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Timet Herald, Carroll, Id.

, Tuesday, July 2 4 , 1 * 7 9 - Pw|e It

FRIDAY, JULY - 1:M P.M. House, arAquM^k i P.M. Compkrta dosing out'*t :

FOR SALES:' H7S Honda 7to. 7 P.M. Public Auction. Choice . househokYjtood,. In Arcadia, f a r m maiihlhery a a l % TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE
residential .lot MiMmHMiikl Helena Mllo^^Katpenen;. Located l miles east ft
L miles north of Lake CHy. Doift?:
^Nichols,: Owner; ' S c h a r
175CC.7W171J ':' tS-i44*c MTWbAY^At fenkamp, Rupiper ft MaCar-
>lei<closlrout ^ k i Auctioneers. %
^e^talles 'south.m^nlt / f a r m g i f t Pau'l Tlgges.' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER
AutffrrvU. & V^mL south of Tempfeton. Owner. Located 3 miles south ACROSS 53 Rink rooter: UNITED Feature Syndicate
B l l l t f i e l l a Hacker. Owners. 2 words Monday's PuutoSohwd;
TOP OUALitV , TrifiW <K'' Auction Co. Dave
of Country Club on blacktop.
Rupiper,. Scharfenkamp 4
, 1 P.M. Don E. Wlhnett closing
. out farm machinery ft an
1 Shoe part
5 Not for 57 Girl's name
Kerkhoff,, Jack Kasperbauer 59 once:
body work on all -Mci-yl- Kerkhoff. Auc
Kasperbauer* Auctioneers. < tique auction. Located 10 9 Poplar
14 Brainchild Suddenly nnnrin rimma n n r n
SUNDAY, AUGUST l t miles south ft " west of Gild- 59 Warrant
cars and trucks. ' tioneers. 1 P.M. Machinery 4 furniture

