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(A musical play by Class Sycamore)

Act 1:

[One to three people sitting on their chair in the classroom, clock is ticking, feet tapping
and ball pens clicking]

C7: [walks in the classroom, looks around] Yes!

C8: [Walks in classroom]

Teacher: [Walks in, not looking at the students] Good morning, class [Arrives at the
front, shocked] Oh my! Oh my! Its 8 am already and there are just 1-2- 7 students here.

Classmates: [Starts walking in, one by one]

Teacher: Its a gloomy weather once again. Now, as we wait for your classmates to
arrive, who has a trivia?

(Trivia Song starts playing)

C9: [raises hand] did you know? A crocodile cant stick out its tongue.

C10: [raises hand] did you know? A shrimps heart is in its head!

Classmates: Oh really?

C11: [stands up] did you know every year about 98% of atoms in your body is replaced

C8: [stands up] did you know? The lifespan of a squirrel is about nine years

C1: [stands up] I got something even better!

Did you know? That all them rats and horses cannot vomit yeah.

C2: [stands up] Did you know? In space your head blows up before you suffocate.

BF: Really?

C2: [Looks at BF, nods] Mm-hmm

Classmates: Know

C4: There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos

Classmates: How did you know?

Classmates: You

C3: You should know that most lipstick contains fish scales.

Classmates: Them dirty scales

C6: I dont really care.

Classmates: You should really care!

Well you should know what do
These things might just help you
In life

BF: In trivias you should listen

Classmates: If you dont know what to do

All these things might just help you
In life.

C3 and BFF: in life.

[Students sit back on their chairs]

(Trivia song fades out)

Teacher: Guess what? Our period is over.

Classmates: Awwhhhh!

Teacher: See you tomorrow, class.

Classmates: [stands up and bows] see you and thank you, Maam.

[Classmates start walking around, chatting and going outside. Eya is sitting silently on
her chair and BFF walks towards her]

BFF: Eya

BFF: I cant stand seeing you like this.

Eya: Then, why did you do it?

BFF: Eya let me explain.

Eya: What is there to talk about? You failed as my friend.

[Classmates are shocked]

BFF: Aish! [Ruffles hair then walks away]

[BF walks and faces Eya]

BF: Babe, are you really gonna treat her like that the whole day?

[Eya stares at him and doesnt say a word]

BF: Shes your friend.

Eya: Friend?

BF: Eya, please listen to me.

Eya: Whats done is done! Did the both of you think of me?! [Pushes her chair away]

[Everyone turns to look at them]

Eya: Out of all the people in this classroom the both of you were the ones who knew me
the most yet [voice starts cracking] you you [Lowers her head] Go away.

BF: Eya


[Classmates react exaggeratedly]

[BF stands up and walks away]

C5: Hey guys! Maam is here!

[Classmates start arranging their seats]

[Teacher walks in along with the other students that walked out]

Teacher: [puts things on the table] so all of you know that 3 rd quarter finally ended
[chattering noises] but before we proceed to the next grading I will give your cards to
you today and announce the rank. Students line up alphabetically and receive your

[Students line up and one by one receives their card and greeted by their teacher. Eya
receives her card; she goes back to her seat, teacher finishes giving off the cards,
chattering noises]

Teacher: Now I will announce your rank for this quarter. I know you will be amazed in
this quarters results.

C4: We know it will still be Eya at the top, right?

[Classmates chatter and nod in agreement]

Teacher: I was actually shocked too when I knew that after a very long time, our Eya
was replaced in her standing.

[Classmates are shocked and starts chatting even louder. Confusion is visible in Eyas
face. Eya opens her card and reads it]

Teacher: Congratulations to Angela for being the top 1 in this class.

[C7 shocked and gets congratulated by her friends]

Eya: [stands up] (whisper) No!

Teacher: Eya... Whats wrong?

Eya: [runs out of the classroom]

[BF, BFF and teacher runs after her]

C1: Eh? What just happened?

C2: [Takes a look at Eyas card] did she blow off because her grades went down?
C1: Is it really something worth breaking down about?

C3: Its not like Eya at all.

C4: Maybe there are other reasons

C2, C1 and C3: Like what?

C5: I just heard this from our other classmates but they said

Teacher: Thats enough chit-chatting. Go back to your seats and I will continue
announcing your ranks.

