) help improve NASAs injured public image (Parada NASAnn zedelenmi kamu imajna
B) promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA (Kamplarn amac NASAnn stlendii
bilimsel faaliyetleri desteklemek deil, yanl bilgi.)
C) encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences
(Kamplarn amac genlerin uzay bilimlerinde bir kariyeri dnmelerini salamak deil.)
D) spread among young people Dr Werner von Brauns theories concerning space (Parada Dr
Werner von Braunun uzay ile ilgili teorilerinden bahsedilmedi.)
E) give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific


Parada vurgulanan ksmdaki "Kamplar elenceli bir atmosfer ierisinde genlere en son
uzay teknolojilerini ve bilimlerini retmeyi amalamaktadr." ifadesinin karl E
seeneinde verilen "Genlere uzay ve ilgili faaliyetler hakknda renme frsatn verme"
ifadesinin karl olacaktr.

~ 38 ~

8. As it is pointed out in the passage ----.

A) mans knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon
B) space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began
C) the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe
D) man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space
E) the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination
with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space
camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With
the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and
sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are Americas most popular educational centres. Dr
Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the
first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

Cevap: D


8. As it is pointed out in the passage (Parada iaret edildii gibi) ----.

A) mans knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon (Metinde uzay
bilgisinin aya inile muazzam ekilde gelitiine deinilmedi.)
B) space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began (Uzay kamplar uzayn kefi
balar balamaz kurulmad.)
C) the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe (Metinde uzayn
kefinin neredeyse evrenin tm srlarn ortaya karttna deinilmedi, ayrca neredeyse
tm ok iddial bir ifade.)
D) man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space
E) the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space (Metinde
bu roketin, uzayn kefindeki eitli amalar iin kullanldna deinilmedi, yanl bilgi.)


Parada vurgulanan ksmdaki "Uzay kamplar, insan doasnn ok derinlerine ilemi bir
boyutu olan bilinmeyenin cazibesine bir karlktr." cmlesi yorumlandnda bizlere D
seeneinde verilen "nsanolu her zaman uzay gibi iyi bilinmeyen ve kefedilmemi eyler
tarafndan etkilenmitir." ifadesine ulaabiliriz.

~ 39 ~

9. As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of
space camps ----.

A) was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon
B) had himself always been fascinated by space
C) was actually little known until the first moon landing
D) had been working for NASA since the early 1980s
E) had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination
with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space
camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With
the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and
sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are Americas most popular educational centres. Dr
Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the
first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

Cevap: A


9. As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of
space camps (Uzay kamplarnn kurulmasn neren ilk kii) ----.

A) was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon
B) had himself always been fascinated by space (Kendisinin de her zaman uzay tarafndan
bylendiine dair parada bir veri yok.)
C) was actually little known until the first moon landing (lk aya inie kadar neredeyse hi
tannmyordu ifadesi yanl bilgi.)
D) had been working for NASA since the early 1980s (1980lerin ba, kamplarn kurulma
fikrinin ilk kez ortaya atlmasna ait, bu kiinin orada greve balama tarihine deil,
yanl bilgi.)
E) had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach
(Metinde bu kiinin her zaman genlerin eitiminin pratik bir yaklama sahip olmas
gerektiini vurgulamasna hi deinilmedi, eklenti bilgi.)


Parada vurgulanan blmdeki "Aya ilk insanl uuu gerekletiren Satrn V roketinin babas
olarak anlan Dr Werner von Braun uzay kamplar fikrini ortaya atan ilk kiiydi." cmlesinden
hareketle A seeneinde verilen "Ayn zamanda aya ilk astronotlar yollamaktan da
sorumluydu." ifadesine ularz.

~ 40 ~

Okuma Paras 4

During the hunger winter of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of
the citys trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When
peace came, this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale
reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had
an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today
is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest
critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The
failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has
become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or
newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and
abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office
for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line
with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily encounter or inbetween-ness of social
space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

10. We understand from the passage that, in the late 1940s, Europe was in need of massive
reconstruction due to ----.

A) the destruction caused by World War II

B) the mechanistic approach taken by post-war architects to urban reconstruction
C) vandalism, disrepair and abandonment of property
D) the unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style
E) the failure of modern architecture

11. It is stated in the passage that although ----, it was mostly unable to do so.

A) a small playground was the first project designed by van Eyck while at the Office for Public
Works in Amsterdam
B) modern European architecture had a chance after World War II to create an attractive new
style in cities
C) post-war architecture in Europe was greatly influenced by the ideas of Aldo van Eyck
D) Amsterdam suffered major destruction during World War II
E) post-World War II architecture in Europe took a mechanistic approach

12. It is clear from the passage that the new towns and residential areas built after World
War II in Europe ----.

A) were the work of a very talented group of young architects

B) immediately became popular and have remained so to this day
C) became the most beautiful areas in and around the cities
D) failed to provide a sense of community for the residents
E) had playgrounds designed by van Eyck

13. According to the passage, Aldo van Eyck ----.

A) approved of the mechanistic design approach of his modernist colleagues

B) thought that many post-war residential areas deserved acclaim
C) viewed the post-war period as an opportunity to display his design ability
D) thought the post-war period was a good opportunity to destroy older buildings and design
modern cities
E) believed that urban architecture had the power to create a sense of solidarity and trust in a
citys residents

~ 41 ~


10. We understand from the passage that, in the late 1940s, Europe was in need of massive
reconstruction due to ----.

A) the destruction caused by World War II

B) the mechanistic approach taken by post-war architects to urban reconstruction
C) vandalism, disrepair and abandonment of property
D) the unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style
E) the failure of modern architecture

During the hunger winter of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of
the citys trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When
peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale
reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had
an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today
is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest
critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The
failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has
become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or
newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and
abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office
for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line
with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily encounter or inbetween-ness of social
space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

Cevap: A


10. We understand from the passage that, in the late 1940s, Europe was in need of massive
reconstruction due to ----. (1940larn sonunda Avrupa ... dan dolay devasa bir yeniden
yaplandrma gereksinimindeydi)

A) the destruction caused by World War II

B) the mechanistic approach taken by post-war architects to urban reconstruction (yaplandrmay
gerektiren, sava sonras mimarlarnn benimsedii mekanik yaklam deil.)
C) vandalism, disrepair and abandonment of property (Metinde vandallk, bakmszlk ve terk
edilmilik ifadelerin bal bulunduu cmle present perfect tense ile kurulmutur, ikinci
dnya savandan daha ok gnmze bakan bir anlat gibi gzkyor, devamndaki
Van Eyck bunun yaklatn grmt eklinde yorumlanabilen cmle bunun bir kant
D) the unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style (Sosyal ynden
duyarl kentsel tarzn ehirdeki ykmla ilgisi yok.)
E) the failure of modern architecture (ada mimarinin baarsz olmas yeniden yaplandrmann
nedeni deil.)


Metinde vurgulanan ksmda ehirdeki pek ok aacn kesilmesinden, terk edilmi binalarn i
ksmlarnn yakacak iin paralanmasndan ve bar geldiinde de bir zamanlar ehirlerinin en
gzeli ve kentseli olan Amsterdamn geni kapsaml bir yeniden yaplandrmaya ihtiya duyduu
bahsedilmitir. Bu ifade bizlere ikinci dnya savandan kaynaklanan ykm eklinde Trkeye
evrilen A seeneini dndrmelidir.

~ 42 ~

11. It is stated in the passage that although ----, it was mostly unable to do so.

A) a small playground was the first project designed by van Eyck while at the Office for Public
Works in Amsterdam
B) modern European architecture had a chance after World War II to create an attractive new
style in cities
C) post-war architecture in Europe was greatly influenced by the ideas of Aldo van Eyck
D) Amsterdam suffered major destruction during World War II
E) post-World War II architecture in Europe took a mechanistic approach

During the hunger winter of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of
the citys trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When
peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale
reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had
an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today
is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest
critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The
failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has
become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or
newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and
abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office
for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line
with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily encounter or inbetween-ness of social
space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

Cevap: B


11. It is stated in the passage that although ----, it was mostly unable to do so. (... olmasna
ramen, bunu ounlukla baaramad.)

A) a small playground was the first project designed by van Eyck while at the Office for Public
Works in Amsterdam (Bu ilk projenin baarszlna dair bir anlat yok.)
B) modern European architecture had a chance after World War II to create an attractive
new style in cities
C) post-war architecture in Europe was greatly influenced by the ideas of Aldo van Eyck (Sava
sonras mimari, Aldo van Eyckin fikirlerinden deil, ada mimariyi destekleyen mimarlarn
fikirlerinden etkilendi.)
D) Amsterdam suffered major destruction during World War II (kinci dnya sava esnasnda
Amsterdam ciddi bir ykm yaad ifadesi soru kkndeki bunu ounlukla baaramad
ifadesiyle birletiinde yanl bir bilgi ortaya kyor.)
E) post-World War II architecture in Europe took a mechanistic approach (Soru kkyle birlikte
dndmzde Avrupadaki ikinci dnya sava sonras mimari modern bir yaklam
benimsedi fakat ounlukla byle olmad cmlesi metne gre yine yanl.)


Metinde vurgulanan yerde yer alan Avrupa'da ikinci dnya savann sonunu takip eden yllarda
ada mimari sosyal ynden duyarl kentsel tarz yanstmak iin ei benzeri grlmemi bir frsat
yakalad, fakat gnmzde ortak gr ou yerde bunun baarsz olduudur. ifadesi bizi
ada Avrupa mimarisinin ikinci dnya savandan sonra ehirlerde etkileyici yeni bir
tarz yaratma ansna sahip olmasndan bahseden B seeneine gtrecektir.

~ 43 ~

12. It is clear from the passage that the new towns and residential areas built after World
War II in Europe ----.

A) were the work of a very talented group of young architects

B) immediately became popular and have remained so to this day
C) became the most beautiful areas in and around the cities
D) failed to provide a sense of community for the residents
E) had playgrounds designed by van Eyck

During the hunger winter of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of
the citys trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When
peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale
reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had
an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today
is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest
critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The
failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has
become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or
newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and
abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office
for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line
with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily encounter or inbetween-ness of social
space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

Cevap: D


12. It is clear from the passage that the new towns and residential areas built after World
War II in Europe ----. (Avrupada ikinci dnya savandan sonra ina edilen yeni kasabalar ve
yerleim alanlar ----.)

A) were the work of a very talented group of young architects (Bu mimarlarn ok yetenekli
olmalarna dair bir bilgi yok.)
B) immediately became popular and have remained so to this day (Bu yerlerin hemen popler
olup bugne dek yle kalmalar hakknda bir bilgi yok.)
C) became the most beautiful areas in and around the cities (Metinde savandan sonra ina
edilen yeni kasabalar ve yerleim alanlar hakknda olumlu bir anlat bulunmuyor, en gzel
yerler haline geldi ifadesi ayrca ok iddial.)
D) failed to provide a sense of community for the residents
E) had playgrounds designed by van Eyck (Parada van Eyckin ilk projesi olarak yalnzca bir
oyun alan ina ettiinden bahsediliyor.)


Metinde vurgulanm ksm olan Mimarinin ve kentsel toplum ve dayanmay yeniden yaratma
plannn baarszl sava sonras Avrupa'da bir sorun haline gelmitir. ifadesi bizlere Orada
yaayanlara bir topluluk algs sunmada baarsz oldu. biiminde Trkeletirilen D
seeneini dndrmelidir.