den, IA. Dave Kerkhoff. Jack

15 Existed
61 Puts to work
H n m n mnnrt -nnnn
n i i n n n n n a nnnn
SUNDAY, JULY 2 B - . auction. Ray Schrader, 16 Poor
FREE ESTIMATES Kasperbauer. 4 Meryl 17 Ring 62 Freshet nrinnriron nnnnnnn
3 P.M. House St lot. 617 West Owner. WesUide. Albrecht 4 63 Deed: Fr. a a a a n araonn
14, Carroll, Don Hetsterkamp, Kerkhoff. Auctioneers. 18 Sharp blow
Work guaranteed to North, Auctioneers: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER f 19 Eye 64 Inlets aarjaoMautJ
Owner. Meryl Kerkhoff, Dave WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 2 - 65 Hacked
; 1 P.M. Antiques 4 household 20 Bower UUU LlUULJULJll U U U
your satisfaction!' Kerkhoff & J a c k Kasper 1 P.M: Complete closing out oods. Wayne ft Phyliss Jans. 22 Scribblers 66 Flower ULlLUJUlflULILJ JULU
bauer, Auctioneers. . farm m a c h i n e r y sale.' 24 Nail polish 67 Wither L1LDJ U U L J k J U U U U
SUNDAY, JULY 2 - WesUide. Walt Johnson. Auc- DOWN
26 Craters uuiuiuuj uuuua
BREDA FORD 1 P.M. Home, Antique & Fur
Located 2'4 miles north' of
Al's Corner. Vernon Mon-
27 Chemical 1 Lignum UUULILJULI U U U U U U U
SATURDAY,- SEPTEMBER suffixes 2 Enhance UUUJU uJUUU uuuuu
Main St., Breda- niture Auction. Minnie Pasco tefering, Owneri Gerken. 15- 3 toast UUIL4M J UUU UJUUU
Phone 673-2325 Wieland Estate. 708 North . Scharfenkamp, 4 Rupiper, 29 Tub UUUIU JI4UU UUUUU
1 P.M. Closing out farm sale. 30 Also 4 Equines
Adams.'McCafville. Rupiper Auctioneers. 1
5 Perfect:
& S c h a r f e n k a m p . Auc ' From Scranton I > miles east 33 Light fixture
S A T U R D A Y ft S U N D A Y , on old Hwy. 30. Mrs.'Clarence 37 Meat grade Abbr. 28 Naval v e s - . 45 Slimmed
tioneers. ', AUGUST 25 4 26 - 9-5 38 Auras 6 Tidings sel: 3 words 47 Ray
ED8.LEOSEZ. SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 - (Sat.). 11-5 (Sun, ) -
G l e a m , Owner. R u p i p e r .
39 Crew mem 7 Instruct 30 Utensil 48 Stupor: Pre
1:30 P.M. House 4 acreage. Scharfenkamp ft McCarville. 8 Shy ones 31 Slime fix
No two chiMrtn ore dike par Annual Ulifler, Iowa Flea Auctioneers. ber
101 Arizona Street, Glidden, \ Market. Collectibles It An 40 Congealed 9 Way off 32 European 50 Girl's name
ticularly il one is yours and the SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER It base: river
other one isn't. \ Iowa.' Mike M o r e h e a d , tiques. 41 Cupid 51 Slander
Owner. Dave Kerkhoff, Jack 1 P.M. Large antique auction. 42 Quebec res 2 words 33 Masticate 52 Armor part
SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 5 - 1109 N.W. St in Carroll. Em- ident 10 Simmers 34 Rabbit 53 Hodge
Kasperbauer 4 Meryl 11 Thrall 35 Lily
Kerkhoff, Auctioneers. 10 A.M. Tern-Ken Manufac mett Lahr. Owner. Rupiper. podge
WINNIKE & MASCHhNG turing Co. closing out auction, Scharfenkamp 4 McCarville.
44 Tiny 12 Ogle 36 Scotch
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 - 45 Downturn 13 Slips name 54 Oil flask
OIL CO. Templeton, IA. Tony Ockeri. Auctioneers. 46 Observed 21 Rips 37 Splendors 55 Nail
1 P.M. Antiques, household Owner. Dave Kerkhoff, Jack
Tank Wagon Delivery goods 4 farm equipment auc MR. FARMER - it will pay you 47 Repress: 23 Wlngllke 40 S e n s e s 58 Young In
Coftw Hwlhwoy 71 41 3rd St. K a s p e r b a u e r 4 Meryl 2 words 25 Golfer 42 Infested sects
tion: Mr. 4 Mrs. Harold (Pat) Kerkhoff, Auctioneers. to advertise your livestock, 49 Firstborn Elder 80 Golf prop
792-9132 Carroll machinery, and produce for 43 Old auto
Kracht, Owners. Westside
^Z- Petroleum Walt Johnson 4 Don Gerken. sale in the Farmers Market PEANUTS
N% Auctioneers.
LET THE Daily Times Herald
help you advertise.
Section of the Times Herald.
Try It.
The Choice
7 P.M. House 4 lot. 618 West '
n-m-\it of Thrifty People
2nd. Carroll.. Larry Gute. * TWO BEDROOM H O M E in Auburn, Priced at 12,000. CHARLIE BROWN, I CAN'T TOO. THAT SURE WON'T HE WAS MAKING ME SEND HIM A
Gary Rupiper. Auctioneers. * THREE BEDROOM HOME in L i d d e r d a l e .
Calendar of TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 - Remodeled inside. 27,000.
Sale Dates 1:30 P.M. 40 acre Carroll Co.
* BODY SHOP & R E S I D E N C E in towp near Carroll.
farm. Wheatland Twp. Arlo
Claimed Bruning, Owner. Paul Grote, * 155 ACRES (more or less) Carroll County farm land.
and Auctioneer.
Auction Sales SUNDAY, AUGUST 12
All types of auctions will be run
in t h i s AUCTION Calendar
1:30 P.M. House, lot 4 rental'
property. 1019 North West
FREE if we have the advertising Street. Carroll. Art Winker. Breda, Iowa
copy of your ad in our office. Owner. Dave Kerkhoff. Meryl Ray Lenz 673-4422 or 792-4060
Kerkhoff 4 J a c k Kasper
bauer. Auctioneers. AA. H . Van Valkenburg, 822-5593 3-144-2tc
7:00 P.M. Carroll Livestock 1 P.M. in Arcadia. Household
Sale. goods sale. Mrs. Alfred Hin-
ners. Owner. Don Gerken 4
Paul Grote, Auctioneers.
1 P.M. Farmer's Livestock TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 E x t r a n i c e 4 b e d r o o m s t o r y a n d Va w i t h
Auction. 1:30 P.M. 150 acre Carroll b r e e z e w a y a n d g a r a g e . N e a r K u e m p e r and H o l y
TUESDAY, JULY 24 County Farm. 4 miles east 4 S p i r i t Schools. Includes: near new stove,
5:30 P.M. Household and an 1 mile north of Breda. Leo
tique sale in Breda. Zelda refrigerator, washer and dryer. Electric garage
Goecke E s t a t e . G r o t e 4
G r o s s . Owner. Grote 4 Gerken, Auctioneers. door opener. P l e n t y of closet a n d storage space.
Gerken. Auctioneers B u i l t i n 1957.30 d a y possession.
Just $53,950.
Member of Carroll Multiple Listing
E x c e p t i o n a l 2 bedroom 1 story north side h o m e . P h . : 792-4295
Q u a l i t y m a t e r i a l s & w o r k m a n s h i p , m a i n floor After 5 call Roy or Zita Comes 792-1679
laundry room, full basement, attached garage. Robert Kraus 792-3025 Marsha Peick 669-3548
A l l this a n d a lot m o r e f o r only 42,500. (BW

