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holy week and Easter

cultural renewal in our city

evangelism for a new world
celebrating growth

from david SPRING 2017
For the past month, I have been preaching about
the larger Biblical story what it means, how we understand it and
our role in that story now. It is a compelling story, to say the least,
because no matter where we may enter it, we can always find our-
selves. We can always find connections between the Biblical story
and our current circumstance. Perhaps we identify with Moses and
his lack of confidence, or David and his struggles with sexual temp-
tation, or Demas and his love of the world, or the bleeding woman
who, in her pain, simply reached out to touch Jesus. Regardless, we
are in it because the Bible is the story of all of us and Gods plan to
redeem our very broken lot.

Thus, while you find a lot of human failure in the Biblical story,
you find even more redemption. Yes, there is a lot of falling, but as
Helprin wrote so beautifully, there is also a lot of rising. Jesus de-
scended into death, the death we were due, but He rose from it. We
will celebrate that again at the Dr. Phillips Center in April. Therefore,
we should also find ourselves in THAT story. We rise at the speed of
falling. Whatever it is we have done, whatever circumstance we may
his life he had
find ourselves in, whatever pain we may be enduring, there will be suffered
that moment of rising, and the rising is sufficient to overwhelm the
scars of our falling. periods of
It may be difficult to imagine when we are sitting in the middle of
despair only
the valley, but the beauty of Gods plan is that our scars and wounds
get taken up in the larger story of Jesus rising. When He rose, His
to be lifted
scars remained. Thomas touched them. The scars that Jesus endured from them and
on the cross had been taken up into the larger glory of Gods re-
demptive purpose, and ours will as well. Heaven will be all the more
to rise at the
sweet and rich precisely because we were wounded and scarred, pre-
cisely because we were broken and flawed. As we learn in this life,
speed of
the thing that is lost and then found is treasured all the more simply falling.
because it was lost. Without the pain of losing, we would never know
the greater joy of finding, and so it is in Gods plan.

Persevere in whatever place God has you. Be in Gods Word and find
Mark helprin,
your place in the story, but dont forget to also find the ways in which
God is lifting you from it, for one day that will be wholly and completely
a soldier of the
true. In Christ, we rise with Him at the speed of our falling. May God great war.
bless you in this Lenten season as we remember His falling and rising.

With you in the journey,


spring 2017 -2- COLUMNS Magazine

and build
p. 9

contents SPRING 2017

events & highlights featured stories
an adapted excerpt from The Collaborative's 5-day study
05 SAVE THE DATE (so you dont miss the fun)
06 HOLY WEEK & EASTER the evolution of how First Pres shares the Gospel


The Christ School shares ideas for serving as a family
10 CELEBRATING ministry
20 RUNNING THE RACE by Rev. Jack Peebles
23 FAMILY news facing disappointment on the journey of discipleship

ways to grow
08 A LENTEN JOURNEY with Dr. Dan Sharp

22 STOP SIGN PRAYER with Kim Allen

spring 2017 -3-

EASTER in the city
For the last two years, weve April 16
hosted Easter worship services
for our city at the Dr. Phillips
Center for the Performing Arts.
Its an incredible opportunity
to welcome guests and visitors
who dont have a church home,
into our church family, and show
them the grace of Jesus Christ.

If you dont have a regular place

to serve, Easter is a great place
to plug in and help out on a
day when we need all hands on
deck. We want to create a warm
welcome and joyful celebration,
and wed love for you to be part
of the team at 9am or 11am.

Sign up!

sundays Extroverts needed to
welcome guests on
Sunday morning as part
of our Welcome Team.
Make new friends!

weekly Enjoy coffee and Bible

study with friends in the
homeless community at
Compassion Corner. Call
Spence at 407.383.8566.

weekly Tutors and mentors are

needed for elementary,
middle school and col-
lege students on Mercy
Drive. Email Jenny at LIFEFEST
April 27
save the date SPRING 2017
March April
Young at Heart Luncheon 3/3 VBS Registration Opens 4/1

LifeFest Registration Opens 3/6 Palm Sunday 4/9

Second Sunday 3/12 Maundy Thursday 4/13

Spring SESSION II School of Discipleship Good Friday 4/14

Classes Begin 3/26
Easter Sunday 4/16

Farm-to-Table Fundraising Dinner 4/27

LifeFest Family Retreat 4/28-30

Confirmation Sunday 5/14

Second Sunday 5/14

Holiday Weekend Worship 5/28 sign up & learn more

(9:45am & 11am Only)
Church Closed for Memorial Day 5/29

Legend Community Study & Discipleship Serving Worship & Prayer


begins April 9 save the date
June 26-30

spring 2017 -5-

a Holy season
What is Lent? In a me-centered world, Lent is an opportunity to take a mindful approach to your relationship
with God, and put Him at the forefront of your habits. Forty days are set aside, among other things, to be a kind
of reckoning with God. As you move day-by-day through these next forty days leading up to Easter Sunday,
may you see the health of your faith more clearly than ever before, as we journey with Jesus during His last
days on earth. Make these days a conscious effort to grow in faith.