~ 44 ~

13. According to the passage, Aldo van Eyck ----.

A) approved of the mechanistic design approach of his modernist colleagues

B) thought that many post-war residential areas deserved acclaim
C) viewed the post-war period as an opportunity to display his design ability
D) thought the post-war period was a good opportunity to destroy older buildings and design
modern cities
E) believed that urban architecture had the power to create a sense of solidarity and trust in a
citys residents

During the hunger winter of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of
the citys trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When
peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale
reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had
an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today
is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest
critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The
failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has
become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or
newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and
abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office
for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line
with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily encounter or inbetween-ness of social
space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

Cevap: E


13. According to the passage, Aldo van Eyck ----.

A) approved of the mechanistic design approach of his modernist colleagues (Mekanik tasarm
yaklamna karyd.)
B) thought that many post-war residential areas deserved acclaim (Sava sonras mimari
yaklama dair olumlu bir fikre sahip deil.)
C) viewed the post-war period as an opportunity to display his design ability (Sava sonras
dnemin yetenek sergilemek iin mthi bir frsat olmas yazarn gr Aldo van Eyckin
D) thought the post-war period was a good opportunity to destroy older buildings and design
modern cities (Daha eski binalar yok edip modern ehirler tasarlamak onun fikri deil.)
E) believed that urban architecture had the power to create a sense of solidarity and trust
in a citys residents


Son blmde bulunan Sosyal alanlarn gnlk rastlamalar ve ekil deitirmelerini

destekleyerek ve biimlendirerek mimari, ehirleri insancllatrabilir ve kamu gveni oluturabilir
ifadesi yorumlandnda E seeneinde verilen (Aldo van Eyck) kentsel mimarinin, ehrin
sakinlerinde dayanma ve gven hissi yaratma gc olduuna inanyordu ifadesine

~ 45 ~

F) E Anlam

Bu soru trnde zorlama yorumlardan kanlmal. Kiisel yorumlar gerektirmeyen, net

seenekler genelde dorudur. Restatement (yeniden ifade etme) ya da bir dier adyla yakn
anlam sorularn zerken dikkat edilmesi gerekenler, soru kkndeki anlamn eksiksiz, fazlasz
ve doru bir ekilde ifadeye yanstlmas, soru kkndeki yaplarn e ve zt anlamlarna hakim
olunmas, soru kknde verilmi balalarn muadilleri hakknda bilgi sahibi olunmas ve soruda
dierlerine nazaran daha n planda olan yapnn zerinden zme ulalmas eklinde

Gelecek be soru, e anlam sorularn zerken sizlere k tutacaktr;

Soru 1

Due to the fact that the demand for tea was very high in the 19th century, its price was

A) It was not until the 19th century that the demand for tea started to increase.
B) The demand for tea was so high in the 19th century that its price was enormous.
C) In the 19th century the price for tea didn't increase despite the demand.
D) It was its astronomical price which decreased the demand for tea in the 19th century.
E) In the 19th century, even though the demand for tea was enormous its price remained cheap.

Cevap B


Soru cmlesi:
Due to the fact that the demand for tea was very high in the 19th century, its price was
B kk:
The demand for tea was so high in the 19th century that its price was enormous.

Soru kkndeki due to( -den dolay) yapsnn karl dolayl bir sebep sonu anlam
sezdiren so..that (o yapsyla verilmitir.

Soru cmlesi:
19.yy'da aya olan talebin ok yksek olmasndan dolay(due to), fiyat muazzamd. = 19.yy'da
aya olan talep o kadar yksekti ki (so.that) fiyat muazzamd.
B kk:
Buna ek olarak astronomical (muazzam) kelimesinin karl doru seenekte enormous
olarak verilmitir. Bu dorultuda dnlrse doru seenek B olacaktr.

~ 46 ~

Soru 2

French is the only language other than English spoken on five continents.

A) French and English are the only languages that are spoken on five continents.
B) Unlike French, English is spoken on five continents.
C) French and English are spoken widely in official and commercial circles.
D) Worldwide, French is the most widely taught second language after English.
E) Before English, French was the only language spoken on five continents.

Cevap A


Soru cmlesi:
French is the only language (other than) English spoken on five continents.
A kk:
(French and English) are the only languages that are spoken on five continents.

Soruda other than (-den baka/haricinde) yapsn doru yorumlamak bizi doru cevaba
ulatran unsur olacaktr. yle ki:

Soru kknde Franszca ngilizcenin haricinde (other than) be ktada konuulan tek dildir.
ifadesi Her iki dilin de be ktada konuulan tek dil olduklar anlamn vermektedir. Bu anlam en
doru karlayan seenek A kk olacaktr.

A kk:
Franszca ve ngilizce be ktada konuulan tek dillerdir.

Soru 3

Adults laugh less than children, probably because they play less.

A) Unlike adults children laugh more while playing games.

B) Since adults have less time for playing games, they don't laugh as much as children.
C) No matter how much adults play, they can't laugh more than children.
D) It seems that adults, who don't laugh much, didn't play much with other children when they
were young.
E) The reason why adults laugh less than children might be that they play less.

Cevap E


Soru cmlesi:
Adults laugh less than children, probably because they play less.
E kk:
The reason why adults laugh less than children might be that they play less.

Soru kknde Muhtemelen daha az oynadklarndan dolay, yetikinler ocuklardan daha az

glerler. ifadesi verilmitir.

~ 47 ~

Soru kkndeki because (-den dolay/iin/nk) balacnn karl doru seenekte The
reason why + cmle (.. olmasnn nedeni) ifadesiyle, "probably" (muhtemelen = olaslk)
ifadesinin karl ise, yine olaslk ifade etmek amacyla kullanlan might + V1 modal
yapsyla verilmitir. Bu alardan klar incelendiinde doru seenek E kk olacaktr.

Soru cmlesi:
Muhtemelen daha az oynadklarndan dolay, yetikinler ocuklardan daha az glerler
E kk:
Yetikinlerin ocuklardan daha az glmelerinin nedeni onlarn daha az oynamalar olabilir.

Soru 4

In some countries, while yawning mouth is to be closed; otherwise, it is considered as

unmannered behaviour.

A) In some countries, yawning is considered as unacceptable behaviour.

B) Yawning without closing the mouth is regarded as an impolite behaviour in some countries.
C) Not covering your mouth while yawning is not considered as unmannered in most of the
D) Opening the mouth too wide while yawning might be regarded as impolite in many countries.
E) Behaviours, such as yawning, are considered as unmannered in some countries.

Cevap B


Soru cmlesi:
In some countries, while yawning mouth is to be closed; otherwise, it is considered as
unmannered behaviour.

B kk:
Yawning without closing the mouth is regarded as an impolite behaviour in some countries.

Soru kkndeki ifadede Baz lkelerde esnerken az kapal olmaldr, AKS TAKTRDE
(OTHERWISE) o kaba bir davran olarak grlr. anlam bize verilmitir, bu anlam en doru
ekilde karlayan ifade B kknda bulunmaktadr. Ayrca, "otherwise" balacnn katt anlamn
karlnn B seeneinde without (-siz /-sz) yapsyla verildiini anlamak sorunun zmn bir
hayli kolaylatracaktr.

Soru cmlesi:
Baz lkelerde esnerken az kapal olmaldr, AKS TAKTRDE (OTHERWISE) o, kaba bir
davran olarak grlr.
B kk:
Az kapatmakSIZIN (WITHOUT) esnemek baz lkelerde kaba bir davran olarak grlr.

~ 48 ~

Soru 5

We must remember what happened in the past so that it will never happen again.

A) If we could remember the past, it would not happen again.

B) Since we all tend to forget what happened in the past we do the same mistakes again.
C) We couldn't remember what happened in the past so we did it again.
D) In order not to repeat the past, we should certainly not forget what happened then.
E) Those who couldn't remember what happened in the past were more likely to repeat it.

Cevap D


Soru cmlesi:
We must remember what happened in the past SO THAT it will never happen again.
D kk:
IN ORDER not TO repeat the past, we should certainly not forget what happened then.

Soru kkndeki ifadede genel bir durumdan bahsedilmektedir, dolaysyla bu ifadeyi karlayan
cmledeki tense yaplarnn da genel geerliliini koruyan durumlar anlatmak iin tercih edilen
present yaplarla kullanlacak olmas muhtemeldir. Soruyu anlam asndan incelediimizde;
Gemite olan hatrlamalyz (We must remember what happened in the past) bylece (so
that) o asla tekrar olmayacaktr. (it will never happen again) ifadesi verilmitir, bu anlam en
doru ekliyle barndran k D seenei olmaldr. yle ki:

Soru cmlesi:
Gemite olan hatrlamalyz, bylece o asla tekrar olmayacaktr.
D kk:
Gemii tekrar etmemek iin (IN ORDER NOT TO REPEAT) o zaman ne olduunu kesinlikle

~ 49 ~

G) Paragraf Tamamlama

Paragraf tamamlama sorularnda paragrafn tmnden ziyade boluk + boluktan sonraki ilk
cmle ya da boluktan nceki ilk cmle + boluk formln uygulamamz gerekmektedir. Yani
aslnda biz bu tr sorulara cmle tamamlama sorusu zer gibi yaklamalyz.

Ardk cmlelerin gramer, anlam btnl, konu paralellii ve zne uyumu bakmndan
paralel olmas gerekmektedir. te paragraf tamamlama soru tipinde cmleler aras uyumu, btn
bir paragrafta deil sadece boluktan sonraki cmle(%90) ile seeneklerimiz arasndaki doru
cevap arasnda ya da seeneklerimiz arasndaki doru cevap ile boluktan nceki
cmle(%10) arasnda aramalyz. Baka bir deyile cmlelerin birbirini ard sra takip etmesi
durumu bu soru tipinde de karmza kmaktadr.

Not: Boluktan sonraki cmleyi analiz etmek genelde daha pratiktir.

Metni daraltmak yani btn bir metne deil de sadece boluktan sonraki ya da daha az da olsa
nceki cmleye odaklanmak hem sorunun gzmzde klmesini hem de ksa srede daha fazla
soru zerek zamandan tasarruf etmemizi salayacaktr.

Gelecek be soruyu dikkatle inceleyelim;

Soru 1

Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is an

everyday food in many parts of the world. It consists of butterfat surrounding minuscule
droplets consisting mostly of water and milk proteins. ----. But butter is made from the milk
of other mammals as well, including sheep, goats, buffalo, and yaks. Salt, flavourings, or
preservatives are sometimes added.

A) Butter is used in cooking applications including baking, sauce making and frying
B) It is a firm solid when refrigerated, softening to a spreadable consistency at room temperatures
C) Butter from cow's milk is the most common
D) Butter's colour is generally a pale yellow, but can vary from deep yellow to nearly white
E) In four thousand years there has been considerable improvement in the manufacture of butter

Cevap C


Sorunun zmnde dier pek ok paragraf tamamlama sorusunda olaca gibi paragrafn
tmnde desteklenen konunun akna ve bilhassa da boluk ncesindeki ve/veya
sonrasndaki cmlelerin anlamna hakim olmak ve bunu yaparken bu cmlelerdeki doru
cevab bulmamza yardmc olabilecek balalar, iaret zamiri ve sfatlar (this / that / these /
those), rneklendirme iin kullanlan yaplar (for instance, for example vb) aklama
getirici ifadeler that is (yani) gibi yaplardan faydalanmak da iimizi kolaylatracak unsurlardan

Paragrafta bulunan ipucu:

Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is an everyday food
in many parts of the world. It consists of butterfat surrounding minuscule droplets consisting mostly
of water and milk and proteins ----. But butter is made from the milk of other mammals as well,
including sheep, goats, buffalo, and yaks. Salt, flavourings, or preservatives are sometimes

~ 50 ~

Boluk ncesinde bir st rn olan tereyann nasl yapldndan ve onu oluturan

maddelerden bahsedilmitir. Ancak cevap adna daha nemli olan ifade boluk sonrasndaki
Fakat tereya koyun, kei, bufalo ve Tibet kzlerinin de iinde bulunduu dier
memelilerin stnden de yaplr. ifadesi bize bu cmleden nce tereyann bir baka memeli
hayvann stnden yapldndan bahseden bir cmle geleceini dndrmelidir. Bu adan
dnldnde paradaki anlam akn salayan ifade C kknda bulunmaktadr. yle ki:

C) nek stnden olan tereya en yaygn olandr. Fakat tereya koyun, kei, bufalo ve Tibet
kzlerinin de iinde bulunduu dier memelilerin stnden de yaplr.