[Classmates go back to their seat]

[Curtain closes]

Act 2

On the next day

[Students sitting on their chair and teacher teaching in front, then the bell ring]

(Lunch time song plays)

(Bell rings)

Teacher: Goodbye class!

Classmates: Goodbye and thank you sir!

[Starts disarranging seats]

Classmates: [chatting noises]

C1: Food time!

C2: Who wants to play cards?

C3: Whos done with homework?

C1: Its Lunch time! Its our free time!

Classmates: In this life time its our only time!

C1: When its time to eat and eat!

C2: When we can play our cards!

C3: When we can copy others homework

C4: That you shouldve done

Classmates: No one really cares!

Girls: All this time we will enjoy

One hour well never waste
Boys: In this time we will rejoice
An hour is such a grace
Classmates: Cause this lunch time
Is our free time
The only rest we will ever get
After 4 hours of our death
Eating, Playing

C4: And a whole lot of other things!

(Lunch time song fades out)
[Everybody disperses into groups and starts chatting with their friends]
C6: Hey! Why is Angela absent, I totally flunked that test because she isnt here!
C3: Its not like her to be absent.
BFF: [walks into the room] has anybody seen Eya?
Eya: [running behind BFF while raising her hand] Im here!
C5: [running and stops by the door; panting] GUYS!
[Everyone turns his gaze towards him]
C5: Shes dead.
[Everyone starts panicking, asking whose dead and saying shes dead then investigator
walks into the classroom, together with her assistant and a police officer]
Investigator: [held C5s shoulder]
C5: [Turned to look, shocked, then moves aside]
[Investigator walks into the room and to the front, everyone was whispering]
(Accusation Song starts to play)
Investigator: I am Detective Perkins; Im here to ask you some questions.
Police Officer: You are not allowed to make any noise unless permitted
Assistant: And permission can only be given by the detective herself
Investigator: Its only a few questions so dont be worried. The only thing you have to do
is tell me what youve observed and what you actually know. Just like
Investigator: Who is she in this classroom?
Police Officer: How did she act when shes around you?
Assistant: Any weird things that she would do?
Investigator: The group of people she is involved in?
Police Officer: What type of person is she like?
Assistant: Any difficulties that she is facing?
Investigator: Troublesome?
Police Officer: Indifferent?
Assistant: Broken?
Investigator: Mad?
Police Officer: Cold?
Assistant: Crazy?
Investigator: Weak?
Police Officer: Self Centered?
Assistant: Depressed?
Investigator: Oppressed?
[Investigator, Police Officer, Assistant breathes in then breathes out. Class gasps out of
Investigator: Tell me all the things that she was and she was doing before she
Investigator, Police Officer, and Assistant: Dead.
(Description of the Dead song starts playing)
C1: Maam [Raises hand]
Investigator: Speak.
[Flashback people runs in front of them and goes to the side and starts acting]
C1: She has always been
Wearing a smile on her face
And that laugh
I can never erase
C2: Shes always been the brightest
And shone like a star
Even in the darkest
She stood like art
C3: Shes always been there
In all of our wins and losses
Shes always supportive
C4: Shes always in the top
Shes one of the smartest
C5: Her familys bonded
I dont see any problems.
C6: She had no reason at all
C1: I dont see any reason at all. Eya killed her-
(Description Song fades out)
Eya: I killed who?
(I killed her song starts playing)
[Spotlight on Eya while Eya sings her monologue]
Eya: Whatre you talking about?
Who have I killed?
Who have I slain?
I bear no memories
A knife? On my hands?
[The curtain covers the people and they start going away leaving BFF in the scene]
Blood stained my clothes
Who was the man that I casted out of his life?
I have murdered a man with my bare hands.
Without bearing any memories
Without bearing any melody
Bring forth to me now my judgment
For I am guilty
Angela she isnt here today isnt she and why are they?
(I killed her song fades out)
BFF: Youre wrong!
Eya: What do you mean?
(BFF drama song starts playing)
BFF: Youre wrong
Youve never seen her eyes so hollow
You never even saw her cry
Her life was full of sorrow
Despite her smiling eye
Her laugh might be contagious
But she bears the deepest scars
She goes and faces oppression
From her prideful parents eyes
Her sleeves hide the bruises
She received at home at night
And her tears just start rolling down
Her heart bears too much pain
And I guess the hardest part for her
Is to fake a smile for another
And I did nothing to save her broken soul
And I stood and watched as she fall
(Drama song fades out)
Eya: Dont [Attempts to go closer but BF walked past her]
BF: [goes closer to BFF and pats her back] dont cry like this
BFF: You know You know very well that we killed her.
[Everybody gasps and started whispering]
Eya: What are you talking about? I was the one who killed her, right?
C1: What type of best friend are you?
C3: And you said you loved her?
C5: You truly are worthless!
Classmates: Just kill yourself!
(BF and BFF duet song starts to play)
[Spot light on BFF and BF as they slowly stood up]
BFF: All of the nights we spent without her
All of the lies we said
Our hands were intertwined
We were blinding her with lies
All there is now is regret
BF: All of the days I told her Im leaving
When Im meeting you
Stolen kisses in the night
Sweet words when shes out of sight
And when I am with her still I think of you
BOTH: Why must we meet in this type of love?
Why do we need to fool the one who loved?
You and me, how brave were we to betray her?
To end her life, isnt that what we need?
BFF: Youre the one I love
BF: Youre the one for me.
BOTH: Why do the story of you and me always seemed like a fantasy?
BFF: Now one is lost and gone
BF: And it can never be undone
BOTH: Neither both our prayers can bring her back here. It can never be.
(Duet song starts to fade)
Eya: Whats happening here? What do you mean kisses? Youre in a relationship?
(Confusion Song starts to play)
Eya: Argh! I dont get it?! Somebody died! My best friend and my boyfriend have an
affair and they committed murder. I dont get it. I dont get it. [Runs towards BFF, holds
(Confusion song fades out)
BF: Why are you shaking? Do you feel cold?
BFF: I dont know but something feels really heavy on my shoulders.
Eya: What? [Lets go of BFF]
BF: You should take a seat. [Guides BFF to the seat]
[Spotlight on Eya and everybody else freezes]
(Realization song starts playing)
Eya: [falls to the floor, messes her hair up] whats going on? [Slowly stands up] I dont
understand anything. I dont remember anything. [Runs toward people] CAN YOU
Why Whats happening? [Cries]
(Realization song fades out)
[C10 walks in]
C11:Angela! Youre finally here!
C7: Wha-whats going on? Who are they?
Eya: If it wasnt Angela that I killed then who?
C10: Where is Eya?
(Im dead song plays)
Eya: Now, I remember everything
As it flashes before my eyes
I was beaten up, I was laughed upon
I was betrayed, I was looked down on
I was not enough and I am still afraid
That I will always fail. That I am not right.
It was only the knife that gave me real peace and tranquility
It was only the knife that gave me the pain
That comforted me.
(Im dead song fades out)
[Eya slowly lies down on the floor and the curtain closes as the sign of changing
the scene]

