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30 New Words for the Month of February

1. Clicktivism - The practice of signaling support for a political or social cause

by means of the Internet, through social media, online petitions, etc., rather
than by more substantive involvement.
Ex. The Government tolerates people to impose Clicktivism on social media.

2. Bracket ology: The activity of predicting the participating teams in a

tournament and the winners of the competitions stages, as depicted in a
diagram representing the sequence of matches.
Ex. Any Ballgames are required to make use of bracket ology for them to
predict the outcome.
3. YOLO - You only live once; used to express the view that one should make
the most of the present moment without worrying about the future.
Ex. My brother used to YOLO all the time whenever he makes life changing
4. Freemium - A business model, especially on the Internet, whereby basic
services are provided free of charge while more advanced features must be
paid for.
Ex. Online Businesses are rampant in the internet to provide people services
which offers Freemium.
5. Non-apology: A statement that takes the form of an apology but does not
acknowledge responsibility or express regret for what has caused offence or
upset; an insincere or unconvincing apology.
Ex. My older sister makes Non-Apology statement every time she made fun
of me.
6. Yoda - A person who embodies the characteristics of Yoda, esp. in being
wise; an elder, sage or guru.
Ex. My father will always be my Yoda of all good things.
7. Squee - Representing a high-pitched squealing or squeaking sound produced
by an animal, musical instrument, etc.
Ex. Rats are usually produces Squee sound during night inside our ceiling.
8. Broga - a type of yoga designed to appeal to men
Ex. Men also can execute Broga to exercise breathing similar to womens
9. Sharenting - using social media excessively to share information about
ones children.
Ex. Parents should refrain from sharenting home privacy to avoid people to
take advantage.
10.Adulting - doing things that are associated with being an adult.
Ex. As an adult we use to do things that are considered Adulting.
11.Inconvenience fee - an amount of money paid to make up for causing
someone problems or trouble.
Ex. There are people used to pay inconvenience fee to destroy others
12.Breadcrumber - someone who contacts another person very infrequently.
Ex. My mom is a breadcrumber to me and my siblings.
13. Micro-adventure - a short, exciting activity, such as a trip or
Ex. I used to have a Micro-adventure with my husband to spend quality time.
14. night czar - a person who has been given special powers by the
government to deal with a citys night-time activities and events.
Ex. I always dreamt to be a night czar.
15.Malicious insider - a person within an organization whose actions threaten
the security of that organizations activities or data.
Ex. I sometimes consider myself a malicious insider that threaten my
colleagues for fun.
16.Cybersoldier - a member of the military who works in the field of cyber
Ex. Porn sites are one of the most wanted in pursuit by cybersoldiers.
17.Digita twin - a digital representation of a product or piece of equipment.
Ex. Whenever I sell product online I tend to upload photos of the product that
serves to be digital twin.
18.Textalyzer - a device that the police could use to check if a driver has been
using their phone while driving.
Ex. Government imposes the strict law on being a textalyzer among drivers is
strictly prohibited.
19.Thunderstorm asthma - a medical condition that makes breathing difficult,
caused by a large amount of pollen in the air after a storm.
Ex. Many have died after being infected by Thunderstorm asthma disease.
20.Computer vision syndrome - a condition of the eye caused by spending a
large amount of time looking at a computer screen.
Ex. Im afraid that I may get computer vision syndrome by too much
exposure to computers.
21.Social menopause - the time in a womans life when she no longer wants to
stay out late, go to parties or any night time events.
Ex. I always wonder how it feels to be a social menopause individual that set
aside any socialization.
22.Thrisis - feelings of unhappiness, worry, and disappointment that some
people experience when they are around 30 years old and that can
sometimes lead them to make important changes in their life.
Ex. They say Thrisis may experience in our mid 30s where everything is
23.Conversational commerce - direct conversations between people and
companies or services using technology such as apps.
Ex. Apps made communication easier and faster that turns to be a
conversational commerce.
24.Chefdom - A noun meaning the overall fact, state, or positioning of
becoming a chef.
Ex. Someday I will enter chefdom through my passion in culinary arts.
25.Cheeseball - Someone or something lacking taste, style, or originality; or the
breaded and deep fried cheese appetizer.
Ex. My friend find herself a cheeseball in cooking.
26.Bocconcini - used to denote any small items of food, also means balls of
Ex. I always receive a boccocinni of gift from my admirers.
27.Webisode Short video of a TV programme shown online.
Ex. I am a fan of Korean webisodes tv series.
28.Freegan Someone who eats thrown away food as they hate waste.
Ex. My parents are Freegan type of person.
29.E-cigarette Cig-shaped battery powered device containing nicotine.
Ex. E-cigarette are best alternatives for smokers who are willing to give up
30.Jeggings - Designed to look like jeans but have stretch in them like leggings.
Unlikely to cut off circulation like skinny jeans.
Ex. I have lots of sets of jeggings in my closet.

Nowadays all things can be found on the internet due to rampant spreads of
computer influence, sure it made our live much easier but it also affect our well-
being as a human. Government already use the method clicktivism that were
used to political purposes. Computer world is considered infested by sharenting
that put the risk of oneself through social media, bad side of adulting which can be
seen on porn sites, infested by malicious insiders that will eventually destroy
certain peoples reputation. That is why government created cybersoldiers to
pursue criminals lurking in the cyberworld. However Computer era also has its
advantages where you can start business by posting digital twins on your own
products such as jeggings, e-cigarette etc., through internet computer considered
to be the conversational commerce where it way of communication. Therefore
use computer moderately to avoid Computer Vision Syndrome and social

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