Soru 2

Honesty is generally thought to involve abstaining from unfair behaviour, such as stealing
or cheating on a test. ----. For example, not telling the truth is acceptable in some
circumstances. Examples of such situations are lying as a part of etiquette, little white lies,
or lying under grave risk of bodily harm to self or others.

A) Honesty means there are no contradictions or discrepancies in thoughts

B) Some people think that this definition is too simplistic
C) But in general, honesty is not something that is directly rewarded
D) When seeking help, honesty is best policy
E) The key to a good relationship starts with honesty

Cevap B


Honesty is generally thought to involve abstaining from unfair behaviour, such as stealing
or cheating on a test. ----. For example, not telling the truth is acceptable in some
circumstances. Examples of such situations are lying as a part of etiquette, little white lies, or lying
under grave risk of bodily harm to self or others.

Sorunun zmnde boluk ncesindeki ifade ve sonrasndaki for example (rnein) ifadesi
nem tayacaktr. imdi bu ifadeleri anlamlar asndan inceleyelim:

Paragrafta bulunan ipucu:

Drstln genellikle almak ya da bir snavda kopya ekmek gibi adil olmayan bir davrantan
kanmay gerektirdii dnlr. B) Baz insanlar bu tanmn ok basit olduunu dnrler.
rnein, baz durumlarda doru sylememek kabul edilebilirdir.

Boluk ncesinde drstln genel bir tanm yaplmtr, boluk sonrasnda ise bir
rnekleme yapldndan bolua, bu rnekle desteklenebilecek bir fikir gelmesi gerektii
dnlmelidir. Bu bilgiler dorultusunda dnldnde boluk ncesi ve sonrasna da bal
olan ifade B kknda verilmitir. imdi bu seenei anlamsal adan inceleyelim:

B) Baz insanlar bu tanmn ok basit olduunu dnrler.

~ 51 ~

Soru 3

In geography, a desert is a landscape form or region that receives little precipitation -less
than 250 mm per year. -----. Compared to wetter regions this may be true, although upon
closer examination, deserts often harbour a wealth of life that usually remains hidden,
especially during the daylight, to preserve moisture.

A) Approximately one-third of Earth's land surface is desert

B) Because deserts are dry, they are ideal places for human artefacts and fossils to be preserved
C) For many centuries the desert has been home to human life
D) There are many types of little rodents in the desert
E) Deserts have a reputation for supporting very little life

Cevap E


Sorunun zmnde boluk sonrasnda verilen cmlelerin anlamn yorumlamak nem tekil

Paragrafta bulunan ipucu:

In geography, a desert is a landscape form or region that receives little precipitation -less than 250
mm per year. -----. Compared to wetter regions this may be true, although upon closer
examination, deserts often harbour a wealth of life that usually remains hidden, especially during
the daylight, to preserve moisture.

Boluk sonrasndaki alt izili ifadeleri anlamlar asndan analiz edelim:

Daha nemli blgelerle kyaslandnda bu doru olabilir, ancak daha yakndan incelendiinde,
ller sklkla, genellikle sakl kalan bir hayat zenginliine ev sahiplii yaparlar.

Bu anlamdan yola karak doru seenekte daha nemli blgeler ile kyaslandnda doru
olabilecek bir yargdan bahsedilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu yarg da E seeneinde bulunmaktadr.
yle ki:

E) ller ok az yaam destekledikleri ynnde bir ne sahiptirler.

ller ok az yaam destekledikleri ynnde bir ne sahiptirler. Daha nemli blgelerle

kyaslandnda bu doru olabilir, ancak daha yakndan incelendiinde, ller sklkla,
genellikle sakl kalan bir hayat zenginliine ev sahiplii yaparlar.

~ 52 ~

Soru 4

----. However, with the rise of academic professionalism and the creation of new scientific
fields in the 19th and 20th centuries came a flood of new information that challenged this
notion. Today sources that can give light on the past such as oral history, linguistics, and
genetics, have all become accepted by mainstream historians.

A) In general history is today seen as the study of everything that is known about the human past
B) History has always been a major field of interest
C) Traditionally the study of history was limited to the written work
D) In modern academia, history is increasingly classified as a social science, especially when
chronology is the focus
E) History is now understood to be more than memorizing names and dates

Cevap C


Sorunun zmnde boluk sonrasnda verilen bir ztlk balac olan however (ancak, fakat,
ama) ve parann devamnda yer alan today (bugn, gnmzde) ifadelerini yorumlamak ve
bu yaplarn iinde bulunduu cmlelerin anlamna hakim olmak sorunun zmnde izlenecek yol

Paragrafta bulunan ipucu:

----. However, with the rise of academic professionalism and the creation of new scientific fields in
the 19th and 20th centuries came a flood of new information that challenged this notion. Today
sources that can give light on the past such as oral history, linguistics, and genetics, have all
become accepted by mainstream historians.

imdi paragraf anlam asndan inceleyelim:

----. Fakat akademik uzmanln ykselii ile ve 19. ve 20. Yzyllarda yeni bilimsel alanlarn
yaratlmasyla bu gre meydan okuyan yeni bir bilgi seli dodu. Bugn szl tarih, dilbilimi ve
genetik gibi kaynaklarn hepsi ana akm tarihiler tarafndan kabul edilmitir.

Boluk sonrasndaki fakat balac Bugn szl tarih, dilbilimi ve genetik gibi kaynaklarn hepsi
ana akm tarihiler tarafndan kabul edilmitir. ifadesinin anlamyla birlikte yorumlandnda
fakat balacnn cmleye katt ztlktan dolay boluk sonrasnda gnmzden bahsedildii iin
(Today/Bugn), boluk ncesinde muhtemelen gemi ile ilgili bir yargda bulunulacaktr. Bu
bilgiler dorultusunda dnlrse doru cevap C kk olacaktr. imdi de doru seenein
anlamyla birlikte paragraf btn halinde grelim:

C) Geleneksel olarak tarih aratrmas yazl almayla snrlyd. Fakat akademik uzmanln
ykselii ile ve 19. ve 20. Yzyllarda yeni bilimsel alanlarn yaratlmasyla bu gre meydan
okuyan yeni bir bilgi seli dodu. Bugn szl tarih, dilbilimi ve genetik gibi kaynaklarn hepsi ana
akm tarihiler tarafndan kabul edilmitir.

* ESKDEN (past), fakat BUGN (present)

~ 53 ~

Soru 5

A former British colony, Hong Kong is now administered under the "one country, two
systems policy". ----. For example, it retains its own legal system, currency, and customs.
Only national defence and diplomatic relations are responsibilities of the central
government in Beijing.

A) Hong Kong is constitutionally entitled to a relatively high degree of autonomy

B) It is a gateway to a shopping paradise, culinary delights, and business opportunities
C) By 2030, immigration from mainland China could increase Hong Kong's population by 2 million
D) Hong Kong is also known as an important exhibition and conference centre in the region
E) Trading was becoming increasingly difficult in Hong Kong

Cevap A


A former British colony, Hong Kong is now administered under the one country, two systems
policy". ----. (For example), it retains its own legal system, currency, and customs. Only national
defence and diplomatic relations are responsibilities of the central government in Beijing.

Sorunun zmnde boluk ncesindeki "one country, two systems policy" ifadesini
yorumlamak ve boluk sonrasndaki ifadenin rnei olan durumu bulmak byk neme sahiptir.
imdi bu ifadeleri Trke karlklaryla inceleyelim:

Paragrafta bulunan ipucu:

Eski bir ngiliz smrgesi olan Hong Kong imdi bir lke iki sistem politikas altnda
ynetilmektedir. ---- (rnein), kendi hukuk sistemini, para birimi ve gelenek greneklerini
korumaktadr. Yalnzca milli savunma ve diplomatik ilikiler Pekindeki merkezi hkmetin

Boluk sonrasndaki bilgiler bize Hong Kongun lke ilerinde byk lde kontrol sahibi
olduunu" dndrr niteliktedir. Bu nedenle, A seeneindeki Hong Kong anayasal olarak
olduka yksek bir zerklik yetkisine sahiptir ifadesi bu paradaki fikir akn en doru ekilde
destekleyen yarg olacaktr.

~ 54 ~

H) Anlam Bozan Cmle

Irrelevant sentence (ilgisiz/bantsz cmle) sorularn zerken dikkat edilecek en nemli

unsur metin boyunca desteklenen fikrin akna dikkat etmektir. Bunu yaparken cmleleri
birbirine balayan balalarn anlamsal adan doru kullanmna dikkat etmek, eer
sorgulanyorsa soru kknde bahsedilen olaylarn olu srasna zen gstermek (kronolojik sray
takip etmek), birbirleriyle ilgili olduundan emin olduumuz cmleleri gruplayarak ilerlemek, para
boyunca sz edilen ayn unsurun, fikrin akyla rtmeyecek ekilde farkl bir boyutundan
bahsedilmediine dikkat etmek ve bir unsur genel ynleriyle ele alnrken araya ayn unsurun
spesifik olan bir ynne ya da bunun tam tersine yer verilmediine dikkat etmek, bizlere yardmc
olacak hususlardan bazlar olacaktr.

Gelecek be soruyu dikkatle inceleyelim;

Soru 1

(I) Temporary adhesives are designed to repeatedly or easily stick and unstick. (II) They have low
adhesion and generally can't support much weight. (III) An adhesive is a compound that adheres or
bonds two items together. (IV) They are commonly used on paper. (V) They have common
applications such as bookmarks, informal notes, and office supplies.

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

(I) Temporary adhesives are designed to repeatedly or easily stick and unstick. (II) They have low
adhesion and generally can't support much weight. (III) An adhesive is a compound that
adheres or bonds two items together. (IV) They are commonly used on paper. (V) They have
common applications such as bookmarks, informal notes, and office supplies.

Cevap C


lk iki cmlede geici yaptrclarn tekrar tekrar ya da kolayca yaptrlp karlabilmesi

iin tasarlandndan ve onlarn (geici yaptrclar) dk yaptrc maddeye sahip
olduklar iin fazla arl tayamadklarndan bahsedilmitir. nc cmlede ise Bir
yaptrcnn iki paray yaptran ya da birletiren bir madde olduundan
bahsedilmektedir. Metin geici yapkanlar ile ilgili bilgiler vermektedir, ancak nc cmlede ise
herhangi bir yapkann ne olduu" tanmlanmtr. Drdnc ve beinci cmlelerde yine geici
yapkanlarla ilgili onlarn yaygn olarak kat zerinde kullanldndan ve sayfa
iaretleyiciler, resmi olmayan notlar ve bro malzemeleri gibi yaygn kullanmlara sahip
olduklarndan bahsedilmitir. Konunun akna aykr olduu iin doru cevap C kkdr.

~ 55 ~

Soru 2

(I) We will probably never know the truth, of Alexander the Great's mysterious death. (II) He died at
the age of 33, on June 10, 323 BC. (III) Some historians claim that he drank a cup of wine, which
was poisoned, and died soon after. (IV) Unfortunately, the tomb was not left untouched. (V)
However according to new theories it seems most likely that he died from complications of the flu,
or was struck by malaria while in Babylon.

