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Rincon, Savanah

Ms. Jimenez

Espaol 1

6 de octubre del 2017

ISSN Reflection

The project I am reflecting on is for my Spanish Class and we had to pick a country. After, we

picked the country we needed to learn/ memorize 5 facts about this country and present it to the

class. The purpose of this project was to learn more about a country and discover new things.

We could not input words of any kind all that was allowed in our presentation was our names.

We needed to memorize the facts we learned and get pictures on those facts. If we wanted to we

could put the facts on to flashcards, but we were being graded on how well we memorized the

facts. My thought about the project were that, I personally thought it was easy. All we had to put

in were pictures and memorize facts. I did not realize how nervous I would be until my partner

and I finally presented it. My goals for the project were to make it colorful and to add as many

pictures as I could so we could arrange it nicely. I think we did a very fairly job on it, even the

teacher complimented the project and we received an A.

The decisions that were made between me and my partner throughout the project were that we

would add three pictures for each slide. We knew to arrange them nicely enough to present. If my

goals was to make it colorful we would need to find a nice background to compliment the

country and the pictures we picked out. They would not look too squished and they would not be

too big either. We agreed that the pictures needed to be long and thin enough to fit them, without

overlapping and causing chaos. These all helped with my goals because I liked the way it came
out. My goal was to get a good grade and that is what I got. I got an A. This was a great

accomplishment for me because it was my final project and I got such a good grade.

Lo que yo aprend era, que ayi muchas partes en el mundo. Yo aprend muchas cosas nuevas

de Espaa que yo no saba. Saba que era en Europa pero no especficamente en donde. Yo

aprend que tienen las ms grande flotas de barcos pescadores en el mundo. Yo no sabia eso.

Aprend que el himno nacional no tiene letra oficial y yo siempre pensaba que si. Fue divertido

aprender algo nuevo de una parte adems de mi pas. De mi misma aprend que yo puedo trabajar

bien con otros no tengo problema y todava puede agarrar un buen grado. Yo excel en los

decoraciones y me gusto mucho como salio el producto final. Yo creo que el proyecto era muy

fcil y no necesitaba arreglar mucho. Agarramos buen grado y estaba bonita no tenamos que

cambiar nada. Lo que me hizo sentir orgulloso de m era que al final agarre un buen grado por mi

fina y tenia un a para mi grado de Espaol 1. Me gusta agarrar grados buenos en proyectos.

Estaba orgulloso de mi trabajo.

The global competencies that I successfully used for this project were that I investigated the

world. I investigated the world by using different resources online. I used a digital library and it

was the main resource I used for my project. I was learning about something I didnt know

already. I also communicated ideas because my partner and I needed to agree upon which

pictures we would use, how we would arrange them, who would say which fact and making

decisions overall. We also communicated ideas because we needed to present to the class and

explain to them what we learned. The idea was, what we learned and by presentint it to the whole

class that was a way we communicated. We communicated it orally to the class so that is how we

accomplished that global competency in our project.

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