Lent begins, and with it, Dr. Dan Sharps popular daily devotion series returns.
Read online or have them delivered to your email inbox each day. march 1
Sign up at

Ash Wednesday worship will be at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary on March 1. This day re-
minds us of our mortality and Christs great sufficiency. The ashes are a real, physical
reminder that we have come from dust originally and, in the end, we return to dust.
(Interactive 45-minute service, suitable for the whole family.)

The Last Days of Jesus, our 6-week Lenten sermon series begins. This series will look
at each day in the last week of Jesus life, beginning with Monday. march 5

Maundy Thursday worship will be at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. We will observe commu-
nion, and the Chancel Choir will lead worship with a creative presentation of the Faur april 13
Requiem. (70-minute service)

Good Friday worship will focus on the last hours of Jesus life as he commits himself to
the Cross. This year, our Jewish Christian friends will make a presentation of Christ and
the Passover. Participate, learn, and see the significance of this night in the context of april 14
Christs Jewish faith. 6:00pm in the Sanctuary. (60-minute service, suitable for the whole family.)

spring 2017 -6- COLUMNS Magazine


First Presbyterian Chruch of Orlando hosts Easter worship, April 16, 2017
9am & 11am at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Celebrate the hope of the resurrection with our city, and bring all your friends.

spring 2017 -7-

real life disciplines

the Lenten journey

Journeying with Jesus
day by day leads to a much
Many of us have taken loved ones to In an effort to help all of us grow
the hospital for surgery. We sit in the deeper grasp of the wonder in our walk with Christ, we have
waiting room during the process, see and significance of the provided a daily devotional for the
them in recovery, sit with them each resurrection. Lenten season. Similar to the Advent
day, take them home, go through Devotional, each day will take an Old
rehab with them, stay with them SUBSCRIBE AT FPCO.ORG/LENT Testament passage and the New Tes-
every day and, Lord willing, they tament fulfillment of that Scripture
eventually recover. There is great in showing how Jesus journey on
Hallelujah! Had so much more depth
joy in an ordeal that concludes with earth fulfilled his Fathers mission
of meaning. How does this sort of
good news. Restored health! Think to restore all people. This is entirely
thing happen? We visit the Lord
how different your response to your new material. Subscribe for FREE
every day.
loved ones recovery would be if you and the devotional will come in your
simply got a note that they had been email box every morning automati-
These daily reflections help us to
sick, but now were in good shape. cally. (You must re-subscribe if you
see the whole of Scripture and Gods
Youd be happy for them, but, I dare signed up for the Advent Devotional.)
plan. In seeing the connections, well
say, less impacted because you did As in previous devotionals, there are
begin to have a greater grasp of the
not go through the ordeal with them pictures of great art as well a musical
glory, wonder, and significance of
in person. You rejoiced from afar. links, and historic prayers includ-
the resurrection as well as begin to
ed in your devotional. Part of the
understand why the early church
I have had dozens of people tell me thought is that through the disci-
celebrated Easter, not as a single day,
after an Easter Sunday service how pline of spending time with the Lord
but as a whole season. The Resurrec-
much more meaningful and joyous each day in the Scriptures, we will
tion celebration continued for fifty
the time of worship was specifically continue that practice the rest of the
days, all the way to Pentecost.
because they had devotional time days of our life. This daily visita-
Some of us have heard about giving
each day of the Lenten season. In tion brings healing to you!
something up for Lent. I would like
addition, they journeyed with Jesus
to propose something a little differ-
from Palm Sunday through Maundy Dr. Dan Sharp, our Minister of Worship,
ent: what discipline could you take
Thursday, Good Friday, to Easter. oversees the Worship Arts department and
on for Lent? What would enable you
This gave them a deeper grasp of leads our Traditional worship service on
to have a Christ-focus each of the
the wonder and significance of the Sunday mornings.
forty days preceding Easter Sunday
resurrection. In one persons words,

spring 2017 -8- COLUMNS Magazine

funds given:
tithed to mission:
remaining to give:


a campaign update
ARISE AND BUILD is four-year capital campaign begun in October 2014, designed to free our
church from debt and fund foundational ministry. Our debt was paid off in January 2016, and we
only have $2.5 million left to raise of our $7.7 million goal.

Well renovate our Student Ministry this summer. The new gym at Mission Emanuel in the Dominican
The building plans are ready to renovate the 3rd floor Republic has been completed, made possible by ARISE
of Allen Yowell Hall, including a multi-purpose gathering AND BUILD and an extra $100,000 contributed by the
area, updated technology and AV resources, and wel- elders of our Session. See pictures and video online at
coming spaces for small groups and study. Continued
giving will ensure we can keep our summer timeline!
JOIN IN: If youre part of the First Pres family
Mission giving makes new spaces a reality in Mada- and youre not yet participating in ARISE AND
gascar and the Dominican Republic. Some of our First
BUILD, youre missing out! Your gift, however
Pres team were special guests at the ground breaking of
the Ivato Theological College new classroom building small or large, will help build the Kingdom of
in Madagascar (seen above). $100,000 of the campaign God. Contribute at
supports construction of the classroom building.

spring 2017 -9-

First Pres experienced a 15% increase in our

christmasgrowth worship attendance on Christmas Eve

from 2015 to 2016. (A special thanks to
our volunteers, who served on their holiday!)


collaborativecity Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer joined

The Collaborative for 6 questions and a
conversation on how we can love our city.


spring 2017 - 10 - COLUMNS Magazine

Author and speaker Andy Crouch joined Heart

flourishingtogether of the City Foundation, The Collaborative and

the elders of our Session to help teach us the
power of being both strong and weak.


