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An electrical circuit or network is an interconnection of electrical elements
such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transmission lines, voltage sources, current sources,
and switches. The analysis of electrical circuit should results in knowing the voltage across
and currents through all the circuit elements. In circuit analysis, all the elements in a network
must satisfy Kirchhoffs laws, besides their own characteristics. Network topology is a
generic name that refers to all properties arising from the structure or geometry of a network.
If each element or a branch of a network is represented on a diagram by a line irrespective of
the characteristics of the elements, we get a graph. Hence network topology is network
geometry. Thus topology deals with the way in which the various elements are interconnected
at their terminals without considering the properties and type of the elements connected. This
method is considered to be a more systematic approach to the analysis of large electrical
For small circuit analysis based on nodal and mesh equation methods by using
Kirchoffs law and Ohms law are sufficient. But for complex networks these methods are
difficult and take more time for solving the equations. The high speed digital computers has
made it possible to use graph theory advantageously for larger network analysis. In order to
describe the geometrical structure of the network, it is sufficient to replace the different
power system components such as generators, transformers and transmission lines etc. by a
single line element irrespective of the characteristics of the power system components. These
line segments are called elements and their terminals are called nodes.
Node: A node is a junction point or inter-connection point of two or more network elements.
Element or Branch or Edge: An element is a line segment representing one network
element or a combination of network elements connected between two nodes.
Degree of a node: It is the number of branches incident on a node.
Graph: In a network, if the branches are represented by straight line segments and nodes by
dots, then the resultant diagrammatic representation is called as a graph.
Oriented Graph: If each line segment of a graph is assigned with a direction, it is called as a
oriented graph.
Connected Graph: When there exits at least one path between every pair of nodes, then the
graph is called as a connected graph.

Tree: The tree of a network connects all the nodes of the network but contains no closed
Twig: Each branch of a tree is called as a twig.
Co-tree: All branches that are present in the network, but not in the tree of the network,
together constitute a Co-tree.
Link: Each branch of a co tree is called as a link or chord.
Path: A path is a traversal from one node to another node of a graph along the branches,
such that no node is encountered twice.
Planar graph: If a graph contains no cross-overs i.e. if it can be represented on a single
plane, then it is called as a planar graph.
Sub-graph: A graph Gs is said to be the sub graph of a graph G, if every node of G s is a
node of G and every branch of Gs is also a branch of G.
Rank: The rank of a connected graph is defined as (n-1)
Where n = no. of nodes in the graph
Tie-set: Tie-set is a set of branches which forms a closed path or loop.
A basic tie-set or a fundamental tie-set is a tie-set having one and only one link branch, the
other elements being tree branches
Cut-set: A fundamental cut-set of a graph w.r.t a tree is a cut-set formed by one and only
one twig and a set of links, which must be cut to divide the network graph into two parts.
The conventional direction for the fundamental cut-set is taken to be the same as the direction
of the tree branch defines the particular cut-set.
Example: The following fig 1.1 shows all the above things clearly


In the above graph
(i) Degree of node 1 is 2
(ii) The rank of the graph is 3
A tree is a sub-graph of a network which consists of all the nodes as in the
graph, but has no closed path. Every graph has at least one tree. The branches of tree are
called as twigs and the branches removed from the graph in forming the tree are called as
links or chords.
The number of twigs = the rank of the tree = (n-1)
where n = number of nodes.
If the connected graph has b branches and n nodes, then the number of links corresponds
to the graph, l = b-n +1
The set of all links corresponding to a given tree is called a co-tree.

Note: Since energy sources are replaced by their internal impedance, voltage and
current sources are replaced by short circuit and open circuit respectively.
1.3.1 Properties of a Tree
The tree of a graph has the following properties:
i) It is a connected sub-graph.
ii) It contains all the nodes of the original graph.
iii) A graph having n nodes will have (n-1) branches in its tree.
iv) Tree does not contain any closed path.
v) There may be many trees for a given graph.

