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Swami Rama OM the Eternal Witness


1. Head to Toe Relaxation

2. 4:8 breathing
3. Inhale from the nostrils to the crown (4)
and exhale from the crown to the eyebrow chakra (8)
Inhale from the eyebrow chakra to the crown (4)
and exhale from the crown to the throat chakra (8)
Inhale from the throat chakra to the crown (4)
and exhale from the crown to the heart chakra (8)
Inhale from the heart chakra to the crown (4)
and exhale from the crown to the navel chakra (8)
Inhale from the navel chakra to the crown (4)
and exhale from the crown to the root chakra (8)
4. Inhale root to crown
Exhale crown to root
Switch from numbers to OM
5. Exhale to space between the heels
Exhale to the horizon
6. No walls, blue sky above
7. Exhale into the cosmic pool of prana
Inhale from the cosmic pool of prana
8. Exhale to heels, root, navel, heart, throat, eyebrow
9. Just breath at eyebrow center
10.Exhale eyebrow to nostrils
11.Just stay at nostrils Guru mantra
12.Rub palms and place over eyes, opening the eyes


Akhaa-maalkram vyptam yena carcaram

Tat padam daritam yena, tasmai r gurave namah

I bow to the Sadguru (True Teacher) by whom the whole world, comprised of
unbroken consciousness, is pervaded and filled through and through in every
moving and unmoving object. Sublime salutations to the Guru who is established in
That and who has awakened me to its realization.

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