Women Engagedretreat

Need some time away with God?

Save the date for the Women Engaged
retreat, September 22-24, 2017.

Our planning team is hard at work

designing this event with worship,
fellowship and opportunities to be
still with God.

Details coming soon!

spring 2017 - 11 -


spring 2017 - 12 - COLUMNS Magazine
ture Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried
you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will
prosper. Jeremiah 29:7

Serving the city


What do we mean when we talk about renewing culture? What does a flourishing community look like?
Why does it matter if we think of ourselves and express ourselves as a city-center church?

Christians too often live today as if the big, bad world is going so negatively influence them or those
they love, and they isolate themselves from it. To the contrary, God calls us towards the world, not
away from it, and that means we should be especially attentive to cities. Pastor and author Tim Keller
says cities are what shape and influence the world, and the larger the city, the greater the influence.
Almost every significant social change or moral shift or intellectual discovery in human history has
been conceived and developed anchored in a city. What happens in cities then trickles out to the rest of
spring 2017 - 13 -
the population. It never happens in reverse; thus, We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
the church must have a clear, focused strategy to We know that true peace is only found in Christ,
shape and influence cities. but the land of exile in which we now live will only
know that if we intentionally love and serve them,
Without our engagement as a Christian communi- as we show them how we are different and not by
ty, how will people see a different life? People dont abdicating truth.
go to church anymore, so how would they know Lets move towards our city and not away from it,
because cities matter. This city matters.

So, yes, seeking the peace and prosperity of Its not a throw away world, but one that

the city means that we work on economics. God will one day come back and redeem
completely. Between now and then, lets
We work on education. We work on housing. remember that when the city prospers,

We work on racial reconciliation. so will the church.

unless we become the vessels? Scholar Phillip Study questions

Ryken writes, God commands Christians to do 1. When it comes to the issues that face our
anything and everything to further the public good. community today, do you find yourself
Seeking the prosperity of the city means being a wanting to withdraw from it, fight it, or just
good neighbor. It means shoveling the sidewalk. It give up? Why are those unsuccessful strate-
means cleaning the street. It means planting a tree. gies for Gods Kingdom?
It means feeding the poor. It means volunteering
at a local school. It means greeting people at the 2. What are some ways that you can become
store. It means driving safely and helping people better informed about our citys needs? What
with car trouble. It means shutting down immoral are some gifts that you have which might be
businesses. It means embracing people from every offered to help meet those needs?
ethnic background with the love of Christ.

3. When the church serves the commu-

The result of such living, according to the prophet nity without expectation or condi-
Jeremiah, is that when the city prospers, we tion, why does that have such power?
prosper. The church prospers. Her witness flour- How does that show forth the gospel?
ishes because people see us as humble servants
possessed of grace and love that transforms and
Co-labor with us
changes life. So, yes, seeking the peace and pros-
The Collaborative is a new initiative of First Pres,
perity of the city means that we work on econom- developed to help people connect the dots between
ics. We work on education. We work on housing. We work and faith. Our goal is to equip people to think
work on racial reconciliation. beyond the paycheck and find deeper meaning in
the place they spend most of their waking hours
This city matters and energy: their work.

When the economy is pumping and people have

This is an adapted excerpt from The Collaboratives
jobs because they were trained and educated, they
5-day devotional study, Renewing Culture, by Dr.
are able to live into the reason for which God made
David Swanson. If you want to know more about
them: to work, create and produce in the world for
how your work can be used to help shape our city
His glory. They have a sense of accomplishment.
for good, subscribe to get the full study delivered
Their self-esteem grows and this lifts all of us.
to your email inbox. Sign up at collaborativeorlando.
Thus, if a person chooses to isolate themselves from
the world, they are not actually helping anything.
They are not fostering the Kingdom nor bringing David Swanson is the Senior Pastor of First Pres, casting
peace because they are not introducing the agent the vision of a vibrant city-center church within our 140
of such change: Jesus. Paul writes in Romans 5:1, year-old church family.

spring 2017 - 14 - COLUMNS Magazine


to evangelism
As the pastor leading the evangelism ministries of our
church, I am often asked questions similar to these:

When will we do another City Reach with an altar call?

Ive outlined six common models for evangelism in the
American church context. This list isnt exhaustive, but il-
lustrates some of the methods for sharing the Gospel that
we have tried over the years at First Pres.
As the final church home to Bill and Vonette Bright, when
do we train our members in delivering the Four Spiritual Youll find each of them in our churchs history or present
Laws? programs, and then I provide a bit of commentary on ef-
When will we plant our next church, and where? fectiveness and impact.