Matrix representation of a graph is very important in the development of the network
equations. There are several incidence matrices that are important in developing the various
network matrices such as bus impedance matrix and branch admittance matrix etc., using
singular or non-singular transformation. We shall discuss the following matrix representation
of the graph
1.4.1 Element node (branch node) Incidence matrix ( ):
This matrix shows which branch is incident to which node. Each column of
the matrix represents the corresponding node of the graph; each row represents the
corresponding element. If there are n nodes and e elements in a graph, then the order of
the element node incidence matrix is n e
The elements aij of the complete incidence matrix [A1] are found as follows
aij = 1, if ith element is incident and oriented away from the jth node.
aij = -1, if ith element is incident and oriented towards the jth node.
aij = 0, if ith element is not incident to the jth node.
Consider the graph as shown in fig.(1.3). The element node incidence matrix is given by

1.4.2 Bus incidence matrix (A)

Any node of a connected graph can be selected as the reference node. Then,
the variables of the other nodes, referred to as buses, can be measured with respect to the
assigned reference. The matrix obtained from deleting the column corresponding to the
reference node is the bus incidence matrix A. The order of the matrix is ex (n-1) and the rank
is (n-1).

The matrix A can be partitioned into two sub-matrices (i) At of dimension (n-1)x(n-1)
corresponding to the branches which are twigs and (ii) A l of dimension lx(n-1) corresponding
to links. The partitioned matrices are shown below

Since A gives the incidence of various branches on the node with their direction of incidence,
the KCL equation for the nodes can be written as
AT i = 0 --- (1.1)
Where AT is the transpose of matrix A
i is the vector of branch currents
1.4.3 Branch path incidence matrix (K)
The branch path incidence matrix shows the incidence of branches to paths in a
tree, where a path is oriented from a node to the reference node.
The elements kij of the branch path incidence matrix [K] are found as follows
kij = 1, if the ith branch is in the path from the jth bus to reference and is
oriented in the same direction.
kij = -1, if the ith branch is in the path from the jth bus to reference and is
oriented in the opposite direction.
kij = 0, if the ith branch is not in the path from the jth bus to reference bus.
The dimension of the matrix is (n-1)x(n-1). The matrix K associated with a tree of fig .(1.4)

The branch path incidence matrix and the sub matrix A t relate the branches to paths and
branches to buses respectively. So there is one to one correspondence between paths and

KT= At-1 --- (1.2)
1.4.4 Basic Cut-set incidence matrix (B)
A fundamental cut-set of a graph w.r.t a tree is a cut-set formed by one and only one twig and
a set of links, which must be cut to divide the network graph into two parts. The conventional
direction for the fundamental cut-set is taken to be the same as the direction of the tree branch
defines the particular cut-set.
The elements bij of the basis cut set matrix [B] are found as follows
bij = 1, if the ith element is incident to and oriented in the same direction as
the jth basic cut set.
bij = -1, if the ith element is incident to and oriented in the opposite
direction as the jth basic cut set.
bij =0, if the ith element is not incident to the jth basic cut set.
The basic cut set incidence matrix for the example of fig. (1.5) is

The sub matrix Bl can be obtained from the bus impedance matrix A. The incidence of links
to buses is given by the sub matrix Al and the incidence of elements to buses is given by the
sub matrix Ab. Since there is a one to one correspondence of the elements and basic cut-sets,
Bl Ab gives the incidence of links to buses.
i.e Bl At= Al
Bl = Al At-1
= Al KT ( Since At-1 = KT) --- (1.3)
1.4.5 Augmented cut-set matrix (B1)
Fictitious cutsets, called tie-cut sets can be introduced to get a square cutest matrix. Each tie
cutset contains only one link of the connected graph and is oriented in the same direction as
the link (Note that it is not a cutset in the actual sense, since removal of the cutset elements

does not divide the graph into two separate parts). We get a non-singular square matrix of
dimension ee. The augmented cutset matrix for the example of fig.(1.5) is

1.4.6 Basic loop incidence matrix ( C )

The incidence of elements to basic loops of a connected graph is shown by the basic loop
incidence matrix. Choose the loop direction always along the link direction. The dimension
of the basic loop incidence matrix is el
The elements Cij of the basic loop incidence matrix [C] are found as follows
Cij = 1, if the ith element is incident to and oriented in the same direction as
the jth basic loop.
Cij = -1, if the ith element is incident to and oriented in the opposite
direction as the jth basic loop
Cij = 0, if the ith element is not incident in the jth basic loop.
The basic loop incidence matrix for the example of fig.(1.6) is given by

Application to KVL to each fundamental loop, constitutes a set of l linearly independent

equations, written as
CT V = 0 --- (1.4)
1.4.7 Augmented loop incidence matrix (C1)
The basic loop incidence matrix can be augmented by adding open-loops corresponding to
the tree branches, to obtain a non-singular square matrix of dimensions ee. An open loop is
simply a path between adjacent nodes connected by a twig.