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

(I) We will probably never know the truth, of Alexander the Great's mysterious death. (II) He died at
the age of 33, on June 10, 323 BC. (III) Some historians claim that he drank a cup of wine, which
was poisoned, and died soon after. (IV) Unfortunately, the tomb was not left untouched. (V)
However according to new theories it seems most likely that he died from complications of the flu,
or was struck by malaria while in Babylon.

Cevap D


lk cmlede (I) Muhtemelen asla Byk skenderin gizemli lmndeki gerei

bilemeyeceiz. (II) O, 10 Haziran M.. 323'de 33 yanda ld. (III) Baz tarihiler onun
zehirlenmi bir kadeh arap itiini ve hemen sonra ldn iddia ediyor. ifadelerine yer
verilmitir. Ancak drdnc cmlede Maalesef mezar el dememi bir ekilde braklmad.
ifadesine yer verilmitir. Daha nce mezar (the tomb) unsuruna hi deinilmemitir ve konunun
akn bozmaktadr. Beinci cmlede ise fikrin akn doru ekilde tamamlayan Ancak yeni
teorilere gre onun grip semptomlarndan ld ya da Babildeyken stmaya yenik dt
muhtemel grnmektedir ifadesine yer verilmitir. Bu yzden doru cevap D kk olacaktr.

Soru 3

(I) Being healthy today has very little to do with actual weight. (II) Therefore someone's weight,
although a health indicator, does not necessarily determine his or her overall heath. (III) There are
plenty of slightly overweight people that are far healthier than many skinny people. (IV) Many of
these people suffer from eating disorders in the sake of being thin. (V) Exercising as a teenager is
as important as exercising an adult.

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

(I) Being healthy today has very little to do with actual weight. (II) Therefore someone's weight,
although a health indicator, does not necessarily determine his or her overall heath. (III) There are
plenty of slightly overweight people that are far healthier than many skinny people. (IV) Many of
these people suffer from eating disorders in the sake of being thin. (V) Exercising as a teenager
is as important as exercising an adult.

Cevap E


lk drt cmlede (I) Bugn salkl olmann asl kiloyla neredeyse hi ilgisi yoktur (II) Dolaysyla
bir salk gstergesi olmasna ramen birinin kilosu illa o kiinin genel saln belirlemez. (III) ok
sayda ok zayf insandan daha salkl olan biraz fazla kilolu insanlar vardr. (IV) Bu insanlarn
ou zayf olmak uruna yeme bozukluklarndan sorun yaarlar." ifadelerine yer verilmitir. Ancak
beinci cmlede metin boyunca sren fikirden ok uzak Genken egzersiz yapmak yetikinken
egzersiz yapmak kadar nemlidir. ifadesine yer verilmitir. Bu yzden cevap Edir.

~ 56 ~

Soru 4

(I) In every society, one has to learn the customs, attitudes and values of this social group or
culture. (II) It is important that you make them as entertaining and rewarding as you possibly can.
(III) This learning process is called socialization. (IV) It is important for the development of every
individual. (V) This development is most strongly enforced by family, school and continues
throughout an individual's lifetime.

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

(I) In every society, one has to learn the customs, attitudes and values of this social group or
culture. (II) It is important that you make them as entertaining and rewarding as you possibly
can. (III) This learning process is called socialization. (IV) It is important for the development of
every individual. (V) This development is most strongly enforced by family, school and continues
throughout an individual's lifetime.

Cevap B


lk cmlede Her toplumda, kii bu sosyal grup ya da kltrn geleneklerini, tutumlarn ve

deerlerini renmek zorundadr. cmlesine yer verilmitir. kinci cmlede ise Onlar mmkn
olduu kadar elenceli ve deerli yapmak nemlidir. ifadesi bulunmaktadr. Fakat, nc
cmle anlam asndan incelendiinde Bu renme sreci sosyal uyum diye adlandrlr.
ifadesi grlmekte ve bu cmlenin ilk cmledeki "renme" unsuruna gndermede bulunduu
anlalmaktadr. kinci cmlenin yanl olma nedeni kendi ierisinde tamamen konuyla ilgisiz olmas
deil, nc ve birinci cmle arasndaki anlam ilikisinden trdr, aksi takdirde nc cmle
ikinci cmledeki fikri destekler nitelikte olsayd ikinci cmleyi atmamz mmkn olmazd. Bu adan
baktmzda doru cevap olarak karmza B kk kmaktadr.

Soru 5

(I) Before any species can receive protection, it must first be declared as endangered or
threatened. (II) For this reason, it is important to determine whether a species is threatened or
endangered. (III) No one knows how many new species were discovered. (IV) Unlike a threatened,
an endangered species is one that is in danger of extinction throughout a significant portion of its
range. (V) Their reproductive rates are lower than their mortality over long periods of time.

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

(I) Before any species can receive protection, it must first be declared as endangered or
threatened. (II) For this reason, it is important to determine whether a species is threatened or
endangered. (III) No one knows how many new species were discovered. (IV) Unlike a
threatened, an endangered species is one that is in danger of extinction throughout a significant
portion of its range. (V) Their reproductive rates are lower than their mortality over long periods of

Cevap C

~ 57 ~


lk iki cmlede srasyla (I) Herhangi bir trn koruma altna alnabilmesinden nce nesli
tehlikeye girmi ya da nesli tehdit altnda" olarak bildirilmesi gerekmektedir. (II) Bu
nedenden tr bir trn neslinin tehdit altnda m yoksa tehlike altnda m olduunu
belirlemek nemlidir. ifadelerine deinilmitir, ancak nc cmlede Ka yeni trn
kefedildiini kimse bilmiyordu. eklinde yine trlerle ilgili olmasna ramen metin boyunca
desteklenen "nesli tehlike ya da tehdit altnda olan trlerin korunmas" fikriyle badamayan
bir ifadeye yer verilmitir. Drdnc ve beinci cmlelerde de paradaki fikir akn destekler
biimde (IV) Nesli tehdit altnda olan bir trn aksine, nesli tehlike altnda olan bir tr
kapsamnn nemli bir ksm boyunca nesli tkenme tehlikesi iinde olan trdr. (V) Onlarn
reme oranlar uzun dnemler boyunca lm oranlarndan daha dktr. ifadelerine yer
verilmitir. Konunun btnlne aykr olduu iin doru k C kk olacaktr.

I) Diyalog I

Bu soru trnde bizden ounlukla iki kii arasnda geen bir diyaloun anlamsal ynden akna
hakim olmamz istenmektedir. Bunu yaparken bizi doru cevaba gtren yntem ounlukla
boluun hemen sonras ve/veya ncesinde yer alan cmlelerin anlamlarn doru
yorumlamak olacaktr, ancak unutulmamaldr ki, bu diyaloun dier ksmlarnn okunmayaca
anlamna gelmez. Bu soru trn seenekleri asndan analiz edecek olursak, diyaloun anlamna
hakim olduumuz takdirde be seenekten drd rahata elenir, ancak bazen biraz daha detayl
bir anlamsal analizi gerektiren sorularda genellikle be seenekten kolayca elenir, iki k
arasnda bizden bir seim yapmamz istenir. Baz durumlarda boluk sonrasndaki cmlenin
yardmc fiiline, zne veya nesnesine dikkat etmek, doru cevaba giden yolda bize katkda


X: ----
Y: Indeed, it was.

Alt izili ksmdan dolay ok byk olaslkla doru seenekte cansz bir znenin iinde bulunduu
(it) gemie atfta bulunan (was) (Past Tenses) bir ifade yer alacaktr.

Ancak bu, kesinlikle bu sorularn ncelikle gramer bilgisi ile zld anlamna gelmemelidir!

Gelecek be soruyu inceleyelim;

Soru 1

- Andy: My sister has to have an operation.

- Clare: ----
- Andy: I hope not.

A) Really? Has she? I'm so sorry.

B) Oh, does she? When?
C) Oh, doesn't she? Do you think it is serious?
D) Oh, does she? Is it serious?
E) Oh, hasn't she? Are you worried about her?

Cevap D

~ 58 ~

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

- Andy: My sister has to have an operation. (Kz kardeim ameliyat olmak zorunda)
- Clare: Oh, does she? Is it serious? (yle mi? Ciddi bir ey mi?)
- Andy: I hope not. (Umarm yle deildir.)

Andynin bu ifadesinden "(Umarm yle deildir)" dier konumacnn gereklemesi istenmeyen

bir durumdan bahsettii sonucuna varlabilir. Dolaysyla "yle mi? Ciddi bir ey mi?" anlamna
gelen D seenei doru yant olacaktr.

Soru 2

- Son: Why has this jumper shrunk so much?

- Mother: ----
- Son: OK, but please be more careful next time.

A) Well, I warned you to follow the washing instructions carefully.

B) It hasn't! That jumper belongs to your little brother.
C) Actually, I think it's that you're getting fatter.
D) I really don't know. Let me have a look at it.
E) I'm really sorry. I didn't realise it had to be washed by hand.

Cevap E

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

- Son: Why has this jumper shrunk so much? (Bu yelek neden bu kadar kld?)
- Mother: Gerekten zgnm, Onun (yelek) elle ykanmak zorunda olduunu fark etmedim.
- Son: OK, but please be more careful next time. (Tamam, fakat bir dahaki sefere ltfen daha
dikkatli ol.)


ocuun ikinci cmlesini yorumladmzda (Tamam, fakat bir dahaki sefere ltfen daha dikkatli ol.)
ifadesi bize annesinin "bir hata yapt" anlamn sezdirmektedir. Bu balamda klar ele
alndnda "Gerekten zgnm, Onun (yelek) elle ykanmak zorunda olduunu fark
etmedim." ifadesinin yer ald E seenei doru olacaktr.

Soru 3

- Mike: Hello. Nice to see you here.

- Greg: Hello. You, too.
- Mike: How is your brother?
- Greg: My brother? Oh, he is fine.
- Mike: ----
- Greg: That was probably his new girlfriend.

A) Does he have a girlfriend at the moment?

B) Why didn't he come to the party with you?
C) Who was the girl I saw him with last night?
D) I'd like to meet his new girlfriend.
E) How about his relations with girls?

Cevap C

~ 59 ~

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

- Mike: Hello. Nice to see you here. (Merhaba, seni burada grmek gzel.)
- Greg: Hello. You, too. (Merhaba. Seni de.)
- Mike: How is your brother? (Erkek kardein nasl?)
- Greg: My brother? Oh, he is fine. (Erkek kardeim mi? O iyi.)
- Mike: Dn gece onunla grdm kz kimdi?
- Greg: That was probably his new girlfriend. (Muhtemelen yeni kz arkadayd.)


Boluk sonrasndaki Gregin "(Muhtemelen yeni kz arkadayd.)" cevab bizlere Miken

"Abisinin yanndaki kzn kim olduuyla" ilgili bir sorunun bulunduu seenein doru olacan
dndrecektir. Bu adan klar ele alndnda "Dn gece onunla grdm kz kimdi?"
sorusunun bulunduu C seeneinin doru olduu aikardr.

Soru 4

- Alison: Can you remember where it was that we found that wonderful restaurant?
- Tom: Wasn't it near the sea-front?
- Alison: ----
- Tom: Maybe you're right.

A) Well I would have remembered that myself.

B) Yes, of course! How could I forget?
C) Yes! And it had such a lovely view.
D) No, that was the one which was too expensive.
E) Considering its position, they didn't have much fish on the menu.

