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Da Costa 1

Juvita de Jesus Lopes da Costa

Dr. Spanogle


The Reflection

I have never experience about doing lesson plane before. When I was helping one of

the teacher at Centro Shallom school which is when I was studying there from kindergarten

until grade 10. I helped the teacher only for one moth and it was my first time to teach. I did

not do any lesson plane as I am doing right now, because I had no idea about that. I just

prepared what I supposed to teach and just make a list, it was extremely different as what I

am doing now.

When I was in the classroom and listened to the teacher about doing lesson plane. I

was so amazed and feel encouraged by introducing about the lesson plan. Because it is my

first time heard and learning about doing the lesson plan. At first, we started doing the

objective and the activities in group, it was fun and I do really like it. From that, I start to

understand what lesson plane is. I feel Thankful to the teacher teaches us step by step about

doing the lesson plan. It is really helpful for us as a future Christian teacher. Especially, we

did opening and closing activities in the classroom, it was so fun and helpful because it is

kind of making us to be more confident, well-prepared and it shows us how we can connect

to the students before we start the lesson.

Now, I am learning to do the lesson plan and I think I feel comfortable than before.

Because, I used to think that if I am going to teach at the school next year or one day in the

future, what would I do and I had no idea about the lesson plan, but now I have growing

mindset. Whatever, I learn now, thats what I am going to use and apply it in my teaching.

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