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The Tower Project

Ian Barber - Thomas Szczesniak

Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center



Mr. Scot Acre

1 June 2015

Part I: Introduction:
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So, for some reason, out of all the things one can do when they are a multimillionaire,

you have requested us to design a tower for you. It is not your everyday square tower either. You

have requested the plans for a 12 sided tower put on a 22 foot by 22 foot plot of land. You have

also requested it to be maximized on the plot so it can be as big as possible, that it has a

aquarium built into the floor, a 1 foot thick wall space, and a foundation laid 3.5 feet into the

ground. We are going to work our hardest to calculate everything you have requested to know

about this tower to the best of our ability.

Part II: Dodecagon Maximized on Plot and Area of Bases:

As local laws state, we may not build within 3 feet of the borders of your 22 ft by 22 ft

plot of land, so we will be working instead with a 16 ft by 16 ft area. Along this 16 ft border we

will lay down a 3 foot wide concrete foundation, with a wall 1 thick starting 1 inward from the

foundation continuing 1 inwards.

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Figure 1. Base of the Tower

Figure 1, above, shows the 4 dodecagons that will be used when constructing the Tower

itself. Note: the four dodecagons are dubbed so: the outermost (or largest) is Polygon 1, the

dodecagon following is Polygon 2, etc The dark gray region bounded between the two middle

polygons (Polygons 2 and 3) is where the walls will be built, the light gray region between the

two innermost polygons (Polygons 3 and 4) is the floor of the interior not made of plexiglas, and

between the 2 outer polygons (Polygons 1 and 4) is where the foundation will be laid for the

entire structure.

To start off the tower, the measure of the central angle of a dodecagon must be calculated.

CA = 360/12
CA = 30

Figure 2. Calculations for the Central Angle

Figure 2, above, shows the calculations to find the central angle of a dodecagon. The 12

came from the fact the tower has 12 sides.

In order to find the area of polygon 1, the outermost polygon, we will find the area of one

triangle within the dodecagon going from the origin to a side and multiplying the area of that by

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Figure 3. Polygon 1

Figure 3, above, is an image of polygon 1. Polygon 1 is the outer barrier for the


As the dimensions of the square polygon 1 inhabits along the edges (as an octagonal

polygon would) are 16 ft by 16 ft, the height of the triangle used is going to be half of that, or 8 ft

(16/2). The trigonometric function tangent can be used to find the length of the base.

tan(15) = .5b/8
8tan(15) = .5b
2(8tan(15)) = b
16tan(15) = b
b 4.29ft

Figure 4. Calculating the Base of Polygon 1

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Figure 4, above, is the math behind finding the side length of polygon 1 (Allow b to be a

side length).

Now that the height and base of a triangle have identified, the calculations to find the area

of the dodecagon may begin (Allow AP1 to be the area of polygon 1).

AP1 = 12()(b)(h)
AP1 = 12()(16tan(15))(8)
AP1 205.78ft2

Figure 5. Calculating the Area of Polygon 1

Figure 5, above, is the final calculation that was executed to find the area of polygon 1.

The height (Allow h to be the height length), 8, came from the fact the height of the triangle is

half the height of the big square, and the base came from the calculations is Figure 4.

As with polygon 1, in order to find the area of polygon 2, the 2nd outermost polygon, we

will find the area of one triangle within the dodecagon going from the origin to a side and

multiplying the area of that by 12.

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Figure 6. Polygon 2

Figure 6, above, is an image of polygon 2. Polygon 2 is the outer barrier for the wall.

As the area of the square polygon 2 is within is 14 ft by 14 ft (One foot in on all 4 sides),

the height of the triangle used is going to be half of that, or 7 ft (14/2). The trigonometric

function tangent can be used to find the length of the base.

tan(15) = .5b/7
7tan(15) = .5b
2(7tan(15)) = b
14tan(15) = b
b 3.75 ft

Figure 7. Calculating the Base of Polygon 2

Figure 7, above, is the math behind finding the side length of a base of Polygon 2.
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Now that the height and base of a triangle have identified, the calculations to find the area

of the dodecagon may begin (Allow AP2 to be the area of polygon 2).

