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There were very few people whore successful in going to the university
that they always dreamed of. Luckily, Im one of them, Im glad to tell you now
that I have successfully attended a course of study in America. Im preparing
for a new study environment and the time I be there. This is all my plan:

In order to prepare for my trip. Firstly, Ill take a health-checkup. As

you know, health is the most important for abroad student especially for me
because I don't have any acquaintances in America. Secondly, I need to
improve my English skills to overcome language barriers and culture dissent.
Thirdly, Ill get information about the university at which Ill study, its
surrounding and learn about Americans culture, maybe on the internet or my
friends who have lived and studied there. It may help me solve normal
problems such as losing the ways or being stolen and I can avoid 'Culture
shock'. Moreover, I am going to prepare carefully my suitcase. It contains my
clothes, learning techniques and personal belongings. They are necessary
because at the beginning, I cant find exactly place where I can buy them.

For the time I study in America, I think the most important thing is
find a house/department to live. It would be better if I live near my school
with native people, they can help me deal with many problems. Make friends
is also important. The more friends I have, the more confident Ill be when
communicate with foreigners and study overseas. Beside, Ill try my best to get
a scholarship to reduce my school-fee or find a part time job to earn money for
daily life's demand. However, the job won't consume too much time. Last but
not least, Ill draw up a strict timetable to balance the working time, rest and
studying time and learn how to spend money reasonably.

9: what is your opinion of women;s roles in the

modern society? Get ready to talk to an audience
about this issue?

Nowadays, the role of women has become much more dominant than it used to
be in the past. It's the fact we can't deny that the liberation of the women from
domestic duties and subservient status has actually brought them an
independently social equal position or superior to that of men. Furthermore, it's
easy to detect in Vietnam that women' role is still changing in both family and
social functions in modern community for the better.

From the archaic centuries in any eastern countries like Vietnam, women had
been underestimated for their feeble and forbearing nature. Therefore, the
sterner sex always claimed superiority of ability and looked down on the fair sex.
Therefore,only men could study and work while women must be stay at home to
take care of household duties. That's what happened in the past, how about the
moment? Of course, women still do housework but now the vocation is also
shared with men. In some families, the fathers help their wives to pick children
up, organize the furniture of the house and even wash clothes or cook meals. It
seems that domestic duties are ascribed to both men and women since women
also have their own jobs like men. Until now, women have carefully achieved the right
to vote, equal wages, and freedom of speech.

Women also take part in many social functions of the communities. There are
women ambassadors, ministers, women commander-in-chiefs and senators in
Vietnam. They even achieve high positions in their companies or offices. In my
opinion, women are better managers than men, since they attain such mild and
lenient delicacies to settle tense affairs in the most suitable, convenient ways.
They also get the calmness and composure to face with difficult, puzzling and
urgent problems rather than being impatient like men. Moreover, women have
also got the confidence to stand out among men.

In conclusion, women's role is becoming more and more prominent in the society.
Their functions are now quite active and this definitely will make the world better
since both men and women can work together to improve and build it more

As living condition is much improved, more and more
people own an automobile. When a large number of
vehicles hit the road, arouse many problems. Theres a
proposal that private vehicle s should be banned in
crowded country or imposed high tax. This idea has some
points but it doesnt mean that it has no downsides.

Lets look at the advantages. Firstly, banning private

vehicles leads to less congestion. In some overcrowded
places, traffic jam is really a nuisance. Its an obvious
waste of time, and being stuck in a traffic jam makes
people easily fly into a temper. Getting the roads rid of
this burdensome problem is a good thing.

Secondly, fewer vehicles in the street mean less exhaust

emission, hence less air pollution. Almost all private
vehicles are cars and motorbikes (only a small number
are bicycle), which let out carbon dioxide and sulfur
dioxide. Along with air pollution these vehicles increase
noise pollution also. So in order to reduce pollution to
some extent we must avoid using private vehicles.

Another benefit goes to saving natural resources. Cars

and motorbikes run on gasoline, which is originally
deprived form the earth. We are now exploiting more oil
than the earths crust can produce; a future energy
deficiency is foreseeable. While scientist is still working
on alternative energy, the best method now is cut down
on the use of fossil fuel, especially the use of automobiles.
Now, lets consider the disadvantages. The first question
is will public vehicles efficient enough to satisfy the need
of travelling for millions of people in an extremely big
city? I think the answer is no. At least for now. Secondly,
its the freedom of travelling that matterSince public
vehicles have to travel on schedules, and it caters to a lot
of people, you cannot ask the driver to stop anywhere you
want. Oh, you can if you take a taxi, but imagine how
much it cost if you have to take taxies all year round?
Having your own vehicle is much more convenient, no
waiting, no restricted time, and you can use it at your

Weve just seen both the pros and con of banning private
vehicles. I advocate the proposal. Compare with the
disadvantages, the advantages is tremendous. Solving
congestion and environmental problem is much more
important the personal convenience. However banning
private vehicles at the moment is just impractical,
because a large profit will be lost, since car industry is a
giant business all over the world. Moreover, in a big city,
where life is rush and technology is highly developed; it
will only impede the prosperity of the economy there.
However the problem of congestion and pollution cannot
be ignored. I think we should not suddenly and
completely ban private vehicles, but only in some parts of
the city, and on certain day Therefore, it will not shock
the city dwellers.. Lets hope for more efficient traffic in
the future.

Topic 3
Topic 47: What custom from your home country are
you most fond of? Discriibe the custom and explain
why you are fond of it.

Wrapping Chung cake for Lunar New Year has become a deep image in each Vietnamese
persons heart. I think that this custom is to not only recall Vietnamese peoples origin but also
pray a new year for good things, health, success, and wealth.. This cake was invented by the
18th Prince of Hung Emperor in the contest of looking for new Emperor. According to the
legend, 3,000-4,000 years ago, Prince Lang Lieu, made round and square cakes, the
round Day cake symbolizing the sky and the Square cake symbolizing the Earth (under
the ancient Vietnamese perception), to be offered on the occasion of Spring. I do like this
custom due to its wonderful meanings

First of all, this custom helps everyone become closer with each other. For example, my big
family usually spends some hours to make this cake including washing rice and beans,
buying phrynium, dissecting pig, and making bamboo strings. These processes need all
member's support. While adults is sitting to arrange meticulously the phrynium and wrap
Chung cakes attentively, the children are eager to sit and watch curiously and surprisedly next
to them. Finally, the packed cake will be boiled the whole night. While the fire is burning
strongly, all members gather around the fire to talk with each other , even its very cold with
rain and wind outside. I really like this scene because it suggests me think about a cozy and
crowded atmostphere which makes the cold weather in winter warmer. Therefor, my family
always gather in full numbers on the day of wrapping Chung cake with a lot of merry
laughters. Troubles and anxieties in life suddenly are stopped outside, there is only joy for the
spring coming.

Secondly, this custom helps people recall ancestors. When having a complete Chung cake, it
will be peeled and placed on the alter in order to show the devotion and the deep gratitude to
ancestor. These self-made Chung cakes either have the meaning of presenting the grateful
and pious heart of offspring to their own ancestor or are the maintenance and reminder for
many next generations to remember origin, culture and Vietnamese peoples long-standing

In conclusion, nowadays, wrapping Chung cake is taking place more and more everywhere
across our country before Tet days. It shows that no matter how changes are in our life from
culture to policy and economy, this custom is still remained and has a powerful vitality in
peoples heart.

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