The augmented loop incidence matrix for fig.(1.6) is given by

Example -1
For the oriented graph as shown in figure, obtain the bus incidence matrix A, branch path
incidence matrix K and basic cut set matrix B.
[ JNTU, supplementary , Nov- 05]
Number of nodes, n=5 1
Number of elements, e=7
Number of tree branches or twigs,
b (or t) = n-1 = 5-1 =4
Number of links, l= e-n+1 = 7-5+1 = 3

Bus incidence matrix A

Bus incidence matrix A is taken between number of elements e and (n-1) nodes. The
tree of the given graph is as shown in the following figure. Here the reference node is not
taken into consideration. Taking 0 as reference node.

Branch path incidence matrix K

Branch path incidence matrix K relates the no. of tree branches b to paths in a tree. It
shows the incidence of branches to paths.

Basic cut set matrix B
Basic cut set matrix B is taken between number of elements e and number of basic cut sets
consists of only one branch, so number of basic cut sets are equal to number of branches.

Example -2
Determine the incidences matrices A, K, B, B1, C, C1 for the figure as shown below
and verify the following
i) Cb = -BTl ii) C1 (B1) T = U iii) At KT = U iv) Bl = Al KT

The oriented graph for the given network is

Let us assume node 1 as reference node
number of nodes, n=4
number of tree branches, b= n-1 = 4-1 = 3
number of links, l = e-n+1 = 4-4+1 = 1

i) Cb = -BTl from the matrices Cb and Bl values, we have
Cb = -BTl

1.4.8 Interrelationships between the matrices A, B and C of the network graph
The matrix A can be partitioned into two sub-matrices
i) Ab of dimension (n-1)(n-1) corresponding to the tree branches and ii) Al of dimension
l(n-1) corresponding to links, thus we can write as

A --- (1.5)

The following properties are now stated without a rigorous proof and illustrated for some
Property 1: For a given tree of a graph each row of the fundamental loop matrix C is
orthogonal to each row of the fundamental cut set matrix B. Mathematically this relationship
BT C = C BT = 0 --- (1.6)

U Cb
Since B = , and C = , it follows
Bl U

[ U/ BTl] =0
[CbU+BlTU]=0 [Cb+BlT]U=0
Since U 0 Cb+BlT = 0
[BTl] [ Cb] = 0
CbT = - Bl
Cb = - BTl --- (1.7)

This is a very important result. It tells us that for a given tree of a graph, if the fundamental
loop matrix C is known, the fundamental cut set matrix is also known and vice-versa. This
relationship can be verified from eq. (1.7)
Property 2: Let the incidence matrix A can be arranged in the order of tree branches and
links for a given tree i.e

A --- (1.8)

It can be shown that Ab is non-singular. Furthermore, the fundamental cut set matrix for a
given tree is given by
B = A Ab-1

= Ab-1

= 1
--- (1.9)
Al Ab

Since B= --- (1.10)

We have Bl = [ Al A-1 b] --- (1.11)

This important result tells us that, by choosing a tree and writing the incidence matrix by
inspection we can obtain the fundamental cut set matrix B and also the fundamental loop
matrix C from property 1.
Example-3: For the network graph as shown in figure, choose a tree whose branches are
(1,2,3). Find the fundamental cut set and loop matrices B and C by using the bus incidence

Solution: The tree for the above graph can be drawn as

By choosing node 1 as reference node, we can write reduced incidence matrix as

0 0 1
0 1 1
Therefore Ab = 1 0 0 , Al =
0 1 0
1 1 0

0 0 1
Ab 1 0 0 1(1 0) 1
1 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 0
Adj Ab = 1 1 0 = 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 0

0 -1 0
1 Adj Ab
Ab 0 -1 -1
1 0 0

0 -1 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Al Ab 0 -1 -1 =
0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0