These are legitimate questions we always need to ask in one.

some form or another. For a church without an evangelis- The Billy Graham altar call
tic drive is a dying church that, like the Ephesian church
You may have noticed (I know the members who are former
of Revelation 2:4, has lost its first love.
Baptists have!) that we do not usually end our worship
services with an opportunity to respond to the Gospel
Theological convictions, congregational strengths, re-
message via an altar call. Presbyterian worship is based
sources, and past successes all come together to shape a
on a theological explication of worship practices through-
churchs evangelism programs. We must constantly ask
out the Old and New Testaments. Altar calls were not part
ourselves in this rapidly-changing world, What are the
of temple or synagogal worship, nor the post-Resurrection
most effective ways to fulfill the Lords call to go and
house church worship tradition. Yet, our Southern Baptist
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
and Methodist friends institutionalized the post-sermon
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
altar call due to the success of it amidst the evangelistic
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
fervor of the Second Great Awakening (circa 1790-1820).
you? (Matthew 28:19-20)

spring 2017 - 15 -

They emulated the Scriptural preaching examples of John homeless ministry, Compassion Corner and the Good
the Baptist and the Apostle Peter at Pentecost to great News Breakfast. As well, our mission work on Mercy Drive
success, and placed it after the sermon. with outreach to at-risk youth from toddlers to college
Besides the Scriptural basis for worship proper, another via FOUR12 (Kids Across America summer camp), and
reason our tradition chooses not to incorporate an altar Oasis. Globally our community develop work with Mission
call in the liturgy on a regular basis is due to our doctrine Emanuel parallels our work in an orphanage and girls
of sin. Our emphasis upon total depravity leads us to be vocational school in Madagascar.
suspicious of emotional manipulation. If the Holy Spirit
moves and you respond to the work of salvation, great! In this method we present the Gospel in both Word and
Yet, we want to make sure it truly is the Holy Spirit and deed: we demonstrate the love of Jesus through our pres-
not the effect of a passionately delivered sermon, ecstatic ence, relationships, and services. However, unlike pro-
musical presentation, or social pressure pushing you to gressive Protestantism, we never fail to articulate that
respond. While individual responses to the gospel in Re- love in the specifics of Jesus work on the cross. It was this
formed churches may happen less visibly, they still occur very balance and approach that called me here almost 12
with great regularity and sincerity. years ago this spring. First Pres commitment was equally
strong with its compelling preaching ministry and its
deep ministry to vulnerable populations. That was rare
then, and gratefully is on the rise.
You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be four.
Church planting
hidden. Matthew 5:14 Did you know that planting a new church is the best way
to invite new adult converts into faith? It is. Clearly this
model is well known, replete throughout the New Tes-
two. tament, and one First Pres has engaged numerous times
The Bill Bright personal witness and in her history. We currently have a very active Church
logical explanation Planting Subcommittee of the Evangelism Committee.
We support church plants in Scotland, West Palm Beach,
Bill Bright, co-founder of Cru with his wife, Vonette,
and Marsh Harbor, The Bahamas. Our leadership gleans
taught the world a methodology he found quite successful
on-going resources, training and networking through the
at UCLA in the 1950s. Bright taught his team to start a con-
Redemeer City to City program while praying about local
versation with a non-believer around a common interest
and then use a small pamphlet containing the Four Spir-
itual Laws to explain the logic of the Gospel. This worked
in a day of greater trust and hegemony. Unfortunately I five.
have found in my experience that todays prevalence of Bill Hybels relational evangelism
suspicion, cynicism, and outright disgust with perceived Bill Hybels is the founder and pastor of Willow Creek, a
Christian beliefs drive people away. It takes so long to mega-church outside Chicago known for its leadership
build trust in order to share the greatest news ever, people training and excellent evangelism training materials.
rarely give you the chance. Hybels mantra has been be a friend, make a friend, lead
a friend to Christ. We frequently teach His books and
three. studies, Contagious Christianity, updated now as Walk Across
The Social Gospel movement the Room.

The Social Gospel Movement (early 20th century) was

I resonate with this model because it is relationally rooted.
shaped by such individuals as Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957)
It is in relationship we find an authenticity and comfort
in the Roman Catholic tradition, and the Baptist Walter
level that allows room for deep and meaningful conver-
Rauschenbusch for Protestants. They lead other Chris-
sations. It is important, in this model, for one to know
tians to address a variety of conditions for the poor like
their testimony and some basic theological ideas. Our
urban slums, dangerous workplaces, and access to educa-
workshops in this model havent been the most popular
tion. Their movement overlapped with womens suffrage,
in the past, but quite effective for those that feel the drive
prohibition, and taxation debates.
to share their faith in winsome and effective ways. Keep
alert for our next testimonial workshop.
The impact of this movement is seen today in First Pres

spring 2017 - 16 - COLUMNS Magazine

Expanding the reign of The vision of the The Collaborative is a culturally and
the Kingdom of God economically renewed city living out faith through work.

