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- The setting happens in the same

- Andy crosses the border in McNary.the
Shawshank Prison.
border is Fort Hancock.
- The place (Zihuantanejo) in
- In the book, the story ends when Red i
which Andy wants to go after
son a bus while in the movie, he finds
being in prison is the same, and it
Andy on a beach of Mexico.
is in Mexico.
- Boggs, one of the sisters ends up in

- Brooks dies in the same old age another penitentiary while in the film, he is

house. transferred to a medical prison (infirmary)

due to a beating received by the guards.


- Andy Dufresne - Red:

: the main protagonist of the book. He in the book, he is described as a white Irish
has the same characteristics like being man while in the movie he has a Brown skin
composed and calm as in the movie. and that is why he was called Red because
He was He is the main reason why the he had red hair. Also, he had almost about
main theme is HOPE because he never the same age as Andy but in the movie, he is
gave up. much older.

- The three sisters ( Boggs, - Brooks Hatlen

They are described equally as in the In the book, he is the old prison librarian. Brooks
film. They liked to take men by the use pet was a pigeon instead of a crow as in the
of force to get their sexual satisfaction. movie appears. He got out form the Shawshank
They act the same as in the movie. Prison and dies of getting older but in the movie,
he suicided himself because he could not be of
any use to society in working because of this

- The trial of Andys case was likely - Brooks killed himself in the movie but in
the same. The trial happened the book, he died due to his age.
exactly in the movie as well as in
the novel. - Brooks wanted to cut other prisoners
throat in film which did not happened in
- The crime that Andy supposedly
the book.
made is exactly the same.

I really like the plot of the book. It is pretty interesting because I could realize many
things such social classes between prisoners. I could analyze it and found out that the power
middle social class people have over the poor ones such as in the case of the wardens. Also,
I realized the poor living conditions of the prisoners at that time like not having electricity cells
and the little amount of food they received. I really liked because trough the narration I could
enter in Andys story which I think it may be real in some part of the world. Basically, my
favorite part is when Andy escapes because nobody expected that. I think it surprised me
because how you would imagine that Andy was going to escape just by using a hammer. This
part was amazing because of the suspense. This was a remarkable part of the book because
it shows that Andy never gave up and was persistent. This part stays forever in my mind
because I could learn that HOPE is the only thing we need to achieve something. What I did
not like was when prisoners are sent to solitary because that was extremely hard punishment.
At the same time, I did not like the part in which men, in this case the sisters, take other men
by force just for the sexual satisfaction though it was interesting. Obviously, the best character
for me was Andy, the protagonist, because I admire his behavior and the way he faces
troubles. He always showed serenity and calm even though he was taken by the sisters. I
learned from this character to be strong and maintain my composure always either good or
bad moments. There are many things that I could learn from this story; for example, I learned
not lose HOPE, and this is the only thing you need to achieve something. I learned to never
give up even though the things may seem difficult and that I have to be persistent if I want to
get something. I also learned to have calm at any difficult situation because it will teach me to
grow as a person. Undoubtedly, I would change a part of the book which when Andy begged
many times to Norton to have another trial proving his innocence through the declaration of
Tommy Williams. I did not like that Norton did not give a second chance to Andy. He was
selfish and extremely evil to the point that he sent Tommy to a less security prison in other
that he not helps Andy with his confession. Without any doubt, that is the section of the story
that I would change. To be sincere, I enjoyed both the book and the movie, but mostly the
movie. What I enjoyed from the book it is the part when Red describes how he heard that
Andy was taken and the things taken men did such as to use toilet paper to stop the blood in
order to not be annoyed by their cellmates with the idea of having menstruation. As I said
before, what I liked the most was the movie because it is more vivid to watch the movie since
it is more appealing. The movie was more interesting because of the changes or adaptations
that are in the movie that in the book does not appear. Form the movie, I liked the part in
which Andy takes revenge when people know the corruptible business of Norton as well as
his bad administration. It was appealing for me when Norton killed himself also something that
I liked the most in the movie was they met at the end of the movie in a beach of Mexico.
Without thinking much, this part is what I liked the most because it touched my heart with an
happy ending.

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