AP2 = 12()(b)(h)
AP2 = 12()(14tan(15))(7)
AP2 157.55ft2

Figure 8. Calculating the Area of Polygon 2

Figure 8, above, is the final calculation that was executed to find the area of polygon 2.

the height, 7, came from the fact the height of the triangle is half the height of the big square, and

the base came from the calculations is Figure 7.

As with polygons 1 and 2, in order to find the area of polygon 3, the 2nd innermost

polygon, we will find the area of one triangle within the dodecagon going from the origin to a

side and multiplying the area of that by 12.

Figure 9. Polygon 3
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Figure 9, above, is an image of polygon 3. Polygon 3 is the inner barrier for the wall.

As the area of the square Polygon 3 is within is 12 ft by 12 ft (Two feet in from polygon 1

on all 4 sides), the height of the triangle used is going to be half of that, or 6 ft (12/2). The

trigonometric function tangent can be used to find the length of the base.

tan(15) = .5b/6
6tan(15) = .5b
2(6tan(15)) = b
12tan(15) = b
b 3.22ft

Figure 10. Calculating the Base of Polygon 3

Figure 10, above, is the math behind finding the side length of a base of polygon 3.

Now that the height and base of a triangle have identified, the calculations to find the area

of the dodecagon may begin (Allow AP3 to be the area of polygon 3).

AP3 = 12()(b)(h)
AP3 = 12()(12tan(15))(6)
AP3 115.75ft2

Figure 11. Calculating the Area of Polygon 3

Figure 11, above, is the final calculation that was executed to find the area of polygon 3.

The height, 6, came from the fact the height of the triangle is half the height of the big square,

and the base came from the calculations is Figure 10.

As with the previous dodecagons, in order to find the area of polygon 4, the innermost

polygon, we will find the area of one triangle within the dodecagon going from the origin to a

side and multiplying the area of that by 12.

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Figure 12. Polygon 4

Figure 12, above, is an image of polygon 4. Polygon 4 is the inner barrier for the


As the area of the square Polygon 4 is within is 10 ft by 10 ft (Three feet in from polygon

1 on all sides), the height of the triangle used is going to be half of that, or 5 ft (10/2). The

trigonometric function tangent can be used to find the length of the base.

tan(15) = .5b/5
5tan(15) = .5b
2(5tan(15)) = b
10tan(15) = b
b 2.68ft

Figure 13. Calculating the Base of Polygon 4

Figure 13, above, is the math behind finding the side length of a base of polygon 4.
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Now that the height and base of a triangle have identified, the calculations to find the area

of the dodecagon may begin (Allow AP4 to be the area of polygon 4).

AP4 = 12()(b)(h)
AP4 = 12()(10tan(15))(5)
AP4 80.38ft2

Figure 14. Calculating the Area of Polygon 4

Figure 14, above, is the final calculation that was executed to find the area of polygon 4.

The height, 5, came from the fact the height of the triangle is half the height of the big square,

and the base came from the calculations is Figure 13.

Part III: Determining How Much Concrete, Plexiglas, and Water is Needed:

Now that the area of the four main polygons has been calculated, calculations for various

other parts of the tower may begin.

The first thing that is going to be looked at is the footing. It is going to extend 3.5 feet

into the ground. As stated earlier, the footing is going to be laid in the area between polygons 1

and 4.
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Figure 15. Image of Footing

Figure 15, above, is a picture of the footing of the tower.

VFooting = 3.5(AP1 - AP4)

VFooting = 3.5((12()(16tan(15))(8) - 12()(10tan(15))(5)))
VFooting 438.90 ft3

Figure 16. Calculating the Volume of the Footing

Figure 16, above, shows the calculations for finding the volume of the towers footing

(Allow VFooting to be the volume of the footing). The volume was calculated by multiplying the

area of the base, or the area of polygon 1 minus the area of polygon 4, by the height, or 3.5 ft.

How much will this concrete cost, you ask? Well, concrete goes for $115 for one cubic

yard now a days, so the cost per square foot would be $115/27, and there is 27 ft3 in 1 yd3.

CFooting = (Cost of Concrete in yds3/27)(VFooting in ft3)

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CFooting = (115/27)(3.5((12()(16tan(15))(8) - 12()(10tan(15))(5)))

CFooting $1869.39

Figure 17. Cost of Concrete

Figure 17, above analyzes the cost of the concrete needed in the footing (Allow CFooting to

be the cost of the footing). The total cost is determined by multiplying the cost of the concrete

per cubic foot by the volume of the footing calculated in Figure 16.