1 1 1
Bl = Al Ab-1 =
0 1 1

1 0 0
0 1 0
B = 0 0 1
1 1 1
0 1 1
Since Cb= -BlT

T 1 0
1 1 1
= - = 1 1
0 1 1
1 1

1 0
1 1
C= = 1 1
1 0
0 1
The data obtained from electricity boards or the power companies is in the form of
primitive network (or primitive network matrix). Primitive network is a set of uncoupled
elements which gives information regarding the characteristics of individual elements only.
There are two types of representation of primitive networks.
1. Impedance forms
2. Admittance form
1.5.1 Impedance form
Consider the network having two nodes x and y is shown in the fig.(1.7), the performance
equations of primitive network in impedance form can be written as

Vxy = ex - ey
Vxy Zxy ixy + exy = 0

Vxy + exy = Zxy ixy
V + e = [Z] i --- (1.12)
Where Vxy = voltage across element x-y
exy = voltage source in series with element x-y
ixy = current through the element x-y
Zxy = self impedance of element x-y
1.5.2 Admittance form
Consider the network as shown in fig.(1.8), the performance equations of the primitive
network in admittance form can be written as

ixy + jxy = yxy Vxy

i + j = [y] V --- (1.13)
Where jxy = current source between nodes x-y
Yxy = self admittance of branch x-y


1.6.1 Bus frame of reference
A network is made up of an interconnected set of elements. In the bus frame of reference,
the performance of an interconnected network is described by (n-1) independent nodal
equations, where n is the number of nodes.
In matrix notation, the performance equation is
VBUS = ZBUS IBUS (impedance form) --- (1.14)
IBUS = YBUS VBUS (admittance form) --- (1.15)
Where VBUS = vector of bus voltages w.r.t reference bus
IBUS = vector of impressed bus current matrix
YBUS = bus admittance matrix

ZBUS = bus impedance matrix
1.6.2 Branch frame of reference
In the Branch frame of reference, the performance of an inter-connected network is
described by b independent branch equation, where b is number of branches.
In matrix notation, the performance equation is
VBR = ZBR IBR (impedance form) --- (1.16)
IBR = YBR VBR (admittance form) --- (1.17)
Where VBR = vector of voltages across the branches
IBR = vector of currents through the branches
YBR = branch admittance matrix
ZBR = branch impedance matrix
1.6.3 Loop frame of reference
In the loop frame of reference, the performance of an inter connected network is
described by l independent loop equation, where l is no. of links or basic loops.
In matrix notation, the performance equation is
VLOOP = ZLOOP ILOOP (impedance form) --- (1.18)
ILOOP = YLOOPVLOOP (admittance form) --- (1.19)
Where VLOOP = vector of basic loop voltages
ILOOP= vector of basic loop currents
YLOOP = loop admittance matrix
ZLOOP = loop impedance matrix


The admittance matrix Y and the impedance matrix Z of a network can be determined by
using the following methods.
1. Based on incidence matrices
a. Singular transformation method
b. Non singular transformation method
2. Based on network analysis equations(by direct inspection method)
The primitive impedance matrix is the most basic matrix and depends purely on the
impedance of the individual elements. However, it contains no information about the
behaviour of the interconnected network variables. Hence, it is to transform the primitive

network matrices into more meaningful matrices which can relate variables of the
interconnected network.
1.8.1 Bus admittances and impedance matrices
The bus admittance matrix Ybus and bus impedance matrix Z bus can be determined by
using bus incidence matrix A which relates the variables and parameters of the primitive
network to the bus quantities.
The performance equation of the primitive network in admittance form is given by
i+j = [y]V
pre multiplying both sides with AT, we obtain
AT i + AT j = AT [y] V --- (1.20)
According to KCL, the algebraic sum of currents meeting at any node is equal to zero.
i.e AT i = 0 --- (1.21)
similarly algebraic sum of AT j gives the algebraic sum of all source currents incident at each
bus and this is nothing but the total current injected at the bus. Hence
AT j = IBUS --- (1.22)
Substituting the equations (1.21) and (1.22) in (1.20), we get
IBUS = AT [y] V --- (1.23)
Power into the network is [IBUS*]T VBUS and the sum of powers in the primitive network is
[j*]T V. the power in the primitive and interconnected networks must be equal, i.e the
transformation of the variables must power invariant.
[IBUS*]T VBUS = [j*]T V --- (1.24)
Taking the conjugate transpose of eqn.(1.22), we get
[AT]*T [j*]T = [IBUS*]T --- (1.25)
But A is a real matrix, so A* = A
From the matrix property [AT]T = A
[IBUS*]T = A [j*]T --- (1.26)
Substituting eq. (1.26) in (1.24), we get
A [j*]T VBUS = [j*]T V
A VBUS = V --- (1.27)
Substituting eq. (1.27) in (1.23), we get
IBUS = AT [y] A VBUS --- (1.28)
But the performance equation of the network is
IBUS = YBUS VBUS --- (1.29)