Cevap D

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

- Alison: Can you remember where it was that we found that wonderful restaurant? (Bulduumuz
o mthi restorann nerede olduunu hatrlyor musun?)
- Tom: Wasn't it near the sea-front? (Deniz kenarna yakn deil miydi?)
- Alison: Hayr, o ok pahal oland.
- Tom: Maybe you're right. (Hakl olabilirsin.)


Bu soruda boluk ncesi ve sonrasndaki ifadelerin yorumlanmas yararl olacaktr. Tom

"restorann yerini kar tarafa onaylatmak adna" bir soru sormutur ve ayn konumac ald
cevap zerine "Hakl olabilirsin" eklinde bir karlk vermitir. Bu anlam bants
dnldnde A, B, E seenekleri elenmektedir. C seeneinde "Evet, ok irin bir
manzaraya sahipti." ilk bakta doru olabilecek gibi gzken bir ifadeye yer verilmitir. Ancak
boluk sonrasndaki ifade ile birlikte dnldnde C seeneinin yanl olduu
anlalmaktadr. yle ki:

X: (Deniz kenarna yakn deil miydi?)

Y: Evet, ok irin bir manzaraya sahipti.
X: (Hakl olabilirsin) (Yukardaki cmle gibi kesinlik bildiren bir yarg bu ekilde cevaplanmaz!)

Bu nedenle anlamsal iliki asndan daha doru olan "Hayr, o ok pahal oland." ifadesinin yer
ald D seenei doru cevap olacaktr.

~ 60 ~

Soru 5

- Graham: Whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of our holiday in France.

- Sally: I thought you hated it.
- Graham: ----

A) I do! But it still reminds me!

B) Yes, of course, they played it every night.
C) I didn't like it much either when I first heard it.
D) Neither do you! But you bought it!
E) If only we knew who sang it.

Cevap A

Soruda bulunan ipucu:

- Graham: Whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of our holiday in France. (Ne zaman bu
arky duysam bana Fransadaki tatilimizi hatrlatr.)
- Sally: I thought you hated it. (Ondan nefret ettiini sanyordum.)
- Graham: Evet ediyorum, ama buna ramen hatrlatyor!


Soruda dikkate alnmas gereken anlam bants "alan ark ve bu arknn Fransay
hatrlatmas" olmaldr. Bu balamda dnldnde "Evet ediyorum, ama buna ramen
hatrlatyor!" ifadesine yer verilen A seenei doru yanttr.

B seenei ilk bakta kulaa fena gelmemektedir, ancak bu seenekte "bu arknn Fransay
hatrlatmasna" deinilmemitir.

~ 61 ~

rnek Soru ve zmleri (4er Soru)

Cloze Tests
1- Beer is produced through the fermentation of 2- After Ataturk (1) ----- the Republic of Turkey, he
starch-based material. (1) ----- the alcoholic established the Turkish Language Foundation, (2)
beverages made from the fermentation of sugars ---- had an ideologically driven task to (3) ---- the
language by replacing words of Arabic and
derived from non-starch sources, nor the
Persian origin. This was part of a bigger effort to
beverages distilled after fermentation are abolish the Arabic script as part of a
considered beer. Because the ingredients and Westernisation process. By banning the usage of
procedures used to make beer (2) ----, beer these words in the press, the foundation
characteristics such as taste and colour may also succeeded (4) ---- removing (5) ---- hundred
vary. As only (3) ---- substances containing Arabic words from the language.
carbohydrates, (4) ----- sugar or starch, can
naturally undergo fermentation, it is likely that 1 numaral bolua uygun ifadeyi bulunuz.
beer-like beverages were independently invented
(5) ---- various cultures throughout the world. A) has founded
B) was founding
1 Numaral bolua uygun ifadeyi bulunuz. C) would found
D) has been founding
A) All E) founded
B) Both
C) Some
D) Either
E) Neither

Aklamal zm:

Aklamal zm: Cevap: E) founded

Cevap: E ) Neither

Tip: ''All '' oul cmlelerde ''btn'' anlamnda, Tip: Eylemimiz ''found '' (kurmak) sre gerektiren
''both '' iki eyden bahsederken ''her ikiside '' bir fiil olmad iin '' -ing '' ile kullanlamaz bu
anlamnda, ''some'' saylabilen ve saylamayan yzden B ve D seeneklerini eleyebiliriz. Gemi
isimlerde ''baz'' anlamnda, ''either'' iki eyden zamandaki bir olaydan bahsedildii iin past
bahsederken ''ikisinden biri'' anlamnda kullanlr. yapda bir ''tense'' kullanmalyz bu yzden doru
Sorumuzun yant olan ''neither'' ise , iki eyden yant ''founded'' olmaldr.
bahsederken ''ikiside deil'' anlamndadr. Fakat
bu cmlede ''neither ...nor'' kalb vardr. Neither
...nor kalb ''ne ... ne de...'' anlam verir.

~ 62 ~

3- The health risks of artificial feeding of infants 4- Sacrifice is a type of religious offering (1) ---- the
in the industrialized world are now (1) ---. offering is consecrated through its destruction.
Breastfed infants receive protection (2) ---- many Sacrifices may be performed on a regular basis,
illnesses including gastroenteritis, respiratory according to established patterns of daily,
infections, and otitis media, and have a lower risk monthly, or seasonal acts, or on special
of atopic disease and insulin- dependent occasions, (2) ---- at important times in an
diabetes in childhood, (3) ---- women who individual's life. The purpose of the act is (3) ---- to
breastfeed may have less risk of some establish or sustain a proper relationship with the
cancers and hip fractures in later life. In addition to god or gods. Sacrifices may simply express
the health benefits, there are also significant cost respect or they may give thanks (4) ---- good
implications. The United States Department of fortune. Humans have been known to sacrifice
Agriculture has estimated that a minimum of $3.6 anything (5) ---- they have ever used or produced.
billion per year (4) ---- if breast feeding rates were
increased from current levels to (5) ---- 1 numaral bolua uygun ifadeyi bulunuz.
recommended by the United
States Surgeon General.
A) whose
B) what
1 numaral bolua uygun ifadeyi bulunuz.
C) of whom
D) who
A) well--connected
E) in which
B) well--preserved
C) well--established
D) well--built
E) well--kept

Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm:
Cevap: C) well--established
(oturmu, salam) Cevap: E) in which
Tip: Cmlenin znesi olan the health risks ve boluktan
nce gelen are now ifadeleri ipularmz.
well--connected: evresi geni olan
Tip: Boluun bulunduu cmleyi '' Kurban etme
well--preserved: iyi korunmu
adan ldrlmesiyle takdis edildii bir tr dini
well--built: kasl, yapl sunutur.'' eklinde evirebiliriz.<
well--kept: bakml, baklm

~ 63 ~

Cmle Tamamlama 2- The Prime Minister warned world leaders ----

unless they united to show the same determination
as the terrorists.
1- Communication is the means ---- in order to be
heard and change our environment according to
our own version of reality. Yukardaki cmlede yer alan bolua en uygun
cmleyi bulunuz.
Yukardaki cmlede yer alan bolua en uygun
cmleyi bulunuz. A) whether the war against terrorism will go
beyond simply fighting extremists
B) while terrorism will continue to be a problem
A) how it enables us to be fully participating C) when terrorism started to spread into their
members of our community territories
B) because of its role in sharing and challenging D) if they had formed such an alliance to fight
values and information terrorism
C) that it prepares you to be a more effective E) that they would not defeat global terrorism
D) through which we express ourselves
E) why it is an essential element of a democratic

Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm:
Cevap: E
Cevap: D
The Prime Minister warned world leaders that they
would not defeat global terrorism unless they united to
Communication is the means through which we show the same determination as the terrorists.
express ourselves in order to be heard and
change our environment according to our own UNLESS = IF NOT : -mad srece, -mazsa
version of reality.

through --> araclyla Babakan dnya liderlerini terristler gibi ayn kararll
gstermek iin bir araya gelmedikleri srece kresel
Means through which --->kendimizi (iletiimle) terrizmin yenilmeyecei konusunda uyard.
ifade ettiimiz ara

letiim duyulmak ve kendi gereimize gre

evremizi deitirmek iin kendimizi ifade
ettiimiz bir aratr.

~ 64 ~

3- It is self-destructive for you to complain about a life 4- ....... and this is causing a lot of resentment
that you chose for yourself; ---- why you make so especially among those who are older than
many bad decisions. him.

Yukardaki cmlede yer alan bolua en uygun Yukardaki cmlede yer alan bolua en
cmleyi bulunuz. uygun cmleyi bulunuz.

A) but you mustn't blame your problems on other A) All of the employees at the company I now
people work for are really competent
B) since you should take responsibility for your B) The boss had promised to give everyone
life a bonus and a pay rise
C) when you talk to your friends about our C) The new supervisor is the youngest
problems person on the staff
D) instead, you should try to understand D) The whole staff have decided not to work
E) because you have tremendous freedom to overtime this week
spend your life as you please E) New graduates have a lot of theoretical
knowledge but no practical experience

Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm;
Cevap: D
It is self-destructive for you to complain about a life that
you chose for yourself; instead, you should try to The new supervisor is the youngest person on the
understand why you make so many bad decisions. staff and this is causing a lot of resentment especially
among those who are older than him.
Instead = bunun yerine
Anlam ve yap asndan en uygun yant C
Kendin setiin bir yaamdan ikayet etmek kendine seeneidir.
zarardr; bunun yerine neden bu kadar kt kararlar ''And '' kullanldna gre, kendisiyle zt olmayan
aldn anlamaya almalsn. ,alakal bir bilgiden bahsedilmesi gerekmektedir.

yerinde yeni gzetmen en gen insan ve zellikle

kendisinden byk olan insanlar arasndakzgnla
sebep oluyor.

~ 65 ~

eviri: ngilizce Trke 2- Scientists working in the nuclear industry claim that
the risk of radioactive waste escaping from one of
1- In Britain, around 250 ports all round the country's their plants during routine operation is very small
long coastline handle more than 350 million tones
of goods a year.
Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun Trke evirisini
Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun Trke evirisini bulunuz.
A) Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar,
A) ngiltere'nin uzun ky eridindeki 250 liman, kk santrallerden birinin bakm srasnda
ylda 350 milyon ton civarnda mal ilemden szan radyoaktivitenin gerekten ok tehlikeli
geirebilecek kapasitededir. olduunu ileri sryorlar.
B) ngiltere ok uzun bir ky eridine sahip olduu B) Bilim adamlar, nkleer endstride alan
iin, 250'den fazla limanda ylda yaklak 350 birinin, santrallerin rutin bakm srasnda szan
milyon ton malla ilgilenebilmektedir. radyoaktiviteye maruz kalma riskinin gerekten
C) ngiltere'de, lkenin uzun ky eridindeki 250 ok az olduunu sylyorlar.
dolaynda liman ylda 350 milyon tondan fazla C) Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar,
malla ilgilenmektedir. santrallerden birinin rutin bakm srasnda
D) ngiltere'nin uzun ky eridinde yaklak 250 szan radyoaktivite tehlikesinin gerekten ok
liman vardr ve ylda 350 milyon tonun kk olduunu iddia ediyorlar.
zerinde mal bu limanlarda ilemden D) Bilim adamlar, nkleer santrallerin bakm
gemektedir. srasnda szan radyoaktif maddenin boa
E) 250'den fazla limanda yaklak 350 milyon ton gitmesinin gerek bir kayp olduuna dikkati
malla ilgilenebilmesi, ngiltere'nin ok uzun bir ekiyorlar.
ky eridine sahip olmas sayesinde E) Bilim adamlar, santrallerin bakm srasnda

gerekleebilmektedir. radyoaktif maddelerin szabildiini, ancak bu

tehlikenin gerekten ok kk olduunu
Aklamal zm: belirtiyorlar.