The volume of flooring needed and the cost of this flooring must be determined as well.

You have requested an aquarium to be made under your tower, therefore the floor will be made

out of plexiglas, so you may see into the aquarium. This plexiglas flooring will be 4 inches, or a

third of a foot thick.

Figure 18. Image of Flooring

Figure 18, above, is a picture of the flooring of the tower.

VFlooring = ()(AP4)
VFlooring = ()(12()(10tan(15))(5))
VFlooring 26.79 ft3

Figure 19. Calculating the Volume of the Flooring

Barber - Szczesniak 12

Figure 19, above, calculates the volume of the flooring (Allow VFlooring to be the volume of

the flooring). The comes from the plexiglas floor being 4 inches thick, and as this flooring is

going to cover the area of polygon 4.

So, each sheet of plexiglas that can be purchased is going to be 4 feet by 8 feet by of a

foot, and each sheet cost $1100. Since both the flooring and plexiglas are 4 inches, or of a foot

thick, we are going to ignore this. So, we have 32 ft2 sheets to cover about 80.38 ft2 of area (This

number came from the calculations in Figure 14.)

CFlooring = 1100((AP4)/32)
CFlooring = 1100((12()(10tan(15))(5))/32)
CFlooring = 1100(2.51)
CFlooring = 1100(3)
CFlooring = $3300

Figure 20. Cost of Plexiglas

Figure 20, above, calculated the cost of the plexiglas (Allow CFlooring to be the cost of the

flooring/plexiglas). Note that in line 4 the 2.51 was changed to 3 as one can not simply buy .51

sheets of plexiglas. Also note the 2.51 in line 3 is rounded, simply to demonstrate why 3 sheets

were needed.

The last aspect of the below-ground part of the tower that was requested was the

aquarium. The aquarium is going to run down to the bottom of the footing, or 3.5 ft deep. It is

going to use polygon 4 as the base, and it is only going to be 75% filled of water.
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Figure 21. Image of Aquarium

Figure 21, above, is a picture of the aquarium in the tower.

VWater = .75 (AP4(haquarium))

VWater = .75 (12()(10tan(15))(5)(3.5))
VWater = .75 (~281.35)
VWater 211.02 ft3

Figure 22. Calculating the Amount of Water in the Aquarium

Figure 22, above, calculates how much water will be in the aquarium (Allow VWater to be

the volume of the water in the aquarium). Since the aquarium is 75% full of water, the area of the

aquarium, which is the area of the base (polygon 4 in Figure 14) times the height (3.5 ft, which is

as deep as the foundation) is multiplied by .75, to make it 75% of the overall volume of the

aquarium. Note that in the 3rd line the total volume of the aquarium was found, and was rounded

so both the volume of water and volume of the aquarium could be found in the same figure.

Part IV: Outer Prism Lateral Faces: LSA, Doors, Windows and More
Barber - Szczesniak 14

Now it is time to look at the lateral surface area of the outside of the tower, or the side

relating to polygon 2.

Figure 23. Base of Outer Prism aka Polygon 2

The walls height is going to be twice of what was found as the base of polygon 2 (See

Figure 23, above). Figure 7 found that polygon 2s base was 14tan(15), so twice that, or the

height of the walls, is going to be 28tan(15). This height rounded to the nearest hundredth is

7.50 ft.

SALateral Face = bh
SALateral Face = 14tan(15)(28tan(15))
SALateral Face 28.14ft2

Figure 24. Area of Outer Wall

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Figure 24, above, calculated the area of the outer wall of the tower (Allow SALateral Face to

be the surface area of a lateral face). 14tan(15) came from Figure 7 as the base, and doubling

that above made the height, 28tan(15).

However, not all of the walls are going to be completely wall. One of the 12 sides is

going to have a door, and 2 other sides are going to have a window.