[Eyas funeral, the coffin was placed in front. All of the characters in Act 1 to Act 2
appears in Act 3. BFF rises to her feet and takes the podium to give a speech about the
(Community Song plays)
BFF: The story of Eya is the story of Sycamore. We laugh and are happy in the
classroom but being a Sycamore student isnt easy. We have to keep up with the
pressure, stay strong and stop our tears. But we managed to make memories that I
know we will never forget. The death of Eya is the death of Sycamore, when we are just
days away before saying goodbye. But before that, I want to make you remember.
We stayed up all night and slept at my place
Winning it was worth all the wasted days
Even when they say well fall, we strive to get through it all
I wish that well stay the same.
BF: All the sleepless nights
And all the memories we made
We conquered different heights
We fought through the blaze
Eya: Even when were far apart
I know, we will remember
Classmates: The joy we shared together
Will never be erased
ALL: Remember all the facts we shared each morning
I hope youll remember all the melodies
Remember all the times we fought but we made it better
I want to stay but its almost the end.
Eya: I mightve disappeared
But know someday I will come back
We will go different ways
Follow different paths
We will each conquer our own journey
Reach our dreams
Make different lives
Make our new family
We will make new memories
At different times
In different places
With different people
But for now, before time tears us apart
Let us stay together and live it to the best
And forever we will be
[Everyone comes to the stage including staff members]
ALL: Someday we will go to different places
Each of us will strive for our dreams
But for now before the end arrives for us
We will stay here and we will fight
We promise we wont forget the days we shared
All of the happy memories and the tears we shed
All of the ups and downs, we will forever cherish it
And we will forever be
And we will forever be
And we will forever be

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