Cevap C

Aklamal zm:
Soru cmlesi: In Britain, around 250 ports all round the
country's long coastline handle more than 350 million
tones of goods a year. Cevap C

ngiltere'de, lkenin uzun ky eridindeki 250 dolaynda Soru cmlesi: Scientists working in the nuclear
liman ylda 350 milyon tondan fazla industry claim that the risk of radioactive waste
malla ilgilenmektedir. escaping from one of their plants during routine
operation is very small indeed.
Ana fiil handle Simple present - Active (+)
Nkleer endstride alan bilim adamlar, santrallerden
Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl birinin rutin bakm srasnda szan radyoaktivite
ilgilenmektedir ya da ilgileniyor tehlikesinin gerekten ok kk olduunu iddia
Alternatif idare etmektedir / elden geirmektedir Ana fiil claim
idare ediyor / elden geiyor Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl iddia
Yklemler asndan seenekleri analiz edecek
olursak, B seenei yklemindeki yetenek / thatden sonraki cmlemiz ngilizcede "Noun
yeterlilik anlam (ilgilenebilmektedir) soru Clause" diye adlandrlan ve bir cmlede grevi zne
kknde bulunmadndan elenecektir, daha doru veya nesne olmak olan "sim cmlesi" yani yan
ekilde seeneklere cmlemizdir. Bu nedenle bu cmlenin fiili ana fiil deil
yansyan "ilgilenmektedir" ykleminin bulunduu C yardmc fiil olacaktr. Yklemleri asndan seenekler
seenei doru yant olacaktr. incelendiinde tm seenekler elenir geriye yalnzca C
seenei kalr.

~ 66 ~

3- The secretary in the office not only showed me how 4- In job training is an inevitable consequence of the
to use the computer but helped me load the data rapidly changing technologies and applications.
as well.
Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun Trke evirisini
Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun Trke evirisini bulunuz.
A) Hzla deien teknolojilerin uygulanabilmesi
A) Bilgisayarn nasl kullanldn bilmediim iin iin kanlmaz olarak meslek ii eitim
verileri girme konusunda brodaki sekreterden gerekmektedir.
yardm istedim. B) Teknolojinin hzla gelimesi sonucu mesleki
B) Brodaki sekreter verileri girerken, bir taraftan eitim daha bir nem kazanmtr.
da bilgisayarn nasl kullanldn bana C) Teknolojilerin hzla deimesi, bunlarn
gsterdi. uygulanabilmesi iin meslek ii eitimi zorunlu
C) Brodaki sekreter ne bilgisayar kullanma ne klmaktadr.
de verileri girme konusunda bana yardmc D) Deien teknolojiler ve bunlarn uygulamalar
oldu. sonucu mesleki eitim kanlmaz olmutur.
D) Hem veri girme hem de bilgisayarn incelikleri E) Meslek ii eitim hzla deien teknolojilerin ve
konusunda brodaki sekreterden bir hayli uygulamalarn kanlmaz bir sonucudur.
yardm aldm.
E) Brodaki sekreter, bilgisayar nasl
kullanacam gstermekle kalmad, verileri
girmeme de yardm etti.
Aklamal zm: Cevap E
Aklamal zm: Cevap E
Soru cmlesi: The secretary in the office NOT Soru cmlesi: In job training is + (an inevitable

ONLY showed me how to use the consequence) adj. phrase of the rapidly changing
computer BUT helped me load the data AS WELL. technologies and applications.

Meslek ii eitim hzla deien teknolojilerin ve

Brodaki sekreter, bilgisayar
uygulamalarn kanlmaz bir sonucudur.
nasl kullanacam gstermekle KALMADI, verileri girm
eme DE yardm etti. Ana fiil is Simple present / Active (+)

Ana fiiller showed ve helped S. Past Active (+)

Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl -dir / -dr, -
Doru ekimlenmi Trke karl dur / -dr,-tr / -tir,-tur / -tr ya da eviriye katlmaz.
gstermekle KALMADI ya DA yardm
etti veya YALNIZCA gstermedi AYNI ZAMANDA
ya DA yardm etti (Not only but also/as well / Devamndaki Adjective Phrase ile birlikte evirisi
too balacnn katt anlamla yorumlandnda)
(kanlmaz bir sonucu) adj. phrase + dur.
Sorunun zmnde Trkeye (Yalnzca deil ayn
zamanda da veya . ile kalmad . da yapt)
Yukardaki bilgiler dorultusunda seenekler
eklinde evrilen (Not only but also / as well / too)
incelendiinde E kknn doru yant olduu
balacnn anlamna hakim olmak nem tayacaktr. aikardr.
Yklemleri asndan seenekler analiz
edildiinde doru yantn C veya E seenei olaca
anlalmaktadr, fakat yukarda bahsettiimiz balacn
cmleye katt anlam da dnldnde doru
yantn E seenei olduu anlalacaktr.

Not: ngilizcede de cmlede kullanlan bala saysnn

bir fazlas sayda ana fiile ihtiya duyulur, bu soruda bir
bala kullanldndan cmle iki ana fiile sahiptir.

~ 67 ~

eviri: Trke ngilizce 2- Onun almasn blmek yerine, neden odasna

bir tepsi yiyecek karmyorsun?
1- Birka ay birlikte alnca, onu daha yakndan
tanma frsatm oldu. Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun ngilizce
evirisini bulunuz.

Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun ngilizce A) Rather than disturbing her studies, why don't
evirisini bulunuz. you take a tray of food up to her room?
B) Instead of interrupting her studies, you had
A) I had the chance to get to know him better better take some food up to her room.
during the few occasions we worked together. C) In order not to interrupt her while studying,
B) I was able to find out more about him when we would you take a tray of food up to her room?
worked together for a few months. D) Why don't you take some food up to her room,
C) I've had the opportunity to know him better if she doesn't want to disturb her studies?
since we started to work together a few E) I'd recommend taking a tray of food up to her
months ago. room rather than disturbing her studies.
D) When we worked a few months together, I had
the opportunity to know him better.
E) When we came in close contact for a few
months because of work, I had the chance to
know him very well.
Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm:
Cevap A
Cevap D

Soru cmlesi: Birka ay birlikte alINCA*, onu daha Soru cmlesi: Onun almasn
yakndan tanma frsatm oldu. blmek YERNE*, neden odasna bir tepsi
yiyecek karmyorsun?
When* we worked a few months together, I had the
opportunity to know him better. *RATHER THAN disturbing her studies, *WHY DON'T
YOU take a tray of food up to her room?
When* = Trkeye ( - dnda / - diinde / - nca / -
ince / - ken) eklinde evrilebilen zaman balac.
Yklem (Ana fiil) = karmak - Sim. Pre. / Active (?)
Yklem (ana fiil) = frsatm oldu ( sahip olma anlam ) - (-)
Sim. Past / Active (+)
Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = take
Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = had the smt./smb. Up
*RATHER THAN = Trkeye " yerine / - makdansa /
Alternatif = had the chance
- mek yerine / - dense / - den ziyade" eklinde
evrilen yap.
Yukardaki bilgiler nda seenekler analiz edilirse, ilk
aamada A, D ve E seenekleri arasnda dnlebilir,
fakat A seeneinde "when" balac *WHY DON'T YOU/WE + V1 = evirisi kullanlan fiile
yerine "esnasnda" eklinde Trkeye bal deien ve sadece "you" ve "we" zneleriyle
evrilen "during" edat kullanlm ve soru kknde kullanlabilen, temel olarak "Neden etmiyorsun /
bulunandan farkl olarak "birka defa = few occasions" etmiyoruz?" eklinde Trkeye evrilen teklif anlam
ifadesine yer verilmitir. E seenei ise yklemi ve barndran yap.
balac asndan kabul edilebilir olsa da, soru
kknde deinilmeyen "we came in close contact for a Bu bilgiler dorultusunda seenekler ele
few months because of work = i sebebiyle birka alndnda doru yantn A seenei olaca
aylna yakn iliki kurduk" ifadesine yer verdiinden anlalmaktr.
elenir ve geriye doru yant olan D seenei kalr.

~ 68 ~

3- Kazalarn byk bir ounluu ihmalden 4- tiraf etmeliyim ki is gerei yurt dna kmak
kaynaklanmaktadr. benim iin ilgin bir deneyim olacak.

Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun ngilizce Yukardaki cmlenin en uygun ngilizce

evirisini bulunuz. evirisini bulunuz.

A) Negligence is the major cause of almost all A) I have to admit that it will be necessary for me
accidents. to go abroad to become experienced in my
B) Most accidents occur when drivers don't take job.
the necessary precautions. B) I must confess that it will be an interesting
C) Major accidents are usually the result of experience for me to go abroad on business.
reckless driving. C) I'm interested in going abroad on business to
D) Negligent drivers are usually responsible for become experienced in my job.
major accidents. D) I claim that going abroad on business will be
E) The great majority of accidents are caused by an interesting experience for me.
negligence. E) I must admit that going abroad on business
was an interesting experience for me.
Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm: Cevap B
Cevap E
Soru cmlesi: tiraf etmeliyim K i gerei yurt dna
Soru cmlesi: Kazalarn byk bir kmak benim iin ilgin bir deneyim olacak.
ounluu ihmalden kaynaklanmaktadr.
I must confess that it will be an interesting experience
The great majority of accidents are caused by for me to go abroad on business.

Yklem (ana fiil) = itiraf etmeliyim - zne ben
zne = Kazalarn byk bir ounluu olduundan - Pre. Zorunluluk ifadesi / Active (+)
ngilizce karl = The great majority of accidents
Yklem (ana fiil) = kaynaklanmaktadr - Sim. Pre. / Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = must / have
Passive / (+) to confess / admit
Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = are caused
Alternatif = result from ( - den kaynaklanmak)
Nesne = i gerei yurt dsna kmak benim iin ilgin bir
deneyim olacak. (Noun Clause = sim Cmlesi)
zne ve yklemler asndan seenekler
incelendiinde, doru yantn E seenei olduu
Doru ekimlenmi ngilizce karl = that* it will be
an interesting experience for me to go abroad on

*that = cmlelerin nne gelerek onlar isime dntren

Noun Clause belirteci

nemli Not: that belirteci ile elde

edilen nesne grevindeki Noun Clause
cmlelerinde that Trkeye ki eklinde evrilebilir.

Yklemler asndan seenekler incelenecek olursa, C

ve D seenekleri elenir. A seeneinde soru
kknde bulunmayan it will be necessary = gerekli
olacak ve to become experienced in my job = iimde
tecrbeli olmak iin ifadelerine yer verilmitir. E
seeneinde ise soru kknde gelecek zaman ile
anlatlan ilgin bir deneyim olma ifadesi gemi
zaman belirten was ile ifade edilmitir, bu nedenlerden
tr doru yant B seenei olmaldr.

~ 69 ~

Paragraf Sorular (3 Soru)

Rooted in an African tradition of capturing evil spirits in
glass bottles, "bottle trees" were once common in the
rural pails of the southern USA. Tradition held that the
night wind blowing past the glass caused trapped spirits
to cry until the morning sun destroyed them. Folklore
experts believe the practice came to the US with slaves
from central and western Africa. Today, whites as well as
blacks erect bottle trees in their gardens by placing
various coloured bottles on the branches of trees.
Though the trees look much like the ones of the past,
those constructed nowadays are simply for decoration as
the belief in the evil spirits of the night has died away,
leaving behind only the physical form of the traditional
protection against them.

Soru 1: From the belief related in the passage, we Soru 3: As is related in the passage, the bottle trees
can infer that people used to believe that ..... . of today's southern US ..... .