SADoor Face = SALateral Face - (AMain Door + ADoor Top)

SADoor Face = 14tan(15)(28tan(15)) - ((3*5)+((12()(3tan(15))(1.5))/2))
SADoor Face = 14tan(15)(28tan(15)) - ((15)+((12()(3tan(15))(1.5))/2))
SADoor Face = 14tan(15)(28tan(15)) - 18.62 ft2
SADoor Face 9.53 ft2

Figure 25. Area of Face with Door

Figure 26. Picture of Face with Door

Figures 25 and 26 pertain to the area of both the wall that contains the door of the

building and the door itself (Allow SADoor Face to be the surface area of a face with a door). The 1.5

ft found as the height of the half polygon was found by dividing the base of the door by 2. The
Barber - Szczesniak 16

base of the half polygon side, 3tan(15) ft, or about 0.80 ft, came from trig functions, just like

what was done in part two for the other, larger dodecagons. The area of the full dodecagon was

found and was then divided by 2. The 18.62 ft2 is the approximate, rounded area of the door with

the half a dodecagon above it. Subtracting the area of the door from the area of an outer wall,

found in Figure 24, got the final answer.

SAWindow Face = SALateral Face - (AWindow)

SAWindow Face = 14tan(15)(28tan(15)) - (12()(3tan(15))(1.5))
SAWindow Face = 14tan(15)(28tan(15)) - 7.23 ft2
SAWindow Face 20.91 ft2

Figure 27. Area of Face with Window

Figure 28. Picture of Face with Window

Figures 27 and 28 pertain to the area of both the walls that contains the window of the

building and the window itself (Allow SAWindow Face to be the surface area of a face with a window).

The 7.23 ft2 is the approximate, rounded area of the window. The values for finding the area of

the window all came from what was done for the half a dodecagon on the door, just not divided
Barber - Szczesniak 17

by 2, so it would find the area of the full dodecagon. Subtracting the area of the window from

area of an outer wall, found in Figure 24, got the final answer.

The final thing covered in this section of the paper is determining the Lateral Surface

Area of the walls. This will exempt the area of the doors and windows. Two sides of the tower

will contain windows, and one side will contain the door with a half window.

LSAOuter Prism = 9(SALateral Face) + 2(SAWindow Face) + (SADoor Face)

LSAOuter Prism = 9(14tan(15)(28tan(15))) + 2(14tan(15)(28tan(15))-(12()(3tan(15))(1.5)))
+ (14tan(15)(28tan(15))-((15)+((12()(3tan(15))(1.5))/2)))
LSAOuter Prism 304.65 ft2

Figure 29. Calculating Lateral Surface Area of the Outer Prism

Figure 29, above, calculated the lateral surface area of the walls outside of the tower

(Allow LSAOuter Prism to be the lateral surface area of the outer prism). The lateral surface area is

comprised of 9 normal sides, 2 sides with windows (window SA not included), and one side with

the door (door SA also not included).

Part V: Volume of Inner Base Prism

Part five is going to cover the lateral faces of the inner prism as well as finding the

volume of the inner prism.

Barber - Szczesniak 18

Figure 30. Base of Outer Prism aka Polygon 3

Figure 30, above, is an image of the base that is going to used for everything in this

section of the paper. More information on this polygon (polygon 3), can be found in part 2,

Figures 7 and 8.

The first calculation for the inner prism is going to be the inner face size. The height, like

for the outer prism, is going to be 28tan(15), twice the side length of polygon 2. The base is

going to be the side length of polygon 3, 12tan(15).

Barber - Szczesniak 19

Figure 31. Inner Prism Face

SAInner Face = bh
SAInner Face = 12tan(15)(28tan(15))
SAInner Face 24.12 ft2

Figure 32. Calculating the Area of an Inner Prism Side

Figure 31, above, is a picture that goes along with the math done in Figure 32. The math

calculates the area of a face of the inner prism (Allow SAInner Face to be the surface area of an inner

face). The base is the side length of polygon 3, or 12tan(15), as the wall extends to polygon 3.

The height is the same as the outer prism, which was 28tan(15).
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The last thing is part five is going to be calculating the inner volume of the prism. This is

going to be done by multiplying the area of the base (polygon 3) by the height (twice the side

length of polygon 2)

VInner Prism = ABase(HPrism)

VInner Prism = 12()(12tan(15))(6)(28tan(15))
VInner Prism 868.45 ft3

Figure 33. Calculation of Volume of the Inner Prism

Figure 33, above, calculated the volume of the inner prism (Allow VInner Prism to be the

volume of the inner prism).