This final methodology is the most complicated, but one We reach this vision by helping to redeem the purpose

our congregation is uniquely equipped to embrace based of work by restoring and renewing Christ-centered indi-

on resources, platform, and city-center location. viduals in their vocations. The programs, resources, and
strategies of The Collaborative equip people to understand

Jesus says in Matthew 5:13-16, work from a biblical perspective; to serve professions and
industries; to derive personal satisfaction from vocation

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, and calling. We connect workers within particular fields

how shall its saltiness be restored? ...You are the light of and industries to develop cross-sector partnerships in

the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. order to address complex social problems. Finally, The
Collaborative mobilizes people and institutions through

John Stott reflects on these words of Jesus in his work, clear and consistent calls to action for engaged agents to

Christian Mission in the Modern World, by writing: change the city for the common good.

Gods mission ... describes everything the church is sent Sound like a lot? Yes, but this evangelistic edge runs

into the world to do. [It] embraces the churchs double throughout The Collaborative. When work becomes the

vocation of service to be the salt of the earth and the platform upon which mature Christians can engage a

light of the world. co-worker, in both conversation and industry action, the
Kingdom of God is revealed. The Holy Spirit does His work,

Stott then connects salt to the preservation of societal Christ is confessed, and the Father is glorified. When

order (justice), and light to the verbal delivery of the Gospel companies and whole industries reflect Biblical values,

(salvation). Unfortunately, modern society likes to put methods, and flourishing, everyone in Orlando benefits.

faith, and people of faith, in a truncated ghetto of ethics

and morality. Evidence of this is seen when someone says, Surely more models of evangelism serve the breadth of

Keep your beliefs to yourself. They have nothing to con- the Christian church in multiple places on this planet.

tribute to the real world. Applying the Bible, Christian And in the coming years more will come about as society

thought, or the experience of the Church to the production evolves. I am grateful to be part of a church that has his-

of BMWs, urban design, or legal philopsophy is a complete torically embraced the call to replicate Christ followers

non-sequitur to most people, Christ followers or not. with a flexibility to adapt to the context around us.

Stott resurrects a Calvinistic approach to our faith by

Case Thorp leads The Collaborative team, and is having too much
breaking down barriers between ones Christian life and
fun doing it. Really. Case is married to Jodi, and they have three
secular life. Rather than operating and ministering with beautiful children, Alexandra, Charles, and Brooks.
a fractured dualism, there should be an integrated whole-
ness between the truth of the Gospel and the practice of The Collaborative exists to help people connect the dots between
our lives. faith and work. To learn more about programs and events aimed
at fulfilling this strategy, visit
In order to discover and execute such an integration,
Christians read the Scriptures for a vision of life, voca-
tion, family, and communal engagement that reflects
the redeemed Creation in the fullness of time. What will
parenting look like in the New Jerusalem, established on
earth after Christs return? How will commerce occur
and governments be selected in that day? Reflections like
these lead us to live differently, and invite others into
living as if the Kingdom of God were fully realized.

Our elders are taking this approach with The Collabora-

tive, First Pres cultural and economic renewal initiative
supported in part by the ARISE AND BUILD campaign.

spring 2017 - 17 -


What is it about service that volunteering at a variety of organiza- on a paper light ornament. Strings
helps young people flourish tions in the Central Florida commu- of these lights were displayed in

throughout their lives? nity. It is one of the highlights of our classrooms and hallways to show
year, says Dr. Powell. how everyday service and kindness
Dr. Jason Powell, Head of The
impacts lives. It is important to let
Christ School, explains, Our
TCS students continue to serve our students experience service in
school unabashedly bears throughout the year via classroom many forms. says Mrs. Kleinsteuber.
the name of Jesus Christ, as a activities. In addition, 5th - 8th grade It is also important for them to be
result, we turn to scripture for students serve through National aware; to see others doing kind acts
guidance for our vision and Junior Honor Society (NJHS), Student and acknowledge them for doing it.

mission. Council and as Student Ambassadors.

Transitional kindergarten through The Christ Schools tight-knit com-

When we engage in serving others, 5th grade students serve the com- munity helps to reinforce service

something behavioral, physical and munity by participating in the Lower learning at home. This past No-

spiritual occurswe experience the School Service Club where they learn vember, Linda Schneider, TCS mom,

Kingdom of God and, as educators, we about the missions of nonprofit orga- implemented a blanket and sheet

know that experiences shape learn- nizations in Central Florida and work drive to benefit the Coalition for the

ing and learning shapes hearts and on projects to support them. Homeless and local pet rescues. Our

minds. Hearts and minds focused on son Evan is in the first grade. He

the Kingdom of God shape desires and Our students are always eager to attends The Christ School and is part

lead to a lifetime of human flourish- find ways to serve the community, of Cub Scouts and

