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Departmental Colloquia

Spring 2017

Thursday Jan 26th 2PM

Speaker: Alexandra Horowitz, Ph.D. Columbia University
Title: Dog cognition research: Methods & mind
Location: DAC 206

Monday March 6th 2PM

Speaker: Jeff Elman, Ph.D. UC-SD
Title: What is the meaning of words? An alternative to the mental lexicon
Location: DAC 206

BRAIN AWARENESS WEEK: March 13-17. Speakers to be Determined. DAC


Monday April 10th 2PM (Date Subject to change)

Speaker: Noel Card, Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Title: Forms and Functions of Aggression among Adolescents: Three Methodological
Approaches to Studying their Distinctiveness
Location: DAC 206

Please note that attendance at each colloquium is required for 1st and
2nd year graduate students (at the discretion of their faculty member if
they have a class) on the campus on which it is offered and encouraged
for all students.

Please note that there will also be an undergrad psychology conference sponsored
by Psi Chi on March 25th. We encourage you to have your students submit their
research. More details to follow shortly.

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