Part VI: Looking at the Outer Pyramid

The first thing that will happen in part six is calculating the height of the pyramid, which

will be the roof of the tower. This roof height is going to be 3 times the height of the side of

polygon 2. The roof is going to extend out to polygon 2.

H = 3(SideP2)
H = 3(14tan(15))
H = 42tan(15)
H 11.25 ft

Figure 34. Calculating the Height of the Pyramid

Figure 34, above, calculated the height of the pyramid by multiplying the side of polygon

2 by 3 (Allow H to be the height of the outer pyramid)

Next, the slant height needs to be calculated. This is going to be found using the

Pythagorean Theorem, plugging in the height of a triangle in polygon 2 for a and the height of

the pyramid for b.

c2 = a2 + b2
c2 = 72 + (42tan(15))2
Barber - Szczesniak 21

c2 = 49 + (42tan(15))2
c2 = (49 + (42tan(15))2)
c 13.25 ft

Figure 35. Calculating Slant Height

Figure 35, above, calculated the slant height of a lateral face of the pyramid. (Allow c to

be the slant height of the outer pyramid).

Figure 36. Outer Pyramid Dimensions

Figure 36, above, is a visual of the outer roof. The height and slant height, among other

things, have been labeled.

The final thing that will be done in part six is finding the angle formed between a lateral

pyramid face and the base of the prism, using the trig function inverse tangent.
Barber - Szczesniak 22

tan() = opposite/adjacent
tan() = (42tan(15)/7)
= tan-1(42tan(15)/7)

Figure 37. Calculating the Angle Between Lateral Side and Base

Figure 37, above, is the math that calculated the angle that is formed between the lateral

side and the base (Allow to be that angle). The opposite value came from the side opposite to

the angle, the height, or 42tan(15), and the adjacent value came from the length of the side

adjacent to angle theta, or 7.

Part VII: The Outer Pyramid Lateral Faces:

Part seven of these calculations is going to focus on the lateral faces of the outer pyramid.

This is going to start with looking at the area and angle measures of one lateral face, and

eventually the lateral surface area of the outer pyramid.

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Figure 38. Lateral Face Measurements

Figure 38 is a picture labeling all the side lengths and angle measures that are going to be

found in this section. Note that 1 and 2 should be 1 and 2, but the program does not

support subscript and superscript.

tan1 = opposite/adjacent
tan1 = ((49 + (42tan(15))2))/(7tan(15)
1 = tan-1(((49 + (42tan(15))2))/(7tan(15))
1 81.94

Figure 39. Measure of the First Angle

Figure 39 calculated the measure of the first two angles on the lateral pyramid face

(Allow 1 to be those angles). These are the 2 congruent angles that are near the base of the

pyramid, rather than the angle at the top of the pyramid, which is calculated below.
Barber - Szczesniak 24

tan2 = 2(opposite/adjacent)
tan2 = 2((7tan(15))/((49 + (42tan(15))2)))
2 = 2(tan-1((7tan(15))/((49 + (42tan(15))2))))
2 16.11

Figure 40. Measure of the Second Angle

Figure 40, above, calculates the measure of the second angle of the lateral triangle, the

one found near the top of the pyramid (Allow 2 to be that angle). Note that the value was

multiplied by 2 as the angle calculated was only the part within the right triangle, which only

makes up half the overall triangle. To clarify, the height of the right triangle bisected the angle

found in half and the lateral face triangle in half.

The second half of part seven is going to find the area of one of the lateral faces and then

the lateral surface area.

SALateral Side = .5bh

SALateral Side = .5(14tan(15))((49 + (42tan(15))2))
SALateral Side 24.86 ft2

Figure 41. Area of One Lateral Face

Figure 41, above, calculates the surface area of one of the lateral faces (Allow SALateral Side

to be the surface area of a lateral side of the pyramid). The base came from the side length of

polygon 2 and the height came from the slant height found in figure 35.

LSAOuter Pyramid = 12(SALateral Side)

LSAOuter Pyramid = 12(.5)(14tan(15))((49 + (42tan(15))2))
LSAOuter Pyramid 298.30 ft2

Figure 42. Calculating the Outer Pyramids Lateral Surface Area

Barber - Szczesniak 25

Figure 42, above, calculates the lateral surface area of the outer pyramid (Allow LSAOuter

Pyramid to be the lateral surface area of the outer pyramid). It was done by multiplying the area of

one of the lateral faces (found in Figure 41) by 12, as the tower has 12 sides.