A) spirits trapped in bottles were freed by the wind A) are no longer particularly effective against
B) spirits did not really mind being trapped in the evil spirits of the night
bottles B) are much simpler in design but work just as
C) decorative bottles would attract good spirits well as the old ones
D) there were more evil spirits in Africa than in C) look more attractive than they did in the past
America and are more common

E) sunlight was harmful to the spirits of the night D) resemble those made in the past but serve a
different function
E) are more likely to be found in the gardens of
white people than black

Soru 2: According to folklore experts, ..... .

A) slaves who were brought to the US arrived

carrying various coloured bottles
B) the African experience of slavery created the
belief in evil spirits of the night
C) nowadays it is white Southerners who
believe in the spirits of the night
D) more bottle trees are found in Africa than in
the southern United States
E) the practice of making bottle trees occurred
in Africa before it did in the USA

~ 70 ~

zm 2: Cevap: E zm 2: Cevap: E

Okuma Paras: Okuma Paras:

Rooted in an African tradition of capturing evil spirits Rooted in an African tradition of capturing evil spirits
in glass bottles, "bottle trees" were once common in the in glass bottles, "bottle trees" were once common in the
rural pails of the southern USA. Tradition held that the rural pails of the southern USA. Tradition held that the
night wind blowing past the glass caused trapped night wind blowing past the glass caused trapped spirits
spirits to cry until the morning sun destroyed to cry until the morning sun destroyed them. Folklore
them. Folklore experts believe the practice came to the experts believe the practice came to the US with
US with slaves from central and western Africa. Today, slaves from central and western Africa. Today,
whites as well as blacks erect bottle trees in their whites as well as blacks erect bottle trees in their
gardens by placing various coloured bottles on the gardens by placing t t bottles on the T of trees. Though
branches of trees. Though the trees look much like the the trees look much like the ones of the past, those
ones of the past, those constructed nowadays are constructed nowadays are simply for decoration as the
simply for decoration as the belief in the evil spirits of belief in the evil spirits of the night has died away,
the night has died away, leaving behind only the leaving behind only the physical form of the traditional
physical form of the traditional protection against them. protection against them.

Aklama: Aklama:

From the belief related in the passage, we can infer According to folklore experts, ..... .
that people used to believe that ..... .

A) spirits trapped in bottles were freed by the A) slaves who were brought to the US arrived carrying

wind (yanl bilgi) various coloured bottles (yanl bilgi)

B) spirits did not really mind being trapped B) the African experience of slavery created the belief
in bottles (yanl bilgi) in evil spirits of the night (yanl bilgi)
C) decorative bottles would attract good C) nowadays it is white Southerners who believe in
spirits (yanl bilgi) the spirits of the night (yanl bilgi)
D) there were more evil spirits in Africa thanin D) more bottle trees are found in Africa than in the
America (yanl bilgi) southern United States (yanl bilgi)
E) sunlight was harmful to the spirits of the night E) the practice of making bottle trees occurred in
Africa before it did in the USA

Dikkat! Dikkat!

Sorunun cevabn '' Tradition held that the night wind Parada yer alan '' Folklore experts believe the
blowing past the glass caused trapped spirits to cry practice came to the US with slaves from central
until the morning sun destroyed them. '' and western Africa. ''cmlesinde, uzmanlarn bu
cmlesindeki '' until the morning sun destroyed them '' gelenein Amerika'ya merkez veya Bat Afrika 'dan
ksmndan karabiliriz. ''sabah gnei onlar gelen kleler tarafndan getirildiine
(gecenin ruhu) yok edene kadar '' ifadesi bize E inandklarndan bahsedilmitir. Bu dorultuda E
seeneinde verilen '' gne gece ruhuna seeneinde verilen '' uzmanlara gre, cam aalar
zararldr'' ifadesini dorulamaktadr. yapma gelenei Afrika'da , Amerika'ya gre daha
nce balamtr '' ifadesi doru yant olarak karmza

~ 71 ~

zm 3: Cevap: D

Okuma Paras:

Rooted in an African tradition of capturing evil spirits

in glass bottles, "bottle trees" were once common in the
rural pails of the southern USA. Tradition held that the
night wind blowing past the glass caused trapped spirits
to cry until the morning sun destroyed them. Folklore
experts believe the practice came to the US with slaves
from central and western Africa. Today, whites as well
as blacks erect bottle trees in their gardens by placing
various coloured bottles on the branches of
trees. Though the trees look much like the ones of
the past, those constructed nowadays are simply
for decoration as the belief in the evil spirits of the
night has died away, leaving behind only the
physical form of the traditional protection against


As is related in the passage, the bottle trees of

today's southern US ..... .

A) are no longer particularly effective against the

evil spirits of the night (yanl bilgi)
B) are much simpler in design but work just as
well as the old ones (yanl bilgi)
C) look more attractive than they did in the past
and are more common (yanl bilgi)
D) resemble those made in the past but serve a
different function
E) are more likely to be found in the gardens of
white people than black (yanl bilgi)


Parann son cmlesinde verilen '' Though the trees

look much like the ones of the past, those
constructed nowadays are simply for decoration as
the belief in the evil spirits of the night has died
away, leaving behind only the physical form of the
traditional protection against them '' ifadesinde
, bugn Amerika'da yaplan bu aalarn gemitekilere
benzediinden, fakat gnmzde yaplanlarn
dekorasyon amacyla yapldndan bahsedilmitir.
Dolaysyla D seeneinde yer alan '' bugn Gney
Amerika'da yaplan bu aaar gemitekilere
benziyor fakat farkl bir fonksiyona hizmet
ediyorlar'' ifadesi dorudur.

~ 72 ~

E Anlam Sorular 2- In Florida and New York, someone cannot obtain a

driver's license without a social security card or a
1- Not all people are sensitive enough to think about US passport.
the sufferings of others.
Yukardaki cmleye anlamca en yakn cmleyi
Yukardaki cmleye anlamca en yakn cmleyi
A) In Florida and New York, if a person wants to
obtain a driver's license, he or she has to have
A) There aren't enough people who care when
both a social security card and a US passport.
others are in torment.
B) It is possible to obtain a driver's license without
B) All the people don't really care about the
a social security card or a US passport only in
sufferings of others.
Florida and New York.
C) Those in despair are ignored by many
C) In Florida and New York, in order to get a
uncaring people.
driver's license, a person has to have either a
D) Most people have no compassion for those
social security card or a US passport.
who are troubled.
D) In Florida and New York, if you apply for a
E) A few people show great kindness to others
driver's license, you have to apply for a social
who are distressed.
security card as well.
E) In Florida and New York, even if you have a
US passport, you can't obtain a driver's license
unless you have a social security card.

Aklamal zm: Aklamal zm:

Cevap: B Cevap: C

Soru cmlesi: Not all people are sensitive enough Soru cmlesi: In Florida and New York, someone
to think about the sufferings of others. cannot obtain a driver's license without a social security
card or a US passport.
** Tm insanlar dierlerini incitme konusunda
dnecek kadar hassas deildir. ** Florida ve New York'ta , herhangi birisi sosyal
gvenlik kart veya Amerika pasaportu olmadan src
B seenei : All the people don't really care about belgesi alamaz.
the sufferings of others.
C seenei:In Florida and New York, in order to get a
** Tm insanlar dierlerini incitme driver's license, a person has to have either a social
konusunu gerekten nemsemezler. security card or a US passport.
**Florida ve New York'ta , src belgesi almak iin, bir
insan ya sosyal gvenlik kartna ya da Amerika
pasaportuna sahip olmak zorundadr.

~ 73 ~

3- Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of 4- Students should not try to write down everything
the medical profession women are in minority. they hear in a lecture, but just make a summary of
the most important points.
Yukardaki cmleye anlamca en yakn cmleyi
bulunuz. Yukardaki cmleye anlamca en yakn cmleyi
A) Although the majority of nurses are women,
only a small number work in the higher ranks A) Because many students don't want to miss
of the medical profession. any important point, they write everything
down they hear in a lecture.
B) The vast majority of nurses are women;
B) Since it is difficult to write everything down in a
however, the percentage of men in the field lecture, many students just make a summary
has increased slightly. of the most important points.
C) Since women were not allowed to work in the C) Although it is easier to sum up the most
higher ranks of the medical profession, they important points, students try to write down
worked as nurses. everything they hear in a lecture.
D) Despite the fact that there are higher medical D) While some students write everything down in
a lecture, others only sum up the general
professions, women have to start their career
as a nurse. E) Instead of writing down everything during a
E) More women serve in the field of nursing than lecture, students should try to sum up the most
in any other profession. important points.

Aklamal zm:

Aklamal zm:
Cevap: E
Cevap: A

Soru cmlesi:Students should not try to write down

Soru cmlesi:Most nurses are women, but in the
everything they hear in a lecture, but just make a
higher ranks of the medical profession women are in
summary of the most important points.
** renciler bir derste duyduu her eyi yazmamallar ,
***ou hemire kadndr fakat daha yksek rtbedeki
sadece en nemli noktalarn zetini yapmallar.
tbbi kadn personel aznlktadr.
E seenei:Instead of writing down everything during a
A seenei: Although the majority of nurses are
lecture, students should try to sum up the most
women, only a small number work in the higher ranks of
important points.
the medical profession.
**Bir ders boyunca her eyi yazmak yerine, renciler
*** Hemirelerin ounluu kadn olmasna ramen,
en nemli noktalar zetlemeye almallar.
daha yksek rtbedeki tbbi personelde sadece kk
bir ksm alr.

~ 74 ~

Paragraf Tamamlama 2- Human ancestors in Africa and Europe were

making relatively advanced large stone tools like
axes hundreds of thousands of years ago. . This
supports a theory that the region was
1- Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be geographically and thus culturally and perhaps
caused by rises in the prices of raw materials. ---- genetically, isolated.
Large wage rises can lead to inflation, too. If
workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of Yukardaki paragrafta bolua gelmesi gereken
living rises. cmleyi bulunuz.
Yukardaki paragrafta bolua gelmesi gereken A) Modern versions can be found in almost every
cmleyi bulunuz. shop
B) Large stone flakes had been chipped into
cutting shapes
A) Very few countries experienced high inflation C) No similar tools from that time, however, had
B) It was a general rise in prices across the been found in Asia
economy D) They were made from a variety of different
C) Factories have to pay more for their raw kinds of stone
materials, and as a result they have to put up E) They were as technologically advanced as
the prices of their products their counterparts in Africa
D) In some factories workers in factories were
often underpaid
E) Central Banks can reduce inflation through
other operations

Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm:

Cevap: C
Cevap: C

Human ancestors in Africa and Europe were making

Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused relatively advanced large stone tools like axes hundreds
by rises in the prices of raw materials.Factories have to of thousands of years ago. No similar tools from that
pay more for their raw materials, and as a result they time, however, had been found in Asia. This supports a
have to put up the prices of their products.Large wage theory that the region was geographically and thus
rises can lead to inflation, too. If workers are paid more, culturally and perhaps genetically, isolated.
prices go up and the cost of living rises.

Parada boluktan nceki cmlede, Afrika'da ,

Parada boluktan nceki cmlelerde, enflasyona Avrupa'da balta gibi gelimi ta aletlerin
birok eyin sebep olduundan ve ham maddelerin yzbinlerce yl nce yaplmakta
fiyatlarndaki artlarn da enflasyona sebep olduundan bahsedilmitir. Boluktan sonraki cmlede
olabileceinden bahsedilmitir. Doru yant ise C ise '' bu , blgenin corafi ve kltrel adan yada
seeneinde yer alan '' Fabrikalar ham maddelere genetik olarak izole edildii teorisini destekliyor ''
daha ok para demek zorundadlar ve sonu ifadesine yer verilmitir. Buna gre bolua gelebilecek
olarak rnlerin fiyatlarna zam koymak zorunda en uygun yant C seeneinde yer alan
kalrlar '' ifadesidir. Devamnda ise '' Byk fiyat '' Ancak Asya'da bu zamana ait dierlerine
artlar da enflasyona sebep olabilir. Eer iiler benzemeyen aletler bulunmutur '' ifadesidir
daha ok alrsa, fiyatlar artar ve yaam fiyatda
ykselir. '' ifadesi yer almtr.