ing as image-bearers of Gods truth

and grace.
says Nicole Kleinsteuber, TCS 6th
grade teacher. Recently, TCS Student
has been hearing
about the word
Ambassadors held a Souper Sunday
Drive, and collected cans of soup to
service in both
arenas, says
you did for
To help instill service in the hearts
of students, The Christ School (TCS) benefit Christian Service Center fami- Mrs. Schneider. the least
lies. For Thanksgiving, NJHS students I didnt quite
provides hands-on and age-appro-
priate leadership and service oppor- organized a food drive to benefit think he under- of these
tunities throughout the Kindergarten
through 8th grade journey.
Second Harvest Food Bank. During
Advent, Student Council members
stood what service
actually looked
brothers of
inspired students through Spread
the Light, an initiative to recognize
like so I decided
to do this drive.
mine, you did
One of the schools most anticipated
events each year is One Great Day of positive actions of their peers. When I wanted him to for me.
Service, an event in which all stu- students or teachers noticed someone be able to see

dents, teachers, staff members, and doing something nice to spread the the populations Matthew 25:40
parent volunteers spend an entire day light, they wrote what they noticed being served and

spring 2017 - 18 - COLUMNS Magazine

the good it was doing. We dont own as how, even at such a young age, they
a home or have much in the way of can make a difference.
Does your family
money to donate, but we have a lot
more than most people; a roof over our TCS middle school student Gabby
have a heart for
head and food on the table. I wanted Galvez discusses her experience service?
Evan to be able to begin to understand serving alongside her mom. My mom
Service can be as big as
that and see the needs that we can took me to Give Kids the World, where organizing a drive or as small as
meet for others, she says. we painted fences, planted plants, and helping around the house. TCS
laid mulch, says Gabby. It was hard teachers, parents and staff have
ideas for ways your family can
TCS mom Julie Fetherman also feels work and I was really tired, but I didnt
serve our community:
strongly about service learning. I had want to leave when it was time to go. It
been mindfully thinking for weeks was so much fun! The project meant a
PRAY for families in need
on ways I could incorporate a service lot to me because I was honored that
project for our family that would my mom chose me to help. It felt good GATHER gently used blankets
allow my children to truly understand to help others, and I hope the people I and deliver them to the
Christian Service Center
the blessings in their life by helping helped felt good, too.
those who were less fortunate, she COLLECT new and gently used
says. Prayers were answered when TCS student Cole Whitaker recently books for children and deliver
them to Bags of Hope Central
I met a family, the DeLucas, through served with his brother Jake and
my son Jamesons soccer team. They friends at Meals on Wheels. We
shared their experience with #Hashta- went to peoples houses and delivered BAKE cookies and deliver them
gLunchbag, a national non-profit orga- Thanksgiving dinner, says Cole. It to a neighbor who would enjoy
a visitor
nization that encourages communities made me so happy! When we put a
to join together and assemble bagged smile on the recipients faces, it made CREATE thank you cards for
lunches and distribute to the home- me happy for the whole day. I was sad your local police station
less and hungry. We launched our own when we had to leave, because I really WRITE a note of
chapter, #HashtagLunchbagO-town, enjoyed visiting with the people we encouragement to a wounded
and held our first event Thanksgiving brought meals. hero and share it with
Camaraderie Foundation
weekend. This event has sparked ex-
citement and compassion in our chil- The Christ School serves children from READ a book to a younger
dren. They were so happy to walk up to transitional kindergarten through 8th Grade, sibling, neighbor, or friend
anyone and give them a lunch; to say and is located on the First Presbyterian
SURPRISE your mail carrier or
hello and show that they care. It helped Church of Orlando campus. Learn more at
sanitation workers with a small
them get outside of their own heads for treat or nice card, even when
its not a holiday
a bit the I want and its unfair - to
see how blessed they really are, as well

spring 2017 - 19 -

running the race

spring 2017 - 20 - COLUMNS Magazine

My original article for this edition As I tried to get out of the chair to upon completion of his half. He had
of Columns was going to include make my way back to the bus, I had received both the half and the full-
reflections on my journey toward my to be lifted by two medical volun- marathon medals when he finished
first marathon. I anticipated offering teers. They helped me to walk it and, even though he could and
thoughts and feelings on reaching off until I could get on the bus and should have kept it, he chose to give
my goal of 26.2 miles. With all of the make my way back to the lodge. the marathon medal to me.
early mornings and hours and miles Every time my back seized, they
logged on the running trail, I antic- caught me so I would not fall. One of As I have reflected on this particular
ipated a sense of joy and self-sat- them helped me, not just to the bus, experience, I have to confess to you
isfaction at the accomplishment of but rode the bus all the way to the that I was filled with disappointment
finishing a marathon. I wanted to hotel, walked me up to my room, and about the race. I do not like missing
equate my experience to the journey even took off my shoes. Talk about my goals. I do not like having to
of discipleship and how the joy of above and beyond! depend on others. In this instance, I
that journey far exceeds anything we was faced with both.
experience in terms of self-focused
pursuits. However, a funny thing I dont wish to overstate my expe-
happened on the way to my goal "The journey rience, or put it on par with the real

