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Cutting back and forth from Maria sprinting through the woods at
dusk breathing heavily/crying/looking panicked to a silent black
After a minute of cutting from Maria to black it is now constantly
and shot of Maria- running and looking back at the hooded man
chasing her.

After being chased for another minute she is far enough ahead to
stumble across a make do fort in the woods and hide however when she
does she realises that there are piles of pictures of her, locks of
her hair and some of her belongings- looks of shock as she realises
shes being stalked and shes not safe being there
Constant whispered mumbles
Maria- what? Oh my god - sobbing

The hooded man then appears behind Maria and it then cuts to a close
up of Marias eyes opening and it slowly zooms out to reveal shes in
a counselling session.
Doctor Leighton Maria ? Maria ? are you ok ?
Maria starts to calm down
Doctor Leighton now tell me from the beginning.

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