~ 75 ~

3- People do not analyse every problem they meet. 4- In 1971, the great Persian Empire celebrated the
Sometimes they try to remember a solution from 2500th anniversary of its founding. . His son
the last time they had a similar problem. ----Other Cambyses succeeded him, conquering Egypt and
times they begin to act without thinking. They try to expanding the empire. Darius I followed him and
find a solution by trial and error. However, when all was probably the most famous of this long line of
these methods fail, the person with a problem has kings.
to start analyzing.
Yukardaki paragrafta bolua gelmesi gereken
Yukardaki paragrafta bolua gelmesi gereken cmleyi bulunuz.
cmleyi bulunuz.
A) The magnificent city of Persepolis, founded in
A) There are some stages in analysing a problem 518 B.C., was a ceremonial centre
B) They often accept the opinions or ideas of B) Under his rule, the empire stretched as far as
other people India
C) Humans are the only creatures that invent new C) Governors were placed in charge of the
technologies to solve problems provinces
D) As humans evolved, so did the complexity of D) Its founder was Cyrus the Great, who
our problems proclaimed himself the King of Kings
E) Problem solving is one of those abilities that E) The great Persian Empire extended from the
allegedly distinguishes human beings from shores of the Mediterranean right away to the
other animals east

Aklamal zm: Aklamal zm:

Cevap: B Cevap: D

People do not analyse every problem they meet. In 1971, the great Persian Empire celebrated the
Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the 2500th anniversary of its founding. Its founder was
last time they had a similar problem.They often accept Cyrus the Great, who proclaimed himself the King of
the opinions or ideas of other people.Other times Kings. His son Cambyses succeeded him, conquering
they begin to act without thinking. They try to find a Egypt and expanding the empire. Darius I followed him
solution by trial and error. However, when all these and was probably the most famous of this long line
methods fail, the person with a problem has to start of kings.

Parada boluktan sonraki cmlede ''his son '' ifadesi

Parada boluktan nceki cmlelerde '' insanlarn bizim iin ok nemli bir ipucudur. Kendisinden nceki
karlatklar her problemleri analiz cmlede birinden (he) bahsedimesi gerektiini gsterir.
edemediklerinden , bazen benzer bir sorunla Dolaysyla seeneklere bakldnda en uygun yant D
karlatklarnda bir ncekinde yaptklar eyi seeneinde yer alan '' Kurucusu (its founder -->
hatrlamaya altklarndan'' bahsedilmitir. (the founder of Persian Empire) kendisini krallarn
Boluktan sonraki cmlede ise '' dier kral olarak deklare eden Byk Cyrus 'tur. ''
zamanlar insanlar dnmeden hareket etmeye ifadesidir.
balarlar '' ifadesi yer almaktadr . Bu bilgiler nda
bolua gelebilecek en uygun yant B seeneinde yer
alan '' Onlar sk sk dier insanlarn dnce ve
fikirlerini kabul ederler '' ifadesidir.

~ 76 ~

Anlam Bozan Cmle 2- (I) A volcanic island is born only after a long and
violent struggle between the forces of the earth and
the sea. (II) Such a brief intrusion of earth in the
vast, overwhelming expanse of sea has always
1- (I) Differences in climate and ecology explain the fascinated the human mind. (III) It begins to form
different kinds of organisms found in the past and when hot lava breaks through a cracked and
today. (II) The existence of giant insects and birds uneven part of the sea-bed where the earth's crust
suggests that something was very different in the is weak. (IV) Unlike the land volcano, it has to
past. (III) Attempts to link culture with climate and build upwards despite the immense water-pressure
ecology have an old history. (IV) Perhaps the air until it finally reaches the surface. (V) Even then it
pressure was higher and some past catastrophe is too soft to withstand the waves and remains
caused much of the earth's atmosphere to be lost underwater until the cone is pushed into the air
to space. (V) Perhaps the composition of the from below and the lava hardens.
atmosphere was somewhat different

Yukardaki paragrafta anlamca uygun olmayan Yukardaki paragrafta anlamca uygun olmayan
cmleyi bulunuz. cmleyi bulunuz.


Aklamal zm: Aklamal zm:

Cevap: C Cevap: B

(I) Differences in climate and ecology explain the (I) A volcanic island is born only after a long and
different kinds of organisms found in the past and violent struggle between the forces of the earth and
today. (II) The existence of giant insects and birds the sea. (II) Such a brief intrusion of earth in the
suggests that something was very different in the vast, overwhelming expanse of sea has always
past. (III) Attempts to link culture with climate fascinated the human mind. (III) It begins to form
and ecology have an old history. (IV) Perhaps when hot lava breaks through a cracked and
the air pressure was higher and some past uneven part of the sea-bed where the earth's crust
catastrophe caused much of the earth's is weak. (IV) Unlike the land volcano, it has to
atmosphere to be lost to space. (V) Perhaps the build upwards despite the immense water-pressure
composition of the atmosphere was somewhat until it finally reaches the surface. (V) Even then it
different. is too soft to withstand the waves and remains
underwater until the cone is pushed into the air
Aklama: from below and the lava hardens.

Parann hi bir cmlesinde ''iklim ve ekolojiyi

kltrle balamak''la ilgili bir ifade yer almazken,
(III). cmlede byle bir bilgiye yer verilerek konu Aklama:
dna klm ve anlam btnl bozulmutur.
Parada genel olarak iklim ve ekolojide meydana Parada bir volkanik adann oluumundan
gelen deiimlerin gemi ve gnmzdeki farkl bahsedilirken, (II). cmlede denizin genilemesinin
organizmalarla ilikisinden bahsedilmitir insanlar her zaman etkilediinden bahsedilerek
temel konudan uzaklalmtr ve bylece parann
anlam btnl bozulmutur.

~ 77 ~

3- (I) The term "workaholic" is used to describe 4- (I) In 2001 Argentina's debt became so big that the
someone who works too much. (II) Usually it is not country actually went bankrupt. (II) Even though
solely the person's ambition that causes excessive the crisis was not fully over, the Argentinean
work, but the circumstances of modern life. (Ill) economy was much calmer. (III) To fight the
Yet, according to scientists it is a genuine medical problem of inflation, it tied its currency, the peso, to
condition. (IV) They define it as an insidious the US dollar, but soon Argentina began to import
disease where work permeates every area of a more than it exported. (IV) To cover the difference,
person's life. (V) Like an alcoholic, sufferers the government borrowed more and more from
recognize the problem only as a crisis, such as a foreign banks and institutions. (V) In the end,
breakdown or a divorce despite being a relatively rich country, Argentina
could not pay her debts.
Yukardaki paragrafta anlamca uygun olmayan
cmleyi bulunuz. Yukardaki paragrafta anlamca uygun olmayan
cmleyi bulunuz.


Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm:
Cevap: B
Cevap: B

(I) In 2001 Argentina's debt became so big that the

(I) The term "workaholic" is used to describe country actually went bankrupt. (II) Even though
someone who works too much. (II) Usually it is the crisis was not fully over, the Argentinean
not solely the person's ambition that causes economy was much calmer. (III) To fight the
excessive work, but the circumstances of problem of inflation, it tied its currency, the peso, to
modern life. (Ill) Yet, according to scientists it is a the US dollar, but soon Argentina began to import
genuine medical condition. (IV) They define it as an more than it exported. (IV) To cover the difference,
insidious disease where work permeates every the government borrowed more and more from
area of a person's life. (V) Like an alcoholic, foreign banks and institutions. (V) In the end,
sufferers recognize the problem only as a crisis, despite being a relatively rich country, Argentina
such as a breakdown or a divorce. could not pay her debts.

Aklama: Aklama:

Parada genel olarak ''ikoliin'' tanmyla ilgili Parada Arjantin'in borlar yznden karlatklar
bilgi verilirken, (II). cmlede ikolik olmann problemlerden ve lkenin bu yzden iflas
sebepleri verilmitir ve bu yzden konudan etmesinden bahsedilirken, (II). cmlede olumlu bir
uzaklalarak parann anlam btnl ifade yer alarak anlam btnl bozulmutur.

~ 78 ~

2- Donna: Did you hear that Pete and Pauline have

just got engaged?
Tracey : Never !..........
Dialog Sorular Donna: Well, it seems that Pete doesn't care
about that.
Aadaki sorularda karlkl konuman bo braklan ksmn
tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. A) Dawn told me they'd split up.
B) What a wonderful piece of news.
C) I don't think I'd fancy marrying him.
D) But she's so much older than him.
1- Mike: Hello. Nice to see you here.
E) Are you certain? Who told you?
Greg: Hello. You, too.
Mike: How is your brother?
Greg: My brother? Oh, he is fine.
Mike : .
Greg: That was probably his new girlfriend.

A) Does he have a girlfriend at the moment?

B) Why didn't he come to the party with you?
C) Who was the girl I saw him with last night?
D) I'd like to meet his new girlfriend.
E) How about his relations with girls?

Aklamal zm:
Aklamal zm:
Cevap: D

Cevap: C

Soru Cmlesi:
Soru Cmlesi:

Donna: Pete ve Pauline'nin nianlandn duydun mu?

Mike: Merhaba, seni burada grmek gzel Tracey: Never ! But she's so much older than
Greg: Merhaba, senide him.(Hi! Fakat o ondan ok daha yal)

Mike: Erkek kardein nasl? Donna: Bu Pete'nin umrunda deil gibi grnyor

Greg: Erkek kardeim? Ah, o iyi

Mike: Who was the girl I saw him with last night?
(Geen gece birlikte grdm kz kimdi?)
Greg: Muhtemelen kz arkadayd

~ 79 ~

3- Justine: Hey, look! Isn't that Graham's car 4- Harriet: Have you ever thought about changing
parked in the street? your job?
Marcus: No, it isn't the same model. Valerie : ..
Justine: Are you sure? It looks just like it. Harriet: Why didn't you tell me? How did it go?
Marcus : A) No, never. I'm really happy where I am now
Justine: Really? Nobody told me! B) Maybe sometime in the future, but not just yet.
C) Actually I had an interview for a new job yesterday.
A) Well, it's similar, I agree, but his has got D) I'm always thinking about it, but I've never done
different wheels. anything.
B) It's like his old car but he bought a new one on E) Yes, I'm starting a new job for an advertising
Saturday. company next week.
C) Just because the colour's the same doesn't
mean it's the same make!
D) Actually, I'm not sure. I can't see clearly
enough to be certain.
E) I have never met anyone who knows as little
about cars as you!

Aklamal zm: Aklamal zm:

Cevap: B Cevap: C

Soru Cmlesi: Soru Cmlesi:

Justine: Hey, bak! Caddede park edilen bu araba Harriet: ini deitirmeyi hi dndn m?
Graham'n deil mi?
Valerie: Actually I had an interview for a new job
Marcus: Hayr, ayn model deil yesterday.
Justine: Emin misin? Ayn onun gibi grnyor (Aslnda dn yeni bir i iin i grmem vard)
Marcus: Its like his old car but he bought a new Harriet: Neden bana sylemedin? Nasl geti?
one on Saturday.
(Eski arabas gibi fakat Cumartesi gn yeni bir
tane ald)
Justine: Really? Gerekten mi? Kimse sylemedi

~ 80 ~

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