I have a condition called spondy-

toward my trials and tribulations of life that we
all experience. God, however, in His
lolisthesis. You can look it up, but
basically, one of my vertebrae in my
marathon is infinite wisdom and grace, taught me
a valuable lesson. The journey toward
lower spine has shifted and is mis- very much like my marathon is very much like the
aligned. When aggravated, it swells
and puts pressure on the nerves in the journey journey of discipleship. We can have
goals and expectations, but unfor-
my back, including my spinal cord. It
is due to an old injury I experienced
of discipleship. tunately, life doesnt always turn out
the way we hope. As much as we love
over twenty years ago. Typically, it
causes minor discomfort and can be
We can have the mountain tops, there will be dark
valleys. God does not leave us alone.
managed with Advil, stretching, and goals and He surrounds us with the larger Body
exercise. Every once in a while, how-
ever, the aggravation is more severe.
expectations, but of Christ to help us along the path.
Because of my injury, I was forced to

Partly due to the cold weather, my

Unfortunately, be on the receiving end of help from
others, and I was blessed immensely.
back seized up more intensely than I life does not In addition, I was given the gift of
have experienced in a long time.
It was severe enough that I not only always turn out a medal that I had not earned in
the same way God gives us His gift
had to withdraw from the race, but
also knew I could not make it back to
the way we hope." of grace, which cannot be earned.
In the end, a day that began with
my hotel on my own. While I sat in disappointment was concluded with
the medical tent, I was in so much gratitude.
pain I seriously considered calling an While we were on the bus, we met
ambulance. When the muscles cramp a student from Texas Christian Rev. Jack Peebles is our Associate Pastor
around the injury, its like a knife University (TCU), who was running of Discipleship and here to help you find
going right into the spinal column. the half marathon (which had been your way on the journey of getting to know

It is the worst pain I have ever cancelled the day before due to Jesus. If youre ever out on the West Orange
Trail, you might need to help Jack find his
experienced, and this was one of weather) during the marathon race.
way while he trains for his first full mara-
the worst episodes Ive had. Adding He left the race after achieving his
thon (after some recovery).
insult to injury, I felt that all of the half marathon goal. We struck up a
hours and miles logged for the mar- conversation. After talking for a
athon were wasted. It was definitely while, he asked if I had received a
a low point for me. medal. Upon hearing that I had not,
he gave me the one he had received

spring 2017 - 21 -

where to connect

stop sign prayer

Kim Allen, director of Childrens Ministry, shares some ideas on how you can share the discipline of
prayer with your children, even during the seemingly mundane parts of our days.

The Breadbox, our Childrens

Ministry email, arrives monthly
chock-full of information about
by KIM ALLEN SHINE, and tips and resources
on how you can disciple your
small people.
My friend Courtney has an amaz- These commandments that I give you
ing routine with her children. Each today are to be on your hearts. Impress
morning, as theyre leaving the them on your children. Talk about them
sation with our children; God invites
neighborhood for school, prayer be- when you sit at home and when you walk
us to the same. His desire is rela-
gins at the first stop sign. You might along the road, when you lie down and
tionship, but the benefits of prayer
be thinking, that would be the last when you get up. Tie them as symbols
for us are endless:
thing on my mind! However, her on your hands and bind them on your
prayer monitors in the back seat The peace of Gods presence. foreheads. Write them on the doorframes
will always remind her if she forgets. The preparation of our hearts for of your houses and on your gates.
They have a simple prayer that they something that is coming our way,
The whole sit at home and walk
recite together and then each child ready or not.
along the road, lie down and get
offers up one of their own requests Laying down a burden too heavy to
up thing is for real. Thats the life
and Courtney closes. carry.
of a parent; we feel like we are in
Giving up control (or the illusion of
There is a simple beauty about constant motion. Stopping to kneel
control) over something which we
praying with children. They are like down on the kitchen floor for a holy
would do well to let Him handle.
sponges, soaking up the living water moment is few and far between. God
Surrendering our dreams to His
that prayer is. Children are so teach- knows this. Hes with us all day,
best plans for us.
able. It is not a performance and no every day. And He still says, Come!
one is going to care whether we use While its always a great idea to set Even if you are loading car seats or
a bunch of big impressive words. We aside time for concentrated, unin- washing sippie cups or driving to
can pray about important stuff, like terrupted prayer, that reality escapes piano lessons. I am with you.
our nation, or our school day, or our most busy parents on many days.
God may just be using that stop sign
cat. Its all important.
But hold on! God knew that was ex- in your neighborhood as more than
After all, prayer is really just com- actly what would happen, way back just a stop sign. It may be a sign to
munion with God. As parents, we when He told Moses and the Israel- pray with your children, even on the
love a meaningful, heartfelt conver- ites in Deuteronomy 6:6-9: go.