From eq. (1.28) and (1.29)
YBUS = AT [y] A --- (1.30)
The bus impedance matrix is given by
ZBUS = YBUS-1 = [ AT [y] A] -1 --- (1.31)
1.8.2 Branch admittance and impedance matrices:
The branch admittance matrix YBR and The branch impedance matrix ZBR can
determined by using basic cut set incidence matrix B which relates the variables and
parameters of the primitive network to the branch quantities of the interconnected network.
The performance equation of the primitive network in admittance form is given by,
i + j = [y] V
Pre multiplying both sides with BT, we get
BTi + BTj = BT [y] V --- (1.32)
BT i is the algebraic sum of the currents through the elements inside the basic cut set and this
is zero.
BT i = 0 --- (1.33)
Similarly, B j is a vector in which each element is the algebraic sum of the source currents of
the elements to the basic cut set and can be treated as a single current source in parallel with
the unique tree-branch in the basic cut set. It is denoted by I BR and given by
BT j = IBR --- (1.34)
Substituting eq. (1.33) and (1.34) in (1.32), we get
IBR = BT [y] V --- (1.35)
Power into the network is given by [I BR*]T VBR, and this is equal to the sum of powers in the
primitive network, [j*]T V since the power is invariant
[IBR*]T VBR = [j*]T V --- (1.36)
Taking the unique transpose of eq.(1.34), we get
[IBR*]T = [(BT)*]T (j*)T --- (1.37)
Since B is a real matrix, B = B
From the matrix property [BT]T = B
[IBR*]T = B [j*]T --- (1.38)
Substituting eq. (1.38) in (1.36), we get
B [j*]T VBR = [j*]T V --- (1.39)
Substituting eq. (1.39) and (1.34) in (1.35), we get
IBR = BT [y] B VBR --- (1.40)
But the performance equation of the network is

IBR = YBR VBR --- (1.41)
From eq. (1.40) and (1.41), we get
YBR = BT [y] B --- (1.42)
The branch impedance matrix is given by
ZBR = [YBR]-1 = [BT [y] B]T --- (1.43)
1.8.3 Loop admittance and impedance matrices:
The loop admittance matrix YLOOP and loop impedance matrix ZLOOP can be determined
by using basic loop incidence matrix C which relates the variables and parameters of the
primitive network to the loop quantities of the interconnected network.
The performance equation of the primitive network in impedance form is given by,
V + e = [Z] i
Pre multiplying both sides with CT, we get
CT V + CT e = CT [Z] i --- (1.44)
CT V is the algebraic sum of the all branch voltages in the loop and is equal to zero.
CT V = 0 --- (1.45)
Similarly C e gives the algebraic sum of the source voltage around each basic loop.
VLOOP = CT e --- (1.46)
Substituting eq. (1.45) and (1.46) in (1.44), we get
VLOOP = CT [Z] i --- (1.47)
Power into the network is given by [I LOOP*]T VLOOP, and this is equal to the sum of powers in
the primitive network, [i*]T e since the power is invariant
[ILOOP*]T VLOOP = [i*]T e --- (1.48)
From eq. (1.46) and (1.48), we get
[ILOOP*]T CT e = [i*]T e
[ILOOP*]T CT = [i*]T --- (1.49)
[i*]T = [C ILOOP*]T
i* = C ILOOP*
i = C* ILOOP --- (1.50)
Since C is a real matrix, C* = C
i = C ILOOP --- (1.51)
Substituting eq. (1.51) in (1.47), we get
VLOOP = CT [Z] C ILOOP --- (1.52)
But the performance equation of the network is

