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World History #1002

Rome Aqueduct System

An ancient Irrigation systems
from the Great Empire

1. Phatsakorn Rodphol 5961175

2. Watcharit Polsen 5961154
3. Witchayut Ngarmpornchai 5961183

During ancient time, human developed many civilizations and invented thousands of
inventions. Irrigation systems also play big role in that time, as they are vital for the survival of
the people either near the water reservoirs or in the remote areas. In this report, we will focus on
Aqueduct systems, developed in Roman Civilization. The Aqueduct systems in Roman
Civilization are one of the great achievement in Roman history as they fed the population with
constant supply of water. Later, these aqueducts served for industrial and militaries; making
Roman Civilization powerful for many centuries.

Uses #1: Bring in Water Supply

Rome first aqueducts construction foreman, censor Appius Claudius Caecus (During 312BC) ,
stated that the aqueducts primary objective is to bring in Water Supply to their destined location.
The process start by connect one end of aqueduct bridge to the water reservoir. Then the water
will move along the bridge to the city; the gradient of each aqueducts was based on the elevation
between the reservoir and their destined city/town. The water will then pass on to the local
fountains, public baths and markets. The aqueduct will also deliver water supply to the mills,
bakeries, and mines for industrial purposes as well; some sample showcases for this primary
objective are Aqua Traiana, and Aqua Appia which both are located within Italy. These provide a
steady income of supply from both daily products and water.

How was it compare to modern day?

These tactics of using the Aqueduct had inspired people in modern time. They followed the
same concepts of these aqueducts, for both industrial purpose and daily life purpose. Only that in
nowadays we improved the system to mainly go underground for reducing the time of
constructing. Yet, the risk of water getting leaked or even contaminated without noticing is much

higher. So, even though we have improved the aqueduct system to become more efficient on
construction time, still it is less efficient compare to the ancient ones on the safety of water while
being delivered.

Uses #2: Bring out Waste

Censor Appius Claudius Caecus also stated another purpose/ secondary objective of Aqueduct
during his time (During 312BC) that they can also act like a sewer, deliver daily waste to the
dump. They do so by following the same process of bring in water supply, but alternatively.
Firstly, the waste from a city/town will go along the Aqueduct; the gradient of the aqueduct was
measured from the elevation between the city and the dump. Then, the dump will reach their
dump; Tiber River, for instance. Aqua Appia and Aqua Virgo are some of the aqueducts that
perform this objective. This secondary objective provide cleanness to Roman cities throughout
the Empire, yet leaving some lessons about proper dumping for us in this modern time.

How was it compare to modern day?

The process of dumping the waste via Aqueduct also inspired us for the development of sewer
systems. However, modern sewer system had proved to be more efficient than those during the
ancient time. As they have a connected joints to each other in order to reduce the difficulties of
dumping the waste, while the Aqueduct dumping path is a one-way path. Yet, both ancient sewer
system and the modern sewer system cause the pollution to the water system in huge amount.
Even though the Aqueduct sewer system may be the very first on-the-list of causing water
pollution, it still left behind somes lessons about good dumping for all of us.

Roman Aqueduct system is one of the system that greatly inspired us on the development of
irrigation system and dumping system. During Roman period, these aqueducts served the Roman
people as the provider for water supply and a passageway for dumping the waste. Even now,
some of these aqueducts are still function as an irrigation system and a tourist attraction. These

aqueducts make me realized how intelligent people are to design this very first irrigation system
of the world. However, it also teaches me that even in the past, human also create pollution to the
environment. This environmental mistake can improve by us, otherwise, it may become more


Ancient Roman Aqueducts. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2017, from
Roman aqueduct. (2017, February 16). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from
List of aqueducts in the Roman Empire. (2016, November 16). Retrieved February 17, 2017,

The Pont du Gard Aqueduct Bridge Masterpiece of Ancient Building. (2014, July 6).

Retrieved February 17, 2017, from

Schram, W. D. (2015, June). Aqua Virgo. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from

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