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Personal Narrative

My name is Meryl Hawkins and I am a Special Education teacher at Lansdowne High

School, in Baltimore Maryland. Lansdowne High School is a public high school within the

Baltimore County Public School district. This is my ninth year of teaching, and my seventh year

at Lansdowne High School. Before Lansdowne High School, I taught two years in Baltimore

City Public Schools, specifically fourth grade. I am currently, and have been for my seven years,

the Functional Academic Learning Supports teacher at Lansdowne High School. This is a self-

contained class, in with the focus of instruction and opportunities are based upon critical life

skills. This program includes a variety of community based instructional experiences, in order to

provide students with the training and skill development they will need, to build their

independent living skills. Students will receive a certificate of attendance from the State of

Maryland, rather than a high school diploma. During my experiences within my undergraduate

program, I developed a love for teaching Special Education, which ultimately lead me to my

current teaching position.

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