VLOOP = ZLOOP ILOOP --- (1.53)
From eq. (1.52) and (1.53), we get
ZLOOP = CT [Z] C --- (1.54)
The loop admittance matrix is given by
YLOOP = [ZLOOP]-1 = {CT [Z] C}-1 --- (1.55)
Example 4: Derive an expression for ZLOOP for the orient graph as shown below
[JNTU regular Nov-2005]

Solution: No. of nodes, n = 5

No. of tree branches, b = n-1 = 5-1 = 4
No. of links, l = e-b = 7-4 = 3
For the graph shown, let us assume 1,2,3,7 are tree branches. So the tree and corresponding
basic loop incident matrix for the given graph as

Let us assume the primitive impedance matrix for the given system is
Z 11 Z 12 Z 13 Z 14 Z 15 Z 16 Z 17
Z 21 Z 22 Z 23 Z 24 Z 25 Z 26 Z 27
Z 31 Z 32 Z 33 Z 34 Z 35 Z 36 Z 37
z = Z 41 Z 42 Z 43 Z 44 Z 45 Z 46 Z 47
Z 51 Z 52 Z 53 Z 54 Z 55 Z 56 Z 57
Z 61 Z 62 Z 63 Z 64 Z 65 Z 66 Z 67
Z 71 Z 72 Z 73 Z 74 Z 75 Z 76 Z 77

Note:- if there is no mutual coupling between the elements, [Z] is a diagonal matrix, whose
elements are impedances of the branches. If mutual coupling exists, then the corresponding
off-diagonal elements of [Z] will have a non-zero entry.
Let the mutual coupling between the elements is zero
Z 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Z 22 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 Z 33 0 0 0 0
[z] = 0 0 0 Z 44 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Z 55 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 Z 66 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 Z 77

Zloop = CT [z] C
Z 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 Z 22 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Z 33 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
= 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Z 44 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Z 55 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 Z 66 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 Z 77 0 0 1

0 1 1
1 1 1
0 Z 22 Z 33 Z 44 0 0 0 1 0 0
= Z 11 Z 22 0 0 Z 55 0 0 1 0 0
Z 11 Z 22 0 0 0 Z 66 Z 77 0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1

Z 22 Z 33 Z 44 Z 22 Z 22
= Z 22 Z 11 Z 22 Z 55 Z 22 Z 11
Z 22 Z 11 Z 22 Z 11 Z 22 Z 66 Z 77

Example 5: For the system as shown in figure, construct Y BUS by singular transformation
method. The parameters of various elements are given in table. Take node 1 as reference

Element Reactance in p.u
1-2 (1) 0.04
1-6 (2) 0.02
2-4 (3) 0.0.
2-3 (4) 0.02
3-4 (5) 0.08
4-5 (6) 0.06
5-6 (7) 0.05

Solution: The oriented graph and tree for the given system can be drawn as shown below.

No. of elements, e = 7
No. of nodes, n = 6
No. of tree branches, b = n-1 = 6-1 = 5
No. of links, l = e-b = 7-5 = 2
Let us assume the node 1 as reference node. The bus incidence matrix for the given system is

Primitive impedance matrix for the given system is
j 0.04 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 j 0.02 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 j 0.03 0 0 0 0
[Z] = 0 0 0 j 0.02 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 j 0.08 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 j 0.06 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 j 0.05

Primitive admittance matrix is

[y] = [Z]-1
The bus admittance matrix for the given system is
= a
YBUS = AT [y] A
j 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 j50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 j33.3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
[y] A =
0 0 0 j50 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 j12.5 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 j16.67 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 j 20 0 0 0 1 1

j 25 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 j 50
j 33.3 0 j 33.3 0 0
j 50 j 50 0 0 0
0 j12.5 j12.5 0 0
0 0 j16.67 j16.67 0
0 0 0 j 20 j 20

The bus admittance matrix for the given system is

YBUS = AT [y] A

j 25 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 j 50
0 0 0 1 1 0 0
j 33.3 0 j 33.3 0 0
= 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 j 50 j 50 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 j12.5 j12.5 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 j16.67 j16.67 0
0 0 0 j 20 j 20

j108.33 j 50 j 33.3 0 0
j 50 j 62.5 j12.5 0 0
YBUS = j 33.3 j12.5 j 62.5 j 36.67 0
0 0 j16.67 j 36.67 j 20
0 0 0 j 20 j 70