Part VIII: Inner Pyramid

The inner pyramid is covered in part 8, as the title implies. This is going to include

finding the height and volume. The height of the inner pyramid is going to be 3 times what the

base of polygon 3 was.

Figure 43. Inner Pyramid Dimensions

Figure 43, above, is a visual of the inner roof. The height and slant height have been

labeled, among other things. The angle between the base and lateral side was found by doing tan-
(36tan(15)/6), which came out to be ~ 58.12.
Barber - Szczesniak 26

H = 3(Side LengthP3)
H = 3(12tan(15))
H = 36tan(15)
H 9.65 ft

Figure 44. Calculation of Inner Pyramid Height

Figure 44, above, calculated the height of the pyramid by multiplying the side of polygon

3 by 3, as it is 3 times the length of a side of polygon 3 (Allow H to be the height of the inner


Next, the slant height needs to be calculated. This is going to be found using the

Pythagorean Theorem, plugging in the height of a triangle in polygon 3 for a and the height of

the pyramid for b.

c2 = a2 + b2
c2 = 62 + (36tan(15))2
c2 = 36 + (36tan(15))2
c2 = (36 + (36tan(15))2)
c 11.36 ft

Figure 45. Calculating Slant Height of Inner Pyramid

Figure 45, above, calculated the slant height of a lateral face of the pyramid.

The last part of part eight is finding the volume of the inner pyramid. This is going to be

done by multiplying the base of the pyramid (polygon 3) by the height of the pyramid


VInner Pyramid = Abase(hpyramid)

VInner Pyramid = (12()(12tan(15))(6)(36tan(15)))/3
VInner Pyramid 372.19 ft3

Figure 46. Volume of Inner Pyramid

Barber - Szczesniak 27

Figure 46, above, finds the volume of the inner pyramid (Allow VInner Pyramid to be the

volume of the inner pyramid).

Part IX: The Tower

This final section of the paper is going to look at the lateral surface area and volume of

the entire tower.

Figure 47. Image of The Tower

Figure 47, above, is a picture of the entire tower that is to be constructed. All sides are

visible because a x-ray feature of the design program was utilized, as there was no way to make a

dotted or dashed line in the program.

The lateral surface area of the entire tower is going to be calculated below by adding the

LSA of the outer prism and outer pyramid.

Barber - Szczesniak 28

LSATower = LSAOuter Prism + LSAOuter Pyramid

LSATower = (9(14tan(15)(28tan(15))) + 2(14tan(15)(28tan(15))-(12()(3tan(15))
(1.5))) + (14tan(15)(28tan(15))-((15)+((12()(3tan(15))
(1.5))/2)))) + (12(.5)(14tan(15))((49 + (42tan(15))2)))
LSATower 602.95 ft2

Figure 48. Lateral Surface Area of Tower

Figure 48, above, calculated the lateral surface area for the entire tower (Allow LSATower to

be the lateral surface area of the entire tower). This was done by adding the LSA of the outer

prism (calculated in Figure 29) to the LSA of the outer pyramid (calculated in Figure 42).

The volume of the entire tower is going to be calculated below by adding the volume of

the inner prism and inner pyramid.

VTower = VInner Prism + VInner Pyramid

VTower = (12()(12tan(15))(6)(28tan(15))) + ((12()(12tan(15))(6)(36tan(15)))/3)
VTower 1240.65 ft3

Figure 49. Volume of Tower

Figure 49, above, calculated the overall volume of the tower (Allow VTower to be the

volume of the entire tower). This was done by adding the volume of the inner prism (calculated

in Figure 33) and the inner pyramid volume (calculated in Figure 46).

Part X: Conclusion:

Throughout the calculations of the tower a few issues were encountered. There were

minor time management issues, and there was trouble getting the two authors together. Most of

these issues were the model posing design challenges.

Overall, this is a very strong tower design. It has 602.95 ft2 of outer lateral surface area

that can be decorated, as well as 1240.65 ft3 of space in the interior that can be filled in any way
Barber - Szczesniak 29

after construction has completed. We know that this is a wonderful, mathematically correct tower

design and that someday, you will indeed decide to build it.

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