M&N nap*,
Mam Harman 792-1189
Norm Winchester 7*2 7H>i
Oretchen Oronital 792-55S9
Jerilyn Trydll 792-1616
Jean Guy m-ms
* O n South Side V e r y l a r o e older 6 bedroom
h o m e on corner lot. Home has 2 baths, full basement
partly finished, lots of closet space, new laundry
room with washer & dryer, 1 car garage. 3 blocks
from Kuemper.
W e are pleased * O n N o r t h side 2 blocks f r o m S t . L a w r e n c e
Excellent 4 bedroom older home with 1'/2 car garage.
to announce our Home features: new kitchen 4 bath, has been
n e w Real Estate rewired, new plumbing, it is extra clean and very
well kept.
Sales Associate, * I n B i e r l Addition near F a i r v i e w . New 3 bdrm.
ranch style home with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 car
MARSHA FEICK garage on extra large lot. Has finished family room
with sliding glass doors to patio. This dwelling is
Call Marsha for vacant and priced to sell and ready to move into.
all your
Real Estate needs. First National Bank
Phone: 669-3548. G l i d d e n , Iowa Real Estate 659-2264
R. H . V a n H o r n , B r o k e r 2

COMES REAL ESTATE After Hours: Linda 01 Doyle Douglas 659-2164 i

627 North West

Office Ph.: 792-4295 (747) D O N ' T J U D G E A B O O K B Y I T S C O V E R
Must see inside of this 4 bdrm. home with very nice
M e m b e r Multiple Listing. original woodwork, fireplace, full high ceiling
basement, antique light fixtures. Large corner tot,
carport & garage.
IN G L I D D E N (722-A) R E D U C E D P R I C E
This 2 story 4 bdrm. home needs no work. Close to
* O l d e r 2 or 3 bedroom home on e d g e of town with 2
schools, full lot, large newer garage. $50,500.
acres of land.
ikn G O O D & B A D N E W S
* N e w e r 3 bedroom ranch with attached garage, cen F i r s t the good: this n e w l y constructed 4 b d r m .
tral air, large family room, living room and utility r a n c h w i t h w a l k - o u t finished basement, double
area. Excellent location. g a r a g e w i t h opener, 2 baths, deck overlooking
* N e w e r 3 b e d r o o m r a n c h o n large lot with attached t h e golf course is priced a t '65,000. Bad n e w s :
garage, 2 full baths. Features large utility room. t h e r e ' s only one, so h u r r y !
House is in excellent condition and beautifully 8-A) B U D G E T H O M E
decorated. Close to churches & school. Only *25,0OO for this very neat 2 bdrm. home with
* T h r e e or four bedroom older h o m e beautifully dining room, large kitchen, utility room, single
decorated with large finished family room, central garage & garden plot on a full lot.
air, 13/4 baths. This home is in excellent repair.
Ready to move into. TRANSFERRED?
* N e w . 3 bedroom ranch on full lot with attached Do you need housing information anywhere in the USA7 Call
toll-free (800) 854-6136 Ext. 1 A - l . (We do not handle infor
garage. Dwelling is under construction and near mation on rentals.)
completion. Buyer can choose own colors and car
pets, etc.
* V e r y l a r g e older 4 bedroom h o m e on 2 full lots.
Features newly remodeled kitchen, utility area with
bath. This is one of the most charming older homes T H A L B U R "
we've seen for years. Must be seen to be appreciated.
Close to school.
Carroll, la.
First National Bank 225 West 4th - Thomas Plaza - Ph.: 792-2866
Wayne & Gloria Halbur, Brokers 792-9942
G l i d d e n , Iowa Real Estate 659-2264
R. H . V a n H o r n , B r o k e r Arthur Halbur792-1769
After Hours: Linda or Doyle Douglas 659-2164 Alfred NougMon792-1347
U-142-HC David Sefiopmon 792-5143
four sections

A cow', milk 1 .
HOW DOES A made in a that hold the milk. When a
_ COW MAKE * baggy organ cow is milked, the milk
Q ITS MILK?" called an "udder," which
hang* from Ita (tomadi.
squirts out through large
nipples called
Part of a cow's diet of Dairy cows are milked at
grass and grain is used as least twice a day. Cham-
nourishment for Itself, and pkm.dairjr, cows give over
WINS A PRIZB FOR part of it becomes milk. iofinllkati&aay.
Inside the cow's udder are. Y M c a a w k i a NtarMjUa*-
special milk-making cells
. that take food materials M4 la JOMfNY BON
from the cow's blood and DS*, c/t IMS ms*s*v
P.O. S M I M , (DA) laaU
C1S7I Untad FMtura 1 1 1 * * * * . k . turn them into milk. The. Crm, CA MSI.
t.M. m. u I. m Q" 7/%4

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