spring 2017 - 22 - COLUMNS Magazine

family news SPRING 2017
Cameron Vann Byram and Margaret Foster on the death Kim and Mike Penney on
congratulations... Courtney Alexis Bogert were of her son, and Sue and Alex the death of her father, Tom
married February 11, 2017 Hartley on the death of her Shuptar, January 1, 2017.
Cearan and Erin Caffrey in the Sanctuary. Courtney brother, James Allan Foster, Sue Fenstermaker on the
have twin daughters, is the daughter of Ted and November 13, 2016. death of her husband, Jim
Adeline Mae Caffrey and Stacy Bogert. Fenstermaker, January 7,
Debbie Barnhart on the death
Olivia Laine Caffrey, born of her husband, Don Barnhart, 2017.
August 26, 2016. The proud November 22, 2016.
grandparents are Dan and
Pam Vierling.
our sympathy to... Eileen Chole on the death
Deborah and Mark Neidig on
the death of her mother, Mary
of her husband, Bert Chole, Gillian Smith, January 8, 2017.
Joshua Palma and Chelsea Candee and Bill Brooks on November 26, 2016.
Cohen were married October the death of her father, Lt. Steven and Bailey Harman on
22, 2016 at the Ritz Carlton in Colonel Dan Jones, October Fi Way on the death of her the death of their daughter,
Orlando. Joshua is the son of 14, 2016. husband, De Way, November Hester Grace, January 13,
Paul and Cherry Palma. 29, 2016. 2017.
Gilbert and Tammas Smith on
Brandon and Anna Roush the death of his father, Bocky The friends and family of Rich and Mike (April) Magee
have a son, Jacob Douglas Smith, October 14, 2016. Charles Stepter, who died on the death of their mother,
Roush, born October 28, November 29, 2016. Betty Magee, January 19,
The family and friends 2017.
2016, and the grandparents The friends and family of May
of Anne Banta who died
are Dave and Amanda Porter who died December Jen Carlisle on the death of
October 15, 2016.
Cowan. 1, 2016. her husband, Dan Carlisle,
Ken and Susanne Uncapher January 23, 2017.
August Perrotti and Sabrina Julie and Chris Whittaker on
on the death of his step-
Lawrence were married the death of her father, Louis Joe and Eugenia Sefcik on
father, Ted Phelps, October
November 19, 2016 at the Simon, December 8, 2016. the death of his father, Rev.
16, 2016.
Lakeshore Center in Ocoee, Joseph Sefcik, January 19,
FL. Laura Elizabeth Guglielmi Betty Rice on the death of Dr. Kara Birrer on the death
2017 and her mother, Mary
and Daniel Joseph Gamache, her son, Bill Rice, October 18, of her father, Van Birrer,
Jean Riddle, February 12,
Jr. were married November 2016. December 11, 2016.
19, 2016, in the Sanctuary. Marcia and Irfran Kazmi Hattie Summer on the death
Cathy Thompson on the
Laura Beth is the daughter on the death of her father, of her husband, Charlie
death of her step-father, Paul
of John and Carrie Beth Richard Fletcher, October 16, Summer, December 12, 2016.
McKinley, January 16, 2017.
Guglielmi. 2016 and her brother, Roger Barbara and John Pinel on
Fletcher, October 27, 2016. George Huffman on the death
Gabe and Rachel de Guia the death of her grandfather,
of his brother, Bruce Huffman,
have a son, Luke Gabriel de Cindi and Andy Hiltin on the Albert Bass, December 12,
January 29, 2017.
Guia, born December 16, death of her mother, Phyllis 2016.
2016. Cowden, October 19, 2016. Carlos and Rebecca Gimenez
Bill and Carmen Pipkin on
on the death of his mother,
Caleb and Lauren Lawson The family and friends of the death of his mother, Ina
Eileen Gimenez, February 5,
have twin sons, Ashe Wood Nancy Hargis, who died Pipkin, December 15, 2016.
Lawson and Ames Carlton October 20, 2016. The friends and family of
Lawson, born November Ellen Arnold on the death
Harold and Barbara Hedge Karen Hamlett, December 17,
23, 2016. The proud of her father, Robert Hayes,
on the death of their 2016.
grandparents are Alan and February 8, 2017.
grandson, Jimmy Hedge, Verlene Benzing on the death
Julie Lawson. October 23, 2016. Mattie Webb on the death of
of her brother-in-law, Pete
Gray and Courtney Hill her husband, George Webb,
Barb and John Whitehouse Hurt, December 23, 2016.
have a daughter, Rebecca February 8, 2017.
on the death of her mother, The friends and family of Dale
Betsy Caroline Hill, born Marybelle Snyder, October Jill and Jim Adkinson on the
October 11, 2016. The proud Carter who died December
24, 2016. death of her grandmother on
grandparents are John and 23, 2016.
February 9, 2017.
Linda Reynolds. The friends and family of Lacey and Tony Gray on the
Joe Guernsey who died Pat Williams on the death of
Steven and Bailey Harman death of her father, Victor
November 1, 2016. her husband, Colonel Graybill
have twin daughters, Harriet Walz, December 28, 2016.
Williams, February 11, 2017.
Hattie Lucille Harman and Louise and Bob Walsh on the The friends and family of Judy
Hester Grace Harman, born death of her step-mother, Lori and Coy Tipping on the
Kinnard who died December
January 13, 2017. Evelyn Claiborne, November death of her step-mother,
31, 2016.
8, 2016. Betty Hallmark, February 12,

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spring 2017 - 23 -

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2017 First Presbyterian Church of Orlando COLUMNS.

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