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First Lesson of Music Therapy

Monday 13 February 2017

Psychiatric Day Center Somsart, Comerio (Varese)

Dr. Alberto Maccabruni
What kind of center is Somsart?

Somsart is a social promotion Association borned in 1992 in Comerio.

It borned when our actual President, Maria Grazia Crippa, met Psychiatrist
Edoardo Balduzzi during a seminary in Varese.

Immediately they start to talk about their ideas about psychiatric

reabilitation institute and in this way borned Somsart.

The institution is put inside an old theatre of Comerio and this site whit a
great lounge area and a wonderful stage became one of the most
functional riabilitation centre of Varese and Province
The focus of our institute is riabilitation trought the artistic
method (Painting, Music, Theatre, Dance) and other clinical

In 2013 the institute was affiliate to ASL of Varese (italian local

health institute)

The music activity is in the morning of Monday anche Wednesdy.

The team of our Institute consist of 5 persons:

2 Professional Educator
2 Psychologist Psycotherapist
1 Psychiatrist
What is Music Therapy?

Music Therapy (MT) consist in the utilization of music like a

means to achieve wellness.

In the World exist 5 models of MT:

1. Benenzons model, Psychoanalytic
2. Nordoff Robbins, Creative Approach
3. Jung Music Model
4. Madsen, Cognitive Behavior Music Therapy
5. Bonny, Classical Music Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Music Therapy
In Somsart I use CBMT.
The focuses of CBMT are:

- Emprove cognitive abilities (Memory, Visual Perceptions,

Attention, Problem Solving, Visual-Spatial Skills, creativity,
- Emprove Social Skills
- Empathize with own emotional world
- Emprove imagination and emotionality by listening of
The MT session can be in group or individual.

In Somsart all session are in group.

In this way the patients can live their emotione, cognitive
abilities anc behaviors in an welness way without criticals
ancd possibile mistakes.
Couple who leads the group
The Conductor:
Chooses kind of exercises, the timing, and is directly responsible of all
work with patients.

The Co-Conductor:
Determine the start of the exercises in which nobody patient in the group
Typical Exercises in CBMT
The typical session of CBMT consists of 3 moments:

1. The beginning with hospitality

2. Exercises of MT for improving the main cognitive abilities
3. Listening music with musical pieces chosen from the conductor or

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