1. If the number of branches in a network is B, the number of nodes is N and the number of
dependent loops is L, then the number of independent node equations will be N1
2 2
a) N + 1 b) N-1 c) N -1 d) N +1
2. The number of independent loops for a network with N nodes and B branches is B - N + 1
a) B+ N + 1 b) B+ N-1 c) BN-1 d) B- N+1
3. The graph of an electrical network has N nodes, B branches. The number of links L with
respect to the choice of tree is given by B - N + 1
a) B+ N - 1 b) B+ N-1 c) BN+1 d) B- N+1
4. The diagonal elements of bus admittance matrix is called Self admittances
a) Self admittances b) Mutual admittance c) both d) none
5. The off diagonal elements of bus admittance matrix is called Mutual admittance
a) Self admittances b) Mutual admittance c) both d) none
6. The matrix consisting of the self and mutual admittances of the network 1of the power
system is called Bus admittance matrix
a) loop admittance b) node admittance c) Bus admittance d)none
7. If a graph having N number of nodes, the rank of the graph is n-1
a) N + 1 b) N-1 c) N2-1 d) N2+1
8. The terminal of an element is called a vertex
a) Vertex b) node c)both d)none
9. In a graph, if there are 4 nodes and 7 elements, the number of links is 4
a) 11 b) 4 c) 7 d) 3

10. The dimension of the bus incidence matrix is ex (n-1)

a) e (n-1) b) e n c) (e-1) (n-1) d) (e-1) n

11. A tree has ------- No closed paths
a) one closed path b) no closed path c) infinity closed paths d) none
12 The number of branches in a tree is ---------- the number of branches in a graph
a) Less than b) greater than c) qual to d) none
13. If a network contains B branches and N nodes, then the number of mesh current equations
would be b-(n-1)
a) B+ N + 1 b) B+ N-1 c) BN-1 d) B- N+1
14. The meeting of various components in a power system is called---------------.
a) node b) bus c) both d) none
15. If Ybus matrix is symmetrical then the corresponding Z bus matrix is symmetrical
a) symmetrical b) unsymmetrical c) both d) none
16. Tree is a sub-graph containing all the _____ of the original graph vertices
a) vertices b) elements c) both d) none
17. Co-tree is a complement of a tree
a) tree b) branch c) link d)all
18. The incidence of element to nodes in a connected graph is given by ------ incidence
matrix element node
a) bus b) element node c) loop d)all
19. The number of loops in a connected graph is equal to the number of links
a) vertices b) elements c) links d) none
20. The elements of the co-tree are called links
a) vertices b) branches c) links d) none
21. A graph consisting 'n' number of nodes, the number of tree branches is n-1
a) n b) n2 c) n-1 d)2n
22. A network has 7 nodes and 5 independent loops. The number of branches in the network
is 11
a) 11 b) 7 c) 5 d) 12
23. The diagonal elements of bus impedance matrix is called driving point impedances
a) driving point impedances b) transfer impedances c) both d)none
24. The off diagonal elements of bus impedance matrix is called Transfer impedances
a) driving point impedances b) transfer impedances c) both d)none

25. The matrix consisting of driving point impedances and transfer impedances of the
network of the power system is called bus impedance matrix
a) bus impedance matrix b) loop impedance matrix c)branch impedance matrix d)none
26. --------- is a minimal set of elements of a connected graph, which divides the entire graph
into two parts cut set
a) cut set b) tie set c) both d)none
27. ---------- incidence matrix gives the incidence of element to basic loops of a connected
graph basic loop
a) basic cut set b) basic loop c) basic tie set d) element node
28. Apply the KCL at every bus for developing the bus----------- matrix admittance
a) impedance b)admittance c) both d)none
29. A graph consisting n number of nodes, the rank of tree is n-1
a) n b) n-1 c) n-2 d) 2n
30. Apply the KVL at every bus for developing the bus----------- matrix impedance
a) impedance b)admittance c) both d)none
31. Nodal admittance matrix is a _______ matrix symmetric

s) symmetric b) un symmetric c) sparse d) both a and c


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